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ITE 401 – Data Mining and Warehousing

Name: Leppago, John Carlos R. Date: Feb 15, 2024

Section: IT32S4 Program: BSIT Instructor: Ms. Paula Jean C. Mendoza
Assessment Task: Prelim Laboratory Activity 3 Missing Data

Using Filters
Downloaded the weather.nominal file online and opened it on WEKA

Chose the remove filter from unsupervised attribute and enter 1,2 at attributeindices
Saving and applying the filter, the output will show only humidity, windy, and play
Using Filters

I downloaded the weather.numeric file online and configured the data to have missing values
the same as the instructions.
In this step I clicked the filter tab and only check 3 properties as what the instruction says

In this image I clicked the filter replace missing values and then configure the properties and
In this image I opened the view tab and the missing values are already filled out

From the activity that we did, I explored the internet and downloaded the files online. For part 2,
I configured the file so that the file will have missing values since the file that I downloaded was

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