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Pre-Student Teaching Observation Report

Eastern Connecticut State University

Teacher Candidate: Cynthgia Flores Evaluator:_Sandye Simon________Date:_11/21/23________
CCT Domain 2: Classroom Strengths: 100 percent of the students were on task and engaged in the lesson.
Environment, Student One student, with emotional regulation issues was sitting in the quiet reading area
Engagement, and Commitment
listening to the lesson. He reengaged and sat at his table when it was time to do
to Learning
his revising.

2.1 Fosters a responsive and Student behavior was excellent.

respectful classroom
climate Students were all working independently while the small groups were being held.
2.2 Promotes student
2.4 Fosters appropriate Areas for improvement: Complement the students who are working quietly at their
seat during the small group time. This lets them know that even if you are working
with a small group you are paying attention to the students at their seats.

CCT Domain 3: Planning for Strengths: The lesson plan was organized and relevant for the lesson that was
Active Learning taught. Differentiation was noted as the students are all working on revising their
own written narrative.
3.1 Demonstrates content
knowledge and content
instruction at appropriate Student written work was assessed by each individual student using a rubric.
level; differentiated
3.4 Employs appropriate Students were assessing each others work and giving them advice on how to
assessment strategies improve their work.

Areas for improvement: None at this time.

CCT Domain 4: Instruction for Strengths; Students were very excited to explain how to use quotation marks and
Active Learning other punctuation.
4.1 Uses evidence-based
instructional strategies Cynthia read the ending of the story and asked the students for the meaning of
4.3 Leads students to construct what she read.
meaning through active
learning strategies Students were given the direction to revise their ending to their narrative writing.
4.5 Differentiates instruction/
supplemental intervention Student names were called to tell them what groups they were going to be in.
4.6 Monitors and adjusts
4.7 Provides meaningful
Cynthia walked around and checked in on the students as they were working.

Feedback was specific and detailed.

Students were working while groups were called to the rug to share their ending.
Students were directed to read their ending to each other from their first draft.

Suggestions for changes and additions were given.

One student suggested she tell what candy she ate.

Students giving feedback to each other is a great way to vary student teacher

Cynthia worked with the second group.

Students were called to the carpet for closure.

Students transitioned quickly .

Students were asked to evaluate how the group went.

Individual students were asked how their ending was coming along.

Students were asked to share their ending.

Student feedback was given after the students read their ending.

Areas for improvement: None at this time.

CCT Domain 5: Assessment for Strengths: Assessment was noted in the lesson. Students were asked to identify
Learning the different punctuation they were using in their written work.
5.1 & 5.2 Uses formative and
summative assessment Students were asked to explain the meaning of the story they were reading.

Students were given a rubric to self score their writing.

Areas for improvement:

CCT Domain 6: Professional Strengths: Cynthia is very reflective. She takes all suggestions by both her host
Responsibilities and Teacher teacher and supervisor and uses them to improve instruction.

6.1 & 6.2 Engages in reflection Collaboration is done to examine student learning data and improve student
6.3 & 6.4 Collaborates with understanding of the skills being taught. A growth model is noted in this
colleagues to examine student classroom.
learning data
6.7 Demonstrates an The legal rights of all students is followed at all times.
understanding of legal rights in
the referral process One student with emotional issues is given space when needed. He was following
6.8 & 5.7 Demonstrates an
the lesson even if he was not sitting in the group.
understanding self as it affects
professional interactions
6.11 Follows the Code of It is clear from the excitement the students had for learning that Cynthia
Professional Responsibility for stimulates student inquiry.
Students were sharing the knowledge and understanding of how to revise their
own written work.

Areas for improvement: None at this time.

Recommendations and Goals for Next Visit:

_____________________ __Signature of Cooperating Teacher: _____________________________

Signature of Evaluator:
Signature of Teacher Candidate: __________________ ECSU 2012

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