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MINGGU 11 (19/6/2023-23/6/2023)

ISNIN (19/6/2023)

Subject: English Class: 6L Date: 19 June 2023 Time:0930-1030

Topic: Adventure Time Theme: World of Stories
Focus: Listening CCE: Language, Value
Teaching Aids: textbook, workbook, audio 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity:
Communication, collaboration
Content Standards
Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Comp: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Learning Standards
Main: 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported questions
Comp: 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
Main: listen to and practise the dialogue
Comp: prepare questions and give their own answers
❖ Warm up: Camping experiences. Brainstorm camping experiences. Ask pupils
what they have done.
❖ Pupils check their understanding of key words.
❖ Pupils listen to and practise the dialogue. (Activity 1)

❖ Focus on the questions in the dialogue and ask pupils to underline them. Have
ask each other the questions. They give their own answers. Do not insist on full
answers at this stage. (HOTS)
❖ Pupils prepare questions and then give their own answers. Have pupils prepare
and answer one or two extra questions. (Activity 2)(CBA)
❖ Pupils ask each other the questions, including the extra one(s) they have
prepared. (Activity 3)(21st CA)
Post Lesson
❖ Pupils have further practice in forming and understanding questions. You
could play between two large teams in your class, sitting face-to-face,
depending on the size and layout of your class.
SELASA (20/6/2023)

日期: 2023 年 6 月 20 日 时间:0800-0830

科目:体育 班级:6L
3.5 进行涉及身体的构造的活动
3.6 测试身体身体敏捷的指数
4.5 能够明白身体的构造与敏捷之间的关系
5.2 进行活动时,能够表现出自信与责任感
3.5.1 测量身体的高度与重量
3.6.1 能 够 依 据 《 国 民 体 能 测 试 准 则(SEGAK)》,进行体能测试
4.5.1 能够以标准的身体质量指数(体质指数)与自身的身体质量指数作比较
4.5.2 能够说明减少运动不足症的方法
5.2.2 勤练习,熟练技能以达成目标
学习目标:学生能够根据指示,进行国 民 体 能 测试。
教具:视频 跨课程元素:创造与革新
道德价值:安全,合作 评估方式:观察 思维图:/
❖ 学生进行热身运动。

❖ 学生根据教师指示进行测试。

❖ 教师总结,学生进行松弛活动。

日期: 2023 年 6 月 20 日 时间:0830-0900

科目:体育 班级:6L
3.6 能够测量身体敏捷的指数
4.6 能够确认身体敏捷的指数
5.2 进行活动时,能够表现出自信与责任感
3.6.1 能够依据《国民体能测试准则(SEGAK)》,进行体能测试
3.6.2 记录体能测试的成绩
3.6.3 进行体能以改进并提升能测试的成绩
4.6.1 能够以《国民体能测试准则》中的分数来比较自己的得分记录
4.6.2 能够适当的处理提升体能和身体质量的方法
5.2.1 能够记录体能测验的资料
教具:视频,课本 跨课程元素:创造与革新
道德价值:尊重 评估方式:观察 思维图:-
1. 教师与学生一起进行热身运动。
2. 学生分组进行活动。
3. 教师与学生进行松弛活动。

Class: 5L
Subject : English Time: 1030-1130 Duration: 60 mins

Theme : World Of Focus skill:

CCE: Language Date: 20/6/2023
Knowledge Listening
Language/Grammar Focus: Ordinal
Topic : Wild Life
21st Century Learning: Games, thinking
Teaching aids: Worksheet, audio.
skills: applying
Differentiation strategy: Time, support. Assessment: observation
1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety 2.2 -Use appropriate communication
of familiar contexts strategies
1.2.2. Understand with support
specific information and details of 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short
langer simple texts on a range of exchanges by using suitable questions
familiar topics
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and understand details from
longer simple text.
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to keep interaction going in short
Activities Pre-lesson:
In pairs, pupils name as many animals as they can in their exercise books
within 30 seconds. The, teacher brings pupils’ ideas together on the board and
name the pair that has recalled the most. Teacher writes ‘wild life’ on the
board and asks pupils to identify the animals that might fall under the ‘wild
life’ category.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 32 Activity 1. Teacher explains that pupil will
listen to audio 1-28 or the video and decide which animal is correct for each
conversation (M). Audio will be paused for each conversation to check
answers (L). Pupils do the activity.
2. Pupils read through Activity 2 and listen to audio 1-28 to complete the
3. Pupils read through sentences in Activity 3. Teacher explains sentence
stress to pupils via example 1 by listening to audio 1-29. The audio is played
for pupils to listen and underline other words that are stressed. Teacher replays
the audio.
Post-lesson: Pupils read through the animal names in the box in Activity 4.
Pupils can check the animal names in the dictionary if they do not know. In
groups of 4, pupils play the ‘Creature close-ups’ game. Teacher says the
animal’s name and in groups, pupils decide which picture matches the animal
mentioned by the teacher.
Reflection Weakness:

RABU (21/6/2023)

Subject: English Class: 6L Date: 21June 2023 Time: 1030-1130

Topic: Adventure Time Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends

Focus: Reading CCE: Language

Teaching Aids: textbook, workbook, audio 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity:
Communication, collaboration
Content Standards
Main: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
Comp: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using
appropriate reading strategies
Learning Standards
Main: 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others
Comp: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple longer texts
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
Main: Complete a gap-fill activity to check their understanding
Comp: write at least one more true sentence and at least one more false sentence about Emma
in their notebooks.
❖ Cooler: Physical spelling to review the vocabulary from the previous lesson.
❖ Re-introduce Emma, the character from the blog in the Pupil’s Book pp.34–
35. Ask pupils What exciting things has she done? Elicit some ideas. Where
pupils don’t use the present perfect, reformulate their answers to the present
❖ Using the worksheet, pupils read the sentences in the present perfect about
Emma. In pairs, they decide if they are true or false. Note that the sentences
should include examples of ‘has never’ as well as positive sentences.
❖ Refer pupils to the pictures in Activity 1. Pupils analyse the new language.

❖ Pupils complete a gap-fill activity to check their understanding.

❖ Pupils focus on irregular verb forms again in working with words activity.

❖ Ask pupils, individually, to write at least one more true sentence and at least
one more false sentence about Emma in their notebooks.
❖ Pupils exchange their sentences with a partner to read and decide if they are
true or false.
❖ Pupils correct all false sentences.

Post Lesson
❖ Play a game of ‘Slap’ using the verb cards. Small groups spread out a set of

❖ cards. Say a sentence about Emma, about you or about pupils using the
present perfect. Pupils listen and slap the main verb they hear. Extend to
pupils giving sentences in their groups if you have time

Subject: English Class: 5L Date: 23 June 2023 Time:1130-1200

Topic: And Something Weird Happened Theme: World of Stories
Focus: Reading CCE: Language, Creativity and Innovation
Teaching Aids: 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity:
PPT, textbook, workbook, exercise book Providing reasons
Content Standards
Main: 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts
Comp: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using
appropriate reading strategies
Learning Standards
Main: 5.2.1 Explain in simple language why they like or dislike an event, description or character
in a text
Comp: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more
Learning Objectives
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

● Give rational reasoning based on the situation.

Comp: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

● Select at least 5 answer correctly.

Pre-lesson 1. Pupils brainstorm about 1 thing they like and dislike.
Lesson 1. Pupils read the text and guess the main idea.
Development 2. Pupils share their thought.
3. Teacher adds more information.
4. Teacher gives the interpretation.
Post Lesson 1. Pupils answer the questions.
2. Pupils exchange their exercise book and discuss the answer.
3. Pupils submit their exercise book.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson.

KHAMIS (22/6/2023)


Dragon Boat Festival (端午节)

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