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Nickname: _________________ Date: 8 September, 2022

Student Number _____________ Day: Thursday Time:13:30 -16:30

EG214 – Presentation Skills

Unit 2 - (part II)

Andy’ great vacation idea

1.A. (p.24)

Look at the pictures of Andy’s vacation.

Describe the places in the pictures, and write down what you think visitors can do there.

Description picture 1 Description picture 2 Description picture 3

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
In this place, visitors can… In this place, visitors can… In this place, visitors can…
 ______________________  ______________________  ______________________
 ______________________  ______________________  ______________________
 ______________________  ______________________  ______________________
1.B. (p.24)

Read Andy's brainstorming notes for the body section of his presentation about a
great vacation idea.

Now listen to Andy’s full presentation.

Andy: Hello everyone. Are you tired of expensive vacations on crowded beaches? Do you
prefer simple, active, educational vacations with healthy food? Do you want to experience
local culture firsthand? If the answers are yes, then I have the perfect vacation for
you. Today, I'm going to tell you about an Australian volunteer farm stay. I'll give you some
information about Queensland, and then I'll describe the farm-stay activities. I'll also
recommend some things to do and places to stay in Queensland. Finally, I’ mention where
you can get more information.

OK, first let's take a look at the state of Queensland. You can see it’s situated in the
northeast of the country above New South Wales. Its two main cities are Brisbane, the state
capital, and Cairns, in the north. Queensland is known for its areas of great natural beauty
which include wildlife sanctuaries, rain forests, and tropical beaches. Cairns is the gateway
to the Great Barrier Reef.

Now let's consider what you'll do as a farm-stay volunteer. First of all, you work around five
or six hours a day with one or two days off a week. You'll have the opportunity to learn all
about organic farming. You'll help the host farmers grow vegetables, pick fruit, feed
animals, make cheese, and bake bread. You'll eat healthy home-cooked dishes, and you'll be
able to practice your English with the host farmers and other volunteers. Your
accommodation will be a simple but clean dormitory room. On your days off, you can
explore the local area: take a hike to a waterfall, cycle around the vineyard, or swim in a
lake. I'd recommend making time to explore Queensland at the end of your farm stay. Here
are my top three suggestions: Snorkel or dive on the Great Barrier Reef; take a guided
nature walk through Daintree Rainforest; and visit the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. As for
budget accommodation as you travel around Queensland, no problem. You can easily stay at
youth hostels.

If you want to find out more about Australian volunteer farm stays and travel costs, just do a
web search for “Australian farm stays” to get some useful websites. I'd also suggest
checking out a few local Queensland websites to see what events and activities are on and

To conclude, I hope the information I provided you today about volunteer farm-stay
activities and accommodations, as well as some Queensland travel highlights, gives you a
new idea for vacation with a difference. For all of you who want an active, educational
vacation, it'll be an experience of a lifetime. I'd like to leave you with this interesting
thought by the travel writer Bill Bryson: “The greatest reward of travel is to be able to
experience things as if for the first time.” Thank you.

2. Andy’s presentation outline

2.A. (p.25)

If you go back to Andy’s brainstorming notes in exercise 1B,

you’ll notice that he did not include a few topics. Which ones?

 ________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________

Look at Andy's additional notes.

Andy's additional notes

- above New South Wales - visit Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
- sleep in a dormitory room - check out Queensland websites for local events
- bake bread - hike to a waterfall
- learn about organic farming - wildlife sanctuaries

2.B. (p.25)
Now complete the body section of Andy’s presentation.

An Australian Farm Stay presentation outline


1. Queensland: location and highlights

- northeast of the country; above New South Wales

- main cities: Brisbane and Cairns
- known for natural beauty: _____________________ , rainforests, tropical beaches
- Cairns: gateway to Great Barrier Reef

2. Farm-stay activities and accommodations

- work 5-6 hours day: 1-2 days off a week
- ______________________________________________________________
- grow vegetables, pick fruit, feed animals, make cheese;____________ ; practice

3. Local Queensland activities and accommodations

- _______________________________________________________________
- cycle around vineyard
- swim in lake
- nature walk in Daintree Rainforest
- _______________________________________________________________
- stay in youth hostels

4. More information
- web search for “Australian farm stays“


2.C. (p.25)
1. Does this kind of vacation interest you? Why or why not?
2. Does any other type of volunteer work interest you? ____________________________
3. If you were going to do a farm-stay or volunteer work vacation, where would you like to
do it? _________________________________________________________________ .

1. Opener: questions to the audience (p.26)

1.A. An effective way to begin a presentation about a type of vacation is to ask the
audience a few yes/ no questions about their travel preferences. (Tr.12)
Do you remember which questions Andy asked? Write them on the lines.

1. Are you tired of expensive vacations and crowded beaches?

2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________

1.B. Now complete Andy’s questions below

Are you tired of expensive vacations on crowded beaches? Do you prefer

_________ __________________________ vacations with healthy food? Do you
want to experience ________________ firsthand?

2. Topic statement and preview

2. A. (p.26) (Tr.13)

What answer does Andy expect the audience to give to his questions? Yes
Complete his topic statement and preview.

lf the answers ________________ , then I have the perfect vacation for you. Today, I'm
going to_________________ about an Australian volunteer farm stay. ________
________some information about Queensland, and then _________________ the farm-
stay activities. I'll also ______________ some things to do and places to stay in
Queensland. Finally, ___________________ where you can get more information.

Write down two questions that you could use in your future speech.

- _____________________________________________________________________?

- _____________________________________________________________________?

3. Concluding signal and review

Your presentation's closing sentence should give your audience a memorable final

3.A. (p.27)
Read Andy's conclusion outline. Do you remember what phrase he uses to signal his
conclusion? Watch or listen and check (V)the signal phrase you hear.

___In conclusion __V_To conclude ___ In closing ___ To sum up ___All in all

3.B. (p.27)
Watch or listen again and write the missing words in Andy’s review. (Tr.14)

I hope the ________________ l've provided you today about volunteer farm-stay
____________________________, as well as some Queensland ____________
__________________ gives you a new idea for a vacation __________________.
For all of you who want an ___________________vacation, it will be an
experience of a lifetime.

4. Closer: a quotation or saying

A good way to end a presentation that recommends a vacation is to offer the

audience an interesting thought or quote about the benefits of travel.

4.A. (p.27) (Tr.14)

Do you remember the quotation about travel that Andy uses at the end of his

Check (✔) the correct quotation below. Then watch or listen and check your guess.

1. ___Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and

permanent, in the ideas of living. (Miriam Beard)

2. ___Experience, travel - these are an education in themselves. (Euripides)

3. ___The greatest reward of travel is to be able to experience (everyday) things as if for

the first time. (Bill Bryson)

4. ___One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. (Henry Miller)

4.B. (p.27) (Tr.14)

How does Andy introduce the quotation? Watch or listen again and check(✔) the
correct phrase.

1. ___ I'm going to finish with a famous saying

2. ___Let me end with my favorite travel quote
3. ___I’d like to leave you with this interesting thought by
4. ___Here's a travel proverb to end my presentation

Here are some ways of finishing your presentation.

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