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JAMBATAN BARU SG Engineer Asyiqin

Project : Page
GUAI, DAERAH BERA Date Nov 2021 Subject: HA Loading Analysis Checker Ir. Muhamad 1

Location: Ex1 - Single carriageway


Load Model 1 (LM1) - concentrated & uniformly distributed loading

The calculations are in accordance with BS EN 1991-2:2003 and the
NA to BS EN 1991-2:2003 entitled Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges. Load model 1 represents normal
loading (normal traffic) and comprises of two components: a UDL
over the full width of the traffic lane and a pair of axles (this
is also referred to as a Tandem System TS). In each lane (up to
a maximum of three lanes) a pair of axles should be positioned
centrally in the lane at a position along the lane that causes
maximum adverse effect (Clause 4.3.1 & 4.3.2). Load Model 3 (LM3)
represents abnormal vehicles, also needs to be considered where

Descriptions of loads used:

UDL system From Table 4.2 of BS EN 1991-2:2003

Tandem system TS From Table 4.2 of BS EN 1991-2:2003

Design loads The "UDL system" and "Tandem system" values in

the tables at the end of include the relevant
adjustment factors αqi and αQi as
given in the NA of BS EN 1991-2:2003 Table NA.1.
To convert these values to Design Loads" the
appropriate partial factors on actions γG, γQ
and ψo factors for accompanying actions from
BS EN 1990:2002 need to be applied.

The following represents the number of carriageways on superstructure.

Number of carriageways noc=1
Width of carriageway cw(1)=11.5 m
Number of notional lanes nl(1)=INT(cw(i)/3)=INT(11.5/3)
Width of a notional lane wl(1)=3 m
Remaining carriageway width rcw(1)=cw(i)-3*nl(i)=11.5-3*3
=2.5 m
Total number of lanes under consideration on superstructure tnl=3
It is assumed that each lane has the same loaded length.
Loaded length for UDL ll=25.5 m

UDL system (Table 4.2):

The uniformly distributed loading below relates to Lane 1, for other
lanes (if any) refer to table at the end of the calculation.
Adjustment factor Table NA.1 aq1=0.61 for LM1
Lane 1 UDL q1k'=9 kN/m²
Hence UDL system q1k=aq1*9=0.61*9=5.49 kN/m²

Tandem system (Table 4.2):

The axle load below is for lane number 1 as per BS EN 1991-2:2003.
Adjustment factor Table NA.1 aQ1=1.0 for LM1
Lane 1 axle load Q1k'=300 kN/m²
JAMBATAN BARU SG Engineer Asyiqin
Project : Page
GUAI, DAERAH BERA Date Nov 2021 Subject: HA Loading Analysis Checker Ir. Muhamad 2

Tandem system TS Lane 1 Q1k=aQ1*Q1k'=1*300=300 kN

Superstructure carries one carriageway whose width is ≥ 5.4m.

Width of a notional lane wl(1)=3 m
Remaining carriageway width rcw=2.5 m

Loading for carriageway - characteristic values

The values below for the "UDL system" and "Tandem system" have
already been multiplied by the relevant adjustment factor.

│ │ Adjustment │ UDL │Adjustment│ Tandem │
│ │ factor │ system │ factor │system TS │
│ │ αq1 │ (kN/m²) │ αQ1 │Axle loads│
│First Lane │ 0.61 │ 5.49 │ 1 │ 300 kN │
│Second Lane │ 2.2 │ 5.5 │ 1 │ 200 kN │
│Third Lane │ 2.2 │ 5.5 │ 1 │ 100 kN │
│Remaining │ 2.2 │ 5.5 │ - │ 0 │
│area │ │ │ │ │
Lane Loadings

NOTE: It is probably much easier to apply a Knife Edge Load (KEL) for
each axle (i.e. distribute the weight of one axle along a line across
the lane) than two isolated wheel loads, and this is considered to be
adequate for global analysis. For carriageway Lane 1, the four wheels
of the tandems together weigh 600 kN (i.e. 150 kN per wheel).

KEL KEL Carriageway 1:

├─ 1.2 ─┤ KEL=Q1k/wl(1)=100 kN
_________________ _______ ________________ UDL=5.49 kN/m
_▲_ _▲_ Axles spaced at
/// ooo 1.2 m apart
Lane 1: Loads per metre width of deck
JAMBATAN BARU SG Engineer Asyiqin
Project : Page
GUAI, DAERAH BERA Date Nov 2021 Subject: HA Loading Analysis Checker Ir. Muhamad 3

Loading based on BS EN 1991-2:2003

Maximum Moment = wl2/4 + PL/4

= (5.49 x 25.52)/4 + (200 x 25.5)/4
= 2167.4 kNm

Maximum Shear Force= Mmax/(L/2)

= 2167.4/(25.5/2)
= 170 kN

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