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Introduction Page 5 Creating a Hero Class Page 61
Rules Page 6 Multi-Classing Page 61
Adventure Example Page 10 Hero Class Abilities Page 62


Setting Overview Page 13 Game Session Page 65
History Page 14 Checks Page 66
Factions Page 15 Wilderness Travel Page 67
World Map Page 16 Exploration Page 68
Regions Page 18 Encounters Page 69
Settlements Page 70
CHAPTER 3 - HEROES Downtime Page 71
Heroes Page 21 Combat Page 72
Attributes & Skills Page 22 Survival Page 74
Creating a Hero Page 23 Rewards Page 75
Races Page 24
Hero Background Page 36 Adventure Elements Page 77
Hero Persona Page 38 Wilderness Map Page 78
Advancement Page 39 Creating Settlements Page 80
Rumours Page 82
CHAPTER 4 - EQUIPMENT Quests Page 83
Equipment Page 41 Adventure Site Page 84
Weapons & Armour List Page 42 Adventure Site Tables Page 86
Common Equipment List Page 43 Adventure Theme Tables Page 88
Specialist Equipment List Page 44 Random Encounters Page 90
Miscellaneous Items List Page 45 Monsters Page 91
Human Non-Player Characters Page 92
CHAPTER 5 - CRAFTING & ALCHEMY Non-Human Non-Player Characters Page 94
Crafting Page 47 NPC Advancement Page 95
Alchemy Page 48 Challenges Page 96
Sample Components Page 49 Treasure Page 97
Artefacts Page 98
CHAPTER 6 - MAGIC Resources & Components Page 100
Magic Page 51
Spell Lists Page 52 CHAPTER 11 - CAMPAIGNS
Campaign Play Page 105
CHAPTER 7 - THE GODS Sandbox Play Page 106
The Gods Page 58 Fronts Page 107
Factions Page 108
Warbands Page 109
ABOUT HEROES OF ADVENTURE Property & Enterprises Page 110
Domains Page 111
Heroes of Adventure is a fantasy medieval adventure game
inspired by classic role-playing games of yesteryear. CHAPTER 12 - BESTIARY
The Heroes of Adventure Rules Compendium is a single Monster Description Page 112
volume publication incorporating the Players Handbook Harvesting Parts Page 113
(v2.1), Referee’s Guide (v2.01) and Monster’s Compendium Monster Size Page 113
(v2.01) and is free to download and use. Abilities Page 114
Creating Monsters Page 116
Monster Variants Page 118
LICENCE Bestiary A-Z Page 120
Heroes of Adventure Rules Compendium text © 2023 by The List by Category Page 167
Nameless Designer is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Monster Statistics Page 168
This licence allows you to distribute, remix, adapt, and build Hall of Heroes Page 172
upon the material in any medium or format, even for Sample Adventure (Mezraks Foundry) Page 174
commercial purposes with credit to the author. Hero Character Sheet Page 176
All internal art generated by MidJourney with text inputs
(Click on the above titles to jump to relevant page in the pdf document)
from the Nameless Designer.

Rules Compendium





The world is full of dangers


INTRODUCTION The game continues until the adventure is completed or the
players are defeated or retreat to survive another day. The players
The world around you is old and the remnants of past civilisations
can earn rewards for their heroes and will earn experience
are scattered throughout the land. As you journey through the
points which allow them to raise their level, learn new skills
wilderness, the terrain reveals secrets of an age long gone,
and undertake more challenging adventures.
forgotten temples and ruins, overgrown pathways that were once
bustling trade routes and abandoned settlements that once teemed The outcome of each adventure should result in some
with life. The landscape is both beautiful and treacherous, with the meaningful change in the setting so the player’s actions have
primeval wilderness slowly but surely reclaiming what was once consequences in the world.
As a hero, you are one of the brave souls who dares to traverse PLAYER’S ROLE
these dangerous territories. You must be prepared for anything, as • Portray the role of your hero, thinking and acting as your
the wilderness is unforgiving to those who are unprepared. The hero would, role-playing is optional.
journey is full of risks but offers the promise of discovery and • Play collaboratively, teamwork is a key to success.
adventure. • Ask questions, discover information and use this
The dawn of a new age of discovery is upon you as humanity seeks knowledge to devise plans.
to reclaim what was lost and rebuild its kingdoms. There is a sense • The world is a dangerous place, consider risks and
of hope in the air as you and other heroes journey forth to forge a consequences and aim to survive.
new path. The journey ahead may be perilous, but you are a rare • Combat is unpredictable and deadly, other solutions exist.
breed of person, brave, resourceful and determined to overcome • Dice rolls are used to determine the outcome of physical
the obstacles that stand in your way. actions but do not solve investigation and social
interactions, use your judgement.
• Heroes of Adventure is an adventure game set in a fantasy
medieval world. • The referee is the storyteller, narrator and controls the
• The game is played as an interactive story. inhabitants in the world.
• A referee acts as the narrator of the story and adjudicates • The referee also adjudicates the rules of the game.
the rules (people can use the rules to play solo if they wish). • The referee’s primary aim is to provide an engaging
• Players portray the role of heroes in the world, undertaking experience for the group.
quests for rewards. • Create a living world for the players to explore and interact
• Each session of play ranges from 2-4 hours and adventures with. Apply a level of plausibility to the world so things
may take multiple sessions to complete. make sense.
• Constantly give players decisions to advance the story
ensuring they have sufficient information to consider
WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY options, risks and consequences.
• Rules Compendium (this book) • Give players the freedom to accomplish tasks in a manner
• A character sheet (for each player) of their choosing and reward creative thinking/clever plans.
• An adventure (prepared by the referee) • Potential dangers should be sign-posted and sudden
• Dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 & d20) deaths avoided. The biggest risks should be bad decisions,
• Paper, pencil, eraser bad luck or depletion of resources.
• Dice rolls are not always required, if an action has a low
HOW TO PLAY risk of failure then it works.
Heroes of Adventure is a role-playing game where players take • Make rulings where necessary to keep the game moving
on the role of heroes in a fantasy medieval setting who band using common sense and good judgement.
together to undertake quests. A referee presents the world, the • Give rewards when progress is being made and objectives
story and controls all characters except the players. have been completed.
The game is played with the referee presenting a scene; the
players then make a decision on their course of action and the SHARED WORLD BUILDING
outcome of these actions are determined. Play then moves on to • The Fallen Lands setting is intended to be an empty canvas
the next scene. The player’s actions and choices will determine which is populated through gameplay.
how the adventure plays out. • World building starts with hero creation which introduces
The majority of the game is narrated by the referee, with the settlements, contacts and factions.
players discussing and agreeing on a course of action. When the • During play, an ‘on the table’ approach is promoted with
players attempt something risky, uncertain or when the action is maps openly shared between the referee and players.
opposed; then they may be asked to make a check. Setting information is added when discoveries are made by
the players.
A check is made by rolling a d20 die to equal or exceed a target • The end of each adventure should create some meaningful
number (target check) or to beat a d20 die roll made by an consequences in the setting.
opponent (opposed check).


• When to Check? When attempting something risky, • Turns: Players take one action each turn. The scale of
uncertain or when avoiding or opposing something. actions depends upon the phase of play.

• Checks: Roll d20 to equal or exceed either the target • Movement: Players move from room to room when
number indicated or the target number of the situational exploring. During an encounter, players can move one
difficulty per the Target Number Table (pg. 7). Roll a d20 to range band per turn.
beat an opponent's d20 roll when the action is opposed.
Failure may result in some consequences such as a setbacks, • Abilities: These are either special feats or innate powers
lost time or loss of resources. linked to a hero’s class or a feat known to all members of a
certain race. Only one ability can be performed as an action
• Skill Die: If a relevant attribute or skill (only one) is used, at a time and these cannot be stacked.
add your skill die to the roll. Skill dice range from d4, d6,
d8, d10, d12 (max. Heroes) or d20 (max. Monsters). Heroes • Distance: For encounters, range bands are used as per the
have specific attributes and skills but Monsters & Non- Range Band Table (pg. 7).
Player Characters (NPC) use a general skill die for all
checks. • Exploring: Managed through asking questions and
describing the scene.
• Critical Success or Failure: Rolling a natural 20 or beating
the target number by 10 or more is a critical success and • Searching: Die rolls are not made for searching. If a hero is
results in a more positive outcome. Rolling a natural 1 or actively looking for something in the right area, they will
failing by 10 or more is a critical failure and results in a find it unless a specific action is required.
worse outcome.
• Traps & Hazards: These will generally be obvious and can
• Advantage (ADV) & Disadvantage (DIS): Awarded be overcome through player interaction. Checks may be
through ability use or at the referee’s discretion based on used to overcome or avoid physical effects.
situational factors. Roll the check twice taking the highest
result (Advantage) or lowest result (Disadvantage). • Settlement Turn: This takes half a day and players can
typically; rest (gain advantage on health recovered during
• Reaction Rolls: Determines the outcome of random or overnight rest); recruit new followers; visit a shop/service or
uncertain events outside the player’s control. The referee learn new rumours. Detailed movement is not tracked here.
rolls a d20, consults the Reaction Table (pg. 7) and interprets
the result according to the situation. • Wilderness Turn: This takes half a day and players can;
move (12 miles/2 hexes); explore (6 miles/1 hex); forage
• Fate Table: Use when the referee is asked a question and (wilderness check to gather d4 days of food) or hunt
wants to leave the outcome to chance. The referee rolls a (ranged combat check to hunt d6 days worth of fresh meat).
d20, consults the Fate Table (pg. 7) and interprets the result Travel progress is tracked on the wilderness map.
according to the situation. This table can be used to facilitate
solo play. • Social Interactions: Command (authoritative) or Guile
(cunning or negotiation) skill checks can be used to help
ROUNDING UP decide social interactions. Dialogue between players and
referee can grant advantage or disadvantage.
• Always round figures up to the nearest whole number.
• Chases: Tactics and skill checks can be used to increase the
EXPLODING DAMAGE RULE range bands between groups. When a side gets too ‘far’
• Some class abilities or weapons grant exploding damage distance away, they escape.
benefits. When you roll the maximum weapon damage on a
die, you roll that die again and add the new die roll result to • Knowledge Checks: Skill checks can be used to give clues
the original result. This occurs once only. or allow questions, not solve the issue.

TIME • Rewards: Take the form of payment, equipment, services,

information or favours.
• (Real Life) Session: Getting together in real life to play the
game is known as an individual game session. • Experience Points: Awarded for completing objectives.
Points are totalled and divided between the party after each
• (In Game) Time: When adventuring exploration turns take adventure with half shares awarded to NPCs or allocated
10 minutes and heroes can explore one room. Combat & away for deceased Heroes to account for their contribution.
Encounter turns take a few moments each and last 10
minutes in total. Settlement and Wilderness turns take half • Size: Creature size ranges from; tiny (Insect), small (Dog),
a day. medium (Human), large (Ogre), huge (Dragon) and
colossal (Behemoth).


• When to Check? The referee makes a secret random Difficulty Target Number
encounter check at the end of each turn. No checks are Very Easy (No roll required) 0
made during an encounter or combat. Easy 5
Moderate 10
• How to Check? The target number to avoid an encounter
starts at 1 on a d20 and increases by 1 point each turn and Challenging 15
resets when an encounter occurs or the players reach a place Difficult 20
of safety. Very Difficult 25
Almost Impossible 30
• Failed Check: On a failed check the referee will present an
encounter with a monster or non-player character or some
event which the players may choose to interact with. REACTION TABLE
Random encounters are not always adversarial and may d20 Outcome or Reaction
present opportunities to learn information or act as a 01 A terrible outcome, hostile
distraction (i.e. side quest) to the player’s main goal. 02-03 A very bad outcome, aggressive
04-07 A poor outcome, defensive
• Opponent Reactions: The referee will determine the
reaction or use the Reaction Table and then determine if 08-13 An indifferent outcome, cautious
either side is surprised. 14-17 A good outcome, favourable
18-19 A very good outcome, friendly
EQUIPMENT 20 An excellent outcome, helpful
• Weapons: Have a damage die rating (d4, d6 etc) which is
deducted from the target’s health in combat. FATE TABLE
d20 Outcome or Reaction
• Armour: Has a defence bonus (+1, +2 etc) which is added 01-03 No and some complication or constraint
to the defence score making someone harder to hit in
combat. 04-06 No
07-09 No, but some opportunity
• Shield: Has a defence bonus (+1, +2 etc) which is added to 10-11 Interruption or change to circumstances
the defence score making someone harder to hit in combat. 12-14 Yes, but some complication
A shield may also be sacrificed to negate all damage from 15-17 Yes
one attack. This must be called before damage is rolled. This 18-20 Yes and some assistance or benefit
is known as a Shield Break.

• Encumbrance: A hero can carry 12 items (+1 per strength RANGE BAND TABLE
skill die) of equipment before they are impaired. The d20 Range Band & Distance
maximum number of items someone can carry is double 01 Melee, close range (5ft), reach range (10ft)
this allowance. Some marked items (i.e. arrows) count as 1
item. 02-03 Short (30ft)
04-06 Medium (60ft)
• Equipment Damage: If a critical failure occurs equipment 07-10 Intermediate (90ft)
is damaged. If a damaged item is used and another critical 11-14 Long (120ft)
failure is rolled then the item is broken beyond repair. 15-17 Far (240ft)
18-19 Distant (Greater than 240ft)
• Enchanted Item Wear: Magic bound to an enchanted item
will not be contained forever. An enchanted item starts to 20 Escaped notice, perhaps some signs of opponent
diminish on a critical failure when used. If a diminished
item is used and another critical failure is rolled then the EXPERIENCE POINT AWARD TABLE
item loses one of its features at random. Achievement XP
• Repair: Damaged items can be repaired at settlements for Complete a side-quest 5
25% of their cost. However, items with special features Complete an adventure quest 20
which have been lost cannot be regained. Complete a campaign quest 50
Explored a point of interest 1
• Usage: Some equipment has a usage score and may be Explored an adventure site (per level) 3
consumed immediately or depleted through use.
Successful encounter (per group/level) 1
Artefact or treasure item found 1


• Initiative: Roll d20 + agility or monster/NPC skill die for • Morale: Various items, abilities, divine favours, and combat
combatants (or groups of combatants) and act from highest situations can trigger a morale check. A character or
to lowest score. monster who fails a morale check is precluded from
attacking and will attempt to flee until successful or
• Combat Actions: Combatants may move a range band and physically unable to do so.
take one action as follows:
• Attack; engage and attack an opponent. • Combat Triggers: A morale check is triggered when the
• Press (melee); attack a person at advantage but next following occurs in combat:
attack received from this person also at advantage. • Combatant's health or party size reduced to 50% or less
• Block (melee); disadvantage on attacks made and • Leader is killed
received from one person until next turn. • Facing a great fear
• Fast Move; move two range bands instead of one • Battle is nearly lost
• Use Item; use a readied item or pick up an item.
• Use Ability; cast a spell or use a class ability. • Morale Check: When triggered, roll a d20 + Will (players)
• Disarm; make a melee weapon attack against an or + skill die (NPC/monster) versus target of 10. Increase
opponent of your size or smaller at disadvantage. On a target score by +5 for each subsequent check.
success, you knock the opponent’s weapon from their
grasp which scatters in a random direction. • Other Triggers: Roll as indicated.
• Grapple; initiate against an opponent of your size or
smaller or break existing grapple by making a
successful Strength check vs. opposed Strength or SPELL CASTING
Agility check (opponent's choice). Grapple prevents an • Casting Spells: Select a spell and roll d20 + Magic skill vs.
opponent from moving but does not preclude them target number or opponent’s roll to succeed. On a success,
from attacking. A grappled opponent can be forcibly apply the spell effects as per the spell description.
moved up to half the aggressor's range movement.
• Stress: Attempting to cast spells stresses the caster resulting
• Attacking: Roll d20 + melee or ranged skill to equal or in a temporary loss of 1 health which can only be recovered
exceed the opponent’s defence score. On a success, roll through overnight rest. Track stress loss separately from
weapon damage and deduct this from the opponent’s health. damage loss.

• Combat Critical Success: Your attack does double damage • Amplifying Spells: Spells can be amplified by stressing the
against the opponent. caster 2 (charged) or 3 (empowered) health points. On a
success, you may increase any of the spell effects up to the
• Combat Critical Failure: Your weapon is damaged. If a relevant level as per the Amplify Spell Table.
critical failure occurs again on a damaged weapon it is
broken beyond repair. • Critical Success or Failure: On a critical success the spell is
automatically charged (if the spell is being charged by the
• Attack of Opportunity: If two people are in melee combat caster then it becomes empowered). On a critical failure roll
and one wishes to move away, the opponent may bring on the Wild Magic Table (pg. 9).
forward their next action to attack before the person moves
Spell Effect Charged Empowered
HEALTH & CONDITIONS Stress 2 Health 3 Health
• Health: The amount of physical injury (or stress) someone Effect Die d12 d20
can sustain before dying at zero. Heroes and important Number of Targets 2 4
NPCs may roll on the Wounds Table (pg. 9) instead of death. Spell Area of Effect Medium (60ft) Long (120ft)
Spell Range Max Long (120ft) Far (240ft)
• Impaired: A person who is impaired acts at disadvantage. Time Duration 1 hour 4 hours
This can occur when someone is reduced to a third of their
health or through other triggers. Spell Turn Duration 4 8
Target Level Max (Up to) 6 Any
• Incapacitated: Someone who is incapacitated is unable to Target Size Max Large (or smaller) Colossal (or smaller)
act at all.

• Rest & Recovery: Injuries can be healed using bandages,

medicines, potions or magic or overnight rest (d4 or
fortitude skill per night). Impairment and incapacitation
can be overcome through, time, rest, cure or a skill check.


d20 Condition Outcome (Knocked out until the end of the encounter plus the following)
01 Mortal Wound You cling to life until the end of the encounter to whisper a last few words then die.
02 Fractured Skull Lose 3 health forever and disadvantage on lore, senses or magic checks permanently.
03 Lose Arm/Hand Lose 3 health forever and use 1 handed items and disadvantage on combat forever.
04 Lose Foot/Leg Lose 3 health forever and disadvantage on agility and athletics forever.
05 Internal Injury Lose 3 health forever and disadvantage on any physical checks permanently.
06 Lose an Eye Lose 2 health forever and disadvantage on senses and ranged combat permanently.
07 Broken Ribs Lose 2 health forever and disadvantage on physical checks for the adventure.
08 Head Wound Lose 2 health forever. Disadvantage on lore, senses or magic checks for the adventure.
09 Broken Arm/Hand Lose 2 health forever. Use 1 handed items, disadvantage combat for the adventure.
10 Broken Foot/Leg Lose 2 health forever. Disadvantage on agility, athletics and move slowly for adventure.
11 Punctured Lung Lose 1 health forever. Gasp and wheeze acting once every 2 turns for the adventure.
12 Chest Wound Lose 1 health forever. Disadvantage on physical checks for the remainder of the adventure.
13 Blow to the Head Lose 1 health forever. Disadvantage on lore, senses or magic checks for the adventure.
14 Arm/Hand Injury Lose 1 health forever. Use 1 handed items only, disadvantage combat for the adventure.
15 Leg/Foot Injury Lose 1 health forever. Disadvantage on agility, athletics and moves slowly for adventure.
16 Bruised Ribs Gasp and wheeze acting once every 2 turns for the session.
17 Winded Disadvantage on physical checks for the remainder of the session.
18 Blurred Vision Disadvantage on lore, senses or magic checks for the session.
19 Scarred Suffer a nasty scar (d20, 1-5 head, 6-10 chest, 11-15 L/R arm, 16-20 L/R leg).
20 Lucky Escape Injury not as bad as first thought. Unconscious until the end of the encounter.


d20 Outcome Effect
01 Summoning Random creature of chaos enters this plane of existence, targets the spell caster.
02 Stressed Sees malevolent chaotic forces, spell casting at disadvantage for rest of the session.
03 Shadow Form A shadowy mirror form with all powers of the caster appears and attacks the caster.
04 Drained Wild magic drains d4 health, if health reduced to zero fall unconscious for d6 turns.
05 Explosion d6 damage short range and pushed one range band. Fortitude check half damage.
06 Age Roll d20; older odd number; younger even number by 5 years (x2, x4 long-lived).
07 Lost Control Can’t handle the power, gain disadvantage on all spell checks for the encounter.
08 Delayed Spell doesn’t work. Roll d20 each turn, spell activates on an odd number.
09 Teleported Caster is teleported to a random survivable place far (240ft) distance away.
10 Rift Dimensional rift summons something a random monster.
11 Chaos Scream Everyone in medium range makes a will 10 check or disadvantage on their next turn.
12 Chaotic Force Everyone in medium range makes a fortitude 10 check or disadvantage on next turn.
13 Paralysis Caster paralysed, magic check 10 at the start of each turn to snap out of it.
14 Mutation Caster gains an ugly mutation which lasts for the remainder of the session.
15 Time Loop Spell fails and caster has to try and cast the same spell again the next round.
16 Blight Any plant life around the caster withers and die.
17 Visage Casters appearance alters in a strange way (player’s choice) for the adventure.
18 Volatile For the remainder of the session any spells cast will be at a random power level, wild magic occurs on 1-4.
19 Focus For the remainder of the session you have advantage on any magic checks.
20 Power Surge Wild magic surge increases the power of the spell, charge the spell effect.


Our two heroes have taken a contract to investigate an abandoned climb down. Talia, you keep an eye out and if you see anything
mine near the village of Gravestone. shout and I will climb back up.
Referee: You venture further into the mine shaft. The cold stone Talia: I will light one more torch in this room and grab the
passageway continues ahead, the only light is coming from remaining two and leave them close to the edge of the pit in case
Talia’s torch. Every ten feet or so you pass the rotten remains of a we need to use them.
wooden support beam and you carefully pick your way through Referee: Weiland climbs down the floor of the pit to find
some loose rock until the passage opens up into a wide area, at various animal remains at the bottom of the pit. The floor is
the centre lies a deep pit. marked with dried blood and you can see a tunnel the height
Talia: How big is the room and the pit? and width of a large person leading into darkness.
Referee: Both the room and depth of the pit extend further than Weiland: I pick up one of the torches on the ground and throw
the range of your torchlight currently. it at the face of the tunnel to see if I can see anything inside
Talia: I will carefully walk a circuit around the room and the pit before drawing my sword and shield, waiting for Talia to climb
looking for any other exits or anything of interest. I have my down (Talia nods in agreement).
dagger drawn and torch in hand. Referee: Ok, you are about ten feet away from the tunnel and
Weiland: I will follow sharing Talia’s torchlight and have my the light from the torch shows the tunnel extends further into
longsword and shield at the ready. darkness but there is no movement. Talia climbs down as
another turn elapses.
Referee: The room is circular in shape and surrounds a deep pit
The referee makes another random encounter check. The target
approximately 30 feet in diameter. You notice there are various
number to avoid a check is now 2. The referee rolls a d20 (1), an
bony animal remains scattered around the floor and a small trail
encounter! A random encounter could be determined but it makes
of dried blood leading to the edge of the pit. 6 torches hang from
sense for the creature that fled into the tunnel to make an
wall brackets.
appearance. We now enter an encounter phase.
Talia: I’m going to listen and see if I hear anything down the pit.
Referee: Weiland, as you warily watch the tunnel entrance, you
I have senses d4 skill.
hear some flapping and thumping sound as a creature squeezes
The referee knows there’s something lurking in the pit and thinks out from the tunnel. It is the size of a horse, with a long neck and
there’s a moderate (target 10) chance of hearing this. He makes a reptilian head. As it emerges, two large wings unfurl themselves
secret roll on behalf of the player so as not to spoil the outcome as it cocks its head and snaps at you from a short distance. What
and gets a 8 + 2 = 10, a success. do you do?
Referee: Talia, you edge cautiously towards the pit and listen. Weiland: I’ll stand my ground and see what it does.
You can hear a quiet thumping and crunching sound followed
Talia: I am going to flank the creature and ready my daggers,
by another ‘whooshing’ sound from below.
one in each hand. I assume we can use the torches on the
Weiland: I’m going to grab a torch from one of the brackets, ground to see? (Referee nods agreement)
light it and drop it down the pit. What do I see?
The creature is a young wyvern and its reaction is uncertain. It’s
Referee: The torch drops for a few seconds and lands with a protective of its environment and wary of someone intruding into
small thump on the ground, shadows flicker and you see the its home. The referee decides to leave the next step to chance and
movement towards a tunnel at the base of the pit. rolls on the reaction table. The referee rolls a 2 on the Reaction
Weiland: Looks like we scared something off. Why don’t we use Table (a very bad outcome, aggressive) and decides the wyvern
a few more of the torches from the brackets to better light the pit will attack Weiland.
and scare whatever is below away? We can also leave a torch Referee: The creature snaps at you aggressively and charges. We
burning in this area. have now entered combat. No one is surprised and we will roll
Talia: How difficult is the climb? I have a 50ft rope. Can I attach for initiative.
it to the bracket on the wall? The referee is using a variant (and much weaker) version of the
Referee: You can attach the rope to the brackets on the wall and Wyvern to reflect its youth and smaller size. The referee rolls a d20
it extends to the bottom of the pit which you assess is about a (10) plus the monster’s skill check d4 (3) for a total initiative of 13.
30ft drop. If you have the rope, no athletics check is required Talia is using a dagger (fast, advantage) and rolls d20 (3) + agility
and it will take a turn for you both to climb down. You’ve now (2) for a 5 and again for advantage rolling a d20 (14) + agility (3)
spent a turn exploring this room. for a 17. Talia takes the highest result of 17. Weiland uses a
The referee waives the need for an athletics check as they have a longsword (no modifier) and rolls a d20 (9).
secure rope in place. As a turn has elapsed the referee makes a Referee: Talia reacts first, then the creature and then Weiland
random encounter check. The target number to avoid a check each turn. Combat is fast and furious with each turn taking a
starts at 1 and goes up a point each turn. The referee rolls a d20 few moments so be ready to tell me your actions quickly. Talia?
(4). Nothing occurs but the target number rises to 2 after the next
Talia: I’m going to throw my dagger at it. As I have flanked the
creature, does this help me strike it?
Weiland: I will throw down two more torches from the brackets
The referee agrees to give advantage as a flanking bonus and Talia
near the tunnel we saw that shape dart away from and then
rolls d20 (11) plus ranged skill (4) for a 15 and then again for


advantage and rolls a d20 (4) plus ranged skill (1) for a 5. She
takes the highest result of 15. WEILAND, HUMAN WARRIOR
Referee: Your dagger flies true and sinks into the side of the LVL 1 | HLT 11 | DEF 13
beast, roll for damage. Attributes: Fortitude d4, Strength d6,
Talia rolls d4 for damage and gets a 2. Will d4
Referee: Some dark blood oozes from its scales and the creature Skills: Athletics d6, Crafting d4,
roars in pain. The creature charges Weiland, extending its neck Melee Combat d4, Ranged Combat
and snapping with its fangs. As it fully emerges from the tunnel, d4
you see the long tail of the creature with a spike on the end Abilities: Second Wind, Shield Master
which it swings at Talia. Equipment: Leather Armour (+2), Shield (+2), Longsword
The referee rolls a d20 (17) + monster skill d4 (2) for a 19. (d8), 200sp.
Weiland’s defence is 13 so it’s a hit. The bite does d4 damage and
the referee rolls a 4.
Referee: The creature snaps at you and bites at your arm causing
you 4 points of damage. TALIA, HUMAN ROGUE
LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 11
The Wyvern can make two attacks in a turn so the referee makes a
second attack against Talia. He rolls a d20 to attack (11) + Attributes: Agility d6, Senses d6,
monster skill d4 (3) = 14. Since Talia’s defence score is 10, that’s a Will d4
hit which causes d4 (1) point of damage. The stinger can also Skills: Languages (Common, Sign)
cause some weak paralysis and Talia will need to beat the attack d4, Open Locks d6, Sleight of Hand
score with a fortitude skill check to negate this. d6, Traps d4
Referee: The stinging tail circles and lashes at Talia for 1 point of Abilities: Evasion, Lucky
damage and as you are struck by the stinger you feel a jolt and Equipment: Leather Armour (+2), 2x Daggers d4, 175sp.
shock as pain floods your body.
The referee asks Talia to make a fortitude skill check against the
attack number or she loses her next turn through temporary
paralysis. Talia does not have any fortitude skill and rolls a
straight d20 for a 7, a fail.
Referee: A jolt of energy courses through your body temporarily
incapacitating you for the next turn.
Weiland: As the creature has engaged me I’m going to ‘press’
and fight aggressively with an all-out attack as I can absorb one
blow with my shield. I raise my sword and perform a horizontal
sweeping blow aiming for its neck.
Weiland rolls a d20 (11) + melee skill d4 (1) = 12 and for
advantage rolls a d20 (13) + melee skill d4 (4) = 17.
The referee informs Weiland that he succeeds on the highest roll as
the creature has a defence score of 10 and chooses to reveal this
now as the party has engaged the creature. Weiland rolls d8 for
damage from his longsword and gets a 6, which kills the creature
Referee: Weiland strikes true with a long sweeping blow
severing the neck of the creature, its head flies off and its body WYVERN (YOUNG) Draconic, Monstrosity, Medium
slumps to the ground, dead. You catch your breath for a few LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP 1 | TSR -
moments as Talia recovers from her shock and are both Combat: Bite/Claws (d4) & Stinger (short, paralysis, d4)
somewhat startled as the rope you had tied to the brackets at the Abilities: Flight, Fast, Dark Vision, Reach, Paralysis
top of the pit room falls to the ground next to you, the end of the
rope has been severed… • A bipedal winged dragon like creature with two legs, wings,
that hunt in groups
• Capable of flight at great speed (3 range bands per turn)
their presence is heard with a thunderclap
• Attacks twice in a round with a bite or claw and its stinging
tail (short range) which paralyses the target
• This creature is a young and not fully developed Wyvern
with reduced statistics.


Settlements, a place of rest and respite away from the perilous wilderness


• The game is set in a fantasy medieval world centred on one • Common tongue is the most popular language spoken by
continent, the Fallen Lands. humans in the Fallen Lands although some regional dialects
• This setting is designed to provide enough information to do exist.
ground your heroes in the realm. • Ancient, a hard-to-decipher set of runes from a distant era.
• As a group, the players and referee may choose to ignore the Ancient language checks are made at disadvantage.
setting and design one of your own. • Broken Tongue, a form of guttural barks and simple words,
• World building is designed to be a collaborative experience spoken by the Darkling races in the Broken Lands.
between players and the referee where the setting is • Dwarven, from the time of the Dwarves and spoken by the
developed through gameplay and adventures to create your Northmen.
own version of the world over time. • Elven, from the time of the Elves and spoken by the
• The World Map represents commonly known regions of the Wildfolk and Wildlings.
Fallen Lands and will be populated with specific places and • Sign, a series of hand signals and body language used by
locations over time. traders of old, now adopted by thieves and rogues.
• Print a copy of the world map (pg. 16) and add details as • Sentric, language of the Empire and an older more formal
they are discovered through play. and archaic version of the common tongue. Many old
• Setting Notes refers to additional information which is church texts are written in Sentric.
collated and assumed to be common knowledge shared
between the players and referee. RELIGION
• The Church of Suunos is the dominant religion in the Fallen
POPULATIONS Lands, popularised by the conquest of the Sentran Empire
• Humans are the dominant race dwelling within the safe in the past.
havens of steadings, villages, towns and strongholds under • In borderland and rural areas, many still follow the worship
the control of self-appointed lords, nobles, war chiefs or of Reeva known as ‘the old ways’ whose practices are
ruling councils. maintained by the Druid Order.
• The populated lands are surrounded by a vast expanse of • Other minor religions, cults and practices also exist. One of
wilderness with few people venturing from their place of the most feared is the worship of Kadmos, the God of
birth. Death.
• Northmen (Dwarf descendants) have migrated to their
remote fortresses in the Northlands. MAGIC
• Wildfolk (Elf descendants) have migrated deep within the
wilderness and shun contact with outsiders. • The knowledge and practice of magic is rare in the Fallen
Lands and those who publicly talk or practice such arts are
generally viewed with fear and suspicion.
• The Fallen Lands is a small continent located in the DISCOVERIES
northern hemisphere of the world. It has a temperate
climate experiencing warm summers and cold winters. • The referee may keep additional information and notes
• The continent is comprised of several regional areas hidden from the players so these can be discovered during
although the largely human population only occupies a the game.
small fraction of the continent’s land mass. • When new information is discovered make a note of this on
• Much of the borderland areas are harsh, wild, overgrown the World Map and/or Setting Notes so a continuous record
and unexplored. of information is maintained.
• Setting notes should be kept concise (i.e. record key
information in bullet point format) for ease of use.
• Trade has predominantly taken place within local regions
through barter and exchange of goods primarily due to the
perils of wilderness travel.
• In the last couple of decades, further trade and exploration
has started to take place.
• The common currency of the Fallen Lands is the silver piece
(sp); copper pieces (cp) are also common (10 cp = 1 sp)
whilst gold pieces (gp) are uncommon (10 sp = 1 gp).


New Age (NA): Time of the Primals
Unknown: Time of the Primals

-20,000 New Age (NA): Fall of the Ancients

• Old megalithic structures and weird architectural ruins -5,000 New Age (NA): Decline of the Elder Races
tell the tale of an ancient civilisation.
• Rare artefacts have been discovered which tells of a • Dwarven Lords once ruled from their impenetrable
time of magic. mountain fortresses.
• The secrets of the ancients are buried deep within a • Elven clans once lived amongst the ancient earth trees
mythic underworld where the normal laws of reality are within the tree's roots which acted as pathways through
warped or broken. the vast wilderness. Their population dwindled as the
magic of the land faded.
• Humankind was a young and fractured race.

0 Start of the New Age (NA): Rise of the Empire

• A millennium ago, the Sentran Empire arrived from
across the western sea. 450 New Age (NA): Fall of the Empire
• The lands were conquered and a new age began with • The northern expansion campaign (circa. 400 NA)
the establishment of the City of Lanatus and the start of opened up routes into the Broken Lands and resulted in
a new age (0 NA). conflict from a vast Darkling army of men, beasts and
• Military conquest and expansion continued as many mutants.
regions were assimilated within the empire’s hold • The Darkling army invaded the lands to the south
resulting in rebellion and conflict. attacking, raiding and destroying settlements in a wave
• At the height of their power, the Sentran Empire of conquest and terror.
controlled most of the territories now known as the • The Sentran Empire and its allies fought a long and
Fallen Lands and constructed churches in every arduous war (circa 410 - 450 NA) and eventually
settlement in worship of Suunos, the Sun-God. defeated the army of darkness but at a heavy cost.
• The Empire collapsed, its resources depleted, the
human population was decimated and its power base

500 New Age (NA): The Dark Ages

930 New Age (NA): Age of Exploration
• Humanity returned to a dark age period (500 – 900
• Humanity recovered and started to expand their
NA) as the surviving population retreated to safe
territories, develop new trade routes and explore the
regions abandoning settlements to the encroaching
• The infrastructure and impact of the Sentran Empire
• The descendants of the elder races of Dwarves and
are prevalent with evidence of old roads, structures and
Elves retreated to the edges of civilisation.
settlements .
• The Sentran Empire was no more and the place became
• Those who explore deeper into the wilderness or
known as the Fallen Lands.
further underground can see evidence of structures
from times before the Empire.
• The Northmen live in isolation within their mountain
forts with little outside contact.
• The Wildfolk became reclusive and have all but
disappeared from the lands. Few people have seen an elf
and their existence is considered a myth.

950 New Age (NA): Present Day

• Starting date for an adventure.




The Church of Suunos dominates the landscape, with its followers The shadow of the Sentran Empire looms large, its tendrils
worshipping the Sun-God as their protector. Different factions stretching far and wide across the land. From the City of Lanatus,
exist within its structure, from the militant order of Whitecloaks their power base, the agents of the empire move like whispers in
to the Brotherhood, the enigmatic defenders of humanity who the dark, infiltrating towns, settlements and strongholds, preparing
for the resurgence of the new empire and a return to the glory days
walk in the shadows.
of the First Empire.
Organisation Type: Established Religion, Political Organisation Type: Political, Military
Philosophy: Faith, Spread the word Philosophy: Superiority, Rebuild the glorious empire
Reputation: Well-known Reputation: Feared

Goals: Goals:
• Popularise the worship of Suunos • Build the Second Empire
• Establish a church in every settlement • Conquer all the regions

Resources: Resources:
• Sentran Imperial Army
• Acolytes, Missionaries, Priests & High Priests
• Technology & knowledge
• Established church presence in key settlements


Whispers of their existence carry through the air, like the faint The winds carry the tales of the old ways, of those who revere and
echoes of ancient magic. The descendants of the seven Magi honour the ancient powers. They are the ones who hold a deep
remain shrouded in mystery and myth, their sorcery an enigma to connection to the land, who seek to unearth the primal forces that
all those who live beyond their cloistered abode. lie buried beneath the earth and sky, and who worship the
Goddess Reeva as their guide through this mystical journey.
Organisation Type: Magic
Philosophy: Protection against evil and chaos Organisation Type: Old Religion
Reputation: Forgotten Philosophy: Neutral, Preserve the old ways
Reputation: Traditional
• Defend humanity from supernatural threats Goals:
• Recruit members with the ‘gift’ • Preserve the old ways, the worship of Reeva
• Unearth the ancient primal powers
Resources: Resources:
• Seven High Mages wandering the lands in secret • Druids, Wardens
• The Acropolis, home of the Magi in the Misty Isles • Goodwill of rural/borderland villages in Farlands.











Population: Human | Religion: Church of Suunos Population: Human | Religion: The Old Ways
Factions: Sentran Empire Factions: Order of Magi

• The coastal region of New Sentra exudes a sense of faded • The Misty Isles, an archipelago shrouded in a permanent
grandeur, where Lanatus, the City of Whispers, still stands mist, possesses an aura of enigma and seclusion.
atop its high plateau, a symbol of the Empire's past glory. • The hilly isles hide a labyrinthine network of caves,
• The surrounding lands are a patchwork of hills, valleys, passages, and secrets, guarded by natural barriers of reefs
plains, and forests, dotted with strongholds and towns that and rocks, often overlooked by large man-made coastal
once crossed major trade routes, but now struggle with a towers.
growing class divide. • Despite the sparsely populated human population, many
• The ruling nobility, nostalgic for the days of their ancestors, small fishing villages and trading posts dot the coast, where
proclaim their Sentran heritage. While the Church of the people follow ancient traditions and respect the old
Suunos, a powerful political force, maintains its grip on ways.
every aspect of Sentran society.


Population: Human | Religion: Church of Suunos, The Old Population: Humanoids, Darkling Races | Religion: Cults,
Ways | Factions: Local Lords, Clans Minor Deities | Factions: Tribal Factions, Nomadic Groups

• An overgrown wilderness expanse that hides many isolated • The vast expanse of steppes and volcanic mountains stretch
settlements, each controlled by territorial lords who endlessly, an eerie sight of fire and smoke that paints the sky
maintain an uneasy alliance, giving this region a reputation in dark hues.
for being a lawless place. • The rugged terrain of rocky steppes, plateaus, and canyons
• The land ranges from alpine mountainous areas to the north is dotted with cursed megalithic structures, formed of
through hills, valleys, forests, and moorlands to the south, obsidian rock, and a reminder of the ancient power that
while the hills and mountains conceal many old mines and once resided here.
cave complexes that venture below. • The land is a harsh and unforgiving place where only the
• Disused roads and overgrown paths lead east and north, strongest survive among the nomadic tribes, savage
abandoned from the days of the Empire, adding to the air of humanoids, and dangerous monsters that roam these lands.
mystery and danger that permeates this rugged landscape.



Population: Human, Northmen | Religion: Dwarven Deities, Population: Wildfolk | Religion: Elven deities, The Old Ways
Minor Deities | Factions: Northmen Clans Factions: Wildfolk tribes

• The Northmen's land are shrouded in mist, where rugged • The vast, remote forested lands to the far east mark the
mountains loom over the highlands and hills, and cold boundaries of the known world, home to the Wildfolk,
winters are prevalent in the cooler climate. descendants of the dying Elven race.
• Fortified outposts guard the hidden mountain passes and • The dense, impenetrable vegetation and foliage creates a
trails while a vast network of underground caves, growing forest canopy, where gigantic earth trees, older
dilapidated tunnels, canals, and deep lakes offer treacherous than time, lie buried, their roots stretching hundreds of
opportunities for exploration. miles.
• Rumours persist of great winged creatures circling the • Enchanted forests, haunted with deep earth magic, attract
snow-covered mountain peaks, adding to the mystique and fell beasts that stalk the lands, while the Wildfolk live in
danger of the Northmen's realm. tribal communities, deep within their forests, in solitude,
watching their borders carefully and wary of outsiders.

Population: Human | Religion: The Old Ways Population: Darkling Races | Religion: Ancient Powers, Minor
Factions: Local Lords Deities | Factions: Tribal Factions

• In this remote region, the landscape is dominated by tall • The Underworld is a shadowy realm of eternal night, where
forests, fast-flowing rivers, and snow-capped mountains, the only illumination comes from the dim glow of
creating an untamed atmosphere. phosphorescent fungi and molten lava flows.
• The communities here rely on the land for survival, • The air is thick with the stench of decay and dampness, and
harvesting resources through farming, hunting, foraging shadows lurk in every corner.
and wood logging. • It is a world of perpetual danger, where one wrong turn
• As one ventures towards the wilderness, the remnants of an could lead to plummeting down bottomless pits, being
ancient past can be seen, with megalithic structures and devoured by ravenous beasts, or ambushed by vicious
pre-Empire ruins standing as a reminder of the land's rich predators lurking in the darkness.


Heroes are travellers, mercenaries, explorers and treasure hunters


• A hero is the character you control in the game • Each class has a different career option which can influence
• A Character Sheet (pg. 62) is used to record your hero’s their skills, abilities and equipment.
attributes, skills, abilities and equipment. • Adventurers are explorers and treasure hunters.
• Heroes are considered a cut above normal folk with the • Assassins are masters of espionage and hired killers.
potential to achieve great things. • Barbarians are wild, uncompromising fighters.
• Bards are travellers, wanderers and weavers of tales.
HERO DESCRIPTION • Beast Masters are warriors and animal handlers.
• Bounty Hunters are skilled and ruthless trackers.
• A hero has a number of statistics which measures the hero’s • Clerics are divineLY touched priests and prophets.
capability in different areas. • Crusaders are devout holy fighters.
• Race describes the hero’s ancestry, this determines their • Druids are nature’s protectors and keepers of the old ways.
starting statistics. • Knights are champions, leaders and justice seekers.
• Class describes the hero’s profession and background, this • Mages are practitioners of the magic arts.
influences their statistics, attributes, skills, abilities and • Mercenaries are sellswords and soldiers for hire.
determines their starting equipment. • Monks are disciplined warriors who channel inner power.
• Level (LVL) is a measure of the hero’s experience, rated • Rangers are hunters, scouts and wilderness survivalists.
from 1 (start) to 10 (maximum). The higher the level the • Rogues are thieves, adventurers and treasure hunters.
more capable the hero. • Swashbucklers are charismatic swordsmen and charlatans.
• Health (HLT) is a score representing how much physical • Warlocks are masters of both martial and arcane arts.
injury or stress through spell-casting a hero can endure • Warriors are brave and skilled fighters and folk heroes.
before dying when this falls to zero. • Witches are practitioners of the dark arts.
• Defence (DEF) is a score which reflects the target number • Zealots are devout followers of a deity or power.
required to hit the hero in combat and is dependent upon
your race, armour worn and level.
• Piety (PTY) is a score representing favour with your deity WORLD BUILDING
and is depleted when you call divine favours. Not all heroes • The referee may wish to limit the number of spell-casting
will elect to follow a God and gain piety points. classes (i.e. Clerics, Druids, Mages, Warlocks, Witches &
• Attributes relate to your physical and mental characteristics Zealots) to account for their rarity in the setting.
and are rated from 0 (normal untrained human) to d4, d6, • The referee may challenge players to discover the other
d8, d10 and d12 (hero maximum). races during play before allowing new heroes of this race
• Skills relate to areas of expertise you have been trained in and may limit the number of non-human heroes to 1 of
(i.e. combat, crafting, magic, lore etc) and are rated from 0 each type per player group to account for their rarity.
(normal untrained human) to d4, d6, d8, d10 and d12. • Players may be asked to give the names of settlements,
• Equipment lists weapons, armour and equipment carried contacts, factions or adversaries as part of the hero-creation
or worn by the hero. process.
• Abilities are either special feats linked to a hero’s class or • Make a note of this information on your World Map, Setting
race. Abilities can only be chosen once and categorised as: Notes or Character Sheet.
• Passive (P); these abilities grant a permanent bonus;
access to a spell domain or an action that can be used
every turn.
• Encounter (E); when in combat you may use
encounter abilities once per level per encounter (i.e. a
level 2 hero could use any one encounter ability twice or
two encounter abilities once per encounter). This resets
each combat. Outside of combat, you may use
encounter abilities once per level per day. This resets
after a full rest.
• Only one ability can be performed as an action at a
time and these cannot be stacked.
• Humans are the dominant species in the Fallen Lands.
• Northmen (Dwarves) are descendants of the dwarven race
who reside in their great mountain forts.
• Wildfolk (Elves) are descendants of the elven race who now
live in isolation in the wilderness.
• Wildlings (Half-Elves) are rare offspring of both human
and wildfolk with no natural home and often travel.



• Attributes relate to your physical and mental
• Skills describe your training, knowledge and learning in
different disciplines.
• Skill Die: Attributes and Skills are rated from 0 (untrained)
to d4, d6, d8, d10 and d12 (hero maximum) and added to a
check where relevant to improve your chance of success.
Only an attribute or skill is added per check whichever is
the most relevant, not both.
• Attributes and Skills marked with an asterisk (*) are made at
disadvantage when wearing heavy armour.

• When an attribute or skill is improved the skill die is
increased from 0, d4, d6, d8, d10 and d12 (hero maximum).
• At creation, if the class or career selections result in the skill
being known more than once then increase this to the next
skill die level.

Name Description
Agility* Reflexes and stealth
Command Personality and leadership
Fortitude Resisting physical effects, resting
Senses Perception or awareness
Strength Feats of might, carry +1 per skill die
Will Resisting a mental effect, test of willpower

Name Description
Alchemy Herb, medicine or alchemy
Animal Handling Animal reactions or riding
Athletics* Running, climbing, swimming, jumping
Crafting Crafting, repairing, customising items
Guile Gathering info or negotiating
Languages Read/speak, +1 language per skill die
Lore General knowledge
Magic* Scroll use, spell-casting, magic resistance
Melee Combat Fighting in hand-to-hand combat
Open Locks Picking a lock, specialist tools required
Ranged Combat Fighting with ranged/thrown weapon
Religion Use of divine favours, religious knowledge
Sleight of Hand* Pilfering or feats of manual dexterity
Traps Creating or disabling traps or devices
Wilderness Survival Survival, navigating or tracking
* Attributes and Skills marked with an asterisk (*) are made at
disadvantage when wearing heavy armour.


• Print a Character Sheet (pg. 62) and follow the next steps to d6 Race
create your hero. 1 Human
2 Human
1. Choose a Race: Select your race or roll d6 on the Race Table 4 Northmen (Dwarf)
to determine your starting race and make a note of your 5 Wildfolk (Elf)
starting statistics.
6 Wildling (Half-Elf)
2. Increase Attributes: Roll 2d6 on the Attributes Table and
increase the relevant skill die for each attribute rolled.
3. Choose Class: Select your class or roll d20 on the Class
Table and make a note of any changes to your statistics (i.e. d6 Attribute
attributes, skills or abilities). 1 Agility
4. Increase Skills: Choose two different skills to improve. 2 Command
5. Choose Ability: Choose one more class ability from the list 3 Fortitude
of those available for your chosen class in addition to the 4 Senses
one you automatically know at the outset.
6. Buy Equipment: Purchase additional equipment with your 5 Strength
starting funds. 6 Will
7. Choose Age: Choose your starting age based on your race
description. CLASS TABLE
8. Background & Persona (Optional): Use this optional d20 Class
system to generate a background and persona for your hero. 1 Adventurer
2 Assassin
Our player Darren decides to randomly create a new hero. 4 Bard
5 Beast Master
1. Race: Darren rolls a d6 (1) on the Race Table and gets
Human. The hero (now named Nerus) starts with 6 Bounty Hunter
statistics of 5 Health and 8 Defence and as a human gets 7 Cleric
to increase any one attribute (Strength) and one skill 8 Crusader
(Wilderness Survival). Darren could make these choices 9 Druid
later in the hero creation process if he wished. 10 Knight
2. Attributes: Darren rolls 2d6 (2 + 6) on the Attributes 11 Mage
Table and increases Nerus’s Command and Will
attributes from 0 to d4. 12 Mercenary
3. Class: Darren rolls d20 (8) on the Class Table which 13 Monk
indicates the hero is a Druid class. Nerus gains 4 health, 14 Ranger
increases his will ability to d6 and his lore and magic 15 Rogue
skills to d4 and gains the Earth Magic class ability. He is 16 Swashbuckler
also equipped with robes, staff and 200 sp.
17 Warlock
4. Skills: Darren decides to improve Nerus’s athletics and
melee combat skills from 0 to d4. 18 Warrior
5. Abilities: Nerus chooses the Arcane Magic ability for 19 Witch
his Druid. 20 Zealot
6. Age: Darren now chooses Nerus’s starting age of 30


LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 11
Skills: Athletics d4, Command d4,
Lore d4, Magic d4, Melee Combat d4,
Strength d4, Wilderness Survival d4,
Will d6
Abilities: Arcane Magic, Earth Magic
Equipment: Robes (+1), Staff (d4), 200


The most common and dominant of the humanoid races in the Descendants of the Dwarven race, who dwell in the Northern
Fallen Lands. Territories.


Base Health 5 Base Health 10
Base Defence 8 Base Defence 8
Languages: Common Languages: Common, Dwarven
Attributes: Improve any one attribute at creation Attributes: Fortitude, Strength, Will
Skills: Improve any one skill at creation Skills: Crafting, Languages
Abilities: None Abilities: Dark Vision, Iron Skin, Long-lived
Starting Age: 20 to 40 years Starting Age: 20 to 80 years


Humans are the most diverse in terms of appearance and A hardy and stocky race possessing a natural strength and
personality, and their population is widely distributed. Despite toughness. With their earthy skin tones and dark hair, they are
their diversity, they all speak the common tongue of the land. easily recognisable with the men often sporting beards and facial
hair, adding to their rugged appearance. Northmen have a
Most humans live in rural areas, in strongholds, towns, lifespan of up to 200 years.
steadings, villages, and hamlets scattered across the landscape.
Travel between settlements has historically been limited due to Having been driven from their ancient homelands, they now
the dangers of wilderness travel. primarily reside in remote fortified settlements nestled within
the hills and mountains of the northern territories.
However, a new era is beginning, with settlements expanding
their territories, venturing into the borderlands to discover new These proud warriors, craftsmen, and builders live in clans made
resources, and establishing trade routes with other communities. up of individual families. Northmen are known for their
The promise of a brighter future is on the horizon, but the advanced knowledge of alchemy, mining, crafting, and
dangers of the wild and the unknown still lurk, making the technology. They have developed impressive underground
journey ahead perilous yet full of opportunity. fortresses, complete with munitions and tools to aid in their
exploration and expansion. As a people, they are fiercely
As the most common of the humanoid races. There are no independent and resourceful, willing to do whatever it takes to
restrictions on the number of human heroes in a party. protect their communities and secure their future.
Northmen are uncommon and it is recommended that only
one northmen hero exists in a party at one time.

• (P) Dark Vision: Ability to see in the dark up to medium
range band (60ft).
• (P) Iron Skin: Damage resistance (DR), all damage rolls are
reduced by 1 point.
• (P) Long-Lived: Lifespan of up to 200 years (x2 human


Descendants of the immortal elves, the eldest of the humanoid The off-spring of Humans and Wildfolk.


Base Health 8 Base Health 5
Base Defence 10 Base Defence 9
Languages: Common, Elven Languages: Common, Elven
Attributes: Agility, Senses Attributes: Agility, Senses
Skills: Athletics, Languages, Magic, Ranged Combat, Skills: Athletics, Languages, Magic, Ranged Combat
Wilderness Survival Abilities: Adaptable, Alertness, Long-lived
Abilities: Alertness, Meditative Trance, Very Long-lived Starting Age: 20 to 50 years
Starting Age: 20 to 100 years
Wildfolk are a dying race due to low birth rates and decreasing Wildlings (also known as Half-Bloods or Half-Elves) come from
life spans compared to their true elf ancestors. They are slender two different worlds but do not belong to either. Wildlings share
graceful humanoids in appearance often with fair hair and the physical characteristics of both human and wildfolk parents
pointed ears and have a life span of up to 400 years. although the dominance of traits can vary and their heritage
They are creatures of the wilderness and have a strong affinity may not always be obvious.
with magic and reside within tribal communities deep within They are generally found within wildfolk settlements, born as
the wildlands, generally avoiding contact with other races. They the offspring of a human who has wandered far from home and
speak a derivation of the elven tongue and are taught the a curious wildfolk. Their existence is tolerated but they have a
common tongue of the land to enable them to communicate tendency to travel due to a general mistrust or lack of acceptance
with other races should the need arise. by the wildfolk tribe members.
Wildfolk heroes are very long-lived; possess the meditation Wildlings are inquisitive and adaptable. At creation, they may
ability and have keen senses. learn a class ability from any class. They are also long-lived,
Due to their rarity, it is recommended only one wildfolk hero living for up to 200 years and speak both the common and elven
exists in a party at a time. languages.
Due to their rarity, it is recommended only one wildling hero
exists in a party at a time.


• (P) Alertness: Advantage on senses checks. • (*) Adaptable: Select a class ability from any class of your
• (P) Meditative Trance: Increase health recovered by choosing.
overnight sleep by one skill die and roll at advantage. • (P) Alertness: Advantage on senses checks.
• (P) Very Long-Lived: Lifespan of up to 400 years (x4 • (P) Long-Lived: Lifespan of up to 200 years (x2 human
human age). age).


Adventurers roam the land seeking hidden treasures and forgotten Masters of espionage, using their stealth and cunning. Often feared
relics from a bygone era or secrets of the past, a jack of all trades. and reviled for their ruthless efficiency and moral ambiguity.


Health 6 Health 6
Attributes: Fortitude, Senses Attributes: Agility, Senses
Skills: Athletics, Lore, Melee Combat Skills: Melee Combat, Guile, Open Locks
Abilities: Lore Master Abilities: Sneak Attack
Equipment: Leather Armour, Shortsword, Dagger, 200 sp Equipment: Leather Armour, 2x Daggers, 200 sp
• (P) Alertness: Advantage on senses checks. • (P) Alertness: Advantage on senses checks.
• (P) Arcane Magic: Learn and use arcane magic spells. • (P) Blind Fighting: Ignores disadvantage on melee combat
• (P) Blind Fighting: Ignores disadvantage on melee combat checks when fighting in the dark.
checks when fighting in the dark. • (E) Discerning Truth: Make a Senses vs. Will check to
• (P) Coordinated: Advantage on athletics checks. determine the truth about of a single statement.
• (E) Counter Attack: Make a free attack against an enemy • (E) Dodge: Avoid an opponent's attack, must be called before
with advantage that missed you in melee combat. damage is rolled.
• (E) Dodge: Avoid an opponent's attack, must be called before • (E) Escape: Disengage from combat and make a double move
damage is rolled. without incurring an opportunity attack.
• (E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action. • (P) Evasion: +1 to defence wearing light or no armour.
• (*) Jack of All Trades: Choose an ability from any other class. • (P) Improved Critical: Score a critical hit on a natural 19 or
• (P) Linguist: Advantage on language checks. 20.
• (P) Locksmith: Advantage on open lock checks. • (P) Linguist: Advantage on language checks.
• (P) Lore Master: Advantage on lore checks. • (E) Lucky: The player may re-roll any die but before the
• (E) Lucky: The player may re-roll any die but before the outcome is determined.
outcome is determined. • (P) Marksman: Spend a combat turn aiming. On the next
• (P) Marksman: Spend a combat turn aiming. On the next round, make a ranged attack and damage at advantage.
round, make a ranged attack and damage at advantage. • (P) Nimble: Advantage on agility checks.
• (P) Nimble: Advantage on agility checks. • (E) Quick Throw: Make two ranged attacks with thrown
• (P) Traps Expert: Advantage on trap checks. weapon as single action.
• (P) Silver Tongue: Advantage on guile checks.
• (E) Sneak Attack: On a surprise attack roll with advantage
and damage is doubled.
• (E) Stun Attack: Make a melee attack which if successful will
force your opponent to lose its next turn. Applies to small or
medium opponents.


Fierce and powerful fighters, who rely on raw strength and Traveller, wanderer and teller-of-tales, the bard weaves tales of
physical prowess, often hailing from wild regions. magic and adventure, bringing to life the legends of old


Health 8 Health 6
Attributes: Strength Attributes: Command, Senses
Skills: Melee Combat, Wilderness Survival Skills: Guile, Languages (Choose One), Lore
Abilities: War Cry Abilities: Silver Tongue
Equipment: Hide Armour, Battle Axe, 200 sp Equipment: Leather Armour, Dagger, Musical Instrument, 200 sp
• (P) Animal Companion: Gain a loyal animal companion • (P) Arcane Magic: Learn and use arcane magic spells.
whose level does not exceed player's. Can perform tasks, • (E) Disrupting Performance: Make an opposed Magic check
fight, and be resurrected or replaced when player levels up. to dispel a spell effect. On a critical failure roll on the wild
• (E) Charge: Charge straight on and attack an enemy from magic table.
medium range as an action (unarmoured or light armour • (E) Dual Wielding: Make a bonus attack in combat with a
only) second light weapon in your other hand.
• (P) Combat Reaction: Advantage on initiative checks. • (E) Empathic Link: Gain advantage on a reaction roll with
• (E) Dodge: Avoid an opponent's attack, must be called before one monster, person or animal. On a failure cannot target
damage is rolled. again that encounter.
• (E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action. • (E) Haunting Melody: Make a Magic vs. Will check, one
• (E) Frenzy: Gain +3 temporary health in combat. opponent at long range acts with a disadvantage for the
• (E) Great Cleave: You can attack all opponents in close range encounter. Target may make a check to overcome as a free
to you as a single attack. action each turn.
• (P) Hardy: Gain a permanent 3 health point increase. • (E) Healing Song: Make a Magic vs. target 10 check to heal
• (E) Intimidate: Force a combat morale check against a d4 health for one person within short range.
medium or smaller-sized opponent. • (E) Inspiring Words: Allies in short range gain advantage on
• (P) Iron Skin: Damage resistance (DR), all damage rolls are their next action.
reduced by 1 point • (E) Insulting Taunt: Make a Command vs. Will check to
• (E) Mighty Blow: On a successful melee attack damage is taunt an intelligent humanoid causing them disadvantage on
doubled. their next action.
• (P) Totem Magic: Learn and use totem magic spells. • (P) Iron Will: Advantage on will checks.
• (P) Tough: Advantage on fortitude checks. • (*) Jack of All Trades: Choose an ability from any other class.
• (E) War Cry: Make a war cry during combat which gives you • (P) Linguist: Advantage on language checks.
advantage on your next two actions. • (P) Lore Master: Advantage on lore checks.
• (P) Woodcraft: Advantage on wilderness survival checks. • (E) Persuade: Make a Command vs. Will check to make a
simple lawful demand of an NPC which must be obeyed.
• (P) Silver Tongue: Advantage on guile checks.
• (E) Telepathic Message: Make a Magic vs. Will check to send
a hidden message to another person within sight.



A skilled fighter and animal handler, who has a special bond with A skilled and ruthless tracker. Independent and self-reliant often
the creatures of the wild and can command their loyalty. with a dangerous reputation.


Health 8 Health 6
Attributes: Strength Attributes: Fortitude, Will
Skills: Animal Handling, Wilderness Survival Skills: Guile, Melee Combat, Wilderness Survival
Abilities: Animal Companion Abilities: Stun Attack
Equipment: Hide Armour, Spear, Dagger, 200 sp Equipment: Leather Armour, Crossbow, Bolts, Dagger, 200 sp
• (E) Animal Command: Make a Command vs.Will check to • (P) Alertness: Advantage on senses checks.
give an animal a one word command to obey that does not • (P) Combat Reaction: Advantage on initiative checks.
involve self-harm. • (E) Discerning Truth: Make a Senses vs. Will check to
• (P) Animal Companion: Gain a loyal animal companion determine the truth about a single statement.
whose level does not exceed player's. Can perform tasks, fight, • (P) Improved Critical: Score a critical hit on a natural 19 or
and be resurrected or replaced when player levels up. 20.
• (E) Charge: Charge straight on and attack an enemy from • (E) Intimidate: Force a combat morale check against a
medium range as an action (unarmoured or light armour medium or smaller sized opponent.
only) • (P) Linguist: Advantage on language checks.
• (E) Coordinated Attack: You and your animal companion • (P) Marksman: Spend a combat turn aiming. On the next
gain advantage to attack against an opponent. round, make a ranged attack and damage at advantage.
• (P) Creature Whisperer: Advantage on animal handling • (P) Pack Rat: Inventory carrying capacity increases by 2 slots.
checks. • (E) Parry: Counter a successful attack and take no damage,
• (E) Dodge: Avoid an opponent's attack, must be called before must be called before damage is rolled.
damage is rolled. • (E) Precise Strike: Attack with advantage and roll exploding
• (E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action. damage.
• (E) Intimidate: Force a combat morale check against a • (E) Sharpshooter: Bows and crossbows can be fired an extra
medium or smaller sized opponent. range distance.
• (P) Iron Skin: Damage resistance (DR), all damage rolls are • (P) Silver Tongue: Advantage on guile checks.
reduced by 1 point. • (E) Sneak Attack: On a surprise attack roll with advantage
• (E) Mighty Blow: On a successful melee attack damage is and damage is doubled.
doubled. • (E) Stun Attack: Make a melee attack which if successful will
• (E) Speak with Creatures: Make a Command vs. Will check force your opponent to lose its next turn. Applies to small or
to speak with any creature and ask 1 question with a one word medium opponents.
answer. On a critical failure creature reacts negatively. • (P) Woodcraft: Advantage on wilderness survival checks.
• (E) Summon Creature: Make an opposed Magic check to
summon a random animal natural to the area to you, its
reaction is uncertain.
• (P) Totem Magic: Learn and use totem magic spells.
• (E) War Cry: Make a war cry during combat which gives you
advantage on your next two actions.
• (P) Woodcraft: Advantage on wilderness survival checks.

Divine-touched people in the service of their patron Sunnos. A devout and righteous fighter, who wields the power of their faith
operating in many guises as priests, witch-hunters or prophets. and divine magic to smite evil and defend the innocent.


Health 4 Health 8
Attributes: Will Attributes: Command
Skills: Magic, Religion Skills: Melee Combat, Religion
Abilities: Divine Magic Abilities: Shield Master
Equipment: Robes, Staff, Holy Symbol, 200 sp Equipment: Chainmail Armour, Shield, Longsword, 200 sp
• (P) Almighty Blow: Melee attacks against undead creatures • (P) Almighty Blow: Melee attacks against undead creatures
cause double damage. cause double damage.
• (P) Arcane Magic: Learn and use arcane magic spells. • (E) Aura of Courage: Medium range aura that instills
• (E) Discerning Truth: Make a Senses vs. Will check to courage in your allies, advantage to morale/fear checks for 3
determine the truth about a single statement. turns.
• (P) Divine Magic: Learn and use divine magic spells. • (E) Aura of Glory: Emit a medium range aura that cause all
• (E) Divine Strike: Make an attack and damage at advantage, opponents to attack you for 3 turns.
attack treated as magical. • (E) Divine Health: You gain immunity to poison, disease or
• (E) Exorcise: Make an opposed magic check to remove a paralysis for the encounter.
negative magical effect from a person. • (E) Divine Strike: Make an attack and damage at advantage,
• (P) Form Magic: Learn and use form magic spells. attack treated as magical.
• (E) Healing Hands: Make a Magic vs. target check to cure • (E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action.
disease, remove paralysis or remove poison. • (E) Healing Hands: Make a Magic vs. target check to cure
• (E) Holy Aura: Grant an advantage to allies in short range for disease, remove paralysis or remove poison.
one turn. • (P) Inspiring Leader: Advantage on command checks.
• (P) Light Magic: Learn and use light magic spells. • (E) Inspiring Words: Grant allies in short range an advantage
• (P) Psionic Magic: Learn and use psionic magic spells. on their next action.
• (E) Radiant Light: Pray for light on an inanimate object, • (E) Intimidate: Force a combat morale check against a
lights within short range for the encounter. medium or smaller sized opponent.
• (P) Rune Magic: Learn and use rune magic spells. • (P) Iron Will: Advantage on will checks.
• (E) Turn Undead: Force a morale check on one type of • (E) Mighty Blow: On a successful melee attack damage is
undead within medium range, make an opposed Will check. doubled.
• (E) Unholy Sense: Make an opposed Religion check to sense • (P) Mounted Combat: Advantage on attack and damage rolls
the presence of unholy (undead, dark or chaotic) creatures at when riding a horse in battle.
long range. • (P) Shield Master: Additional +1 defence when using a
Clerics belong to the Church organisation and worship the God • (E) Unholy Sense: Make an opposed Religion check to sense
Suunos (see The Gods pg. 58). Non-Humans may follow their the presence of unholy (undead, dark or chaotic) creatures at
own Gods. long range.
Write a sentence to describe your knights code of honour.


An order of protectors who follow the old ways. Attuned to nature Armoured soldiers, masters of martial combat and champions of
with an affinity to the Earth Goddess the people who live by the strength of their reputation.


Health 4 Health 8
Attributes: Will Attributes: Command
Skills: Lore, Magic Skills: Animal Handling, Melee Combat
Abilities: Earth Magic Abilities: Persuade
Equipment: Robes, Staff, 200 sp Equipment: Chainmail Armour, Shield, Longsword, 200 sp
• (P) Air Magic: Learn and use air magic spells. • (E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action.
• (P) Animal Bond: Advantage on animal handling checks. • (P) Inspiring Leader: Advantage on command checks.
• (P) Animal Companion: Gain a loyal animal companion • (E) Inspiring Words: Allies in short range gain advantage on
whose level does not exceed player's. Can perform tasks, their next action.
fight, and be resurrected or replaced when player levels up. • (P) Iron Will: Advantage on will checks.
• (P) Arcane Magic: Learn and use arcane magic spells. • (P) Killing Blow: If your attack kills an enemy you may
• (P) Earth Magic: Learn and use earth magic spells. automatically attack another within close range.
• (P) Fire Magic: Learn and use fire magic spells. • (E) Mighty Blow: On a successful melee attack damage is
• (E) Ghost Walker: Disappear into the background when at doubled.
least a short range away from an opponent, ends if you take a • (P) Mounted Combat: Advantage on attack and damage rolls
combat action. when riding a horse in battle.
• (P) Light Magic: Learn and use light magic spells. • (E) Parry: Counter a successful attack and take no damage,
• (P) Nature Magic: Learn and use nature magic spells. must be called before damage is rolled.
• (E) Shape Change: Transform into a small animal for the • (E) Persuade: Make a Command vs. Will check to make a
encounter. simple lawful demand of an NPC which must be obeyed.
• (E) Suggestion: Make a Magic vs. Will check, target follows a • (P) Protect: As an action, defend a target close to you for
one word command that does it no harm. your turn. Any attack on them is at disadvantage until your
• (E) Telepathic Insight: On a successful Magic vs. Will check, next turn
read the mind of one person or monster in medium range. • (P) Shield Bash: Make a melee attack, on a hit follow up with
Ask one question which gives a one word answer. a shield bash causing an extra d4 damage.
• (P) Totem Magic: Learn and use totem magic spells. • (P) Shield Master: Additional +1 defence when using a
• (E) Summon Creature: Call a random animal natural to the shield.
area to you, its reaction is uncertain. • (P) Squire: Gain a 1st-level NPC follower.
• (P) Water Magic: Learn and use water magic spells. • (E) War Cry: Make a war cry during combat which gives you
advantage on your next two actions.
Druids follow the old ways and worship the Goddess Reeva (See • (P) Weapon Specialisation: Choose a weapon, when using
The Gods pg. 58). Non-Humans may follow their own Gods. this weapon roll exploding damage.

Write a sentence to describe your knights code of honour.


Mages are scholars, explorers, investigators, historians, seekers of A battle-hardened fighter and tactician who often sells their skills
ancient knowledge and practitioners of the sorcerous arts. and services to the highest bidder.


Health 4 Health 8
Attributes: Will Attributes: Fortitude
Skills: Lore, Magic Skills: Athletics, Melee Combat
Abilities: Arcane Magic Abilities: Combat Tactician
Equipment: Robes, Dagger, 200 sp Equipment: Leather Armour, Shield, Longsword, 200 sp
• (P) Air Magic: Learn and use air magic spells. • (P) Combat Reaction: Advantage on initiative checks.
• (P) Arcane Magic: Learn and use arcane magic spells. • (E) Combat Tactician: Reads the flow of battle. You and an
• (E) Counter Spell: Make an opposed Magic check to deflect a ally close to you attack with advantage.
spell back against the caster. On a critical failure roll on the • (E) Counter Attack: Make a free attack against an enemy
wild magic table. with advantage that missed you in melee combat.
• (P) Earth Magic: Learn and use earth magic spells. • (E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action.
• (P) Familiar: Gain a pet that obeys your commands; small or • (P) Inspiring Leader: Advantage on command checks.
tiny animal, avian, reptile, rodent or insect; can be resurrected • (E) Inspiring Words: Allies in short range gain advantage on
or replaced when the player levels up. their next action.
• (E) Familiar Casting: Cast a spell originating at your • (P) Mounted Combat: Advantage on attack and damage rolls
familiar’s location within medium range. when riding a horse in battle.
• (P) Fire Magic: Learn and use fire magic spells. • (E) Parry: Counter a successful attack and take no damage,
• (P) Form Magic: Learn and use form magic spells. must be called before damage is rolled.
• (P) Ice Magic: Learn and use ice magic spells. • (E) Precise Strike: Attack with advantage and roll exploding
• (P) Lore Master: Advantage on lore checks. damage.
• (P) Matter Magic: Learn and use matter magic spells. • (E) Rally: May reverse a failed morale check to anyone
• (P) Rune Magic: Learn and use rune magic spells. friendly within medium range.
• (E) Spell Focus: Charge a spell expending 0 health points. • (P) Second Wind: Combat encounter limit for abilities is
• (P) Time Magic: Learn and use time magic spells. doubled.
• (P) Water Magic: Learn and use water magic spells. • (P) Shield Bash: On a successful melee attack, make another
free attack with your shield for d4 damage and the opponent
Mages have an affinity with Morraine the Mysterious but are not is stunned acting at disadvantage next turn.
obliged to follow the deity (See The Gods pg. 58). Non-Humans • (P) Shield Master: Additional +1 defence when using a
may follow their own Gods. shield.
• (P) Shield Wall: Additional +1 defence while in close range
with other another shield-bearing ally.
• (P) Skirmish: Melee attack and move if not using heavy
armour. Does not provoke opportunity attack.


A disciplined martial artist living a simple life of meditation and Rangers are master archers and outdoor survival experts often
self-discipline. serving as scouts, hunters and woodsman.


Health 6 Health 8
Attributes: Fortitude, Will Attributes: Agility
Skills: Lore, Magic, Religion Skills: Ranged Combat, Wilderness Survival
Abilities: Meditative Trance Abilities: Woodcraft
Equipment: Robes, Staff, 200 sp Equipment: Leather Armour, Shortbow, Arrows, Dagger, 200 sp
• (P) Alertness: Advantage on senses checks. • (P) Alertness: Advantage on senses checks.
• (E) Deflect Projectile: You may deflect a projectile attack. • (P) Animal Bond: Advantage on animal handling checks.
Must be chosen before damage is rolled. • (P) Animal Companion: Gain a loyal animal companion
• (P) Divine Magic: Learn and use divine magic spells. whose level does not exceed the player's. Can perform tasks,
• (E) Divine Strike: Make an attack and damage at advantage, fight, and be resurrected or replaced when the player levels
attack treated as magical. up.
• (E) Dodge: Avoid an opponent's attack, must be called before • (E) Dodge: Avoid an opponent's attack, must be called before
damage is rolled. damage is rolled.
• (P) Evasion: +1 to defence wearing light or no armour • (E) Dual Wielding: Make a bonus attack in combat with a
• (E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action. second light weapon in your other hand.
• (E) Flurry Attack: Make 4 unarmed attacks in a single round, • (P) Evasion: +1 to defence wearing light or no armour.
each causing d4 damage. • (P) Marksman: Spend a combat turn aiming. On the next
• (E) Flying Leap: Make a flying leap up to short range as part round, make a ranged attack and damage at advantage.
of an action. • (P) Nimble: Advantage on agility checks.
• (P) Iron Will: Advantage on will checks. • (E) Quick Shot: Make two ranged attacks as a single action
• (E) Lucky: The player may re-roll any die but before the with a bow.
outcome is determined. • (P) Reaction Shot: Bonus ranged attack before combat starts
• (P) Meditative Trance: Increase health recovered by unless you were surprised.
overnight sleep by one skill die and roll at advantage. • (E) Sharpshooter: Bows and crossbows can be fired an extra
• (P) Psionic Magic: Learn and use psionic magic spells. range distance.
• (P) Skirmish: Melee attack and move if not using heavy • (P) Skirmish: Melee attack and move if not using heavy
armour. Does not provoke opportunity attack. armour. Does not provoke opportunity attack.
• (E) Stun Attack: Make a melee attack which if successful will • (P) Strider: Move at double speed through wilderness terrain;
force your opponent to lose its next turn. Applies to small or once per session. During exploration. you can evade enemies
medium opponents. when encountered in wilderness terrain.
• (P) Totem Magic: Learn and use totem magic spells.
• (P) Woodcraft: Advantage on wilderness survival checks.


Rogues are treasure-hunters, explorers and people of questionable A charismatic and flamboyant swordsman, rascal and charlatan
repute who rely on stealth, agility and their specialist skills. known for their acrobatic swordplay, wit, and charm.


Health 6 Health 6
Attributes: Agility, Senses Attributes: Agility, Command
Skills: Languages (Sign), Open Locks, Sleight of Hand Skills: Athletics, Guile, Melee Combat
Abilities: Lucky Abilities: Counter Attack
Equipment: Leather Armour, Dagger, 200 sp Equipment: Leather Armour, Shortsword, Dagger, 200 sp
• (P) Alertness: Advantage on senses checks. • (E) Acrobatic Attack: May drop or leap over an object within
• (P) Blind Fighting: Ignores disadvantage on melee combat short range and make an attack as an action.
checks when fighting in the dark. • (P) Combat Reaction: Advantage on initiative checks.
• (P) Coordinated: Advantage on athletics checks. • (E) Combat Tactician: Reads the flow of battle. You and an
• (P) Dextrous: Advantage on sleight-of-hand checks. ally close to you attack with advantage.
• (E) Dodge: Avoid an opponent's attack, must be called before • (E) Counter Attack: Make a free attack against an enemy
damage is rolled. with advantage that missed you in melee combat.
• (E) Dual Wielding: Make a bonus attack in combat with a • (E) Dual Wielding: Make a bonus attack in combat with a
second light weapon in your other hand. second light weapon in your other hand.
• (E) Escape: Disengage from combat and make a double move • (E) Escape: Disengage from combat and make a double move
without incurring an opportunity attack. without incurring an opportunity attack.
• (P) Evasion: +1 to defence wearing light or no armour. • (P) Evasion: +1 to defence wearing light or no armour.
• (P) Locksmith: Advantage on open lock checks. • (E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action.
• (E) Lucky: The player may re-roll any die but before the • (E) Parry: Counter a successful attack and take no damage,
outcome is determined. must be called before damage is rolled.
• (P) Marksman: Spend a combat turn aiming. On the next • (E) Persuade: Make a Command vs. Will check to make a
round, make a ranged attack and damage at advantage. simple lawful demand of an NPC which must be obeyed.
• (P) Nimble: Advantage on agility checks. • (E) Precise Strike: Attack with advantage and roll exploding
• (P) Silver Tongue: Advantage on guile checks. damage.
• (E) Sneak Attack: On a surprise attack roll with advantage • (P) Silver Tongue: Advantage on guile checks.
and damage is doubled. • (P) Skirmish: Melee attack and move if not using heavy
• (P) Traps Expert: Advantage on trap checks. armour. Does not provoke opportunity attack.
• (E) Taunt: Anger an intelligent opponent causing them to
attack at disadvantage on their next turn.
• (P) Weapon Specialisation: Choose a weapon, when using
this weapon roll exploding damage.


A warlock harnesses both arcane and martial powers with A brave and skilful fighter who has earned their reputation
supernatural powers and abilities. through deeds of valour and heroism.


Health 4 Health 8
Attributes: Will Attributes: Strength
Skills: Lore, Magic Skills: Melee Combat, Ranged Combat
Abilities: Arcane Magic Abilities: Second Wind
Equipment: Robes, Dagger, 200 sp Equipment: Leather Armour, Longsword, Shield, 200 sp
• (P) Air Magic: Learn and use air magic spells. • (P) Blind Fighting: Ignores disadvantage on melee combat
• (P) Arcane Magic: Learn and use arcane magic spells. checks when fighting in the dark.
• (E) Counter Attack: Make a free attack against an enemy • (P) Combat Reaction: Advantage on initiative checks.
with advantage that missed you in melee combat. • (E) Combat Tactician: Reads the flow of battle. You and an
• (P) Earth Magic: Learn and use earth magic spells. ally close to you attack with advantage.
• (E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action. • (E) Counter Attack: Make a free attack against an enemy
• (P) Fire Magic: Learn and use fire magic spells. with advantage that missed you in melee combat.
• (P) Form Magic: Learn and use form magic spells. • (E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action.
• (P) Ice Magic: Learn and use ice magic spells. • (E) Great Cleave: You can attack all opponents in close range
• (E) Parry: Counter a successful attack and take no damage, to you as a single attack
must be called before damage is rolled. • (E) Lucky: The player may re-roll any die but before the
• (E) Precise Strike: Attack with advantage and roll exploding outcome is determined.
damage. • (P) Master Craftsman: Advantage on crafting checks.
• (P) Psionic Magic: Learn and use psionic magic spells. • (E) Mighty Blow: On a successful melee attack damage is
• (P) Matter Magic: Learn and use matter magic spells. doubled.
• (P) Shadow Magic: Learn and use shadow magic spells. • (E) Parry: Counter a successful attack and take no damage,
• (E) Sorcery Surge: Cast a spell at advantage, wild magic must be called before damage is rolled.
occurs on a natural 1-3. • (E) Precise Strike: Attack with advantage and roll exploding
• (P) Water Magic: Learn and use water magic spells. damage.
• (P) Second Wind: Combat encounter limit for abilities is
• (P) Shield Bash: Make a melee attack, on a hit follow up with
a shield bash causing an extra d4 damage.
• (P) Shield Master: Additional +1 defence when using a
• (P) Weapon Specialisation: Choose a weapon, when using
this weapon roll exploding damage.


A practitioner of the dark arts who wields supernatural powers A devout follower of a deity or dark power. Their faith is
and possesses expert alchemy skills. unwavering and their determination unyielding.


Health 4 Health 4
Attributes: Will Attributes: Will
Skills: Alchemy, Magic Skills: Lore, Magic
Abilities: Totem Magic Abilities: Dark Magic
Equipment: Robes, Dagger, Alchemy Kit, 200 sp Equipment: Robes, Staff, 200 sp
• (P) Alchemist: Advantage on alchemy checks. • (P) Arcane Magic: Learn and use arcane magic spells.
• (P) Arcane Magic: Learn and use arcane magic spells. • (E) Blackout: Cause darkness on an inanimate object,
• (E) Blackout: Cause darkness on an inanimate object, darkens within short range for the encounter.
darkens within short range for the encounter. • (E) Cause Fear: Make a Magic vs. Will check, one opponent
• (P) Chaos Magic: Learn and use chaos magic spells. at medium range acts with a disadvantage for the encounter.
• (E) Counter Spell: Make an opposed Magic check to deflect a • (P) Chaos Magic: Learn and use chaos magic spells.
spell back against the caster. On a critical failure roll on the • (P) Dark Magic: Learn and use dark magic spells.
wild magic table. • (E) Deathly Strike: Make your next attack and damage roll
• (P) Dark Magic: Learn and use dark magic spells. with advantage, attack is treated as magical.
• (E) Divination: Outside of combat, make an opposed Magic • (P) Matter Magic: Learn and use matter magic spells.
vs target check set by the referee to ask two one word • (E) Necrotic Touch: Make an opposed Magic vs Fortitude
questions. A failed roll results in no response. check to drain d4 health from an opponent in close range.
• (P) Familiar: Gain a pet that obeys your commands; small or Restore your health by this amount.
tiny animal, avian, reptile, rodent or insect; can be resurrected • (E) Persuade: Make a Command vs. Will check to make a
or replaced when the player levels up. simple lawful demand of an NPC which must be obeyed.
• (E) Familiar Casting: Cast a spell originating at your • (P) Psionic Magic: Learn and use psionic magic spells.
familiar’s location within medium range. • (E) Raise Undead: Make an opposed Magic check to raise the
• (E) Hex: Make a Magic vs. Will check, one opponent at body of a skeleton which obeys your command for an
medium range acts with a disadvantage for the encounter. encounter.
• (P) Lore Master: Advantage on lore checks. • (P) Rune Magic: Learn and use rune magic spells.
• (P) Rune Magic: Learn and use rune magic spells. • (E) Shadow Cloak: You may bring forward an action to
• (E) Shape Change: Transform into a small animal for the create a cloak of darkness around you. You may not move but
encounter. all attacks received that turn are made at disadvantage.
• (P) Shadow Magic: Learn and use shadow magic spells. • (P) Shadow Magic: Learn and use shadow magic spells.
• (P) Totem Magic: Learn and use totem magic spells. • (E) Speak with Dead: Make a Command vs. Will check to
speak with any creature and ask 1 question with a one word
Witches have an affinity with Morraine or Kadmos the God of answer.
Death but are not obliged to follow either deity (see The Gods pg.
58). Non-Humans may follow their own Gods. Zealots worship Kadmos the God of Death (see The Gods pg.
58). Non-Humans may follow their own Gods.



• This is an optional system which can be used to generate a
brief backstory for your hero detailing their place of origin Our player Darren is creating a backstory for their character,
and some major events during their upbringing and at the Nerus the Human Druid.
start of their adventuring career.
• Tables referenced in Hero Background can be found on 1. Origin: Rolls d6 (2) on the Place of Origin Table and
page 25. finds Nerus originates from the Misty Isles.
• This may lead to the award of a boon (some benefit your 2. Home: Rolls d6 (4) on the Home Settlement Table to
hero possesses) or a bane (some adversity your hero has determine Nerus comes from a named village which he
incurred) and can be used as future plot hooks by the decides to call Driftwater and marks this region on the
referee in your adventuring career. World Map.
• There is a possibility that the hero may die or level up 3. Background: Rolls d6 (2) on the Background Table for a
during this process. If these extremes are not to your liking common worker result and decides his family
replace the options as follows: Death; take two negative background was fishing.
impacts from the Boon/Bane Table and Level Up; take two 4. Background Event: Rolls 2d6 (6, 5) on the Background
positive impacts from the Boon/Bane Table. You must either Event Table to get; training/learning/study event with a
use or ignore the death and level-up options together. competitor/rival/enemy. The player decides Nerus was
given an opportunity to study with a fishing rival despite
his family’s protestations.
BACKGROUND CREATION PROCESS 5. Background Event Outcome: Rolls d6 (6) on the Event
1. Origin: Roll d6 on the Place of Origin Table to determine Outcome Table to get a great success and two positive
the region from where you originate. outcomes on the next table.
2. Home: Roll d6 on the Home Settlement Table to determine 6. Boon/Bane: Rolls 2d6 (2, 1) on the Boon/Bane Table to
the type of settlement you came from. If the result is a get a positive result for; enemy/monster or faction and
named place, also make a note of this on your group’s World ally/companion/friend. Nerus was involved in a
Map. successful fishing expedition where he turned a rival
3. Background: Roll d6 on the Background Table and choose into a friend and gained knowledge about the
one of the results which described your hero’s background. mysterious Merfolk living in the area.
4. Background Event: Roll 2d6 on the Background Event Table 7. First Major Career Event: Roll 3d6 (3, 1, 5) on the
and combine these results to generate an idea for a major Quest Event Table which generates an; explore/discover;
event that occurred when you were growing up. faction; enchantment/magic results. Nerus decides to
5. Background Event Outcome: Roll d6 on the Event seek out the tribes of the mysterious Merfolk.
Outcome Table and make a note of these results which will 8. Quest Outcome: Rolls d6 (4) on the Quest Outcome
be determined in the next step. Table which indicates a success on one positive result.
6. Boon/Bane: Roll d6 on the Boon/Bane Table and use the 9. Boon/Bane: Rolls d6 (3) on the Boon/Bane Table and
positive or negative results from the last table to determine use the positive result on; information/knowledge or
what your hero may have lost or gained from the event. secret. Nerus has learnt the way to find the reclusive
7. First Major Career Event: Roll 3d6 on the Quest Event Merfolks sanctuary.
Table and combine the results to generate a quest your hero 10. Second Major Career Event: Steps 7 to 9 were repeated
was involved in. to determine a second career event. Nerus is presented
8. Quest Outcome: Roll d6 on the Quest Outcome Table and with a problem to solve the mystery about an
make a note of these results which will be determined in the abandoned child. However, he fails this quest and as a
next step. result has now taken on responsibility for the small
9. Boon/Bane: Roll d6 on the Boon/Bane Table and use the child, Danyal.
positive or negative results from the last table to determine
what your hero may have lost or gained from the event.
10. Second Major Career Event: Repeat steps 7 to 9 once more
to determine your second career event.


• Studied with and has a close
fishing ally (Marek) who was
once a rival.
• Learned the way to find the
reclusive Merfolks sanctuary.
• Has responsibility for the small
child, Danyal.



d6 Success d6 Outcome
1 Farlands 1 Complete Failure, two negatives impact on boon/bane table
2 Misty Isles 2 Failure, one negative impact on boon/bane table
3 New Sentra 3 Partial Failure, one positive + negative on boon/bane table
4 Northern Territories (default for Northmen) 4 Partial Success, one positive + negative on boon/bane table
5 Skard Territories 5 Good Success, one positive on the boon/bane table
6 Parts Unknown/Beyond (default for Wildings, Wild Folk) 6 Great Success, two positives on the boon/bane table


d6 Success d6 Result
1 Nomadic, Travelling 1 Ally, Companion, Friend, Mentor
2 Isolated Place (i.e. Temple, Church) 2 Enemy, Monster, Faction
3 Unnamed Hamlet 3 Information, Knowledge, Secret
4 Named Village 4 Object, Treasure, Possession (non-magic up to 500 sp)
5 Named Town, Keep, Castle 5 Place, Location, Landmark
6 Named City 6 Reputation, Home Settlement, Family


d6 Background d6 Nature Objective Theme
1 Orphan, Urchin, Rogue, Nomadic 1 Peace - no event Faction Abandoned, Ruins
2 Common, Worker, Family Trade 2 Defeat, Stop Knowledge, Secret Deep, Dungeon
3 Trading, Traveller, People 3 Explore, Discover Monster Lair, Den, Infested
4 Skilled Trade, Apprentice 4 Find, Retrieve Object, Treasure Haunted, Evil
5 Scholarly, Educated, Studied, Religious 5 Rescue, Protect Person Enchantment, Magic
6 Privileged, Rich, Politics, Noble 6 Solve, Learn Place, Location Wilderness, Wilds


d6 Event With d6 Outcome
1 Confrontation, Altercation Faction 1 Death, hero dies
2 Discovery, Exploration Family Member 2 Failure, one negative impact on the boon/bane table
3 Chase, Hunt, Survival Monster 3 Partial failure, one positive + negative on boon/bane table
4 Negotiation, Persuasion Ally, Friend, Companion 4 Success, one positive on the boon/bane table
5 Natural Disaster, Event Competitor, Rival, Enemy 5 Great Success, two positives on the boon/bane table
6 Training, Learning, Study Unknown Person 6 Level Up, gain a level and add 5 years* to their age
* x2 for long-lived or x4 for very long-lived heroes



d20 “I used to be…” d20 “My clothing is…”
01 Alchemist 01 Exquisite
02 Apprentice 02 Frayed
03 Artisan 03 Functional
04 Bard 04 Lavish
05 Blacksmith 05 Luxurious
06 Clergy 06 Modest
07 Craftsmen 07 Ornate
08 Criminal 08 Patched
09 Farmer 09 Practical
10 Merchant 10 Rags
11 Noble 11 Regal
12 Outcast 12 Rugged
13 Peasant 13 Shabby
14 Pilgrim 14 Shoddy
15 Royalty 15 Simple
• This section provides some optional tables to help you 16 Scribe 16 Tattered
create your hero’s personality and appearance.
17 Serf 17 Threadbare
• You may consult the tables and use these as inspiration or
roll 10d20 taking a result from each table and using the 18 Soldier 18 Torn
results you like to craft your hero’s unique appearance and 19 Squire 19 Traditional
outlook on life. 20 Traveller 20 Worn


d20 “People think I am…” d20 “I look…” d20 “I am interested in…” d20 “My family situation is…”
01 Adaptable 01 Alluring 01 Archery 01 Adoptive
02 Analytical 02 Beautiful 02 Arts 02 Bastard
03 Arrogant 03 Blemished 03 Astrology 03 Broken
04 Charismatic 04 Charming 04 Cooking 04 Brothers/Sisters
05 Compassionate 05 Clean 05 Dancing 05 Close-knit
06 Confident 06 Disfigured 06 Drinking 06 Conflicted
07 Friendly 07 Elegant 07 Falconry 07 Dependents
08 Impatient 08 Fit 08 Gambling 08 Devoted
09 Inconsiderate 09 Flabby 09 Gossip 09 Distant
10 Independent 10 Haggard 10 Herbalism 10 Dysfunctional
11 Inflexible 11 Handsome 11 History 11 Estranged
12 Kind 12 Healthy 12 Hunting 12 Extended
13 Logical 13 Overweight 13 Magic 13 Foster
14 Manipulative 14 Repulsive 14 Music or Singing 14 Joint
15 Moody 15 Rugged 15 Politics 15 Large
16 Observant 16 Scarred 16 Reading 16 No contact
17 Outgoing 17 Short 17 Religion 17 Orphaned
18 Pessimistic 18 Striking 18 Swordsmanship 18 Small
19 Reserved 19 Tall 19 Travelling 19 Step
20 Stubborn 20 Unattractive 20 Writing 20 Supportive


d20 “I am considered…” d20 “I am also…” • Level is a measure of your hero’s power. Heroes start at
01 Brave 01 Arrogant Level 1 and may rise to Level 10 maximum.
02 Chivalrous 02 Avaricious • Non-Player Characters and Monsters also have levels to
represent their importance (NPCs) or potential threat
03 Compassionate 03 Cowardly
04 Courageous 04 Cruel
05 Diligent 05 Deceitful LEVEL ADVANCEMENT
06 Forgiving 06 Dishonourable
• Experience points (XP): Awarded for completing quests
07 Generous 07 Envious and challenges.
08 Honest 08 Gluttonous • Levelling Up: When a hero earns sufficient experience
09 Honourable 09 Greedy points (see Level Advancement Table) they increase their
10 Humble 10 Ignorant level at the end of the current adventure. Non-humans gain
11 Industrious 11 Impatient experience more gradually over their longer lifetime.
• Level Benefits: Increasing a level grants all of the additional
12 Just 12 Impulsive benefits on the Level Benefits Table.
13 Kind 13 Lazy • All classes that can access spells can gain proficiency with
14 Loyal 14 Lustful spells as they raise their level.
15 Merciful 15 Procrastinating
16 Persevering 16 Proud SKILL DIE ADVANCEMENT
17 Pious 17 Selfish • When an attribute or skill is improved the skill die is
18 Selfless 18 Unjust increased from 0 through d4, d6, d8, d10 and d12 (hero
19 Trustworthy 19 Vengeful maximum).
• Heroes may learn a new skill or improve a skill of their
20 Wise 20 Wrathful
choice. This lack of restriction allows players to create
unique hero builds by mixing and matching different skills.
• If the player is choosing a new skill that has not been used
9. MOTIVATIONS TABLE 10. SECRETS TABLE during the adventure, then the player is encouraged to
d20 “I am driven by…” d20 “I have a secret…” describe the practice of this skill during ‘downtime’
01 Adventure 01 Addiction activities.
03 Creativity 03 Affliction Level Title Human XP Non-Human XP
04 Duty 04 Betrayal 01 Novice 0 0
05 Fame 05 Blackmail 02 Trained 10 20
06 Family 06 Bounty 03 Adept 30 60
07 Freedom 07 Conspiracy 04 Veteran 60 120
08 Glory 08 Curse 05 Skilled 100 200
09 Honour 09 Deception 06 Professional 150 300
10 Justice 10 Experiment 07 Expert 225 450
11 Knowledge 11 Haunted 08 Champion 325 650
12 Legacy 12 Identity 09 Master 450 900
13 Love 13 Inheritance 10 Legend 600 1200
14 Power 14 Magic
15 Redemption 15 Obsession LEVEL BENEFITS TABLE
16 Revenge 16 Outcast Attribute Benefit
17 Salvation 17 Prophecy Health +2
18 Spirituality 18 Revenge Defence +1 (At levels 2,4,6,8,10 only)
19 Survival 19 Theft Skills Improve 1 attribute
20 Wealth 20 Transformation Learn or improve 2 different skills
Ability Learn 1 new class ability
Spells Spell casters gain proficiency with 2 spells


Equipment, the adventurers tools of the trade


• Equipment covers the tools of the trade for an adventurer • A hero can carry 12 items (+1 per strength skill die) in
and includes weapons, armour and equipment. their inventory slots.
• The selection and management of these resources is an • When you carry more than this, you are impaired. You may
important element of the game. carry double this allowance as a maximum.
• The silver piece is the default currency in the Fallen Lands • 6 items are considered ready to use (including carried
and all costs are listed in silver pieces. items and any armour worn). Other items are in your pack
• Coins can be exchanged as follows; 1 gold piece and take a turn to ready for use.
(uncommon) = 10 silver pieces (common) = 100 copper • Very small items (handful of coins, trinkets) are not
pieces (common). tracked. 500 coins equate to 1 item slot.


• Weapons have a damage die rating (d4, d6, d8 etc), this is • Some equipment may be consumed immediately when used
deducted from an opponent’s health in combat. (i.e. potion or a scroll).
• Weapons may also have features which grant specific • Some equipment has a usage score which is depleted
benefits in certain situations. through use (i.e. arrows, alchemy kit).
• In combat, weapons are damaged on a critical failure • Normal equipment may be damaged on a critical failure
• 50% of ranged weapon ammunition (arrows, bolts, darts) when used. If a damaged item is used and another critical
can be recovered and re-used after combat. failure is rolled then the item is broken beyond repair.
• Damaged items can be repaired at a settlement for 25% of
ARMOUR the cost.
• Armour has a defence score (i.e. +1, +2) which is added to
your defence score to make you harder to hit in combat. ENCHANTED ITEMS
• Only one item of each armour type (body and shield) can • Magic bound to an enchanted item will not be contained
be used at the same time. forever.
• Some creatures have tough natural skin which is • An enchanted item starts to diminish on a critical failure
represented by a damage resistance (DR) score which is when used. If a diminished item is used and another critical
deducted from any damage rolls sustained. failure is rolled then the item loses one of its features at
• Armour and shields marked with the heavy feature causes random.
agility, magic and athletic skills to be made at • An enchanted item can be crafted with an elemental stone
disadvantage due to their bulk and weight. (see Crafting pg. 47) on a crafting 10 check to remove the
• Shields may be sacrificed to negate all damage on a single diminished condition or recharge the item.
attack. This is known as a shield break.

• Equipment may be needed to perform a skill check (i.e.
Thieves’ Tools required to use Open Locks).
• Equipment can be used to give an advantage to a skill
check (i.e. rope provides advantage when using Climb)


Weapon Cost Weapon Cost
Battle Axe, d8, bleed, grip 100 Armour Piercing Arrows, powerful, 5 uses 50
Club, d4, bash 25 Bola, d4, medium range, grapple until freed 25
Cudgel, spiked, d6, bash 50 Bolt Cartridge, 1 action to load, 3 uses 50
Dagger, d4, fast, conceal 25 Boot Dagger, concealed, d4 damage 50
Garrotte, d4, conceal, auto 10 Dwarven Bomb, d20 blast, short range 300
Great Axe, d12, 2h, cleave 300 Dwarven Fire, d10 damage, ignite, d4 turns 200
Great Club, d10, 2h, bash 100 Dwarven Incendiary Heavy Bolts, powerful, ignite, 5 uses 100
Great Sword, d12, 2h, cleave 300 Dwarven Shrapnel Heavy Bolts, d8, area (close), 5 uses 100
Halberd, d8, reach 100 Elven Shortbow, d6, 2h, long range, sure strike 500
Hand Axe, d6, bleed 50 Fire Arrows, ignites, powerful, 5 uses 100
Improvised, d4 (1h), d6 (2h) N/A Hercanium Wire, indestructible garrotte 250
Lance, d10, mounted 100 Ironwood Staff, 2h, d4, powerful 200
Lasso, trap 25 Repeating Crossbow, 2h, 2 attacks, d6, medium range 500
Longsword, d8, bleed, grip 100 Silver Arrows, Bolts or Heavy Bolts, silver, 10 uses 100
Mace, d6, bash 50 Smoke Arrows, short range area, 10 mins, 5 uses 100
Morning Star, d6, bash 50 Spiked Gauntlets, d4 punch damage 100
Net, no damage, 2h, trap 25 Wrist Sheath, concealed blade, d4 damage 25
Pick Axe, d6, bleed 50
Quarterstaff, d4, 2h, bash 25 Weapons & Armour Features
• 2H, requires use of both hands.
Rapier, d6, fast 50
• Ammo, weapon uses ammunition
Scimitar, d8, bleed 100 • Area (range), area of effect damage to anyone in (range).
Shortsword, d6, bleed 50 • Auto, auto damage until opponent breaks free.
Silver Dagger, d4, fast, conceal, silver 200 • Bash, if attack misses by 1, does half damage.
• Bleed, advantage on damage on a natural 19.
Spear, d6, reach, set 50 • Cleave, hit two opponents next to each other.
Short Staff, d4, bash 25 • Conceal, can be hidden.
Trident, d8, reach 100 • Cover, ranged attacks made at disadvantage.
• Damaged, has no immediate effect but if weapon is damaged
Warhammer, d6, bash 50 again it is broken beyond repair.
Whip, d4, trap 25 • DRx, damage resistance, reduces damage by stated number (x).
• Fast, advantage on initiative check when equipped.
RANGED WEAPONS TABLE • Flawed, item damaged on a natural 1 or 2
• Grip, use 2 handed, advantage on damage.
Weapon Cost • Heavy, disadvantage to agility, athletics, magic and sleight of
Arbalest, d8, 2h, slow, far range, x-damage, ammo 500 hand checks.
Crossbow, d6, 2h, long range, x-damage, ammo 200 • Ignite, advantage on damage; causes combustables to ignite.
• Mounted, double damage when mounted.
Darts, d4, medium range, conceal, 10 uses 50 • Powerful, advantage on weapon damage.
Dagger, d4, fast, conceal, medium range 25 • Range; short 30ft; medium 60ft; intermediate 90ft,
Hand Axe, d6, medium range 50 long 120ft; far 240ft.
• Ready, item is worn and ready to use but does not take
Hand Crossbow, d4, medium range 300 up one of the six "ready to use" slots.
Javelin, d6, long range 50 • Reach, can attack from behind another person.
Longbow, d8, 2h, far range, ammo 300 • Set, when first engaged use available action to attack
before opponent.
Shortbow, d6, 2h, long range, ammo 75
• Silver, made of or coated in the metal silver.
Silver Dagger, d4, medium range, conceal, silver 200 • Slow, act last in a combat turn.
Sling, d4, medium range, ammo 10 • Sure Strike, gain advantage on attack rolls.
Spear, d6, long range 50 • Trap, opposed check to break free.
• X-Damage, weapon does exploding damage.
Trident, d8, medium range 100
Arrows, 20 uses 10 Ammunition Type (Ammo)
• Arbalest, uses heavy bolts.
Bolts, Heavy Bolts, 20 uses 15 • Crossbows & Hand Crossbow, uses bolts.
• Repeating Crossbow, uses bolt cartridge.
• Shortbow & Longbow, uses arrows.
• Sling, uses stones which can be found for free.



Armour Cost Item Cost
Padded Armour or Robes,+1 defence 50 Air Bladder, breathe 1 min 20
Leather/Studded Armour, +2 defence 100 Ball of Twine, 200ft 5
Hide Armour, +2 defence 100 Bedroll/Blanket 20
Chain Shirt, +2 defence, conceal 250 Bell, Small 20
Scale Mail, heavy, +3 defence 300 Book, Blank 200
Rare Hide Armour, unusual animal +3 defence 500 Bucket 10
Chainmail, heavy, +4 defence 750 Chain, 10ft 10
Splint Mail, heavy, +5 defence 1,000 Chalk 5
Plate Mail, heavy, +5 defence, DR1 3,000 Chisel 5
Buckler, +1 defence, ready 50 Cooking Pots 20
Shield, +2 defence 100 Dice 5
Tower Shield,+2 defence, cover, heavy 300 Drill 20
Metal Armour Spikes, d4 when grappling 150 Face Paint/Makeup, 1 use 5
Fishing Equipment 10
Item Cost Grease 5
Candles, 5 uses, melee close range, 4 hrs 5 Hammer, small, d4 damage 10
Large Candle, melee reach range area, 10hrs 5 Hour Glass 100
Hand Lantern, melee reach range area, 4hrs 30 Lock & Key, normal/strong 20/100
Lantern, short range, 4 hrs 20 Manacles 20
Hooded Lantern, short range area, 4hrs 50 Marbles, small bag 10
Oils, x2 uses 10 Metal file 20
Tinder Box 10 Mirror 50
Torches, x2 uses, short range area, 1hr 5 Musical Instrument 50
Nails 10
FOOD & LODGING TABLE Needle & Thread 5
Service Cost Oilskin Bag, waterproof 20
Animal Feed, 2 days 2 Page/Letter, blank 10
Bed, per night 2 Perfume, common 20
Drink 1 Pick, small, d4 damage 10
Meal 2 Pulley 20
Room, per night 5 Quill & Ink 20
Stabling, per night 2 Rope, 50ft 5
Travel Rations, 2 days 5 Sack 5
Water Skin/Flask 5 Saw 20
Shovel 20
Item Cost Spikes, wooden, 5 uses 5
Cloak 20 Spikes, iron, 5 uses 15
Thick Cloak, cold resistance 50 Sponge 5
Outfit, poor 10 Tar Pot 10
Outfit, standard 50 Tent, small 1-2 person 50
Outfit, good 100 Tent, large 3-4 person, bulky 100
Outfit, winter, cold resistance 100 Vial, Bottle, Jar (empty) 10
Outfit, rich 500 Whistle 5
Rain Cape, waterproof 150 Wooden Pole, 10ft 10



Item Cost Item Cost
Acid, d10, 1 use, burns through metal 100 Magic Lodestone, attracted to magic, short range 500
Alchemist’s Fire, short range, d4 damage for 3 turns 150 Magnet 100
Alchemy Kit, 10 uses 150 Magnifying Glass 250
Animal Charm, 1 use, free re-roll 150 Masterwork Tools, advantage on open locks checks 750
Antidote, free d20 roll to cure poison 150 Military Saddle, advantage riding (animal check) 500
Bandages, heals d4 disadvantage (one use after combat) 20 Moondust, pouch, treat as invisible spell 250
Bandolier, allows +2 readied items 50 Mountain Stout, adv. next action, risks drunkenness 25
Bear Trap, bear, bulky (treat as 2 inventory slots) 25 Paralysing Compound, fortitude 10 save, or incapacitated 150
Belt Pouches, allows +2 readied items 50 for the encounter
Caltrops, melee area, agility 15 or 1 damage/stops move 25 Plague Doctors Mask, breathe for 1 turn/10 min 100
Climbing Spikes, advantage climb checks 50 Poison, weak, fortitude 10 check or impaired 150
Compass, advantage navigation 200 Poison, normal, fortitude 15 check or d8 dmg and 500
Crowbar, advantage when used 25 Poison, strong, fortitude 15 check or death 1,000
Disguise Kit, 3 uses 100 Potion of Healing, heals d6 health 250
Dreamsleep, sleep, gain 1 health per d6 hours 300 Prayer Book, use gives advantage once per session 500
Drugs, performance advantage encounter 300 Pyrotechnic, single use 50
Drugs, recreational, improve morale 100 Ragmar Flares, medium range area light, 10 mins, 5 uses 100
Elementium Dust, for scroll creation 250 Scroll Parchment/Tube, for scroll creation 50
Elven Leven Bread, 4 days use 50 Selenite Crystal, increases health recovered overnight by 150
Elven Charm, 1 re-roll per session, 10 uses 1,000 one skill die, 3 uses
Elven Cloak, advantage stealth (agility check) 750 Silk Rope, 50ft, advantage on climb (athletics check) 150
Faerie Dust, illuminates short range area, 10 minutes 150 Silver Spikes, silver, 5 uses 50
Firebrand Whiskey, d4 temporary health, 1 use 25 Sleep Potion, fortitude save or sleep 100
Flag, formal house colours, d6 damage 50 Smoke Stick, smoke large area, 10 mins 50
Formal Robes, patron/rank mark, +1 defence, body 100 Snare, small animals, 2 uses 25
Gas Bomb, choking gas short range area, fortitude save 150 Spyglass, can view objects far-away 500
Glitterdust, lights short range area for 1 hour 100 Tattoo Kit, 3 uses 50
Grappling Hook 25 Thieves’ Tools, for opening locks 200
Hanging Tent, small 1 person 200 Trolls Blood, ointment +10 health,1 use, lasts encounter 500
Healers Kit, heals d6, 5 uses 200 War Horn, makes sound/alarm 25
Hercanium Dust, apply advantage damage encounter 300 War Paint, advantage first melee attack, 1 use 25
Holy Symbol (Blessed), advantage once per session 500 Wax Seal Stamp, 10 uses 50
Holy Symbol (Decorative) 25 Wolfsbane, 1 use, short range, wolves suffer morale check 15
Holy Water, heal 1 health, d6 damage vs. undead 100
Honey Sap, d20 roll to cure disease, +2 health, 1 use 100
Horse Barding Leather, +2 defence, warhorse 100
Horse Barding Chain, +4 defence, warhorse 300
Incense, will 10 save or sleep 150
Knights Tabard, worn, formal colours 150

Specialist Equipment
• Equipment that is considered uncommon and not
easily available in small settlements.

Equipment Features
• Poison, single-use and may be ingested or coated on
blades or pointed weapons.


Property Type Cost Transportation Cost
Home 1,000 Dog, Riding, 4 hexes 250
Farm Land* 2,000 Donkey, 4 hexes 100
Fishing Yard* 2,000 Horse, Draft, 4 hexes 200
Shop 2,500 Horse, Riding, 8 hexes 300
Trade 2,500 Horse, War, 6 hexes 1,000
Lumber Mill* (Wood Resources) 5,000 Mule, 4 hexes 100
Workshop (Crafting) 5,000 Pony, 6 hexes 300
Stables 5,000 Carriage*, 4 hexes 1,000
School (Studying) 5,000 Cart*, 4 hexes 150
Tavern 5,000 Chariot*, 6 hexes 500
Temple 5,000 Wagon*, 4 hexes 350
Trading Post 5,000 Barge, 4 hexes 750
Refuge 5,000 Raft, 2 hexes 200
Warehouse 5,000 Rowboat, 4 hexes 1,000
Mine*(Extraction & Smelting) 10,000 Sloop, Riverboat, small size, 12 hexes 10,000
Guild Hall 10,000 Ship, Coastal, medium size, 12 hexes 20,000
Estate 20,000 Galleon, Sea, large size, 12 hexes 50,000
Tower 20,000
* Requires animal to haul
Dungeon 50,000
• Movement distance per day (1 hex = 6 miles)
* Requires suitable land or water resources nearby • Costs include equipment (saddles, oars etc)
• Above costs are for small-sized properties; other costs are
medium (x2 cost); large (x4 cost) or huge size (x8 cost)
• Renovation costs are; 75% (ruins); 50% (structural damage)
and 25% (cosmetic damage).
• Running costs are 10% per year for personal use.


Item Cost Animal Cost
Labourer 5 Chicken 10
Torchbearer 5 Cattle, Cow, Bull 200
Porter 5 Dog, Hunting 100
Guide 5 Goat 30
Craftsman 10 Hawk, Hunting 250
Sell-Sword 10 Ox 300
Specialist 20+ Pig, Hog 50
• Wages per day, excludes sustenance costs. Sheep 40
• Multiply cost per day by NPC’s level for hirelings.


Alchemy, the creation of potions and medicines


CRAFTING game. The specific effects will be learned upon discovery
and use.
• Crafting is the ability to customise equipment, weapons or
armour using a base item and a component.
• Simple items can be created automatically using common CRAFTING CREATION
resources. Components are used to create better items. 1. Select the item to be modified and the component(s) to be
• Access to a forge is required. used to enhance the item. Most hand-held items require 1
• The crafting process takes place once although multiple unit of component for crafting. Larger items (i.e. armour,
components (the same or different ones combined) can be shields, 2 handed weapons) require 2 units.
used to create more powerful items with each component 2. Crafting Check: Make a crafting check against a target of 10
requiring a check of increasing difficulty. to apply the first component.
• An item may not undergo a crafting process more than 3. Determine Outcome: Based on the check result:
once (i.e. you cannot craft an item with one component one • Success: On a successful crafting check apply an effect
day and then added a second component the day after). to the potion based on the component property,
• Once an item has been created use the component name to discount ones which don’t make sense. (These are
help describe the item (i.e. Hercanium Shield). detailed in the Referee’s Guide)
• The referee should consult with the player to understand • Failure: On a failure the item is created but flawed and
what they are trying to craft but has the final say over the is damaged on a natural 1 or 2.
specific mechanical advantage to ensure game balance. • Critical: Masterwork success, treat the result as if a
second component has been added.
CRAFTING COMPONENTS • Critical Failure: A major mishap occurs and all items
• A component is a rare resource which possesses one or and resources are destroyed.
more special properties which grant a feature or benefit. 4. Multiple Components: For each additional component add
• Components are generally found or scavenged during +5 to the target. It is unusual that a craftsman will be
adventures and are not commonly available for trade. skilled enough to apply more than three components to a
• The Referee’s Guide provides detail of components and their single item.
properties, these can be discovered by players during the


Patterned stones linked to Silver mineral used in holy Creature’s exoskeleton used Forged at cold temperatures, A heavy black rock, used in
the planet’s core weapons in armour and shields bane of fey creatures dwarven hammers


Formed from lava and metal Meteor metal ore remains, Enchanted golden crystal, Wood from earth trees used A pulsing red crystal with
ore, fire resistant magical properties pure magic in elven bow construction restorative properties


A silvery blue metal used in A toughened wood used in A smooth meteor rock with a A pale smooth rock, the A glass rock which reacts to
the finest of weapons solid objects faint magical aura antithesis of magic magic


Green-hued metal with A fiery red rock used in The bones of a great Golden-streaked rock with a A durable flexible plant, elves
mystical properties dwarven munitions creature, used for weapons light and durable metal ore use to create natural clothing


• Alchemy is the ability to create potions (or alchemical
compounds) using a component. • Hodric the Herbalist (Alchemy d6 skill) has acquired 3
• Potions are single use consumable items. units of the rare White Flower which he has learned
• An alchemy kit is required to create a potion. Doing so possesses some kind of healing properties. He decides to
in a laboratory gives advantage on the check. try and make a potion of healing.
• Multiple units of the same component can be used to create • He starts with 1 unit and makes an alchemy check against
more powerful potions although alchemy is more difficult. a target of 10. He rolls a 7 + 3 = 10, a success.
• Different components can be combined to create more • The referee decides that the potion will cure d6 health
unusual items. points and names it a “Potion of Healing.”
• The referee should consult with the player to understand
what they are trying to craft but has the final say over the Potion of Healing (cures d6 health)
specific mechanical advantage to ensure game balance.
• Name the potion once created. • Hodric does not stop there and decides to mix in the
second White Flower component to increase the potency
of the potion.
ALCHEMY COMPONENTS • He makes a second alchemy check against an increased
• A component is a rare resource which possesses one or target of 15. He rolls a 13 + 3 = 16, a success.
more special properties which grant a feature or benefit. • The referee (taking inspiration from amplifying spells)
• Components are generally found or scavenged during decides that the potion will now cure d12 health and
adventures and are not commonly available for trade. names it a “Greater Potion of Healing.”
• The Referee’s Guide provides detail of components which
can be discovered by players during the game. The specific Greater Potion of Healing (cures d12 health)
effects will be learned upon discovery and use.
• 1 component unit is required for potions. • Hodric does not stop there and decides to mix in the third
White Flower component to increase the potency of the
ALCHEMY CREATION potion once again.
• He makes a third alchemy check against an increased
1. Select the component(s) to be used to create a potion. target of 20. He rolls a 20 + 3 = 23, a critical success due
2. Alchemy Check: Make an alchemy check against a target of to the natural 20.
10 to apply the first component. • The referee decides that the potion will now cure d20
3. Determine Outcome: Based on the check result: health and can also cure any disease or poison and names
• Success: On a successful alchemy check apply an effect it the “Incredible Potion of Healing & Recovery.”
to the potion based on the component property,
discount ones which don’t make sense. (These are Incredible Potion of Healing & Recovery (cures d20
detailed in the Referee’s Guide) health; poison or disease).
• Failure: On a failure, the potion is created but is flawed
and requires a fortitude 10 save or the drinker is
poisoned (impaired until cured).
• Critical: Masterwork success, treat the result as if a
second component has been added.
• Critical Failure: A major mishap occurs and all items
and resources are destroyed.
4. Multiple Components: For each additional component add
+5 to the target. It is unusual that a craftsman will be
skilled enough to apply more than three components to a
single item.



Effervescent dandelion with Sponge-like moss which Charcoal tree vein, deadly to A slimy dark slippery Root of fungal plant, unlocks
gaseous properties absorbs air touch substance inner fury

Light grey flower permanently Blue dew from a sickly tree, Dark mess-like moss which Tall, reddish grass with a Buried, nutty seeds which
surrounded in a cloudy mist used for poison creates a sense of dread wonderful aroma vibrate when burried


White fern root used as a A tall drowsy aromatic A hard to spot white spotty Purest of water with Tall, noxious weeds that
hallucinogenic rainbow plant fungus restorative properties unlocks true-sight

Buried red seeds used to Icy corpulent vine, harmful to Splotchy mushroom, said to Mesmerising golden flower Withering fungal plant, rotten
embolden the spirit touch enhance the senses and diseased

Nourishing berries, Blesses and cleanses the White water lilies, ice-cold to Thick purple plant, bane of Grey tree root which
rejuvenates the body spirits touch magic intertwines with other plants

Deadly dark leaf sought after Dusty deposit of ragmar ore, Tough reddish lichen, Sticky sap sourced from the Slick underwater vine with
by witches and assassins volatile and fiery resistant to fire great red pines solvent properties


Rare thick root of an untamed Blackened tree bark from Prickly thorns which can A light airy white leaf which Black metallic scraps from
red flower causes turmoil trees which grow in perpetual inject a mutagenic toxin gently floats in the breeze the Shadowlands

Golden blossom flower, a Sap from a rare tree, acidic in Stalk of a colour flower which Rare white flower with Gossamer-like weeds which
token of seers and prophets nature fluctuates in size restorative properties shimmer and sways in the

Magic is a dangerous nebulous force


• Magic is a dangerous nebulous force that exists everywhere • Scrolls are single use spells which can be read by anyone.
and is aspected to different domains. The few people who • A read magic spell is required to identify unknown scrolls
possess ‘the talent’ are treated with fear and suspicion. unless someone wishes to cast the spell blindly.
• Only those trained in magic arts can cast spells although • Reading a scroll does not stress the caster, but the scroll is
anyone can use scrolls or artefacts. consumed after use.
• Medicines and potions are created through alchemy, a form • Make a magic skill check as per the spell casting rules.
of science (see Crafting, Alchemy). Scrolls effects are amplified to charged on a critical success.
• The referee should encourage creative and inventive use of
the spells and not feel completely constrained by the CREATING SCROLLS
mechanics of the spell description. • Scrolls can only be inscribed with spells the creator is
proficient with. Inscribing takes 1 week and requires 1x
LEARNING SPELLS elementium dust and 1x parchment.
• This is the ability to harness magic to create an effect. • A magic check versus target 10 is required to succeed and
• Spells are aspected to the domains of; arcane; air; chaos; requires 1 health stress.
darkness; divine, earth; fire; form; ice; light; matter; • A failure results in a cursed scroll. The scroll works but also
nature; psionic; rune, shadow; time, totem and water. requires a mandatory roll on the wild magic table.
• When a new magic domain is acquired you have access to • A critical success amplifies the spell and a critical failure
all spells from that domain. results in all components being destroyed.
• You may choose two spells in which you are proficient
from the domain, other spells are cast at disadvantage. GRIMOIRES
• Two extra spell proficiencies are also gained each level. • Grimoires are spell books from a distant age, they are a
source of power and have a limited number of uses (2d20).
CASTING SPELLS • A read magic spell is required to identify unknown spells
1. Choose Spell: Select the spell to be cast. You must have one unless someone wishes to cast the spell blindly.
hand free to perform the intricate spell gestures. • Casting spells from a grimoire does not stress the caster
2. Stress: Spell casters stress themselves resulting in a unless charged or empowered. Use a magic skill check as
temporary loss of 1 health, only recovered through rest. per the spell casting rules.
3. Magic Check: A magic skill check is required to cast a spell • When a grimoire is exhausted, no further spells can be cast.
as per the spell description.
4. Spell Effect: On a success, apply the effects as per the spell MIRACLES
description. The same spell effect cannot be stacked but • Miracles are greater magic powers. When you are
multiple spell effects can be applied. proficient in every spell in a chosen spell domain you
5. Critical Success/Failure: A critical success charges the automatically gain access to the miracle.
spell. A critical failure results in a Wild Magic roll (pg. 9). • Using a miracle requires a significant summoning of power
• Heavy Armour: Causes the spell to be cast at disadvantage. and costs a permanent reduction of 2 health.
• Casting a miracle is not an insignificant event for the caster
AMPLIFYING SPELLS both physically or magically. After successfully casting a
• Spells can be amplified by stressing the caster 2 (charged) or miracle, recovery time of 6 months is required before
3 (empowered) health points. On a success, increase the attempting to cast a miracle again.
spell effects as per the Amplify Spell Table.
TOTEM MAGIC Spell Name Spell Effects Spell Check Spell Description
• Totem magic is a form of primitive animal magic power
that harnesses the life force of an animal. Read Magic (Medium Range | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic 10)
• Creating a totem requires a part harvested from the animal Identifies a spell written in a grimoire or spell scroll.
in question. Make a Magic 10 check to succeed and this
attempt costs 1 health stress. AMPLIFY SPELL TABLE
• Totems store magical energy until activated. Anyone can Spell Charge Charged Empowered
activate a totem by snapping and breaking the totem. Stress 2 Health 3 Health
Effect Die d12 d20
RUNE MAGIC Number of Targets 2 4
• Rune magic involves inscribing ancient symbols of power Spell Area of Effect Medium (60ft) Long (120ft)
upon an object or person to cast the spell, this can be done
Spell Range Max Long (120ft) Far (240ft)
with a temporary (chalk, warpaint) marker.
• A Magic 10 check is required to succeed and the attempt Time Duration 1 hour 4 hours
stresses the caster 1 health. Spell Turn Duration 4 8
• The rune disappears if it has not been activated within 24 Target Level Max (Up to) 6 Any
hours or when it has been activated. Target Size Max Large Colossal


AIR MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Elemental domain of air, wind and weather.
Fly (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Allows the caster or a target to fly.
Fog (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
A supernatural fog obscures peoples vision, all actions at disadvantage.
Gust (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Check: Magic vs. Fortitude (person) or Target 10 (object) )
A blast of wind pushes a person or inanimate object back one range band.
Invisibility (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target becomes invisible. Spell ends when target engages someone.
Lightning (Range: Far | Damage: d6 | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Summons a bolt of lightning on an opponent causing damage.
Shield (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a wind vortex around target, disadvantage on all ranged attacks against.
Silence (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a quiet, still space where sound is dampened.
Speed (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Boosts the speed of the target who moves twice their distance with any action.
Thunderclap (Range: Long | Area: Short | Check: Magic vs. Fortitude)
Creates a sudden, explosive clap of thunder that can stuns all monsters, creatures or people for a turn.
Windshield (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a barrier of strong wind that causes all ranged attacks to be at disadvantage.
Tornado (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Creates a violent rotating column of air capable of damaging a settlement, destroying buildings and structures.

ARCANE MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : The gateway to all magic domains.

Activate Magic (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic vs. target number set by referee)
Activates a magical item or effect.
Armour (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Enhances the targets defence by +4 with magic energy.
Charm (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Level: 3 | Size: Medium | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Charms a target to do their bidding as long as it does not cause itself harm. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Detect Magic (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic 10)
Identifies the source (location), nature (domain) or power (potency) of magic.
Dispel Magic (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic vs. target number set by referee)
Dispels a magical item or effect.
Illusion (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Size: Medium | Check: Magic vs. Will) )
Creates an illusion from something they have seen. Target can try to resist and see through the illusion as a free action each turn.
Levitate (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Size: Medium | Check: Magic 10)
Allows the target to float in the air up or down.
Lock (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Size: Medium | Check: Magic 10)
Magically seals a door, chest or other container. Can be dispelled or object damaged broken open.
Missile (Range: Far | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Creates a bolt of arcane energy which causes damage.
Read Magic (Range: Close | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic 10)
Identifies a spell written in a grimoire or spell scroll.
Enchant (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Creates a magic item (weapon, armour or object) by sacrificing some of the casters personal magic essence.

CHAOS MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Dangerous wild magic linked to rifts between realities, mutations and warping.
Blackfire (Range: Short range area | Targets: 1 | Damage: d4 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
A swirling black fire engulfs all victims in short range area which causes damage.
Corrode (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Target set by referee)
Corrodes a metal object making it unusable for the duration of the spell. Valuable and/or powerful objects are harder to corrode.
Corruption (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Turns 3 | Check: Magic vs. Fortitude)
Creates a cloud of pestilence causing all creatures within to be diseased and impaired.
Discord (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Target is confused and attacks a random ally or opponent in range. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Inversion (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic vs. Magic)
Reverses an active spell effect cast by another. Check is made against the person who cast the spell.
Mask (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Size: Medium | Check: Magic vs. Will) )
Target changes form by way of an illusion into something they have seen. Others can try to resist and see through the illusion as a free action each turn.
Portal (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Spell Range: Far | Resisted Level: 3 | Check: Magic 10 | Resisted Check: Magic vs. Will)
Target can be teleported to a visible location within range.
Summon (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Summons 1 randomly determined level 1-3 creature of chaos which fights alongside the party.
Venom (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Damage: d6 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Fortitude)
Target infused with bubbling chaotic blood, if damaged, target explodes injuring all creatures in close range.
Vortex (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Strength)
Caster drags victim 1 range band towards a selected point. Spell effect causes damage.
Convoke (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Summons Level 10 creature of chaos to fulfil a stated purpose upon which it is released onto the mortal plane until destroyed.


DARK MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : The Shadowlands and the realm of the dead.
Bloodsucker (Range: Close | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Touch an opponent to cause damage, restore your health by the same amount.
Commune (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Caster may ask a question of a skeleton or corpse which is answered truthfully.
Darkness (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a magical darkness over a short range area for 1 hour, normal light sources are ineffective within darkness.
Fear (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Target suffers fear causing them to act at disadvantage against the caster. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Hold (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Strength)
Magic freezes target who can take no actions until resisted. Target can attempt to resist as a free action each turn.
Leech (Range: Close | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Temporarily drain a random ability of the target.
Necromancy (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Animates a corpse (use skeleton stats for medium size) which acts under casters command.
Night Vision (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Grants target ability to see in the dark up to medium range.
Wail (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Check: Magic vs. Fortitude)
Creates a thunderous sonic discharge causing disadvantage to magic, mind and senses checks.
Wither (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Make a magic attack against an opponent causing impairment through disease. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Nightfall (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Shrouds an area the size of a settlement into a permanent state of darkness which cannot be dispelled.

DIVINE MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Powers granted from a celestial entity.

Bless (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Blesses an object with a divine power to give it advantage in combat.
Divine Light (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Illuminates the dark, piercing both magical darkness and magically hidden objects or creatures.
Guidance (Targets: 1 | Check: Magic 10)
Provides the caster with insight to aid them in their quest by asking 1 question which must be truthfully answered with a one word response.
Heal (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Heal: d6 | Check: Magic 10)
Restores the targets health.
Inspiration (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Grants the target increased inspiration, advantage on all actions.
Intervention (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Call upon 1 randomly determined level 1-3 being to aid the caster and allies.
Purify (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Check: Magic 10)
Cleanses an area or substance of evil or corruption, restoring it to a pure state.
Sanctuary (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a protective bubble of healing. Anyone within the circle gains d4 health.
Shield (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a shield of divine energy increasing targets defence by +4.
Smite (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic 10)
Empowers the target's next melee attack. If the attack is successful and on the unholy (chaos, undead, demon monsters) add smite damage.
Oath (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Caster makes a sacred oath or vow, they gain advantage on direct actions to achieve the oath until it is complete.

EARTH MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Elemental power of the land and earth.
Gravity (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Strength)
Create a force of gravity on a target so they cannot move. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Mound (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Check: Magic 10)
A 1ft thick earth wall is created. Wall can be any variation of within spell area size. Wall stats are (HLT 20 | DEF 8 | SKL N/A).
Petrify (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Fortitude)
Target slowly turns to stone, suffer disadvantage on actions. Target can resist each turn. Failure to resist after 5 turns results in permanent petrification.
Pollen (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Fortitude)
Creates a cloud of pollen, those in range suffer disadvantage on magic, mind, senses checks by sneezing.
Sense (Range: Long | Check: Magic 10)
Detects vibrations of any creatures within range.
Speak with Plants (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Provides the caster with insight to aid them in their quest by asking 1 question which must be truthfully answered with a one word response.
Spike (Range: Far | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
A sharp spike of rock impales an opponent causing injury.
Tangle (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Check: Magic vs. Strength or Agility)
Vines (HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL 0) grasp opponents and holds them in place. Target can try to break free action each turn or destroy the vines.
Terraform (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Check: Magic 10)
A tunnel or hole is created where there was earth. Tunnel can be any variation within spell area size.
Tremor (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Damage: d4 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Creates a powerful tremor throwing targets into the air causing them both damage and to land prone. Must use their movement next turn to stand up.
Earthquake (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Creates an intense seismic disturbance which affects an entire settlement, destroys buildings and creates cracks and fissures.


FIRE MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : The fiery planes of hell and elemental power of fire, rage and destruction.
Bind (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Force your will upon a demon, it will follow your simple commands that do not put it in peril.
Bolt (Range: Far | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Creates a ball of flame to injure a target.
Blast (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Summons a destructive blast of fire that shakes and injures anyone in its area.
Elemental (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Summons a fire spirit that acts at the casters will (Fire Spirit | HLT 5 | DEF 10 | SKL N/A | Damage d4).
Flame (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a magical fire on a melee or ranged weapon which adds fire damage to the weapon.
Heat (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Damage: d4 | Size: Small | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Heats an inanimate object making it hard to touch and causes damage if held turn after spell cast, combustible items start to burn.
Hellfire (Range: Close | Damage: d6 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a circle of fire around the caster. Anyone in close range suffers damage.
Protection (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Grants protection from fire. All fire based attacks against the target are at disadvantage.
Trap (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a trap made of fire on an object. Trap is triggered when touched.
Swarm of Fire (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Damage: d6 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
A swarm of fireflies (HLT 10 | DEF 8 | SKL N/A) causes damage to anyone in the spell area.
Enthral Demon (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Summons Level 10 demon (Behemoth) to fulfil a stated purpose upon which it is released onto the mortal plane until destroyed.
FORM MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : The power of body, mind & spirit
Elasticity (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Targets body becomes stretchy and you can extend your reach with short range.
Ethereal Form (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target becomes ethereal passing through solid objects and cannot be interacted with. Ends when interacting with something or casts a spell.
Grow (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10 or vs. Fortitude)
Enlarges a person, animal, plant or object one size up. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Harden (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Targets skin hardens giving them +4 defence for the duration of the spell.
Haste (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Turns: 3 | Check: Magic 10)
Target can take an extra action per combat turn.
Natural Weapon (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target gains a natural attack ability from an existing body part.
Regenerate (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target possesses superhuman healing and regenerates 1 health per combat turn.
Shape Change (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Check: Magic 10 or vs. Fortitude)
Target shape-changes into a creature of the same or one size smaller. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Shrink (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10 or vs. Fortitude)
Shrinks a person, animal, plant or object one size down. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Strength (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target gains advantage on strength and damage checks.
Alter Form (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
You may permanently alter your form to another creature of a similar size.

ICE MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : The elemental power of cold and frost from the frigid ice realms.
Armour (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Covers the target in a layer of ice enhancing their defence by +4.
Blizzard (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a swirling storm of ice and snow that obscures vision, all creatures within the area act with disadvantage.
Freeze (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Fortitude)
Wave of icy energy freezes target who can take no actions until resisted. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Frostbite (Target Range Close | Time: 2 Turns | Check: Magic vs. Defence)
Infuses the casters next two melee attacks with cold energy causing damage to be doubled.
Glacier (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Check: Magic 10)
A 1ft thick ice wall is created. Wall can be any variation of within spell area size. (Ice Wall 15 HLT | DEF 12 | SKL N/A).
Ice (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Creates a slippery path of ice. Those in target range slip and miss a turn.
Insulate (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target is protected against cold and frost attacks or conditions for the encounter.
Shards (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Creates a storm of sharp ice shards and injures anyone in its area.
Spear (Range: Far | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Conjures a sharp spear of ice that impales enemies.
Suspended Animation (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Puts a willing target into suspended animation temporarily halting any illness/diseases/poisons.
Permafrost (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
You will permanently cover a settlement sized object in permafrost, forever freezing the contents.


LIGHT MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : The power of sun, light and life and the realm of the celestials.
Bless (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Blesses a weapon with a holy power to give it advantage in combat. Double damage against unholy (chaos, demons or undead) monsters.
Beam (Range: Far | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Casts a bolt of holy light. Unholy (chaos, demons or undead) monsters suffer double damage.
Command (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Level: 3 | Size: Medium | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Commands a target to do their bidding (danger excluded). Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Courage (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Inspires a companion giving them advantage to actions.
Cure (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Level: 3 | Size: Medium | Check: Magic 10)
Cures the target of a poison or disease.
Heal (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Heal: d6 | Check: Magic 10)
Restores the targets health.
Light (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Area: Short | Time: 1 hour | Check: Magic 10)
Cast on an inanimate object which acts as a light source.
Radiance (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Creates aura around the caster causing unholy (undead, chaos, demon) to act at disadvantage. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Shield (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a shield of light causing all ranged attacks to be at disadvantage.
Turn Undead (Range: Medium | Targets: 2 | Time: Encounter | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Undead flee from caster.
Resurrection (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Bring a dead creature back to life.

MATTER MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : The power of transmutation and force.

Beam (Range: Far | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Agility)
Creates a beam of a magical hard light to injure an opponent.
Choke (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Fortitude)
Chokes an enemy with a powerful force grip inflicting damage.
Cage (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Strength)
A wall of force (HLT 10 | DEF 8 | SKL N/A) imprisons a target.
Deflect (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a shield of light causing all ranged attacks to be at disadvantage.
Force (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Check: Magic 10 or vs. Strength)
Magical force moves a medium sized object one range band.
Leap (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Area: Short | Size: Medium | Check: Magic 10)
Target can leap or jump a short range band without an Athletics check.
Meld (Range: Medium | Targets: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Caster melds two objects next to each other into one.
Shatter (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Check: Target set by the referee)
Caster cracks and shatters an inanimate object. Valuable and/or powerful objects are harder to shatter.
Telekineses (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Check: Magic 10)
Target can move or prevent objects from being moved with their mind.
Transmute (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Changes an inanimate object into living flesh which obeys the command of the caster (HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL N/A).
Matter Manipulation (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Caster can permanently change the physical attributes of an area the size of a settlement.

NATURE MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Elemental power of plants, the land and nature.
Animal Form (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Level: 3 | Size: Medium | Check: Magic 10 or vs. Fortitude)
Target changes into an animal of the same or one size smaller.
Forest Lights (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Summons small faerie lights which transfixes the target losing their action. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Good Berries (Quantity: d6 berries | Check: Magic 10)
Creates d6 berries which heal 1 health each, must be consumed within the hour.
Pass without Trace (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic 10)
Allows the target to move quietly and unseen through natural environment. Double move, cannot be targeted.
Plant Growth (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Causes plants to grow rapidly and healthily.
Plague (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Fortitude)
Plague of insects swarm an area, actions taken at disadvantage. Swarm (HLT 10 | DEF 10).
Sight (Range: Far | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Caster can temporarily see through the eyes of a nearby animal (within distant range).
Speak with Animals (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Caster speaks with animals and can ask 3 yes or no questions which are answered truthfully.
Summon Animal (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Caster can sense and summon an animal to their location that can be found in that environment. Animal follows simple commands including attack.
Tangle (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Level: 3 | Size: Medium | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Strength or Agility)
Vines (HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL N/A) grasp opponents and holds them in place. Target can try to break free action each turn or destroy the vines.
Monument (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Creates or grows a plant or rock based object the size of a settlement to the casters desired form or shape.


PSIONIC MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Psychic powers of the mind.

Domination (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs Will)
Control the thoughts and actions of a target avoiding self harming actions. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Obscure (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Hides the target or an object from view, making them difficult to detect. Dispels when target interacts.
Mind Reading (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Learn the thoughts of a person and can ask 3 yes or no questions which are answered truthfully.
Projection (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Project animage
somethinginthe thecaster
try toisresist
real. as
a free
each turn.
to resist each round.
Precognition (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Check: Referee Magic 10) sets target)
See the
Ask onefuture
questionor sense
to gainimpending
knowledge danger,
of a event
gain that
may occur
on rolls
which thefirst
will answer truthfully on a success.
Psychic Blast (Range:
(Range: Medium
Far | Targets:
| Targets:
1 | Damage:
1 | Size:d6
| Check:| Check:
Magic Magic
vs. Will)
Learn information
Powerful mental blastabout
an object
by touching
ignores any
it and
can ask
3 yes or no questions which are answered truthfully.
Psychometry (Range:Medium
Telekineses (Range: Medium| |Targets:
Targets:11| |Size:
Medium| |Check:
Magic10) 10)
Targetinformation about an
can move objects object
with their by touching it and can ask 3 yes or no questions which are answered truthfully.
Telekineses (Range:
Telepathy (Range: FarMedium
| Targets:| Targets:
1 | Time:1 |Encounter
Size: Medium | Check:
| Check: MagicMagic
10) 10)
Target can move
Communicate or prevent
mentally withobjects
anotherfrom being moved with their mind.
Telepathy (Range:
Spirit (Range: Far ||Targets:
Medium Targets:11||Time:
Magic10 10)(ally) or Magic vs. Will (enemy))
Communicate mentally with outside
Project your consciousness a knownofally or physical
your enemy creature
body. Youror person.
physical form is static. Spell is broken is form distracted.
Will (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Withstand pain or resist illness using the power of your mind. Damage resistance 1 and advantage against external effects.
Indoctrinate (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Bend the will of an entire settlements population to your philosophy.

RUNE MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Long lost symbols of power, the language of the primals.
Animation (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Animates a non-living object, such as a statue or suit of armour, to fight for the caster.
Concealment (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Check: Magic 10)
Hides the target or an object from view, making them difficult to detect. Dispels when target interacts.
Detection (Range: Medium | Time: 1 hour | Check: Magic 10)
Reveals the presence of a particular type of creature or object (players decides).
Fortune (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: 1 hour | Check: Magic 10)
Target gains a free re-roll.
Illusion (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Creates an illusion from something they have seen. Target can try to resist and see through the illusion as a free action each turn.
Levitate (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Size: Medium | Check: Magic 10)
Allows the target to float in the air up or down.
Protection (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Grants the target +4 defence for the encounter.
Repulsion (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Area: Short | Time: 3 Turns | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Creates an invisible barrier which temporarily repels creatures or objects of a certain type.
Summoning (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Caster can sense and summon an animal to their location that can be found in that environment. Animal follows simple commands including attack.
Teleportation (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Spell Far Range | Magic 10 or vs. Will check)
Target can be teleported once to a visible location within range.
Enchant (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Creates a magic item (weapon, armour or object) by using the casters personal magic essence.

SHADOW MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Shadow, trickery, illusion and mystery.

Disguise (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target assumes the form of another person they have seen and can describe quite well.
Duplicate (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Turns 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Create a mirror image of the target which mimics its actions making it harder to fight them, all actions against the target at disadvantage.
Hypnosis (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Hypnotic gaze which causes target to be transfixed and lose their action. Target can try to resist as a free action each subsequent turn.
Portal (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Spell Range: Far | Resisted Level: 3 | Check: Magic 10 | Resisted Check: Magic vs. Will)
Target can be teleported to a visible location within range.
Shadow Blade (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Damage: d6 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Incorporeal weapon that can ignore damage resistance.
Shadows (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Size: Medium | Check: Magic 10)
Allows the caster to manipulate and control a shadow (HLT 5 | DEF 10 | SKL N/A)
Shadow Form (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Turns 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Turns the caster into a shadowy form, allowing them to move slip in small gaps. Cannot be targeted, act or engage others whilst in shadow form.
Shroud (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target becomes invisible. Spell ends when target engages someone.
Suggestion (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Plants a suggestion for the target to follow a simple order that does not involve self harm. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Vision (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target gains the ability to see in the dark and spot invisible creatures.
Permanent Illusion (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Caster creates a permanent illusion.


TIME MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Power over history and time.

Deteriorate (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Target set by referee)
Ages an inanimate object making it unusable for the duration of the spell. Valuable and/or powerful objects are harder to corrode.
Forget (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Target forgets the circumstances of their last encounter.
Haste (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Speeds up the passage of time, target gains an extra action each turn.
Precognition (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic 10)
Caster did something to give them an advantage on an action during the encounter or replace an unused item of equipment with another they own.
Reverse (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic 10)
Until your next turn the target can reverse one action against them.
Shielding (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a temporal shield around the target that slows all physical injuries until the end of the encounter at which point all injuries are applied.
Slow (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Slows the passage of time around 1 person who acts once every 2 turns. Target can try to resist as a free action each turn.
Temporal Sphere (Range: Short | Time: Encounter | Check Magic 10)
Creates a sphere where time moves six time faster inside than outside. People may pass in and out the sphere but ranged effects may not.
Time Bomb (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Damage: d6 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Sets a brief delay before an explosive burst of temporal energy is released, injuring nearby creatures or objects.
Witness (Range: Medium | Time: 1 Day | Check: Magic 10)
Target can witness events at the location within the last day. Amplifying allows; Charged (1 week) Empowered (1 month) view further back.
Time Travel (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent deduction of 2 health)
Can send one person back in time up to 100 years, there may be consequences.

TOTEM MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Primitive animal magic power, requires a piece of the named animal to create the totem.
Totem of Aptitude (Fox, Cat, Monkey) (Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Gives the totem user advantage on agility and athletics checks.
Totem of Prowess (Wolf, Lion, Tiger) (Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Gives the totem user advantage on all attack rolls.
Totem of Endurance (Camel, Horse, Ox)) (Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Gives the totem user advantage on fortitude and will checks.
Totem of Flight (Hawk, Eagle) (Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Gives the totem user the ability to fly.
Totem of Restoration (Snake, Dog) (Targets: 1 | Heal: d6 | Check: Magic 10)
Allows the totem user to recover d6 health.
Totem of Might (Bear, Boar, Elephant) (Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Gives the totem user advantage on strength and damage checks.
Totem of Insight (Raven, Owl, Tortoise ) (Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Gives the totem user advantage on lore and magic checks.
Totem of Perception (Hawk, Bat, Wolf ) (Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Gives the totem user advantage on sense and wilderness survival.
Totem of Dread (Shark, Snake, Spider) (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Time: Turns 2 | Check: Magic vs. Will)
Creates a totem that strikes fear into the hearts of enemies forcing them to retreat for a 2 turns.
Totem of Swiftness (Deer, Hound, Rabbit) (Targets: 1 | Turns: 2 | Check: Magic 10)
Gives the totem user double their movement speed.
Totem of Power (Miracle) (Great Creature) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Grants the ability of a monster permanently.

WATER MAGIC SPELLS TABLE : Elemental powers of the seas, oceans and the realm of the Under-Seas.
Breathe (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target may breathe underwater.
Cloud Fog (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a fog cloud which obscures visions, actions at disadvantage within fog cloud.
Control Water (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Control a body of water and bend it to your will (i.e. stop, flow, clear a path)
Create Water (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a flask sized body of water.
Coalesce (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target merges with a water element. Gain damage resistance of 2 and move double speed through water.
Healing Waters (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Heal: d6 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Turns a small water source into healing waters which can be used to heal d6. Only lasts for the encounter.
Purify (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Check: Magic 10)
Purifies a nearby water source while this is used.
Walk (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Target may walk on water.
Waterfall (Range: Medium | Area: Short | Time: Encounter | Check: Magic 10)
Creates a powerful 1ft thick wall of water to slow/stop opponents (HLT 20 | DEF 8 | SKL N/A).
Wave (Range: Medium | Targets: 1 | Size: Medium | Level: 3 | Damage: d6 | Check: Magic vs. Strength)
Creates a wave pushing back a human sized object a range band.
Tidal Wave (Miracle) (Cost: Permanent loss of 2 health)
Creates a tidal wave from a nearby body of water which causes destruction across a settlement sized area.


Praise the ancient powers

OVERVIEW sacrifice which can be traded for divine favours from your
• Religion has a significant cultural and political impact on deity.
the world. • Sample suggestions are given although the referee will judge
• However, no one has witnessed the existence of the Gods whether a player’s actions earn piety points and how many
and they move and act in mysterious ways. are earned.
• Common religions of the Fallen Lands are described below • Unused piety points cannot exceed a hero's level.
although feel free to invent other religions which may
represent the many forgotten Gods, Deities and Elder USING DIVINE FAVOURS
Powers from a bygone age. • Each favour may be used once per day and requires a
successful religion skill check against a target of 10 to
RELIGION succeed. Each favour costs 1 piety point.
• All heroes may choose to follow a religion of their choice • A success results in your prayers being answered and the
although this is pre-determined for Clerics, Druids & favour works. Your prayers are not answered on a failure.
Zealots. • A critical success results in a dramatic success (increased
• Each religion has three keywords which define the theme of the benefit/effect). You anger your God on a critical failure
each religion. and lose all piety points.
• Performing actions which are true to the ways of your God • Feel free to alter or change ‘the ways’ of each religion to fit
will earn piety points depending upon the level of risk or the theme of your game.



Suunos the Sun-God, Protector of human-kind Reeva, Mother Earth, Power, Nature
The Ways (Life, Light, Protection)
The Ways (Nature, Peace, Animals)
• (Low 1 point) Pray or pay respects to a shrine of Suunos.
• (Low 1 point) Pay respect to a druidic shrine.
• (Low 1 point) Small acts of charity or support.
• (Low 1 point) Avoid disturbing lairs of natural beasts.
• (Medium 2 points) Protect the innocent from harm.
• (Medium 2 points) Protect natural creatures from threats.
• (Medium 2 points) Defeat unholy creatures.
• (Medium 2 points) Bring a peaceful resolution to a conflict.
• (High 3 points) Consecrate a place of evil.
• (High 3 points) Protect the wilderness from construction.
• (High 3 points) Establish a church or shrine.
• (High 3 points) Rejuvenate a desecrated site.
Divine Favours
Divine Favours
• Bless; see Light, Bless spell (pg. 55).
• Animal Form; see Nature, Animal Form spell (pg. 55).
• Cure; see Light, Cure spell (pg. 55).
• Mind Reading; see Psionic, Mind Reading spell (pg. 56).
• Fortune; see Rune, Fortune spell (pg. 56).
• Psychometry; see Psionic, Psychometry spell (pg. 56).
• Healing; see Light, Heal spell (pg. 55).
• Speak with Animals; see Nature, Speak with Animals spell
• Inspiration; see Divine, Inspiration spell (pg. 53).
(pg. 55).
• Turn Undead; see Light, Turn Undead spell (pg. 55).
• Speak with Plants; see Earth, Speak with Plants spell (pg.
• Tangle; see Earth, Tangle spell (pg. 53)


Morraine the Mysterious, a sometimes fickle curious Goddess Kadmos, God of Death, Lord of Darkness, Shadowlands
The Ways (Discovery, Magic, Luck) The Ways (Death, Disorder, Servitude)
• (Low 1 point) Explore an adventure site. • (Low 1 point) Outwardly display the symbol of your God.
• (Low 1 point) Complete some new arcane research. • (Low 1 point) Pay respects to your God at a cemetery.
• (Medium 2 points) Aid a creature of magic. • (Medium 2 points) Take the life of a living creature.
• (Medium 2 points) Acquire an item with magic properties. • (Medium 2 points) Recruit someone to your God’s service.
• (High 3 points) Find a portal to visit another realm. • (High 3 points) Witness death, be reduced to 0 health.
• (High 3 points) Kill another spell-caster. • (High 3 points) Establish a place of worship to your God.

Divine Favours Divine Favours

• Detect Magic; see Arcane, Detect Magic spell (pg. 52) • Bloodsucker; see Darkness, Bloodsucker spell (pg. 53).
• Fortune; see Rune, Fortune spell (pg. 56) • Commune; see Darkness, Commune spell (pg. 53).
• Illusion, see Arcane, Illusion spell (pg. 52) • Discord; see Chaos, Discord spell (pg. 52)
• Portal, see Shadow, Portal spell (pg. 56) • Fear, see Darkness, Fear spell (pg. 53).
• Read Magic, see Arcane, Read Magic spell (pg. 52) • Necromancy; see Darkness, Necromancy spell (pg. 53).
• Suggestion; see Shadow, Suggestion spell (pg. 56) • Portal; see Chaos, Portal spell (pg. 52).


The Elven Spirits, the first of the elven race The Great Forebears, sentinels of halls below

The Ways (Earth, Nature, Magic) The Ways (Creator, Warrior, Historian)
• (Low 1 point) Protect the life of one with elven heritage. • (Low 1 point) Protect the life of another dwarf/Northmen.
• (Low 1 point) Complete a deep range into the wilderness. • (Low 1 point) Find a rare component for crafting.
• (Medium 2 points) Clear a wilderness area of threats. • (Medium 2 points) Defeat an ancient Beastman foe.
• (Medium 2 points) Defeat a Night Elf. • (Medium 2 points) Defend the honour of your clan.
• (High 3 points) Unite two disparate Wildfolk tribes. • (High 3 points) Find a lost dwarven site.
• (High 3 points) Find an ancient Earth Tree. • (High 3 points) Establish a new settlement or route.

Divine Favours Divine Favours

• Charm; see Arcane, Charm spell (pg. 52). • Animation; see Rune, Animation spell (pg. 56).
• Detect Magic; see Arcane, Detect Magic spell (pg. 52). • Detection; see Rune, Detection spell (pg. 56).
• Forest Lights; see Nature, Forest Lights spell (pg. 55). • Fortune; see Rune, Fortune spell (pg. 56).
• Pass without Trace; see Nature, Pass without Trace, spell • Meld; see Matter, Meld spell (pg. 55).
(pg. 55). • Protection; see Rune, Protection spell (pg. 56).
• Sense; see Earth, Sense spell (pg. 53). • Shatter; see Matter, Shatter spell (pg. 55).
• Sight; see Nature, Sight, spell (pg. 55).




• This describes the hero’s background and profession and • The following optional rule allows players to swap the class
influences their skills, abilities and starting equipment. of their hero once during their career. This allows the player
• 20 hero classes are provided in the Player’s Guide although some creative freedom to develop a unique character.
you may wish to create more to fit the theme of your • When a character reaches a new level, they may elect to
campaign. train in a new class and may immediately choose level
• Classes are generally organised into three types; a fighting benefits (i.e. class ability) from their new class.
class (i.e. Warrior); skill class (i.e. Rogue) or spell casting • At this point, the hero cannot select class abilities from their
class (i.e. Mage) as a starting point. old class.
• Feel free to tweak aspects of this process to get the right • The hero’s class description should state the old class & level
result as long as classes are not overpowered. For example, and the new class & level (i.e. Warrior 1 / Rogue 1). The
you might wish to create specific classes only accessible to hero’s level is the sum of both old and new classes (i.e. Level
certain races. 2 in this example).
• Use the existing classes as examples of how to create and • A class change is only permitted once during their career.
balance these.
CREATING A HERO CLASS Greymark a Level 1 Human Mage earns enough experience
1. Choose Name: Choose a name which best describes the points to reach Level 2. Greymark expressed only minor
new class. magical talents in truth and was more interested in
2. Create Description: Write a one-line sentence to describe exploration and discovery and now wishes to retrain as an
the theme of this new class. Adventurer.
3. Create Statistics: Determine the class’s starting statistics Greymark immediately switches class and chooses a class
using the Class Statistics Table. This will cover the classes ability from this new class (Traps Expert) alongside the other
starting health; attributes; skills and ability. These should fit level advancement benefits. The hero is now expressed as:
the theme of the class.
Greymark, Human, Mage Level 1 / Adventurer Level 1 (2)
4. Choose Class Abilities: Choose 1 starting and 14 more
abilities which fit the theme of the class which can be For future level advancements, Greymark may choose new
chosen during advancement. level benefits exclusively from the Adventurer class. He may
5. Choose Equipment: Choose one item of clothing or use his previously learned Mage abilities but may not choose
armour, one weapon and one equipment item plus 200 sp as any new abilities from his old class.
the starting equipment.


• Class Abilities are either special feats or innate powers The referee wants to create a new spell-casting class designed
linked to a hero’s class or race. Abilities are categorised as: specifically for the Wildfolk race.
• Passive (P); these abilities grant a permanent bonus,
access to a spell domain or an action that can be used 1. Choose Name: The referee decides to call the class
every turn. Elven Spellweaver.
• Encounter (E); these abilities require some effort and 2. Create Description: The referee comes up with the
are limited in use. A hero can use any combination of following one-line class description. The Elven
encounter abilities once per level per encounter (i.e. a Spellweaver communes with nature’s elements and draws
level 2 hero could use any one encounter ability twice or power from the land to weave their enchanting song spells.
two encounter abilities once per encounter). 3. Create Statistics: Next the referee determines the class’s
• Feel free to design new class abilities to fit the theme of your starting statistics using the Class Statistics Table. As a
new class. spell-casting base class, the following options are
• Use the existing class abilities as examples to ensure any selected; Health (4), Attribute (Will), Skills (Magic and
new abilities are not overpowered. Wilderness Survival) and Ability (Nature Magic).
4. Choose Class Abilities: The referee now chooses the
remaining 14 abilities which are a mixture of spell
CLASS STATISTICS TABLE casting, communing and bardic song powers which fits
Class Type Fighting Skill Spell Casting the theme of this class; Arcane Magic, Counter Spell,
Health 8 6 4 Discerning Truth, Divination, Earth Magic, Exorcise,
Attributes Choose 1 Choose 1 Choose 1 Haunting Melody, Healing Song, Persuade, Sorcery Surge,
Speak with Creatures, Telepathic Insight, Telepathic
Skills Choose 2 Choose 3 Choose 2 Message and Totem Magic.
Starting Ability Choose 1 Choose 1 Choose 1 5. Choose Equipment: The referee decides the class with
Class Abilities Choose 14 Choose 14 Choose 14 start with the following equipment; Robe, Staff, Moon
Dust and 200 sp.



(*) Adaptable: Select a class ability from any class of your choosing.
(*) Jack of All Trades: Choose an ability from any other class.
(E) Acrobatic Attack: May drop or leap over an object within short range and make an attack as an action.
(E) Animal Command: Make a Command vs.Will check to give an animal a one word command to obey that does not involve self-harm.
(E) Aura of Courage: Medium range aura that instills courage in your allies, advantage to morale/fear checks for 3 turns.
(E) Aura of Glory: Emit a medium range aura that cause all opponents to attack you for 3 turns.
(E) Blackout: Cause darkness on an inanimate object, darkens within short range for the encounter.
(E) Cause Fear: Make a Magic vs. Will check, one opponent at medium range acts with a disadvantage for the encounter.
(E) Charge: Charge straight on and attack an enemy from medium range as an action (un-armoured or light armour only)
(E) Combat Tactician: Reads the flow of battle. You and an ally close to you attack with advantage.
(E) Coordinated Attack: You and your animal companion gain advantage to attack against an opponent.
(E) Counter Attack: Make a free attack against an enemy with advantage that missed you in melee combat.
(E) Counter Spell: Make an opposed Magic check to deflect a spell back against the caster. On a critical failure roll on the wild magic table.
(E) Deathly Strike: Make your next attack and damage roll with advantage, attack is treated as magical.
(E) Deflect Projectile: You may deflect a projectile attack. Must be chosen before damage is rolled.
(E) Discerning Truth: Make a Senses vs. Will check to determine the truth about a single statement.
(E) Disrupting Performance: Make an opposed Magic check to dispel a spell effect. On a critical failure roll on the wild magic table.
(E) Divination: Outside of combat, make an opposed Magic vs target check set by the referee to ask two one word questions. Failure gets no response.
(E) Divine Health: You gain immunity to poison, disease or paralysis for the encounter.
(E) Divine Strike: Make an attack and damage at advantage, attack treated as magical.
(E) Dodge: Avoid an opponent's attack, must be called before damage is rolled.
(E) Dual Wielding: Make a bonus attack in combat with a second light weapon in your other hand.
(E) Empathic Link: Gain advantage on a reaction roll with one monster, person or animal. On a failure cannot target again that encounter.
(E) Escape: Disengage from combat and make a double move without incurring an opportunity attack.
(E) Exorcise: Make an opposed magic check to remove a negative magical effect from a person.
(E) Familiar Casting: Cast a spell originating at your familiar’s location within medium range.
(E) Fast Attack: Make two melee attacks as a single action.
(E) Flurry Attack: Make 4 unarmed attacks in a single round, each causing d4 damage.
(E) Flying Leap: Make a flying leap up to short range as part of an action.
(E) Frenzy: Gain +3 temporary health in combat.
(E) Ghost Walker: Disappear into the background when at least short range away from an opponent, ends if you take a combat action.
(E) Great Cleave: You can attack all opponents in close range to you as a single attack.
(E) Haunting Melody: Make a Magic vs. Will check, one opponent at long range acts with a disadvantage for the encounter. Target may make a check to
overcome as a free action each turn.
(E) Healing Hands: Make a Magic vs. target check to cure disease, remove paralysis or remove poison.
(E) Healing Song: Make a Magic vs. target 10 check to heal d4 health for one person within short range.
(E) Hex: Make a Magic vs. Will check, one opponent at medium range acts with a disadvantage for the encounter.
(E) Holy Aura: Grant an advantage to allies in short range for one turn.
(E) Inspiring Words: Grant allies in short range an advantage on their next action.
(E) Insulting Taunt: Make a Command vs. Will check to taunt an intelligent humanoid causing them disadvantage on their next action.
(E) Intimidate: Force a combat morale check against a medium or smaller-sized opponent.
(E) Lucky: The player may re-roll any die but before the outcome is determined.
(E) Mighty Blow: On a successful melee attack damage is doubled.
(E) Necrotic Touch: Make an opposed Magic vs Fortitude check to drain d4 health from an opponent in close range. Restore your health by this amount.
(E) Parry: Counter a successful attack and take no damage, must be called before damage is rolled.
(E) Persuade: Make a Command vs. Will check to make a simple lawful demand of an NPC which must be obeyed.
(E) Precise Strike: Attack with advantage and roll exploding damage.
(E) Quick Shot: Make two ranged attacks as a single action with a bow.
(E) Quick Throw: Make two ranged attacks with thrown weapon as single action.
(E) Radiant Light: Pray for light on an inanimate object, lights within short range for the encounter.
(E) Raise Undead: Make an opposed Magic check to raise the body of a skeleton which obeys your command for an encounter.
(E) Rally: May reverse a failed morale check to anyone friendly within medium range.
(E) Shadow Cloak: You may bring forward an action to create a cloak of darkness around you. You may not move but all attacks received that turn are
made at disadvantage.
(E) Shape Change: Transform into a small animal for the encounter.
(E) Sharpshooter: Bows and crossbows can be fired an extra range distance.
(E) Sneak Attack: On a surprise attack roll with advantage and damage is doubled.
(E) Sorcery Surge: Cast a spell at advantage, wild magic occurs on a natural 1-3.
(E) Speak with Creatures: Make a Command vs. Will check to speak with any creature and ask 1 question with a one word answer. On a critical failure
creature reacts negatively.
(E) Speak with Dead: Make a Command vs. Will check to speak with any creature and ask 1 question with a one word answer.
(E) Spell Focus: Charge a spell expending 0 health points.
(E) Stun Attack: Make a melee attack which if successful will force your opponent to lose its next turn. Applies to small or medium opponents.
(E) Suggestion: Make a Magic vs. Will check, target follows a one word command that does it no harm.
(E) Summon Creature: Call a random animal natural to the area to you, its reaction is uncertain.
(E) Taunt: Anger an intelligent opponent causing them to attack at disadvantage on their next turn.
(E) Telepathic Insight: On a successful Magic vs. Will check, read the mind of one person or monster in medium range. Ask one question which gives a
one word answer.
(E) Telepathic Message: Make a Magic vs. Will check to send a hidden message to another person within sight.
(E) Turn Undead: Force a morale check on one type of undead within medium range, make an opposed Will check.
(E) Unholy Sense: Make an opposed Religion check to sense the presence of unholy (undead, dark or chaotic) creatures at long range.
(E) War Cry: Make a war cry during combat which gives you advantage on your next two actions.


(P) Air Magic: Learn and use air magic spells.
(P) Alchemist: Advantage on alchemy checks.
(P) Alertness: Advantage on senses checks.
(P) Almighty Blow: Melee attacks against undead creatures cause double damage.
(P) Animal Bond: Advantage on animal handling checks.
(P) Animal Companion: Gain a loyal animal companion whose level does not exceed the players. Can perform tasks, fight, and be resurrected or
replaced when the player levels up.
(P) Arcane Magic: Learn and use arcane magic spells.
(P) Blind Fighting: Ignores disadvantage on melee combat checks when fighting in the dark.
(P) Chaos Magic: Learn and use chaos magic spells.
(P) Combat Reaction: Advantage on initiative checks.
(P) Coordinated: Advantage on athletics checks.
(P) Creature Whisperer: Advantage on animal handling checks.
(P) Dark Magic: Learn and use dark magic spells.
(P) Dark Vision: Ability to see in the dark up to medium range band (60ft).
(P) Dextrous: Advantage on sleight-of-hand checks.
(P) Divine Magic: Learn and use divine magic spells.
(P) Earth Magic: Learn and use earth magic spells.
(P) Evasion: +1 to defence wearing light or no armour.
(P) Familiar: Gain a pet that obeys your commands; small or tiny animal, avian, reptile, rodent or insect; can be resurrected or replaced when the player
levels up.
(P) Fire Magic: Learn and use fire magic spells.
(P) Form Magic: Learn and use form magic spells.
(P) Hardy: Gain a permanent 3 health point increase.
(P) Ice Magic: Learn and use ice magic spells.
(P) Improved Critical: Score a critical hit on a natural 19 or 20.
(P) Inspiring Leader: Advantage on command checks.
(P) Iron Skin: Damage resistance (DR), all damage rolls are reduced by 1 point.
(P) Iron Will: Advantage on will checks.
(P) Killing Blow: If your attack kills an enemy you may automatically attack another within close range.
(P) Light Magic: Learn and use light magic spells.
(P) Linguist: Advantage on language checks.
(P) Locksmith: Advantage on open lock checks.
(P) Long-Lived: Lifespan of up to 200 years (x2 human age).
(P) Lore Master: Advantage on lore checks.
(P) Marksman: Spend a combat turn aiming. On the next round, make a ranged attack and damage at advantage.
(P) Master Craftsman: Advantage on crafting checks.
(P) Matter Magic: Learn and use matter magic spells.
(P) Meditative Trance: Increase health recovered by overnight sleep by one skill die and roll at advantage.
(P) Mounted Combat: Advantage on attack and damage rolls when riding a horse in battle.
(P) Nature Magic: Learn and use nature magic spells.
(P) Nimble: Advantage on agility checks.
(P) Pack Rat: Inventory carrying capacity increases by 2 slots.
(P) Protect: As an action, defend a target close to you for your turn. Any attack on them is at disadvantage until your next turn
(P) Psionic Magic: Learn and use psionic magic spells.
(P) Reaction Shot: Bonus ranged attack before combat starts unless you were surprised.
(P) Riposte: If an opponent's attack is a critical failure against you, get a free attack action.
(P) Rune Magic: Learn and use rune magic spells.
(P) Second Wind: Combat encounter limit for abilities is doubled.
(P) Shadow Magic: Learn and use shadow magic spells.
(P) Shield Bash: On a successful melee attack, make another free attack with your shield for d4 damage and the opponent is stunned acting at
disadvantage next turn.
(P) Shield Master: Additional +1 defence when using a shield.
(P) Shield Wall: Additional +1 defence while in close range with other another shield-bearing ally.
(P) Silver Tongue: Advantage on guile checks.
(P) Skirmish: Melee attack and move if not using heavy armour. Does not provoke opportunity attack.
(P) Squire: Gain a 1st-level NPC follower.
(P) Strider: Move at double speed through wilderness terrain; once per session. During exploration, you can evade enemies in the wilderness.
(P) Time Magic: Learn and use time magic spells.
(P) Totem Magic: Learn and use totem magic spells.
(P) Tough: Advantage on fortitude checks.
(P) Traps Expert: Advantage on trap checks.
(P) Very Long-Lived: Lifespan of up to 400 years (x4 human age).
(P) Water Magic: Learn and use water magic spells.
(P) Weapon Specialisation: Choose a weapon, when using this weapon roll exploding damage.
(P) Woodcraft: Advantage on wilderness survival checks.



• Getting together to play the game is known as a game • Adventuring is dangerous and death may occur through
session which typically runs for 2-4 hours. depletion of resources, bad planning or luck.
• An adventure may take 1 or more sessions to complete • The wounds system makes it more likely that a player may
• A campaign represents a major story arc and may take retire a hero through an accumulation of injuries.
several adventures to complete. • Player Death: Allow the player a final opportunity to go out
on their own terms such as a last chance to act in the
BEFORE THE SESSION spotlight or whisper a few dying words.
• Retirement: Players can retire their hero who can assume
• The referee and players should agree on the length of the NPC status in the game if they wish, such as when they
session (typically 2-4 hours) in advance. incur too many wounds.
• Players should have prepared a hero for play (or continue to • Replacement Hero: Aim to get a replacement hero back
use an existing one). into the game as quickly as possible to keep all players
• If a hero died, retired or left during the last session, involved in the game. Options include; promoting a
introduce a new hero at the start of a new session. follower or non-player character or through a random
• The referee should have a pre-made adventure ready to play. encounter with another adventurer.
• Recap: Either the players or referee briefly recap the events • This ends at your agreed (real-life) stopping point.
of the previous session. • If all the players are killed, the players should create new
• Scene: The referee then introduces the opening scene. heroes and restart the game.
• Questions: Players may ask questions to ensure they have a • Ask the players about their intentions for the next session.
clear idea of the quest objective; rewards; hints about This allows the referee to plan the next session by focussing
dangers and a place to start. on areas the players intend to explore next.
• Decision: Give the players a decision and some direction
about their next course of action (i.e. “What do you do?”)
allowing the players to start driving the scenes based on ENDING THE ADVENTURE
their actions. • An adventure ends when the players exit the adventure site
• The referee can ‘fast-forward’ to the next exciting part of the regardless of whether a quest has been completed and
adventure if they wish and skip less exciting aspects (i.e. return to a place of safety.
such as travel) for their group. • A return visit is treated as a new adventure.
• Award experience at the end of each adventure.
RUNNING THE SESSION • Rewards such as payments, treasure and favours are
typically awarded at the end of the adventure.
• Scenes: The referee manages a loop of presenting a scene • Players may only increase their level at the end of an
with the players deciding their actions. adventure when they have returned to a place of safety.
• Referee Notes: The referee should make a bullet point note
of any key events that occur which should be remembered
for future sessions. CREATING RUMOURS
• Time: The referee should keep track of time using a tally • Creating Rumours: The players should be asked to create
mark/five bar gate system to track elapsed turns. Turns may some rumours about the next adventure (related to a
vary from a few seconds (combat); 10 minutes (exploration) location, person, object or event) based on the events of the
to half a day (travel/settlement). adventure to date.
• Random Encounters: The referee should track the random • Rumour Table: The referee adds these to the rumour table
encounter target number and make a secret check for this at and decides if these are true or false using these as
the end of each turn. inspiration for the next adventure.
• Experience Points (XP): The referee (or players) should
keep track of XP rewards as they occur, noting down PLAYERS JOURNAL
achievements completed (i.e. quests completed, locations
explored, monsters defeated, treasures and artefacts found). • Players should collectively keep brief notes of each session.
• Mapping: Players can be given a blank adventure site map This should be no more than several bullet points
and can write details on it as they explore. highlighting key events of the session.
• Player Status: Players are responsible for tracking their own • The journal is used to provide a high-level record of
health, status and depletion of resources. adventures (and is fun to read back and recall in the


• Awarded through ability use or at the referee’s discretion
based on situational factors.
• Roll the check twice taking the highest result (Advantage -
ADV) or lowest result (Disadvantage - DIS).


• Rolling a natural 20 or beating the target number by 10 or
more is a critical success and results in a more positive
• Rolling a natural 1 or failing by 10 or more is a critical
failure and results in a worse outcome.
• The referee interprets the outcome of critical success or
failure based on the situation.

CHECKS SUMMARY • Used to determine the outcome of random or uncertain
1. Check: Roll d20 to equal or exceed a target number events outside the player’s control.
based on the Target Number Table (Page 7) • Referee rolls a d20, consults the Reaction Table and
2. Skill Die: If a relevant skill is used, add their skill die to interprets the result according to the situation.
the roll (i.e. d4, d6 etc). Monsters use a general skill die
based on their level FATE CHECKS
3. Secret Roll: The referee may secretly check for the • Used when the referee is asked a question and wants to
player when the outcome of the check is not obvious. leave the outcome to chance.
• Referee rolls a d20, consults the Fate Table and interprets
the result according to the situation.
• Checks are made when the outcome of an action is risky or KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
uncertain or when attempting to avoid or resist • Skill checks can be used to give clues or allow players to
something. ask questions, but not solve the issue.
• Dice rolls are not always required if there is a clear reason
or plan why the action will succeed. SOCIAL CHECKS
• Checks can be used to provide hints and clues for
exploration or social encounters but should not be used as • Skill checks can be used to help decide social interactions.
the sole means to solve these. • Command checks are typically used when the player is
• Failure may result in some consequence (i.e. time, resource adopting an authoritative position.
impact, injury or setback). Failure should not be considered • Guile checks are typically used when the player is adopting
an end-state but a prompt to find another way. a tactical, diplomatic or cunning approach.
• Here, the referee can elect to grant advantage or
disadvantage to the check if the player makes a convincing
USING CHECKS approach and/or role-plays the situation well.
• The check is a simple core mechanic (roll a d20 to beat • As an alternative, social encounters can be completed using
another target number), high is good, low is bad. role-playing and no dice rolling if you wish.
• This core mechanic is flexible and can be used in a number
of ways to help determine the outcome of an action (target OTHER CHECKS
roll, opposed roll, multiple checks or group checks).
• The referee is empowered to apply the most logical and • Opposed checks are used for competing actions. Both sides
sensible type of check to a situation to keep the action make a skill check, highest result wins.
moving forward. • Complicated actions require several checks to pass.
• Assign target numbers based on the perceived challenge of • Group checks are used to determine if the group succeeds
the task. at an action. Everyone makes a check and if the majority
• Encourage players to think creatively and award advantage succeeds, the group succeeds.
when they present clever plans and ideas.
• The entire game can be run using the Target Number Table,
Reaction Table and Fate Table (all Page 7).


• Movement: Heroes can typically move 12 miles (2 hexes)
1. Scene: The referee presents the current scene to the per turn (half day).
players detailing their current location, environment • Point Crawl: Players can use a point crawl method to
and weather. follow known routes and mark the number of hexes
2. Decision: Players make a decision on their action for travelled.
that turn; each turn takes half a day. • Hex Exploration: Players can go off-route and move from
3. Travel Outcome: The consequences of actions (i.e. hex to hex. This may be slower (see terrain) and may
distance travelled) are determined. require navigation checks.
4. Encounter: A random encounter check is made at the • Terrain: Distance travelled will be affected by terrain.
end of each turn (morning & afternoon) and a further Increase this by x1.5 for good conditions (roads) or
check is made overnight. decrease by half for challenging conditions.
5. Time & Resources: Players can complete two major • Navigation: May be required when not following known
actions per day and typically rest overnight. routes (use wilderness checks to determine if players go off
route). Failure may result in heroes going off-route (failure)
or getting lost (critical failure).
• Forced March: This doubles the speed for the day but risks
THE WILDERNESS MAP exhaustion (use fortitude checks which get more difficult)
• The Wilderness Map is comprised of 6-mile hexes showing • Transport: Vehicles or mounts can be used to travel more
points of interest in the area and is used to track the quickly or overcome some terrain (i.e. water).
movement of heroes between different locations.
• Settlements are usually isolated and travelling through the PLAYER CHOICES
wilderness is considered perilous.
• Travelling unmarked routes presents risks of getting lost but • Set a target number for checks based on the weather and
may also reveal secrets of the land. terrain (i.e. foraging may be easy in a bountiful forest but
difficult when travelling the plains).
• Give the player opportunities to earn advantages to rolls
WEATHER through clever play (i.e. travelling safe routes or travelling
• Weather: Roll d20 on the Weather Table each day to more cautiously should reduce the chance of getting lost or
determine weather conditions. encounters).
• This outcome may the affect player’s actions (i.e. navigation, • Disadvantages could occur when players take risks (i.e.
movement or creating a hazard) as determined by the travelling through dangerous areas).
WILDERNESS ACTIONS • Time: Wilderness actions take half a day and players can
• Players may undertake one action per turn from the perform two actions per day (morning and afternoon) and
following options: rest overnight.
• Travel: Heroes may travel 12 miles (2 hexes) per turn • Resources: At the end of each day, food resources may be
• Exploration: Search a 6-mile area (1 hex) per turn (senses depleted. Water sources are assumed to be plentiful (i.e.
checks can be used to provide clues). streams, brooks, rivers) but this could vary in less
• Foraging: Gather foods from the land (use wilderness check hospitable environments.
to forage d4 days worth of nuts, berries and plants).
• Hunting: Hunt animals for food (use ranged combat check RANDOM ENCOUNTERS
to hunt d6 days worth of fresh meat). • Random Encounters: Random encounter checks are made
• Camping: Players must rest every night or they risk three times a day i.e. morning, afternoon, night (see
exhaustion and become impaired. Exhaustion can be Encounters).
recovered through rest.

d20 Spring Summer Autumn Winter
01 Rain Storm Thunderstorm Storm Winter Storm
02-03 Rain Extremely Hot Heavy Winds/Rain Heavy Winds
04-07 Overcast Very Warm Changeable (Next roll DIS) Freezing Cold
08-13 Clear Calm, Pleasant, Sunny Drizzle Changeable (Next roll DIS)
14-17 Clear, Cool Calm, Pleasant, Sunny Clear, Cool Cloudy, cold
18-19 Clear, Warm (Next roll ADV) Clear Skies (Next roll ADV) Dry, Cool Overcast
20 Beautiful (Next roll ADV) Beautiful (Next roll ADV) Clear Skies (Next roll ADV) Clear Skies (Next roll ADV)


1. Scene: The referee presents the current scene to the
players (i.e. a new area) giving players an opportunity to
ask questions.
2. Decision: Players make a decision on their next course
of action that turn.
3. Outcome: The consequences of these actions are
determined and gameplay moves to the next scene.
4. Time & Resources: Each turn takes 10 minutes, elapsed
time is marked and resources (i.e. torches) may be
5. Encounter: A random encounter check is made.


• Exploration covers situations when players are exploring • Ensure the players are aware they are facing a puzzle.
adventure sites. • Give the players clues to help them solve the puzzle,
• Keep the game flowing and try and avoid pausing the game telegraph these if necessary.
to check for rules. • Use skill checks to provide hints or clues but allow the
• Give the players decisions and opportunities to drive the player’s skill to solve the puzzle.
game forward. Constantly ask the players ‘What do you do?’ • Make progress (i.e. success or failure) obvious to the
and respond to their prompts. players. Failure is not an end-state just a prompt to try
something different.
• Players may undertake one action per turn as follows: TIME & RESOURCES
• Exploration: Heroes can explore one room/area. • Exploration turns take 10 minutes and heroes can
• Interact: Heroes may interact with an object, equipment or typically explore one room or small area per turn.
device (i.e. open a lock, break down a door, bandage some • If light sources are being used (i.e. torches or lanterns) then
wounds). these may be depleted over time.


• Players should indicate their marching order and • Random Encounters: Random encounter checks are made at
positioning when exploring although movement is tracked the end of each turn.
on an area to area (i.e. rooms) basis.
• Movement from area to area is considered part of the COMMON SKILLS CHECK TABLE
exploration turn. However, if rooms are located further
away or require some effort to get there (i.e. climbing/ Skill Description
descending) then this takes an extra turn. Agility Balance, sneak or dodge
Athletics Running, jumping, climbing, swimming
SEARCHING Fortitude Resist something physically
• Die rolls are not made for searching . Lore To get a hint about something
• If a hero is actively looking for something in the right area, Senses Perception tests
they will find it unless a specific action is required. Strength Test of might
Will Resist something mentally
• Will generally be telegraphed or obvious and can be HAZARDS & INJURY TABLE
overcome through player interaction. Hazard Impact
• Skill checks may be used to overcome/avoid hazards. Breathing Rising fortitude checks then damage
• The Common Skill Checks & Hazards & Injury Tables give Endurance Rising fortitude checks then damage
guidance on relevant skill checks and consequences.
Fall/Impact Scale damage roll from d4 to d20
Fire Scale damage roll from d4 to d20 per turn
Freezing Rising fortitude checks then impaired
Hunger/Thirst Fortitude checks, impaired, damage
Lightning Scale injury from d4 to d20
Thirst Fortitude checks, impaired, damage


• Dialogue takes place alongside any actions.
1. Reaction: Determine the opponent's reactions; this may • This can be role-played or described by the referee and
be planned or randomly determined. players. Player interactions should have a meaningful
2. Position: Determine the opponent's position; this may impact on the outcome.
be planned or randomly determined. • Skill checks can be used to help decide social interactions.
3. Surprise: Determine if either side is surprised based on • Command checks are typically used when the player is
the current situation or using an opposed senses or adopting an authoritative position.
agility (if one side is sneaking) check. • Guile checks are typically used when the player is adopting
4. Initiative: The sequence in which participants act by a tactical, diplomatic or cunning approach.
rolling a d20 + agility/monsters skill check acting from • Here, the referee can elect to grant advantage or
highest to lowest. disadvantage to the check if the player makes a convincing
5. Actions: May perform one action per turn, such as approach and/or role-plays the situation well.
moving, magic, combat or interacting with something. • As an alternative, social encounters can be completed using
role-playing and no dice rolling if you wish.
• For pro-longed interactions (such as negotiations) consider
the starting attitude and motivation of the opponent and
ENCOUNTERS break this interaction into a few meaningful exchanges (3
max) before you determine the final outcome which leads
• Encounters involve interactions with other NPCs, to a decision or action.
monsters or factions.
• The referee will determine the opponent’s reaction and
describe their reactions to the players. ENCOUNTER ACTIONS
• Each participant can perform one action during their turn,
TIME & RESOURCES common examples of actions are:
• Move/Fast Move: Move a range band or two (fast) to close
• An encounter is assumed to take 1 turn (10 mins) in total the distance between themselves and another person.
and resources may be depleted (i.e. torches). • Interact: Use an object or item as long as it can be
completed within a few seconds of time.
REACTION • Combat: See Combat section.
• Cast Spell: See Magic section.
• Reaction determines the opponent’s attitude based on the
planned nature of the encounter or the opponent’s current
motive for random encounters. INITIATIVE
• For random encounters, roll on the (or use Reaction Table) • Determines the order of actions and may be necessary
and interpret the result. when actions are taken against each other.
• Good outcomes may result in aid or negotiation (dialogue); • Each person rolls d20 + agility (or NPC/Monster skill) and
indifferent results may be avoidance and bad outcomes may acts from highest to lowest each turn.
result in hostility (combat). • Make group rolls for monsters of the same type.
• Opponent's reaction may change during the encounter
based on the player's actions or dialogue.
POSITION • Tactics and skill checks can be used to increase or decrease
the number of range bands between participants depending
• This determines where the opponents are situated when on the player’s actions.
they are first encountered. • When a party gets ‘far’ distance away, they escape.
• For planned encounters, the opponent's position will be • Monsters, heroes or NPCs who are particularly fast or slow
pre-determined based on their purpose within the will automatically catch up or escape.
• For random encounters, roll on the Reaction Table and
interpret the result. A poor outcome may result in an REPUTATION
ambush and a good outcome may allow a surprise action. • Reputation represents your heroes’ fame, good standing and
merit with factions, settlements or NPCs.
SURPRISE CHECK • This is tracked at the group level.
• Positive relationships are marked (+) and may offer
• Referee determines if either side is surprised based on the advantage whilst negative relationships are marked (-) and
current situation. result in disadvantage.
• An opposed senses check (both sides unaware) or an • Reputation changes over time it improves, declines or is
agility (party sneaking) vs. senses (unaware) is used. forgotten over time.
• If one side surprises the other they get a free turn to act
before initiative is determined.

• Players may undertake one action per half day from the
1. Scene: The referee presents the current scene to the following options:
players detailing their current location and options. • Rest: Gain advantage on overnight health recovery
2. Decision: Players make a decision on their next course overnight.
of action; each turn takes half a day. • Recruit: A hero can recruit followers (see Followers)
3. Outcome: The consequences of these actions are • Buy, Sell or Repair Equipment: Equipment availability is
determined and gameplay moves onto the next part of influenced by the settlement type.
the scene. • Rumours: Investigate new rumours (see Rumours)
4. Encounter: A random encounter check is made at the • Visit NPC, Faction or Service: This is likely to be a specific
end of each turn (morning & afternoon) and a further encounter (i.e. visit Church, Alchemist).
check is made overnight. • If a player does not take an action or simply wants to
5. Time & Resources: Players can complete two major explore the settlement, then a random encounter will take
actions per day and rest overnight. place.
• There is no need to track detailed movement within a


• Settlements are centres of population with a unique theme. • Random Encounters: Random encounter checks are made
They are generally isolated, governed locally and the three times a day i.e. morning, afternoon and night (see
population is generally wary of outsiders. Random Encounters).
• Settlements are a good opportunity to learn rumours and • The nature of these settlement encounters are generally
gain quests through interactions with NPCs or factions unlikely to be dangerous or threatening and will involve
and a place for heroes to rest, recover and re-equip between interaction with local NPCs, Factions or events.
adventures. • Random encounters are a great opportunity of presenting
• Settlements are also a good place to demonstrate the setting information, clues or consequences of previous events
outcomes and consequences of previous adventures. in the world.


• Time: Settlement actions take half a day and players can
perform two actions per day (morning and afternoon) and
typically rest overnight.
• Resources: At the end of each day, food resources may be
depleted or costs may be incurred where accommodation has
been paid for.


• Downtime covers events between adventures. Heroes can
1. Choose Activity. Players choose an activity to choose what activities to complete, this may grant benefits.
undertake from the Downtime Activity Table. • Each downtime activity takes a week for game time and
2. Activity Check. Make a skill check against the initial players are assumed to have spent 50sp on living expenses
target score and interpret the results according to the unless they are staying at their own property.
Downtime Activity Outcome Table. • When performing downtime activities, players must start at
3. Continue Activity? On a success (or critical success), the initial objective and can build to the next activity the
the player has the option to continue the activity for a next week if they pass the previous check.
further week at the next target level (i.e. 10) or they may • The Referee may award advantage or disadvantage based on
stop and choose another activity. the player’s approach, environment or situation.
• Players are free to role-play downtime activities if they wish.
Outcome Description Continue Activity Example. Lyssa the Rogue visits the City of Lanatus with 500sp
Critical Success Achieve the next benefit. Yes acquired from her last adventure. She decides to spend the week
Success Achieve the current benefit. Yes gambling 100sp (target 5, low stakes) and makes a sleight of hand
check (result 13), a success. She turns this into 150sp. Lyssa may
Failure Nothing achieved. No, start again
now elect to spend another week gambling at the medium stakes
Critical Failure Complication occurs. No, start again level (target 10, earns double her stake) or do something else.
Activity Objective/Benefit Complications
Buy/Sell/Upgrade Property 05 - Buy/sell or upgrade small property/land at village. • Increased cost
Command or Guile 10 - Buy/sell or upgrade medium property/land at town. • Negative reputation
15 - Buy/sell or upgrade large property/land at city. • Rival/Thieves Guild
15 - Buy/sell or upgrade huge property/land at city.
Buy/Sell Unusual Item 05 - Buy or sell common items (i.e. common treasures) at village. • Increased cost
Guile 10 - Buy or sell uncommon items (i.e. specialist items) at town. • Reveals activities
15 - Buy or sell rare items (i.e. components) at city. • Rival/Thieves Guild
20 - Buy or sell very rare items (i.e. artefacts) at city.
Crafting Craft items or create potions See crafting & alchemy rules
Alchemy or Crafting
Find Resources (What) 05 - Find and obtain common resources. • Increased cost
Various 10 - Find and obtain an uncommon component. • Rival
15 - Find and obtain a rare component. • Guardian
20 - Find and obtain a legendary component. • Threat
Gambling (Stake) 05 - Low stakes gamble at village 100sp max (earn stake + 50%). • Debt, Loss of item
Sleight of Hand 10 - Medium stakes gamble at town/castle 500sp max(earns stake x2). • Rival
15 - High stake gamble at city 2,000sp max (earns stake x3). • Addiction
20 - Outrageous game at city unlimited amount (earns stake x5).
Research Information (Subject) 05 - Learn something which is known to people. • Cost
Lore or Guile 10 - Learn something which is not well known. • Negative reaction
15 - Learn something that is hidden. • Rival
20 - Learn a secret. • Regress learning
Rest & Relaxation 05 - Recover all health points. • Slower health recovery
Fortitude 10 - Recover from an impaired condition. • Worsening condition
15 - Recovery from an incapacitated condition.
20 - Supreme health, gain d6 temporary bonus health for next adventure.
Service or Charity 05 - Perform simple chores for an individual. • Cost
Varies depending upon service 10 - Perform a service for a small group. • Negative reaction
15 - Perform a service for a faction or small settlement. • Negative reputation
20 - Perform a service for a settlement. • Rival
Shady Activity (Nature/Objective) 05 - Low stakes enterprise • Capture, punishment, fines
Agility, Open Locks, Sleight of Hand 10 - Medium stakes enterprise • Threat, injury
15 - High stake enterprise • Negative reputation
20 - Deadly enterprise • Rival/justice seeker
Train (Subject) 05 - Easy practice to learn/maintain a skill • Training regression
Skill Dependent 10 - Good practice for a particular skill, earn advantage on first use • Injury
15 - Hard practice for a particular skill, earn free skill re-roll • Negative reputation
20 - Extreme practice for a particular skill, increase skill die for adventure • Rival/competition
Travel/explore local region 05 - Wander the surrounding area. • Negative reaction
Wilderness Survival 10 - Explore a specific area and find a landmark. • Negative reputation
15 - Explore a specific area and find a small adventure site. • Rival
20 - Range into the wilderness and discovers a large adventure site. • Discover danger
Work/Jobs 05 - Perform easy jobs, incurs no expenses and earns d20 cp (per level) • Fail to earn coin
Varies depending on job 10 - Perform moderate jobs, incurs no expenses and earns d20 sp (per level) • Negative reaction
15 - Perform tough jobs, incurs no expenses and earns 2d20 sp (per level) • Injury
20 - Perform difficult jobs, incurs no expenses and earns 3d20 sp (per level) • Discover danger or threat


• Attacker may move a range band and attack.
1. Initiative: Roll d20 + agility/monster skill to determine • Attacker rolls d20 + melee or ranged talent vs. target’s
the order of actions from highest to lowest. defence score.
2. Action: Perform one action per combat turn which lasts • If the attacker equals or exceeds this check, they hit their
a few seconds. opponent and will proceed with a damage check.
3. Attack: Move a range band and attack. Roll d20 +
melee/ranged combat skill to equal or exceed a target’s
defence or use a special ability. CRITICAL SUCCESS/FAILURE
4. Damage: On a hit roll weapon damage and deduct this • A critical success attack does double damage.
from the target’s health. • A critical failure attack damages the attackers. If a critical
5. Impaired: Act at disadvantage when reduced to a third failure occurs again on a damaged weapon it is broken
of your health. beyond repair.
6. Death: Target defeated when health reaches zero.
Hero’s/named NPCs may roll on the Wounds Table.
COMBAT PRINCIPLES • All physical injury is scaled from d4 through d6, d8, d10,
d12 to d20 maximum.
• Combat is deadly and dangerous and may not always be • Roll weapon damage and deduct this from the target’s
the wisest course of action. health.
• Make the combat scene exciting by narrating the actions • Shield Break: Shields may be sacrificed to ignore damage
and outcomes. from one attack. This must be called before damage is
• Make the combat environment interactive and usable by rolled.
the players and opponents. • If health is reduced to a third, target is impaired and acts at
• Reward creative thinking and good tactical play by disadvantage.
awarding advantage (i.e. flanking, cover, terrain use). • If health is reduced to zero, the target is dead.
• Aim to keep most combat encounters fast and furious. • Heroes and named NPCs may roll on the Wounds Table
• When the outcome of a combat scenario is clearly in the instead of death.
heroes’ favour, then fast forward to the end scene.


• This determines the order of actions in combat. • If two people are in melee combat and one wishes to move
• Each combatant rolls d20 + agility or NPC/monster skill. away, the opponent may bring forward their next action to
• Combatants act from highest to lowest each turn. attack before the person moves away.
• Make group rolls for monsters of the same type to speed up
gameplay. MORALE
• This is the monster’s/NPC’s likeliness of persisting in battle.
COMBAT ACTIONS • Check at the end of a turn after a morale trigger (see Morale
• Combatants may take one action per turn as follows: Triggers Table)
• Attack; move a range band and attack or attack and move. • Roll d20 + will/monster skill versus target 10; fight on a
• Press (melee); attack a person at advantage but next attack success; flee or surrender on a failure.
received from this person also at advantage. • Increase the target number by 5 for each subsequent check
• Block (melee); disadvantage on attacks made and received in the same encounter.
from one person until the next turn. • Make group rolls for monsters of the same type.
• Fast Move; move two range bands instead of one.
• Use Item; use a readied item or pick up an item.
• Use Ability; cast a spell or use a class ability. MORALE TRIGGERS TABLE
• Disarm; make a melee weapon attack against an opponent Morale Check Triggers
of your size or smaller at disadvantage. On a success, you Reduced to half health or numbers
knock the opponent’s weapon from their grasp which
scatters in a random direction. Leader has been killed
• Grapple; initiate against an opponent of your size or Facing a great fear
smaller or break existing grapple by making a successful Battle is nearly lost
Strength check vs. opposed Strength or Agility check
(opponent's choice). Grapple prevents an opponent from
moving but does not preclude them from attacking. A
grappled opponent can be forcibly moved up to half the
aggressor's range movement.


• The combat grid is a simple tool which the referee can use
to manage a combat situation. • Falrak the Brave, Human Warrior (LVL 1 | HLT 13 |
• It is not intended to provide an accurate measurement DEF 12 | Melee d4 | Leather Armour, Shield, Spear d6,
system but does allow the referee to assess the movement Shortsword d6 - both readied) is exploring a crypt.
and distance of participants easily. • He encounters two Zombies (LVL 1 | HLT 3 | DEF 6 | SKL
• The combat grid acts like a chess board with each square of n/a | Bite d4, Disease Bite, Slow, Undead, Fearless) who
the grid representing one range band. moan and move towards him in a threatening manner.
• Place parties on the grid according to where they appear Zombie 1 is at medium range and Zombie 2 is at long
during an encounter. range.
• During combat, you can move each participant to a • Everyone rolls d20 + agility to see who acts first. The
different square based on their movement. Zombies are slow and roll at disadvantage.
• When players are within the same square they can engage in • The results and sequence of actions are Falrak (13) and a
melee combat. group roll is made for the Zombies (5).

Round 1
• Falrak elects to hold his position and throw his spear at
(F) Falrak the Warrior is facing • He rolls a d20 (no ranged skill bonus) and gets a 17, a
two Zombies. critical hit.
(Z1) Zombie 1 is 2 squares • He rolls d6 damage (4) and doubles it for a result of 8.
away at medium range. The spear takes the Zombie straight through the brain and
Z1 (Z2) Zombie 2 is 3 squares it crumples onto the ground dead.
away at long range. • Zombie 2 is not an intelligent creature and acts on
instinct, the referee decides it will fast move (2 range
Z2 bands) towards Falrak. Zombie 2 is now only 1 range
band away from Falrak.
RANGE BAND TABLE • That is the end of the first round.
d20 Range Band & Distance Round 2
01 Melee, close range (5ft), reach range (10ft) • Falrak moves a range band into the same square as
02-03 Short (30ft) Zombie 2 and attacks. As his shortsword is a readied item
04-06 Medium (60ft) he can use this as part of his action.
07-10 Intermediate (90ft) • Falrak rolls a d20 + melee skill of d4 and gets a 5, a miss.
• The referee decides that Zombie 2 will use its Diseased
11-14 Long (120ft) Bite attack. This is an encounter ability which can only be
15-17 Far (240ft) used a number of times equal to the Zombies level which
18-19 Distant (Greater than 240ft) is 1.
20 Escaped notice, perhaps some signs of opponent • Zombie 2 rolls a d20 (no skill bonus) and gets a 15, a hit.
• As the Zombies festering jaws look to sink into Falrak, he
brings up his shield into the Zombies mouth and sacrifices
it (shield break) to avoid any damage.
• Falraks defence score is reduced to 10 as he has lost his

Round 3
• Falrak decides to press and attack aggressively (attacks at
advantage but the Zombie will attack Falrak at
advantage) hoping to end the encounter quickly.
• Falrak rolls a d20 + melee skill of d4 and gets a 17, a
critical hit.
• He rolls d6 damage (5) and doubles it for a result of 10.
He skewers the second Zombie with a swipe of his sword,
killing the creature instantly.
• Falrak has survived the encounter but unfortunately lost
his shield in the melee and must be a little more cautious
as he explores the crypt further.


the additional effect (impairment to incapacitation to
• The table below summarises typical afflictions, effects and
skill checks required to avoid them. Sample target numbers
are provided or use the monsters attack roll.


• The corruption mechanic can be used as a system to
support a specific narrative (i.e. use by exception) of a
hero succumbing to some theme (i.e. chaos, sanity).
• Each theme has 5 levels starting from 1 (no ill effects) to 5
(total corruption). The referee should create the specific
corruption theme and effects for each level.
• The referee should present some interesting choices to the
players with the hero gaining 1-3 (minor, medium, major)
corruption points each time they perform a task linked to
the theme (i.e. using dark powers).
HEALTH • At the end of each adventure, the player rolls a d20 will
• Health represents the amount of physical injury (or stress check to beat the current number of points.
through spell-casting) someone can sustain before dying • On a success, the hero loses d4 (or will skill die whichever is
when this reaches 0. higher) number of points of corruption.
• If a hero is reduced to 0 health or less through stress they • On a failure, the hero gains a new level of corruption (i.e. 1
fall unconscious for 1 turn/encounter (10 mins). > 2 > 3) which should result in a change to the player and
• When someone is reduced to a third of their health, they corruption points are then reset to zero.
are impaired (act at disadvantage). • When a player reaches level 5, they are assumed to have
• Heroes/VIP NPCs may survive death by rolling on the been fully corrupted by the theme.
Wounds Table, this can result in a permanent wound. • The referee should provide opportunities for the player to
• Someone suffering a wound will be knocked unconscious reduce their hero’s level of corruption (i.e. cleansing, holy
for the encounter but returns at 1 health. quests).


• Tore the Priest (d4 will) is tempted by the use of chaos
• Injuries can be healed using bandages, medicines, potions
spells. He accrues 1 corruption point per spell used.
or magic (see equipment descriptions).
• At the end of the adventure, Tore has used 10 chaos spells
• Overnight rest heals d4 health or your fortitude skill die/
(10 points). He makes a will check (result 8) which is not
monsters skill die (whichever is higher).
sufficient to resist and he gains a chaos corruption level
• Bandages can only be applied once per combat encounter
and some consequence described by the referee.
immediately after the combat has ended.
• Health lost through spell-casting is only recovered through
overnight rest or magical means. AFFLICTIONS TABLE
Nature Weak Check
CONDITIONS Poison, Weak d4 damage, impaired Fortitude 10
• Conditions cover a range of status effects which can affect Poison, Normal d8 damage, incapacitated Fortitude 15
someone for a period of time. Poison, Strong d12 damage, death Fortitude 20
• Someone who is impaired acts at disadvantage. Disease, Weak d4 damage, impaired Fortitude 10
• Someone who is incapacitated is unable to act. Disease, Normal d8 damage, impaired Fortitude 15
• Conditions may be resisted or recovered from through
criteria such as time, rest, cure or a skill check. Disease, Strong d12 damage, impaired Fortitude 20
Paralysis, Weak d4 damage, impaired Fortitude 10
AFFLICTIONS Paralysis, Normal d8 damage, incapacitated Fortitude 15
• This refers to the effects of things such as poison, paralysis, Paralysis, Strong d12 damage, incapacitated Fortitude 20
petrification and freezing for example. Petrification, Weak d4 damage, impaired Fortitude 10
• Afflictions may cause stated health damage (i.e. d4, d6, d8
etc). Petrification, Normal d4 damage, incapacitated Fortitude 15
• Afflictions may also cause the target to suffer an additional Petrification, Strong d4 damage, turned to stone Fortitude 20
effect such as impairment, incapacitation or death unless Freezing, Weak d4 damage, impaired Fortitude 10
they can make a skill check. Freezing, Normal d8 damage, incapacitated Fortitude 15
• Repeated use of afflictions may also increase the threat of Freezing, Strong d4 damage, stasis Fortitude 20




• Heroes may be rewarded for completing quests. • Distribution of treasure is organised by the players
• This may take the form of payment of coins, equipment, between surviving members of the party.
services or information. • Players will typically receive a full share of any treasure and
• The referee should be clear to the players on potential Non-Player Characters (NPC) typically receive a half share
rewards and success criteria at the start of an adventure. of treasure.
• Failing to adequately compensate an NPCs may cause ill
feelings or conflict.
• Experience points are awarded for completing quests,
exploring, encounter challenges and finding treasure and
artefacts. Achievement XP
• Experience points are awarded at the end of the adventure Complete a side-quest 5
when heroes have reached a place of safety. Complete an adventure quest 20
• Experience points are totalled and divided between all Complete a campaign quest 50
party members. Heroes earn a full share with half-shares
Explored a point of interest 1
awarded to non-player characters or half-shares are
allocated away to deceased party members to account for Explored an adventure site (per level) 3
their contribution. Successful encounter (per group/level) 1
Artefact or treasure item found 1
• Favours may be gained for completing quests from the
person who has benefited from its completion.
• Players can build a list of favours to call upon in the future.
• This provides an opportunity for interaction with other
NPCs and factions in the setting.




ADVENTURE ELEMENTS puzzles and traps.

• Treasure; objects of value players can find during an
• This chapter provides the referee with procedures for
adventure that includes scrap, loot and valuable treasure.
creating an adventure.
• Artefacts; unusual items of power from a distant age. They
• Each adventure is comprised of different elements (or
can range from; rare, epic and legendary items.
building blocks) which are pieced together and can be
• Resources & Components; raw materials with special
interacted with by the players; these pieces are described
properties that can be used for crafting and alchemy.
further as follows:
• Wilderness Map; the regional area of the Fallen Lands
where the adventures take place and used to mark points of ADVENTURE CREATION PRINCIPLES
interest and track wilderness travel. • Minimise Setup Time: By keeping information, short,
• Settlements; centres of population offering rest and respite concise and to the point and creating information as needed
between adventures. They are a good source of rumours, on a session-to-session basis.
equipment and assistance. • Relationships: Create, develop, layer and link individual
• Rumours; an evolving list of rumours, truths and adventure elements to create relationships; complexity and
falsehoods. A rumour table provides adventure hooks, ideas potential consequences when the players interact with these
or background information to the players. elements.
• Quests; the objective of the adventure which is used to • 3 Information Layers: Many of the descriptions are
drive the player’s motivations and reward success when they formatted on the principles of appearance; discoverable
are completed. The outcome of quests should have and secret information; the first is obvious appearance; the
consequences in the setting. second is information that can easily be discovered and the
• Adventure Site; where the adventure takes place and third is hidden or secret information (i.e. must be
usually located away from settlements, requires exploration, investigated or found).
may contain dangerous inhabitants or challenges but may • Make it your Own: Use these tools as inspiration to create a
contain treasures and rewards. setting or adventure but feel free to amend details to your
• Random Encounters; potential encounters that may occur liking.
if the players tarry for too long.
• Monsters; monsters, creatures, animals and other denizens
that may lurk in the wilderness or adventure site.
• NPCs; people players may meet. They may have different
motivations or purposes.
• Followers; people who may join or follow the heroes on
their quest.
• Challenges; obstacles the players will interact with and
overcome during an adventure and can include hazards,




• This represents a zoomed-in view of a specific region of the 1. Elevation: Use the dice drop method and draw a circular
Fallen Lands and shows; major geographical features, shape around the dice result as follows; 1-3 (Small); 4-6
settlements, travel routes and points of interest. (Medium); 7-9 (Large) and 10+ (Huge).
• The wilderness map is divided into 6-mile hexes to help 2. Merge Shapes: Where these shapes are close or overlap,
measure distance and movement. merge them together to form a larger shape.
• The map should be shared with the players but will only 3. Contour Lines: For higher numbered areas, draw
show points of interest they know at the start. additional contour lines inside the initial shape to represent
higher terrain.
WILDERNESS MAP PRINCIPLES 4. Rivers: Use the dice drop method and mark the result as
follows; 1-3 (River); 4-6 (River splits); 7-9 (Small lake or
• Isolated Settlements: The Fallen Lands has only recently River splits) and 10+ (Large Lake or multiple tributaries).
(last few decades) exited a dark age period. Settlements are 5. Connect Rivers: Starting from the highest point on the map
typically isolated surviving with local trade connections. (i.e. a hill or mountain as water flows from high to low
• Perilous Travel: The lands between settlement is typically ground) connect the river numbers to form a long
lawless and can be inhabited by beasts and outlaws. meandering river with tributaries and lakes.
• Primeval Wilderness: Since the dark ages, the wilderness 6. Wilderness Forests: Use the dice drop method and draw a
has been gradually creeping and covering old routes from circular shape as follows; 1-3 (Small); 4-6 (Medium); 7-9
the days of the Empire and are unlikely to have been (Large) and 10+ (Huge).
maintained. 7. Merge Forests: Where these shapes are close or overlap,
• Secrets to Discover: The land contains many lost secrets merge them together to form larger shapes.
such as adventure sites, settlements and other points of 8. Points of Interest: Use the dice drop method and mark the
interest from the time of the Empire and earlier. These dice result number. Roll on the Points of Interest Table to
details may be unearthed through rumours, quests or generate a specific detail. Give each point of interest a
exploration during gameplay. numeric reference and create a table and name of these
WILDERNESS MAP SETUP 9. Settlement: Select a point on the map (or use a point of
• Tools: You will require, A4 hex paper, a set of polyhedral interest) for your starting settlement.
dice (d4 to d20), a pencil and eraser. 10. Paths: Connect points of interest with a dashed line to
• Dice Drop: Where prompted; drop or roll a set of represent a track or path. Use the dice drop numbers to
polyhedral dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 & d20) so they connect these as follows; odd to even number (connect
randomly fall on the A4 paper. directly); even to even number (connect indirectly via
• Scale: Where prompted to draw a shape on the map, use the another point of interest); odd to odd number (do not
following scale; Small (2cm); Medium (4cm); Large (6cm) connect, path does not exist).
and Huge (8cm) (Thumb width = 2cm). 11. Review Checklist: Review the Wilderness Map Checklist
and add d6 features from each column. Mark each item
with a numeric reference and add the table of names.
12. Review & Refine: Add, delete or change details on your
map as you wish.



d20 Point of Interest Type d20 Feature 1 (Add) Feature 2 (Add)
01-05 Construction 01 A hidden settlement A food source
06-10 Landmark 02 An old ruin A water source
11-15 Geography 03 An adventure site A landmark
16-20 Terrain 04 An abandoned church A secret trail
05 A monument Choice of paths
06 An abandoned castle Interesting Flora or Fauna
07 A place somewhere up Insect, Vermin Rodent
08 A place below Area for small animals
09 A monsters lair Area for large animals
10 An unused but known trail A natural resource
11 An abandoned settlement A secret resource
12 An old shrine/marker Impassable terrain
13 A dangerous shortcut An environmental hazard
14 A treasure vault A natural obstacle
15 A campsite An unusual natural feature
16 A hostile area A haunted/magic area
17 Area where monster hides Blocked pass/route
18 Area where monster hunts Unusual weather area
19 A place where people help Difficult terrain
20 A place where people trade Transport Route


d20 Description Construction d20 Description Landmark
01 Abandoned, Derelict Abandoned Structure 01 Abandoned Ancient Ruin
02 Beautiful, Pleasant Bridge, Tunnel 02 Ancient, Old Bridge, Pass, Gate
03 Buried, Obscure Building, Outpost 03 Cursed. Haunted Buried Ruin
04 Burnt-out, Destroyed Cairn, Burial Site 04 Desolate, Blight Catacomb, Tomb
05 Colossal, Huge Campsite 05 Enchanted Creeping Growth
06 Decayed, Ruined Catacombs, Tomb 06 Famous, Infamous Deep Sinkhole, Chasm
07 Expensive, Rich Caves, Cavern 07 Flooded Deserted Keep
08 Hidden, Disguised City, Citadel 08 Gigantic, Colossal Dungeon, Underground
09 Infested, Over-run Den, Lair, Hideout 09 Haven, Safe Huge Skeletal remains
10 Modest, Humble Dungeon, Underground 10 Hidden Infested Structure
11 New, Repaired Hamlet, Thorpe 11 Hostile Old Trail, Road
12 Occupied, Busy Mines, Sewer 12 Ice, Hot Old Wall
13 Ornate, Elegant Monument, Statue 13 Impassible Overgrown Town
14 Poor, Run-down Old Battle Site 14 Makeshift Portal, Rift
15 Quiet, Haunted Ruins 15 Mountainous River Rapids
16 Small, Tiny Stronghold, Castle 16 Mysterious Rock Formations, Pillars
17 Spacious, Vast Temple, Church 17 Natural, Un-natural Settlement Camp, Tribe
18 Strange, Non-Human Tower, Watch Tower 18 New, Repaired Standing Stones, Menhir
19 Thriving, Busy Town 19 Occupied Waterfall, Spring, Pool
20 Ugly, Sprawling Village 20 Overgrown, Wild Wreckage


d20 Description Geography d20 Description Terrain
01 Abundant, Many Hostile Area, Wild Animal 01 Arctic, Frosty Scorched Lands, Blight
02 Alien, Strange Darkness, Shadowlands 02 Barren, Open, Crater, Depression, Basin
03 Arid, Dry Dangerous Plants 03 Buried, Underground Jungle, Rainforest
04 Barren, Desolate Blight, Desert, Deposits 04 Burning, Blasted Desert, Sands
05 Buried, Secret Treacherous Route 05 Craggy, Rugged Marshlands, Moors
06 Crumbling, Ruined Subterranean 06 Dead, Drying Rocky, Arid
07 Dense, Overgrown Hazardous terrain 07 Dusky, Dark Swamplands, Mudlands
08 Enchanting, Sorcerous Ancient Ruins 08 Exotic, Weird Light Wood
09 Far Flung, Distant Old Trails, Path 09 Hostile, Inhabited River, Wetlands
10 Flooded, Wet Gas Crater, Geysers 10 Humid, Hot Plains, Scrublands
11 Jagged, Rugged Mist, Cloud, Fog 11 Impassable, Dense Hills, Rolling Hill range
12 Lush, Breathtaking Plateau, Cliff 12 Lush, Beautiful Dense Forest
13 Misty, Hidden Caves, Caverns 13 Mystical, Misty Dark Forest
14 Parched, Blazing Giant Trees, Forests 14 Natural, Complex Dead Forest
15 Safe, Haven Ridge, Hill, Mesa, Peak 15 Overgrown, Primeval Valley, Canyons
16 Threatening, Dangerous Unusual Flora/Fauna 16 Rough, Rugged Grasslands, Savannah
17 Towering, Colossal Hidden Valley 17 Sparse, Featureless Lake, Underground Lake
18 Vast, Deep Waterfall, Pool 18 Treacherous, Dangerous Mountains
19 Visible, Obvious Wild Magic 19 Uninhabitable, Rotten Volcano
20 Windswept, Stormy Feywild, Enchanted Forest 20 Wild, Creeping Lost City area




• Theme: Settlements should each have a strong theme. 1. Settlement Type: Roll d20 on Settlement Type Table to
However, they are generally isolated, governed locally and determine the type, number of factions and districts.
generally wary of outsiders. 2. Settlement Tags: Roll 3d20 on the Settlement Tags Table to
• Relationships: Link settlement tags and features to different determine the settlement’s prosperity, population and law
elements of your setting to start to develop interactions to status.
bring the world to life. 3. Settlement Name: Roll 2d20 on the Settlement Name Table
• Change: Settlement will change based on player to create a name or choose your own.
interactions and outcomes of adventures should have visible 4. Settlement Features: Roll 4d20 on the Settlement Features
consequences (good or bad). Table and note this information.
5. Settlement Factions: Based on the settlement type, roll
SETTLEMENT DESCRIPTION 2d20 to determine factions and note these.
6. Settlement Districts: Based on the settlement type, roll
• Settlements details are recorded in an abbreviated format 2d20 on the Settlement Districts Table to determine the
using [tags] for ease of use, as follows: nature of these.
• Settlement Name; name of settlement. 7. Points of Interest: For each settlement theme, faction or
• Settlement Type; type such as village or town. district write down a point of interest such as a place,
• Prosperity; financial state of the settlement. service, landmark, building or NPC name. You can also add
• Population; size of population. common services such as a tavern or a place of worship.
• Law; the state of law and order in the settlement. 8. Description: Write three bullet points considering all of the
• Features; a list of [tags] which describes different features of above information to provide; settlement description;
the settlement. discoverable information and secret information.
• Notable Factions; a list of notable factions. • Additional details such as Non-Player Characters, Rumours
• Districts; a list of different districts within the settlement and Random Encounters will be added in subsequent
applicable to larger settlements only. sections.
• Description; three bullet points which cover; settlement
description; discoverable information and secret
• Points of Interest; a list of individual places, shops, services • Use a blank sheet of paper to draw an outline shape of the
or landmarks. settlement.
• Draw a line to mark any major routes into or out of the
Additional information may be added to the description: settlement.
• Map; a diagram of the settlement marked with districts; and • Mark any points of interest on the map.
points of interest. • Mark the borders of any districts with a dashed line.
• Random Encounters; a list of random encounters.
• Non-Player Characters; a list of individual key NPCs.
• Notes; bullet points to describe additional information such
as player interactions.



d20 Type Factions Districts d20 Prefix (Choose 1) Suffix (Choose 1)
01 Ruins N/A N/A 01 Alden or Ox bridge or tower
02-03 Isolated Building N/A N/A 02 Avon or Burn bury or burgh
04-06 Thorpe/Farmhouse N/A N/A 03 Crag or Hope dale or dunne
07-09 Hamlet d2 N/A 04 Cul or Caer fall or field
10-12 Small Village d2 d2 05 Din or Dun Ford or firth
13-15 Large Village d4 d4 06 East or West gate or gar
16-17 Small Town d4 d4 07 Fern or Fell ham or hunt
18 Large Town d6 d6 08 Guth or Gwyn haven or stead
19 Castle/Outpost d4 d4 09 Hal or Had Holt or ham
20 City d8 d8 10 Horn or Holm mere or more
11 Hurst or Weald ridge or hill
SETTLEMENT TAGS TABLE 12 Kings or Queens river or brook
d20 Prosperity Population Law 13 Lang or Long shire or shore
01 Destitute Abandoned Lawless 14 Lock or Lych stone or ster
02-03 Poor Low None 15 Mat or Moss thorpe or worth
04-07 Frugal Shrinking Militia (volunteers) 16 Nor or Win ton or tun
08-13 Moderate Average Sheriff/Guard 17 North or South vale or valley
14-17 Affluent Growing Watch 18 Port or Pen wald or wych
18-19 Wealthy High Garrison 19 Tarn or Mere ward or well
20 Rich Booming Military Rule 20 White or Green wood or worth


d20 History Leadership Geography Influence
01 Ancestral Lands Anarchy, no leader Adventure Site Blight, Contamination, Toxic
02 Ancient Ruins Site Criminal organisation Ancient Ruins Crafting, Manufacturing, Arts
03 Asylum/Safety Democracy, people Barrow, Cairns, Graveyard Culture, Decadence, Tradition
04 Cultural, Arts Elders, wise ones Caves, Subterranean Discovery, Secret
05 Defence/Outpost Elected councillors Dungeon, Catacomb. Tomb Enchanted, Cursed, Haunted
06 Enchanted, Magic Family or Clan Forest, Wood, Dark Forest Exotic, Unusual, Taboo
07 Fertile Lands/Farming Front for something Fortifications, Defences Guilds, Trade, Enterprise
08 Hidden location Hereditary leader Geographical Feature Healthy, Lively, Vigorous
09 Historic Location Hero, leader Monsters Lair, Den Hero, Famous Person
10 Landmark/Tourist Influential councillors Monument, Structure Lawful, Military Presence
11 Lawful, Rules Mayor, Leader elected Mountain, Hills Lawless, Criminal, Notorious
12 Manufacturing/Service Noble, Lord family Natural Landmark Monster, Outlaws
13 Market/Trade People, no leadership Resource (Materials) Neighbour, Rivalry
14 Religious, Holy Representatives Resources (Animal/Plant) Non-Human Influence
15 Resources (Materials) Ruling class or role River, Lake, Pool, Port Plague, Illness
16 Resources (Animal/Plant) Secret, Hidden power Sacred, Religious, Temple Poor, Destitute
17 Secret/Front Sheriff of the people Theatre, Arena Religious, Holy, Cult
18 Settlers/Expansion Theocracy, Church Trade, Manufacturing Safe Haven, Peaceful
19 Transport Route/Travel Warlord, Military leader Tunnels, Bridge Settlement Dependency
20 Roll Twice Wealthy aristocracy Weather feature Trade, Market, Enterprise


d20 Notable Faction Attitude d20 District Status
01 Farmers, Fishermen Friendly, Kind, Trusting 01 Academic, Learning, Abandoned, Ruined, Ancient
02 Locals Sociable, Welcoming 02 Ancient Site, Historic Bleak, Creepy, Dull, Desolate
03 Shop Keepers Optimistic, Content, Happy 03 Art, Literature, Theatre Charming, Quaint, Rural
04 Merchants Wealth, Healthy, Rich 04 Culture, Monument Crowded, Busy, Cosmopolitan
05 Clergy Law-abiding, Peaceful, Honest 05 Entertainment, Inns, Cultured, Beautiful, Stunning
06 Nobility Noble, Humble, Modest 06 Geographical Feature Cursed, Haunted
07 Landowners Reserved, Considered, Loyal 07 Graveyard, Hazardous Dangerous, Risky, Volatile
08 Craftsmen Passionate, Pious, Dedicated 08 Guilds, Warehouse Enchanting, Fascinating
09 Serfs, Commoners Talkative, Gossip, Rumours 09 Market, Trade Famous, Infamous
10 Watch, Militia, Knights Cultured, Traditional 10 Military, Law, Barracks Large, Huge, Vast, Sprawling,
11 Entertainers Indifferent, Ignorant 11 Noble, Royalty, Estates New, Modern, Contemporary
12 Rogues, Vagabonds Unfriendly, Biased, Suspicious 12 Poor, Slums, Hovels Nightmarish, Ugly, Grotesque
13 Horseman, Handlers Selfish, Reclusive, Isolated 13 Port, Dockside Notorious, Criminal, Lawless
14 Outlaws, Poachers Oppressed, Downtrodden 14 Public Amenity, Park Peaceful, Quiet, Safe
15 Miners, Woodmen Poor, Poverty, Illness 15 Racial Groups, Ethnic Prosperous, Wealthy, Affluent
16 Traders, Peddlers Corrupt, Dishonest, Notorious 16 Religious, Temple Religious, Holy, Sacred
17 Clerks, Stewards Decadent, Pompous 17 Residential Run-Down, Poor, Deprived
18 Sellswords, Guards Fearful, Worried, Excitable 18 Underground, Sewers Small, Hidden, Compact
19 Youth, Youngsters Secretive, Mysterious 19 Water, River, Lake Toxic, Hazardous, Polluted
20 Elders, Sages Jealous, Hostile 20 Wealth, Finance Vibrant, Bustling, Busy, Lively


• Rumours can provide players with information about • Consider developing the rumour table further by adding
adventure hooks, clues, setting details, events, NPCs or three layers of information starting with; the rumour;
factions activities. leading to discoverable information and then to secret
• A rumour table is used to document this information and information
contains the description of the rumour and a note of its • This gives the players an opportunity to discover more
credibility (true, false or unknown). Information should be information through questions, investigation, interactions
short and concise. and role-playing and adds a level of depth to your game.
• The rumour table is controlled and managed by the referee
and is a living breathing document which develops over
time with new rumours being added and old rumours being RUMOUR EXAMPLE
forgotten. • Darren the Referee, decides to create a rumour. He rolls
• Rumour tables can be created for regions, specific 4d20 on the Rumour Generator Table and gets the
settlements, factions or even NPCs. following results; 7 (Subject - Faction), 4 (Event - Defeat/
Overcome) 10 (Object - Legendary Monster) and 5
CREATING RUMOURS (Complication - Environment Challenge).
• Using these results, he decides that an Order of Knights
1. Rumours: Create batches of 6 rumours (3 false, 2 true and 1 were spotted passing through a settlement recently. It is
unknown) believed they grievously wounded a legendary Dragon
2. Generate Rumour: Roll 4d20 on the Rumour Generator which fled to Whitepeak Mountains to die. Groups of
Tables and use these results to create an idea for a rumour. travellers now seek to make an expedition up the
3. Truth: Mark if it’s true (T), false (F) or unknown (?). mountain to search for its rumoured treasure.
• Try and link rumours to different adventure elements (i.e. • The referee can use this rumour as background
quests, locations, NPC’s, factions) so these are interlinked information (the roads are busy with travellers heading
towards Whitepeak Mountains), encounters (Treasure
USING RUMOURS Hunters, Knights) or even a quest (Find the treasure).
• Create new rumours before the start of an adventure to
provide possible clues, hooks or side-quests. REFEREE TIP
• After each adventure, update, amend or delete rumours • At the end of an adventure, ask each player to come up
based on events which transpired, player suggestions and with a rumour based on the events of the last adventure.
consequences of the adventure. Write these down as potential plot hooks for the future.
• Add something to the rumour table whenever you have that
spark of imagination.
• During an adventure give players opportunities to glean
information from the rumour table by engaging with NPCs
or factions.
• Rumour tables may exist at a world, regional or local level
depending upon the scope of these tales.


d20 Subject Event Object Complication
01 A Species Build, Construct A Species Another threat
02 Adventure Site Conflict, Peace Adventure Site Bigger picture/threat
03 Building, Place Created, Destroyed Building, Place Bounty
04 Component Defeat, Overcome Component Enemy of my enemy
05 Environment Escape, Flee Equipment Environment challenge
06 Equipment, Object Find, Rescue Faction Equipment Issue
07 Faction Knowledge, Discovery Group of Monsters Faction opposed
08 Group of Monsters Life, Death Hero Guarded, Trapped
09 Hero Opportunity, Idea Landmark Illness, Disease
10 Landmark Prevent, Stop Legendary Monster Location not known
11 Legendary Monster Prophecy, Vision Magic Not what it seems
12 Magic Protect, Defend Monster Resource Issue
13 Monster Pursuit, Hunted NPC Rival
14 NPC Retrieve, Secure Region Some betrayal
15 Place Reunion, Meeting Religion Subject in several parts
16 Religion Ritual, Summoning Resource Subject is a secret, evil
17 Resource Search, Find Settlement Subject is hidden
18 Settlement Secret, Hidden Valuable Item Time Limit
19 Treasure Theft, Loss, Dispose Weapon/Armour Wild magic
20 Weapon/Armour Travel, Journey Weather Wilderness exploration


• Quests represent the goals of the adventure and should be
the primary driver of player actions and are categorised as
• Side quests; goals completed within an adventure or a
single session, worth 5xp.
• Adventure quests; goals completed within 1-3 sessions,
worth 20xp.
• Campaign quests; goals completed within 1-3 adventures,
worth an additional 50xp.
• Multiple quests can exist at the same time and may have
completion conditions (i.e. time limits).
• Quests can be revealed before or during the adventure and
may occasionally change in nature (i.e. the plot twist). Use CREATING QUESTS
this device sparingly, however. 1. Create Quest: Roll 4d20 on the Quest Generator Tables to
• The outcome of quests should have some consequence in generate an idea for a quest.
the world setting after the adventure. 2. Quest Description: Write one sentence to describe the
quest’s objectives in clear terms, detailing any success
QUEST ELEMENTS criteria (i.e. Retrieve the Holy Staff of Suunos from the Tomb
• Quests should compromise of the following elements: of the Damned).
• Goal: A clear objective so the players understand the 3. Add Side Quests: Create a couple of side-quests linked to
success criteria, rewards and consequences of failure. the main quest description and write these in bullet point
• Motivation: A reason why the heroes should undertake the format (i.e. Find the Tomb of the Damned, Defeat the
quest (i.e. why do they care and are the rewards sufficient?). Guardian of the Holy Staff).
• Information: Give players an opportunity to learn
additional information which helps them and further CHARACTER QUESTS (OPTIONAL)
invests them in the quest. • Character quests are designed for individual heroes where
• Challenges: The quest should involve a number of the reward will be a special ability beyond the confines of
challenges the players have to overcome including, the the level progresses system (i.e. a one-off benefit such as
adventure site, challenges (i.e. traps, hazards, puzzles) and additional health, skill mastery or a class ability).
adversaries. These will be expanded upon further in this • These quests should be considered a way of uniquely
chapter. customising your hero but not over-powering them. They
are limited to one per character and can be earned when a
hero reaches level 5.
• Completing a character quest should be considered similar
to a campaign quest taking a number of adventures and is
worth 50xp for the group.


d20 Objective Subject Theme Complication
01 Find, Track Known person Diseased, Infected Urgency, Time limit
02 Reach, Infiltrate Rumoured person Hazardous Rival heroes
03 Capture, Arrest Unknown or new person Secret, Wilderness Opposing Faction
04 Escape, Survive Returning person Ancient, Old Potential betrayal
05 Defend, Protect Known place Corrupted, Chaotic Wayward nature
06 Defeat, Usurp Rumoured place Guarded, Fortified Wild or Chaos magic
07 Search, Explore Unknown or new place Holy, Blessed Whole picture
08 Destroy, Sabotage Returning place Haunted, Undead Environmental issue
09 Learn, Spy Known object Infested, Lair Monsters guarding
10 Hide, Forget Rumoured object Wild, Overgrown Hidden location
11 Rescue, Save Unknown or new object Hidden, Obscured Wilderness exploration
12 Investigate, Talk to Discovered object Destroyed, Ravaged Subject is hidden
13 Restore, Help Known faction Protected, Trapped Subject in several parts
14 Kill, Assassinate Rumoured faction Occupied, Captured Resource constraint
15 Stop, Delay Unknown, new faction Scavenged, Looted Another threat
16 Reveal, Expose Returning faction Deep, Subterranean The subject is a secret
17 Deliver, Escort Known monster Ruined, Decayed Bounty on the subject
18 Retrieve, Collect Rumoured monster Rebuilt, New Common enemy
19 Persuade, Convert Unknown, new monster Buried, Flooded Evil or chaotic subject
20 Roll Again Twice Roll Again Twice Enchanted, Magic Violation of beliefs




• An adventure site is the place where an adventure takes • Some common definitions we will use are as follows:
place. Suggested design principles to employ are noted as • Area: A single location such as a room, cave or space.
follows: • Level: Refers to a single floor of height or a number of areas
• Sandbox: Consider the adventure site an open environment (i.e. a building or single level of a dungeon).
populated with different elements which the players can • Passages: Routes which connect areas or levels.
explore in a manner of their choosing. • Features: Contents of individual areas.
• Theme: Give each adventure site a strong theme or unusual
feature; make each site memorable. DESIGNING THE ADVENTURE SITE THEME
• Story: Tell a story or give clues about its history or nature
through discovery of information from décor, encounters or 1. Adventure Site Description: Write the following
objects the players explore. information on a sheet of A4 paper.
• Exploration: Give players choices about where to explore. 2. Type & Geography: Roll 2d20 on the Adventure Site Type
Good examples to include are multiple entrances, exits, Table to determine the adventure site type and immediate
branching pathways, several hubs or levels, changes in geographical features.
elevation, loops, secret passages, choke points or gated areas 3. Theme & Secret: Roll 2d20 on the Adventure Site Theme
that can be accessed later. Table to determine the current theme and something about
• Interactions: Include things for the players to find, interact the site’s past.
with, avoid or overcome such as secret areas, puzzles, 4. Description: Write three bullet points using these keywords
monsters, traps, environmental challenges, treasures or to cover: description (initial appearance); discoverable
objects. Remember, these should have some purpose or info (what lies within); secret info (origin, history, lore).
• Ecology: If the adventure site is inhabited by NPCs or
monsters, then consider food and water sources, light
sources, where they work, rest or play. There is no need to
aim for realism (it is a fantasy game) but give the site some
degree of plausibility. Clever players may decide to use these
factors to their advantage (i.e. poisoning or cutting off food
• Factions & Encounters: If the site is populated, then think
about which areas NPCs/monsters occupy and how they
interact with other elements of the site.
• Cohesion: Bring your elements together to create a cohesive
view of the adventure site linking elements together where



1. Adventure Site Map: Draw the Adventure Site map on a d20 Site Geography
separate sheet of A4 dotted or graph paper. You can create a 01 Barrow,Tomb Cliff, Rock Walls
draft initially and create a polished final version later. 02 Castle, Keep Coast, Lake
2. Dice Drop: Randomly drop a set of polyhedral dice (d4, d6, 03 Caves, Cavern Depression, Basin
04 City, Town, Village Desert, Arid
d8, d10, d12 & d20) on the A4 sheet of paper. 05 Forest Forest, Wild Forests
3. Create Areas: Using a pencil, draw a circular shape around 06 Dungeon, Vault Hills, Rolling Hills
each die. The higher the die result, the larger the circle as 07 Feywild Mesa, Plateau
follows; 1-3 (small 1cm); 4-6 (medium 3 cms); 7-9 (large 5 08 Hideout, Den Monument
cms) and 10+ huge (7 cms). Each circle represents an area 09 Marsh Moors, Marshland
within the level 10 Mines Mountains, Peaks
4. Create Passages: Connect each shape by drawing a line to 11 Monsters Remains Plains, Grasslands
the nearest shape, do not cross any lines. 12 Mountain, Volcano River, Wetlands
5. Repeat: Repeat steps 2-4 to add 6 more areas and passages. 13 Pass, Trails, Valley Scrub, Wastelands
Areas which appear on top of each other will represent a 14 Ruins Steppes, Foothills
multi-storey area. 15 Sewers, Rivers Swamp, Jungle
16 Shadowlands Underground, Caves
6. Large Areas: If two shapes add up to 10+ also connect these 17 Temple, Monastery Valley, Canyon
as long as they do not break or replicate another line. 18 Tower, Observatory Wilds, Wilderness
7. Passage Details: Adjust area connectors as follows: 19 Tunnels Woods, Deep Wood
• (Odd to Odd) Passage blocked or gated (i.e. door). 20 Wilderness Roll Twice
• (Odd to Even) Passage is direct and clear.
• (Even to Even) Passage is indirect. Erase the original line ADVENTURE SITE THEME TABLE
and reconnect areas via another area. d20 Theme History
8. Entrance Point: Will be the lowest numbered area. 01 Abandoned Abandoned, Decayed
9. Review: Review and refine detail as you wish. 02 Ancient, Ruined, Conquered, Infested
10. Number Areas: Number each area which will then link to 03 Dark Power, Corrupt Death Trap, Prison
the area descriptions page of information created next. 04 Deep, Depths Defence, Protection
11. Connect Levels: If your adventure site has multiple levels 05 Den, Lair, Hive Disaster, Accident
then mark where these join. You can repeat the above steps 06 Enchanted Doomed, Cursed
for each individual level. 07 Extreme Heat Enchanted, Holy
08 Extreme Cold Event, Miracle
09 Fortified, Defended Gateway, Magic
STOCKING THE ADVENTURE SITE 10 Haunted, Evil Spirits Hazardous, Plague
1. Adventure Site Description: Record the following on 11 Hazardous, Polluted Home, Settlement
Adventure Site Description Sheet (separate A4 paper). 12 Holy, Blessed Lair, Den
13 Infested, Menace Lost to wilderness
2. Name Areas: Name each area to give you an idea of its 14 Maze, Warrens, Tunnels Mine, Resources
purpose. Remember to make the position of rooms next to 15 Mysterious, Strange Monument, Marker
each other seem plausible. 16 Puzzles, Traps, Hazards Served Purpose, Out-dated
3. Create Challenges: Create d6 challenges (See Challenges) 17 Ravaged by Elements Stronghold
and allocate these to an area location, writing this under the 18 Reality, Time, Fractured Temple, Shrine
area descriptions. 19 Underwater Tomb, Crypt, Place of Dead
4. Create Encounters: Create d6 encounters (See Monsters & 20 Wild, Overgrown Treasure Vault, Knowledge
NPCs)and allocate these to an area location, writing this
under the area descriptions. ADVENTURE SITE CHECKLIST TABLE
5. Create Treasure: Create 2d6 treasures (Treasure) and d20 Key Feature 1 Feature 2
allocate these to an area location, writing this under the area 01 Dead end A food source
descriptions. 02 Secret passage A water source
6. Create Artefact: Create an artefact (See Artefacts) and 03 Loop An air source
allocate this to an area location, writing this under the area 04 Choice of paths A light source
descriptions. 05 Blockage/gated area Waste location
7. Adventure Site Checklist: Create d6 features from each 06 Something above Flora or Fauna
column of the Adventure Site Checklist Table and allocate 07 Something below Insect, Vermin Rodent
08 Change in elevation Small animals
these to an area description. 09 Multi-storey area Large animals
8. Area Descriptions: With the key area contents known, 10 Something that attacks A natural resource
write three bullet points for each area covering: description 11 Something that hides Another trap
(area appearance), discoverable info (what searching 12 Something that hassles Another puzzle
reveals) and secret info (hidden information). When 13 Something that helps Another hazard
writing this start to build links between features on each 14 Something that trades Another obstacle
area. 15 Primary creature/faction A red herring
9. Refine: Continue to tweak, refine and add details until you 16 Second creature/faction More Loot
are satisfied with the contents. “Dial everything up to volume 17 A safe area More Treasure
11” and avoid bland adventure settings. 18 Recreational area A usable object
• Use the Adventure Site Tables or Adventure Theme Tables to 19 Sleeping area Décor with lore
20 Working area Artefact
generate ideas based on the selected site and theme.



• Roll 2d20 on the relevant adventure site table to generate an
idea of what you may find at this place.


d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail
01 Buried Cairn 01 Abandoned Armoury 01 Crystal Area 01 Bustling Alleyway
02 Creepy Coffin 02 Archaic Chamber 02 Dank Chamber 02 Busy Blacksmith
03 Deathly Crows 03 Blood Door 03 Dead Chasm 03 Deep District
04 Diseased Danger 04 Crumbling Dungeon 04 Deathly Climb 04 Dilapidated Fortification
05 Disturbed Dead 05 Dank Finery 05 Deep Cold 05 Disguised Foundry
06 Eerie Fog 06 Dusty Guards 06 Distant Crawlspace 06 Empty Fountain
07 Golden Gifts 07 Former Hall 07 Large Deposit 07 Foreboding Guards
08 Grave Monument 08 Grand Keep 08 Lava Echoes 08 Grand Guild Hall
09 Haunting Mound 09 Guarded Library 09 Metal Gas 09 Hidden Landmark
10 Hidden Noose 10 Hidden Resident 10 Mossy Growth 10 Impressive Locals
11 Honoured Presence 11 Long Room 11 Noxious Lake 11 Musty Market
12 Memorial Rats 12 Occupied Stables 12 Precarious Lichen 12 Old Merchant
13 Noisy Sarcophagus 13 Ransacked Stairwell 13 Rocky Miners 13 Poor Port
14 Old Shrine 14 Restored Statue 14 Tight Mist 14 Rich Sewers
15 Possessed Skeleton 15 Rich Temple 15 Toxic Passage 15 Rowdy Shopfront
16 Rotting Spirit 16 Sealed Throne 16 Twisting Pit 16 Seedy Store
17 Sealed Treasure 17 Secret Tunnel 17 Underground Pool 17 Shifty Tavern
18 Shifty Undead 18 Torture Vault 18 Underwater Sinkhole 18 Stern Temple
19 Stone Wight 19 War Vault 19 Unstable Spikes 19 Stone Tower
20 Valuable Woods 20 Worn Walls 20 Vast Tunnels 20 Tall Well


d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail
01 Ancient Beast 01 Adventurers Artefact 01 Alluring Cave 01 Animal Alarm
02 Babbling Bridge 02 Antiquities Cell 02 Bewitching Circle 02 Bone Cave
03 Bandits Brook 03 Challenging Chamber 03 Dancing Clearing 03 Deadly Chamber
04 Creeping Camp 04 Choice Chest 04 Dangerous Creature 04 Denizens Den
05 Dense Depression 05 Collapsing Corpse 05 Enchanted Faeries 05 Dirty Door
06 Elevated Foliage 06 Dangerous Denizen 06 Frozen Forest 06 Disguised Entrance
07 Elven Glade 07 Defending Door 07 Gloomy Grave 07 Dutiful Exit
08 Giant Grove 08 Executioners Floor 08 Hero’s Grove 08 Elaborate Flock
09 Hidden Houses 09 Hidden Floor 09 Hidden Hunt 09 False Followers
10 Hollow Kingdom 10 Illusory Heirloom 10 Hollow Lake 10 Hidden Guard
11 Magical Menhirs 11 Impenetrable Mimic 11 Ice Lights 11 Hollow Hill
12 Majestic Oak 12 Locked Paths 12 Lush Mist 12 Locked Markings
13 Murky Plants 13 Mechanical Room 13 Magical Nymph 13 Magical Mate
14 Mystical Portal 14 Mysterious Sentries 14 Obscuring Palace 14 Mechanical Nest
15 Rotten River 15 Narrow Statue 15 Seductive Pool 15 Possessed Remains
16 Sacred Ruins 16 Occupied Tomb 16 Sentient Spiders 16 Secret Scraps
17 Shattered Swamp 17 Precious Trap 17 Shifting Trail 17 Shinning Trinkets
18 Vicious Thicket 18 Secret Treasure 18 Stone Tree 18 Steep Tunnel
19 Witches Tree 19 Slippery Tunnel 19 Tangled Vegetation 19 Trapped Vault
20 Wooded Vegetation 20 Wandering Vault 20 Wild Vines 20 Warm Worshippers


d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail
01 Aquatic Beast 01 Abandoned Beams 01 Acidic Blood 01 Acidic Chamber
02 Damp Brush 02 Ancient Boulders 02 Battle Bones 02 Ash Cliff
03 Deadly Forest 03 Broken Cart 03 Bubbling Canyon 03 Boiling Crater
04 Dense Fungus 04 Collapsed Cavern 04 Buried Carcass 04 Burning Crust
05 Disguised Gas 05 Deep Denizens 05 Calcified Creature 05 Carved Demon
06 Dry Ground 06 Dripping Echoes 06 Cursed Depression 06 Fire Deposits
07 Flooded Gully 07 Flooded Equipment 07 Damaged Egg 07 Gaseous Flow
08 Heavy Hole 08 Growing Excavation 08 Dead Environment 08 Giant Footsteps
09 Hidden Hummock 09 Haunting Fossils 09 Decayed Fumes 09 Hot Hill
10 Insect Mist 10 Heavy Fungus 10 Feeding Graveyard 10 Lava Lake
11 Lurking Mud 11 Lurking Gas 11 Fossilised Ground 11 Magma Layers
12 Mossy Pool 12 Noxious Lift 12 Gigantic Parts 12 Obsidian Obelisk
13 Obscuring Quicksand 13 Petrified Metals 13 Hallowed Remains 13 Precarious Ooze
14 Poison Rainfall 14 Precious Oxygen 14 Hidden Scavengers 14 Rising Resource
15 Putrid Reeds 15 Rickety Sinkhole 15 Insect Signs 15 Rune Spirits
16 Sunken Snakes 16 Secret Tomb 16 Noxious Skeleton 16 Shaking Statues
17 Swamp Swarm 17 Suspicious Tracks 17 Occupied Stream 17 Slag Storm
18 Tall Tree 18 Thick Tunnel 18 Possessed Structure 18 Sulphuric Trembles
19 Thick Vegetation 19 Thin Vein 19 Tribal Swarm 19 Undisturbed Tunnel
20 Toxic Witch 20 Working Water 20 Untouched Trophy 20 Unusual Vents

d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail
01 Barren Beast 01 Abandoned Beast 01 Blocked Amphibian 01 Abandoned Beast
02 Clear Bridge 02 Ancient Building 02 Clogging Area 02 Ash Cavern
03 Dead Camp 03 Broken Building 03 Collapsed Canal 03 Blackened Cloud
04 Distant Cliff 04 Collapsed Carcass 04 Concealed Corpse 04 Bleak Desert
05 Dry Crossing 05 Concealed Corpse 05 Decomposed Debris 05 Bone Horizon
06 Dusty Entrance 06 Corrupted Den 06 Inhabited Drainage 06 Bottomless Howls
07 Eerie Glade 07 Dead Device 07 Large Flood 07 Chained Labyrinth
08 Flooded Grasslands 08 Dilapidated Disaster 08 Moving Gas 08 Dark Lake
09 Flowery Herd 09 Dried Fountain 09 Multiple Gate 09 Dead Monument
10 Hazy Meadow 10 Fortified Lake 10 Mutant Ladder 10 Decaying Mountain
11 Hidden Mist 11 Natural Mansion 11 Narrow Manhole 11 Derelict Portal
12 Huge Nest 12 Obscure Monument 12 Noxious Nest 12 Distant Region
13 Hunting Party 13 Occupied Object 13 Secret Pathways 13 Dusky River
14 Large Pass 14 Old Passage 14 Sewer Pile 14 Endless Ruin
15 Low Path 15 Overgrown Spire 15 Toxic Pipes 15 Inhuman Ship
16 Rocky Plains 16 Secret Statues 16 Underwater Pit 16 Obsidian Skeleton
17 Steep Plant life 17 Tall Stonework 17 Vast Room 17 Ominous Spirits
18 Tall Ravens 18 Toppled Temple 18 Vermin Smell 18 Rune Structure
19 Unusual Tracks 19 Trapped Vault 19 Visible Swarm 19 Undead Temple
20 Wild Trail 20 Unknown Wilderness 20 Waste Tunnel 20 Wandering Zone
d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail
01 Ancient Altar 01 Alchemists Cell 01 Collapsed Alcove 01 Abandoned Air
02 Atonement Catacombs 02 Animated Circle 02 Dark Bones 02 Bone Beast
03 Blessed Chamber 03 Cosmic Construct 03 Dead Catacombs 03 Dangerous Camp
04 Blocked Creatures 04 Crazy Denizen 04 Flooded Chokepoint 04 Deep Crossing
05 Burial Fountain 05 Experimental Device 05 Giant Corridor 05 Dense Forest
06 Cursed Gardens 06 Glass Dome 06 Hidden Device 06 Difficult Game
07 Desecrated Gate 07 Guard Door 07 Infested End 07 Distant Glade
08 Disturbed Land 08 High Familiar 08 Long Exit 08 Enchanted Lodge
09 Grand Library 09 Illusory Laboratory 09 Mossy Fungi 09 Gruesome Remains
10 Hidden Omen 10 Magic Library 10 Multiple Gas 10 Hidden River
11 Holy Place 11 Opulent Lounge 11 Narrow Nest 11 Muddy Ruin
12 Ill Priests 12 Rune Object 12 Narrow Passageway 12 Natural Shrine
13 Luxurious Relics 13 Sealed Ornament 13 Pungent Paths 13 Overgrown Swamp
14 Praying Room 14 Summoning Passage 14 Rotting Pipe 14 Primeval Terrain
15 Saintly Sarcophagi 15 Transport Portal 15 Secret Plants 15 Primitive Thicket
16 Sanctified Shrine 16 Trapped Room 16 Submerged Sewers 16 Protected Trees
17 Secret Statue 17 Un-openable Stairs 17 Toxic Swarm 17 Sparse Tribe
18 Tall Tomb 18 Warded Statue 18 Trapped Tunnel 18 Still Undergrowth
19 Treasured Tunnel 19 Winding Vault 19 Unstable Waste 19 Trapped Valley
20 Vast Vault 20 Wizards View 20 Vermin Worms 20 Wild Woodland




• Roll 2d20 on the relevant adventure theme table to generate
an idea of what you may find at this place.


d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail
01 Ancient Architecture 01 Ancient Architecture 01 Bitter Beings 01 Buried Bugs
02 Broken Area 02 Antique Archway 02 Blackened Blight 02 Chaotic Cavern
03 Burned Buildings 03 Bloody Art 03 Captive Circle 03 Crystal Caves
04 Collapsed Corridor 04 Broken Beast 04 Chaotic Conduit 04 Dead City
05 Crumbling Foliage 05 Buried Bell 05 Corrupted Denizen 05 Deep Delvers
06 Decaying Fungi 06 Carved Building 06 Cursed Ground 06 Dwarven Depression
07 Disastrous Material 07 Collapsed Deed 07 Deaths Innocents 07 Flooded Fungi
08 Dusty Monument 08 Deep Figures 08 Desecrated Knowledge 08 Frozen Hole
09 Eerie Path 09 Evidence Knowledge 09 Evidence Markings 09 Fungal Lake
10 Empty Remains 10 Faded Mausoleum 10 Grave Monument 10 Glowing Pit
11 Faded Secret 11 Fossilized Monument 11 Haunting Noose 11 Narrow Plant Life
12 Flooded Spirits 12 Giant Object 12 Hollow Pillars 12 Rooted Portal
13 Ghostly Spores 13 Great Power 13 Magical Pit 13 Ruined Rockfall
14 Hazardous Squatters 14 Hazardous Relic 14 Sacrificial Portal 14 Strange Rocks
15 Natural Statues 15 Lost Remains 15 Summoning Power 15 Submerged Settlement
16 Occupied Structure 16 Old Sinkhole 16 Tainted Presence 16 Subterranean Sinkhole
17 Old Temple 17 Primal Statues 17 Terrible Ritual 17 Sunk Tunnels
18 Overgrown Tower 18 Stone Stones 18 Undead Shrine 18 Tremorous Webs
19 Unstable Wall 19 Strange Trap 19 Void Temple 19 Underground Worms
20 Whistling Wind 20 Worn Vegetation 20 Wild Tomb 20 Vast Zone

d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail
01 Bone Burrow 01 Awoken Area 01 Ash Air 01 Abandoned Beast
02 Cloudy Cave 02 Bad Circle 02 Bitter Chains 02 Biting Body
03 Confusing Cavern 03 Disappearing Clue 03 Burning Denizens 03 Bleak Chill
04 Deaths Chamber 04 Earthly Creatures 04 Calcified Dunes 04 Blocked Cliff
05 Decayed Colony 05 Elven Glade 05 Choking Floor 05 Buried Creatures
06 Deep Entrance 06 Enchanted Grove 06 Crusty Flow 06 Crystal Crevasse
07 Dim Exit 07 Enthralling Intruders 07 Dark Form 07 Deep Fissure
08 Dismal Heap 08 Fortuitous Marker 08 Desert Gas 08 Elevated Floor
09 Evidence Infestation 09 Frozen Monument 09 Desolate Geyser 09 Excavated Formation
10 Filthy Matter 10 Hidden Obelisk 10 Dry Insects 10 Fragile Lake
11 Food Maze 11 Magic Omen 11 Endless Mist 11 Frozen Melts
12 Fungal Piles 12 Petrified Place 12 Giant Oasis 12 Giant Mound
13 Hidden Pit 13 Resting Portal 13 Gloomy Plain 13 Glacial Outpost
14 Hot Remains 14 Rune Power 14 Hidden Pool 14 Ice Paths
15 Large Source 15 Sleepy Presence 15 Hot Rock 15 Rocky Pit
16 Monster Stench 16 Stone Sprites 16 Lava Roots 16 Shattered Spikes
17 Murky Trails 17 Whispering Terrain 17 Sand Tower 17 Shivering Supplies
18 Refuse Tunnels 18 Wicked Token 18 Steam Travellers 18 Snow Terrain
19 Squalid Vents 19 Wild Tribute 19 Stone Vents 19 Unstable Trees
20 Trash Water 20 Witches Wind 20 Unstable Walkway 20 Winter Vegetation


d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail
01 Abandoned Alarm 01 Animated Apparition 01 Abandoned Buildings 01 Ancient Altar
02 Buried Armament 02 Corrupted Artefact 02 Ash Debris 02 Angelic Anomaly
03 Colossal Armoury 03 Creepy Ascendant 03 Black Disaster 03 Blessed Architecture
04 Decaying Bridge 04 Decayed Building 04 Blighted Gasses 04 Celestial Area
05 Deep Building 05 Deceitful Darkness 05 Burning Glade 05 Consecrated Artwork
06 Defensible Camp 06 Entombed Innocent 06 Chaotic Land 06 Divine Cache
07 Expanded Keep 07 Evil Lore 07 Cursed Landmark 07 Gods Chamber
08 Glorious Leader 08 Fearful Maze 08 Dead Mould 08 Grand Chapel
09 Great Moat 09 Ghostly Message 09 Diseased People 09 Hallowed Crypt
10 Hidden Passageway 10 Haunting Mist 10 Extreme Plant Life 10 Hidden Gardens
11 Impregnable Patrol 11 Illusory Object 11 Insect Remains 11 Holy Gathering
12 Mechanical Quarters 12 Invisible Possession 12 Magic Ruins 12 Magnificent Objects
13 Monumental Ruin 13 Mystic Power 13 Natural Settlement 13 Mystical Offering
14 Occupied Spikes 14 Ominous Ritual 14 Overflowing Sewage 14 Protected Powers
15 Protected Statue 15 Petrified Runes 15 Plagued Sunlight 15 Religious Relics
16 Repaired Tower 16 Shocking Secret 16 Poisoned Swarm 16 Revered Sanctuary
17 Secure Trap 17 Supernatural Trees 17 Polluting Taint 17 Sacred Shrine
18 Strong Vault 18 Un-natural Visions 18 Radioactive Vegetation 18 Spiritual Statues
19 Sturdy Wall 19 Weird Voices 19 Toxic Waste 19 Treasured Temple
20 Towering Well 20 Whispering Ward 20 Withered Weather 20 Untainted Ward

d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail
01 Abandoned Area 01 Bone Ceiling 01 Arcane Animal 01 Animated Chamber
02 Blighted Boundary 02 Branching Crawlspace 02 Cracked Chamber 02 Cloudy Device
03 Blocked Burrow 03 Dangerous Descent 03 Dark Corpse 03 Duplicate Door
04 Dangerous Cave 04 Deep Exits 04 Deep Cosmos 04 Flammable Flagstone
05 Dark Colony 05 Eternal Labyrinth 05 Eldritch Crater 05 Fools Floor
06 Deep Fissure 06 Filthy Mound 06 Enchanting Fountain 06 Gloomy Gas
07 Devastated Fungi 07 Hazardous Nest 07 Enigmatic Idol 07 Greased Gold
08 Filthy Hideout 08 Insect Path 08 Eternal Keep 08 Hidden Holes
09 Harmful Hive 09 Long Pool 09 Inhuman Map 09 Infested Illusion
10 Harmful Hole 10 Low Ravine 10 Insect Monolith 10 Mechanical Magnet
11 Hidden Infestation 11 Mine Rise 11 Magical Pool 11 Mighty Mirror
12 Hollow Lair 12 Moveable Shaft 12 Monolithic Portal 12 Mosaic Passage
13 Monsters Mound 13 Multiple Spikes 13 Mystical Pyramid 13 Patched Pit
14 Muddy Nest 14 Narrow Terrain 14 Obsidian Sphere 14 Poison Pool
15 Murky Organism 15 Rotten Trap 15 Secret Spring 15 Sealed Portal
16 Rotten Pestilence 16 Secret Trash 16 Shadow Storm 16 Secret Quicksand
17 Toxic Pit 17 Underground Traversal 17 Shimmering Structure 17 Small Ropes
18 Toxic Swarm 18 Water Tunnel 18 Strange Swarm 18 Spiked Statues
19 Vast Terrain 19 Winding Wall 19 Unstable Thief 19 Sturdy Trap
20 Vermin Tree 20 Wintry Warren 20 Veiled Vegetation 20 Uneven Vault

d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail d20 Detail
01 Abandoned Area 01 Celestial Anchor 01 Abyssal Cargo 01 Constricting Animals
02 Archaic Art 02 Cosmic Anomaly 02 Breathable Cave 02 Deep Creeper
03 Battered Building 03 Creation Chamber 03 Cold Cavern 03 Dense Fauna
04 Burning Creature 04 Dangerous Dimension 04 Dark Creature 04 Earth Foliage
05 Collapsed Damage 05 Elemental Gate 05 Deep Debris 05 Feral Forest
06 Decaying Foliage 06 Fractured Hall 06 Fierce Fish 06 Heavy Formation
07 Elaborate Heat 07 Guardians Journey 07 Floating Island 07 Impassable Grove
08 Eroded Pillars 08 Immortal Map 08 Flooded Leviathan 08 Lost Hill
09 Fractured Rain 09 Infinite Oddity 09 Giant Monument 09 Mighty Hole
10 Hazardous Rocks 10 Many Orrery 10 Hidden Organism 10 Monsters Lair
11 Hidden Scavengers 11 Megalithic Paths 11 Illuminated Pocket 11 Mysterious Landscape
12 Lightning Spirit 12 Primal Pillar 12 Passing Ruin 12 Natural Oak
13 Missing Stonework 13 Protected Portal 13 Spoiled Ship 13 Overgrown River
14 Preserved Storm 14 Rune Power 14 Strong Storm 14 Overrun Shelter
15 Relentless Structure 15 Shadow Reality 15 Sunken Trench 15 Primeval Snarlwood
16 Repaired Terrain 16 Sorcery Shield 16 Tense Vegetation 16 Rock Spikes
17 Thundering Tiles 17 Star Structure 17 Undersea Vent 17 Shady Tree
18 Unstable Tomb 18 Temporal Throne 18 Underwater Vessel 18 Vast Valley
19 Vast Tower 19 Time Tower 19 Watery Whirlpool 19 Water Vegetation
20 Weathered Wall 20 Unguarded Vortex 20 Winding Zone 20 Wild Weather


• Random encounters are chance meetings or events which
take place during an adventure, settlement visit or when
travelling through the wilderness.
• These can be used to provide the players with additional
hints, clues or information about the adventure.
• They can also be used as a distraction such as a side-quest.
• These can also be used to demonstrate the consequence
and outcomes of events and adventures.


• Time: They occur as a direct consequence of time spent
exploring, visiting or travelling.
• Player Interaction: Players should have some choice over
the nature of their interaction (i.e. fight or flight).
• Nature: These may be varied in nature, have different levels
of threat and are not always adversarial.
• Plot: Try and link random encounters back to some
element of the adventure.


• The referee secretly makes a random encounter check at the • Create batches of 6 random encounters with different levels
end of each turn. of threat (3 low, 2 medium, 1 high).
• The target number to avoid an encounter starts at 1 on a • Random encounter tables can be built for each regional
d20 and increases by 1 point each turn. area, settlement and adventure site.
• This score resets when an encounter occurs or the players 1. Method 1: Random Encounter Generator: Roll 4d20 on
reach a place of safety. the Random Encounter Generator Table and use these results
to create an idea for a random encounter linked to the
PLANNED ENCOUNTERS 2. Method 2: Pair Themes: Take the theme keywords for an
• Planned encounters involve interactions with other NPCs, adventure site or settlement and write down each paired
monsters or factions at specific locations. combination and use these as your inspiration for an
• The NPC, monster or faction will have a reason and encounter (i.e. dungeon + infested = giant rat infestation).
motivation for being at the specific location which will 3. Encounter Description: For each of the above methods,
influence their reaction to the players. write three bullet points using generated information as
• These types of encounters will have some link to the prompts covering, description (appearance), discoverable
adventure. info (status, reactions) and secret info (motives, need).


d20 What Motivation Reaction Complication
01 Level 7+ Monster Building, Crafting Hostile Another threat
02 Level 5-6 Monster Conquer, Control Aggressive Bigger picture/threat
03 Level 4 Monster Eating, Resting Aggressive Bounty
04 Level 4 Monster Escape, Fleeing Defensive Enemy of my enemy
05 Level 3 Monster Hunting Defensive Environment challenge
06 Level 3 Monster Intimidate Defensive Equipment Issue
07 Level 2 Monster Investigating Cautious Faction opposed
08 Level 2 Monster Negotiating, Trade Cautious Guarded, Trapped
09 Level 1 Monster Opportunity, Trade Cautious Illness, Disease
10 Level 1 Monster Patrolling Cautious Location not known
11 Level 1 Monster Protecting Cautious Not what it seems
12 Rival NPC Pursuit, Following Cautious Resource Issue
13 Rival Faction Raiding, Fighting Cautious Rival
14 Neutral NPC Resources, Gathering Favourable Some betrayal
15 Neutral Faction Scouting, Marking Land Favourable Subject in several parts
16 Plot NPC Searching, Discovering Favourable Subject is a secret, evil
17 Plot Monster Shelter Favourable Subject is hidden
18 Plot Faction Survival Friendly Time Limit
19 Ally NPC Travel, Migration Friendly Wild magic
20 Ally Faction Travel, Terrain Very Helpful Wilderness exploration


• Monster is a generic term for all manner of animals,
beasts, creatures and monstrosities in the game.
• The separate Bestiary chapter details individual monster’s LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 12 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR -
statistics. COMBAT: Bite (d6)
• Monsters use an abbreviated version of the hero attributes PASSIVE ABILITIES: N/A
described as follows: ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Sprint, Leap Attack
HARVEST: Heart (Leap Attack)
Name: This is the monster’s name.
Three Keywords: • Lists parts which may be harvested for alchemy or crafting.
• A brief three keyword description covering the monster’s
theme, description and size. Description:
• Theme describes the nature of the creature. Some abilities • Describes appearance, habits, motives and abilities.
or spells affect a specific theme of the creature.
• Description is a word summarising the monster’s look. Hooks:
• Size details the monster’s size category from; Tiny (i.e. • Potential plot hooks the referee can use for encounters.
Fairy), Small (i.e. Dog), Medium (i.e. Human), Large (i.e.
Ogre), Huge (i.e. Dragon) and Colossal (i.e. Behemoth).
Attributes • The referee decides which monsters are likely to appear at
• Level is a measure of the monster’s threat from level 1 (low an adventure site based on the theme of the site,
threat) to level 10 (powerful threat). environment, terrain and quest.
• Health (HLT) is a score representing how much physical • Monsters are encountered when the players are exploring
injury they can endure before dying when this falls to zero. an adventure site or when a random encounter occurs.
• Defence (DEF) is the target number required to hit the • The referee will use the monster’s description and their
monster in combat. Damage Resistance (DR) is a score that purpose within the adventure to determine their
is deducted from any damage incurred. motivation and subsequent reaction to players when
• Skill (SKL) is the monster’s skill die (i.e. 0, d4, d6, d8, d10, encountered.
d12 or d20) which is added to die rolls when making • Encounters are not always adversarial and monsters may
checks. See Monster’s skill checks for further details. wish to avoid, negotiate as well as protect, defend or fight
• Number Appearing (APP) shows how many monsters will • Monsters are subject to morale rules in combat and may
typically appear during an encounter. fight, retreat, negotiate or surrender.
• Treasure (TSR) indicates the type of treasure which may be • Group Rolls: To speed up gameplay, use a single roll on
carried or in their lair. Presented in order of rising value behalf of a group of monsters of the same type for checks.
from S (Salvage), L (Loot), T (Treasure) and A (Artefact).
Where a multiplier is shown then you roll multiple times. MONSTER’S SKILL CHECKS
Treasure is detailed in the Referee’s Guide.
• The monster’s skill die can be applied to:
Combat • Combat checks.
• Describes the monster’s method of attack in combat and • Where the monster’s size is a factor.
includes; number of attacks, nature of attack, damage and • Where the monster’s nature gives them an advantage.
range. For example, the following method of attack 2x • Otherwise, the referee may not permit the monster to try
Teeth/Claw (d6, close) means the creature may attack twice certain actions or could make a check without any modifier.
in a round with their teeth or claws (a descriptor). The
attack must be in close range and on a hit causes d6 COLOSSAL MONSTERS
damage. • Colossal monsters dwarf the players in size (i.e. giants,
dragons or other huge beasts)
Abilities • They may be treated slightly differently with separate
• This is a series of keywords that details any special feats or attributes and attack options for different body parts
powers a monster possesses. This is described in the • This may present a combat puzzle for players who use
Monsters Abilities section. Abilities are categorised as: different tactics to access or attack specific points to nullify
• Passive Abilities; these abilities grant a permanent bonus or an effect.
an action that can be used every turn.
• Encounter Abilities; these abilities require some effort and
can be used once per level per encounter (i.e. a level 3 MONSTER VARIANTS
creature could use any one encounter ability three times or • These are variations of the monsters who possess slightly
three encounter abilities once during a single encounter). different attributes or abilities.
• Only one ability can be performed as an action at a time • The Bestiary chapter details the procedures for creating
and these cannot be stacked. monster variants.



• NPCs populate the setting and are controlled by the referee. • Followers will obey the commands of the players who hired
They can have a variety of functions such as contacts, them but are ultimately controlled by the referee.
adversaries, followers, hirelings or just people in the • They are subject to morale rules in combat.
background. • Followers can also gain XP and advance their levels.
• Each NPC has a number of statistics which measures the • Recruitment can take place through role-playing play or the
NPC’s capability in different areas. referee can use command skill checks with the target
• Race describes the NPC’s ancestry. Human is the default number based on the settlement size.
race. • On a success, you attract interest from d4 followers.
• Profession describes the NPC’s occupation. • The referee can role-play or describe the followers by way of
• Level (LVL) is a measure of the NPC’s experience, rated highlighting their potential attributes.
from 1 (start) to 10 (maximum). • The players can decide whether to make an offer and then
• Health (HLT) is a score representing how much physical check the Reaction Table and interpret the result; good
injury an NPC can endure before dying at zero. results may lead to acceptance; indifferent results may lead
• Defence (DEF) is a score which reflects the target number to negotiation and poor results may result in failure to
required to hit the NPC in combat and is dependent upon accept terms.
their race, armour worn and level. • The referee can apply advantage or disadvantage based on
• Skills (SKL) are broad skills describing an NPC’s talent and the player’s actions (high/low offer etc).
are rated from 0 (normal untrained human) to d4, d6, d8, • Recruitment fees are detailed in the Follower Recruitment
d10 and d12 (maximum). An NPC can declare 1 skill per Cost Table.
level. Skill die rolls are only applied to these nominated
• Equipment lists weapons, armour and equipment carried LEVEL ADVANCEMENT
or worn by the NPC. • Followers gain experience points if they accompany heroes
• Knacks & Flaws, these are minor abilities possessed by on quests and advance their levels (see Follower Attributes
followers which provide a small mechanical benefit of risk Table).
during an adventure.
Labourer 5
• Living World: A good cast of NPCs can bring your game to Torchbearer 5
life and provide memorable interactions for your players. Porter 5
• Impact: A small cast of recognisable NPCs with their own Guide 5
personality may have more impact with your players than Craftsman 10
many bland background NPCs Sell-Sword 10
• Development: NPC’s personalities will develop through Specialist 20+
interaction with the players. Wages per day exclude sustenance costs.


1. NPC Statistics: Roll d20 on the NPC Statistics Table and 1. The referee rolls d20 (7) on the NPC Statistics Table and
note their starting statistics. gets the following statistics. (LVL 2 | HLT 7 | DEF 8 | XP
2. NPC Occupation: Roll d20 twice on the NPC Occupation 10)
Table to determine the NPC’s occupation. 2. The referee rolls 2d20 (5 & 4) on the NPC Occupation
3. Skills: Make up (there are no lists) a number of skills equal Table to find a Crafting trade, Carpenter.
to their level linked to the NPC’s occupation (i.e. a Level 1 3. The NPC has 2 skills (at d4 skill die) and the referee
NPC Farmer’s perk is ‘farming’, a Level 2 NPC Vagabond’s decides these will be carpentry and drinking.
perks could be ‘begging’ and ‘drinking’) 4. The referee rolls 3d20 (14, 18, 2) on the NPC Features
4. NPC Features: Roll 3d20 to generate three words to Table with results of poor appearance, calm nature and
describe the NPC’s appearance, personality and motivation. seeking rewards.
5. Equipment: Give the NPC 1 or 2 items of equipment 5. The referee gives Grendel a Hand Axe as equipment.
according to their occupation. 6. Using these results, we create the following NPC.
6. (Followers Only) Follower Quirks: Roll 3d20 to generate
the follower’s motive, knack and flaw. Grendel the Carpenter
Poor, Calm nature, Motivated by riches
LVL 2 | HLT 7 | DEF 8 | SKL d4 | XP 10
Skills: Carpentry, Drinking

Grendel is a hard-up carpenter and turns to a risky

adventuring mission to earn some coin.



d20 Type LVL HLT DEF SKL XP d20 Appearance Personality Motivation
01 Unknown 1 5 8 N/A 0 01 Young, Youth Ambitious, Greedy Sense of purpose
02 Unknown 1 5 8 N/A 0 02 Old, Ancient Cautious, Indecisive Reward, Riches
03 Unknown 1 5 8 N/A 0 03 Wiry, Lean Bold, Foolhardy Accomplishment
04 Unknown 1 5 8 N/A 0 04 Chubby, Rotund Honest, Loyal, Social, Acceptance
05 Commoner 2 7 9 d4 10 05 Athletic, Ripped Self-Serving, Deceitful Control, Influence
06 Commoner 2 7 9 d4 10 06 Skinny, Scrawny Practical, Pragmatic Competition, Win
07 Commoner 2 7 9 d4 10 07 Tall, Lanky Courteous, Polite Learning, Developing
08 Known 3 9 9 d4 30 08 Short, Tiny Aggressive, Arrogant Mastery, Skill
09 Known 3 9 9 d4 30 09 Large, Stout Aimless, Lazy Help, Charity
10 Known 3 9 9 d4 30 10 Strong, Brawny Self-Important, Vain Independence
11 Reputed 4 11 10 d6 60 11 Scrawny, Gaunt Gossip, Talkative Exploration, Discovery
12 Reputed 4 11 10 d6 60 12 Rugged, Unkempt Callous, Unemotional Fear, Consequence
13 Reputed 4 11 10 d6 60 13 Small, Skinny Cranky, Whiny, Moody Survival, Need
14 Well Known 5 13 10 d6 10 14 Poor, Destitute Cruel, Bully Duty, Obligation
15 Well Known 5 13 10 d6 10 15 Rich, Well Off Fickle, Flippant Faith, Prophecy
16 Famous 6 15 11 d8 150 16 Diseased, Ill Idealist, Enthusiastic Passion, Interest
17 Iconic 7 17 11 d8 225 17 Beautiful, Comely Impatient, Bitter Coercion, Mandate
18 Legendary 8 19 12 d10 325 18 Ugly, Scarred Calm, Patient, Revenge
19 World Famous 9 21 12 d10 450 19 Hair Feature, Bald Naïve, Inquisitive Obligation, Honour
20 Mythical 10 23 13 d12 600 20 Noticeable Mark Worldly, Intelligent Animosity, Hostility
Common Common Trade Crafting Entertainer Farming Scholarly Merchant Noble Travel Military
(1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9-10) (11-12) (13-14) (15-16) (17-18) (19-20)
01 Beggar Apprentice Armourer Acrobat Falconer Abbot Moneylender Bailiff Burglar Archer
02 Buffoon Baker Blacksmith Artist Farmer Acolyte Beer Seller Castellan Caravaneer Manhunter
03 Chamberlain Barber Book Maker Bard Farmhand Herbalist Map Seller Champion Cartographer Follower
04 Cook Brewer Carpenter Clown Fisherman Apprentice Fishmonger Chancellor Diplomat Cavalry
05 Gravedigger Builder Clothier Dancer Furrier Astrologer Fruitier Clerk Ferryman Deserter
06 Hermit Butcher Cobbler Entertainer Gamekeeper Bishop Grocer Constable Footpad Executioner
07 Muck Raker Candlemaker Engraver Harper Groomsman Clerk Inn Keeper Councillor Fugitive Bowyer
08 Orphan Fisherman Glass Maker Historian Hawker Cultist Ironmonger Collector Gambler Guardsman
09 Page Forester Jeweller Illuminator Horse Trainer Seer Market Stall Diplomat Guide Knight
10 Peasant Gardener Locksmith Jester Hunter Historian Merchant Advisor Herald Local Hero
11 Pilgrim Lamplighter Mason Juggler Labourer Missionary Peddler King/Queen Horseman Mercenary
12 Porter Leatherworker Roofer Minstrel Hound Master Monk, Nun Provisioner Lord/Lady Navigator Spearman
13 Rat-Catcher Miller Shipwright Painter Ox-Herder Physician Shop Keeper Coin Master Outlaw Sapper
14 Scavenger Miner Stonemason Piper Plowman Priest Spice Trader Noble Sailor Scout
15 Scullion, Maid Potter Tailor Playwright Sheep Shearer Scholar Trader Politician Smuggler Officer
16 Servant Rope Maker Weapon Smith Poet Shepherd Scribe Water Seller Prince(ss) Assassin Jailor
17 Unemployed Saddler Weaver Sculptor Stable Hand Theologian Arms Trader Spy Master Thief, Knave Soldier
18 Vagabond Weaver Wheelwright Storyteller Trapper Academic Wine Seller Steward Thug Sellsword
19 Water Carrier Wood Cutter Winemaker Writer Woolman Wise Woman Wood Seller Tax Collector Tomb Raider Watchman
20 Roll Twice Roll Twice Roll Twice Roll Twice Roll Twice Roll Twice Roll Twice Roll Twice Roll Twice Roll Twice


d20 Motive Knack (use once per session) Flaw (use once per session)
01 Debt, owes money to someone Brave, automatically passes a morale check Drunk, actions at disadvantage until sober
02 Glory, wants to make a name for themselves Rage, recklessly attacks/defends in combat Surly, triggers a negative encounter reaction
03 Riches, make quick money and retire Supplies, carries something you’ve forgotten Scared, always ‘hangs-back’
04 Experience, always wanted to be a hero Alchemist, carries a random potion Enchanter, thinks they cast spells, they cannot
05 Desperate, nothing else to live for Healer, carries a bandage, offers minor healing Cowardly, automatically fails a morale check
06 Escape, from some past event Brewer, carries home-brew beer, offers courage Talkative, reveals plans and conversations
07 Ambition, advance their career Strong, auto hit in combat or strength test Superstitious, wary of the supernatural
08 Fame, by name or association Cool-Hand, auto hit a ranged combat check Cultist, secret member of a cult
09 Spy, spy or compete with heroes Intelligent, knows some helpful lore or a clue Sarcastic, continually joking or mocking
10 Follower, admires the heroes Hoarder, finds that extra days rations Fool, foolish or short-sighted
11 Interest, vested interest in the mission Tough, absorbs first injury sustained Unlucky, must re-roll a success
12 Bragging, want to be a local hero Charismatic, automatic reaction success Forgetful, forgot something you needed
13 Servitude, was required of them Explorer, willingly ventures ahead of the party Ego, makes everything about them
14 Porter, will just carry stuff for pay Loyal, will rush to save a party member Greedy, demands a bigger share of the spoils
15 Guide, will scout and explore for pay Lucky, gains a free re-roll Shady, looks to steal something from group
16 Torchbearer, will light the way for pay Survivor, survives a mortal blow but is wounded Pedantic, very particular or ‘works to rule’
17 Man-at-arms, will fight when necessary Focussed, one action is made at advantage Dull-witted, slow to respond
18 Beast Master, accompanied by an animal Perceptive, not surprised by one encounter Dislikes, refuses to obey someone
19 Vendetta, wants some revenge Inspiring, can lift a spirit, improve morale Fatalistic, prophet of doom, everyone will die
20 History, to witness exploits first hand Ingenious, can solve or disable a puzzle/trap Fear, terrified of something



NON-HUMAN NPCS Statistics Table and increase their statistics as noted if they
exceed the monster’s base statistics. SKL refers to an
• Non-Human NPCs typically relate to other intelligent
increase in skill die (i.e. if the base skill die is d4 and the
humanoid races that occur within the game setting.
result is +1 this increases to d6, +2 increases to d8 etc.) The
• The following process can be used to create non-human
skill die will never exceed d20.
3. NPC Role Roll d20 on the Non-Human NPC Role Table to
• Monsters or creatures that could be used as the basis of a
determine the NPC’s role in their society. You will need to
non-human NPC include Beastmen, Centaur, Demon
interpret these results according to the monster type.
Folk, Dragon Kind, Gnome, Goatman, Goblin, Kobold,
4. Skills: Make up (there are no lists) a number of skills equal
Lizard Folk, Night Elf, Northmen, Smallfolk, Wilding or
to their level linked to the NPC’s role (i.e. a Level 1 NPC
Shaman’s perk is ‘magic’, a Level 2 NPC Herbalist’s perks
could be ‘alchemy’ and ‘nature’)
CREATING NON-HUMAN NPCS 5. NPC Features: Roll 3d20 to generate three words to
1. Base NPC Statistics: Take the Monster’s or creature’s base describe the NPC’s appearance, personality and motivation.
statistics from the Bestiary chapter and note down their 6. Equipment: Give the NPC 1 or 2 items of equipment
natural combat attack plus any abilities. according to their occupation. Adjust the defence score for
2. Adjust NPC Statistics: Roll d20 on the Non-Human NPC any armour worn.


d20 Type LVL HLT DEF SKL Abilities d20 Type LVL HLT DEF SKL XP
01 Unknown 1 0 0 N/A 0
01 Beastmen 3 12 12/DR1 d6 Equipment, Power Attack 02 Unknown 1 0 0 N/A 0
02 Centaur 3 15 14 d6 Sprint, Charge, Power Attack 03 Unknown 1 0 0 N/A 0
03 Demon Folk 2 15 13 d4 Resistance (Fire), Equipment 04 Unknown 1 0 0 N/A 0
04 Dragon Kind 3 15 13/DR2 d6 Dark Vision, Resistance (Fire), Equipment 05 Common 2 +2 +1 +1 10
05 Gnome 1 4 9 N/A Dark Vision, Equipment 06 Common 2 +2 +1 +1 10
07 Common 2 +2 +1 +1 10
06 Goatman 2 8 11 d4 Equipment, Sprint, Charge 08 Known 3 +4 +1 +1 30
07 Goblin 1 5 11 N/A Darkvision, Weakness, Equipment 09 Known 3 +4 +1 +1 30
08 Kobold 1 3 8 N/A Dark Vision, Weakness 10 Known 3 +4 +1 +1 30
09 Lizard Folk 2 10 12/DR2 d4 Swim, Water Breath, Equipment 11 Reputed 4 +6 +2 +2 60
12 Reputed 4 +6 +2 +2 60
10 Night Elf 3 10 14 d6 Dark Vision, Equipment 13 Reputed 4 +6 +2 +2 60
11 Northmen 2 10 8/ DR1 d4 Dark Vision, Equipment, Long-lived 14 Well Known 5 +8 +2 +2 100
12 Serpent Man 2 10 12/DR1 d4 Illusion, Mind Control 15 Well Known 5 +8 +2 +2 100
13 Smallfolk 1 4 10 N/A Equipment, Hide, Lucky 16 Famous 6 +10 +3 +3 150
14 Wildfolk 2 13 10 d6 Alertness, Equip, Long-Lived, Med. Trance 17 Iconic 7 +12 +3 +3 225
18 Legendary 8 +14 +4 +4 325
15 Wildling 2 10 9 d4 Alertness, Equipment, Long-lived 19 World Famous 9 +16 +4 +4 450
16+ Roll Again 20 Mythical 10 +18 +5 +5 600


d20 Role d20 Appearance Personality Motivation
01 Farmer, Labourer, Servant 01 Young, Youth Ambitious, Greedy Sense of purpose
02 Scavenger, Beggar, Outcast, Low-born 02 Old, Ancient Cautious, Indecisive Reward, Riches
03 Prophet, Priest, Religious figure 03 Wiry, Lean Bold, Foolhardy Accomplishment
04 Shaman, Mage, Witch, Mystic 04 Chubby, Rotund Honest, Loyal, Social, Acceptance
05 Soldier, Guard, Warrior 05 Athletic, Ripped Self-Serving, Deceitful Control, Influence
06 Craftsman, Builder, Maker of things 06 Skinny, Scrawny Practical, Pragmatic Competition, Win
07 Entertainer, Artist 07 Tall, Lanky Courteous, Polite Learning, Developing
08 Wise Person, Scholar, Learned Person 08 Short, Tiny Aggressive, Arrogant Mastery, Skill
09 Hunter, Tracker 09 Large, Stout Aimless, Lazy Help, Charity
10 Spy, Rogue, Thief 10 Strong, Brawny Self-Important, Vain Independence
11 Messenger, Herald 11 Scrawny, Gaunt Gossip, Talkative Exploration, Discovery
12 Scout, Guide 12 Rugged, Unkempt Callous, Unemotional Fear, Consequence
13 Law-Maker, Enforcer, Knight, Touch 13 Small, Skinny Cranky, Whiny, Moody Survival, Need
14 Mysterious figure, Stranger, Traveller 14 Poor, Destitute Cruel, Bully Duty, Obligation
15 Merchant, Trade, Dealer 15 Rich, Well Off Fickle, Flippant Faith, Prophecy
16 Healer, Herbalist 16 Diseased, Ill Idealist, Enthusiastic Passion, Interest
17 Outlaw, Bandit 17 Beautiful, Comely Impatient, Bitter Coercion, Mandate
18 War Chief, Captain 18 Ugly, Scarred Calm, Patient, Revenge
19 Leader, Political 19 Hair Feature, Bald Naïve, Inquisitive Obligation, Honour
20 High-Born, Royalty, Nobility 20 Noticeable Mark Worldly, Intelligent Animosity, Hostility


• NPCs gain experience points if they accompany heroes on
The referee decides to create a Kobold NPC. quests and advance their levels. When they achieve a new
level increase their statistics to the next level as shown in
1. The starting attributes for a Kobold are; (LVL 1 | HLT 3 | the NPC Statistics Table.
DEF 8 | SKL N/A) plus they have Dark Vision ability
and a weakness to sunlight.
2. The referee rolls d20 (8) on the Non-Human NPC HERO CONVERSION
Statistics Table and gets the following statistics. (Known, • NPCs may be converted to hero status at the referee’s
LVL 3 | HLT +4 | DEF +1 | SKL +1). discretion. This will typically occur where:
3. The referee roll d20 (20) on the Non-Human NPC • A player wishes to adopt an NPC as their new hero.
Occupation Table and gets royalty. • An NPC has performed something villainous against
4. The NPC has 3 skills (at d4 skill die) and the referee the players and achieved main villain status.
decides these will be leadership, tracking, fighting • An NPC has performed a heroic deed during an
5. The referee rolls 3d20 (6, 14, 5) on the NPC Features adventure and earned hero status.
Table with results of skinny appearance, cruel nature • Create a new hero in the mould of the NPC and raise them
and a controlling personality. to the same level as the NPC. All previous NPC statistics
6. The referee gives him leather armour (+2 defence) and a and perks will be lost but new statistics, skills and abilities
shortsword (d6). will be gained.
7. Using these results, we create the following NPC. • The hero should keep his existing equipment and should
ignore any new equipment gained as part of the hero
creation process.
Skinny, Cruel, Controlling nature NPC ADVANCEMENT EXAMPLE
LVL 3 | HLT 7 | DEF 11 | SKL d4 How Grendel the Carpenter became a hero.
COMBAT: Bite (d4, disadvantage attack) or Shortsword (d6)
ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Weakness (sunlight) 1. Grendel the Carpenter (see above) accompanies the
heroes on an adventure as a torchbearer. The group
SKILLS: Leadership, Tracking, Fighting
seeks to investigate a haunted tomb, the reported lair of
EQUIPMENT: Leather Armour, Shortsword (d6) a fearsome beast. He is armed with his Hand-Axe and a
tinderbox and 6 torches given to him by the group.
Brakkak is King of the Kobolds who rules through fear; he has 2. Through the circumstances of the adventure, the heroes
a cunning and cruel personality. are all fatally wounded but brave Grendel against all
odds manages to slay the beast and returns as the lone
3. The referee decides this is worthy of conversion to hero
status and recreates Grendel as a new Level 2 Warrior
4. Grendel changes his stats to those of a Warrior hero.
However, to keep the continuity of theme for the NPC,
the referee chooses the crafting skill as one broadly
compatible with carpentry.
5. Grendel does not gain any new equipment so he must
continue his career with his Hand Axe, tinderbox and
remaining torches.

Grendel the Carpenter

Human Warrior
Poor, Calm nature, Motivated by riches
LVL 2 | HLT 13 | DEF 9 | PTY 0 | XP 10
Attributes: Fortitude (d4), Senses (d4), Strength (d6)
Skills: Athletics (d4), Crafting (d4), Melee Combat (d6),
Ranged Combat (d4)
Abilities: Master Craftsman, Second Wind, Surge Attack
Equipment: Hand-Axe (d6), Tinder Box, 6 Torches


• Challenges create situations the players have to react to
and are categorised as follows:
• Traps; an object or area which may be triggered causing a
negative effect. Must be solved, negated or avoided.
• Hazards; environmental challenges which are obvious and
must be overcome or endured.
• Puzzles; an obstacle such as a riddle, logic problem or
pattern that must be solved. They are often used to prevent
access or protect something.

• The referee will present challenges for the players to
overcome. These may need to be translated into a chance of
success and impact on the players so the risks and
consequences can be assessed.
• Challenges should be sign-posted; the more dangerous the
threat, the more obvious it is.
• Make challenges fit the theme of the adventure and consider
how other inhabitants interact or avoid the challenge. CREATING CHALLENGES
• Players should use tactics, teamwork and ingenuity to 1. Challenge Type: Roll a d6 on the Challenge Type table to
overcome, avoid or mitigate the challenge. determine the challenge type.
• If a player gives a sensible solution to overcome a challenge 2. Challenge Level: Roll a d6 on the Challenge Level table to
then give advantage to a skill check can be given or even determine the challenge threat or reward.
allow the player to bypass the challenge, reward ingenuity. 3. Generate Challenge: Roll 4d20 on the Challenge Generator
• Target numbers may be used to describe the level of Tables using the results as inspiration for a challenge.
difficulty to negate and damage can be scaled depending 4. Challenge Description: Write three bullet points using
upon the risk. generated information as prompts covering the description
• Consequences of failure could result in a setback, damage, (appearance), discoverable info (mechanics, effect,
loss of time, loss of resources, missed opportunity or consequences) and secret information (solution).
something else.


d6 Type d6 Type Description
01-03 Hazard 01-03 Low Minor damage, impairment, small reward
04-05 Trap 04-05 Medium Medium damage, incapacitated, good reward
06 Puzzle 06 High Major damage, death, great reward


d20 Effect Object Purpose Feature
01 Acid, Corrosive Ceiling Alert, Attracts Attracts
02 Air, Wind Floor, Tile Amusement Broken, Worn, Used
03 Barrier, Block Furnishing Attrition, Wear Built Recently
04 Capture, Trap Gate, Portcullis, Door Avoid, Negate Concealed, Hidden
05 Earth, Gravity Lever Block, Prevent Deadly
06 Fear, Mental Lock Capture Environment, Terrain
07 Fire, Heat, Sun Needle, Dart, Arrow Choice, Decision Evidence, Victim
08 Force, Impact NPC, Monster Confuse Harmless
09 Gas, Steam, Spray Object Control Illusion
10 Hypnosis, Lure Pattern Defence Magic, Anti-Magic
11 Lightning, Electric Pillar, Column Delay, Slow Mechanical
12 Magic, Chaos Pit Disable Natural, Plant
13 Object, Device Plant Guarding Needs Object, Key
14 Physical Portal Impede NPC, Monster
15 Poison, Disease Rune, Symbol Injure Puzzle, Riddle
16 Slow, Paralysis Shrine, Statue Kill Resets
17 Transport, Move Terrain, Environment Knowledge, Fear Secret Access
18 Visibility, Darkness Treasure Item Restrain Sentient
19 Water, Flood, Ice Wall Test, Overcome Single Use
20 Web, Constrain Weapon, Equipment Warn Treasure


• Treasure refers to various objects of value and are
categorised as follows:
• Salvage (S); low value items worth d20 sp.
• Loot (L); average value items worth d20 x10 sp.
• Treasure (T); high value items worth d20 x100 sp.
• Treasure takes 1 equipment slot unless stated.

1. Treasure Type: Roll d6 on the Treasure Type Table to
determine the treasure type and then roll the value.
2. Treasure Generator: Roll 4d20 on the Treasure Generator
Table to generate ideas for the specific item.
• Make the treasure description fit the theme of the NPC,
monster or adventure site (and make it more interesting than
“you find X coins”).
• Treasure may have a history, reputation or backstory.
• The Gems & Jewellery table adds detail for these items
d20 Gem (Colour) Jewellery
PLACING TREASURE 01 Alexandrite (Various) Armband, Armlet
• Treasure can be found at an adventure location or may be 02 Amethyst (Purple) Bangle, Bracelet
carried by NPCs or monsters. 03 Aquamarine (Pastel Blue) Beads
• The higher the value of treasure the more likely it will be 04 Citrine (Yellow/Brown) Belt, Buckle
hidden or guarded. There should be a reason why it hasn’t 05 Diamond (Clear) Brooch, Clasp, Pin
been found by others. 06 Emerald (Green) Button
• Valuable treasure may be coveted by others. 07 Garnet (Rainbow) Charm, Ornament
• Some treasures may be hard to sell in settlements. 08 Jade (Green) Circlet, Headwear
09 Lapis Lazuli (Deep Blue) Choker, Collar
• Finding valuable treasure (i.e. not salvage or loot) earns 1xp
10 Moonstone (Varies) Cross, Symbol
per item. 11 Morganite (Peach/Pink) Earring
12 Onyx (Black) Fragment, Hacksilver
13 Opal (Various) Mask
14 Pearl (Cream) Medallion, Amulet
TREASURE TYPE TABLE 15 Peridot (Lime Green) Nose-Ring, Stud
d6 Value Value XP Award 16 Ruby (Red) Necklace, Locket
01-02 Salvage (low) d20sp N/A 17 Sapphire (Blue) Pin, Medal
18 Tanzanite (Silky Blue) Ring (Finger, Toe)
03-04 Loot (average) d20 x10sp N/A 19 Topaz (Various) Stud, Piercing
05-06 Treasure (high) d20 x100sp 1XP 20 Zircon (Various) Torc, Bangle
d20 Object Descriptor Feature Flaw
01 Armour, Shield, Uniform Worthless Fated, uneasy touch Cursed
02 Art, Tapestry, Painting Incomplete, part missing Contains organic parts Counterfeit
03 Book, Scroll, Map Ugly or crude Contains alien element Outlawed
04 Carving, Sculpture, Figurine Cheap or inexpensive Unbreakable Reviled
05 Clothing, Worn Item Common, average Made from rich materials Contaminated
06 Coins Worn or used Cultural symbol Imperfection
07 Creature remains Vintage or old Symbol of power Infamy
08 Device, Contraption Desirable Inscribed with old language Damaged
09 Equipment, Instrument Good quality Rune-marked Parts Missing
10 Food, Drink Mint condition Non-human design or origin Broken
11 Furnishing, Room content Beautiful, Well Crafted Antique, very old and rare Unusual, bulky
12 Game, Puzzle, Toy Expensive looking Masterwork, finely crafted Large, heavy
13 Gemstones, Precious Stone Some marking or feature Enchanted, faint aura Fragile
14 Jewellery, Unusual design Historical significance Miniature, Small
15 Medicine, Spices, Herbs Alluring, charming Well known owner Obvious
16 Raw material, Resource Good condition Well known creator Spirit
17 Religious, Talisman, Idol Dirty, filthy looking Blessed, Holy Secret
18 Scraps, Fragment Extravagant looking Contains precious metal Ceremonial
19 Utensil, Cups, Bowls, Vase Interesting design Contains gems, jewels Stolen, Hunted
20 Weapon Wondrous, breathtaking Exquisite construction Unexpected


• Artefacts (A) are items of power originating from the time
of the ancients and are categorised as follows:
• Rare, low power, or very few effects.
• Epic, medium power or few effects.
• Legendary, high power and multiple effects.
• Artefacts take 1 equipment slot unless stated.

1. Artefact Type: Roll d6 on the Artefact Type Table to
determine the artefact’s rarity and features.
2. Artefact Generator: Roll 4d20 on the Artefact Generator
Table to generate ideas for the artefact.
3. Artefact Power: For each effect, roll d6 on the Artefact
Power Table to determine the power of the effect up to the
number of effect points you have to spend. ARTEFACT TYPE TABLE ARTEFACT POWER TABLE
4. Artefact Effects: Roll d20 on the relevant (Weapons,
Armour, Worn Items, Object, Buildings or Grimoire) d6 Rarity Effects d6 Rarity Effects Cost
Artefacts Effects Table to generate an idea for each effect. 01-03 Rare d4 01-03 Low 1
5. Artefact Description: For each of the above methods, write 04-05 Epic d6 04-05 Medium 2
three bullet points using generated information as prompts 06 Legendary d8 06 High 3
covering the description (appearance), discoverable info
(nature of power, lore) and secret info (activation, specific
powers, lore) to generate a basic description of the artefact ARTEFACT CREATION EXAMPLE
with additional details which can be revealed if investigated. • The referee rolls d6 on the Artefact Type Table (4, rare
item and gets 3 effects).
USING ARTEFACTS • He now rolls 4d20 on the Artefact Generator Table and
gets 4 (Grimoire, Scroll), 4 (Stolen from an ancient vault),
• Artefacts powers should be discoverable through various 10 (Light aligned) and 10 (Life).
means (i.e. magic skill, clues, deduction and testing) and • The referee rolls d6 on the Artefact Power Table and gets a
can be treated as a puzzle to unlock 6 (High effect).
• Using an artefact may involve a magic check. On a critical • Then he rolls d20 on the Grimoire Table and gets 11
failure, the artefact will fade in power and lose one of its (Light Magic).
powers. On a critical success, the use of the power is • The referee decides to create a legendary item and creates
magnified a single-use Scroll of Resurrection, stolen from the Holy
• Artefacts will be hard to sell or trade and will be coveted by Temple of Suunos. It will resurrect a person who will be
others. blessed with the mark of a saint.


d20 Object Origin Construction Theme
01 A Body Part (Object) Born of chaos, death or shadow Chaos touched Ascension, Awakening
02 Ark, Coffin (Object) Crafted by a master smith Organic (i.e. bone, tooth) Protection, Resistance
03 Armour (Armour) Taken from a monster (name it) Masterwork construction Chaos, Cursed
04 Grimoire, Scroll (Grimoire) Taken from an ancient vault Rock (rock, stone, flint) Darkness, Shadows
05 Building (Building) A piece of a legendary monster Metal (bronze, iron, steel) Death, Destruction
06 Clothing (Worn item) Enchanted by a sorcerer Precious metal (gold, silver) Destiny, Desire
07 Crown, Headwear (Worn item) Grown or birthed Plant material (wood, plant) Doom, Conflict
08 Crystal, Rock, Gem (Object) Came from another realm Shadow aligned Elemental Power
09 Equipment, Tool (Object) Crafted by an ancient race Rune marked Knowledge, Memories
10 Furniture, Furnishing (Object) Used by a legendary hero Light aligned Life, Creation
11 Landmark (Building) Dwarven forged Made of an unusual metal Light, Holy
12 Machine, Device (Building) Elven crafted Contains strange sand or dust Magic, Anti-Magic
13 Material, Substance (Object) Demon-born or blood-born Imbued with sorceries Might, Power
14 Mundane object (Object) Alien origin Crafted of crystal or gems Order, Law
15 Orb, Sphere (Object) Created by an arcane ritual Attuned to sun, stars or moon Prophecy, Visions
16 Plant, Food, Water (Object) A gift from someone Alien or unusual element Rift, Portal
17 Staff, Wand (Weapon or Object) Born of the cosmic energies Powered by cosmic energies Sentient
18 Statue, Ornament (Object) Constructed by the Ancients Holy or blessed Spirit, Psychic
19 Valuable, Jewellery (Object) A gift from the Gods Forged of elemental power Summoning
20 Weapon (Weapon) Existed before time Holds ancient primal powers Time, Age, History



d20 Effect d20 Effect
01 Cursed, disadvantage to attack 01 Cursed, when hit object makes a noise, screams or shouts
02 Flawed, damaged on a natural 1 or 2 02 Flawed, armour damaged on a critical hit
03 Balanced, offers additional reach/range 03 Bane, increased defence against creature type
04 Bane, double damage against a nominated creature 04 Concealed, can be hidden under clothing
05 Bash, if attack misses by 1, does half damage 05 Durable, increases defence by 1
06 Bleed, advantage on damage on a natural 19 06 Effect, grants the user some effect (i.e. see spells)
07 Damage, increase damage die by one 07 Elemental Effect, elemental aura at close range
08 Deadly, exploding damage 08 Empowers, enhances an attributes (i.e. strength)
09 Defensive, improves defence by one 09 Evasion, can evade an attack (1 encounter use)
10 Effect, a hit causes an effect (i.e. see spells) 10 Fast, advantage on initiative
11 Fast, advantage on initiative 11 Force Field, ranged attacks at disadvantage
12 Lethal, critical hit on a natural 19 or 20 12 Haste, user can move more quickly
13 Powerful, advantage on damage 13 Immunity, immune to something
14 Precise, increase attack die by one 14 Light, grants light at short range for encounter
15 Sentient, possesses a sentient spirit 15 Light, ignores heavy armour penalty
16 Silver, made of or coated in silver 16 Repel, reflects damage to attack (1 encounter use)
17 Spell, possesses a magic spell 17 Resilient, increase damage resistance by 1
18 Surestrike, advantage on attack 18 Resistance, resistance to something
19 Swift, grants an extra attack 19 Shadow, invisibility power (1 encounter per use)
20 Swiping, area of effect range 20 Unbreakable, can absorb a blow (1 encounter use)
d20 Effect d20 Type of Effect
01 Corruption, causes wild magic effects 01 Cursed object
02 Cursed, first success each session must be re-rolled 02 Damage, Illness, Injury
03 Detection 03 Demonic or Chaotic
04 Elements, creates an elemental effect 04 Detection
05 Fear 05 Elemental Powers
06 Fortune, 06 Enchantment, Charm, Attraction
07 Friendship 07 Enhances mental or physical attributes
08 Healing 08 Fate, Destiny, Prophecy
09 Illusions 09 Form, Shape Change, Mutation
10 Immunity 10 Health, Restoration, Life
11 Invisibility 11 Illusion, Deception
12 Levitation 12 Mind Powers
13 Mind-Reading 13 Necromancy, Death
14 Power, source of magic power 14 Protection, Shielding
15 Protection 15 Senses, Vision
16 Resistance 16 Source of Magic Power
17 Shape Shifting 17 Spirit, Astral, Celestial
18 Summoning, summons a monster, creature 18 Summoning, Attracts
19 Vision 19 Travel, Flight
20 Water Breathing 20 Warns, Repels, Bane


d20 Spell Domain d20 Effect
01 Cursed, causes wild magic effect 01 Cursed Place
02 Air Magic 02 Beacon, Warning, Signal
03 Arcane Magic 03 Elemental Nexus
04 Chaos Magic 04 Forge, Creation
05 Dark Magic 05 Garden, Growth
06 Divine Magic 06 Hidden, Obscured, Safety
07 Earth Magic 07 Knowledge, Library
08 Fire Magic 08 Maze, Puzzle, Traps
09 Form Magic 09 Power Generation
10 Ice Magic 10 Rest, Recovery
11 Light Magic 11 Sacrifice, Death
12 Matter Magic 12 Sentient, Living Entity
13 Nature Magic 13 Spirits, History, Life After Death
14 Psionic Magic 14 Summoning, Ritual
15 Rune Magic 15 Time, Manipulation, Reality
16 Shadow Magic 16 Trade, Gifts, Exchange
17 Time Magic 17 Travel, Teleportation
18 Totem Magic 18 Weapon, War, Destruction
19 Water Magic 19 Weather, Nature, Control
20 Roll Twice 20 Wonders, Treasure, Art, Vault



• Resources cover natural substances which are used in d20 Name Use
everyday life from food, construction, crafting or trade. 01 Fruit Food
02 Berries Food
• A component is a rare resource which possesses a special 03 Small Game Food
property which can be used for alchemy or crafting to grant 04 Large Game Food
a benefit. 05 Plants & Roots Food, Medicinal
• Components are generally found or scavenged during 06 Water Food
adventures and are not commonly available for trade. 07 Wood Fuel, Building, Crafting
• Components are a form of reward for players who spend 08 Stone Building, Crafting
09 Clay Building, Crafting
time hunting, exploring and scavenging. 10 Mud Building, Crafting
• Suggested component properties are detailed in the 11 Salt Preservative, Food
Component Properties Table (pg. 57). 12 Peat Fuel, Building
13 Coal Fuel, Art
14 Sand Building
MONSTER PARTS 15 Mushrooms, Herbs Food, Medicinal
• Monster parts may also be harvested and used as resources. 16 Iron Ores Crafting
If the harvested part links to an ability (i.e. Griffin Wings = 17 Animal Remains Crafting
Flight, Giant Scorpion Tail = Poison) then treat the 18 Vines/Fibrous plant Crafting
19 Precious Metal (Rare) Crafting
monsters ability as the effect (See Bestiary chapter for further 20 Herd Animals Food, Transport


Patterned stones linked to Silver mineral used in holy Creature’s exoskeleton used Forged at cold temperatures, A heavy black rock, used in
the planet’s core weapons in armour and shields bane of fey creatures dwarven hammers
(Magnetic, Tremor) (Bane - Unholy, Powerful) (Durable) (Bane - Magic) (Powerful)


Formed from lava and metal Meteor metal ore remains, Enchanted golden crystal, Wood from earth trees used A pulsing red crystal with
ore, fire resistant magical properties pure magic in elven bow construction restorative properties
(Resistance - Fire, Fire) (Magic, Powerful, Shock) (Magic, Power) (Accuracy) (Magic, Restoration)


A silvery blue metal used in A toughened wood used in A smooth meteor rock with a A pale smooth rock, the A glass rock which reacts to
the finest of weapons solid objects faint magical aura antithesis of magic magic
(Durable, Powerful) (Accuracy, Powerful) (Incorporeal, Magic) (Anti-Magic) (Attuned, Magic)


Green-hued metal with A fiery red rock used in The bones of a great Golden-streaked rock with a A durable flexible plant, elves
mystical properties dwarven munitions creature, used for weapons light and durable metal ore use to create natural clothing
(Magic, Powerful) (Fire, Explosive) (Durable, Powerful) (Light, Powerful) (Camouflage)



Effervescent dandelion with Sponge-like moss which Charcoal tree vein, deadly to A slimy dark slippery Root of fungal plant, unlocks
gaseous properties absorbs air touch substance inner fury
(Gaseous) (Water Breath) (Drain) (Grease) (Rage, Strength)

Light grey flower permanently Blue dew from a sickly tree, Dark mess-like moss which Tall, reddish grass with a Buried, nutty seeds which
surrounded in a cloudy mist used for poison creates a sense of dread wonderful aroma vibrate when buried
(Gaseous, Cloud) (Poison) (Dark, Fear) (Scent) (Magnetic)


White fern root used as a A tall drowsy aromatic A hard to spot white spotty Purest of water with Tall, noxious weeds that
hallucinogenic rainbow plant fungus restorative properties unlocks true-sight
(Mind Control, Psychic) (Scent, Slow, Sleep) (Invisibility) (Blessed, Heal) (Clairvoyance)

Buried red seeds used to Icy corpulent vine, harmful to Splotchy mushroom, said to Mesmerising golden flower Withering fungal plant, rotten
embolden the spirit touch enhance the senses (Disorientate) and diseased
(Courage, Empower) (Paralysis) (Scent, Senses) (Disease)

Nourishing berries, Blesses and cleanses the White water lilies, ice-cold to Thick purple plant, bane of Grey tree root which
rejuvenates the body spirits touch magic intertwines with other plants
(Empower) (Bane Unholy, Blessed, Purify) (Freeze) (Anti-Magic) (Commune, Plants)

Deadly dark leaf sought after Dusty deposit of ragmar ore, Tough reddish lichen, Sticky sap sourced from the Slick underwater vine with
by witches and assassins volatile and fiery resistant to fire great red pines solvent properties
(Death) (Fire, Explosive) (Resistance - Fire) (Adhesive) (Grease, Solvent)


Rare thick root of an untamed Blackened tree bark from Prickly thorns which can A light airy white leaf which Black metallic scraps from
red flower causes turmoil trees which grow in perpetual inject a mutagenic toxin gently floats in the breeze the Shadowlands
(Chaos) darkness (Dark) (Mutate) (Levitate, Flight) (Chaos, Dark, Powerful)

Golden blossom flower, a Sap from a rare tree, acidic in Stalk of a colour flower which Rare white flower with Gossamer-like weeds which
token of seers and prophets nature fluctuates in size restorative properties sways in the breeze
(Prophecy, Sleep) (Acid) (Grow, Shrink) (Heal, Restoration) (Wind)




1. Component Type: Roll 2d6 on the Component Type Table d20 Uncommon 1 Uncommon 2 Rare Legendary (d8)
to determine how many properties the component has and 01 Accuracy Grease Anti-Magic Death
02 Acid Heal Chaos Drain
the rarity of each property. 03 Adhesive Levitate Cure Enchanted
2. Property Type: For each property roll on the corresponding 04 Attuned Light Divine Power
table to determine the exact property according to the 05 Bane (Target) Paralysis Explosive Prophecy
rarity. 06 Blessed Poison Fear Restoration
3. Generate Name: Roll 3d20 on the Resource Generator Table 07 Camouflage Purify Flight Stasis
to generate a name (choose any words) and an object. 08 Clairvoyance Rage Grow Transform
09 Cloud Resistance Incorporeal -
10 Commune Scent Invisibility -
11 Comprehend Senses Magic -
COMPONENT TYPE TABLE 12 Courage Shock Magnetic -
d6 Properties Type of Properties Status 13 Dark Sight Mind Control -
01-02 One 1x Uncommon Uncommon 14 Disease Sleep Mutate -
15 Disorientate Slow Powerful -
05 Two 1x Uncommon & 1x Rare Rare 16 Durable Solvent Psychic -
06 Three 2x Uncommon & 1x Legendary Legendary 17 Empower Water Breath Shrink -
18 Fire Plant Speed -
19 Freeze Wind Strength -
20 Gaseous Wood Tremor -


d20 Name 1 Name 2 Object 1 Object 2
01 burning, red, volcanic, hot ice, frost, ghost mineral, ore oak, tree
02 scorched, deep ember, fire gravel, sand wood, bark
03 bright, shining, radiant element, rust, dwarf, giant dust, granules fungus, algae
04 volatile, toxic, deadly clear, precious, serpent, wolf spice, soil sap, slime
05 phosphorus, rotten, withered iron, steel, snow, frost coal, ashes bane, shade
06 dense, heavy, wild, creeping sun, star granite, stone spore, mould
07 jagged, flat, eye, bone acid, oil moss, lichen
08 veiled, hidden, gloomy, shade chaos, moon, spider, witch crystal, gem cap, pod
09 black, white, wispy, glowing night, shadow fragment, dust leaf, stalk
10 dark, cold, spirit demon, devil, day, ethereal wood, bark orchid, flower
11 translucent, dry summer, spring quartz, clay blossom, rose
12 quick, mercury, magnesium scale, hide paste, wax grass, shoot
13 light, golden, silver blood, death, winter, autumn rock, stone creeper, vine
14 violet, purple, scarlet, crimson sand, earth, blood, death ash, root willow, pine
15 smooth, rough, yellow, bronze smoke, tear paint, scrapings fern, needle
16 blue, azure, dragon, serpent moon, dream gas, vapour thorn, weed
17 green, sparkling, fresh spire, willow smoke, fumes nut, leaf
18 grey, unstable, enchanters ink, tear, hollow spore, particle berry, seed
19 flaming, ash, mystic, witch herculean, ether, lotus, silk extract, incense clover, spice
20 elder, ancient, weeping salt, sulphur, drake, fen vein, alloy, metal, ingot root, bush



Property Basic Effect Rarity
Accuracy Finely balanced element aiding the use of weapons or equipment. Uncommon
Acid Causes items to corrode. Uncommon
Adhesive Powerful glue, useful for climbing equipment. Uncommon
Anti-Magic Magic resistance to magic dampening properties. Rare
Attuned Reacts to people with spell casting abilities. Uncommon
Bane Repels or affects certain people, creatures or monsters. Uncommon
Blessed Grants the user some luck. Uncommon
Camouflage Improves chance of detection or hiding. Uncommon
Chaos Wild magic effect. Rare
Clairvoyance Grants visions of locations over great distances in your mind. Uncommon
Cloud Creates a mist cloud. Uncommon
Commune Speak with plants, animals or monsters. Uncommon
Comprehend Understand other written languages or speech. Uncommon
Courage Advantage to will & morale checks for encounter Uncommon
Cure Commonly cures paralysis, poison or disease and may help with petrification. Rare
Dark Creates a dark cloud which light cannot penetrate. Uncommon
Death Lose health, vigour, lifespan or experience Legendary
Disease Causes disease effect, impairing the target. Uncommon
Disorientate Causes confusion to the target. Uncommon
Divine Increased effect against chaos, demons & undead monsters. Rare
Drain Has the ability to absorb health or magic. Legendary
Durable Grants damage resistance, does not break easily or improves defence. Uncommon
Empower Enhance physical function (i.e. strength, speed, fortitude). Uncommon
Enchanted Possesses some form of magic power or spell effect. Legendary
Explosive Causes an explosive effect. Rare
Fear Creates a sense of dread. Rare
Fire Causes a fire effect. Uncommon
Flight Allows users to fly. Rare
Freeze Can freeze and incapacitate something. Uncommon
Gaseous Allows users to assume a gaseous form. Uncommon
Grease Makes something slippery. Uncommon
Grow Target grows to a larger size. Rare
Heal Restores a person’s health. Uncommon
Incorporeal Phase in and out of existence. Rare
Invisibility Grants invisibility. Rare
Levitate Enables levitation. Uncommon
Light Creates an illuminating light source. Uncommon
Magic Magic which enhances item use and/or grants a power or spell effect. Rare
Magnetic Attracts or repulses something. Rare
Mind Control Makes users susceptible to commands. Rare
Mutate Causes current form to temporarily mutate. Rare
Paralysis Causes paralysis. Uncommon
Plant Grants attunement and control of plants. Uncommon
Poison Causes the target to be poisoned. Uncommon
Power Is a source of magic power. Legendary
Powerful Element enhances attack or damage (i.e. extra damage die or advantage). Rare
Prophecy Gains visions of the future. Legendary
Psychic Enables a psychic attack. Rare
Purify Cleanses small water source. Uncommon
Rage Gain temporary strength and health through raw emotional fury. Uncommon
Resistance Resistance or immunity to something specific. Uncommon
Restoration Restores life expectancy, vigour or serious wound. Legendary
Scent Attracts something (people, monster, creature), may be limited by range. Uncommon
Senses Enhanced senses (sight, sound or smell). Uncommon
Shock Creates a shock effect. Uncommon
Shrink Target shrinks to a small size. Rare
Sight Grants dark vision. Uncommon
Sleep Target falls asleep. Uncommon
Slow Slows target. Uncommon
Solvent Dissolves adhesive and weakens hard materials. Uncommon
Speed Increase movement speed and number of actions. Rare
Stasis Put someone into suspended animation. Legendary
Strength Advantage to strength and combat checks for the encounter. Rare
Transform Take the form of another person, creature or monster. Legendary
Tremor Causes earth tremor. Rare
Water Breath Can breathe underwater. Uncommon
Wind Creates a gust of wind. Uncommon
Wood Harden’s skin to a tough wood exterior improving damage resistance. Uncommon



• A campaign is a series of linked adventures which follows • The Referee’s Calendar is used to track the passage of time
an overall story arc. and record upcoming events.
• Campaigns extend beyond episodic adventures and allows • This is necessary to provide a degree of plausibility in your
the referee and players to develop deeper, longer or more world where the progress of time has a consequence (i.e.
complicated storylines if they wish. changing seasons, events, holidays).
• This chapter introduces some additional gameplay elements • Share common information with players and provide
to support longer-term play or play at a broader scale than opportunities for them to interact with the setting (i.e.
small adventuring party missions. events, festivals, holidays etc).
• The Fallen Lands setting uses a 12 month/4 season (Spring,
NEW CAMPAIGN ELEMENTS Summer, Autumn, Winter) calendar.
• Factions are groups or organisations with a common
interest or purpose which are progressed through fronts. CAMPAIGN PRINCIPLES
• Property & Enterprises are constructions or ventures the • Build Towards the Goal: The campaign are a series of
players can invest in which drive further adventures. adventures which the players should feel is building towards
• Domains are areas of land the players can control and a goal. Story arcs may not be straightforward and plot twists
manage which drive further adventures at a different scale. can be used but do not over-use these.
• Warbands are small military forces which act as a group. • Layer Elements: Factions, NPCs, monsters and fronts each
with their own motivations will create interactions and
CAMPAIGN CREATION tension in the setting. Link these to encounters,
backgrounds events, rumours and adventures.
• Campaign Overview: Create a one-page document which • Consequences: Consider how people, factions, settlements
captures the key high-level information for your campaign. and background events will be affected by adventure
This will include: outcomes (or inactivity).
• Campaign Theme: The key idea/theme. • Discoveries: Allow the players to continually discover new
• Campaign Arc: Key milestones or events. things or information they can use or interact with
• Campaign Elements: Who or what is involved and throughout the campaign.
details their motivations. • Keep Preparation to a Minimum: Ask the players what
• Create your Starting Adventure: Build out the minimum they wish to do and prepare on a per session basis.
necessary detail for your first adventure (i.e. region map, Introduce further detail as it becomes relevant to play and
initial hook, adventure location, starting settlement and key focus preparation on things the players will see and interact
NPCs/factions). with.
• Be Flexible: Adjust how the campaign progresses based on
CAMPAIGN INFORMATION the player’s actions. A campaign is the heroes’ story and one
• Create a document or folder of information to record the which they shape through adventures.
following details:
• Campaign Overview ENDING A CAMPAIGN
• Referee’s Calendar • A campaign ends when the major story arc has been
• Region Map completed or the heroes have been defeated.
• Fronts • You may start a new campaign but the previous events and
• Settlements outcomes should have a consequence in the setting.
• Adventure Sites • Make adjustments to your campaign information such as
• Factions (inc. Warbands) region map, settlements, factions, NPCs, rumour or
• NPC’s/Monsters adventure sites based on the outcome of the last campaign.
• Rumour Table
• Heroes information
• This will help organise your campaign information as it


• This is a style of play where heroes venture forth to explore • Start: Give your players some rumours and use the first
the wilderness to discover ‘what’s out there’. adventure site as an initial hook.
• You should start with a wilderness map; settlement; • Player Driven: Allow the players to decide which places
rumours and one starting adventure site. they wish to explore, they drive the story.
• Keep Preparation to a Minimum: Ask your players to
CREATING HEXES decide their next course of action at the end of each session
and prepare on a session to session basis.
• You will need to litter the wilderness map with lots of • Develop the Setting: Continue to build the setting adding
adventure sites and elements for the players to discover and more detail over time.
interact with. • Vary the Challenges: Offer some risk vs. reward decisions;
• For each hex, roll 2d20 on each of the following tables; Hex barriers to overcome and build the scale of adventures over
Terrain Generator; Hex Landmark Generator; Hex Threat time.
Generator and Hex Discoveries Generator to create ideas for • Milestones: Build small adventure arcs and milestones; link
the contents of each hex. elements where it makes sense.
• Use these results to create places to investigate and • Consequences: Ensure the outcome of adventures has an
challenges to overcome for the players as they explore the impact in the setting.
d20 Terrain Descriptor d20 Feature Descriptor
01 Bay, Cliff, Bluff Ancient, Remote 01 Barrier, Pass Ancient, Old
02 Bog, Swamp, Fen Blighted, Toxic 02 Bog, Swamp, Marsh Beautiful, Majestic
03 Caves, Cavities, Sinkholes Broken, Fallen 03 Boulders, Rocks Broken, Shattered
04 Cold, Snow, Glacier Clear, Light 04 Cave, Tunnels, Grotto Ethereal, Magical
05 Crag, Peak, Tor, Mesa Cold, Frozen 05 Cliff, Crevasse Famous, Infamous
06 Fields, Meadow, Heath Deep, High 06 Dunes, Mounds Frozen, Burning
07 Flatlands Desolate, Barren 07 Geyser, Spring Giant, Colossal
08 Forest, Woods Eerie, Silent 08 Lowland, Great, Grand
09 Hill, Downs, Foothills Endless, Vast 09 Mountain, Hill Grim, Bleak
10 Hot, Desert, Blight, Gloom, Shadow, Dark 10 Observation Point Hidden, Lost
11 Lakebeds, Dunes Golden, Shining 11 Outcrops, Cliffs Jagged, Rocky
12 Lowland, Depression Grim, Perilous 12 Chasm, Depression, Crater Mysterious, Forbidden
13 Mounds, Hills Holy, Cursed 13 Plateau, Highlands Plain, Dull
14 Mountain, Range, Plateau Hot, Burning 14 River, Lake Primeval, Overgrown
15 Plains, Expanse, Prairie Lost, Forgotten 15 Rocks, Boulders, Outcrop Sacred, Hallowed
16 River, Lake, Sea Misty, Hidden 16 Strange/Rare Vegetation Shadow, Dark
17 Savanna, Sands Overgrown, Creeping 17 Trees, Forests Silver, Light, Bright
18 Steppes, Rocky Savage, Wild 18 Valley, Canyon Sweeping, Vast, Endless
19 Valley, Canyon Shifting, Changing 19 Waterfall, Falls Twisting, Shifting
20 Wetlands, Moor, Fen Strange, Undiscovered 20 Wetlands, Ponds Weathered, Worn
d20 Threat Descriptor d20 Discovery Descriptor
01 Adventure Site Adverse 01 Bridge, Crossing Abandoned, Forgotten
02 Ambush Deadly 02 Building, Farm Ancient, Old
03 Blight, Curse Destructive 03 Campsite Broken, Decrepit
04 Contested Area Evil, Chaotic 04 Canal, River Civilised, Cultured
05 Natural Vegetation Fell, Dire 05 Castle, Keep Criminal, Lawless
06 Den, Lair, Hive, Nest Grave 06 Dungeon, Underground Cursed, Chaotic
07 Difficult Terrain Hazardous 07 Farmlands Dangerous, Deadly
08 Enchanted, Cursed Hostile 08 Lair, Den Enchanted, Magical
09 Environmental Hazard Ominous 09 Man-made Landmark Habitable, Settled
10 Fog, Cloud, Mist Perilous 10 Megalithic Structure Hidden, Isolated
11 Natural Animals Poisonous 11 Mine Lost, Forgotten
12 Monster Precarious 12 Portal Military, War
13 Natural Disaster Sickening, Infectious 13 Resource Occupied, Busy
14 Navigation Challenge Sinister 14 Road Peaceful, Quiet
15 Resource Constraint Threatening 15 Ruins Poor, Destitute
16 Sinkhole, Chasm, Pit Treacherous 16 Settlement Prosperous, Rich
17 Trail, Tracks, Remains Unfriendly 17 Statue, Shrine Religious, Holy
18 Travellers Unhealthy 18 Temple, Sanctuary Ruined, Derelict
19 Wandering Monster Unpleasant 19 Tomb, Crypt, Graveyard Silent, Eerie
20 Weather Event Unsafe 20 Track, Trail Small, Large


• A front is an organisational tool used to help manage the
activities of factions or adversaries within a campaign.
• A front is written (up to a) 5x5 grid with the faction’s broad
objective written at the top of the grid and the desired
outcome written at the bottom of the grid.
• Each row of the grid will describe in short detail (a couple of
words) potential actions, activities or interim goals which
progress in nature towards the objective.

• Decide who you are writing the front for (i.e. faction or
adversary) and write their broad objective (i.e. The
Beastman Tribes want to rule the Dalelands). Use the Front USING FRONTS
Objective Generator table for inspiration. • Look at the potential actions on the first row and start to
• Write down what this outcome will look like in the setting filter these into elements of your adventure through,
(i.e. Conquered keep, control villages and own food and encounters, rumours or adventure sites.
supply stores). • At the end of each adventure, if the players have interacted
• For each row, write 2-3 actions that build toward the final with an action mark it as follows from the perspective of
outcome; each row represents a significant step towards the the faction, success (tick), failure (cross) or mixed
outcome. This is all you need to start. outcome (question mark).
• If it is logical to proceed to the next row (using outcomes as
FRONT EXAMPLE: BEASTMAN TRIBES a guide) then go to the next row of activities and use these
as your next set of events to implement in your next
Objective: Rule the region of the Dalelands adventure.
1 Scout Dalelands • Players should see these events building in importance or
Locate Villages
frequency so it is evident something is brewing.
2 Raid Villages Gather Supplies • If the players thwart the faction’s events, then add additional
3 Build Outpost Recruit Numbers responses or contingency actions in the additional columns
4 Control Villages Plan Keep Assault to see how the factions react.
• If all five options have been attempted, then the faction’s
5 Assault Keep Fortify Area goals may be thwarted resulting in the creation of a new
Outcome: Conquered the Borderlands Keep and control the front and change in approach.
surrounding villages. Take their food and supplies. • Fronts are very flexible tools and can provide inspiration for
your adventure. Feel free to scale these according to the
objective; use multiple fronts to create tension between
different factions.


d20 Protagonist Objective Event Subject
01 Faction, Evil Avoid Threat Control, Occupy Adventure Site
02 Faction, Good Capture, Expansion Create Advantage Ally Faction
03 Faction, Neutral Conquest, Destroy Create Resources Ally Settlement
04 Hero, Evil Destiny, Prophecy Deal, Negotiation Faction
05 Hero, Good Escort, Deliver Diplomacy, Trade Heroes
06 Hero, Neutral Fortune, Riches Discovery, Info Knowledge, Secret
07 Legendary Monster Hate/Fears something Expand Influence Legendary Monster
08 Monster, Evil Help, Support, Charity Gain Resources Magic
09 Monster, Good Investigate, Discover Gathering, Meeting Monster
10 Monster, Neutral Knowledge, Secret Hide Resources Threat
11 Non Human Obtain, Acquire Move Resources NPC
12 Other Power, Secret Occupation, Ownership Overcome Obstacle Object, Artefact
13 Power, in Region Peace, Prosperity Power, Control Place, Landmark
14 Power, other Region Popularity, Fame Protect, Defend Region, Current
15 Religion, Evil Power, Control Raid, Attack Region, New
16 Religion, Good Protect, Defend, Serve Sell Resources Religion
17 Religion, Neutral Rebellion, Revenge Spy, Secrets Resources
18 Settlement, Evil Rescue, Steal Tax, Law, Rule Rival Faction
19 Settlement, Good Resources, Environment Theft, Espionage Rival Settlement
20 Settlement, Neutral Trade, Opportunity Use Resources Treasure


• Factions are groups that have a common purpose.
• They help establish a living world by providing
opportunities for player interaction such as; a source of
fronts, quests, rumours, NPCs contact or even an

• Faction Generator: Roll 4d20 or choose entries on the
Faction Generator Table to create ideas for a faction.
• Write three bullet points to summarise the faction’s
description, goals, resources, contacts and location.
• Faction details should be noted in concise bullet point
format, additional details can be added over time.

• Name: The faction’s name.
• Description: Details the factions; organisation type;
leadership; philosophy and reputation.
• Goals: Objectives the faction is trying to achieve and
progress towards completion (rated from 1 to 5 steps).
• Resources: Details power, influence, assets and resources at JOINING FACTIONS
their disposal.
• Contacts: The leadership structure is presented as a • Players may join a faction if they share a common purpose
pyramid structure with three ranks. or belief.
• This can provide quest opportunities and benefits but may
also involve some demands from the faction.
USING FACTIONS • Additional details can be added to the faction description
• Faction goals are used to provide opportunities or tension including, requirements, benefits and advancement.
between players or other factions. • Advancement gives the players an opportunity to climb the
• Use the fronts tool to create a motive and purpose for each contact pyramid and achieve a higher rank, additional
faction. This can operate in the background if you do not rewards and benefits and is a good way of developing
wish it to be the main focus of the adventure. personal quests.


d20 Organisation Type Leadership Philosophy Reputation
01 Criminal, Secret Secret, Hidden power Evil, Chaotic Secret
02 Family People, no leadership No rules Banished
03 Clan, Tribe Warlord, Military leader No respect Forgotten
04 New Religion Sheriff of the people Corrupt, Criminal Unimportant
05 Cult Front for something Manipulative Disliked, Feared
06 Trade Ruling class or role Cautious Obscure
07 Warband Criminal organisation Self-Serving Old-Fashioned, Traditional
08 Military Hereditary leader Superiority, Rule Unpopular, Not Well Known
09 Mercenary Theocracy, Church Neutral Known
10 Expedition Mayor, Leader elected Honour, Trade Notorious
11 Settlers Hero, leader Protect, Defend Acclaimed
12 Enterprise Representatives Affiliations, Partners Prominent
13 Guild Democracy, people Uses influence Well-Known
14 Craft, Art Administration Idealistic, Faith Famous
15 Academic Elders, wise ones Seeks opportunity Beloved
16 Political Influential councillors Moral, Ethical, Community Influential
17 Law Elected councillors Protects others Important
18 Established Religion Family or Clan Charitable, Good Popular
19 Old Religion Wealthy aristocracy Control, Own Historical
20 Magic Noble, Lord family Lawful, Justice Ancient


• Warbands are military forces between 20-200 people.
• Players can form a warband by recruiting sufficient
followers using NPC hiring costs.
• Warbands are used to provide a different scale to adventures
such as, defending territories, managing expeditions or
hunting huge monsters.
• The rules are kept deliberately light and are not intended to
act as a detailed battle simulation.

• Name: The warband’s name.
• Description: Details the type; theme; no. of people.
• Weekly Expenses: Costs 20sp per person per level.
• Level: Warband’s experience (starts as 1).
• Health: Warband’s size (equal to number of people).
• Defence: Warband’s defence (starts as 8 for humans).
• Damage: Damage in combat (starts as a d6 weapon).
• Experience Points XP: XP gained (starts at 0).
• Skill Die: Skill die applied to checks.

1. Warband Size: Roll d6 on the Warband Size Table.
2. Warband Experience: Roll d6 on the Warband Attributes
Table. All player warbands start at Level 1. d6 Experience
Size Number
Level HLT* DEF** Skill Die XP Req
01-03 Common
Small 20x
1 d4 people
5 8 0 0
3. Warband Type: Roll 2d20 or choose from the Warband 03
04-05 Known
Medium 20x
2 d6 people
7 9 d4 5
Generator Table. 04
06 Reputed
Large 20x
3 d8 people
9 10 d6 10

• Warbands act as a single entity using the normal combat WARBAND GENERATOR TABLE
and morale rules. d6 Experience Level HLT* DEF** Skill Die XP Req
• Warbands can be split into smaller units (minimum of 20) 01-02 Common 1 5 8 0 0
for tactical purposes. 03 Known 2 7 9 d4 5
04 Reputed 3 9 10 d6 10
• Each combat turn takes 10 minutes of time in total. 05 Well Known 4 11 11 d8 20
• Advantage on attacks should be awarded for tactical 06 Heroic 5 13 12 d10 30
advantages such as; greater numbers (50% or more),
environmental advantages, mounted or led by a hero. *Individual health score **Un-armoured
• When warbands are damaged this reduces the number of WARBAND GENERATOR TABLE
available combatants through injury.
d20 Type Theme
• At the end of the battle, 50% of this number are considered 01 Horseman, Cavalry Primitive, Barbarian
injured survivors who may recover. 02 Light, Heavy Militia Poor, Destitute
03 Archers, X-Bow Veteran
WARBAND ADVANCEMENT 04 Mercenaries Rich, Financed
05 Tribe, Clan Independent
• Warbands gain experience and can increase their level and 06 Rangers, Foresters Nearby Settlement
attributes. 07 Expedition, Train Non-Human
• For each battle; award 1XP to the victorious warband and 08 Scouts, Guides Monsters, Beastmen
1XP when 50% or more of a warband survives a battle. 09 Monsters Undead, Demonic
Deduct 1XP when more than 50% of the Warband is 10 Bandits, Outlaws Mixed Race
defeated. XP cannot go below zero. 11 Religious, Cult Bloodied, Defeated
• Advance the Warband as per the Warband Attributes Table 12 Witch Hunters Victorious, Spoils of war
and increase attributes accordingly. 13 Bounty Hunters Noble, Famous Leader
• Warbands can also be improved through the purchase of 14 Villagers, Settlers Presumed Dead, Lost
15 Knights, Crusader Chaos, Mutants
new equipment for every member. 16 Soldiers, Patrol Exploring, Searching
17 Traders, Guards Conquest, Raiding
18 Non-Human Defence, Protection
19 Guerrilla, Irregulars Hunting, Tracking
20 Hybrid (Roll Twice) Broken Lands, Savage



• Properties & Enterprises are constructions or
organisations in which the hero has invested money.
• Their primary purpose is to create interesting side-quests,
income generation is a secondary purpose.
• The following mechanics should support any role-playing
opportunities which is the primary focus.


• Name/Description: Name the property or enterprise.
• Type: Property & Enterprise type.
• Size: Starts small and can grow medium, large or huge.
• Maintenance (M): Annual cost to maintain x1k sp.
• Income (I): Die representing annual income x1k sp.
• Perk: A gameplay bonus (determined by the referee) to
owning the enterprise.
• Value: Current cost.
• Wealth: Cash, recorded in silver pieces, starts at zero. PROPERTY & ENTERPRISE TYPE TABLE
d20 Type M I Perk Value
02 Farm, Fishing 1 d2 Food, Animals 2,000
• Use Property & Enterprise Type Table as a guide but flavour 03 Fishing 1 d2 Fish supplies 2,000
this through discussion with the players. 04 Shop 2 d4 Unusual Goods 2,500
• Build time is 1 week per 1k cost. 05 Trade 2 d4 Wagon, Cart 2,500
• Existing location renovation costs are, 75% (ruins), 50% 06 Wood Resources 2 d4 Materials 5,000
(structural damage) and 25% (cosmetic damage). 07 Workshop, Craft 2 d4 Quality Item 5,000
08 Stables 2 d4 Horses 5,000
PROPERTY & ENTERPRISES EVENTS 09 School, Study 1 d2 Knowledge 5,000
10 Tavern 2 d4 Rumours 5,000
• Events: Every quarter, roll 2d20 on the Property & 11 Temple 1 d2 Visitors 5,000
Enterprise Events Table to generate a scenario for the players 12 Trading Post 2 d4 Rumours 5,000
to deal with. 13 Refuge 1 - Reputation 5,000
• If the players decide to intervene, play out the scenario as a 14 Warehouse 1 d2 Uncommon Goods 5,000
small adventure, the outcome should have a consequence 15 Mine, Smelting 3 d6 Resources 10,000
for the enterprise. 16 Guild Hall 1 d2 Contacts 10,000
17 Estate 1 d2 Visitors 20,000
18 Tower 1 - Insight 20,000
WEALTH 19 Dungeon 1 - Hidden Secret 50,000
• These operate in the background run by NPCs. 20 Keep 3 d4 Fortified 50,000
• Profit: At the end of the year, roll the appropriate die for
income (i.e. d4) and deduct the maintenance cost.
• Losses: A negative figure results in a loss which must be d20 Opportunity/Threat Risk
paid by the players, or generate a side-quest to meet their 01 Competition/Partnership Very High loss
02 Poverty, Wealth High risk loss
obligations. 03 Scandal/Celebration High risk of loss
• Advantage or disadvantage can be applied based on the 04 Good/Bad harvest Medium risk of loss
outcome of events during the year. 05 Criminal/Opportunity Medium risk of loss
06 Religion/Cult Medium risk of loss
GROWTH 07 Blessing/Curse Low risk of loss
08 Hunger/Bounty Low risk of loss
• Properties & enterprises can be grown by paying double the 09 Cult/Pilgrimage Low risk of loss
current cost each time it grows. This grows the enterprise 10 Discovery/Exploration Roll again (DIS)
from, small, medium, large to huge. 11 Resource discovery/loss Roll again (ADV)
• Maintenance: Increase this by +2 for each size increase. 12 Materials Help/Hindrance Small opportunity
• Income: Increase this by the next die size (i.e. d2 > d4 > d6 13 Feud/Calm Small opportunity
> d8 > d10 > d12 > d20). 14 Monster Threat/Fortune Small opportunity
• Additional detail and information can be added over time 15 Sickness/Good Health Medium opportunity
through further gameplay and interaction. 16 Dispute, Deal Medium opportunity
17 Information, Spy/Insight Medium opportunity
18 Banditry/Expansion Large opportunity
19 Taxes/Bonuses Large opportunity
20 War/Peace Very Large opportunity


• A domain is a settlement or place managed by the heroes.
• Domains are intended to offer a different style and scale of
adventures and role-playing opportunities with players
being accountable for managing the domain.
• The rules are kept deliberately light and are not intended to
act as a domain management simulation.
• If players own both properties/enterprises and domains,
then the scale of a domain takes precedence.

• Name/Description: Name and add 3 bullet points to
describe the domain.
• Type/Population: Domain type and population.
• Size: Starts small and grows to; medium; large or huge.
• Maintenance (M): Annual cost to maintain x10k sp.
• Income (I): Die representing annual income x10k sp.
• Value: Investment cost to grow in size. DOMAIN TYPE TABLE
• Wealth: Cash, recorded in silver pieces, starts at zero. d6 Type Population M I Value
01 Hamlet 50 1 d2 20k
CREATING DOMAINS 02 Village 100 1 d2 150k
03 Keep 100 3 d4 200k
• Domains should be introduced as rewards or 04 Castle 250 4 d6 500k
opportunities from adventures such as; colonising a 05 Town 500 3 d6 500k
wilderness territory, obtaining a land grant from someone 06 City 2,000 4 d8 1m
or being asked to manage a settlement.
• Use the Domain Type Table as a guide, this can be flavoured DOMAIN EVENTS TABLE
through discussion with the players. d20 Opportunity/Threat Risk
01 Competition/Partnership Very High loss
DOMAIN EVENTS 02 Poverty, Wealth High risk loss
03 Scandal/Celebration High risk of loss
• Events: Every quarter, (minimum) roll 2d20 on the Domain 04 Good/Bad harvest Medium risk of loss
Events Table to generate a scenario for the players, this may 05 Criminal/Opportunity Medium risk of loss
conflict with other quests to create a choice of priorities. 06 Religion/Cult Medium risk of loss
• Link the scale of the event to the nature and size of the 07 Blessing/Curse Low risk of loss
domain. 08 Hunger/Bounty Low risk of loss
• If the players decide to intervene then play out the scenario 09 Cult/Pilgrimage Low risk of loss
as an adventure, the outcome of the adventure should have 10 Discovery/Exploration Roll again (DIS)
a consequence for the domain. 11 Resource discovery/loss Roll again (ADV)
12 Materials Help/Hindrance Small opportunity
13 Feud/Calm Small opportunity
DOMAIN WEALTH 14 Monster Threat/Fortune Small opportunity
15 Sickness/Good Health Medium opportunity
• Profit: At the end of the year roll the appropriate die for 16 Dispute, Deal Medium opportunity
income (i.e. d4) and deduct the maintenance cost. 17 Information, Spy/Insight Medium opportunity
• Losses: A negative figure results in a loss which must be 18 Banditry/Expansion Large opportunity
paid by the players. This can be used to generate a side- 19 Taxes/Bonuses Large opportunity
quest to avoid or mitigate the loss. 20 War/Peace Very Large opportunity
• Advantage or Disadvantage can be applied based on the
outcome of events during the year. DOMAIN GROWTH
• Players may spend wealth to improve features and services • Domains can be grown by paying double the current cost
within the domain through discussion with the referee. Use each time it grows. This grows the domain from, small,
the property and enterprise costs as a guide. medium, large to huge and doubles the population size
• Maintenance: Increase this by +2 each time.
• Income: Increase this by the next die size (i.e. d2 > d4 > d6
> d8 > d10 > d12 > d20).
• Additional detail and information can be added through
further gameplay and interaction.


• Monster is a generic term for all manner of animals,
beasts, creatures and monstrosities in the game.
• Monsters use an abbreviated version of the hero attributes LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 12 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR -
described as follows: COMBAT: Bite (d6)
Name: This is the monster’s name. ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Sprint, Leap Attack
HARVEST: Heart (Leap Attack)
Three Keywords:
• A brief three keyword description covering the monsters Monstrous canine creatures that lurk in the shadows, their dull red
theme, description and size. eyes glowing with menace. These hounds of chaos operate in small
• Theme describes the nature of the creature. Some abilities packs, stealthily stalking and hunting their prey under the cover of
or spells affect a specific theme of the creature. darkness. Legends
• Description is a word summarising the monster’s look. forewarn those
• Size details the monsters size category from; Tiny (i.e. unfortunate enough to
Fairy), Small (i.e. Dog), Medium (i.e. Human), Large (i.e. catch sight of a Barghest
Ogre), Huge (i.e. Dragon) and Colossal (i.e. Behemoth). are doomed to meet a
grim fate as these
Attributes ferocious creatures attack
• Level is a measure of the monster’s threat from level 1 (low with savage fangs and
threat) to level 10 (powerful threat). claws, leaving a trail of
• Health (HLT) is a score representing how much physical terror in their wake.
injury they can endure before dying when this falls to zero.
• Defence (DEF) is the target number required to hit the d6 Hook
monster in combat. Damage Resistance (DR) is a score that 01 Have arrived from a rift in the Shadowlands.
is deducted from any damage incurred. 02 On the hunt for someone specific.
03 They have been drawn to a place of death.
• Skill (SKL) is the monster’s skill die (i.e. 0, d4, d6, d8, d10, 04 Summoned by an arcane ritual.
d12 or d20) which is added to die rolls when making 05 Have recently feasted upon something.
checks. See Monster’s skill checks for further details. 06 A pack is travelling to some specific destination.
• Number Appearing (APP) shows how many monsters will
typically appear during an encounter. MONSTER’S SKILL CHECKS
• Treasure (TSR) indicates the type of treasure which may be
carried or in their lair. Presented in order of rising value • The monster’s skill die can be applied to:
from, S (Salvage), L (Loot), T (Treasure) and A (Artefact). • Combat checks.
Where a multiplier is shown then you roll multiple times. • Where the monster’s size is a factor.
Treasure is detailed in the Referee’s Guide. • Where the monster’s nature gives them an
Combat • Otherwise, the referee may not permit the monster to
• Describes the monster’s method of attack in combat and try certain actions or could make a check without any
includes; number of attacks, nature of attack, damage and modifier.
range. For example, the following method of attack 2x
Teeth/Claw (d6, close) means the creature may attack twice For example: The Barghest (SKL d6) is a physical creature
in a round with their teeth or claws (a descriptor). The acting on its instincts:
attack must be in close range and on a hit causes d6 • The monsters skill die is used for combat checks.
damage. • The referee could also apply the monster’s skill die for any
running or leaping checks.
Abilities • The referee may elect not to apply the skill die for a
• This is a series of keywords that details any special feats or swimming check deeming this a skill where the monster
powers a monster possesses. This is described in the does not have an advantage.
Monsters Abilities section. Abilities are categorised as: • The referee would not permit the monster to make any
• Passive Abilities; these abilities grant a permanent bonus or magic checks considering this beyond the monster’s
an action that can be used every turn. capability.
• Encounter Abilities; these abilities require some effort and
can be used once per level per encounter (i.e. a level 3 Description:
creature could use any one encounter ability three times or • A text description of the monster’s appearance, habits,
three encounter abilities once during a single encounter). motives, behaviours or abilities.
• Only one ability can be performed as an action at a time
and these cannot be stacked. Hooks:
• A small table of potential plot hooks the referee can use
when encountering a monster.


• Each monster will have up to 3 parts which may be Size Number of Parts Harvested
harvested and used as resources for crafting (items) or Tiny 0 - Too small
extracting its essence for alchemy purposes (potions). Small 1
• These parts will be linked to specific abilities the Medium 1
Monster possesses. Large 2
• The number of parts harvested will depend upon the Huge 4
monsters size (see Monsters Harvest Size Table). Colossal 6
• For Alchemy: The essence of the harvested part is
extracted and turned into a potion. Treat the monster’s
ability as the potion’s effect (see Monsters Abilities) as a
single-use item.
• For Crafting: The harvested part should be linked to
an object or weapon (i.e. Dragon scales turned to
armour, poison applied to a weapon) then apply an
effect based on the harvested part. The referee should
determine the permanence of these (i.e. armour may
grant permanent defence bonus, weapon effects may
be temporary) and multiple parts may be required at
the referee’s discretion.
• Allow the players to get creative with their suggestions
although the referee has the final say over the specific
mechanical bonuses or features.

• Huge or Colossal monsters dwarf the players in size (i.e.
giants, dragons or other huge beasts).
• They may be treated slightly differently with separate
health scores for different body parts.
• This may present a combat puzzle for players who use
different tactics to access or attack specific points to nullify
an effect.
• The referee may award advantage or disadvantage when
attempting to perform actions against creatures of larger or
smaller size (i.e. advantage when overpowering monsters
smaller than you).

Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Colossal

Fairy Dog Human Ogre Dragon Behemoth


d00 Ability Name Ability Description
01 Absorb On a killing blow absorbs the victim and grows adding their previous health total to their health permanently.
02 Alarm (range, effect) When a person enters into vicinity of stated (ranged) then a stated (effect) occurs.
03 Alertness Advantage on senses checks.
04 Ambush Make a free attack at the start of combat.
05 Amorphous Has no distinct shape and can amend and alter its form and squeeze through gaps.
06 Amphibious Can breathe in air or underwater.
07 Amplified Spells (domains) May cast spells from nominated (domains) and amplify these. Each spell use costs 1-3 health through stress.
08 Animate (range) Can animate an inanimate object of the same size as the creature within the stated (range). The object follows its master’s
09 Appendage (what, number, health) Monster has a (number) of appendages (what), each with its own (health) score. Removing these appendages may impact some
of the Monsters attacks or abilities.
10 Aura (what, range, damage or effect) Monster is surrounded by some effect (what) within the stated (range). All creatures within this range must suffer the stated
(damage/effect). The referee may allow an opposed check to suffer a partial effect at their discretion.
11 Blinded (what, range, damage, save, Monster makes some attack (what) within stated (range) that causes (damage). Target must make a check (save) or suffer the
effect) blinded (effect) acting at disadvantage. May make an automatic save each turn to eliminate this effect.
12 Blindsight (range) Detects the surrounding stated area (range) without the need for sight using other senses
13 Boon (range, effect) May grant a minor boon to a creature giving the recipient an advantage on an action for the current encounter.
14 Charge May move two range bands and attack at advantage as a single action.
15 Climb May climb any surface easily, no checks required.
16 Companion (type) The monster is accompanied by a stated (type) companion.
17 Control (type) Has the power to command creatures of a certain (type) of a lower level than them.
18 Convergence (range) Any magic checks made within the stated (range) are made at disadvantage. Spell casters will experience a head-ache.
19 Critical (effect) On a critical hit the stated effect applies.
20 Dark Vision (range) The ability to see in the dark within the stated (range).
21 Disease (how, range, area, damage, Makes a type (how) of diseased attack in a certain (range) affecting targets within the stated (area). On a hit, the target is
effect) injured (damage) and must make a monster skill vs fortitude save or be diseased and be impaired (disadvantage) until cured.
22 Equipment Carries or possesses stated equipment or object
23 Explodes (how, damage, range) Explodes on the stated trigger (how) causing (damage) in the stated (range).
24 Exploding Damage On a hit, if the maximum damage is rolled then roll damage again and add this to the original result once.
25 Sprint Can move four range bands as part of a move only action.
26 Fear (how, range) Causes fear on an action (how) to anyone the same size or smaller within the stated (range). Make an opposed monster vs. will
check or be struck with fear and act at disadvantage. Target may automatically save each turn.
27 Fearless Immune to morale checks
28 Feed (range, damage) On a successful attack, stated (damage) is drained from target and added to monster’s health.
29 Flight (swift) Has the ability to fly a range band as part of their action and two as a move only action. (Swift) flight doubles this.
30 Freeze (how, range, area, effect) Makes a type (how) of freezing attack in a certain (range) affecting targets within the stated (area). On a hit, target must make a
monster skill vs fortitude save or suffer the stated freezing effect until cured (starting from impaired to incapacitated to
suspended animation).
31 Gas (how, range, area, effect) Makes a type (how) of gas attack in a certain (range) affecting targets within the stated (area). On a hit, target must make a
monster skill vs fortitude save or suffer the stated gas effect until cured (starting from impaired to incapacitated to death).
32 Grapple (trigger, range, damage) Grapples an opponent in some manner (trigger, range) on a successful attack, then causes automatic (damage) each turn on
their action unless victim can break free with an opposed monster vs. strength or agility check as an action.
33 Guarded (number, monster) Guarded by (number) of another (monster) type.
34 Hero Abilities (class) Can use all abilities of a stated hero (class).
35 Hide If not in combat or next to an opponent may move and hide and not be targeted until their next turn.
36 Hold (how, range, number, damage, Makes a type (how) of hold attack in a certain (range) affecting (number) of targets. On a hit, target may take (damage) and
save, effect) must make a check (save) or suffer an (effect) such as held in place. Target must use an action to try and break free each turn.
37 Hold Breath (time) Monster can hold breath for the stated period of (time).
38 Holy Actions against demonic, chaos or undead creatures are at rolled at advantage.
39 Illusion (range) Creates an illusion for the duration of the encounter which appears within the stated (range). Everyone witnessing the illusion
believes it to be true.
40 Immortal Monster does not age and cannot die of natural causes.
41 Immunity (to what) Immune to stated weapon or element (what) and cannot be damaged by it.
42 Incorporeal May move through solid objects.
43 Iron Skin Tough skin grants than damage resistance of 1.
44 Leap Attack (damage) Can leap over an object of their own size and attack at advantage as an action causing stated (damage) on a hit.
45 Life Drain (range, damage) Makes an attack within the stated (range) and causes stated (damage) and loss of the same amount of experience points which
must be made up before a level raise.


d00 Ability Name Ability Description
46 Light (area) Creature emanates a light which can illuminate the stated (area).
47 Long Lived (years) Live for the stated period of (time).
48 Lucky May re-roll any die themselves (this does not count for rolls made against them).
49 Lure (how, range) Lures targets on an action (how) to anyone the same size or smaller within the stated (range). Make an opposed monster vs. will
check or be compelled to move towards the monster. May automatically save each turn.
50 Magic Source (power) The monster or object is or possesses a source of magic power. This grants the stated (power) points of magic or can be used
for crafting.
51 Meditative Trance Increase health recovered by overnight sleep by one skill die and roll at advantage.
52 Memories (time) Can provide some insight into events of the past, defined by the stated (time) in years.
53 Mind Control (how, range, effect) Controls target on an action (how) to anyone the same size or smaller within the stated (range). Make an opposed monster vs.
will check or be compelled to follow commands which does not cause it self harm. May automatically save each turn.
54 Mutation (trigger) A mutation occurs on a stated (trigger). Use the Monster variant rules (pg. 10) to generate a new variant ability.
55 Obscure (how, range, area) Creates some effect (how) within the stated (range) and (area) which obscures target’s senses causing those within range to
56 Ooze Attaches itself to a victim and must be killed before it is released. Damage is caused equally to ooze and victim.
57 Paralysis (trigger, range, quantity, Makes a type (trigger) of paralysis attack in a certain (range) affecting targets (quantity). On a hit, causes (damage) and target
damage, save, effect) must make a skill check (save) or suffer the stated (effect i.e. impaired or incapacitated) until cured.
58 Petrification (trigger, range, quantity, Makes a type (trigger) of petrification attack in a certain (range) affecting targets (quantity). On a hit, causes (damage) and
damage, save, effect) target must make a skill check (save) or suffer the stated (effect i.e. impaired, incapacitated or turned to stone).
59 Poison (trigger, range, quantity, Makes a type (trigger) of poison attack in a certain (range) affecting targets (quantity). On a hit, causes (damage) and target
damage, save, effect) must make a skill check (save) or suffer the stated (effect i.e. impaired, incapacitated or death).
60 Portal (location, range) Creates a portal to another realm or space that others can use.
61 Power Attack Attack and damage roll are made at advantage.
62 Prophecy (time) Can provide some insight into a person’s future within a stated (time) frame.
63 Raise Dead (range) May raise a dead creature of the same size or less as the caster within the stated (range).
64 Ranged Attack (how, damage, May make a type (how) ranged attack causing (damage) to a target in an (area) and (range).
range, area)
65 Reactive (trigger, what, range, Upon (trigger) a caustic agent (what) is released causing (damage) to each creature within stated (range) if the creature fails
damage, save) (save).
66 Reflexes Advantage on initiative checks.
67 Reform (days, prevention) If killed monsters reforms over a number of (days) stronger than before. The stated (prevention) stops this from happening.
68 Regenerate (health) Regains the stated number of health points.
69 Resistance (to what) All opposed checks against the stated weapon or element are made at advantage. Damage rolls are made at disadvantage.
70 Ritual (description) A magic ritual is performed. See description for details.
71 Sense Nature (range) Make a monster vs will check within stated (range) to determine the nature and intentions of the target.
72 Senses (range) Can automatically sense the location of any opponents within stated (range).
73 Shape Change (size, what) Can shape change into a different (size) and (what) type of creature.
74 Slow Disadvantage on initiative checks.
75 Spells (domains) May cast spells from nominated (domains). Each spell use costs 1 health through stress.
76 Sprint Can move four range bands as part of a move only action.
77 Summon (how, number, type, turns) An action (how) summons a (number) and (type) of creature who arrive in a number of (turns).
78 Swallow (range, damage) Swallows creatures one size smaller or less within the stated (range). Internal acids cause stated (damage) to the victim each
turn unless they can break free with (opposed check or combat damage to break free).
79 Swarm Group of small creatures act as one entity. A normal weapon only does 1 damage to the swarm unless it exploits a stated
weakness. Spells and area-of-effect attacks cause damage as normal.
80 Swim (rapid) Has the ability to swim a range band as part of their action and two as a move only action. (Rapid) swim doubles this.
81 Swipe (how, range, targets) Can swipe with an attack (how) in a certain (range) a number of creatures (targets) of same size or smaller and knock them
over. Target’s loses next action getting back to their feet.
82 Telepathy (range) May communicate with other creatures within the stated (range) using the power of its mind.
83 Teleport (range) As part of their action may teleport towards any visible location within stated (range).
84 Tendrils (quantity, health, range, Possess(quantity) tendrils each with separate (health) score. Can attack at (range) and causes stated (damage).
85 Track (range) Can track something it has the scent of and which has been in the stated (range) area.
86 Tunnelling (soft or hard) Creature can burrow and tunnel underground through (soft or hard) surface toughness as part of their movement.
87 Undead Does not require sustenance or oxygen and is immune to mind control, poison and disease.
88 Water Breath Can breathe underwater.
89 Weakness (to what) All opposed checks against the stated weapon or element are made at disadvantage. Damage rolls are made at advantage.
90 Web (range, save, effect) Shoot a web on all creatures within a certain (range). Each creature within the web must make a monster skill vs. strength (save)
or be held (effect) in place. Each turn, victims can attempt to break free as an action.
91 Wind Attack (range, area, damage) Affects all creatures same size or smaller in the stated (range) and (area) stated pushing them back a range band and causing
stated (damage).
92+ Re-Roll


• The monster creation process can be used to create new d20 Theme Description
monsters for the game. 01 Aberrant Mutant or Hybrid
• The referee is encouraged to create new monsters to give 02 Animal Common animal
the players new and unexpected challenges. 03 Anthropoid Humanoid Beast
• The following steps are intended to provide a basic process 04 Aquatic Water-based
for creating a monster. Referees are encouraged to tweak or 05 Beast Monstrous
06 Chaos Touched by Chaos
amend any of the monster’s attributes or abilities to design a 07 Dinosaur Land based reptiles
monster to match an idea or theme. 08 Elemental Elemental power
09 Giant Larger sized creature
11 Infernal Related to the realm of fire
1. Generate Theme: Roll d20 on the Monster Theme Table to 12 Magical Magical in nature
determine the monster’s shape. 13 Object An object or construction
2. Generate Description: Roll d20 on the Monster Description 14 Ooze Slime or ooze
Table to determine the monster’s type and any related 15 Plant Plant based
abilities. 16 Serpent Snake-like
3. Generate Size: Roll d20 on the Monster Size Table to 17 Small Small sized creature
determine the monster’s size and generate its attributes. 18 Swarm Many creatures acting as a group
4. Generate Number of Abilities: Roll d20 on the Monster 19 Undead The unliving
Threat Table to determine the number of monster abilities. 20 Winged Flight based creatures
5. Generate Abilities: Roll d00 on the Monster Abilities Table
(Page 6) to determine the nature of each individual ability. MONSTER DESCRIPTION TABLE
6. Monster Description: Write three bullet points to describe d20 Form Description
the monster’s appearance, behaviours and motivation 01 Amorphous A shapeless entity
linking these to their size, form and abilities. 02 Amphibian Water based creature
03 Arachnid Spider-like appearance
04 Avian Bird-like appearance
05 Bipedal Two-legged creature
06 Botanic Plant-like appearance
MONSTER CREATION EXAMPLE 07 Construct Object or construction
Joseph, the Referee decides to create a new monster. 08 Crustacean Possess exo-skeleton or shell
09 Demonic Demonic appearance
1. Generate Theme: He rolls a d20 and gets a 12 (Ooze) 10 Draconic Dragon-like appearance
2. Generate Description: He rolls a d20 and gets a 7 11 Elementoid Natural element appearance
(Draconic). 12 Gelatinous Ooze, slime or jelly appearance
3. Generate Size: He rolls a d20 and gets a 16 (Large). The 13 Humanoid Humanoid appearance
starting attributes are Level 5, Health 30, Defence 12. 14 Insectoid Insect-like appearance
4. Generate Threat: He rolls a d20 and gets a 8 (2 abilities). 15 Piscine Fish-like appearance
5. Ability 1: He rolls a d100 and gets a (05, Amorphous) 16 Quadruped Four-legged creature
6. Ability 2: He rolls a d100 and gets a (01, Absorb). 17 Reptilian Resembles a lizard
18 Rodent-like Resembles a rodent
Having thought about how to combine these results, Joseph 19 Serpentine Resembles a snake
creates the following monster description. 20 Tentacled Many armed creature
DRAGOOZE d20 Size Level Health Defence Skill Damage
01-03 Small 1 5 8 N/A d4
LVL 5 | HLT 30 | DEF 12 | SKL d10 | APP 1 | TSR - 04-06 Medium 2 10 9 d4 d4
COMBAT: Melee Attack (d10) | PASSIVE ABILITIES: 07-10 Medium 3 15 10 d6 d6
Amorphous | ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Absorb 11-13 Large 4 20 11 d8 d8
14-16 Large 5 30 12 d10 d10
• A ghastly entity which appears as a quivering mass of
17-19 Huge 6 50 13 d12 d12
dark, coagulated blood, pulsating with an eerie glow 20 Colossal 7 100 14 d20 d20
• It oozes with a viscous slime that seems to devour
anything it touches, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
d20 Threat Abilities
• Motivated by a desperate desire to regain its former 01-04 Very Low 1
power and life, the Dragooze seeks to absorb the life force 05-08 Low 2
of unsuspecting victims, growing stronger with each feast 09-12 Medium 3
13-16 High 4
and perpetuating its reign of terror. 17-18 Very High 5
19-20 Unusual Create Monster Variant


Amorphous Amphibian Arachnid Avian

Bipedal Botanic Construct Crustacean

Demonic Draconic Elementoid Gelatinous

Humanoid Insectoid Piscine Quadruped

Reptilian Rodent-like Serpentine Tentacled


• To avoid groups of repetitive monsters (i.e. a group of d20 Threat Rating Variant Abilities
skeletons), the referee is encouraged to tweak the standard 01-04 Tough 2
attributes or add a monster ability for some of the 05-08 Dangerous 4
monsters within a group or some individual monsters. 09-12 Deadly 6
13-16 Elite 8
These are known as monster variants. 17-20 Legendary 10
• Having a few monsters with slightly different attributes
encourages the players to think more tactically and respond
to different types of threats. MONSTER VARIANT ABILITY TABLE
• Number of Variants: Tweak between a quarter to a third d20 Variant Abilities Description
(25-33%) of monsters in groups. 01 Weaker Reduce combat score by one skill die
02 Vulnerable Reduce defence score by one
CREATING MONSTER VARIANTS 03 Armoured Increase damage resistance by one
04 Melee Attack Add an additional melee attack
1. Generate Variant Threat: Roll d20 on the Monster Variant 05 Ability Roll 1 new ability (see pg. 6)
Table to determine the number of variant abilities. 06 Enhanced Roll 2 new abilities (see pg. 6)
2. Generate Variant Abilities: Roll d20 on the Monster 07 Powerful Roll 3 new abilities (see pg. 6)
Variant Ability Table to determine the specific nature of 08 Formidable Roll 4 new abilities (see pg. 6)
each variant ability. Roll on the Monster Ability Table (pg. 6) 09 Ranged Attack Add an additional ranged attack
where prompted. 10 Hybrid Roll additional monster type
3. Monster Description: Adjust the three bullet points 11 Smaller Decrease size and attributes*
12 Larger Increase size and attributes*
describing the monster’s appearance, behaviours and 13 Valuable Carries some treasure
motivation to note an obvious sign of their variant abilities 14 Equipment Uses some weapon or equipment
that the players can spot (i.e. you see a group of skeletons 15 Group Increase number by one skill die
armed with rusted short swords, two of them are carrying 16 Fast Increase number of attacks by one
large great-axes). 17 Deadly Increase skill die by one
18 Stronger Increased damage by one skill die
19 Tougher Increase defence score by one
MONSTER VARIANT EXAMPLE 20 Resilient Increase health score by d6
Brian, the Referee decides to create a monster variant for a *Amend attributes between the old and new size using the
group of Skeletons. Monster Size Table (pg. 8) as a guide.
1. Generate Variant Threat: He rolls a d20 and gets a 02
(Proficient, 4 Variant Abilities)
2. Ability 1: He rolls a d20 and gets a 19 (Tougher, increase
defence by 1)
3. Ability 2: He rolls a d20 and gets a 4 (Additional melee
4. Ability 3: He rolls a d20 and gets a 18 (Increased damage
die by one).
5. Ability 4: He rolls a d20 and gets a 20 (Increase health by
d6, rolls a 3)
6. Monster Description: Brian decides that the variant
Skeleton warriors move more gracefully and wield longswords.
The basic Skeleton statistics are as follows:
LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 10/DR2 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR L
COMBAT: Weapon (d6) | PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision,
Fearless, Undead, Equipment | ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: N/A

The variant Skeleton statistics are as follows:

LVL 2 | HLT 13 | DEF 11/DR2 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR L
COMBAT: 2x Weapon (d8) | PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision,




LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP 1 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 12 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Acid Touch (d6) COMBAT: Slam (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Amorphous, Climb, Immunity (weapons), PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight (swift)
Ooze ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Wind Attack (medium range, 1
HARVEST: Slime (Amorphous, Immunity, Ooze) HARVEST: Dust (Flight, Wind)

Within the dim recesses of forgotten dungeons, the Acidic Slime The Air Elemental takes the form of a swirling cyclone, its cloudy
slithers, leaving a trail of sizzling destruction in its wake. Its form comprised of wisps of wind and charged particles. It moves
insidious nature dynamically and aggressively pummelling through the air and
allows it to adhere manipulating gusts
to walls and and storms to its
ceilings, waiting advantage. Drawn to
patiently to descend areas of great power or
upon unsuspecting turmoil, the Air
victims, its Elemental seeks to
corrosive touch maintain the balance
leaving them of the elements and
scarred and unleashes its fury upon
burning. those who threaten it.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 A dark liquid shimmers on the floor. 01 It has been unleashed by a powerful artefact.
02 Something is dripping on you from above. 02 Sensed a disturbance in the land and arrived to cause havoc.
03 A horribly burned and disfigured corpse lies on the ground. 03 Drawn to the location by an ancient ritual.
04 Lying stationary for someone to step on it. 04 Summoned by a malevolent sorcerer.
05 Slimes are migrating towards each other to form a colony. 05 It has been angered by mortals and seeks revenge.
06 A disfigured slime-covered form shambles towards you. 06 Trapped and requires assistance to escape its confinement.


LVL 6 | HLT 40* | DEF 14/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR Lx5 LVL 6 | HLT 50 | DEF 15/DR3 | SKL d10 | APP 1 | TSR -
COMBAT: See Tendrils COMBAT: 2x Weapon (d8)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Resistance (fire), Tendrils (4, 8 health, PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight (swift), Holy, Spells (Arcane, Light)
short, d8) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Boon (medium), Telepathy (long),
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Absorb Mind Control (charm, long)
HARVEST: Tendril (Absorb) HARVEST: Blood (Holy), Brain (Telepathy), Wings (Flight)

In the depths of the treacherous swamp or the forgotten catacombs, The celestial Angel descends from the realm of light, its radiant
the Amorphous Sludge lurks, its mottled green mass pulsating with form shimmering. With an ethereal presence, it emanates an aura
a vile hunger. Its of purity and serenity. Guided by a divine purpose, the celestial
slimy tendrils writhe Angel acts as a beacon of hope and protection against the forces of
and lash out, seeking darkness. Its motivations
to ensnare any living lie in the preservation of
creature that harmony and the defence
ventures too close, although they are
assimilating its flesh somewhat aloof of
to grow ever larger mortals and the
in its twisted form. consequences of their

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Waiting, lurking deep within a bog or swamp. 01 Seeking to thwart the plans of an evil sorcerer.
02 A number of vines (tendrils) lead towards thick vegetation. 02 On a mission to purge a corrupted place or object.
03 You hear a bubbling and burping sound nearby. 03 Sent to aid a group of valiant heroes on their holy quest.
04 A creature is being dragged by a tendril into a slimy mass. 04 Sent to impart a vision or prophecy.
05 An assortment of equipment lies in a pool of mud. 05 Serving as a guardian for a sacred object, person or ritual.
06 Slowly creeping and slithering towards the adventurers. 06 Senses dark forces converging.



LVL 6 | HLT 40 | DEF 14/DR3 | SKL d12 | APP 1 | TSR Tx3 LVL 1 | HLT 6 | DEF 10 | SKL - | APP d10 | TSR -
COMBAT: 2x Mandibles (d10) COMBAT: Fist (d4) or Thrown Rocks (d4, medium)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Guarded (d8,Gt.Ants) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Climb
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Summon (d8 Giant Ants in d6 turns), ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Leap Attack (d4)
Senses (long) HARVEST: Heart (Leap Attack)
HARVEST: Antenna (Senses), Gland (Summon)

Deep within deep dark underground chambers lurks the huge Ant Apes stand on two muscular legs, covered in coarse fur and
Queen, her massive form exuding an aura of authority and primal adorned with large, imposing fangs. Their intelligent eyes survey
power. Surrounded by her loyal subjects of Giant Ants, she the surroundings, revealing
commands their undying loyalty, and her chittering mandibles both curiosity and a hint of
echo through the primal instinct. With agile
underground tunnels, movements and incredible
a haunting reminder strength, the ape swings
of her insatiable through the trees, its
hunger and the motivation driven by the
imminent threat she pursuit of food, protection of
poses to any who dare its territory, and the
to intrude upon her companionship of its fellow
domain. apes.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 In a state of readiness to lay some eggs. 01 Making hand gestures, trying to communicate.
02 Ponderously migrating to a new location. 02 Scavenging for food and scraps.
03 Instructing her soldier ants, two colonies are at war. 03 Searching for a new home, their last was destroyed.
04 Summoning her soldier ants, intruders are nearby. 04 Fleeing some other terror in the area.
05 Feeding upon scraps fed by her workforce. 05 Travelling and exploring, will avoid encounters.
06 You find the deserted remains of the ‘upper’ colony levels. 06 Grunting and hooting, they are protecting something.

LVL 6 | HLT 50 | DEF 15/DR3 | SKL d12 | APP 1 | TSR Ax2 LVL 1 | HLT 8 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: 2x Weapon (d8) COMBAT: Obsidian Sword (d6, exploding damage)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Spells (arcane + 2 domains), Immortal PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Equipment
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Hero Abilities (choose class) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ambush, Teleport (far)
HARVEST: Blood (Immortal) HARVEST: Blood (Teleport)

Bathed in an ethereal glow, the The dark and featureless Ashen emerge from the shadows, their
Ascendant stands tall, sole purpose to fulfil commands of death. With the ability to phase
radiating an aura of divine in or out of reality they strike with their obsidian blades forged
authority and an insatiable from volcanic rock, with lethal affect. These mysterious creatures
thirst for adoration. Their mere possess an eerie sight,
presence commands reverence, equally adept in day or
and their otherworldly powers night, and when defeated,
make them formidable they vanish in a wisp of
adversaries, channeling their smoke, leaving no trace of
chosen domain of magic to their existence.
shape the very fabric of reality.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Seeking a powerful artefact. 01 On the hunt to kill something specific.
02 Looking to recruit followers to their cause. 02 Commanded to secure or guard an area.
03 Hunting someone who is a threat to their plans. 03 Drawn by the power of chaos magic.
04 Meeting another ascendant in secret, plotting. 04 They are already battling some other creatures.
05 Seeking knowledge of the ancients. 05 Summoned from the Shadowlands by some ritual.
06 In disguise as a common traveller for some nefarious reason. 06 Returning to a rift after a successful mission.


LVL 4 | HLT 15 | DEF 10 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR T, L LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 13 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR L
COMBAT: Claw or Bite (d6) COMBAT: Touch (d8)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Leap Attack (d6), Life Drain (close, ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Flight, Ranged Attack (sonic wail,
d6), Shape Change (medium, any creature) medium, d6, fortitude save or impaired), Senses (long).
HARVEST: Blood (Shape Change), Claw (Life Drain) HARVEST: Dust (Sonic Wail)

The Aswang is a creature of malevolent darkness which haunts the With ethereal grace, the Banshee glides through the shadows, its
shadows with its twisted and grotesque form. It is a shape changer emaciated form a haunting reminder of its tortured existence. Its
capable of seamlessly fractured mind seeks solace in places of the dead, where it
transforming from a unleashes a bone-
fearsome winged beast to a chilling sonic wail. The
beautiful seductress, luring Banshee relishes in the
unsuspecting souls to their fear and suffering it
doom. With a thirst for instills upon its prey,
blood and a desire to while its necrotic touch
spread fear and chaos, its rejuvenates its own
motivations lie in sowing essence, sustaining its
terror and consuming the ghastly presence in the
life essence of its victims. realm of the living.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Seeks vengeance against someone who stopped its dark ritual. 01 Found haunting a place of dead (cairns, tombs, graveyards).
02 Hides and intends to prey upon unsuspecting locals. 02 Chasing memories of its former life.
03 Guards an evil shrine or artefact. 03 Waiting to ambush, it needs to feed.
04 Appears in another form and blends in with the background. 04 Evading a group of monster hunters.
05 Has assumed the form of a party member and has joined you. 05 Feeding on its last victim, its energy revived.
06 Running from the scene of a despicable act. 06 Hides in the shadows seeking to beguile a victim.

LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 12 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR - LVL 6 | HLT 30 | DEF 14/DR2 | SKL d12 | APP 1 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d6) COMBAT: 2x Claws/Fangs (d10)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Sprint, Leap Attack (d6) Petrification (gaze, long, 1 target, 0, fortitude save or
HARVEST: Heart (Leap Attack) impaired), Poison (bite, close, 1 target, d10, fortitude save or
impaired) | HARVEST: Fang (Poison), Eyes (Petrify)

Monstrous canine creatures that lurk in the shadows, their dull red The Basilisk legend tells of a creature born of an unholy
eyes glowing with menace. These hounds of chaos operate in small convergence of chaos magic and dragon eggs. This hostile mutated
packs, stealthily stalking and hunting their prey under the cover of creature, a fearsome amalgamation of bird and reptile roams the
darkness. Legends untamed wilderness, emanating a foul stench of chaotic magic. It
forewarn those attacks with its rapid
unfortunate enough to claws and also
catch sight of a Barghest possesses a petrifying
are doomed to meet a gaze that can paralyse
grim fate as these its victims and a
ferocious creatures attack venomous bite, which
with savage fangs and can inflict poison upon
claws, leaving a trail of its prey.
terror in their wake.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Have arrived from a rift in the Shadowlands. 01 On the hunt for food.
02 On the hunt for someone specific. 02 Seeking a suitable place to nest and lay eggs.
03 They have been drawn to a place of death. 03 Drawn to a chaos rift in this realm.
04 Summoned by an arcane ritual. 04 Has been driven to madness, very aggressive.
05 Have recently feasted upon something. 05 Marking its territory as king of the reptiles.
06 A pack is travelling to some specific destination. 06 Being pursued by a group of monster hunters.


LVL 1 | HLT 10 | DEF 15 | SKL - | APP 1 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 12/DR2 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d4) COMBAT: Claw (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Blindsight (far), Flight (swift), Swarm, PASSIVE ABILITIES: N/A
Weakness (fire) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Grapple (bear hug, close, d4)
HARVEST: Ears (Blindsight), Wings (Flight)

The swarm of Bats appears as a dark cloud which descends upon The large bear stands tall on its powerful, muscular legs, its shaggy
its unfortunate fur matted with dirt and forest debris. With sharp claws and
victims, engulfing gleaming teeth, it roams the
them in a whirlwind wilderness with a sense of
of leathery wings primal authority, its keen
and sharp fangs senses honed for hunting and
thirsting for blood defending its territory.
and enveloping all in Motivated by the need to feed,
an eerie shroud of protect its cubs, and assert
darkness. dominance over its domain,
the bear embodies both a fierce
predator and a symbol of
untamed nature.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 A swarm is hanging undisturbed as they are approached. 01 Searching for food after waking from hibernation.
02 The swarm is flying and swirling in a chaotic pattern. 02 Defending her cubs from another threat.
03 Something is controlling the entity of bats. 03 Being driven from its territory by a monster of some force.
04 The swarm is following a prince(ss) of darkness. 04 Wounded and in distress from some savage attack.
05 The bats have been summoned by a dark ritual. 05 Trapped or ensnared in a hunter’s trap.
06 They fly with purpose, it is time to feed. 06 Sniffing and searching for food.

LVL 3 | HLT 12 | DEF 12/DR1 | SKL d6 | APP d8 | TSR L LVL 4 | HLT 25 | DEF 13/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Primitive Weapon (d6) COMBAT: 2x Fists (d6) or Thrown Rocks (d4, medium)
HARVEST: Heart (Power Attack) HARVEST: Fur (Hide), Nose (Senses)

Emerging from the untamed In the remote wilderness

wilderness, the Beastmen lurks a monstrous Bigfoot
embody the primal ferocity of with matted fur, glowing
nature. With their towering eyes, and immense strength.
stature and bestial visages, they Its footsteps are imprints
prowl the land as tribes of that can be found on the
fearsome predators, driven by tail of unsuspecting prey.
their instinctual lust for survival Motivated by a hunger for
and dominance. survival, the Bigfoot will
use the tactics of
camouflage or defence in its

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Hunting something. 01 A group of Bigfoot are defending their territory from outsiders.
02 Scouting new lands for potential raiding. 02 Wandering along in search of a group or a mate.
03 Fleeing something big and nasty. 03 Humans cursed into this form, possess fragments of their lives.
04 Pursuing a vendetta against something. 04 On some form of instinctive pilgrimage, drawn by a power
05 Returning to their lair with their spoils. 05 Migrating to a new territory, driven away by something.
06 A leadership contest (fight) has occurred in the group. 06 Hiding with the wilderness, ready to ambush passing travellers.


d6 Hook
BEHEMOTH 01 It stirs, it dreams, it appears as an illusion in your nightmares.
INFERNAL, TENTACLED, COLOSSAL 02 Sent an imp or demon-spawn to find portals to other realms.
03 Forcing its way through a portal to the realm of humans.
LVL 10 | HLT 150 | DEF 15/DR3 | SKL d20 | APP 1 | TSR Ax3 04 Holds a rift to the fiery planes of hell open for its legions.
COMBAT: 4x Tentacles (d20, long, 20 health each) 05 Seeks to bargain with those who wield powers
06 Seeks to locate and rebuild the elemental gate of fire.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Telepathy (far), Immunity (fire), Aura
(fire, medium, d6), Aura (fear, long, will save or impaired)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ranged Attack (fiery breath, 20, far
range, short area)
HARVEST: Brain (Telepathy), Blood (Fire Aura, Fire Immunity),
Heart (Fiery Breath)

The Behemoth is a primeval force born of

chaos and fire, shaped at the dawn of time. Its
colossal form appears as a writhing mass of
entangled tentacles, and raging flames, exuding
an overwhelming sense of power. Lurking
within its fiery realm, the Behemoth harbours
a burning ambition to destroy other realms,
leaving its indelible mark on the world.
Revered as the God of Fire by different factions,
its presence reverberates across realms, striking
fear into the hearts of those who encounter it.
Its very proximity causes a paralysing fear and
it is surrounded by a fiery aura solidifying its
status as a primal and unstoppable force.


LVL 1 | HLT 2 | DEF 16 | SKL - | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 2 | HLT 8 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR L
COMBAT: Talons (d4) COMBAT: Claws (d4) or Weapon (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight (swift) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight, Equipment
HARVEST: N/A HARVEST: Feathers (Flight)

With fierce talons and keen eyes, the bird of prey soars through the These once-human beings were cursed
sky, its wings cutting through the air with grace and precision. It with an affliction that gradually
surveys the land below, seeking its next meal, swooping down with transformed them into bird-like creatures
lightning speed to snatch unsuspecting prey from the earth. Driven over time. With their wings protruding
by its primal instincts and from their backs, they possess the ability
the need to survive, the of ungainly flight and are known to wield
bird of prey is a master of primitive weapons while communicating
the hunt, a symbol of through a unique language of twits,
power and freedom in the chirps, and whistles. They tend to isolate
realm of the wild. themselves from humankind.


d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 It was spotted in the sky circling your exact location. 01 Searching for an artefact to lift their curse.
02 Swoops down to grab a small object from someone in your party. 02 Scavenging for food.
03 Lands near you and squawks some unintelligible message. 03 Fleeing from something nasty.
04 Controlled by a sorcerer it is following and spying upon you. 04 Scavenging for supplies to build their nearby nests.
05 Swooping overhead in search of food. 05 Searching for their former families, looking to say goodbye.
06 Swooping overhead, squawking with others of its kind. 06 Fleeing a settlement, seeking a place of solitude.



LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 10 | SKL - | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 14 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: Tusks (d4) COMBAT: Hooves (d6) & Shortbow (d6, far)
HARVEST: N/A HARVEST: Heart (Sprint, Power Attack)

The boar stands tall, its bristly fur glistening with sweat as it paws The Centaur roams with the grace of a
at the earth, ready to charge with its razor-sharp tusks. With a wild stallion and the wisdom of an
fierce snarl, it defends its territory against any perceived threat, its elder. Its upper body exudes the strength
eyes glinting with and nobility of a seasoned warrior,
primal determination. while its lower half blends seamlessly
Motivated by hunger into the form of a powerful equine. The
and the need to centaur gallops across the lands,
protect its young, the defending its homeland and seeking
boar roams the forest balance between nature and civilisation
in search of food, as both hunter and protector.
challenging any who
dare to cross its path.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Ventured towards people in a desperate search for food. 01 They ride towards you defensively, you have entered their lands.
02 Protecting its off-spring located nearby in a hidden thicket. 02 Renegade Centaurs have turned to banditry.
03 Pursued by a hunter who wants their tusks as a prize. 03 A mysterious illness has befallen their leader, they seek your aid.
04 Driven mad and rampaging through the forest. 04 A procession is heading towards the place of a sacred ritual.
05 Scavenging on leftover scraps of food. 05 Undertaking an expedition to expand their territory and knowledge.
06 Scared away by an ancient forest spirit. 06 Being pursued by an enemy.

LVL 7 | HLT 50 | DEF 15 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 10 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR L,T
COMBAT: 3x Bites (d8) COMBAT: Weapon (d6)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ranged Attack (fire breath, d12, ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Shape Change (any medium size
short, 1 target) creature)
HARVEST: Eyes (Dark Vision), Heart (Fire Breath) HARVEST: Heart (Shape Change)

With its menacing presence, the Cerberus commands attention as Masters of deception and elusive
a fearsome guardian of the underworld, its three ferocious heads by nature, Changelings possess an
surveying its domain with fiery eyes. Its serpent tail coils and uncanny ability to assume the
writhes, ready to strike with venomous force, while flames dance guise of any creature, seamlessly
upon its breath. Motivated blending into their surroundings.
by a deep instinct to Their true motives remain
protect the realm of the mysterious, as they navigate the
dead, the Cerberus stands realm with a mischievous
unwavering in its duty, intellect, capable of sowing chaos
defending the gates that or manipulating unsuspecting
separate the mortal world individuals in their pursuit of
from the realm of personal gain.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Guarding a portal to the Underworld, dare you enter. 01 On a mission to spy on someone.
02 Summoned by dark forces to protect a forbidden temple. 02 On a mission to kill someone.
03 A desperate soul is seeking to bargain with Cerebus. 03 On a mission to become someone.
04 A cursed artefact has awakened the Cerebus. 04 Pursuing strange creatures and learning their new form.
05 Hunting a creature for food or sport. 05 Being pursued for a crime they committed.
06 Being tracked by a group of Holy Warriors. 06 Being pursued for a crime they did not commit.



LVL 4 | HLT 30 | DEF 13/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 4 | HLT 20 | DEF 13/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: 2x Claws (d10) COMBAT: Fist (d8, advantage)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Leap Attack (d10), Mutation (at will), ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Regenerate (d20)
Senses (far) HARVEST: Clay (Regenerate)
HARVEST: Blood (Mutation)

The Chimera is a large, monstrous creature born from forbidden The Clay Men are towering, stocky figures crafted from an earthy,
dark magic and twisted experimentation. Each Chimera bears a clay-like material and often serve
distinctive appearance, combining features of multiple animals as formidable automatons under
and creatures into a fearsome hybrid. All Chimeras share an the command of their masters.
instinctual attraction to These featureless constructs
their own kind, engaging possess great strength and
in brutal battles to the resilience, though their slow
death. Their blood is movements render them
said to possess mutagenic predictable in battle. Clay Men
properties, coveted by can regenerate their health when
those who seek to they are standing on natural
harness their power. earth ground (i.e. not rocks or

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Hunting for food. 01 Guarding something for a former master.
02 Drawn to another of its kind, there is danger nearby. 02 Excavating the ground, driven by some motivation.
03 Pursued by a group of monster hunters seeking a bounty. 03 Standing motionless, ready to be awoken.
04 Feeding on a victim, it has been surprised. 04 Wandering around, their commands forgotten.
05 Writhing in pain and agony as it suffers a mutation. 05 Statuesque, awaiting a command word or magic.
06 Lying in wait, ready to ambush its prey. 06 Crawling around, its legs worn away over the centuries.

LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 12 | SKL - | APP d12 | TSR - LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 10/DR2 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d4) COMBAT: Bite d6
HARVEST: Wings (Flight) HARVEST: N/A

The Cockatrice is a fearsome and fantastical creature that In the murky swamplands lurks a bask of crocodiles, their scaly
possesses the body of a reptilian predator, adorned with deadly green skin blending seamlessly with the stagnant waters. With
scales and a razor-sharp teeth and menacing eyes, they wait patiently for
formidable pair unsuspecting prey to draw near, striking with lightning speed and
of wings. Its dragging their victims
head, resembling beneath the surface.
that of a rooster, Driven by instinct and
snaps and bites hunger, the crocodile's
at its victims in motivations are simple:
combat. They to survive and satiate
are often found its voracious appetite
nesting and in the treacherous
hunting in small depths of its domain.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Seeking to defend its nest of eggs from potential predators. 01 It has claimed a vital waterway as its territory.
02 Attracted to something shiny and seeking to investigate. 02 Attacking another traveller or group nearby.
03 Hunted for its rumoured (false) healing properties. 03 Acting very aggressively in this region, no one knows why.
04 A trail of destruction and damage lead towards their lair. 04 Laying belly-up in the water, looking putrid and unwell.
05 Sighted flying in the distance, seeking its next feed. 05 Hunting small water-based animals to eat.
06 Stalking a creature or person waiting for a chance to strike. 06 Eating the remains of an unfortunate victim.



LVL 8 | HLT 100 | DEF 14/DR2 | SKL d12 | APP 1 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 20 | DEF 5 | SKL - | APP 1 | TSR -
COMBAT: Weapon/Fist (d20, short) or Thrown Rocks (d12, COMBAT: N/A
long) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immunity (weapons)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ranged Attack (eye beam, d12, far) HARVEST: N/A
HARVEST: Eye (Elemental Stone)

The Cyclops towers over lesser creatures. The shrine to Kadmos the god of death stands as a macabre
It possesses a single piercing eye powered testament, constructed with meticulously stacked piles of bones,
by an elemental stone that scans its each one a silent tribute to the finality of mortality. It is a place
surroundings with an unnerving where necromancers
intensity and can fire beams of light. seek to tap into the
Despite their fearsome strength, they essence of death,
often live solitary lives, relying on their drawing upon its raw
primal instincts to survive. While energy to command the
formidable in battle, their lack of depth undead and wield
perception and vulnerability to trickery forbidden magics
can be exploited by cunning adventurers although a death
seeking to outwit these formidable sacrifice must be made
adversaries. to enact the ritual.

d6 Hook d6 Ritual
01 Seeking revenge after its territory has been invaded by people. 01 The shrine crumbles and an undead creature is raised and attacks.
02 Protecting a hidden treasure or artefact in the area. 02 A portal to the Shadowlands is opened temporarily.
03 Roaming the wilderness in search of food and encounters. 03 The skeletal form of a nearby corpse is raised to do your bidding.
04 Challenging another cyclops to a territorial dispute. 04 The scent of decay reveals a temporary necrotic touch ability (d6).
05 Enslaved by an evil sorcerer or power to do its bidding. 05 Wisps of energy coalesce in d4 Skeleton forms to do your bidding.
06 Driven by hunger, it roams closer to populated settlements. 06 A spectral Ghost arrives to do your bidding.


LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 12 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR - LVL 1 | HLT 6 | DEF 13 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d4) COMBAT: Antlers (d4)
(bite, close, 1 target, d4, fortitude save or impaired) HARVEST: N/A
HARVEST: Fang (Poison)

Death Worms have slimy elongated bodies and lurk beneath the In the dappled sunlight of the
surface of the earth, their beady eyes glinting with a hunger for forests, a majestic deer emerges,
flesh. As unsuspecting victims traverse the terrain, the death its coat shimmering with hues of
worms erupt from the ground, striking with lightning speed and gold and brown. With grace and
injecting venom elegance, it moves silently through
into their prey. the undergrowth, its keen senses
Driven by an ever alert to danger. Motivated by
insatiable instinct a desire for survival and
to feed, they seek to nourishment, the deer navigates
satisfy their the wilderness, cautious of any
predatory urges. potential threats and seeking the
lush vegetation that sustains its

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 They have been drawn to magic and want to feed off its source. 01 A wounded deer seeking shelter and solace stumbles into view.
02 Discreet mounds hide the Worms who are readying an ambush. 02 A deer is being drawn by mystical energies toward an artefact.
03 They are mysteriously attracted to a rare herb in the area. 03 A deer gallops in the distance, its antlers glowing softly.
04 Feeding on some animal or creature. 04 Another form has assumed the shape of a deer.
05 Small ripples in the ground can be seen heading towards you. 05 A herd of deer are feeding and grazing unaware of your presence.
06 You can see evidence of shallow holes and tunnels ahead. 06 A herd are charging towards you in a frightened state.



LVL 7 | HLT 50 | DEF 15/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR - LVL 2 | HLT 15 | DEF 13 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: 3x Claws (d8) COMBAT: 2x Weapon/Claws (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (long), Immunity (fire), Flight PASSIVE ABILITIES: Reflexes, Resistance (fire), Equipment
Change (any creature) HARVEST: Scales (Fire Resistance)
HARVEST: Heart (Shape Change), Scales (Immunity Fire)

The Demon originates from the fiery abyss, its large grotesque The Demon Folk are born from the union of demons and humans,
form twisted with malice. With each step, the ground trembles and blending the form of a human with a
crackles with infernal energy betraying its presence. It lashes out haunting demonic visage and traits
with claws and horns, from both lineages and considered
revelling in chaos and outcasts, feared and reviled within
destruction. Its human societies. These beings possess a
motivations are rooted potent combination of cunning,
in spreading fear, intelligence, strength, and power,
corrupting souls, and striking their opponents with lightning-
fulfilling unholy pacts fast reflexes and have an innate
with those in the resistance to fire. Some Demon Folk
mortal realm. variants may bear horns, wings hinting
at possible flight, or even possess a
menacing tail.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Summoned by a sorcerer to perform an ungodly deed. 01 A loner, seeking to flee people and society.
02 Collecting souls to bolster its power. 02 Searching for an artefact of power.
03 Guards a powerful artefact or gateway from intruders. 03 Seeking to bring a nearby settlement under their rule.
04 Taken possession of a nearby settlement. 04 Hunting someone who has offended them.
05 Tasked by its infernal master to hunt down something. 05 Seeking others of their kind.
06 Bound to a cursed artefact or person. 06 Pursued by monster hunters.


LVL 1 | HLT 10 | DEF 8/DR2 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR L LVL 4 | HLT 40 | DEF 13/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Claws (d6) COMBAT: Fist (d10, advantage)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Resistance (fire) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Resistance (fire)
HARVEST: Scales (Fire Resistance) HARVEST: Scales (Fire Resistance), Blood (Regenerate)

Demon Spawn are animalistic demons bearing a humanoid form The Demon Trul is a fearsome breed of demonic troll, towering in
with hardened skin. Originating from the fiery planes of hell, they size and possessing formidable power. Originating from the fiery
serve as foot soldiers under planes of hell, they serve as shock troopers for the greater demons,
the command of greater embodying bestial and
demons, obediently primal traits with
carrying out their orders. simple intelligence.
Despite their shared They are varied in
demonic nature, Demon their appearance
Spawn harbour no loyalty featuring horns, wings,
toward each other, tails, or other
highlighting the distinguishing features.
treacherous and self- These monstrous
serving nature of these creatures harbour little
malevolent creatures. loyalty to anyone.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 On a mission to destroy something. 01 On a mission to destroy something.
02 Have fled the fiery realms and are seeking an escape. 02 Immobile and merrily feasting on something it has killed.
03 Hunting something or someone specific. 03 Agitated, confused and erratic, a constant buzzing in its head.
04 Returning to a portal, time is running out. 04 Returning to a portal, time is running out.
05 Sent on a mission of destruction and violence. 05 Sent on a mission of destruction and violence.
06 Summoned by someone seeking to bind it to servitude. 06 Summoned by someone seeking to bind it to servitude.


LVL 4 | HLT 20 | DEF 13/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 4 | HLT 20 | DEF 13/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR -
COMBAT: 2x Claws/Fangs (d8) COMBAT: 2x Bite (d8)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immunity (Weapons excluding silver), PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (long)
Guarded (d4 Barghest) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Leap Attack (d10), Senses (far),
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Leap Attack (d8) Summon (d4 wolves, d6 turns)
HARVEST: Fur (Immunity), Heart (Leap Attack) HARVEST: Nose (Senses), Blood (Summon)

The Deviant is a nightmarish creature originating from the The Direwolf is a towering and fearsome creature resembling a
Shadowlands, its once majestic form twisted and mutated by the colossal wolf, surpassing the height of an average human. These
taint of chaos. They are immune to conventional weapons, only immense predators are
magic and silver often trailed by a pack
can harm it as it of wolves, working
unleashes its together with cunning
savage fury, and a remarkable
tearing into its sense of smell and
victims with claws their bone-chilling
and fangs. They howl can summon
are often other wolf packs to
accompanied by join their cause.
packs of Barghest.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Released from the Shadowlands to cause destruction. 01 Being ridden by a Beastman, leading his hunters.
02 Searching for a rift to return home. 02 Hunting for food.
03 Pursuing a target, their hunger must be satisfied. 03 Leading a migrating pack of wolves.
04 Drawn to a convergence of chaotic powers. 04 Tracking and pursuing another group of travellers.
05 Migrating to another place. 05 Howling loudly, evil spirits are at play.
06 Being pursued by a group of monster hunters. 06 Feeding upon some other animal or game.
GIANT, SERPENTINE, HUGE 01 You have found the bones and fossils of a long-dead world eater.
02 You have found the remains of some old crystalline teeth.
LVL 10 | HLT 150 | DEF 15/DR3 | SKL d20 | APP 1 | TSR Lx5, 03 There is a vast circular tunnel which leads deep within the earth.
Tx5 04 A vast creature lies dormant deep within the earth.
COMBAT: Devour (d20, medium) 05 It burrows to the depths, seeking a place for its long hibernation.
06 They have been awoken by some deep seismic activity.
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES Swallow (medium, d6), Tunnelling
(hard) | HARVEST: N/A

The Devourer lies dormant,

concealed deep within the
earth, its huge form in a
state of hibernation. When
awakened from its slumber,
this insatiable behemoth
hungers for organic matter,
leaving a trail of desolation
in its wake as it devours all
in its path, dissolving victims
with its corrosive juices. Its
crystalline teeth, a rare and
highly valued commodity,
add to the allure of this
terrifying creature, while the
vast circular tunnels it
creates become haunting
reminders of its centuries-
long slumber.


d6 Hook
DRAGON 01 Roaming the sky, driven by a familial instinct to search for eggs.
WINGED, DRACONIC, HUGE 02 Hunting for food, it is ravenous.
03 Scouring the land, marking its territory with a trail of destruction.
LVL 10 | HLT 150 | DEF 18/DR3 | SKL d20 | APP 1 | TSR Ax2,Tx10 04 Returning to its lair, it has hunted and fed this day.
COMBAT: 2x Bite/Claws (d20) | 05 On its last flight around the globe, in its final weeks of life.
06 Seeking a new nest or lair, it has eggs to lay.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight (Swift), Dark Vision (far)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Wind Attack (long range, short area, d6),
Ranged Attack (fire breath, long range, short range area), Aura
(fear, long range, will or impaired), Power Attack, Swipe (tail,
medium range, 2 targets)
HARVEST: Blood (Fire Breath, Fear) Scales (Defence), Wings
(Flight, Wind Attack)

Dragons stand as legends of the past, their immense

reptilian forms instilling fear and awe in those who
behold them. However, the minds of these majestic
beasts have weathered by the passage of time and these
ancient beings have lost their once-great intelligence,
replaced by primal instincts and a fierce ferocity. They
have an array of devastating attacks, from fiery breath
to the mighty swipe of their claws or a snap of its bite,
leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Their lairs
are nestled in the inhospitable reaches of the world and
are rumoured to hold many treasures. There are
rumoured to be only three Dragons left alive in the
world with no sightings in decades.


LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 13/DR2 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR L,T LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 10/DR1 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: Weapon (d8) or Claws (d4) COMBAT: Bite (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Resistance (Fire), PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Flight
Equipment ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ranged Attack (fire breath, d10,
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ranged Attack (fire breath, d10, short, 1 target)
short, 1 target) HARVEST: Blood (Fire Breath)
HARVEST: Blood (Fire Breath), Scales (Fire Resistance)
The Dragon Spawn are a scaled-down representation of its larger
The Dragonkind are a hybrid union of humans and dragons, their dragon kin, characterised by a robust and scaly exterior, four
form blending humanoid features with the majestic traits of their limbs, and wings. These creatures hunt in small packs and their
draconic lineage. Dragonkind possess a thick scaly hide and their ability to fly short distances enables swift and strategic
appearance showcases variations, movements. With a carnivorous appetite, Dragon Spawn are
with some displaying wings, horns, vicious predators, capable of
or a tail, further accentuating their delivering ferocious attacks
connection to their dragon with their snapping jaws and
ancestry. Born from hatched eggs, slashing claws. They are also
these creatures possess both capable of unleashing a
intelligence and cunning, while short-range burst of flame,
their ability to see in the dark adding an element of
grants them a formidable dangerous surprise to their
advantage in the shadows. arsenal.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Seeking rumours of the great dragons. 01 Hunting an animal for food.
02 Travelling in disguise to a settlement. 02 Gorging on the meat of a dead animal.
03 Seeking others of its kind. 03 Gathering supplies for their nest.
04 Unfairly accused of witchcraft and being hunted. 04 Migrating to a different climate.
05 Tracking something or someone. 05 Seeking shelter, it senses a weather event.
06 Transporting a dragon egg. 06 Being pursued by something big and dangerous.



LVL 3 | HLT 20 | DEF 13/DR1 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d8) and Tail (d6) COMBAT: Claw (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (long) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Slow, Undead, Fearless, Swim
HARVEST: Eyes (Dark Vision) HARVEST: Blood (Undead)

The Drake is a savage fearsome creature of the dragon lineage. Drowned Ones are bloated sea zombies that drift through the
With their four limbs, elongated necks, and razor-sharp teeth and murky waters, their decaying flesh swollen and discoloured,
fangs, these beasts strike both awe and terror into the hearts of emitting a putrid odour that hangs heavy in the air. Its lifeless eyes
those who encounter scan the depths, seeking the warmth of living flesh to satiate its
them. They attack insatiable hunger. Motivated
with a powerful bite by an unquenchable desire
at the front and a for flesh, they lash out with
swift tail swing at slimy, clawed hands,
the back, leaving grasping and pulling their
victims little room victims beneath the waves to
for escape. join the ranks of the

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Famished and hunting for food, desperate. 01 A cursed artefact has re-animated these dead sailors.
02 Gorging on the meat of a dead animal. 02 Several large bodies float face down lifelessly in the water.
03 Seeking a place to nest or rest. 03 A group of Drowned Ones slowly make their way towards you.
04 Marking their territory. 04 They are dragging another group of travellers into the water.
05 Migrating to a new home. 05 They are guarding an underwater temple nearby.
06 Being pursued by something that is hunting them. 06 A secret cult has re-animated them to do their bidding.


LVL 5 | HLT 30 | DEF 14 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR L,T LVL 4 | HLT 25 | DEF 13/DR3 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: 2x Longsword (d8 adv.) COMBAT: Slam (d10)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (long), Undead, Companion PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (long)
(Horse) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Tunnelling, Power Attack
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Power Attack HARVEST: Earth (Power Attack)
HARVEST: Blood (Undead)

In the dark of the night, a figure emerges, atop a spectral horse, its The Earth Elemental stands
body missing a head, and a jack-o'-lantern shining with an eerie tall its form composed of
glow in its place. The solid stone and earth, with
Headless Horseman rides glowing crystalline veins
with relentless speed, coursing through its body. It
wielding a wicked sword, moves with a slow and
haunting the countryside deliberate grace, causing the
in search of his lost head, ground to quake beneath its
driven by a deep thirst for immense weight. Its
vengeance against those motivations are bound to the
who wronged him in life. protection and preservation
of the natural world.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 It draws its blade and points at a random person. 01 Has been disturbed and seeks vengeance against those intruders.
02 You spy a spectral horse galloping away in the distance. 02 You have trespassed onto a sacred grove.
03 The creature stands tall, blocking your direction of travel. 03 Seeking assistance to address an imbalance with nature.
04 The creature raises a finger and points at a random person. 04 Searching for a powerful artefact of nature nearby.
05 It rides towards a location or person that did him harm in his life. 05 Holding a settlement to ransom and waiting for appeasement.
06 It senses a powerful artefact that could restore his head and life. 06 Summoned by a druidic circle to combat an opposing force.


d6 Hook
EARTH TREE 01 A portal into the root of an earth tree has been discovered.
PLANT, BOTANIC, COLOSSAL 02 Something in the wilds is trying to reach you in your dreams.
03 You discover a cache of earth tree branches.
LVL 10 | HLT 500 | DEF 10/DR5 | SKL d20 | APP 1 | TSR - 04 The blackened remains of an ancient earth tree are discovered.
COMBAT: N/A 05 A journey to the feywild reveals an earth tree.
06 You find a seed the size of a human head it is faintly magical.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Magic Source, Portal (same realm, any
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Memories (1000 years)
HARVEST: Bark (Magic), Heartwood (Wooden
Objects), Roots (Portal)

Standing tall and proud, the ancient Earth Trees

loom over the land, their colossal trunks and
sprawling branches reaching towards the heavens
and their deep-lying roots interconnecting with
other Earth Trees for hundreds of miles

Earth Trees are revered by the elves and other

woodland folk as a wondrous source of nature.
They serve as guardians and conduits of the natural
world, their roots delving deep into the earth and
connecting realms. Whilst their very essence
captures and harbours knowledge and wisdom that
echoes through the ages.

d6 Hook
ELEMENTAL GATE 01 A piece of the gateway has been uncovered.
MAGICAL, CONSTRUCT, COLOSSAL 02 It is fading, drawn to the dimension it was once linked with.
03 Vibrations from a gateway are causing a seismic disturbance.
LVL 10 | HLT 500 | DEF 5/DR10 | SKL d20 | APP 1 | TSR - 04 The presence of the gateway is the cause of wild magic.
COMBAT: N/A 05 The crumbling remains of the gateway have been found.
06 The portal has re-opened, something approaches from beyond.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Convergence (far), Portal (any
dimension, any location)

Hidden deep beneath the earth's surface, the

elemental gateways stand as colossal sentinels of
cosmic energy, pulsating with an otherworldly hum
that reverberates through the surrounding

As remnants of ancient creation, these massive

structures embody the very essence of the
multiverse, drawing upon the raw power of
alternate realms to fuel the existence of life in their
own domain, while their indestructible form poses
a daunting challenge to any who seek to unravel
their mysteries and harness their wild magic.



LVL 5 | HLT 30 | DEF 10/DR2 | SKL - | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 6 | HLT 50 | DEF 15/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR -
COMBAT: Stomp (d8) COMBAT: 4x Tentacle Stings (d6)
HARVEST: N/A beam, d20, long, 1 target)
HARVEST: Brain (Telepathy), Eye (Eye Beam)

The large elephant stands tall and proud with its grey, wrinkled The Eye Helion is a mutated spherical demonic creature which
skin. With each earth-shaking step, it displays immense strength, floats in an eerie, slow-motion movement, its multitude of swaying
trumpeting loudly to stalks giving an uncanny sense of otherworldly grace. With its
mark its territory. large central eye occasionally blinking, the Eye Helion exudes an
Driven by a deep aura of all-seeing, all-knowing
sense of loyalty and intelligence as it consumes
protectiveness, this knowledge. It communicates
noble creature through telepathy. The central
defends its herd and eye possesses destructive
the sacred lands they powers capable of shooting
roam. beams of devastating force.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Agitated and disturbed by a group of poachers. 01 Seeking sustenance and resources.
02 A herd are migrating towards new pastures. 02 Seeks a lair where it can ponder the universe’s mysteries.
03 You hear a roar and crashing of wood and bush in the distance. 03 Will kill to hide knowledge of its presence.
04 A group have tamed the elephants as a means of transport. 04 Wants to dominate and rule the weak-minded.
05 Elephants are defending their young from another predator. 05 Searching for a powerful artefact.
06 A herd are lazily eating and grazing nearby. 06 Corrupting the minds of a nearby settlement.


LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 5 | SKL - | APP 1 | TSR - LVL 5 | HLT 25 | DEF 12/DR2 | SKL d10 | APP 1 | TSR -
COMBAT: N/A COMBAT: Volatile Gunk (d8, short)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immunity (weapons) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Weakness (water), Explodes (death, d20,
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ritual (roll on Ritual Table below) medium)

Deep within the heart of the ancient woodland, hidden shrines can Beneath the dark caverns, the Fiery Gunk seethes and writhes, its
be found adorned with intricate carvings of ethereal creatures and bubbling mass emitting an unsettling heat and a noxious stench
intertwined vines, pulsing with the vibrant energy of nature. The that lingers in the air. As it detects the presence of unsuspecting
shrine whispers secrets to the elven wanderers. With each visit, the prey, the volatile gunk
shrine strengthens its connection ripples with anticipation,
to the natural world, fostering a ready to unleash
symbiotic relationship with the explosive bursts of fiery
elves, who seek to protect and destruction upon those
preserve the delicate balance of the who dare to come near.
enchanted forest. The shrine can When touched by flame
be activated by communing with it explodes.

d6 Ritual d6 Hook
01 Use of fey powers has attracted a creature of chaos. 01 Slowly slithering underground or within volcanoes.
02 The shrine opens to reveal a small gift. 02 Charred remains of a body are found, everything has melted.
03 The shrine hints at the direction of natural resources. 03 Slowly creeping and slithering towards the adventurers.
04 The shrine indicates the direction of a hidden trail. 04 A fiery explosion is heard from nearby.
05 The shrine imparts knowledge about the area. 05 First traces are spotted from a geyser in the ground.
06 A portal to the Feywild is opened. 06 A trail of dust and ash leads into the distance.



LVL 3 | HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR - LVL 4 | HLT 25 | DEF 14 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Needles (d4, short) COMBAT: 2x Claws (d6 advantage)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: N/A PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight (swift), Aura (fire, d4, close),
HARVEST: N/A ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Explodes (death, d12, short)
HARVEST: Blood (Immunity/Aura Fire), Feathers (Flight)

In the depths of the ancient forests, the Fir Needler lies in wait, its These majestic and fearsome creatures are driven by an insatiable
spiky leaves trembling with hunger swooping down from above, using their sharp claws and
anticipation. Sensitive to the scorching flames to claw and burn their unfortunate victims.
slightest disturbance, it A Fire Phoenix is immune
releases a barrage of tiny to fire and heat but
needles, each shot weakening possesses a weakness to
the plant's vitality. Once water, which can be
depleted, it retreats into a exploited during battles.
dormant state, patiently When defeated, the spirit
awaiting the passing of days of the Fire Phoenix
to rejuvenate its needle- returns to the plane of
firing arsenal. fire.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 The remains of a small animal killed by spiky needles. 01 Scouring the skies, searching for food.
02 Someone has hacked at the bushes and vegetation. 02 Recently arrived through a rift from the plane of fire.
03 A thick fir plant blocks your path. 03 Searching for a rift to return to their plane of fire.
04 Something is moving in the bushes ahead. 04 On the hunt, having spotted something in the distance.
05 Did something just prick me? 05 Returning to their nest, their hunger satiated.. for now.
06 A fir tree stands motionless in a dormant state. 06 Summoned by one who wields the power of fire magic.


LVL 5 | HLT 40 | DEF 12/DR3 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR - LVL 1 | HLT 8 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: Fire (d10, close) COMBAT: Fire (d6, short)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Aura (fire, d4 close), Immunity (fire), PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immunity (fire), Weakness (water)
Weakness (water) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Critical (Gain d6 Health)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ranged Attack (fire bolt, d12, long HARVEST: Ash (Immunity/Aura Fire)
range, 1 target)
HARVEST: Ash (Immunity/Aura Fire)

The Fire Elemental manifests as a The Fire Tornado engulfs the

swirling entity of pure flames in a landscape with its raging fury. With
humanoid form. Its fiery essence its swirling, crackling form, it breathes
flickers and dances, spitting sparks life into chaos, spitting out sparks and
and scorching everything it touches, embers that ignite everything in its
leaving a trail of destruction in its path. Immune to fire but vulnerable to
wake. Immune to fire but vulnerable water, this destructive force can also
to water, this malevolent spirit increase its power and intensify its
engulfs its surroundings in an infernal might on a critical hit.
unrelenting inferno, instilling fear
and awe in those who witness its
blazing presence.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 You have found a trail of ash and cinder. 01 Summoned by a fire mage.
02 Summoned by a fire mage. 02 Demons are dancing around the fire tornado.
03 Escaped from the fiery realms through a fracture in reality. 03 A freak of nature, wild and uncontrolled.
04 Seeks oxygen and fuel to destroy and consume. 04 Created through the death of a fire phoenix.
05 Sent to destroy an artefact of power. 05 Created through uncontrolled wild magic powers.
06 You spot a tell-tale sign of smoke in the distance. 06 Slipped through a rift in reality from the planes of hell.



LVL 1 | HLT 15 | DEF 10 | SKL - | APP 1 | TSR - LVL 1 | HLT 3 | DEF 15 | SKL - | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d4) COMBAT: Bite (d4)

The Flying Fish appear as a swarm of sleek, silver-scaled fish A sleek and cunning creature, the fox prowls through the shadows
which glisten under the sunlight. They possess rows of razor-sharp of the forest with a gleam in its intelligent eyes. Its reddish-orange
teeth which glint with a hunger for fresh flesh. Swiftly darting fur blends seamlessly with the
through the waters they dappled sunlight, allowing it
swarm upon unsuspecting to move with unparalleled
victims, tearing through stealth. Guided by its
flesh. They move and act as insatiable curiosity and knack
a swarm but also have the for survival, the fox weaves its
capability of leaping from way through the realm,
their waters onto a victim. always staying one step ahead
of those who would seek to
capture or outwit it.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Summoned by a water wizard. 01 A fox is ahead of you as if waiting for you to catch up.
02 Naturally occurring in this region of water. 02 A mischievous fox dashes, trying to grab an item from someone.
03 Transported and bred in this region of water. 03 A wounded fox limps towards you, it has been hurt badly.
04 Possessed by the essence of a water spirit or elemental. 04 A fox eyes you suspiciously. It is being controlled by someone.
05 Attracted to a magical energy radiating from a ruin. 05 It is pursuing a small animal for food.
06 Inhabit cursed waters to feed on the flesh of creatures. 06 It is being pursued by a larger animal.
PLANT, BOTANIC, COLOSSAL 01 A patch of forested lands lies barren and covered in ash and dust.
02 You feel a faint trembling from the ground, seismic activity?
LVL 8 | HLT 80 | DEF 10 | SKL d10 | APP 1 | TSR A,Tx3 03 The ground and plant life around your feet starts to darken.
COMBAT: See Tendrils 04 Animals and creatures flee towards you from the forest.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Tendrils (8, 10 health, medium, d6) 05 Something grabs and tugs at your feet and legs.
06 You sense a strange vacuum in the distance and a rising tension.
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Feed (short, d10), Grapple (tendrils,
medium, d4)
HARVEST: Teeth (Feed)

Deep within the heart of the corrupted

forest, the forest saw slithers and
writhes, its twisted form a grotesque
amalgamation of roots and flesh. As it
moves, it leaves a wake of devastation,
draining the life force from all that
once thrived, leaving behind a
desolate landscape of withered
vegetation and charred remains,
beckoning brave souls to cleanse the
blight and restore the balance of


d6 Hook
FORBIDDEN 01 Travelled through a rift to this realm for a few short moments.
CHAOS, HUMANOID, MEDIUM 02 Seeking a powerful artefact.
03 Seeking followers to grow their power.
LVL 10 | HLT 60 | DEF 15/DR5 | SKL d20 | APP 1 | TSR Ax3, 04 Seeking rifts in the current realm of existence.
Tx3 05 Searching for knowledge of ancient powers.
06 Searching for clues of the other Forbidden.
COMBAT: 2x Weapon (d8)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Aura (fear, long, will check or impaired),
Immortal, Spells (all domains), Resistance (magic)
HARVEST: Brain (Fear), Blood (Immortal, Spells)

The Forbidden are powerful deities whose minds have descended

into chaos. Humanoid in appearance, they embody cunning,
cruelty, and malevolence, driven by a relentless desire for
vengeance and destruction, proclaiming doom for all life.

These formidable adversaries seek passage to the mortal realms,

posing a dire threat that must be thwarted at any cost. Masters of
magic, seemingly invulnerable, and proficient in all spells and
incantations, each Forbidden holds mastery over a specific
domain, allowing them to cast spells with advantage.

Merely being in the presence of a Forbidden instills fear in those

unfortunate enough to encounter them. They will also be
accompanied by their underlings (typically other creatures of
chaos) loyal to their master.


LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 5 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR - LVL 2 | HLT 2 | DEF 6 | SKL d4 | APP d20 | TSR -
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Alarm (short, wailing noise) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Gas (spores if disturbed, short area,
HARVEST: Seed (Gas)

In the damp depths of forgotten caverns, the fungal wailer silently Nestled amidst the lush foliage, the gas spores lurk, ready to defend
thrives, blending seamlessly with its fungal brethren. When their territory with
disturbed, it unleashes a a noxious cloud of
piercing wail that choking gas when
reverberates through the disturbed. A
shadows, attracting the cautious adventurer
attention of other creatures can carefully extract
lurking in the darkness and their valuable seeds,
setting the stage for a sought after by
potential ambush. alchemists for their
potent properties.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 You see a wall of mushrooms ahead of you. 01 Thick vegetation lays ahead, blocking your path.
02 Half-eaten remains of a mushroom-like plant lie on the floor. 02 A bloated corpse lays upon the ground, covered in plants.
03 The chopped remains of a mushroom plant lie scattered. 03 Burst spores lay across the ground.
04 A trail of fungal spores lay on the floor. 04 A thick acrid gas is emitted nearby.
05 Path is blocked by a mass of mushrooms and fungus. 05 A creature comes running out of a yellow gas cloud.
06 Something is shrieking loudly nearby. 06 Something is coughing and choking nearby.



LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 12 | SKL d6 | APP 1 | TSR Lx3 LVL 7 | HLT 40 | DEF 14 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR A
COMBAT: Acid (d6) COMBAT: Ghostly Touch (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Amorphous, Immunity (weapons) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Incorporeal, Flight,
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Swallow (d6, close) Immunity (weapons)
HARVEST: Gelatinous remains (Acid) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Illusion (far), Prophecy (10 years),
HARVEST: Dust (Incorporeal, Telepathy)

In the dimly lit dungeons, the Gelatinous Mass oozes silently, its The Genie is an ethereal being of otherworldly power. Its form is
transparent form fluid and ever-changing, with a hint of a humanoid silhouette
blending with the surrounded by an aura of
surroundings as it magic. It grants favours and
hungrily seeks to absorb prophecies to those who
living flesh to fuel its summon it, but its actions are
growth. Its slimy tendrils guided by its own inscrutable
extend with a dreadful motivations, often leading to
purpose, suffocating and unexpected consequences. The
corroding its victims, Genie seeks opportunities to
leaving behind only a shape the destiny of mortals
chilling reminder of their and weave its own intricate
existence. webs of magic and fate.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Stuck at the bottom of a pit, contains something shiny. 01 You stumble across an odd-looking dusty artefact.
02 Something ghostly is approaching, floating swords? 02 An ethereal figure approaches seeking a worthy companion.
03 Lurking above, ready to fall, feed and absorb more flesh. 03 The Genie seeks knowledge and asks riddles and challenges.
04 You hear someone’s cry, they are half stuck in the mass. 04 It offers a glimpse of your destiny for a price.
05 Two smaller masses are trying to merge together. 05 A ghostly silhouette glides slowly in the distance.
06 The place you are in is very clean, with no debris or dust at all. 06 You hear words in your mind, giving you hints of where to travel.

LVL 6 | HLT 50 | DEF 15 | SKL d12 | APP 1 | TSR Lx3 LVL 5 | HLT 20 | DEF 14 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR T,A
COMBAT: 2x Claw (d10) COMBAT: Touch (d8)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Aura (gas, d4, short) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Incorporeal, Flight,
HARVEST: Plant (Absorb) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Fear (medium, impaired), Mind
Control (possession, medium)
HARVEST: Dust (Incorporeal, Possession)
Emerging from the depths of ancient forests and swamps, the Silently drifting through the ethereal plane, the Ghost materialises
Gestalt embodies the as a translucent figure, its otherworldly form giving a glimpse into
twisted amalgamation of the realm beyond. Often bound to a
flora and the dark powerful artefact, its existence
energies that animate it. hinges upon the preservation of its
Its noxious presence fills anchor, haunting the living with its
the air, suffocating its prey chilling presence and seeking solace
as it slashes and tears by possessing unsuspecting victims
with its jagged, thorny until it fulfils its unfinished business,
claws, absorbing the life yearning for eternal rest. Once
force of its victims to fuel defeated its form disappears.
its own grotesque growth.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 You hear the cries of combat in the distance, then all is quiet. 01 Seeking the artefact which binds it to this place.
02 You can smell a toxic gas nearby. 02 Experiencing echoes of its former life.
03 A large featureless figure rises from the ground ahead of you. 03 Lying in wait, seeking to drive intruders away.
04 There is a mass of plants and vegetation blocking your path. 04 Sobbing and emotional, it fails to detect the intruders.
05 The ground is covered in thick, wet, slimy vegetation. 05 Wandering the area, tied to an artefact nearby.
06 A large swamp creature lies atop a static corpse, it stirs. 06 Following someone who was once connected to them.



LVL 3 | HLT 12 | DEF 13 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 10 | DEF 10/DR2 | SKL d6 | APP d10 | TSR -
COMBAT: Claws (d4) COMBAT: Mandibles (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Climb, Dark Vision (med)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Paralysis (claw, close, 1 target, d4, ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: N/A
fortitude or impaired) HARVEST: Chitin Plate (Defence)
HARVEST: Claws (Paralysis)

The Ghoul is a gaunt grey humanoid creature with decayed flesh Giant Ants typically exist in large colonies under the command of
stretched taut over skeletal features, its eyes glint with ravenous the Ant Queen. They relentlessly swarm and scuttle in an
hunger. With agile movements, they prowl the shadows, sniffing organised fashion carrying out the commands of the Ant Queen.
the air for the scent of fresh meat, its elongated claws poised to The air carries the
rend flesh from bone, their touch unmistakable scent of their
paralysing to the flesh. Motivated pheromonal
by an insatiable craving for communication, a chilling
human flesh, the ghoul skulks in reminder of their unified
the darkness, driven by an and ruthless nature. Giant
instinctual need to feed on the Ants attack with their
living, leaving a trail of horror and mandibles and are
despair in its wake. protected by their chitin
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Resides in an ancient burial ground, guarding an artefact. 01 Worker ants scavenging food for their queen.
02 Wandering to its lair after terrorising a local settlement. 02 Worker ants digging new tunnels to expand their colony.
03 Attacking travellers along a well-travelled route. 03 Worker ants find a dry warm area to lay their eggs.
04 Wandering close to its lair. 04 Soldier ants guarding the tunnels near their lair.
05 Dragging the motionless form of a victim towards its lair. 05 Soldier ants exploring new territories.
06 Part of a larger undead horde commanded by some power. 06 Soldier ants guarding the ant queen.

LVL 10 | HLT 150 | DEF 15/DR5 | SKL d20 | APP 1 | TSR A,T
COMBAT: Fist/Weapon (d20), Rock (d20, far)
HARVEST: Blood (Immortal)

In the most distant regions of the lands, it is said that a race of

towering giants roam, remnants of a forgotten era.

As they lumber through the ancient forests and barren mountains,

their immense forms casting long shadows, a sense of awe and
trepidation fills the air, for these giants are living relics, guardians
of forgotten knowledge and the last remnants of a civilisation that
was once lost to time.

d6 Hook
01 A giant’s footprint has been found.
02 A giant’s bony remains have been found half-buried.
03 You feel the seismic shakes of something in the distance.
04 You hear a deep booming echo, in the distance.
05 You awake next to a sleeping giant covered in vegetation.
06 A giant walks in the distance migrating towards something.



LVL 2 | HLT 8 | DEF 8/DR2 | SKL d4 | APP d12 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 12/DR3 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d4) COMBAT: 2x Claws (d6)

The monstrous Giant Beetle scuttles with relentless determination, Giant Crabs are typically found in the murky depths of the coastal
its large mandibles poised to crush and rend. Motivated by an water with its armoured exoskeleton glistening with a menacing
insatiable hunger, the hue. With razor-sharp claws and formidable pincers, it scuttles
giant beetle ravages the along the shoreline, causing
surrounding foliage, the ground to tremble with
consuming both flora each step. Motivated by an
and any unfortunate insatiable hunger, the
creatures that dare cross Giant Crab seeks to feast
its path, leaving on unsuspecting prey,
devastation in its wake. tearing through flesh and
Their strength is in their bone with its powerful
numbers. mandibles.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Disturbed from its peaceful slumber. 01 Defending its territory from intruders.
02 Drawn to the scent of a rare and valuable herb. 02 Hunted by humans searching for a rumoured gem in their shells.
03 Driven from its hunting ground desperately seeking sustenance. 03 Hungry and relentlessly hunting for food.
04 Summoned by a dark sorcerer for some laborious task. 04 Buried under the earth or sand waiting to ambush someone.
05 Infected by a parasite and randomly attacking anyone close by. 05 Guards a secret underwater passageway.
06 Guarding a hidden chamber from intruders. 06 Confused, the aquatic ecosystem has been disturbed.


LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 10/DR2 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 12 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d10 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite d10 COMBAT: Bite (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Swim, Hold Breath (1 hour) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Swim, Water Breath
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Swipe (tail, short range, 1 target) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Swallow (medium size, d4), Gas
HARVEST: N/A (burp, short range, all in area, impaired)

In the murky depths of the treacherous swamps, the large The giant reptile looms over its surroundings, its slick and mottled
silhouette of the giant crocodile lurks, its scaly form blending green skin glistening in
seamlessly with the surrounding waters. With lightning speed and the sunlight. Its bulbous
primal ferocity, it strikes, eyes, perched atop its
jaws snapping shut with head, keenly observe any
bone-crushing force, its movement nearby. With
powerful tail lashing out to a swift flick of its long,
subdue its prey, while its sticky tongue, the reptile
brethren crocodiles close in, snatches unsuspecting
creating a formidable prey, driven by an
hunting pack that instills fear insatiable hunger and
for those who dare to trespass the instinct to survive in
their watery domain. its watery habitat.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 There is movement in the water. 01 It guards a hidden passage to its lair or a place of importance.
02 Something is hunting you hidden in the ground. 02 You hear a loud croaking sound in the distance.
03 There is a mud mound ahead of you, it stirs. 03 Fleeing hunters who consider its flesh a delicacy.
04 Creatures and birds fleeing from the direction ahead. 04 Laying prone within the water or vegetation ready to ambush.
05 A dead crocodile lays on the floor, savaged by something. 05 Splashing and larking about as a group in shallow waters.
06 You hear a deep groaning sounds from the woods ahead. 06 Hopping and pursuing some smaller prey.



LVL 2 | HLT 5 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d12 | TSR Lx2 LVL 5 | HLT 15 | DEF 14/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP d8 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d4) COMBAT: 2x Claws (d8)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (long)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Disease (bite, close, 1, d4, impaired), ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Poison (stinger, close, 1 target, d12,
Sprint fortitude save or impaired), Senses (medium)
HARVEST: Teeth (Disease) HARVEST: Tail (Poison)

In the dimly lit depths, the scurrying of claws and gnashing of Often found in dry desolate areas, the eerie silence is shattered by
sharp teeth echoes through the shadows as the Giant Rats emerge the skittering and
from their lairs, their beady eyes glinting with hunger and their clicking of the Giant
wiry bodies ready to Scorpions as they
pounce. Their presence is announce their
a harbinger of decay and arrival. They often
filth, thriving in the lie hidden waiting
darkness where they for the right
scavenge and hunt, always moment to strike
wary of the flickering light with their venomous
that keeps them at bay. stingers and razor-
sharp pincers.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Scavenging for food and scraps. 01 Buried underground lying asleep.
02 Fleeing something or someone. 02 Buried underground lying in ambush.
03 Feeding upon something. 03 Hunting at night or in darkness.
04 Burrowing, digging, scrapping, gnawing, agitated. 04 Migrating to a new territory.
05 Hunting something it can eat. 05 Feasting upon a recent kill.
06 Swarming and terrorising something. 06 Seeking a place to deliver its babies.


LVL 4 | HLT 30 | DEF 14 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 4 | HLT 15 | DEF 12 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR L,T
COMBAT: Bite (d8, short) or Grab (d6, auto), COMBAT: Bite (d6)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Swallow (short, d4), Poison (bite, ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Senses (medium), Web (medium,
short, 1 target, d10, fortitude save or death) strength check or held), Paralysis (fang, close, 1 target, d6,
HARVEST: Fangs (Poison) fortitude or impaired)
HARVEST: Spinneret (Hold/Web)

In the dark recesses of ancient forests, the Giant Serpent slithers, its In the dimly lit depths of forgotten places, the Giant Spiders reign
massive form coiled and ready to unleash swift and deadly strikes as the masters of their intricate web-filled domains. Their eerie
upon unsuspecting prey. With jaws capable of crushing bones and presence is felt through
a venomous bite that the soft rustling of their
spells certain doom, leathery fur and the
this monstrous serpent faint whispers carried by
rules over its domain the vibrations of their
with a mix of power, expansive network, a
stealth, and lethal chilling reminder of the
precision. imminent danger that
lurks within the

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Stealthily moving to ambush a target. 01 Lurking and waiting to ambush their prey.
02 Choking and swallowing a large animal (horse, cow). 02 Spinning a vast array of webs.
03 Hiding in a bog or pool, watching, waiting. 03 Feeding on a trapped (and dead) animal.
04 Curled around a large tree, watching, waiting. 04 Driven away by something else.
05 Looking for an isolated place to birth its young. 05 Stalking a victim, spinning webs to trap their prey.
06 Fleeing quickly, surprised by something else. 06 Scavenging items that have fallen into their web.



LVL 5 | HLT 20 | DEF 10/DR2 | SKL d10 | APP d6 | TSR Lx3 LVL 1 | HLT 4 | DEF 9 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR L,T
COMBAT: Bite (d8) COMBAT: Weapon (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Tunnelling (hard surface) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Equipment

Beneath the earth's surface, the Giant Worms writhe with a Originating from the depths of enchanted forests and hidden
sinister presence, their chitinous plates glinting in the dim light. underground dwellings, gnomes are
Sensing every tremor and noise in the ground, these subterranean small humanoid creatures of
creatures feed upon curiosity and adventure. These
organic matter, lurking in small, lively creatures revel in the
wait to burst forth and wonders of the natural world,
seize their victims with tirelessly collecting and tinkering
powerful jaws. They breed with their findings, their zest for life
by laying scores of eggs fuelling their insatiable thirst for
that gestate and hatch exploration and adventure.
multiplying their terrifying

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 They are tracking the vibrations in the ground. 01 Fleeing from a savage creature they have awoken.
02 Fleeing some deep seismic activity. 02 Travelling and exploring the wilds and borderlands.
03 Detected organic matter upon which to feed. 03 They have discovered a ruin, scavenging for items.
04 Nesting and laying scores of eggs. 04 Plotting to defeat something that has been troubling them.
05 Creating new tunnels to aid exploration. 05 Hiding, something dangerous is nearby.
06 Detected some other noise in the area. 06 Seeking to trade with the adventurers.

LVL 2 | HLT 8 | DEF 11 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR L LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 11 | SKL - | APP d12 | TSR Lx3
COMBAT: Weapon (d6) or Horns (d4) COMBAT: Improvised Weapon (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Equipment PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Equipment, Weakness
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Sprint, Charge (sunlight)

From the shadowed depths of the These malicious creatures lurk in the
forbidden forests, the Goatmen shadows, their grotesque features and
roam with eerie grace, their hooves hunched forms creating an unsettling
treading silently upon the forest sight. With wicked grins and gleaming
floor. With their twisted goat-like eyes, they eagerly scheme and plot their
heads and razor-sharp horns, they next mischief, revelling in chaos and
possess an uncanny ability to move mayhem. Motivated by their insatiable
swiftly and strike with vicious greed and desire for power, they raid
precision. villages, ambush travellers, and steal
precious treasures, leaving a trail of
theft and discarded items in their

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Hunting for food and supplies. 01 Making haste to the lair with their ill-gotten goods.
02 Patrolling the borders of their lands. 02 Vandalising local settlements, stealing what they can.
03 Helping a lame colleague return home. 03 Returning to their lair with a victim, a ransom target.
04 Tracking a threat in the region. 04 Scouting the area on behalf of a more powerful ally.
05 Scaring away travellers near their lands. 05 Heading towards the rumoured location of a treasure trove.
06 Looking to ambush a straggler or lone victim. 06 Scouting an area as a possible location for a new lair.



LVL 4 | HLT 25 | DEF 13/DR4 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR A LVL 8 | HLT 80 | DEF 15/DR3 | SKL d12 | APP 1 | TSR A
COMBAT: Fist (d10 advantage) COMBAT: 2x Weapon (d12, short)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Equipment, Slow PASSIVE ABILITIES: Aura (fire, short, d8) Flight, Immunity
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Power Attack (fire)
HARVEST: Equipment (Elemental Stone) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ranged Attack (fiery breath, d20,
HARVEST: Heart (Fiery Breath), Scales (Fire Aura/Immunity)
Emerging from the depths of forgotten ruins, the Golem stands The Greater Demon is a huge terrifying entity of fiery
tall, its metallic frame malevolence, humanoid in form but shrouded in shadows and
creaking and grinding with engulfed by flames. Each Greater Demon possesses a unique name,
each ponderous step. Its eyes representing its individuality and formidable presence. Driven by
glow with the elemental an insatiable desire to
power that animates it, as it dominate and rule, these
tirelessly carries out its formidable creatures are
ancient purpose, impervious capable of unleashing
to flames that dare to devastating attacks
challenge its formidable radiating an aura of
presence. Golems are often scorching fire and
powered by an elemental brandishing mighty
stone. weapons.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Statuesque, awaiting the word of command. 01 Recently awoken from the depths of the earth.
02 Broken and in disrepair, needs a part to function. 02 Senses the presence of a Dragon, their eternal enemy.
03 Slowly carrying out a menial task. 03 Seeks to dominate and rule the local area.
04 Marching with purpose, following a command. 04 Working with another power to devastate human lands.
05 Guarding something valuable at a location. 05 Senses the presence of a powerful artefact it covets.
06 Searching for oil to lubricate their moving parts. 06 Searching for a portal to the fiery realm to summon a horde.

LVL 6 | HLT 30 | DEF 15 | SKL d12 | APP 1 | TSR Lx3, Tx3 LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 8 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR L,T
COMBAT: 2x Talon/Bites (d12) COMBAT: Dagger (d4, poison, fortitude save or incapacitated)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight (swift) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Equipment (Alchemy kit), Spells (arcane,
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Fear (roar, long, all in range), Power dark, shadow, time domains),
Attack, Grapple (claws, close, d6) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Illusion (long)
HARVEST: Feathers (Flight), Eggs (Treasure) HARVEST: Brain (Illusion)

A magnificent and powerful creature with the body of a lion and Emerging from the
the wings of an eagle, instills fear in its victims through its shadows, the Hags, with
powerful roar before ravaging them with furious bites and claws. their withered forms and
The Griffin's eggs are said twisted visages, weave a
to be made of pure gold, web of deceit and treachery.
hold great value and are They thrive on the suffering
revered by worshippers of of others, employing their
Suunos, the Sun God, dark arts and beguiling
making them a much illusions to sow chaos and
sought-after treasure. despair, forever pursuing
forbidden knowledge and
the acquisition of power.


d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Hunting for food, beware. 01 Gathering ingredients in the wilds for potions and alchemy.
02 Soulfully searching for a mate. 02 A coven is gathering to perform a dark ritual.
03 Returning to their nest atop the highest mountain peaks. 03 Masquerading as a ‘wise woman’, ready to share their misery.
04 Swiftly heading away from a terrible upcoming storm. 04 Seeking trade of illicit goods.
05 Being flown by a legendary figure. 05 Casting some petty curses at someone nearby.
06 Looking for a suitable nest, it is time for a new birth. 06 Hiding from someone knightly or virtuous nearby.


LVL 3 | HLT 12 | DEF 12 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR Lx2 LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 10 | SKL - | APP d10 | TSR -
COMBAT: Talons (d4) COMBAT: Bite (d4)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ambush, Lure (song, long) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Charge, Sprint

The Harpy resembles a bedraggled female half-human, half-bird Hyenas are savage animals that roam the wilderness in hunting
with large vulture-like wings and clawed hands and feet. packs, their matted fur and sharp teeth glistening with a feral
These creatures make their hunger. Their eyes gleam with predatory intelligence as they prowl
nests deep within forests the outskirts of human
and seek to lure settlements, searching for
unsuspecting victims to vulnerable prey. Motivated by
their lair with a captivating survival and the insatiable
and melodious tune. drive to feed, they attack with
Legends claim that harpies ruthless ferocity, their
are tasked with carrying haunting laughter echoing
away wicked and evil through the night as they tear
creatures. into flesh and bone.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 They to speak of a dark tiding and coming woe. 01 Hunting for food and scavenging in the wilderness.
02 You hear the enchanting sound of music and laughter. 02 Seeking a water source in the current environment.
03 They are hunting for food. 03 Responding to a distress call of other hyenas.
04 Setting a trap or ambush to even the odds in their favour. 04 Following the scent of a potential prey or carrion.
05 Congregating around a natural hazard, seeking a misfortune. 05 Competing with other hyenas for dominance of territory.
06 Living in secret, not wishing to reveal themselves. 06 Defending its pack from other dangers or predators.
In the lush plains and distant meadows of the lands, a horse may
HORSE run wild, their sleek coat glistening under the golden sunlight.
ANIMAL, QUADRUPED, LARGE With every stride, its powerful muscles ripple beneath the graceful
LVL 1 | HLT 8 | DEF 10 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR - curves of its body. They make fine riding companions.
COMBAT: Bite (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Sprint d20 Horse Attribute
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: N/A 01 Nag, slow and moves at half speed.
02 Untrained, requires constant instruction to move.
HARVEST: N/A 03 Bad-Tempered, may bite or kick unfamiliar people.
04 Stubborn, may refuse to gallop.
05 Bucks, tries to throw rider when charging.
06 Headstrong, may disobey commands.
07 Fearful, wary in combat situations.
08 Aloof, may not respond to commands.
09 Smart, may interfere in an encounter situation.
10 Skittish, difficult to control, increase speed by half.
11 Sensitive, constantly nuzzles its rider.
12 Alert, tail swishes when danger nearby.
13 Sure-footed, good at traversing difficult ground.
14 Spirited, can be difficult to control but powerful.
15 Charger, powerful moves twice the speed as an encounter action.
16 Leaper, advantage when jumping fences.
17 Social, can be distracted by other going ons.
18 Aggressive, bite does d6 damage.
19 Robust, bonus to health (+4).
20 Majestic, unique appearance (colour, style).
d6 Hook
01 A famed wild horse was rumoured to have been seen in this area.
02 A horse limps towards you with an obvious injury from something.
03 A pack of horses gallop freely in the distance.
04 A horse follows you; it has a knowing look in its eye.
05 A group of horses stand on a hill surveying the distance.
06 A herd of horses follows an obvious leader.


d20 Hound Dog Companion Traits

HOUND 01 Old, slow and moves at half speed.
ANIMAL, QUADRUPED, SMALL 02 Barks, barks at anything continuously.
03 Excitable, constantly seeking attention.
LVL 1 | HLT 4 | DEF 10 | SKL - | APP d4 | TSR - 04 Stubborn, may refuse to obey commands.
COMBAT: Bite (d4) 05 Digger, runs off to dig up the nearest bone.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: N/A 06 Chewer, likes to chew stuff including equipment.
07 Lazy, refuses commands, likes to lie down.
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Sprint, Senses, Track (long) 08 Howler, howls at night, doesn’t give you much peace.
HARVEST: N/A 09 Distracted, have to repeat instructions constantly.
10 Aggressive, prone to biting unfamiliar people.
11 Loyal, will defend its owner.
12 Courageous, may interfere in an encounter situation.
13 Affectionate, constantly seeks attention from its owner.
Hounds are found both in the wild and as trained animal 14 Intelligent, will follow basic commands easily.
15 Alert, barks at potential dangers.
companions. Their keen eyes and alert ears are ever attuned to the 16 Sniffer, advantage on tracking checks.
scent and sound of prey, as they move with grace and agility. 17 Finder, will randomly dig up objects.
Hounds possess a natural hunting instinct and they are often used 18 Vicious, bite does d4 advantage damage.
to track their quarry, displaying unwavering loyalty to its master 19 Tough, bonus to health (+2).
and a determination to fulfil its purpose in the hunt. 20 Calm, appears unfazed during taxing situations.
d6 Hook
01 Scouting ahead for a grizzled veteran hunter.
02 On a leash protecting a campsite.
03 Leading the chase, pursuing an animal or monster.
04 Wild dogs are savagely mauling an animal to eat.
05 Sniffing, trotting, pausing, tracking, it is on the trail of someone.
06 A pack protecting themselves from a bigger predator.

d6 Hook
HYDRA 01 Crashing through the lands looking to feed its ravenous hunger.
SERPENT, SERPENTINE, HUGE 02 Evidence of a stampede and a trail of destruction lies ahead.
03 Lying deep within a body of water, resting or waiting.
LVL 10 | HLT 50 | DEF 15 | SKL d12 | APP 1 | TSR Tx3 | 04 Retreating to a large cave or towards a lake, ready to lay its eggs.
COMBAT: 9x Bite (d8, medium) 05 Gorging and feasting on some unfortunate animals.
06 Groaning and roaring are heard in the distance ahead.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (far), Water Breath,
Appendage (heads, 9, 15 health)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Poison (spit, long, 1 target, d10,
fortitude save or impaired), Regeneration (d20)
HARVEST: Blood (Regeneration), Fangs (Poison)

From the depths of its murky lair, the Hydra slithers

forth, its nine serpentine heads hissing in unison.
Each head is a deadly weapon, capable of biting
and spewing poisonous bile upon destruction, while
the beast relentlessly regenerates its heads, growing
anew with each fallen one.

The Hydra's presence is a constant threat, its blood

coveted as a potent poison, and its teeth whispered
to possess unnatural necromantic powers, creating
an air of trepidation and fascination among those
who dare to face it.



LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR Lx2 LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: Longsword (d8) or Crossbow (d6, long) COMBAT: Hand Axe (d6) or Crossbow (d6, long)

Adventurers are typically adorned in The Bandit is a rugged figure

weathered armour and wield their well adorned in tattered garments and
used trusty weapons, their determined armed with a variety of makeshift
gaze reflecting years of experience. Their weapons. They prowl the roads and
actions are swift and decisive, moving forests, preying on unsuspecting
with grace and agility through treacherous travellers with swift and ruthless
landscapes, facing both peril and triumph. efficiency. Driven by desperation,
Motivated by a thirst for adventure and a greed, and a desire for survival, their
burning desire to uncover hidden motivations lie in acquiring wealth,
treasures, they embody the spirit of resources, and maintaining their
exploration and the pursuit of glory. outlaw way of life.

d6 Appearance Attitude Mission Armour d6 Appearance Attitude Mission Equipment

01 Battle worn Determined Quest None 01 Grimy Ruthless Ambush None
02 Tattered Fearless Rescue Leather (+2) 02 Ragged Opportunistic Raid Leather (+2)
03 Scarred Adventurous Exploration Shield (+2) 03 Scarred Rebellious Extortion Longsword (d8)
04 Weathered Curious Escort Chainmail (+4) 04 Tattooed Greedy Smuggling Buckler (+1)
05 Regal Cautious Hunting Leather/Shield (+4) 05 Wild Fearless Kidnapping Leather/Buckler (+3)
06 Untested Ambitious Retrieval Chain/Shield (+6) 06 Wounded Noble Escaping Leather/Shield (+4)


LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR Lx2 LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: Improvised Weapon (d4) COMBAT: Dagger (d4)

The Commoner is an everyday figure The Cultist appears in nondescript

dressed in simple and worn clothing, clothing going about their business
with weathered hands and tired eyes. and avoiding prying eyes. Closer
Engaged in various tasks like tending to examination reveals an aura of
fields, working in shops, or performing control and malevolence. Their
menial labor, their actions reflect their actions are calculated and ritualistic,
humble existence and the struggle for performing arcane ceremonies and
survival in a harsh world. Motivated by wielding forbidden powers in service
the need to provide for themselves and of their deity.
their families, their daily routines
revolve around hard work, seeking
stability, and finding solace in the
familiar comforts of home.

d6 Appearance Attitude Occupation Gossip d6 Appearance Attitude Mission Deity

01 Ragged Resigned Farmer Scandal 01 Disheveled Manipulative Indoctrination Kadmos
02 Dusty Content Blacksmith Affair 02 Well-off Calculating Sacrifice Kadmos
03 Weary Curious Baker Betrayal 03 Poor Patient Retrieval Morraine
04 Clean Weary Forester Fight 04 Unassuming Forceful Prophecy Demonic
05 Exhausted Hopeful Herder Love 05 Shifty Subversive Subjugation Minor Deity
06 Worn Worried Hunter Visitor 06 Religious Fanatical Summoning Elder Power



LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR Lx2 LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: Longsword (d8) or Crossbow (d6, long) COMBAT: Longsword (d8) or Crossbow (d6, long)

The Guard or Soldiers stand tall and The Mercenary is a rugged warrior who
vigilant, donned in sturdy armour and carries an array of lethal weapons they can
wielding a weapon with a firm grip. use with practiced skill. They bear the scars
Their gaze is sharp, scanning the of skirmishes and exude an air of grim
surroundings for any signs of trouble or determination. Driven by the pursuit of
potential threats. Motivated by a sense wealth, survival, or personal gain, their
of duty and the protection of their city actions revolve around offering their
or kingdom, their actions involve combat prowess and services to the highest
maintaining order, enforcing laws, and bidder, navigating a dangerous world as
defending the innocent from danger, skilled sell-swords seeking their next
often putting their own lives on the line contract.
to uphold justice and maintain peace.

d6 Appearance Attitude Mission Armour d6 Appearance Attitude Mission Armour

01 Scarred Ruthless Escort None 01 Scarred Ruthless Escort None
02 Battle-worn Opportunistic Unemployed Leather (+2) 02 Battle-worn Opportunistic Unemployed Leather (+2)
03 Experienced Loyal Scouting Shield (+2) 03 Experienced Loyal Scouting Shield (+2)
04 Broken Trustworthy Bounty Chainmail (+4) 04 Broken Trustworthy Bounty Chainmail (+4)
05 Keen Honourable Expedition Leather/Shield (+4) 05 Keen Honourable Expedition Leather/Shield (+4)
06 Disenchanted Devious Guard Chain/Shield (+6) 06 Disenchanted Devious Guard Chain/Shield (+6)


LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR Lx2 LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 8 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: Dagger (d4) COMBAT: Dagger (d4)

The Priest is a figure of divine The Thief blends in with crowds by day
devotion, clad in sacred robes and and is a shadow at the night. Their
carrying symbols of their deity. With nimble fingers and keen eyes make them
solemn grace, they perform rituals, expert pickpockets and lock-pickers,
offer prayers, and bestow blessings adept at slipping unnoticed through the
upon their congregation. Motivated streets. Motivated by the thrill of the
by unwavering faith and a sense of heist and the allure of forbidden
duty, their actions aim to spread the treasures, their actions involve cunningly
teachings of their religion, provide navigating the underbelly of society,
spiritual guidance, and uphold the plotting daring thefts, and evading
tenets of their faith. capture with every stolen treasure.

d6 Appearance Attitude Mission Deity d6 Appearance Attitude Mission Expertise

01 Robed Zealous Conversion Suunos 01 Disguised Cunning Heist Lock-picking
02 Devout Serene Healing Suunos 02 Mysterious Opportunistic Infiltration Pickpocketing
03 Poor Caring Exorcism Reeva 03 Tattered Calculating Espionage Confidence
04 Aged Dogmatic Pilgrimage Morraine 04 Unassuming Resourceful Pilfering Burglary
05 Well Off Wise Ritual Minor Deity 05 Busy Daring Smuggling Smuggling
06 Guarded Charitable Fleeing Elder Power 06 Shadowy Cautious Sabotage Sabotage



LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 12/DR2 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 1 | HLT 3 | DEF 10 | SKL - | APP d4 | TSR L
COMBAT: Fist (d6) COMBAT: Claws (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Aura (ice, close, fortitude or impaired), PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight, Resistance (fire)
Weakness (fire) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Shape Change (any creature)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Obscure (Blizzard) (long range, short HARVEST: Heart (Shape Change)
area), Ranged Attack (ice storm, long range, short area, d6)
HARVEST: Ice (Aura Ice, Obscure, Storm)

The Ice Elemental looms tall and imposing, its translucent body The Imp is a diminutive flying demon with leathery wings, small
shimmering with frozen energy, emitting an icy aura that chills the horns, and a mischievous tail. Originating from the fiery planes of
air around it. It moves with grace hell, they are the smallest creatures in the demonic hierarchy.
and precision, leaving trails of frost Possessing a fire-resistant nature from their time in the infernal
in its wake as it conjures blizzards realm, Imps are often summoned
and hails down shards of ice upon to serve as familiars for mages
its foes. Motivated by the desire to and wizards, employing their
preserve its wintry domain, the ice cunning and intelligence to twist
elemental seeks to expand its icy words and strike bargains. When
dominion, freezing all in its path they speak, their voices carry a
and extinguishing the warmth of raspy hiss, adding to their eerie
life with its frigid touch. presence.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Drawn to a place of ancient power. 01 On a mission to collect something for its master.
02 Awoken by some disturbance it seeks to eliminate. 02 Have fled the fiery realms and are seeking an escape.
03 Seeks to turn the current area into a frozen wasteland. 03 Seeking small animals or game to feed its hunger.
04 Drawn to an area of conflict and turmoil. 04 An advance scout for a demonic horde.
05 Lies in a slumber within a nearby body of water. 05 Sent on a mission to spy on someone.
06 Seeking the elemental gate which leads to the icy realms. 06 Summoned by someone who seeks to bind it to servitude.

LVL 1 | HLT 3 | DEF 8 | SKL - | APP d20 | TSR - LVL 4 | HLT 25 | DEF 14 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d4, disadvantage attack) COMBAT: 2x Claws (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Weakness (sunlight) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Senses (long)

Kobolds are small humanoids standing only a few feet tall, but Lions roam in the wilderness plains their golden mane flowing like
emerging in vast hordes. Thriving in the depths of darkness and a crown. Its powerful muscles ripple beneath its sleek fur, exuding
underground realms, these creatures are averse to sunlight. While a sense of regal authority. Its
individually cowardly, Kobolds display their true strength through motivations are primal and
sheer numbers, relying on territorial, driven by a
superior forces to engage in hunger for dominance and a
battle. With their keen dark relentless pursuit of survival.
vision, these creatures navigate The lion commands respect
the shadows with ease, paying and fear, ready to defend its
homage to the larger and pride or challenge any who
mightier beings of the dragon dare to threaten its reign.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Scavenging for food and supplies. 01 Wandered into a new territory and a new pride and companionship.
02 Looking for shiny new things. 02 Defending its hunting ground from would-be intruders.
03 Following the signs of their god. 03 Being pursued by a group of poachers.
04 Displaced refugees, searching for a new home. 04 Laying down but alert, surveying passing people in the distance.
05 Dragging a dragon egg along with them. 05 Hunting and pursuing another creature.
06 Adopting the location as their home (setting traps). 06 Limping wounded from a strange wound.


d6 Hook
KRAKEN 01 Rising from the depths to protect its territory.
AQUATIC, TENTACLED, HUGE 02 Drawn to the presence of a powerful magical artefact.
03 Responding to disturbances caused by encroaching ships.
LVL 8 | HLT 80 | DEF 14 | SKL d12 | APP 1 | TSR Tx3 04 Answering the call of dark sorcery performed near the sea.
COMBAT: 4x Tentacles (d10, medium) 05 Acting as a guardian of underwater ancient ruins.
06 Engaging in territorial disputes with other sea creatures.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Appendages (Tentacles, 4, 15 health),
Swim, Water Breath
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Grapple (tentacle, short, d10),
Blinded (ink spray, medium area, d6, fortitude save or blinded)
HARVEST: Ink (Blinded), Tentacle (Grapple)

The huge Kraken lurks beneath the dark

depths of the ocean, its massive tentacles coiled
and ready to ensnare unsuspecting vessels. Its
immense size dwarfs even the largest ships,
and its fearsome appearance strikes terror into
the hearts of sailors.

With an insatiable hunger for destruction, the

Kraken emerges to unleash its wrath upon
anything that dares to venture into its watery
domain, driven by a primal instinct to protect
its territory and feed on the creatures
unfortunate enough to cross its path.


LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 12/DR2 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR L LVL 3 | HLT 10 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Weapon (d6) COMBAT: Ram (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Swim, Water Breath, Equipment PASSIVE ABILITIES: Swim (rapid), Water Breath

Living in isolation within the murky marshlands, the Lizard Folk Gliding through the depths of the uncharted waters, the majestic
are fiercely territorial possessing a natural affinity for their marshy manta ray captivates onlookers with its ethereal presence. Its
domain, seamlessly navigating expansive wings gracefully ripple in the currents. Driven by
its treacherous waters and curiosity and a gentle
marshes, ever watchful and nature, the manta ray
ready to unleash their strength explores the underwater
and cunning in defence of their realm, acting as a
ancestral home. Those who peaceful guardian of the
manage to engage with the mystical treasures hidden
Lizard Folk will soon realise beneath the surface.
they are bound by the ancient
traditions of their race.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Claw marks on trees indicate something is about. 01 It is guarding an underwater shrine, linked to a deity.
02 A Lizard Folk hunting party approaches. 02 It is part of a massive migration of sea creatures.
03 Scouting new lands for raiding potential. 03 Its mesmerising dance around you holds a hidden message.
04 Fleeing something big and nasty. 04 A number of aquatic creatures are following the Manta Ray.
05 Returning to their lair with their spoils. 05 It is carrying a message for some spirit or entity.
06 Young Lizard Folk gather food and supplies. 06 It is being hunted by the Merfolk who seek to tame the creature.


LVL 5 | HLT 30 | DEF 14/DR2 | SKL d10 | APP 1 | TSR Tx2 LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 14 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR T, Lx2
COMBAT: 2x Claws (d10) COMBAT: 2x Bite (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (far), Flight PASSIVE ABILITIES: Spells (arcane + 2 domains)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Paralysis (tail, short, 1 target, d12, ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Petrification (gaze, long, 1 target, 0,
fortitude save or impaired), Power Attack fortitude save or incapacitated), Poison (snake bite, close, 1
HARVEST: Tail (Paralysis), Heart (Power Attack) target, d4, fortitude save or impaired)
HARVEST: Eyes (Petrify), Snake (Poison)

Emerging from the depths of nightmares, the Manticore instills Emerging from the depths of myth and legend, the Medusa strikes
terror with its monstrous amalgamation of deadly features. With fear into the hearts of
the body of a lion, the those who dare to cross
wings of a demon, and her path. With serpents
the sting of a scorpion, writhing upon her head
it strikes swiftly and and a gaze that can turn
mercilessly, using its flesh to stone, she cloaks
paralysing spikes and herself in secrecy, luring
razor-sharp claws to unsuspecting victims to
rend and incapacitate their peril with her
its prey. enchanting facade.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Hunting for food, beware. 01 Wandering a location in eternal torment, visitors beware.
02 Gorging on the meat of a dead animal. 02 You find a series of stone statues, very realistic.
03 Has been injured and is limping. 03 Congregating with a coven of witches or hags.
04 Marking their territory. 04 Searching for a rumoured cure for their affliction.
05 Migrating to a new home. 05 Seeking food and supplies before returning to their lair.
06 Being pursued by something that is hunting them. 06 Travelling with a group in disguise.


LVL 2 | HLT 8 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR - LVL 4 | HLT 30 | DEF 14/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: Weapon (d6) or Claws (d4) COMBAT: 2x Great Axe (d10 adv.) or Horns (d8 adv.)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Swim (rapid), Water Breath, Equipment PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (long), Equipment
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Mind Control (charm, medium range, ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Sprint, Charge, Power Attack
1 target) HARVEST: Heart (Power Attack)
HARVEST: Heart (Charm)

Bathed in ethereal moonlight, the Mermaid emerges from the The Minotaur prowls with a
depths of the shimmering sea, her thunderous fury, its colossal form
flowing hair cascading like ribbons brimming with raw strength and
of seaweed. With an enchanting primal rage. With each earth-
voice, she sings haunting melodies shaking step, it charges headlong
that echo through the night, into battle, its massive horns
entrancing all who hear it. poised to impale any unfortunate
Motivated by a deep longing for soul that crosses its path, leaving
the world above, she yearns for behind a trail of chaos and
human connection and the chance devastation.
to explore lands beyond the waves.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Seeks the help of a brave adventurer to rescue an artefact. 01 The guardian of an artefact or place.
02 The sound of an enchanting voice in the distance is calling to you. 02 Hunting for food.
03 A group of mermaids follow you cautiously at a distance. 03 Madness has descended, aggressive and furious.
04 A group of mermaids circle you, waving and smiling. 04 Drawn to the place of its creation through a dark ritual.
05 Mermaids are being pursued by a threatening sea creature. 05 Echoes of a former life, wants to be left alone.
06 A mermaid swims close by to offer you a gift. 06 Something has angered it. It follows in pursuit.


LVL 2 | HLT 8 | DEF 8 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR L,T,A LVL 4 | HLT 20 | DEF 14 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR L,T
COMBAT: Dagger (d4) or Claws (d4) COMBAT: Claw (d8)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Resistance (magic) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Weakness (fire),
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Mind Control (charm, long), Illusion Undead
(long), Feed (d6) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Disease (rotten touch, d8, close,
HARVEST: Brain (Charm, Illusion) impaired)
HARVEST: Finger (Disease)
Amidst the tranquil beauty of the untamed wilderness, Morgen’s
Emerging from the depths of forgotten
beckon with their enchanting allure, drawing unsuspecting
tombs, the Mummies, enshrouded in
wanderers into their hidden
tattered bandages, exude an aura of decay
lairs. Beneath their facade of
and death. The haunting buzz of parasitic
ethereal beauty lies a dark
flies accompanies their relentless pursuit,
secret as these malevolent
as their decaying touch not only inflicts
spirits feed upon the life
fear but also spreads a virulent plague,
force of men, weaving
turning the living into vessels of their
illusions and casting spells to
cursed affliction.
ensnare and torment those
who succumb to their
hypnotic songs.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 A settlement has been the subject of recent misfortunes. 01 Commanded to guard a place of the dead.
02 Contesting a location with a group of nymphs. 02 Wandering aimlessly, no knowledge of their former lives.
03 A charmed stranger is being lured by their songs. 03 A former king, looking to restore his empire.
04 Hiding nearby, seeking their next target to ambush. 04 Seeking the ones who desecrated this place.
05 Vampiric feeding on their last victim. 05 Howls loudly summoning other people of the dead.
06 Returning to their nearby den. 06 Standing motionless, red eyes gleaming.


LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 12/DR2 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 5 | HLT 30 | DEF 15 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Claws (d6) COMBAT: Bite (d8)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Grapple (bear hug, close, d4), ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Sprint, Poison (spit, long, 1 target, d8,
Disease (bite, d8, close, impaired). fortitude save or impaired), Poison (bite, close, 1 target, d8,
HARVEST: Fangs (Disease) fortitude save or incapacitated)
HARVEST: Tongue (Poison)
Mutant Bears are formidable and ferocious carnivorous creatures The Naga slithers through the shadows, its serpentine body
that have undergone grotesque transformations due to exposure to glistening with scales of vibrant colours, while its dragon-like head
chaotic forces. Enveloped in surveys its surroundings with piercing eyes. With graceful
thick, matted fur covered n movements, it coils and uncoils, its sinuous form gliding
festering boils and infected sores effortlessly across the terrain.
these creatures prowl various The Naga strikes with lethal
habitats, consumed by rage, precision, its venomous fangs
madness, and unrelenting delivering swift and deadly
aggression. They fight by strikes and it spits a
grabbing and crushing their venomous poison against
victims or ruthlessly slashing those who are beyond its
them with their razor-sharp immediate reach.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Wandering in a blind madness, will attack creatures in sight. 01 Pursuing something to hunt and feed.
02 Curiously exploring, the madness at bay for now. 02 Protecting an ancient artefact of power.
03 Hunting for food. 03 Guardian of a portal to the Underworld.
04 Seeking some respite from the discomfort of their sores. 04 Being pursued by someone or something for their knowledge.
05 Has recently fed, seeking a place to slumber. 05 Seeking safe haven and shelter as it has been horribly wounded.
06 Being attracted to some chaotic power or artefact. 06 Looking for a safe haven to lay its eggs.



LVL 4 | HLT 13 | DEF 14 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR L,T LVL 3 | HLT 10 | DEF 14 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR L,T
COMBAT: 1x Shortsword (d6) or Crossbow (d6) COMBAT: 2x Shortsword (d6) or Crossbow (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Spells (choose 1 PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Equipment
Domain), Equipment ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Power Attack

Night Elves are an offshoot of the elven race which has been Night Elves are an offshoot of the elven
corrupted by chaos. They appear as humanoids with obsidian skin race which has been corrupted by
and glowing red eyes that pierce through the darkness. Driven by chaos. They appear as humanoids with
their relentless pursuit of power and dominance, the Night Elves obsidian skin and glowing red eyes
scheme and manipulate to further that pierce through the darkness.
their own agendas. Driven by their relentless pursuit of
Night Elf mages delve deep into power and dominance, the Night Elves
forbidden arts, seeking to unravel scheme and manipulate to further
the secrets of the arcane and wield their own agendas. Night Elf warriors
their dark powers to shape the are swift and nimble, they move with
world according to their own an unsettling grace, their steps barely
desires. making a sound.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Searching for ancient artefacts of power. 01 Searching for ancient artefacts of power.
02 Meeting with another monster to form an alliance against humans. 02 Meeting with another monster to form an alliance against humans.
03 Seeking vengeance against someone or something. 03 Seeking vengeance against someone or something.
04 Exiled from their homeland, the touch of chaos has left them. 04 Exiled from their homeland, the touch of chaos has left them.
05 On a quest for forbidden knowledge. 05 On a quest for forbidden knowledge.
06 Pursuing a group of wildfolk hunters, their mortal enemies. 06 Pursuing a group of wildfolk hunters, their mortal enemies.

LVL 3 | HLT 10 | DEF 10 | SKL d6 | APP 3 | TSR L,T,A LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR T
COMBAT: Dagger (d4) COMBAT: Claw (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Spells (Arcane, Time), Resistance PASSIVE ABILITIES: Spells (water)
(magic), Long Lived (1000 yrs) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Mind Control (charm, medium, 1
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Prophecy target), Shape Change (human or animal)
HARVEST: Blood (Magic, Resistance), Brain (Prophecy) HARVEST: Blood (Shape Change), Brain (Charm)

Veiled in an aura of ancient wisdom, the Norns grace the remote Deep within the enchanting
corners of the world, their presence evoking reverence and awe. forests and other hidden places,
With their prophetic insight and mystical abilities, they weave the the Nymphs grace the waters
threads of fate, offering with their divine presence.
glimpses into the future Bewitching and ethereal, they
to those willing to pay are known to captivate
the steep cost, while their unsuspecting wanderers with
enigmatic existence and their alluring beauty, using
adherence to ancient their shape-shifting abilities
traditions leave an and spells of the water domain
indelible mark on the to both protect the innocent
lands they inhabit. and their own interests.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 A settlement has been the subject of recent misfortunes. 01 A festivity is occurring, come, eat and drink and be merry.
02 Undertaking a ritual at a place of ancient magic. 02 They hide near a water source, warily watching intruders.
03 Collecting ingredients for their potions and salves. 03 Guiding an innocent animal or child to safety.
04 Inviting you to have your fortune told. 04 Charming another traveller who is enjoying their company.
05 Journeying to witness a significant event. 05 Searching for an ancient shrine or artefact.
06 On a pilgrimage to collect tithes from locals. 06 Performing a ritual, an oracle is being foretold.


Northmen Clan Generator

NORTHMEN d10 Name Prefix Name Suffix Notoriety Connection
ANTHROPOID, HUMANOID, MEDIUM 01 Black axe Forgotten Affiliated
02 Bronze beard Honourable Allied
LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 8/DR1 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR L 03 Deep brow Infamous Bannermen
COMBAT: Hand Axe (d6) or Crossbow (d6) 04 Frost fist Legendary Bloodline
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision, Equipment, Iron Skin, Long 05 Hammer foot Noble Bonded
06 Iron forge Oathbreaker Descendant
Lived (200 years) 07 Silver hammer Prominent Enemy
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: N/A 08 Steel heart Renowned Hired
09 Stone rock Unknown Pretending
HARVEST: N/A 10 Thunder shield Untrustworthy Related

Northmen are a hardy and stocky race possessing a natural

strength and toughness. With their earthy skin tones and dark
hair, they are easily recognisable with the men often sporting
beards and facial hair, adding to their rugged appearance.
Northmen have a lifespan of up to 200 years. Having been driven
from their ancient homelands, they now primarily reside in remote
fortified settlements nestled within the hills and mountains of the
northern territories. These proud warriors, craftsmen, and
builders live in clans made up of individual families. Northmen
are known for their advanced knowledge of alchemy, mining,
crafting, and technology.

d6 Appearance Attitude Business Armour

01 Battle-scarred Distrustful Exploration None
02 Ailing Gruff Diplomacy Leather (+2)
03 Determined Cautious Quest Shield (+2)
04 Weathered Hospitable Trade Leather/Shield (+4)
05 Stout Proud Exile/Refuge Chainmail (+4)
06 Well-Groomed Friendly Conflict Chain/Shield (+6)

LVL 6 | HLT 30 | DEF 14/DR3 | SKL d12 | APP d4 | TSR L,T LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 10 | SKL d6 | APP 1 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: Large Weapon (d12) or Rocks (d8, medium) COMBAT: Claws (d4)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Power Attack, Senses (medium) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Hide, Mind Control (psionic, long, 1
HARVEST: Heart (Power Attack), Snout (Senses) target)
HARVEST: Brain (Mind Control)

Stomping through the The Psycher is a grotesque humanoid aberration with unnaturally
wilderness, the hulking elongated limbs. It slowly and
silhouette of an Ogre looms methodically stalks its prey,
with its towering presence. lurking in the dark corners and
The sounds of its rumbling shadows, driven by its insatiable
growls echo through the air, compulsion to feed off the life
as its keen senses sniff out its energies of others. The Psycher can
next meal, ready to unleash possess its victims before feasting
its raw strength upon any upon the remains. It must sate its
who dare to challenge its hunger weekly or face its own
primal might. demise. Drawn to items of magic
and minor artefacts, the Psycher
collects these objects.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Hunting little people for food. 01 Stalking a victim.
02 Looking for shelter and rest. 02 Has possessed a victim, they lurk nearby.
03 Limping, it has been injured in a fight with something. 03 Exploring an area, they have sensed magics.
04 Fashioning a weapon from a tree. 04 Feeding upon a previous victim.
05 Eating the remains of its last victim. 05 Fleeing from a monster hunter.
06 Collecting shiny things for its lair. 06 Waiting to ambush the party.



LVL 3 | HLT 20 | DEF 10/DR1 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 16/DR3 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR Tx2
COMBAT: Horn (d8) COMBAT: Stinger (d6)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Charge ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Paralysis (stinger, close, 1 target, d6,
HARVEST: N/A fortitude save or impaired), Tunnelling
HARVEST: Eyes (Dark Vision), Mandible (Paralysis)

The Rhinoceros is a large hulking creature with thick skin and a The Rock Monster resembles a small boulder brought to life with
powerful horn atop its snout. Its muscular frame exudes strength impregnable armour covering its body. Their approach can be felt
and determination, its eyes with each thunderous step causing the ground to tremble, leaving
keen and alert. With a trail of shattered
thunderous footsteps, it rocks in its wake.
charges forward, fiercely Driven by an insatiable
defending its territory and hunger for minerals
protecting its young from and gems, it burrows
any perceived threat, deep into the earth,
driven by a primal instinct relentlessly searching
to ensure their survival. for precious treasures
to consume and hoard
within its lair.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Wandering in search of food and water, driven by hunger and thirst. 01 Has recently been unearthed by people mining nearby.
02 Enchanted by a sorcerer and driven to terrorise local settlements. 02 Guarding a hidden cavern of gemstones.
03 You have stumbled onto their feeding grounds. 03 Emerged from its slumber drawn to an artefact.
04 Disturbed by some activity forcing them to defend their territory. 04 Has been relentlessly excavating an area for some purpose.
05 A herd is being drawn to a leader possessing a magical horn. 05 Taking a gem back to its lair.
06 Afflicted by a mysterious disease which causes aggression. 06 Burrowing to a place of safety as one has to lay its eggs.


d6 Hook
WINGED, AVIAN, HUGE 01 Protecting a nearby nest or eggs.
LVL 10 | HLT 60 | DEF 15/DR2 | SKL d20 | APP 1 | TSR - 02 Hunting for food.
03 Their claws carry a person or animal to feed their young.
COMBAT: Beak/Talons (d20, short) 04 The Roc has been summoned by someone of power.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight (swift) 05 They are seeking a mate.
06 Migrating to a place of safety, danger lurks nearby.
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Grapple (talon, short, d10)
HARVEST: Feathers (Flight)

The Roc is a huge insatiable bird of prey,

reminiscent of a gargantuan eagle. Dwelling within
the most towering of peaks, these creatures
announce their imminent arrival with the
resounding thunder as they beat their mighty wings.

Swift and agile, they swoop down from the skies at

astonishing speeds, pouncing upon their prey with
merciless force, possessing enough strength to crush
or snap smaller adversaries in mere moments.

Occasionally, the Roc employs a sinister tactic,

dropping its victims from staggering heights before
collecting the remnants afterwards for sustenance.
It is not uncommon for Rocs to be accompanied by
a flock of loyal eagles.



LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 12/DR1 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR T LVL 4 | HLT 20 | DEF 13/DR2 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: Spear (d6) & Tail (d6) COMBAT: 2x Claws (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Aura (fire, d4, close), Equipment, PASSIVE ABILITIES: Swim (rapid), Amphibious
Resistance (fire) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Power Attack
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: N/A HARVEST: Fin (Swim), Heart (Power Attack)
HARVEST: Scales (Fire Resistance/Aura)

Salamanders emerge from the fiery depths of the lower planes. The savage Sea Revenant emerges from the ocean depths with a
These creatures embody both intelligence and ambition, driven by hulking, muscular frame covered in sleek, dark scales that
a desire to dominate. Equipped with weapons, they engage in shimmer with an eerie glow. With razor-sharp teeth and fin-like
combat with deadly precision appendages, they slash
and use the fiery scorching of through the water with
their tail to inflict burning unmatched speed and
damage upon those who agility. Driven by a
draw near. Salamanders primal instinct to hunt
possess a unique dialect, and assert their
speaking in their own dominance in the
demonic language. treacherous depths of
the ocean.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Seeking to dominate a local settlement to their will. 01 Guarding its territory or lair from any intruders in the vicinity.
02 Travelling to meet something from the planes of hell. 02 Commanded by a Warlock to prey upon your vessel.
03 Scouting the area, their lair is nearby. 03 Afflicted by a curse and seeking aid from others.
04 Pursuing something or someone. 04 Driven insane by some pollution and act in a rabid manner.
05 Returning with prisoners from a recent raid. 05 Strange corpses lay floating in the water.
06 Scavenging metallic items to forge into weapons. 06 They are hunting another sea creature.


LVL 6 | HLT 40 | DEF 13 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 6 | HLT 50 | DEF 8/DR4 | SKL d10 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d12) COMBAT: Bite (d12)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Grapple (crush, short, d8) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Prophecy (Sense a vision)
HARVEST: Tail (Swim) HARVEST: Brain (Prophecy)

Emerging from the depths of the ocean, the huge Sea Serpent In the vast expanse of the open seas, a wise and ancient sea turtle
slithers through the waves with its serpentine body, adorned with glides silently, its majestic shell adorned with intricate patterns
scales that shimmer like emerald. Its piercing eyes, glowing with that tell tales of forgotten times. Its weathered eyes gleam with
ancient wisdom, survey the seascape, ever vigilant for prey. With a wisdom and a deep
mighty hissing roar connection to the mystic
that sends tremors forces of the ocean. With
through the water, it a serene demeanour, the
strikes with lightning sea turtle carries the
speed, coiling its weight of its age with
immense body grace, embodying
around ships and patience, resilience, and
devouring everything a profound respect for
in its path. the balance of nature.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Attacking vessels or travellers between a known route. 01 It is being used to pull a ship in the water.
02 It’s keeping people away from a hidden underwater treasure. 02 It acts as a steed for a creature or deity.
03 It has been disturbed by increasing pollution around its habitat. 03 A large shell lies afloat in the water in the distance.
04 Being hunted by a tribe undertaking a perilous quest of valour. 04 Ships follow a sea turtle which is considered a good fortune.
05 Its movements are tied to a celestial event when the stars align. 05 It is following your vessel trying to impart a prophecy.
06 The mating season is approaching causing it to be aggressive. 06 It is being attacked by another sea creature.



LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 12/DR1 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR L LVL 5 | HLT 20 | DEF 14 | SKL d10 | APP 1 | TSR A
COMBAT: Weapon (d6) COMBAT: Consume (d8, short)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: N/A PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immunity (weapons), Convergence (long)
(suggestion, medium, 1 target) HARVEST: Dust (Convergence)
HARVEST: Brain (Illusion, Mind Control)

Hiding in plain sight, the Serpent Men live in secret among the The Shadowmass is a sentient and elusive force that weaves its
unsuspecting human populace, their scaly visages concealed way between the realms of chaos and reality. Intrinsically linked to
behind clever illusions. a powerful artefact and irresistibly drawn to magic, it is
Masters of deception and impervious to physical attacks
manipulation, they lurk in but will retreat if its
shadowed corners, weaving connection to the artefact is
their dark web of serpentine severed. Shadowmass attacks
intrigue, their sinister by engulfing their victims. In
whispers carrying the ancient addition, they are an
secrets of forbidden serpent anathema to spell casters,
cults and the impending their mere presence causing
resurgence of their headaches and disadvantage
slumbering gods. to magic checks.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 A coven is planning to meet to practice dark arts. 01 It feels a new item of power in the area.
02 One is seen sneaking amongst the shadows. 02 A malicious drive to engulf someone.
03 A small group are exploring a discovered place. 03 Slowly following its prey.
04 Searching for something or someone. 04 Testing the boundaries from the artefact it’s linked to.
05 Holding a rally (in disguise) and influencing others. 05 Has engulfed someone and absorbed their energy.
06 Trading black market goods or knowledge. 06 Drawn to people using magic powers.

LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 12 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR - LVL 1 | HLT 1 | DEF 15 | SKL - | APP d20 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d8) COMBAT: Pierce (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Swim (rapid), Water Breath PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Flight (swift)

In treacherous waters, menacing sharks prowl with unmatched A menacing bird-like creature with a razor-sharp beak, they lurk
grace and deadly precision. Their sleek, muscular body, adorned silently in dim, arid locations, lying in wait to surprise
with rows of razor-sharp teeth, cuts through the waves, evoking unsuspecting beings. When disturbed, Shirlls emits an ear-splitting
both fear and cry that pierces the air,
fascination. Driven by alerting its swarm to
primal instincts and descend upon its prey,
insatiable hunger, the mercilessly puncturing them
shark relentlessly hunts to their demise. Shrills
its prey, embodying the detest fire and light,
ruthless power of the choosing to nest in close
untamed sea. proximity to areas shrouded
in darkness.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 You have entered the shark’s territory which it defends. 01 Hang motionless in a deep sleep, awaiting their time of flight.
02 The shark is driven by a relentless hunger to feed. 02 Have been disturbed by something and are swarming.
03 Sharks are under the control of a malevolent sea witch. 03 Frightened and fleeing some light or fire.
04 A shiver of sharks are heading towards some prophecy or event. 04 Feeding off an animal or creature.
05 Sharks are preying upon other ships or travellers. 05 Flying erratically, diseased and mutated, exploding on death.
06 Sharks are being hunted by ships and boats as prizes. 06 Emitting a high-pitched holler (a mating call).



LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 10/DR2 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR L LVL 4 | HLT 20 | DEF 12/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP d6 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: Weapon (d6) COMBAT: Slam (d6), Mud Balls (d6, medium)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med), Fearless, Undead, PASSIVE ABILITIES: N/A
HARVEST: Bone (Defence)

The Skeletons are animated by unholy forces that march with an In the heart of the murky swamplands, the Sludge Beast emerges
unrelenting purpose. from its dormant state, rising from the mire as a towering figure of
Clad in a formidable shifting sludge. With its
exoskeleton of bones, formless features and
they heedlessly charge insatiable hunger, it lurks
into battle, undeterred in the shadows, striking
by fear or pain, their unsuspecting victims
rattling steps echoing with mud projectiles
with the reminder of before engulfing them,
lives long extinguished. leaving no trace behind
but a patch of desolate,
sodden earth.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Warning, will clash their weapons to summon others. 01 Beware of slipping over the small pools of mud ahead.
02 Seeking some distant memory of its former life. 02 A creature is writhing on the ground covered in mud.
03 Skeletons crawling on the ground, their legs removed. 03 Some featureless humanoid shapes emerge from the ground.
04 Standing motionless, waiting. 04 A mud ball flies past you from an unknown direction.
05 Undertaking a mundane activity of their former lives. 05 Several skeletal animal remains have been found.
06 Marching towards something on the orders of their master. 06 The ground is becoming more difficult to traverse.

LVL 1 | HLT 4 | DEF 10 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR Lx2 LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 13/DR1 | SKL d4 | APP d8 | TSR -
COMBAT: Weapon (d4) COMBAT: Weapon (d6)

The Smallfolk are diminutive Snarljaws stand with a hunched posture, their muscular form
creatures standing 3 feet tall with covered in matted fur, and their menacing hyena-like head
warm, friendly faces and tufts of adorned with sharp fangs. With a wicked grin, they prowl the
curly hair atop their heads. They are wilderness, ever watchful
agile and nimble, moving with quick for prey to ambush, their
and graceful steps that make them agile movements and
excellent travellers. Motivated by piercing laughter striking
their love for adventure and the fear into the hearts of
thrill of discovery, Smallfolk roam those who encounter
the land as wanderers, scavenging them. They are intelligent
for treasures and using their cunning creatures capable of using
to outsmart their foes. arms and weapons.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Seeking a hurried exit away from the location, trouble is brewing. 01 You see smoke in the distance, something is on fire.
02 A Smallfolk camp of colourful caravans is camped nearby. 02 You hear the whines and barks of dogs in the distance.
03 They are seeking the aid of adventurers against a bigger threat. 03 Snarljaw have taken over a nearby ruin and are using it as a lair.
04 An expedition is heading out into the wilderness. 04 They are returning jubilant from a successful raid.
05 Looking to buy or sell rare or exotic goods. 05 A lone Snarljaw scout is spotted in the distance.
06 Celebrating something with song, dance and fine ales. 06 Snarljaws have captured an NPC and are holding them to ransom.


d6 Hook
SPIDER QUEEN 01 Lurking and waiting to prey.
GIANT, ARACHNID, HUGE 02 Commanding her armies to build her empire.
03 Feeding on a trapped (and dead) animal.
LVL 8 | HLT 70 | DEF 15 | SKL d12 | APP 1 | TSR A,Tx3 04 Attracted to something with a taste of chaos.
COMBAT: 2x Bite/Claws (d10) 05 Spinning and weaving a web of traps in the location.
06 Coveting an artefact in her web.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Aura (fear, medium), Climb, Dark Vision
(long), Guarded (d8 Giant Spiders), Spells (dark, shadow,
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Summon (d8 Giant Spiders, d6 turns),
Web (long, strength or held), Poison (bite, close, 1 target, d8,
fortitude save or incapacitated), Senses (long)
HARVEST: Fang (Bite), Spinneret (Hold/Web)

In the heart of her sinister lair, the Spider Queen

awaits, her malevolence palpable as she weaves her
web of treachery and fear.

With cunning tactics and a legion of loyal Giant

Spiders at her command, she strikes fear into the
hearts of those who dare to challenge her, ensnaring
them in her deadly embrace and leaving them to
succumb to the venomous bite of her fangs.

LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 16 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR - LVL 5 | HLT 50 | DEF 12/DR3 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Sting (d4) COMBAT: Bite (d8)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight (swift), Spells (earth, nature) PASSIVE ABILITIES: N/A
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Sense Nature (medium) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Swipe (tail, short range, 1 target)

Whispering through sunlit meadows and dappled groves, the The Stegosaurus possesses a formidable presence with its spiked
Sprites dance on gossamer plates lining its back and its imposing size. Its lumbering gait and
wings, guardians of the low, resonant growls echo through the dense forests it calls home,
enchanted realms. Their serving as a warning to all
presence brings an air of who encounter it. Though
ancient mysticism, as they herbivorous by nature, it
watch over the delicate fiercely defends itself and
balance between nature and its territory, using its spiked
the encroaching forces of tail as a potent weapon
civilisation, ever vigilant and against any would-be
ready to defend their sacred threats. Only encountered
havens. in extremely remote areas.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Hiding in the forests, there be strangers about. 01 A group have been disturbed from their natural habitat.
02 Following the party trying to determine their purpose. 02 Entangled in a trap, must be freed before it succumbs to injuries.
03 Collecting resources and food to feed their fellows. 03 A group are grazing and foraging on plants and vegetation.
04 Being chased by a fell beast. 04 A group are charging towards you startled.
05 Casting minor illuminations to confuse travellers. 05 Large paw prints lead in a direction.
06 Seeking a portal to the feywild to replenish their magics. 06 They have been tamed and ridden by another creature.



LVL 2 | HLT 6 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 20 | DEF 5 | SKL - | APP 1 | TSR -
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Swim (rapid), Water Breath PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immunity (weapons)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Paralysis (stinger, close, 1 target, d6, ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ritual (roll on Ritual Table below)
fortitude save or incapacitated) HARVEST: N/A
HARVEST: Stinger (Paralysis)

In the watery depths, a shadow glides effortlessly. Its flat body An intricate summoning circle sprawls across the floor, pulsating
glistens with a shimmering presence. With a graceful motion, it with otherworldly energy. Arcane runes and intricate patterns,
propels itself forward, exploring the depths with curiosity, while its etched with blood and ash, bind the circle. A summoning circle
stinger remains poised, a warning to those who dare to disturb its demands a blood sacrifice but
tranquil domain. Its when activated, the circle
motivations lie in the unleashes its dark purpose, tearing
pursuit of survival, open a rift between dimensions,
seeking out beckoning forth demonic creatures
nourishment and to serve the summoner's bidding,
sanctuary within the their motivations driven by chaos,
underwater realm. destruction, and the thirst for
mortal souls.

d6 Hook d6 Ritual
01 Laying hidden under sand in the water ready to strike. 01 The fabric of reality starts to tear, other creatures seek to enter.
02 A fever swims ahead emanating a strange bioluminescence. 02 A Demon is summoned but breaks free of its bindings.
03 A fever of Stingrays are circling your vessel. 03 A Demonic presence attempts to possess the summoner.
04 Locked in a vicious fight with another sea creature. 04 The ritual alerts a creature of light to the use of blood magic.
05 Frantically swimming away from a large wave in the distance. 05 A Demonic presence is summoned, you may communicate with it.
06 They curiously approach you, circling you in a languid fashion. 06 A Demon is bound by the ritual it awaits your command.
d6 Hook
SWAMP BEAST 01 A large ball of mud lands near the party, surprising you.
PLANT, BOTANIC, HUGE 02 You can almost taste the acrid choking gas of something nearby.
03 A featureless figure starts to rise from the ground ahead of you.
LVL 8 | HLT 70 | DEF 15/DR3 | SKL d20 | APP 1 | TSR L 04 The mists depart ahead to reveal a large plant-like mass ahead.
COMBAT: Swipe (d12) 05 A large shambling mass is grappling with a large crocodile.
06 A large swamp-like creature lays at rest, it is not moving.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Aura (gas, d4, medium)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Hold (sludge missile, long, 1 target,
d4, strength check or held in place)
HARVEST: Sludge (Gas, Hold)

In the heart of the desolate swamps, the Swamp

Beast resides, a cursed and grotesque creature
engulfed in a putrid shroud of noxious gas. Its
towering form, entangled with writhing vegetation,
exudes an eerie aura as it hungrily seeks out its next
victim, unleashing mud-like projectiles and
unleashing devastating swipes upon those
unfortunate enough to cross its path.


LVL 5 | HLT 25 | DEF 14 | SKL d10 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 4 | HLT 20 | DEF 13 | SKL d6 | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: 2x Claws (d8) COMBAT: Claw (d8) & 2x Grab (d4)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Ranged Attack (lightning, d12, long ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Absorb
range, 1 target), Obscure (storm, far, long) HARVEST: Tentacle (Absorb)
HARVEST: Feather (Flight), Heart (Lightning, Obscure)

The Tempest is a magnificent and formidable luminescent sky The Tentacoil emerges from the depths, its massive frame adorned
phoenix. Its very presence stirs the heavens, heralding the arrival with writhing tentacles. Its eyes, gleaming with malice, scan the
of tempestuous storms and with a single beat of its powerful wings, surroundings with a
it can summon a bolt of lightning. Its powers are a testament to its predatory focus, seeking
origin as the loyal servants of unsuspecting prey to ensnare
ancient elemental powers. The within its coiling grasp.
Tempest sustains its life force by Motivated by an insatiable
consuming the blood of animals hunger and a primal instinct
and creatures, forever for survival, the Tentacoil
embodying the raw power of the lunges forward, its razor-
elements. sharp claws slashing through
the air as it seeks to satisfy its
monstrous appetite.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Angry and emotive, summoning a storm as they fly. 01 Something has disturbed their underwater lair.
02 Attracted to some force of power, a convergence may occur. 02 The Tentacoils have been summoned by a powerful sea entity.
03 Searching for food, their hunger must be satisfied. 03 They approach from the sea, drawn by an artefact nearby.
04 Being hunted by others, it flees captivity. 04 You have ventured into their territory which they seek to defend.
05 It returns to the clouds to drift into a meditative sleep. 05 They are hungry and must consume soon.
06 It has been summoned and returns to its master. 06 They are being provoked to appear so they can be hunted.


LVL 2 | HLT 12 | DEF 12 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 5 | HLT 30 | DEF 13 | SKL d10 | APP d4 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: Claw (d6) COMBAT: Fists (d10) or Weapon (d12) or Rocks (d8, medium)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Sprint PASSIVE ABILITIES: Reform (d6 days, fire/acid/magic to
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Senses (long), Charge prevent, blood)
HARVEST: N/A ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Regenerate (d20), Mutation (at will)
HARVEST: Blood (Mutation, Regenerate)

A Tiger prowls with sleek grace with every step, its powerful Amidst the fetid marshlands, a large figure emerges, its lumbering
muscles ripple beneath the striped coat. The tiger's piercing eyes steps causing the ground to tremble. The stench of decay permeates
hold an untamed ferocity, and its roar echoes through the trees, a the air as the troll's bloodshot
warning to all who dare cross its path. Driven by its primal eyes scan its surroundings
instincts, the tiger hunts fuelled by a relentless hunger
with precision and for flesh. Trolls are agitated
defends its territory with animated monsters cursed
unyielding determination, with a streak of chaos which
protecting its offspring causes mutations and
and asserting dominance regeneration but drives them
over its domain. to madness.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Venturing outside of its territory in search of prey. 01 Hunting little people for food.
02 Limps toward you, wounded and desperate, gesturing wildly. 02 Held in captivity as a bodyguard for another.
03 Tracking and pursuing its prey, waiting for the time to strike. 03 Wounded in a fight, waiting for a mutation to occur.
04 Defending its litter against another creature. 04 Fashioning a weapon from a tree.
05 Protecting its den from intruders. 05 Eating the remains of its last victim.
06 Travelling to a new territory in search of a mate. 06 A gathering is taking place, more will arrive soon.



LVL 5 | HLT 25 | DEF 15 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR L,T,A LVL 8 | HLT 60 | DEF 14 | SKL d10 | APP 1 | TSR -
COMBAT: Weapon (d6/d8) COMBAT: Bite (d12)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immortal, Resistance (magic), Spells (all PASSIVE ABILITIES: N/A
domains), Equipment ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Power Attack
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Mind Control (charm, medium, 1 HARVEST: N/A
HARVEST: Blood (Immortal, Spells), Heart (Mind Control)
Emerging from ancient tales, the True Elves stand as timeless The Tyrannosaurus Rex towers over its surroundings with its
beings, their ethereal beauty and massive, muscular frame and terrifying jaws lined with dagger-
grace reminiscent of a forgotten like teeth. Its thunderous footsteps shake the earth as it prowls, a
era. Immune to the ravages of true apex predator driven by insatiable hunger and an instinctual
time, they dwell in the realms of thirst for dominance. With
the divine, possessing wisdom each bone-shattering roar, it
that spans across ages, yet remain seeks to establish its
aloof from the mundane concerns supremacy, leaving
of mortal existence, their destruction in its wake as it
priorities tethered to higher relentlessly hunts down
realms of knowledge and anything that dares to cross
existence. its path.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Revered as a holy person by a group of Wildfolk. 01 Drawn to magical energy emanating from an artefact of power.
02 Searching for an elemental gate. 02 Awakened from an ancient slumber by some power.
03 Deep in a decade-long meditation. 03 Hunting small game for sustenance.
04 Searching for a way to the lands from whence they came. 04 Heading towards a settlement in search of livestock to eat.
05 Seeking to unlock the mysteries of time and creation. 05 Large claw prints lead off into a densely wooded area.
06 Pursuing the greatest of evils in the Fallen Lands. 06 You hear the sounds of trees crashing in the distance.


LVL 6 | HLT 40 | DEF 16/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 13 | SKL d4 | APP 1 | TSR -
COMBAT: Weapon (d8 adv.) COMBAT: Bite (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (long), Fearless, Undead, PASSIVE ABILITIES: Magic Source (d20), Sprint
Guarded (random lower level Undead creature) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: N/A
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Control Undead (long), Freeze (touch, HARVEST: Horn (Magic)
d6, fortitude save or impaired)
HARVEST: Finger (Freeze), Blood (Undead), Brain (Control)
The Unholy Knight emerges from the shadows, clad in tarnished, In the depths of enchanted forests, the ethereal presence of the
blackened armour adorned Unicorn can be felt, a symbol of purity and grace. Its’ gleaming
with haunting symbols. Their white coat and majestic horn radiate with mystic energy, offering
glowing, malevolent eyes solace and healing to
pierce through the darkness as those deemed worthy,
they wield a wicked blade while those who seek to
pulsating with dark energy. harm it are warned of
They relentlessly perform the the dire consequences
duties with Kadmos, Lord of that befall those who
Darkness and spread fear, dare to extinguish such a
despair, and the cold touch in rare and precious beacon
their wake. of magic.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Seeking to retrieve an artefact of power nearby. 01 A fleeting appearance as it gallops away in the distance.
02 On a relentless quest to defeat a group of Holy Knights. 02 Drinking from a pool or stream, aware of your presence.
03 Sighted near an ancient necropolis, a ritual is underway. 03 It has been wounded and staggers towards you, dying.
04 Stands before you to deliver a dire prophecy. 04 Being pursued by hunters with nets trying to capture it.
05 Sent by a dark power to eliminate those who oppose their plans. 05 Appears in a dream, is this some prophecy or sign?
06 Seeking to build an undead army for a nefarious purpose. 06 Approaches you shakily and lays down to rest beside you.


d6 Hook
VAMPIRE 01 In bat form spying on something or someone.
UNDEAD, HUMANOID, MEDIUM 02 Has recently fed and is hurriedly fleeing the scene.
03 Pursuing a target, it needs to feed soon.
LVL 8 | HLT 60 | DEF 15/DR2 | SKL d12 | APP d4 | TSR A,T 04 Returning to their lair for rest and sleep.
COMBAT: 2x Claws (d6) or 2x Weapon (d8) 05 Charming individuals as it seeks to build a cult.
06 Travelling to visit someone they covet or love.
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (far), Long Lived (1000
years), Undead, Weakness (sunlight)
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Flight, Life Drain (bite, close, d6,
fangs), Mind Control (charm, long, 1 target), Regeneration
(d10), Shape Change (bat)
HARVEST: Fangs (Life Drain), Blood (Regeneration, Shape

Emerging from the shroud of darkness, Vampires, with their pallid

complexion and mesmerising gaze, haunt the realm of the living.
Forever burdened by their insatiable thirst, they prowl the night,
driven by an eternal hunger that demands the life essence of others
to sustain their undead existence. These nocturnal predators
possess supernatural abilities, endowed with inhuman strength,
agility, and heightened senses, allowing them to effortlessly stalk
their prey, whether through seduction and charm or silent,
calculated ambushes. Their mastery over shape-shifting grants
them the ability to transform into a bat, soaring through the night
sky, while their fangs, sharp and venomous, pierce the flesh of their
victims, sating their hunger and rejuvenating their own vitality.

With an intellect sharpened by centuries of existence, these

cunning creatures navigate the delicate dance between shadows
and society, forever lurking in the realm of the undead.


LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 10 | SKL - | APP 1 | TSR - LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 13 | SKL d4 | APP d10 | TSR -
COMBAT: Acid (d4) COMBAT: Bite (d8)
HARVEST: Ooze remains (Ooze) HARVEST: N/A

In the dimly lit corridors of forgotten dungeons, the Veiled Ooze The Velociraptor, a fearsome predator with its sleek body and
silently glides along, its presence concealed by the guise of damp sharp, curved claws, exudes an aura of deadly agility. It moves
stone. Beware its with swift, calculated grace,
touch, for once it its keen eyes locked on its
attaches itself to its prey as it hunts in packs,
unsuspecting prey, coordinating attacks with
the corrosive ooze uncanny intelligence.
devours organic Motivated by its primal
matter and metals instincts, the Velociraptor
alike, leaving behind seeks to satisfy its hunger
only a trail of and secure its dominance in
destruction and the remote wilderness.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 You hear slowly dripping water from the ceiling. 01 Defending a nest of eggs from intruders.
02 A shallow pool of water lies on the ground ahead. 02 Tamed by someone or something and sent to hunt intruders.
03 You find the remains of an adventurer, weapons corroded. 03 Hunting small game for sustenance.
04 A creature staggers towards you, its flesh is burning. 04 Fleeing from a bigger, more dangerous threat.
05 The floor feels slippy and sticky. 05 Drawn to the scent of fresh blood nearby.
06 A pile of wet rocks blocks your path. 06 Have become trapped within a natural hazard.



LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 10 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR - LVL 2 | HLT 15 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR L
COMBAT: Lash (d4) COMBAT: Slam (d6)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: N/A PASSIVE ABILITIES: Amorphous, Immunity (water), Swim
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Feed (close, d4), Grapple (choke, (rapid), Water Breath
short, d4) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Grapple (choke, short, d4)
HARVEST: Vine (Grapple) HARVEST: Water Droplets (Water Breath, Swim)

In the heart of tangled thickets, the vine choker lies concealed, its Emerging from its watery domain, the
sinewy tendrils camouflaged amidst the verdant foliage. When an elusive Water Weird materialises as a
unsuspecting victim draws near, the tendrils strike with uncanny shimmering, translucent blue entity. It
precision, ensnaring moves with fluid grace, capable of
them in a suffocating engulfing and suffocating its victims in
grip before dragging its aqueous embrace, while its ability to
them towards the transform and communicate adds an
creature's gaping maw, air of mysterious intelligence to this
where it devours their elemental spirit.
life essence to fuel its
relentless growth.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 The skeletal remains of a creature lay nearby. 01 Conjured by a mage wielding the power of water magic.
02 Someone has hacked at the bushes and vegetation. 02 Seeking to escape the water source to which it is bound.
03 A thick mass of jungle vegetation blocks your path. 03 Wants to feed on the energy of a creature.
04 Something seems to be moving in the woods and trees. 04 Tells a riddle, will reward one who answers correctly.
05 You hear the gasps of something struggling and choking. 05 Two water weirds contest the same water source.
06 You almost trip over some thick vines on the ground. 06 The water source is dissipating, requires help to survive.

LVL 6 | HLT 30 | DEF 15/DR2 | SKL d10 | APP 1 | TSR Tx3 LVL 6 | HLT 50 | DEF 12 | SKL d6 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: 2x Bite/Claw (d8) COMBAT: Ram (d12)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immunity (weapons exc. silver), Sprint PASSIVE ABILITIES: Amphibious, Swim (rapid),
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Shape Change (wolf or human form) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Swipe (tail, medium, 2 targets)
HARVEST: Blood (Shape Change), Fur (Immunity) HARVEST: N/A

The Werewolf is a cursed creature which prowls the lands with an Whales gracefully traverse the ocean, its majestic presence
eerie presence, echoes of their past lives remain allowing them to commanding awe and reverence. With a body as vast as the
recognise odd things in a moment of clarity amidst their savage horizon, it breaches the surface, creating thunderous waves that
nature. They are immune to crash against the shores. Guided by ancient instincts and a
normal weapons and are connection
vulnerable to silver and magic. to the sea,
Their communication is limited the whale
to snarls, barks, and sporadic embarks on
words. During a full moon, their long
bloodlust intensifies unleashing migratory
their uncontrolled ferocity upon journeys.
unsuspecting prey.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Chasing a former known person, they don’t know why. 01 Migrating to new waters.
02 Their bloodlust has risen, it is a time of frenzy. 02 You hear a mysterious and enchanting song in the distance.
03 Fleeing people, their true nature revealed in a lucid moment. 03 You feel the waves and currents from the huge whale.
04 Now fleeing the scene of a savage attack. 04 It is fleeing the awakening of a colossal sea creature.
05 Summoning a pack of wolves, it is a wild night. 05 It is a method of transport for a deity of the oceans.
06 Hunted by a group of monster hunters. 06 It is being hunted as a grand prize.



LVL 3 | HLT 15 | DEF 12 | SKL d6 | APP 1 | TSR Lx2 LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 10/DR1 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: Slam (d6) COMBAT: 2x Fists (d4), Rock (d4, Medium)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight (swift) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (long), Climb
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Wind Attack (long, 1 target, d6), ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Leap Attack (d4)
Ranged Attack (lightning, far, 1 target, d10) HARVEST: N/A
HARVEST: Dust (Lightning)

Roaming the lands with an eerie howl, the Whirlwind commands White Apes are nocturnal creatures that emerge under the moon's
the very air around it, relentlessly buffeting and repelling all who pale light, its once vibrant fur
dare to approach. Its now faded from dwelling in
swirling form grants darkness. These semi-
it the ability to slip intelligent creatures roam the
through narrow night, scavenging for
crevices, while the sustenance, and fiercely
crackling energy protect their lairs, pelting
within conjures bolts intruders with rocks. They
of lightning, possess simple intelligence with
rendering this living the ability to learn behaviours
vortex a force of both and utilise simple tools.
destruction and awe.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Summoned by an elemental mage wielding air magic. 01 Making hand gestures, trying to communicate.
02 A natural occurrence. 02 Scavenging for food and scraps.
03 An evil spirit controls the vortex. 03 Searching for a new home, their last was destroyed.
04 Wants to test its strength against other objects or powers. 04 Fleeing some other terror in the area.
05 Pursuing a flying creature. 05 Travelling and exploring, will avoid encounters.
06 Converging with other elemental powers. 06 Grunting and hooting, they are protecting something.

LVL 6 | HLT 25 | DEF 15 | SKL d10 | APP d4 | TSR T LVL 2 | HLT 13 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP d6 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: 2x Claw (d6) COMBAT: Shortsword (d6) or Shortbow (d6, long)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immunity (weapons exc. silver), Undead PASSIVE ABILITIES: Alertness, Long Lived (400 years),
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Life Drain (d10) Equipment
HARVEST: Blood (Undead), Claw (Life Drain), Heart ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Meditative Trance
(Immunity) HARVEST: N/A

Emerging from the shadows, the Wights prowl the realm of the Wildfolk are slender, graceful humanoids
living, sustained by the stolen life force of their victims. Bound to in appearance often with fair hair and
their decaying husks, these malevolent pointed ears and have a life span of up to
spirits are impervious to mundane 400 years. They are creatures of the
weapons, although they are harmed by wilderness and have a strong affinity with
the touch of silver or the power of magic and reside within tribal
arcane magic. They haunt the places communities deep within the wildlands,
that held significance in their past lives, generally avoiding contact with other
driven by a relentless quest to reclaim races. They speak a derivation of the elven
the memories that elude them, some tongue and are taught the common
even cunningly disguising themselves as tongue of the land to enable them to
ordinary humans, lurking amidst the communicate with other races should the
unsuspecting populace. need arise.
d6 Hook d6 Appearance Attitude Business Armour
01 It needs to feed soon and is hunting a victim. 01 Desperate Manipulative Diplomacy None
02 Fleeing some holy or divine presence. 02 Weathered Arrogant Curiosity Leather (+2)
03 Drawn to a location remembered in its former life. 03 Tarnished Compassionate Quest Leather (+2)
04 Intelligent and building a network of contacts. 04 Battle-worn Wise Trade Shield (+2)
05 Returning to its secret lair. 05 Radiant Noble Aid Leather/Shield (+4)
06 Searching for artefacts of power. 06 Formal Spiritual Conflict Elven Chain (+4, light)


LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 9 | SKL d4 | APP d4 | TSR L,T LVL 2 | HLT 10 | DEF 12 | SKL - | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Shortsword (d6) or Shortbow (d6, long) COMBAT: Shocking Touch (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Alertness, Equipment, Long Lived (200 PASSIVE ABILITIES: Aura (enchantment, medium, will save or
years) follow), Flight, Immunity (weapons), Incorporeal, Light (close
HARVEST: N/A ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Lure (hypnosis, long, 1 target)
HARVEST: Ghostly Dust (Incorporeal, Aura)
Wildlings (also known as Half-Bloods or The Will-o'-Wisp is a mysterious,
Half-Elves) come from two different mischievous spectral light that flickers and
worlds but do not belong to either. dances in the darkness, guiding lost
Wildlings share the physical travellers off their path with its enchanting
characteristics of both human and allure. Its ethereal glow illuminates the
wildfolk parents although the dominance dense forests and swamps, beckoning
of traits can vary and their heritage may unsuspecting adventurers to venture
not always be obvious. They are generally deeper into its treacherous domains.
found within wildfolk settlements, born as
the offspring of a human who has
wandered far from home and a curious

d6 Appearance Attitude Business Armour d6 Hook

01 Tattered Mistrustful Exploring None 01 Summoned to protect something.
02 Dusty Arrogant Searching Leather (+2) 02 Shambling towards some noise or disturbance.
03 Weathered Aloof Delivering Shield (+2) 03 Standing motionless in wait.
04 Resilient Cautious Pursuing Chainmail (+4) 04 Feeding on some animal or creature.
05 Graceful Welcoming Protecting Leather/Shield (+4) 05 Closing in on someone who is trapped.
06 Vibrant Charismatic Informing Chain/Shield (+6) 06 They are running fast pursuing something (variant).


LVL 1 | HLT 3 | DEF 12 | SKL - | APP d20 | TSR - LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 11 | SKL - | APP d6 | TSR -
COMBAT: Bite (d4) COMBAT: Bite (d4)
HARVEST: N/A turns), Track (far)

Emerald-hued and sinuous, the Winged Serpents take to the skies, The wolf prowls through the dense forest under the pale moonlight,
their agile forms gliding through the air with deceptive grace. With its dark fur blending with the shadows as it silently moves through
vicious fangs and the undergrowth. Its keen eyes scan the surroundings, ever
insatiable hunger, they watchful for prey or potential
descend upon their prey threats. With a pack mentality,
in a flurry of scaly coils, the wolf exhibits loyalty and
their wings propelling unwavering determination to
them with surprising protect its territory and ensure
speed, while their eerie the survival of its kin, while
affinity for chaos draws embodying a sense of primal
them to the scent of cunning and fierce
disorder and destruction. independence.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 An artefact of chaos is nearby. 01 You hear the howling of wolves in the distance, they are on a hunt.
02 Circling and flying waiting to ambush. 02 They are following the lead of a Direwolf.
03 Migrating to a different environment or region. 03 A lone wolf wanders, mourning the loss of its mate.
04 Feeding on an animal or creatures. 04 A pack of wolves are fleeing an even greater menace.
05 Looking for a nest or place of rest. 05 A wise and ancient wolf gives you a knowing look.
06 Gathering scraps for their young. 06 A pack of wolves are tailing you.



LVL 5 | HLT 25 | DEF 14/DR3 | SKL d10 | APP 1 | TSR Lx5 LVL 5 | HLT 30 | DEF 13 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | TSR -
COMBAT: Weapon (d8) COMBAT: Touch (d8)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Reform (1 day, fire or acid to stop) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immunity (weapons exc. silver),
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Animate (close) Incorporeal, Weakness (sunlight)
HARVEST: Branch (Animate) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Life Drain (d8, close), Flight, Raise
Dead (long)
HARVEST: Ghostly Dust (Immunity, Life Drain)

In the depths of the ancient The ghostly Wraith appears as a spectral figure draped in tattered,
woods, the wood weird lurks, ethereal robes, its form wispy and translucent. It glides silently
an enigmatic and elusive through the shadows, its eyes glowing with an eerie, otherworldly
entity. It animates lifeless light. Driven by a deep
bodies or objects, imbuing resentment and unfulfilled
them with an eerie sentience. desires from its past life, the
The animated figure then wraith seeks to haunt and
dances and moves with an torment the living. Its ethereal
unsettling presence almost as touch drains the life force from
if its imitating the life of the its victims, leaving them
object it is now weakened and withered, a mere
impersonating. echo of their former selves.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 A large scarecrow stands ahead of you in the distance. 01 Hunting someone from their former life to seek revenge.
02 You hear the clattering of objects and sounds of movement. 02 Wandering, haunted and bound to a cursed artefact.
03 Several weapons are hanging from a tree ahead. 03 Summoned by a powerful necromancer.
04 Branches of a tree are wrapping themselves around objects. 04 Drawn to a haunted place of great tragedy.
05 A traveller is fighting a tree which looms over them. 05 A vessel for valuable knowledge or a lost secret.
06 Chopped branches slither on the ground looking to reform. 06 Seeking redemption or release from its current state.

LVL 1 | HLT 3 | DEF 8 | SKL - | APP d20 | TSR L LVL 3 | HLT 30 | DEF 13/DR1 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR -
COMBAT: Fangs (d4) or Improvised Weapon (d4) COMBAT: Bite (d10)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (med) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (far), Swim, Water Breath
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: N/A ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Paralysis (bite, close, 1 target, d10,
HARVEST: N/A fortitude save or impaired)
HARVEST: Teeth (Paralysis)

From the darkest corners of the forgotten catacombs, the Wretches The Wyrm is a wingless creature, reminiscent of a dragon, with a
emerge, their pallid forms sinewy reptilian form. Slithering and sliding with grace, its
hunched and riddled with venomous bite poses a
malice. With eyes glowing threat to all who
like eerie lanterns, they skulk encounter it. With the
in the shadows, ready to potential to
pounce upon unsuspecting incapacitate its
victims, their gnarled fangs victims or even cause
bared in a ravenous hunger death, the Wyrm's
for whatever morsels they deadly nature makes
can scavenge. it a formidable
presence in the wilds.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Scavenging for food or supplies. 01 Hunting a target for food.
02 Trailing a smaller group, looking for an ambush opportunity. 02 Mating with another Wyrm.
03 Scouting an ancient ruin, a chance to explore. 03 Seeking a place to nest and lay eggs.
04 Grouped around an object they have found. 04 Travelling to a new environment for comfort.
05 Carrying scavenged items to their current lair. 05 Has been surprised as it rested, it is defensive.
06 Hiding and waiting to ambush their next victims. 06 Being pursued by something that is hunting them.


LVL 5 | HLT 40 | DEF 15 | SKL d12 | APP d4 | TSR Lx5 LVL 4 | HLT 30 | DEF 14/DR2 | SKL d8 | APP d4 | TSR Lx2
COMBAT: Bite (d10) COMBAT: 2x Fists (d8)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Flight (swift) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Dark Vision (long), Equipment
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Paralysis (stinger, short, 1 target, d8, ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Charge, Power Attack
fortitude save or impaired), Power Attack, HARVEST: Heart (Power Attack)
HARVEST: Stinger (Paralysis), Wings (Flight)

With a thunderous roar that resonates through the air, the Wyvern In the treacherous, snow-covered peaks of the realm, the Yet roams
takes flight, its serpentine body undulating in the wind. Its the icy terrain leaving large
wickedly sharp fangs, footprints in its wake. Appearing
powerful claws, and as a large humanoid with
venomous stinger shaggy white fur and piercing
make it a formidable blue eyes it is driven by a primal
opponent, striking instinct to protect its territory
swiftly and and preserve its solitude. Some
paralysing its victims who have witnessed the Yeti
with a single, have spotted odd garments and
venom-laden strike equipment about its body,
from its barbed tail. suggesting some intelligence or
culture within their tribe.
d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 You hear a boom and thunderclap from above. 01 Forced from its mountainous habitat to protect its food source.
02 Animals are fleeing as a shadow crosses the ground. 02 Sighted near a remote settlement or shrine.
03 A large creature is sleeping atop a large rock. 03 Its lair is located near a valuable resource.
04 Flying towards its lair, at some place high up in the distance. 04 A notorious poacher is hunting a Yeti for its fur.
05 Being pursued by something even bigger. 05 You spy a series of footprints leading into the wilderness.
06 Seeking a lair in a forest, wilds or caverns. 06 You hear a bestial roar and clash of steel in the distance.


LVL 10 | HLT 500 | DEF 15/DR5 | SKL d20 | APP 1 | TSR A,Tx3 LVL 1 | HLT 3 | DEF 6 | SKL - | APP d20 | TSR -
COMBAT: (N/A) COMBAT: Bite (d4)
PASSIVE ABILITIES: Immunity (weapons), Resistance (magic) PASSIVE ABILITIES: Fearless, Slow, Undead
ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Portal (any dimension, any location) ENCOUNTER ABILITIES: Disease (bite, d4, will save or
HARVEST: Stone (Immunity, Resistance) impaired)
HARVEST: Teeth (Disease)

Hidden among the ancient landscapes, the Ziggurat of the Shambling forth in hordes, the
Ancients stands as a testament to forgotten civilisations. They are putrid stench of decay trailing in
rumoured to be houses of the ancients and portals between houses. their wake, Zombies roam
They blend seamlessly within relentlessly, driven only by their
their current environment. insatiable hunger for flesh. They
Upon entrance one notices are a constant reminder of the
they are dimensionally relentless march of death, their
transcendental when sluggish movements and mindless
explored. Their elusive nature, attacks are a grim testament to the
ever-shifting facade, and horror that awaits those who fall
inscrutable puzzles guard the victim to their gnashing teeth.
secrets of a bygone era.

d6 Hook d6 Hook
01 Stepping through a portal leads to this place. 01 Summoned to protect something.
02 The building is calling to you, welcoming you as a visitor. 02 Shambling towards some noise or disturbance.
03 You find the ruined remains of a strange construction. 03 Standing motionless in wait.
04 A strange doorway is visible, it does not fit with the surroundings. 04 Feeding on some animal or creature.
05 Someone entered an old building, they were not seen again. 05 Closing in on someone who is trapped.
06 The building is peculiar in size, you should have reached the exit. 06 They are running fast, pursuing something (Zombie variant).



d20 Name d4 Name Page d12 Name Page d20 Name Page d10 Name Page
01 Aberrant 01 Chimera 126 01 Bear 123 01 Ape 121 01 Kraken 148
02 Animal 02 Cockatrice 126 02 Boar 125 02 Beastman 123 02 Manta Ray 148
03 Anthropoid 03 Eye Helion 133 03 Crocodile 126 03 Bigfoot 123 03 Mermaid 149
04 Aquatic 04 Manticore 149 04 Deer 127 04 Centaur 125 04 Sea Revenant 154
05 Beast 05 Elephant 133 05 Dragonkind 130 05 Sea Serpent 154
06 Chaos 06 Fox 135 06 Goatman 141 06 Sea Turtle 154
07 Dinosaur 07 Horse 143 07 Lizard Folk 148 07 Shark 155
08 Elemental 08 Hound 144 08 Minotaur 149 08 Stingray 158
09 Giant 09 Lion 147 09 Northmen 152 09 Tentacoil 159
10 Human 10 Rhinoceros 153 10 Ogre 152 10 Whale 162
11 Infernal 11 Tiger 159 11 Snarljaw 156
12 Magical 12 Wolf 164 12 Troll 159
13 Object 13 White Ape 163
14 Ooze 14+ Roll Again
15 Plant
16 Serpent
17 Small
18 Swarm
19 Undead
20 Winged
d8 Name Page d10 Name Page d4 Name Page d12 Name Page d10 Name Page
01 Cerebus 125 01 Ashen 121 01 Stegosauraus 157 01 Air Elemental 120 01 Cyclops 127
02 Direwolf 129 02 Barghest 122 02 T-Rex 160 02 Clay Man 126 02 Devourer 129
03 Drake 131 03 Basilisk 122 03 Velociraptor 161 03 Earth Elemental 131 03 Giant 138
04 Hyena 143 04 Deviant 129 04 Roll Again 04 Fire Phoenix 134 04 Giant Ant 138
05 Mutant Bear 150 05 Forbidden 136 05 Fire Spirit 134 05 Giant Beetle 139
06 Werewolf 162 06 Night Elf Mage 151 06 Fire Tornado 134 06 Giant Crab 139
07 Wyrm 165 07 Night Elf Warrior 151 07 Ice Elemental 147 07 Giant Crocodile 139
08 Yeti 166 08 Psycher 152 08 Rock Monster 153 08 Giant Frog 139
09 Shadowmass 155 09 Salamander 154 09 Giant Rat 140
10 Roll Again 10 Sludge Beast 156 10 Giant Scorpion 140
11 Water Weird 162 11 Giant Serpent 140
12 Whirlwind 163 12 Giant Spider 140
13 Giant Worm 141
14 Spider Queen 157
15+ Roll Again
d8 Name Page d8 Name Page d20 Name Page d4 Name Page d6 Name Page
01 Adventurer 145 01 Behemoth 124 01 Angel 120 01 Death Shrine 127 01 Acidic Slime 120
02 Bandit 145 02 Demon 128 02 Ascendant 121 02 Fey Shrine 133 02 Amorphous 120
03 Commoner 145 03 Demon Folk 128 03 Changeling 125 03 Summoning 158 Sludge
04 Cultist 145 04 Demon Spawn 128 04 Elemental Gate 132 Circle 03 Fiery Gunk 133
05 Guard 146 05 Demon Trul 128 05 Genie 137 04 Ziggurat 166 04 Gelatinous 137
06 Mercenary 146 06 Greater Demon 142 06 Golem 142 Mass
07 Priest 146 07 Imp 147 07 Hag 142 05 Veiled Ooze 161
08 Thief 146 08 Roll Again 08 Medusa 149 06 Roll Again
09 Morgen 150
10 Norns 151
11 Nymph 151
12 Sprite 157
13 True Elf 160
14 Unicorn 160
15 Wildfolk 163
16 Wildling 164
17+ Roll Again UNDEAD LIST
d20 Name Page
d10 Name Page d4 Name Page d4 Name Page d12 Name Page 02 Banshee 122
01 Earth Tree 132 01 Death Worm 127 01 Bats 123 01 Bird of Prey 124 03 Drowned One 131
02 Fir Needler 134 02 Hydra 144 02 Flying Fish 135 02 Birdfolk 124 04 Dullahan 131
03 Forest Maw 135 03 Naga 150 03+ Roll Again 03 Dragon 130 05 Ghost 137
04 Fungal Wailer 136 04 Serpent Man 155 04 Dragon Spawn 130 06 Ghoul 138
05 Gas Spores 136 05 Griffin 142 07 Mummy 150
06 Gestalt 137 SMALL LIST 06 Harpy 143 08 Skeleton 156
07 Swamp Beast 158 d4 Name Page 07 Roc 153 09 Unholy Knight 160
08 Vine Choker 162 01 Gnome 141 08 Shrill 155 10 Vampire 161
09 Wood Weird 165 02 Goblin 141 09 Tempest 159 11 Wight 163
10 Roll Again 03 Kobold 147 10 Winged Serpent 164 12 Will-O-Wisp 164
04 Smallfolk 156 11 Wyvern 166 13 Wraith 165
05 Wretches 165 12 Roll Again 14 Zombie 166
06 Roll Again 15+ Roll Again



Name Pg Keywords LVL HLT DEF SKL APP Combat Passive Abilities Encounter Abilities
Acidic Slime 120 Ooze, Gelatinous, 2 10 10 d4 1 Acid Touch (d6) Amorphous, Climb, Immunity N/A
Medium (Weapons), Ooze
Air Elemental 120 Elemental, 3 15 12 d6 d4 Slam (d6) Flight (Swift) Wind Attack
Amorphous, Large
Amorphous Sludge 120 Ooze, Amorphous, 6 40* 14/D d8 1 See Tendrils Resistance (Fire), Tendrils (4, Absorb
Large R2 8, short, d8)
Angel 120 Magical, Humanoid, 6 50 15/D d10 1 2x Weapon (d8) Flight (Swift), Holy, Spells Boon, Telepathy, Mind Control
Large R3
Ant Queen 121 Giant, Insectoid, Huge 6 40 14/D d12 1 2x Mandibles (d10) Dark Vision, Guarded Summon, Senses
Ape 121 Anthropoid, 1 6 10 - d10 Fist (d4) or Thrown Rock Climb Leap Attack
Humanoid, Medium (d4, medium)
Ascendant 121 Magical, Humanoid, 6 50 15/D d12 1 2x Weapon (d8) Spells, Immortal Hero Abilities
Medium R3
Ashen 121 Chaos, Humanoid, 1 8 10 d4 d8 Obsidian Sword (d6, exp.) Dark Vision, Equipment Ambush, Teleport
Aswang 122 Undead, Humanoid, 4 15 10 d6 d6 Claw or Bite (d6) Undead Leap Attack, Life Drain, Shape
Medium Changer,
Banshee 122 Undead, Humanoid, 3 15 13 d6 d4 Touch (d8) Undead Flight, Ranged Attack, Senses
Barghest 122 Chaos, Quadruped, 2 10 12 d4 d8 Bite (d6) N/A Sprint, Leap Attack
Basilisk 122 Chaos, Quadruped, 6 30 14/D d12 1 2x Claws/Fangs (d10) N/A Paralysis, Poison
Large R2
Bats 123 Swarm, Avian, Tiny 1 10 15 - 1 Bite (d4) Blindsight, Flight, Swarm, N/A
Bear 123 Animal, quadruped, 3 15 12/D d6 d4 Claw (d6) N/A Grapple
Large R2
Beastman 123 Anthropoid, 3 12 12/D d6 d8 Weapon (d6) Equipment Power Attack
Humanoid, Medium R1
Behemoth 124 Infernal, Tentacled, 10 150 15/D d20 1 4x Tentacles (d20, long. 20 Immunity (Fire), Aura (Fire), Ranged Attack
Colossal R3 health) Aura (Fear), Telepathy
Bigfoot 123 Anthropoid, 4 25 13/D d8 d4 2x Fists (d6) or Thrown N/A Hide, Senses
Humanoid, Large R2 Rocks (d4, medium)
Bird of Prey 124 Winged, Avian, Small 1 2 16 - d4 Talons (d4) Flight Senses
Birdfolk 124 Winged, Humanoid, 2 8 10 d4 d8 Claws (d4) or Weapon (d6) Flight, Equipment N/A
Boar 125 Animal, Quadruped, 1 5 10 - d4 Tusks (d4) N/A Charge
Centaur 125 Anthroppid, 3 15 14 d6 d6 Hooves (d6) & Shortbow Sprint Charge, Power Attack
Quadruped, Large (d6, long)
Cerebus 125 Beast, Quadruped, 7 50 15 d8 1 3x Bites (d8) Dark Vision, Sprint Ranged Attack
Changeling 125 Magical, Humanoid, 3 15 10 d6 d4 Weapon (d6) N/A Shape Change
Chimera 126 Aberrant, Quadruped, 4 30 13/D d8 d4 2x Claws (d10) N/A Leap Attack, Mutation, Senses
Large R2
Clay Man 126 Elemental, Construct, 4 20 13/D d8 d4 Fist (d8, adv.) Slow Regenerate
Large R2
Cockatrice 126 Aberrant, Quadruped, 1 5 12 - d12 Bite (d4) Flight N/A
Crocodile 126 Animal, Reptilian, 2 10 10/D - d4 Bite (d6) Swim, Water Breath N/A
Large R2
Cyclops 127 Giant, Humanoid, 8 100 14/D d12 1 Weapon/Fist (d20, short) or N/A Ranged Attack
Huge R2 Thrown Rocks (d12, long)
Death Shrine 127 Object, Construct, 3 20 5 - 1 N/A Immunity Ritual
Death Worm 127 Serpent, Serpentine, 1 5 12 d4 d8 Bite (d4) N/A Tunnel, Leap Attack, Sprint,
Medium Poison
Deer 127 Animal, Quadruped, 1 6 13 - d6 Antlers (d4) Sprint N/A
Demon 128 Infernal, Demonic, 7 50 15/D d8 1 3x Claws Dark Vision, Immunity (Fire), Mind Control, Shape Change
Large R2 Flight,
Demon Folk 128 Infernal, Demonic, 2 15 13 d4 d4 2x Weapon/Claws (d6) Resistance (Fire), Equipment N/A
Demon Spawn 128 Infernal, Demonic, 1 10 8/ d4 d6 Claws (d6) Resistance (Fire) N/A
Medium DR2
Demon Trul 128 Infernal, Demonic, 4 40 13/D d8 d4 Fist (d10, adv.) Resistance (Fire) Regenerate
Large R2
Deviant 129 Chaos, Quadruped, 4 20 13/D d8 d4 2x Claws/Fangs (d8) Immunity, Guarded Leap Attack
Large R2
Devourer 129 Giant, Serpentine, 10 150 15/D d20 1 Devour (d20, medium) N/A Swallow, Tunnelling
Huge R3
Direwolf 129 Beast, Quadruped, 4 20 13/ d8 1 2x Bite (d8) N/A Leap Attack, Senses, Summon
Large DR2
Dragon 130 Winged, Draconic, 10 150 18/ d20 1 2x Bite/Claws (d20) Flight (Swift), Dark Vision Wind Attack, Ranged Attack,
Huge DR3 Aura (Fear), Power Atk, Swipe
Dragonkind 130 Anthropoid, Draconic, 3 15 13/ d6 d4 Weapon (d8) or Claws (d4) Dark Vision, Resistance (Fire), Ranged Attack
Medium DR2 Equipment
Dragon Spawn 130 Winged, Draconic, 1 5 10/ - d6 Bite/Claw (d4) Dark Vision, Flight Ranged Attack
Small DR1
Drake 131 Beast, Draconic, 3 20 13/ d6 d4 Bite (d8) & Tail (d6) Dark Vision
Large DR1



Name Pg Keywords LVL HLT DEF SKL APP Combat Passive Abilities Encounter Abilities
Drowned One 131 Undead, Humanoid, 3 15 10 d4 d8 Claw (d6) Slow, Undead, Fearless, Swim Grapple
Dullahan 131 Undead, Humanoid, 5 30 14 d8 1 2x Longsword (d8 adv.) Dark Vision. Undead, Power Attack
Medium Companion
Earth Elemental 131 Elemental, Humanoid, 4 25 13/ d6 d6 Slam (d10) Dark Vision Tunnelling, Power Attack
Large DR3
Earth Tree 132 Plant, Botanic, 10 500 10/ d20 1 N/A Magic Source, Portal Memories
Colossal DR5
Elemental Gate 132 Magical, Construct, 10 500 5/ d20 1 N/A Convergence, Portal N/A
Colossal DR10
Elephant 133 Animal, Quadruped, 5 30 10/ - d4 Stomp (d8) N/A N/A
Large DR2
Eye Helion 133 Aberrant, Demonic, 6 50 15/ d8 1 4x Tentacle Stings (d6) Flight Telepathy, Ranged Attack
Large DR2
Fey Shrine 133 Object, Construct, 3 15 5 - 1 N/A Immunity Ritual
Fiery Gunk 133 Ooze, Amorphous, 5 25 12/ d10 1 Volatile Gunk (d8, short) Explodes, Weakness N/A
Large DR2
Fir Needler 134 Plant, Botanic, Large 3 5 8 d6 d6 Needles (d4, short) N/A N/A
Fire Phoenix 134 Elemental, Avian, 4 25 14 d8 d4 2x Claws (d6, adv.) Flight , Aura (Fire) ,Immunity Explodes
Fire Spirit 134 Elemental, Humanoid, 5 40 12/ d8 1 Fire (d10) Aura (Fire), , Immunity (Fire), Ranged Attack
Large DR3 Weakness (Water)
Fire Tornado 134 Elemental, 1 8 10 d4 d6 Fire (d6, short) Immunity (Fire), Weakness Critical
Elementoid, Medium (Water)
Flying Fish 135 Swarm, Piscine, Tiny 1 15 15 - 1 Bite (d4) Swim, Swarm Leap Attack
Forbidden 136 Chaos, Humanoid, 10 60 15/ d20 1 2x Weapon (d8) Aura of Fear, Immortal, Spells, N/A
Medium DR5 Resistance (Magic)
Forest Maw 135 Plant, Botanic, 8 80 10 d10 1 See Tendrils Tendrils (8, 10, medium, d6) Feed, Grapple
Fox 135 Animal, Quadruped 1 3 15 - d4 Bite (d4) Sprint N/A
Fungal Wailer 136 Plant, Botanic, 1 5 5 - d6 N/A Alarm N/A
Gas Spores 136 Plant, Botanic, Small 2 2 6 d4 d20 N/A Gas N/A
Gelatinous Mass 137 Ooze, Gelatinous, 3 15 12 d6 1 Acid (d6) Amorphous, Immunity Swallow
Genie 137 Magical, Humanoid, 7 40 14 d8 1 Ghostly Touch (d6) Dark Vision, Incorporeal, Illusion, Prophecy, Telepathy
Medium Flight, Immunity
Gestalt 137 Plant, Botanic, Large 6 50 15 d12 1 2x Claws (d10) Aura (Gas) Absorb
Ghost 137 Undead, Humanoid, 5 20 14 d4 d4 Touch (d8) Dark Vision, Incorporeal, Fear, Mind Control
Medium Flight, Undead
Ghoul 138 Undead, Humanoid, 3 12 13 d4 d6 Claws (d4) Dark Vision Paralysis
Giant 138 Giant, Humanoid, 10 150 15/ d20 1 Fist/Weapon (d20), Rock Immortal, Slow N/A
Colossal DR5 (d20, far)
Giant Ant 138 Giant, Insectoid, 3 10 10/ d6 d10 Mandible Claws (d4) Climb, Dark Vision N/A
Medium DR2
Giant Beetle 139 Giant, Insectoid, 2 8 8/ d4 d12 Bite (d4) N/A N/A
Medium DR2
Giant Crab 139 Giant, Crustacean, 3 15 12/ d6 d6 2x Claws (d6) Swim, Amphibious Grapple
Large DR3
Giant Crocodile 139 Giant, Reptilian, Large 3 15 10/ d6 d4 Bite (d10) & Swipe Swim, Water Breath Swipe
Giant Frog 139 Giant, Amphibian, 3 12 10 d4 d10 Bite (d4) Swim, Water Breath Swallow, Gas
Giant Rat 140 Giant, Rodent-like, 2 5 10 d4 d12 Bite (d4) Dark Vision Disease (Bite), Sprint
Giant Scorpion 140 Giant, Arachnid, Large 5 15 14/ d8 d8 2x Claws (d8) Dark Vision Senses, Poison (Sting)
Giant Serpent 140 Giant, Reptilian, Huge 4 30 14 d8d4 Bite (d8, short) or Grab (d6 Swim Swallow, Poison (Bite)
Giant Spider 140 Giant, Arachnid, Large 4 15 12 d8 d4 Bite (d6) Climb, Dark Vision, Senses, Web, Paralysis
Giant Worm 141 Giant, Serpent-like, 5 20 10/ d10 d6 Bite (d8) Tunnelling Swallow
Large DR2
Gnome 141 Small, Humanoid, 1 4 9 - d6 Weapon (d4) Dark Vision, Equipment N/A
Goatman 141 Anthropoid, 2 8 11 d4 d8 Weapon (d6) or Horns (d4) Equipment Sprint, Charge
Humanoid, Medium
Goblin 141 Small, Humanoid, 1 5 11 - d12 Improvised Weapon (d4) Dark Vision, Weakness, N/A
Small Equipment
Golem 142 Magical, Construct, 4 25 13/ d8 d4 Fist (d10) Slow, Equipment Power Attack
Large DR4
Greater Demon 142 Infernal, Demonic, 8 80 15/ d12 1 2x Weapon (d12, short) Immunity (Fire), Aura (Fire), Ranged Attack
Huge DR3 Flight,
Griffin 142 Winged, Avian, Huge 6 30 15 d12 1 2x Talons/Bites (d12, close) Flight, Fear (Roar), Power Attack,
Hag 143 Magical, Humanoid, 2 10 8 d4 d4 Dagger (d4) Spells, Equipment Illusion
Harpy 143 Winged, Humanoid, 3 12 12 d6 d6 Talon (d4) Flight Ambush, Lure
Horse 143 Animal, Quadruped, 1 8 10 - d6 Bite (d4) Sprint N/A



Name Pg Keywords LVL HLT DEF SKL APP Combat Passive Abilities Encounter Abilities
Hound 144 Animal, Quadruped, 1 4 10 - d4 Bite (d4) N/A Senses, Sprint, Track
Hydra 144 Serpent, Serpentine, 10 50* 15 d12 1 9x Bite (d8) Dark Vision, Water Breath Poison (Spit), Regeneration
Hyena 143 Beast, Quadruped, 1 5 10 - d10 Bite (d4) N/A Sprint, Charge
Human - Adventurer 145 Human, Humanoid, 1 5 8 - d6 Longsword (d8) or Equipment N/A
Medium Crossbow (d6, long)
Human - Bandit 145 Human, Humanoid, 1 5 8 - d6 Hand Axe (d6) or Crossbow Equipment N/A
Medium (d6, long)
Human - Commoner 145 Human, Humanoid, 1 5 8 - d6 Improvised Weapon (d4) Equipment N/A
Human - Cultist 145 Human, Humanoid, 1 5 8 - d6 Dagger (d4) Equipment N/A
Human - Guard 146 Human, Humanoid, 1 5 8 - d6 Longsword (d8) or Equipment
Medium Crossbow (d6)
Human - Mercenary 146 Human, Homosapien, 1 5 8 - d6 Longsword (d8) or Equipment N/A
Medium Crossbow (d6, long)
Human - Priest 146 Human, Homosapien, 1 5 8 - d6 Dagger (d4) Equipment N/A
Human - Thief 146 Human, Homosapien, 1 5 8 - d6 Dagger (d4) Equipment N/A
Ice Elemental 147 Elemental, Humanoid, 3 15 12/D d4 d4 Fist (d6) Aura (Ice), Weakness (Fire) Obscure, Ranged Attack
Large R2
Imp 147 Infernal, Demonic, 1 3 10 - d4 Claws (d4) Flight, Resistance (Fire) Shape Change
Kobold 147 Small, Humanoid, 1 3 8 - d20 Bite (d4, dis.) Dark Vision, Weakness N/A
Kraken 148 Aquatic, Tentacled, 8 80 14 d12 1 4x Tentacles (d10, medium) Swim, Water Breath Grapple, Obscure
Lion 147 Animal, Quadruped, 4 25 14 d6 d4 2x Claws (d6) Senses Sprint, Charge
Lizard Folk 148 Anthropoid, 2 10 12/ d4 d6 Weapon (d6) Swim, Water Breath, N/A
Humanoid, Medium DR2 Equipment
Manta Ray 148 Aquatic, Piscine, 3 10 10 d4 d4 Ram (d6) Swim (Rapid), Water Breath N/A
Manticore 149 Aberrant, Quadruped, 5 30 14/ d10 1 2x Claws (d10) Dark Vision, Flight Paralysis, Power Attack
Large DR2
Medusa 149 Magical, Humanoid, 3 15 14 d6 d4 2x Bite (d4) Spells Paralysis, Poison,
Mermaid 149 Aquatic, Humanoid, 2 8 10 d4 d6 Weapon (d6) or Claws (d4) Swim, Water Breath Mind Control (Charm)
Medium Equipment
Minotaur 149 Anthropoid, 4 30 14/ d8 1 2x Great Axe (d10 adv) or Dark Vision, Equipment Sprint, Charge, Power Attack,
Humanoid, Large DR2 Horns (d8 adv)
Morgen 150 Magical, Humanoid, 2 8 8 d4 d4 Dagger (d4) or Claws (d4) Resistance (Magic) Feed, Mind Control (Charm),
Medium Illusion
Mummy 150 Undead, Humanoid, 4 20 14 d8 d4 Claw (d8) Dark Vision, Weakness (Fire), Disease
Medium Undead,
Mutant Bear 150 Beast, Quadruped, 3 15 12/ d6 d4 Claws (d6) N/A Disease (Bite), Grapple
Large DR2
Naga 150 Serpent, Serpentine, 5 30 15 d6 d4 Bite (d8) N/A Sprint, Poison (Spit), Poison
Large (Bite)
Night Elf Mage 151 Chaos, Humanoid, 4 13 14 d6 d4 Shortsword (d6) or Dark Vision, Spells, Equipment N/A
Medium Crossbow (d6, long)
Night Elf Warrior 151 Chaos, Humanoid, 3 10 14 d6 d6 2x Shortsword (d6) or Dark Vision, Equipment Power Attack
Medium Crossbow (d6, long)
Norns 151 Magical, Humanoid, 3 10 10 d6 3 Dagger (d4) Long Lived, Spells, Resistance Prophecy
Medium (Magic)
Northmen 152 Anthropoid, 2 10 8 d4 d8 Hand Axe (d6) or Crossbow Dark Vision, Equipment, Long N/A
Humanoid, Medium /DR1 (d6, long) Lived
Nymph 151 Magic, Humanoid, 2 10 10 d4 d4 Claw (d4) Spells Mind Control (Charm), Shape
Medium Change
Ogre 152 Anthropoid, Muscular, 6 30 14/ d12 d4 Large Weapon (d12) or Slow Power Attack, Senses
Large DR3 Rocks (d8, medium)
Psycher 152 Chaos, Humanoid, 3 15 10 d6 1 Claws (d4) N/A Hide, Mind Control
Rhinoceros 153 Animal, Quadruped, 3 20 10/ - d6 Horn (d8) N/A Charge
Large DR1
Roc 153 Winged, Avian, Huge 10 60 15/ d20 1 Beak/Talons (d20,short), Flight (Swift) Grapple
Rock Monster 153 Elemental, 3 15 16/ d4 d8 Stinger (d6) Dark Vision Tunnelling, Paralysis
Quadruped, Medium DR3
Salamander 154 Elemental, Reptilian, 3 15 12/ d6 d6 Spear (d6), Tail (d6) Aura (Fire), Equipment, N/A
Medium DR1 Resistance (Fire)
Sea Revenant 154 Aquatic, Piscine, 4 20 13/ d6 d6 2x Claws (d6) Swim (Rapid), Amphibious Power Attack
Large DR2
Sea Serpent 154 Aquatic, Serpentine, 6 40 13 d8 d4 Bite (d12), Grab & Crush Swim (Rapid), Amphibious Grapple
Huge (d8)
Sea Turtle 154 Aquatic, Amphibian, 6 50 8/ d10 d4 Bite (d10) Swim Prophecy
Huge DR4
Serpent Man 155 Serpent, Humanoid, 2 10 12/ d4 d6 Weapon (d6) N/A Illusion, Mind Control
Medium DR1 (Suggestion)
Shadowmass 15 Chaos, Elementoid, 5 20 14 d10 1 Consume (d8, short) N/A Convergence, Immunity
Shark 155 Aquatic,Piscine,Large 2 15 12 d4 d6 Bite (d6) Swim (Rapid), Water Breath N/A



Name Pg Keywords LVL HLT DEF SKL APP Combat Passive Abilities Encounter Abilities
Shrill 155 Winged, Avian, Small 1 1 15 - d20 Pierce (d4) Dark Vision, Flight (Swift) N/A
Skeleton 156 Undead, Humanoid, 2 10 10/ d4 d6 Weapon (d6) Dark Vision, Fearless, Undead, N/A
Medium DR2 Equipment
Sludge Beast 156 Elemental, Humanoid, 4 20 12/ d8 d6 Slam (d6), Mud Balls (d6, N/A Ambush
Large DR2 Medium)
Smallfolk 156 Small, Humanoid, 1 4 10 - d6 Weapon (d4) Equipment Hide, Lucky
Snarljaw 156 Anthropoid, 2 10 13 d4 d8 Weapon (d6) Equipment Power Attack,
Humanoid, Medium /DR1
Spider Queen 157 Giant, Arachnid, Huge 8 70 15 d12 1 2x Bite/Claws (d10) Aura (Fear), Dark Vision, Senses, Web, Poison,
Climb, Guarded, Spells Summon, Spells
Sprite 157 Magical, Humanoid, 1 5 16 - d6 Sting (d4) Flight (Swift), Spells Sense Nature
Stegosaurus 157 Dinosaur, Quadruped, 5 50 12/ d6 d4 Bite (d8) & Tail Swipe N/A Swipe
Huge DR3
Stingray 158 Aquatic, Piscine, 2 6 10 d4 d4 Bite (d4) Swim (Rapid), Water Breath Paralysis
Summoning Circle 158 Object, Construct, 3 20 5 - 1 N/A Immunity Ritual
Swamp Beast 158 Plant, Botanic, Huge 8 70 15/ d20 1 Swipe (d12) Aura of Gas Hold (Sludge Missile)
Tempest 159 Winged, Avian, Large 5 25 14 d10 d4 2x Claws (d8) Flight (Swift) Ranged Attack, Obscure
Tentacoil 159 Aquatic, Tentacled, 4 20 13 d6 d6 Claw (d8) & 2x Grab (d4) Swim, Water Breath Absorb
Tiger 159 Animal, Quadruped, 2 12 12 d4 d4 Claw (d6) Sprint Senses, Charge
Troll 159 Anthropoid, 5 30 13 d10 d4 Fists (d10) or Weapon (d12) Reform Regenerate, Mutation
Humanoid, Large or Rocks (d8, medium)
True Elf 160 Magical, Humanoid, 5 25 15 d8 1 Weapon (d6/d8) Immortal, Resistance (Magic), Mind Control (Charm),
Medium Spells, Equipment
Tyrannosaurus Rex 160 Dinosaur, Bipedal, 8 60 14 d10 1 Bite (d12) Power Attack N/A
Muscular, Huge
Unholy Knight 160 Undead, Humanoid, 6 40 16/ d8 d4 Weapon (d8 adv.) Dark Vision, Fearless, Undead Control Undead, Freeze
Medium DR2
Unicorn 160 Magical, Quadruped, 3 15 13 d4 1 Bite (d6) Magic Source, Sprint
Vampire 161 Undead, Humanoid, 8 60 15/ d12 d4 2x Claws (d6) or 2x Dark Vision, Long Lived, Regeneration, Flight, Mind
Medium DR2 Weapons (d8) Undead, Weakness Control (Charm),Shape
Change, Life Drain (Bite)
Veiled Ooze 161 Ooze, Amorphous, 1 5 10 - 1 Acid (d4) Amorphous, Climb, Ooze N/A
Velociraptor 161 Dinosaur, Reptilian, 2 10 13 d4 d10 Bite (d8) Sprint Charge
Vine Choker 162 Plant, Botanic, Large 2 10 10 d8 d4 Melee (d4) N/A Feed, Grapple
Water Weird 162 Elemental, Humanoid, 2 15 10 d4d4 Grab & Crush (d4), Slam Amorphous, Immunity, Swim, Grapple
Large (d6) Water Breath
Werewolf 162 Beast, Humanoid, 6 30 15/ d10 1 2x Bite/Claw (d8) Sprint, Immunity Shape Change
Medium DR2
Whale 162 Aquatic, Piscine, 6 50 12 d12 d4 Ram (d12) Swim (Rapid), Amphibious Swipe
Whirlwind 163 Elemental, 3 15 12 d6 1 Slam (d6) Flight (Swift) Wind Attack, Ranged Attack
Elementoid, Large
White Ape 163 Anthropoid, 2 10 10/ d4 d6 2x Fists (d4) Dark Vision, Climb Leap Attack
Humanoid, Medium DR1
Wight 163 Undead, Humanoid, 6 25 15 d10 d4 2x Claw (d6) Immunity, Undead Life Drain
Wildfolk 163 Magical, Humanoid, 2 13 10 d6 d6 Shortsword (d6) or Alertness, Equipment, Long Meditative Trance
Medium Shortbow (d6, long) Lived
Wildling 164 Magical, Humanoid, 2 10 9 d4 d4 Shortsword (d6) or Alertness, Equipment, Long N/A
Medium Shortbow (d6, long) Lived
Will-o’-Wisp 164 Elemental, 2 10 12 d4 d4 Chill Touch (d4) Aura (Enchantment), Flight, Lure
Amorphous, Medium Immunity, Incorporeal, Light
Winged Serpent 164 Winged, Serpent-like, 1 3 12 - d20 Bite (d4) Flight (Swift) N/A
Wolf 164 Animal, Quadruped, 1 5 11 - d6 Bite (d4) N/A Sprint, Track, Summon
Wood Weird 165 Plant, Botanic, Large 5 25 14/ d10 1 Weapon (d8) N/A Animate
Wraith 165 Undead, Humanoid, 5 30 13 d8 1 Touch (d8) Immunity, Incorporeal, Life Drain, Flight, Raise Dead
Medium Weakness
Wretches 165 Small,Humanoid, 1 3 8 - d20 Fangs (d4) or Improvised Dark Vision N/A
Small Weapon (d4)
Wyrm 165 Beast, Reptilian, 3 30 13/ d8 d4 Bite (d10) Dark Vision, Swim, Water Paralysis
Large DR1 Breath
Wyvern 166 Winged, Reptilian, 5 40 15 d12 d4 Bite (d10) Flight (Swift) Paralysis, Power Attack
Yeti 166 Beast, Humanoid, 4 30 14/ d8 d4 2x Fists (d8) Dark Vision Charge, Power Attack
Large DR2
Ziggurat 166 Object, Construct, 10 500 15/ d20 1 N/A Immunity, Resistance (Magic) Portal
Colossal DR3
Zombie 166 Undead, Humanoid, 1 3 6 - d20 Bite (d4) Slow, Undead, Fearless Disease (Bite)


LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 10 LVL 1 | HLT 11 | DEF 13 LVL 1 | HLT 18 | DEF 10 (DR1)
Attributes: Agility d6, Senses d6, Will d4 Attributes: Fortitude d4, Strength d6, Will Attributes: Command d4, Fortitude d6,
Skills: Languages (Common, Sign) d4, d4 Strength d6, Will d4
Open Locks d6, Sleight of Hand d6, Traps Skills: Athletics d6, Crafting d4, Melee Skills: Animal Handling d6, Crafting d4,
d4 Combat d4, Ranged Combat d4 Languages d4 (Common, Dwarven), Melee
Abilities: Evasion, Lucky Abilities: Second Wind, Shield Master Combat d6, Wilderness Survival d4
Equipment: Leather Armour (+2), 2x Abilities: Animal Companion (Wolf),
Equipment: Leather Armour (+2), Shield
Daggers d4, 175 sp Coordinated Attack, Dark Vision, Iron
(+2), Longsword (d8), 200 sp
Skin, Long-lived
Equipment: Hide Armour (+2), Spear
(d6), Dagger (d4), 200 sp

LVL 1 | HLT 13 | DEF 10 LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 9 LVL 1 | HLT 11 | DEF 10
Attributes: Fortitude d4, Senses d4 Attributes: Command d4, Fortitude d4, Attributes: Agility d6, Fortitude d4,
Strength d4, Will d4 Senses d4, Will d4 Strength d4, Will d4
Skills: Animal Handling d4, Crafting d4, Skills: Lore d6, Religion d4, Magic d6 Skills: Guile d6, Lore d4, Melee Combat
Melee Combat d6, Wilderness Survival d4 d4, Ranged Combat d4, Wilderness
Abilities: Divine Magic, Healing Hands
Abilities: Mighty Blow, War Cry Survival d4
Equipment: Robes (+1), Staff (d4), Holy
Equipment: Hide Armour (+2), Battle Symbol, 200 sp Abilities: Improved Critical, Stun Attack
Axe (d8), 200 sp Equipment: Leather Armour (+2),
Crossbow, 20x Bolts, Dagger (d4), 200 sp



LVL 1 | HLT 16 | DEF 10 (DR1) LVL 1 | HLT 16 | DEF 13 LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 9
Attributes: Command d6, Fortitude d4, Attributes: Agility d6, Fortitude d4, Attributes: Agility d6, Fortitude d4, Senses
Senses d4, Strength d4, Will d6 Senses d6 d4, Will d4
Skills: Crafting d4, Guile d6, Languages Skills: Athletics d6, Languages (Common, Skills: Athletics d4, Languages (Common,
d6 (Broken Tongue, Common, Dwarven), Elven) d4, Magic d4, Melee Combat d4, Elven) d4, Lore d4, Magic d8, Ranged
Lore d4, Ranged Combat d4 Ranged Combat d6, Wilderness Survival Combat d4, Religion d4
Abilities: Dark Vision, Inspiring Words, d6 Abilities: Alertness, Ghost Walker, Ice
Iron Skin, Long-lived. Silver Tongue Abilities: Alertness, Evasion, Meditative Magic (Adaptable), Long-lived, Shape
Equipment: Leather Armour (+2) Dagger Trance, Very Long-lived, Woodcraft Change
(d4), 200 sp, Musical Instrument Equipment: Leather Armour (+2) Equipment: Robes (+1), Staff (d4), 200 sp
Shortbow (d6), 20x Arrows Dagger (d4),
200 sp


LVL 1 | HLT 13 | DEF 14 LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 9 LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 9
Attributes: Command d4, Fortitude d4, Attributes: Command d4, Fortitude d4, Attributes: Agility d4, Senses d4, Will d6
Strength d4, Will d4 Will d6 Skills: Alchemy d6, Lore d4, Magic d6
Skills: Animal Handling d4, Crafting d4, Skills: Alchemy d4, Lore d4, Magic d6, Abilities: Alchemist, Dark Magic
Lore d4, Melee Combat d6 Sleight of Hand d4
Equipment: Robes (+1), Dagger (d4).
Abilities: Mounted Combat, Persuade Abilities: Arcane Magic, Form Magic Alchemy Kit (10 uses), 200 sp
Equipment: Chainmail (+4), Shield (+2), Equipment: Robes (+1), Dagger (d4), 200
Longsword (d8), 200 sp sp


Overview: Mezraks Foundry is an abandoned place located high within a craggy peak. Two weeks ago, a group of mercenaries hired by the
mysterious Order of Paragon purchased transport and supplies from the village in the valley below and set out to explore the place. They did
not return and a group was sent to find out what happened. Two days have elapsed with no further news. Your party have been hired to
investigate and rescue the villagers. A large bag of silver, the appreciation of the villagers and all the ale you can drink will be your reward.

1. Courtyard (Switchback trail heading up mountain leads here) 7. Solar Room (Wooden door closed, torch-lit chamber, guarded)
• Old grand stone carved walls of dwarven construction. • 2 Fervent Guards stand outside; the room contains a high
• Area occupied by d6 Mercenaries guarding supplies from ceiling with thick glass allowing natural light to penetrate
carts (contains food, barrels of water, general supplies, long the room; a large engraved large stone table is the room’s
iron bars, tools and large canvas sheets); donkeys are hitched centre piece (shows a map).
here. • 2 Paragon Cultists (bronze key, summoning stone) are
• Guards will prevent access and deny seeing villagers. The planning and debating the return of their god. A dummy
alarm bell in one wagon alerts guards from 7 (appears in 6 stand contains a luxurious white robe with fine embroidery,
turns). a golden crown and exquisite boots (intended to be clothes
2. Great Hall (Solid stone door from 1 closed) for their deity, all valuable).
• Grand chamber of finely carved stoned architecture. A set • Stone of summoning (magical artefact; rare; allows cross
of steps lead up to a stone pedestal the ground is painted dimensional contact; 3 uses left)
with arcane signs. • False wall hides a passage to 6; everyone is unaware of this.
• A young robed woman wanders the room, whispering and 8. Barracks (Wooden door closed, torches light chamber)
murmuring to herself, her mind fractured. • Room contains bunks, chairs and a small cooking area;
• The girl offers few words but refers to herself as the ‘First bedrolls and piles of equipment are scattered around.
Sister’ (she is the victim of the first failed summoning and is • d6 mercenaries are resting here; some are in quiet
harmless). conversation about ‘what lies within the pit’ (10).
3. Stone Chamber (Solid stone door from 2 closed) • Mercenaries are discontent and are tempted to leave their
• Stone chamber, dwarven markings inscribed on the wall employers.
(read “Mezrak’s Foundry, the study of pneumatics”). 9. Vault (Mechanically locked vault door)
• Large steam pipes run across walls, these are corroded and • Lever outside door can be pulled to open the vault but only
appear to have been patched with small metal plates. if furnace (4) has been ignited (Cultists not breached vault).
• Warm air can be felt from the descent down to 4. • Inside, contains a vault of crates; chests and a bookshelf
4. Drilling Cavern (Stairs descend deep from 3) containing scrolls and parchments.
• Area is hot; fissures emit gas and vapour into the area (d2 • Searching reveals; 3 chests containing dwarven gold (100 gp
damage per turn, can be patched) from corroded pipes. The each); a dwarven forged hammer (chaos-bane, masterwork,
room is dominated by a large furnace connected to a ADV damage, x2 damage vs chaos creatures); scrolls and
drilling machine. Tools; chains; pulleys are scattered parchments written in dwarven (invention notes on steam
amongst piles of coal and rock. devices. No immediate re-sell value but highly valuable to
• Drilling machine, if lifted using pulleys reveals a 100ft hole, dwarven craftsmen).
bored into the ground below. This can be climbed down to 10. The Pit (Open access, chamber dark)
reveal the narrow earthworm tunnels leading past their den • Room shrouded in darkness; clanking chains and raspy
(d4 worms) to 5. breathing can be heard from within a pit in the centre of the
• Coal and barrels of water (from 1 or 5) can be used to ignite room.
the furnace and activate the steam drill and door to the • The pit is covered by an iron grill; a rusted chain
vault (9). mechanism can be activated to open the grill (will alert
5. Storage & Machinery Area (Door locked, Iron key required) people in 6). Winding rough-cut passage descends down to
• Room contains a mixture of old crates; wooden chests; 11 & 12.
tools; metal plates; equipment and some fresh water barrels • An creature of chaos known as Noul-Utl is chained below;
and organised food supplies. Part of the SE wall has earthworm carcasses and dried blood cover the floor; he
collapsed with rubble. will bargain for his freedom but if released, is weak and
• Searching reveals; old mining tools, equipment and spare must feed soon (disadvantage until fed on life energy, has
parts plus some of the group’s food supplies. knowledge of cultists plot).
• Investigating the rubble reveals a small tight barely crawl- 11. Cell (Portcullis bars entry, door locked, bronze key required)
able tunnel leading past earth worm den (d4 worms) to 4. • Small cave area; portcullis blocks access, difficult to break.
6. Guard Chamber (Torches light the chamber and passage) • 3 villagers are held prisoner here (Jeyna, Burke, Culan);
• Converted to a rest area with tables and chairs; equipment possess minor cuts and bruises, scared of their captors.
racks on the wall which store equipment. • Fearful of death, aware may be held for some later purpose.
• A Fervent Guard sits in an alcove (has iron key); d6 12. Cell (Portcullis bars entry, door locked, bronze key required)
mercenaries occupy the chamber playing dice; they are off- • Small cave area; portcullis blocks access which is difficult to
duty and muttering discontent over the motives of their break; the room has been reasonably well furnished with a
employer. bed and adequate supplies.
• A false wall sits behind one of the equipment racks and • Lone young man garbed in a simple robe held here.
leads to 7; mercenaries are unaware of this. • This is ‘The First Brother’, a malleable victim and acolyte of
• Passageway SW (to 10) is hazardous with boiling gasses the order chosen to act as the host. He is awaiting his
bursting from the pipes (d2 damage per turn, metal plates summons to complete this great honour. He is the second
from 5 can patch these). vessel.










11 1 SQUARE = 10FT
Rooms 1 & 7 have natural light. Torches are already lit in rooms
3,5,6 & 8. Light sources required in other rooms.


d6 Description
Mezraks Foundry: An old foundry and mine used by the 01 Rift, opens for d6 turns then closes. Ritual may be completed.
dwarven craftswomen Mezrak, famed for her pneumatic
02 d4 Mercenaries, patrolling a circuit from area 1, heading to 6
inventions. The cave-like complex is riddled with inter-
connected steam pipes and machinery. The place was 03 d4 Fervent Guards, heading to great hall 2
abandoned due to an unstable rift in the fabric of reality 04 d4 Earth Worms, surfaced from below seeking scraps to survive
causing instability and fell into a state of disrepair. 05 Paragon Cultist & d4 Fervent Guards, checking on vessel in 12
Order of Paragon: Minor cult seeking the return of their 06 Noul-Utl, escaped his bonds and seeking food or an escape
deity, The Paragon, a being of perfection. Contact has been
established and a plan is in place to transfer the spirit of the MONSTER & NPC STATISTICS
entity into a host known as the vessel through the ritual. Statistics
Mercenary | LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 10 | SKL 0 | TSR L
The Entity (Xorgnix): Evil being with malicious intent; Shortsword (d6), Spear (d6), Leather Armour (+2), 5d20sp
seeks escape from the void. Plays the role of a god, until free.
Fervent Guard | LVL 2 | HLT 8 | DEF 14 | SKL d4 | TSR L
The Ritual: The vessel stands within the circle holding the Longsword (d8), Chainmail (+3), Shield (+2), Paragon Ring, Mask
summoning stone as the rift opens allowing the spirit to take
control of the host. This will be the second attempt. Xorgnix Paragon Cultist | LVL 3 | HLT 10 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | TSR LT
Poison Dagger (d4, 1 use), Robes, Paragon Ring, Ranked Mask
will use the rift and stone as a beacon to arrive in its current
(and unexpected) form. Earth Worm | LVL 3 | HLT 10 | DEF 10/DR1 | SKL d4 | TSR -
Large burrowing worm, Bite (d6)
Noul-Utl: A being of chaos from beyond, arrived with the
first summoning. It knows the entity is dangerous and seeks Noul-Utl (Chaos) | LVL 4 | HLT 20 | DEF 13/DR2 | SKL d8 | TSR -
its own freedom. Feeds on life’s energies and is dangerous. Humanoid chaotic horror, 2x Claws (d8), Fast, Leap, Tough

Villagers: Unwittingly stumbled on the plot. Xorgnix (Chaos) | LVL 6 | HLT 40 | DEF 14/DR3 | SKL d10 | TSR -
Tentacled chaotic horror, 4x Tentacles (d6, short), Grab/Crush
HEROES of ADVENTURE Character Sheet




Agility* 1.
Command 2.
Fortitude 3.
Senses 4.
Strength 5.
Will 6.
SKILLS Skill Die 8.
Alchemy & Medicine 9.
Animal Handling 10.
Athletics* 11.
Languages 1. Left
Lore 2. Worn
Magic* 3. Right
Melee Combat 4. Ready
Open Locks 5. Ready
Ranged Combat 6. Ready
Religion 7. Pack
Sleight of Hand* 8. Pack
Traps 9. Pack
Wilderness Survival 10. Pack
11. Pack
12. Pack






Heroes of Adventure is a fantasy medieval adventure game inspired by classic
role-playing games of yesteryear.
The Heroes of Adventure Rules Compendium is a single volume publication
incorporating the Players Handbook, Referee’s Guide and Monster’s
Compendium and contains all the rules and information you need to play the



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