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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Angela Louise D. Del Mundo

DJ Ulrich T. Barroga

Paul Aaron D. Delos Santos

Lyka Joy C. Bero

Tana Lea D. Jalbuna

A Capstone Project

Presented to the Senior High School

Faculty of Cabanatuan City

Senior High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

June 2021
Approval Sheet
The research study entitled, RENEWABLE ENERGY DISPENSER: SOLAR




partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject CAPSTONE has been examined

and recommended for approval and acceptance.


Examining Committee Examining Committee

Date Signed Date Signed

Subject Teacher, Capstone

Date Signed


OIC, School Head

Date Signed


Above all else, acclaims and utmost gratitude to the Almighty God for He poured

favours all throughout the researchers study, to finish it effectively and for being with

them along the way.

They wish to thank all the people whose assistance and company was a milestone

in the completion of the study.

Extreme gratefulness of the researchers will also flow to their families, relatives,

and friends who supported them financially, morally, and emotionally.

At the outset, the researchers would like to expound their deepest appreciation

and sincerest gratefulness to their capstone teacher, Ms. Jessmia A. Cacatian, for her

support as our secondary parent, supervision, encouragement, care, and for sharing her

expertise wisely;

We would also like to pay special acknowledgement to the persons below who

helped us in certain aspects as we finish this project. To their somehow second research

adviser, Mr. Menard F. Miguel, they would like to extend their gratitude for his priceless

counsel, motivation while the researchers are working at the project his suggestions and

perseverance to answer all the researchers’ queries during the entire process of the

research study up to the finalization of the manuscript;

Engr. Felixberto L. Domingo, for his help, guidance and sharing his intellect

regards the researchers’ proposed project;

Ms. Lady Anne Bayan PhD, OIC, the Principal for her unending support and care

to all of the students including the creation of a convenient timetable for completing the

research study;

To all the respondents, the researchers are pouring them their overflowing

gratitude for giving them their kind participation and consideration, and shared their

thoughts which contributed a lot for the study.

The researchers will not make it without the help of them all.






Table of Contents

Contents Page








Introduction 1
Review of Related Literature and Studies 3
Statement of the Problem 9
Hypotheses 10
Significance of the Study 10
Scope and Delimitation 11
Theoretical Framework 12
Conceptual Framework 13
Definition of Terms 14

Research Design 17
Materials 17
General Procedure 20
Sampling Procedures and Samples 22
Data Gathering Technique 23
Ethical Consideration 23
Statistical Treatment 24


Describing the Respondents 26
Viability Test 26
Correlation between the Commercial Alcohol Dispenser and the Renewable 27
Energy Dispenser

Distinction of the Renewable Energy Automatic Dispenser 28


Summary of Findings 31
Conclusions 31
Recommendations 32




List of Tables

Table No. Content Page

1 Materials Needed in the Study 17

2 Gender of Respondents 26

3 ANOVA Test 27

List of Figures

Figure No. Content Page

1 Theoretical Framework of the Research 12

2 Conceptual Framework of the Research 13

3 General Procedure of the Research 20

4 Viability Test 26

5 Physical Characteristics Distinction 28

6 Feasibility Distinction 29

7 Durability Distinction 30


Solar panel is well known for reducing consumption of electricity with the use of
solar energy. Disinfectant are widely-used nowadays to prevent of the spreading of the
virus. According to (Doramelen et al. 2020) the virus itself can survive up to three days
on inanimate surfaces area. The researchers came up with an idea of utilizing the solar
panel to power up the alcohol dispenser.

The study entitled, "Renewable Energy Dispenser: Solar Powered Automatic

Dispenser" is conducted to find out the probability of utilizing the solar panel to reduce
the comsumption of electricity as well as the spreading of the virus. There are three
treatments for this study: physical characteristics, feasibility, and lastly, durability. The
data is obtain with the use of survey questionnair that consists of 12 questions. There are
30 respondents are randomly selected to answers the following questions.

Based from the data gathered, most people agree that using solar panel as the
main source of energy can reduce consumption of electricity and the renewable energy
dispenser can stop spreading the virus.

Keywords: Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Virus, Automatic Dispenser

Renewable Energy Dispenser: Solar Powered Automatic Alcohol Dispenser

At this current time of experiencing a pandemic, it is said that COVID-19 viral

particles have been shown to survive for up to three days on inanimate surfaces in some

experiments (Doremalen et al. 2020). As for safety, everyone needed to maintain social

distancing, wear facemask and of course, disinfect materials to be touched to reduce the

probability of transmission. Disinfecting nowadays is essential and it may be in the forms

of some solutions such as non-foaming soaps which is according to Gibbens (2020), is

very effective against corona virus. Usually, disinfecting is performed through manual

application. However, manually cleaning is often inadequate, application can be

challenging, and time consuming particulary when the surfaces need to disinfected are

large open areas.

Nevertheless, the problem was solved with one potential strategy to improve the

cleaning and disinfection. A study of Cadnum et al. (2020) tested and proven the

effectiveness of novel spray disinfectant technology. It certainly uses electricity as a

source of power to operate. But, with a lot of areas to be disinfected, a large amount of

unregenerated energy is put into to use. That being taken, the researchers intended the

idea to utilize a renewable energy source to reduce the use of electricity and instead

utilized energy that comes from the sun with the use of solar panel. The researchers were

inspired with the invention of a German company who won in 2020 because of their

invention of Solar Powered disinfectant using ultraviolet light.

According to SEPCO (2021), the use of renewable energy especially solar power,

causes no greenhouse gases and significantly, it reduces the pollution and dependence on

fossil fuels. Moreover, it is safer and can reduce electricity bills. Without being said, the

application of solar panel as a source of energy for automatic disinfectant dispenser is a

wise innovation and investment mostly in this time of pandemic wherein the fact that it is

also hard to earn and to find ways to pay bills. Also, it can be a good use for a community

because it is low maintenance. All it needs is sunlight and the machine will operate.

The study will be very significant not only at this time but also for future use.

Even though the pandemic stopped, it can be utilized by community and establishments

as their daily practice for staying clean and this will not burden their payment when it

comes to electricity.

The proposed project will include the utilization of a solar panel as replacement

energy source for the existing electric automatic disinfectant dispenser machines that are

usually found in some establishments. In accordance with the invention of a German

company, the researchers came with an idea of utilizing the renewable energy in other

types of disinfectant systems. As inspiration, the researchers searched for ways to

construct, design the said machine, and gather materials needed that is not costly. They

ended up for a combination of two projects that can be done easily. The first project is

working on the sensor and pumping system for the disinfectant then second project is all

about the utilization of mini solar panels and its way of storing energy with the use of a


The materials given from the two projects were found to be inexpensive and can

be done by the researchers. The process will involve procedures that include knowledge

with electricity such as connecting the solar panels to the battery to store energy then

further connect it with the pump system with sensor. There is a related project from it in

the past; however, it is dissimilar in terms of the materials and process to be done in order

for the machine to operate.

Although the industry has an existing automatic dispenser, the researchers will

attempt to create an automatic dispenser that is powered by renewable energy with the

utilization of solar panels for the improvement of reducing pollution and wide use of

people and community.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This part presents various studies and literature related to this study after the

thorough and in-depth examination done by the researchers.

Renewable Energy

According to Amador, (2017), the present rapid migration of the Filipinos to rural

areas increased in the previous years resulting in demand consumption of electricity.

Energy is a requirement in everyday life as a way of improving human development

leading to economic growth and productivity. The return-to-renewables that helps

mitigate climate change is an excellent way but needs to be sustainable in order to ensure

a sustainable future and bequeath future generations to meet their energy needs.

Knowledge regarding the interrelations between sustainable development and renewable

energy in particular is still limited (Owusu and Sarkodie, 2016).

Renewable energy sources are the most outstanding alternative and the only

solution to the growing challenges (Tiwari & Mishra, 2011). In 2012, renewable energy

sources supplied 22% of the total world energy generation (U.S. Energy Information

Administration, 2012) which was not possible a decade ago. Philippines is known for

having naturally renewable energy sources. Renewable Energy systems have been well-

known for having advantages to be used in wide range areas also, it has benefits such as

having clean and safe environment (Amador, 2017).

According to Natural Resources Canada (2017), renewable energy is energy

derived from natural processes. A wide range of energy-producing technologies and

equipment have been developed overtime to take advantage as of these natural resources.

As a result, usable energy can be produced in the form of electricity, industrial heat,

thermal energy for space and water conditioning, and transportation fuels.

Renewable energy is taken into account more seriously nowadays. There are

existing applications of renewable energy which employ hundreds of MW (high power)

and there are also those which use hundreds of W (low power) (Vasquez, 2014).

As stated in the study of Ahmad Murtaza Ershad (2017) renewable energy

resources could play a vital role in the sustainable economic, social, and environmental

development of Afghanistan. Heavy reliance of rural households on firewood, rising

costs of fossil fuels, outdoor and indoor air pollution, and climate change are some of the

challenges that can be addressed by diversifying our power production fuel inputs and

adopting renewable energy technologies. In order to deploy and scale up renewable

energy technologies and improve access to sustainable energy, clear policies and targets

and dedicated institutions are crucial.

―Renewable energy continues to grow as an increasingly present subset of energy

sources. Among these alternatives to traditional fossil fuels is solar energy‖ (Centeno,

2018, p. 1). According to a study conducted by the Nation Renewable Energy

Laboratory, the Philippines have an average solar energy potential of 4.5 kWh/m2 per

day throughout the country. Due to the location of the country, the amount of sunlight

that can be captured is a big factor to develop alternative energy solutions.

Electrical Energy

Electrical energy is a form of energy resulting from the flow of electric charge.

Energy is the ability to do work or apply force to move an object. In the case of electrical

energy, the force is electrical attraction or repulsion between charged particles. Electrical

energy may be either potential energy or kinetic energy, but it's usually encountered as

potential energy, which is energy stored due to the relative positions of charged particles

or electric fields. The movement of charged particles through a wire or other medium is

called current or electricity. There is also static electricity, which results from an

imbalance or separation of the positive and negative charges on an object. Static

electricity is a form of electrical potential energy. If sufficient charge builds up, the

electrical energy may be discharged to form a spark (or even lightning), which has

electrical kinetic energy (Helmenstine, 2019).

With increasing worldwide concerns on energy crisis and global warming, the

topics on both electrification and renewable energy generation have become very

attractive most recently. In our opinion, electrification means higher energy efficiency

and thereby effective energy saving, while renewable energy generation means

independence of fossil energy and thereby zero emission. Consequently, electrification

plus renewable energy generation points a promising way to environmental and

sustainable development of human beings. Nevertheless, we are still facing critical

challenges in many aspects, such as how to harvest and utilize renewable energy in a

high-efficient and low-costly way and how to process and convert electrical energy so as

to better fulfil the demands in practical applications (Hua Bai, 2015).

Rechargeable Batteries

According to Meiwes et. al (2013), in recent years, one of the primary foci of

electrical development has been batteries. The information-rich world of today is

becoming increasingly portable. Information collection and transmission necessitate a

portable information exchange platform for real-time reaction, given the growing

demands for rapid and effective delivery of global information. According to Liang et. al

(2019), Portable Electric Devices (PEDS) are known for promising and better future as

the technology advances.

Their performance is becoming increasingly dependent on the amount of energy

used. PEDs' principal energy source is rechargeable batteries, which are critical to

ensuring their intended performance stability. With the rapid advancement of battery

technology, multifunctional PEDs have emerged to suit the demands of our everyday

lives in a comfortable manner. Energy storage batteries are used to provide emergency

power when a primary power supply is interrupted. These batteries can guarantee a

continuous power supply and are used to store power produced by attached sources (Zhu

et al., 2011). Moreover, based on the findings of Ponrouch (2015), the expansion of

a rechargeable battery technology utilizing light electropositive metal anodes would

follow in a breakthrough in energy density

There are four types of Rechargeable battery and one of its type is the lead-acid

battery (Lab) which is widely-used around the world because of its low cost and stable

performance (Liang et. al, 2019). According to Zou et. al (2018), Since its invention in

1859, lead-acid batteries have evolved into the most widely used rechargeable battery

technology. Their cheap cost and great dependability make them suitable for largescale

applications such as power quality regulation and uninterrupted power delivery.

Fractional-order modeling, like Li-ion batteries, has found widespread use in lead-

acid batteries and has showed good modeling performance. Garcia et al. (2012) used a

fractional-order operator to offer a diffusive model to characterize the dynamic behaviors

of lead-acid batteries. Lin et al. (2013) established a fractional-order modelling

framework for diffuse processes, which was subsequently applied to predict the dynamics

of lead-acid batteries. They used the output-error methodology to obtain model

parameters from traditional input/output data of test cells. Sabatier et al. (2012) and

Cugnet et al. (2011) developed simple fractional-order models based on typical ECMs to

describe the crankability of lead-acid batteries. These models can capture battery

dynamics in the 8–30 Hz frequency range, which is where batteries are commonly used

for engine cranking.

Automatic Dispensers

Alcohol-based sanitizers are commonly used nowadays in order to prevent the

spreading of the virus. According to Stat Pearls Publishing (2018), Alcohol-based

sanitizers are extremely efficient in killing a wide range of germs fast and without the

need of water, plumbing, or drying facilities. WHO also said that alcohols have an

excellent efficiency activity with bacteria and viruses and reduces the risk infection.

Manual cleaning, on the other hand, is frequently insufficient, and application

may be difficult and time consuming, especially when the surfaces to be cleaned are vast

open areas. Nonetheless, the problem was remedied by using one possible cleaning and

disinfection technique. Cadnum et al. (2020) conducted a study to evaluate and validate

the efficacy of innovative spray disinfection technology. As it was conducted, the results

where in success and began to use by establishments. A study conducted by Swoboda et

al. (2015) discusses that through a three-phase study whether electronic monitoring of

hand hygiene and voice prompts could improve hand hygiene and decrease infection.

In addition, in accordance to the study of M. Srihari (2020) regarding the design

and creation of the Easy Non-Contact Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser or Automatic

Soap Dispenser Without Arduino or Microcontroller, which has the transistor to control

the whole setup, it has a battery as the power supply to power and controls the circuit.

The IR Sensor is that the photodiode used for sensing the human hand detection and it is

accustomed management the motor pump from the liquid.

The motor is connected to associate RC timer delay setup and also the pipe

connected to a reducer are used to control the flowing liquid of the sanitizer. It has three

modes of Control LED’s within the system, White LED is used for the user to understand

that the setup is in working mode and battery is in use. Red LED is used for the user to

understand that Battery is in charging mode. Green LED is used for the user to

understand that battery is in fully charged mode. It has an On/ Off switch to regulte the

full setup from the battery supply. The consumer is convenient to use the setup and the

user also saves costs and power.

As for the study conducted by Surywanshi (2021) the LDR or Light-dependent

resistors are cheap light sensors along with sensing element 1M potentiometer is

connected to 2 and 6 pair of IC 555 that senses the hand placed near it, the IC 555 is used

in the automatic alcohol dispenser. The LDR senses the distance and the result is the

pump running to pump out the hand sanitizer. It is specified that the student researchers

suggest that the aforementioned materials used as a microcontroller for calculating the

distance between the sensor and the hand placed below it.

Statement of the Problem

The objective of this project was to create an automatic disinfectant dispenser

powered by a solar panel as an alternative energy. Furthermore, this project aimed to

reduce the amount of electricity used for making the said machine operate. This project

seeked to answer the following questions.

1. Is it possible to create an automatic alcohol dispenser powered by the use of solar


2. Is there significant differences between the usual automatic disinfectant dispenser

and constructed solar powered automatic disinfectant dispenser in terms of:

a. Physical Characteristics

b. Feasibility

c. Durability


This study entitled ―Renewable Energy Dispenser: Solar Powered Automatic

Alcohol Dispenser‖ presents the following hypothesis in null format:

1. There is no significant difference between the usual automatic disinfectant

dispensers from the solar powered automatic disinfectant dispenser in terms of:

a. Physical Characteristics

b. Feasibility

c. Durability

Significance of the Study

Disinfection at this current situation in every art of the world is very essential to

reduce the risk of having the disease. The use of automatic disinfectant dispensers has

driven the growth of its market for different establishments since it is a part of the health

protocols as safety for customers and people who enter. Despite its increasing utilization,

it also increases the materials needed to create the device and the production of electricity

throughout a community or establishment if it is used by people daily. In this context, this

can result to problems such as adding up to the electric bill since it is powered and

consumed electrically. With the usual contributor of energy and materials needed to

create a such device, low-cost alternatives, such as using natural but durable materials for

the design of the device and an alternative renewable energy source is one of the

innovations that needed to go through a trend.

As the study tackled the use of solar panels as an alternative energy source for a

disinfectant dispenser and the utilization of environmental friendly materials for

designing the said device, the results will be beneficial for the following:

The Environment. This output was mostly beneficial to the environment for the

researchers’ aimed to promote an eco-friendly product that helps to reduce wastes from

the environment and persuade of switching to renewable energy sources. The results gave

a widely positive impact not only at this time of pandemic but also when it's gone.

The People. This study was beneficial for the people because the product itself

will reduce the spread of the virus and it promoted the importance of sanitation and

disinfection. Moreover, since it was affordable, people can create and purchase it at lower

price compare to the usual electric dispensers.

The Community. This output was beneficial for the community for it will not

only leave awareness regarding health and good practices, all the communities were able

to have and purchase the device since it is not that expensive.

The Future Researchers. This study served as a guide for future researchers to

make more innovative and eco-friendly product that was beneficial in all aspects.

Furthermore, it can be utilized as a reference on developing and exploring other

renewable energy sources and eco-friendly materials alternatives for the said device or

other electrically-related devices.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The project conducted by the researchers focused on constructing an automatic

disinfectant dispenser powered by a solar panel and will gather the data with the means of

testing and a survey from 30 people around the area of Cabanatuan City. The area

selected includes convenient availability of materials needed to construct the machine for

the researchers.

Some limitations of the project would be noted. First, the materials needed may

be costly. This can be mediated by discovering other tools or materials with the same

structure and characteristics that is within the budget of the researchers. Second, the

product may not last long in terms of energy since it is powered by a solar panel. This

challenge can be prevented by finding a battery that can store enough energy to function

for a day. The last challenge was gathering the data in terms of a survey in this current

situation. However, it was overcome by conducting the survey online and showing their

device working through a video clip.

Theoretical Framework

- Solar Panel ON PROCESS
- Electric - Visualization and OUTPUT
Disinfectant creation of design Solar Powered
Machine - Gathering of Automatic Alcohol
- Gather allotted materials needed for Dispenser
budget for the the study
product - Testing of the


The device is successfully or

unsuccessfully constructed

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework of the Research

The theoretical framework of this study is an Open Systems Theory which is

proposed by Ludwig Von Bertanlaffy. The theory focused on converting a raw material

into a new useful product, tools, apps or machine. It implies the idea that associations are

emphatically affected by their current circumstances.

The input of the study described the resources or materials needed and also the

planning of the budget to construct the product. Furthermore, this went through the

transformation process or throughput wherein the creation of the device is being done and

tests would be conducted to prove the hypothesis given by the researchers which came to

an output as a renewable energy disinfectant dispenser. After the tests conducted, the

researchers gathered the data and feedbacks to determine if the said device is successfully

or unsuccessfully created. The feedback and the information that were collected can be

used to either improve or develop another study in the future.

Conceptual Framework
- Creating a topic and concept.
- Review of related literature and studies.
- Planning for the flow of the study.
- Determining the problem of the study.


- Identifying and gathering of the instruments and the materials that would be necessary on
creating the device.
- Preparation of the different tools and materials needed.
- Construction of the device.
- Observation of the automatic alcohol dispenser that is solar powered
- Data gathering

- Results of the test

- Analysis of the Data Gathered

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework of the Research

This conceptual framework showed how the researchers planned to conduct their

study in a series of steps. The first step would be the input wherein the topic was chosen

and created, review of related literature is done, flow of the study is done, and the

problem of the study is determined. The process part includes the materials which in it is

identified and gathered, materials are prepared, device is constructed, the constructed

solar powered disinfectant machine is observed and data are gathered. Lastly, the output

consist the results of the test and analysation of data gathered from the created solar

powered disinfectant machine.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined as follows:

Automatic. Automatic means to work by itself with little or no direct human


Durability. It pertains to the ability to withstand pressure or damage.

Eco-friendly. It means it is not harmful to the environment.

Emphatically. It pertains to doing something in a forceful way.

Feasibility. The state or degree of being easily or conveniently done.

Inadequate. It is about lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a

purpose. (Oxford Languages, 2021)

Inanimate. Inanimate pertains to being not alive, especially not in the manner of

animals and humans. It shows no signs of life.

Innovation. The action or process of innovating. It is described as thinking of a

new method, idea or product.

Non-foaming. It pertains to not producing foam or frothy mass of bubbles.

Novel. It is used to describe something when it is new or never been seen before.

Pandemic. A pandemic means having an outbreak of such disease over a whole

country or the world.

Renewable Energy. A kind of energy that is generated from natural processes.

This includes the sunlight, wind, water, and various forms of biomass. This cannot be

exhausted and is constantly renewed.

Transmission. The action or process transferring something, or the state of being

transmitted. (Oxford Languages, 2021)

Visualization. Visualization pertains to the creation of and formation of an

object, situation, or set of information in a form of a chart or image.


In this chapter, the researchers talked through the methods that were applied in the

study. Particularly, the research design, materials, general procedure, sampling

techniques, data gathering procedure, ethical consideration, statistical treatment, and data

analysis that were explained in further detail.

Research Design

The researchers‟ study used the quantitative approach of research. It is

quantitative in nature since the questions posed were answered by numerical data.

Specifically, the researchers used an experimental design. It is a systematic and

scientific approach to research in which the researcher manipulates one or more

variables, and controls and measures any change in other variables.


To conduct the experiment, there are certain materials used to achieve this

objective. The utilized materials are listed as follows:


IRF730 mosfet A three-terminal device 1 pc.

composed of gate (G) drain
(D) and source (S). The
current between two drain
and source terminals is
controlled by the voltage
applied at the gate pin. The
gate pin acts like a control
valve through which the
conduction of current is
controlled between two

1.8 k ohms resistor Used to reduce current 3 pcs.
flow, adjust signal levels, to
divide voltages, bias active
elements, and terminate
transmission lines, among
other uses.
8-pin IC socket Act as static connectors 1 pc.
between integrated circuits
(ICs) and printed circuit
boards (PCBs) or perforated
LED light Used to determine if there 1pc.
is electricity flowing or the
device works.
IR sensor Used to detect motion. 1 pc.

A1015 transistor A PNP transistor that is 1 pc.

mainly designed to use as
an audio amplifier or in
audio amplification stages.
It can easily be used in
circuits operating under
10 microfarad capacitor Widely used in electronic 1 pc.
circuits for blocking direct
current while allowing
alternating current to pass.
100 k potentiometer It is essentially a voltage 1 pc.
divider used for measuring
electric potential (voltage).
LM555 An integrated circuit 1 pc.
(chip) used in a variety of
timer, delay, pulse
generation, and oscillator
5V Submersible pump Used and placed within 1 pc.
the reservoir of water that
needed pumping.
Perforated board Used to accept pegs or 1 pc.
hooks to support various
items, such as tools in a
18650 lithium-ion battery A battery that is 2 pcs.
rechargeable and allows to
store energy.

Diode Used as rectifiers, signal 1 pc
limiters, voltage regulators,
switches, signal modulators,
signal mixers, signal
demodulators, and
Lithium-ion charger Used to put energy into a 1 pc.
secondary cell or
rechargeable battery by
forcing an electric current
through it.
Battery holder It is used to keep cells 1 pc.
fixed in place safely and
securely while conveying
power from the batteries to
the device in question.
Solar Panel Used to generate or create 1 pc.
electricity that came from
the sun
Project case Used to store all the 1. pc
electrical wirings from a
Knob Used to protect the wire 1 pc.
from fraying or being in
contact with wood or
drywall – anything that
would start a fire from
overheating even with the
insulation around the
Switch Used in electrical circuits 1 pc.
to control power, detect
when systems are outside
their operating ranges,
signal controllers of the
whereabouts of machine
members and workpieces.
Fuse It breaks the circuit if a 1 pc.
fault in an appliance causes
too much current to flow.
Binding post Commonly used on 1 pc.
electronic test equipment to
terminate (attach) a single
wire or test lead.
Hose used to carry fluids 1 pc.
through air or fluid

environments, and they are
typically used with clamps,
spigots, flanges, and
nozzles to control fluid
Container Used to store something 1 pc.
that is liquid or solid.
Cyanoacrylate adhesive Used for bonding porous 1 pc.
and non-porous materials
that require a fast and
strong fix.
Cable tie Used to bundle cables 10 pcs.
and wires to keep them
organized and prevent
Electrical Multimeter Used to measure the three 1 pc.
basic electrical
characteristics of voltage,
current, and resistance.
Solder Commonly used in, 1 roll
electronics, heating, air
conditioning, mechanical,
fire sprinkler and other
similar systems as well as
radiator manufacturing,
repair and sheet metal work.
Copper wire Used in power generation, 1 roll
power transmission, power
electronics circuitry, and
countless types of electrical
Table 1. Materials Needed in this Study

Table 1 shows the aforementioned materials required along with its quantity that

is needed for the creation of the renewable energy dispenser.

General Procedure

Identification Experimentation Conclusion

Collection Analysis
of Data of Data

Figure 3. General Procedure of the Research

Problem Identification. Solar panel is well known for its ability to reduce the

consumption of electricity with the use of solar energy. In times of pandemic, most

people stay at home and to different places. Alcohol dispensers are commonly used to

prevent the spreading of the virus but due to wide variety of area to be disinfected it can

consume high amount of electricity. The researchers aimed to prove that using renewable

energy as source of electricity for alcohol dispenser can be an alternative to commercial

alcohol dispensers.

Collection of Data and Materials. The data collected was composed of the

automatic alcohol dispenser’s performance rate. In terms of performance rate, it will be

measured through how long it will last. Therefore, the feasibility for the Solar Powered

Automatic Alcohol Dispenser for being an alternative Alcohol Dispenser can be held up

by comparing the performance rate of the experimental group to the commercial one or

control group. Through the said methods, the data needed for the study will be obtained.

Experimentation. The experimentation started by analysing the block and circuit

diagram of the automatic alcohol dispenser in order to create the product. The different

kinds of cable and other materials such as capacitor, resistor, water motor pump, sensor

and etc. were attached at the PCB Board. Once the system operates the container wherein

the alcohol is located will be attach inside the alcohol dispenser.

Analysis of Data. The data was examined to find out whether the final product

can be used as an alternative automatic alcohol dispenser from the commercial alcohol

dispenser. The product will run into different testing to determine difference of the

experimental product in terms of physical characteristics, feasibility, and lastly,


Conclusion. After investigating the gathered data, the conclusion was formed in

the view of the outcome acquired all through the experimentation directed. This

investigation decided the chance of utilizing Solar Powered Automatic Alcohol

Dispenser. The qualities and distinction of the experimented automatic alcohol dispenser

among the commercial alcohol dispenser were presented also by the researchers by

completing the experiment.

Sampling Technique

The researcher utilized a solar panel as a sample to evaluate an interrelated

research experimental design. Purposive sampling was used for selecting the solar panel.

This technique was employed to ensure that they could correspond to the intervention of

the study. Moreover, the researchers also used a simple random sampling for the survey

that they conducted.

Simple Random Sampling has two methods. The researchers used randomized or

unordered numbers in selecting respondents (Burns, 2012). The researchers selected a

total of thirty (30) randomly selected people from survey questionnaires using Google

forms to answer the survey. Respondents will look at the video showing the device's

operation, durability, and images. They will be included in a survey that includes the

assessment of physical characteristics, durability, and feasibility.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers applied the information gathered from the related literature and

conducted the experimentation. Experimentation is the way of acquiring the information

needed in the study. After the experimentation, the researcher created an automatic

disinfectant dispenser powered by a solar panel and the designs are from materials that

are environmentally friendly or recycled. This is where the researchers got the results for

the conclusion.

The said experiment was done by attaching a solar panel and a backup

rechargeable battery to store the collected energy that is enough to power up an automatic

dispenser. Also, to make it automatic, the researchers installed a pumping system and a

sensor that detects the hands to avoid touching the device.

To determine the properties of the automatic dispenser on the durability,

feasibility, and physical characteristics of the solar-powered dispenser, it was observed,

recorded, and analyzed during the process.

Ethical Consideration

According to Fleming (2018), while performing an experimental quantitative

study, researchers would collect data that will require human interaction and a long-term

interaction with participants for meaningful data. It is critical that human ethics and

consideration be gained from participants during data collection in order to ensure ethical

norms that will support the avoidance of errors and prohibition of fabrication and study

misunderstanding, as well as hold researchers accountable.

Before beginning the survey, the researchers informed the participants that they

had the right to withdraw at any time they felt uncomfortable while answering the

questions given. The researchers also provided sufficient and straightforward

information, such as anonymity and confidentiality, to give respondents confidence on

participating in the survey.

During the creation of the questionnaire, any type of discrimination or other

undesirable terms were strictly barred. The researchers took great care to ensure that the

respondents’ confidentiality and privacy were protected. In order to ensure the comfort

and efficacy of the data collection method from human participants, ethical principles are

also used in the creation of survey questions/questionnaires, with the goal to prevent the

use of offensive, biased, and unpleasant phrases and language.

As a result, the acquired data from the participants were objectively analyzed,

avoiding acts of fraud, manipulation, plagiarism, falsification, misinterpretation, and even

process elimination in the research study and the participants’ interaction with the

researchers. All collected data will be utilized exclusively for the research project. And

its interpretation was not altered or changed purely for the purpose of data manipulation.

Statistical Treatment

The study aimed to know whether there is difference between the

created renewable energy automatic dispenser and the usual automatic dispenser that can

be seen from different establishments. The researchers conducted an ANOVA

test and Likert Scale to gather the needed data for the study. The study also gives better

insight on whether or not there was a significant difference between the dependent and

independent variable of the study. This will be the basis of the researcher whether to

reject or accept the null hypothesis.

Results and Discussions

In this chapter, the data gathered were presented and interpreted with reference to

the aim of the study, which was to prove the possibility of creating and powering an

automatic alcohol dispenser with solar energy. The data are presented by the ANOVA

Test Analysis and Likert Scale for clarity in the discussion.

Describing the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Female 19 63.3%

Male 9 30%

Prefer not to say 2 6.7%

Total 30 100%

Table 2. Gender of Respondents

For table 2, it indicated the gender of the respondents. 63.3% of the respondents

are female and the other 30% are male. Two respondents who prefer not to mention their

gender represent 6.7% of respondents.

Testing the Possibility of Creating an Renewable Energy Automatic Dispenser

Feasibility Durability
Average Mean 4.216667 4.4 4.566667

Figure 4. Viability Test

In this figure, it showed the probability of creating a Renewable Energy

Automatic Dispenser. There are three treatments prepared by the researchers. There are

30 respondents in each treatment and the researchers used a survey questionnaire to

collect the data. The first treatment, which is physical characteristics, got an average

mean of 4.216667 which got an interpretation of Agree. Treatment 2, which is feasibility,

got an average mean of 4.4 which is considered as Agree. And the last treatment,

which is durability, got an average mean of 4.566667 which is an interpretation of

Strongly Agree. The researchers have reached its satisfactory interpretation which

concludes that there is a possibility to create a renewable based energy automatic


Correlation between the Commercial Alcohol Dispenser and the Renewable Energy


ANOVA: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Automatic Dispenser 30 150 5 0
Renewable Energy
Automatic Dispenser 30 131.8333 4.394444 0

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 5.500463 1 5.500463 65535 0 4.006873
Within Groups 0 58 0

Total 5.500463 59
Table 3. ANOVA Test

The table above showed the relationship between the Commercial Alcohol

Dispenser and the Renewable Energy Dispenser. As the figure shows above, the data

resulted in a 0.00 p-value which indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected.

Distinction of the Renewable Energy Automatic Dispenser

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Average Mean 4.066667 4.3 3.933333 4.566667

Figure 5. Physical Characteristics

The figure above illustrates the physical characteristic distinction of the renewable

energy automatic dispenser. There are 30 respondents; the average mean for question 1

was 4.066667, which was interpreted as agree. Question 2 got an average of 4.3 and

interpreted as agree. Question 3 got 3.933333 which interpreted as agree. Lastly, question

4 got an average of 4.566667 which interpreted as strongly agree. As a whole, the

weighted average number of treatment 1 was 4.216667, which can be interpreted as agree

or a satisfactory result.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Average Mean 4.066667 4.566667 4.333333 4.633333

Figure 6. Feasibility

Figure 5 showed the distinction of the renewable energy automatic dispenser in

terms of feasibility. Questions 1 and 3 got an average of 4.066667 and 4.333333 which is

interpreted as agree. While on the other hand, questions 2 and 4 obtain averages of

4.566667 and 4.633333 which is all verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Overall, the

weighted average for treatment number 2 or its feasibility is 4.4 which have a verbal

interpretation of agree or satisfactory.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Average Mean 4.633333 4.533333 4.466667 4.633333
Figure 7. Durability

Figure 6 showed the distinction of the renewable energy automatic dispenser in

terms of durability. Questions 2 and 3 got averages of 4.533333 and 4.466667 which are

interpreted as agree. Questions 1 and 4 are interpreted as strongly agree since it obtained

averages of both 4.633333. The overall weighted average was 4.566667 which has a

verbal interpretation of strongly agree or very satisfactory results.

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

In this chapter, the closing comments on the study were presented,

providing an overview regarding the findings resulted from the experimentation. The

study was examined in terms of the hypothesis and limitations stated on the previous

chapters. Alongside with this, recommendations were made for further enhancement of

the study with regard to aspects that could be explored in future research.

Summary of Findings

The study is all about "Renewable Energy Dispenser". Specifically, it seeks to

answers the main problem of utilizing solar panel as the main source of renewable energy

dispenser and to determine the contrast between commercial alcohol dispenser and the

renewable energy dispenser in terms of physical characteristics, feasibility, and



Based on the results obtained from the study, the researchers concluded that:

1. The results indicate that a solar-powered automatic alcohol dispenser can

be developed or created.

2. Based from the results, the study showed that the physical characteristics

and feasibility of the device created was graded as satisfactory which

means that it is dissimilar from the commercial automatic dispensers but,

it is suitable for public use. Furthermore, in terms of durability, it is graded

as very satisfactory wherein it is evident that the device is firm and


3. The ANOVA test determined that there is significant difference between

the commercial automatic dispensers from the created renewable energy

automatic dispenser. With regard to its Physical Characteristics,

Feasibility, and Durability, it revealed that not all population means are

equal and that the null hypothesis is rejected.


For further research on ―Renewable Energy Dispenser: Solar Powered Automatic

Alcohol Dispenser‖, the researchers have certain recommendations associated to further

improve the study.

1. The future researchers may create a larger device to improve the volume

of a container to have more capacity of putting a disinfectant.

2. The future researchers should try applying other renewable energy


3. The future researchers may try using a stand for the dispenser.

4. The future researcher should use a bigger battery capacity so the dispenser

will last longer.

5. The future researchers may try to program the said device such as using an

arduino chip


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Appendix A. Materials and Equipment

Appendix B. Experiment Procedures

Appendix C. Research Instrument

“Renewable Energy Dispenser: Solar Powered Automatic Alcohol Dispenser”

Name (Optional): ___________

Age: __________


o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to say

Based from your empirical observation, please rate from 1-4 and give your response.
Thank you.

1- Strongly Disagree 2- Disagree 3- Agree 4- Strongly Agree

Treatment: Physical Characteristics Comparison

Physical Characteristics 1 2 3 4
1. The product is similar to the usual
automatic dispenser seen in some
establishments in terms of quality.
2. The product is similar to the commercial
automatic dispenser in terms of performance.
3. The product is similar to the commercial
automatic dispenser in terms of appearance.
4. The device's utilized materials are firm.

Treatment: Feasibility

Feasibility 1 2 3 4
1. The product is cost-efficient.
2. The device is can be possibly made and
3. The device is capable of being used
everywhere and anytime
4. The device's materials are eco-friendly

Treatment: Durability

Durability 1 2 3 4
1. The product is durable.
2. The device is splash-resistant.
3. The energy stored from the device last
4. As shown from the video above, the
device can handle the applied force.

Appendix D. ANOVA Test

ANOVA: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Automatic Dispenser 30 150 5 0
Renewable Energy
Automatic Dispenser 30 131.8333 4.394444 0

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 5.500463 1 5.500463 65535 0 4.006873
Within Groups 0 58 0

Total 5.500463 59

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background
Name: Angela Louise D. Del Mundo
Birthdate: May 21, 2003
Place of Birth: Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Address: #95 Yakal 1, Brgy. Bitas, Cabanatuan city, Nueva Ecija

Father’s Name: Guillermo D. Del Mundo
Mother’s Name: Liwayway D. Del Mundo

Educational Background


Regina Assumpta Kids Academy Inc.

Del Pilar Street, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

March, 2015

Junior High School

College of Immaculate Conception

Sumacab Este, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

April, 2019

Senior High School

Cabanatuan City Senior High School

Sta. Arcadia, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija


Personal Background

Name: Lyka Joy C. Bero

Birthdate: January 23, 2003

Place of Birth: Poblacion West, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

Address: #95 Hilltop, Poblacion West, Rzal, Nueva Ecija


Father’s Name: Marianito V. Bero

Mother’s Name: Julita C. Bero

Educational Background
Rizal West Elementary School
Poblacion West, Rizal, Nueva Ecija
March, 2015

Junior High School

Rizal National High School
Poblacion Norte, Rizal, Nueva Ecija
April, 2019

Senior High School

Cabanatuan City Senior High School
Sta. Arcadia, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Personal Background

Name: Tana Lea D. Jalbuna

Birthdate: January 21, 2003

Place of Birth: Bongabon, Nueva Ecija

Address: Magsaysay Sur, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Father’s Name: Noel G. Jalbuna
Mother’s Name: Judith D. Jalbuna

Educational Background
Palayan City Central School
Caballero, Palayan City
March, 2015

Junior High School

Nueva Ecija High School
Burgos Ave., Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
April, 2019

Senior High School

Cabanatuan City Senior High School
Sta. Arcadia, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Personal Background
Name: DJ Ulrich T. Barroga

Birthdate: November 1, 2003

Place of Birth: Tuguegarao City

Address: Cambitala, Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija

Father’s Name: Desmond P. Barroga
Mother’s Name: Jesusa T. Barroga

Educational Background
Cambitala Elementary School
Cambitala, Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija
March, 2015

Junior High School

Rizal National High School
Poblacion Norte, Rizal, Nueva Ecija
April, 2019

Senior High School

Cabanatuan City Senior High School
Sta. Arcadia, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Personal Background

Name: Paul Aaron D. Delos Santos

Birthdate: May 21, 2002

Place of Birth: Sta. Arcadia, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Address: Sta. Arcadia, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Father’s Name: Roberto DC. Delos Santos
Mother’s Name: Cristina D. Delos Santos

Educational Background
Schuller Christian Academy
Del Pilar Street, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
March, 2015

Junior High School

NE Dominican Academy
Bitas, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
April, 2019

Senior High School

Cabanatuan City Senior High School
Sta. Arcadia, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija


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