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Boundless Entity

Most humans seek to evolve.

Humanity has always been on a journey to improve oneself. May it be for the benefit of the
whole or just individual thrive. There are instances when we have been on a path that we thought
which would lead us to greater heights. From the moment that we realized that potential is only a
fragment of our imagination and the only way be from the world beyond the physical is to work
hard to be able to achieve it, we have always been taking steps froward. Evolving to survive and
trying to find what piece fits perfectly on the edges of each of the missing puzzles of ourselves.
Philosophers. Mathematician. Those of whom shone light to humanity on the ways that they
have figured out how to solve the riddle of life and how we can get in between and pass through
it with ease have aided in the improvement of us mortals. We are sailing across the vast seas of
unsolved mysteries and we are continuously finding ways to be able to live life to the fullest.
Using the vessels of our souls as prototypes so that in time, when we are ready enough to evolve
to something far greater and transcendental, we might be able to shift smoothly. And yes, that
might be the death that everyone is afraid of, maybe death has always been the way to break the
chains that binds us to our limitations. Or maybe, the things that were written and ought to be far
greater than the physical world─ heaven. Who knows? We’re only in the smallest fragment of
the potentials that were written in the books that we found and unearthed. “I think; therefore, I
am” as Rene Descartes wrote. We know that what he meant that he cannot doubt the existence of
himself because he is the one doubting it… so therefore, he is existing. And since the essay have
stated that humans can evolve into greater, greater wholes then we can also say that how humans
interpret Descartes statement could also evolve. And now, if what he said so would be
interpreted as if I think that I can be boundless, I will be, we can assume that there are endless
reveries that can be made possible. We can be anything if we just think so, but come to think of
it, if we are boundless, wouldn’t it just bring conflicts in the future, we can be anything, good or
evil and as one of the attributed sentences in the essay “You are a combination of Yin and Yang,
but they are enemies on the surface only.” The ways of trying to evolve through the ways by
intellectual individuals have always varied and sometimes conflicts. As some of these mystiques
say, we are boundless; and so, will be the options that we can present. Evolve through the route
which you think would suit and benefit you best. But in my own humble opinion, as most
humans seeks to evolve, more conflicts also dawn the world. I think that’s the only limitation
that we have, as we grow bigger so as the hindrances will be. The bigger the WHOLE the more
parasites that could fit.

I am human.
As a part of human kind, I am also a part of the evolution that’s taking place. There are
occasional happenstances that are already maneuvering in my life towards trying to achieve that
“Greater Whole”. My mind starts to wonder and wander through dominions that only I can see.
Even I cannot explain the scenery and feats in words vividly. There are those who expresses
them mathematically, theoretically, philosophically and many other ways that my present self
can’t. How wonderful would it be to be something that contributes to the explanation of the
complex evolution that is happening around me. Knowing that everything across the universe has
been interconnected and has been built using the same building blocks─ atom; there something
that relates me to the bigger whole. I want to be reconfigured to be something bigger and the
only way to do so is to evolve just like everyone else. It may not be now, but someday, if we find
keys to perfectly reconfigure how we are programmed to function of life create the life we think
best fits us. I do not know if that would be an abomination to the creator as the religious people
believe but I think that is one of the ways we can evolve. That’s one thing I can make sure of,
humans like me will seek to evolve through different kinds of ways.

Therefore, I can probably evolve.

I am only human and seek to evolve, maybe that’s one of our natures, mortal immortals, Yin-
yang, atomic but bigger, incomplete but complete. A product of experience and inexperience,
evolving to be able to understand the broken whole and mend it. Waiting for the evolution on
earth to stop in order to start the evolution in the unknown. Living life seeking to evolve for me
is to live a life that would influence the physical world even when you’re coffined. I am human.
Bound to die, but never to disappear. An entity that evolves even through death.

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