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Its big and it’s a clam.

(It’s a arguable)

Everything else is a Premises

Premises are of 2 types:

1. Facts
2. Calaims

Team will win this (is roof)

The team almost win last year|| The player are better this year (The pillar)

The team has improved

Construction of argument
Premises + Arguments = Conclusion

Why will have a premiss which will counter Argument?

Most Important part of the argument

Sometimes triggered by Key words; Therefore, Consequently, Thus, Hense,

Three common varities:

A. Predict the future

 They Will win
B. Express your opinion
 The plan is flawed
C. Cause and effect
 If she work hard she will be successful

How to Diagram:

Read the question

Read the argument

Construct the T diagram

No suff. Mkt for train

Used P ½ and T

P fly any where

T fixed

Wrld Spreding and ppl want to mobile

Cost effective

Surgery and recovery time reduce (premises)

Last long (premises)

Reduce hospital stays

The therefore Test

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