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Cefazone plus 1.

5 gm vial
Culture based, Empric in septic shock and severe infections in ICU and hospital
Cefoperazone + Sulbactam Sp
Trexotaz 1.5 gm vial admitted patients only
trexotaz 2 gm vial

Epigent 20 mg/40mg/80mg • Gram-negative bacteremia

• Urinary tract infections.
Gentamicin Sp • Chest infections in combination with other antibiotics.
• severe neonatal infections and other serious systemic infections due to
susceptible organisms.
GARAMYCIN 40 mg/ml 6 amp
GENTAMICIN 80mg/2ml 3
Amikacin 100mg/2ml vial
• Gram-negative bacteremia
Amikacin • Urinary tract infections
Amikacin 500 mg/2ml vial Sp • Chest infections
• severe neonatal infections and other serious systemic infections due to
susceptible organisms

Zithrosunny 500 mg vial

• In NPO (Nothing by mouth)ICU and hospital admitted patients only otherwise
Azithromycin Zalipritz 500 mg vial Sp
use oral Azithromycin (max duration 3 days for oral form).
Azithromycin - Mirola 500 mg
• In NPO (Nothing by mouth)ICU and hospital admitted patients only otherwise
Clarithromycin KLACID 500 mg vial
use oral Clarithromycin(max duration 7days for oral form)
Ciprocin 250 mg 10 tab • Children and Adolescents: Treatment of complicated urinary tract infections and
Ciprocin 500 mg 10 tab yelonephritis due to E. coli. Note: Although effective, ciprofloxacin is not the drug of
Ciproquin 500mg 10 tab first choice in children.
Mifoxin 500 mg 10 tab • Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Prophylaxis to reduce incidence or
Mifoxin 500 mg 5 tab Sp ogression of disease following inhalation exposure to Bacillus anthracis; prophylaxis
Quinospan 500 mg 10 tab and treatment of plague (Yersinia pestis).
Ciprocin 750 mg 10 tab Adults: Treatment of the following infections when caused by susceptible bacteria:
Ciprocin 750 mg 5 tab Urinary tract infections; acute uncomplicated cystitis in females, chronic bacterial
Ciproquin 750 mg 10 tab prostatitis, bone and joint infections, complicated intra-abdominal infections (in
Ultracipro 1000 mg 5 tab combination with metronidazole), infectious diarrhea, typhoid fever (Salmonella

• Children and Adolescents: Treatment of complicated urinary tract infections

Ciprofloxacin and
pyelonephritis due to E. coli. Note: Although effective, ciprofloxacin is not the
drug of
first choice in children.
• Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Prophylaxis to reduce incidence or
progression of disease following inhalation exposure to Bacillus anthracis;
CIPROCIN 200 mg/20ml vial Sp prophylaxis
and treatment of plague (Yersinia pestis).
• Adults: Treatment of the following infections when caused by susceptible
Urinary tract infections; acute uncomplicated cystitis in females, chronic bacterial
prostatitis, bone and joint infections, complicated intra-abdominal infections (in
combination with metronidazole), infectious diarrhea, typhoid fever (Salmonella
typhi), hospital-acquired (nosocomial) pneumonia

• Not to be used for MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aerus) infection

despite positive culture and sensitivity
• Not for skin and soft tissue infections

Cefepime 500 mg vial

Spectracef 0.5 gm vial

Wincef 0.5 gm vial

Cefepime Sp Empiric only in pneumonia, otherwise: culture based
Cefepime 1 gm vial
Kempopim 1 gm vial
PIMFAST 1 gm vial
Vanzapro 1 gm vial
CEFEPIME 2 gm vial
Vanzapro 2 gm vial ( p )
INVANZ 1 gm vial • Empiric only in septic shock, severe intrabdominal infections or severe
Ertapenem Ertapenem - Pharco B Con infections in ICU or hospital admitted patients only
International 1 gm vial • Not used in the treatment of Pseudomonas infections
Ameropem 500 mg vial • Culture based in (ESBL) Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase resistant strains
Sunnymerop 500 mg vial infections
• Carbapenem-resistant enterobactericea(CRE)
MERONEM 500 mg vial
• Empiric in septic shock or severe infections in ICU admitted patients only
MEROSTARKYL 1 gm vial • regular daily dose 3 gm, adjust according to renal function. UNLESS severe
Meropenem Ameropem 1 gm vial INFECTION or CRE (carbapenem resistant enterobacteriacae)increase dose
Sunnymerop 1 gm vial up to a MAX DOSE of 6 GM /DAY
Meropenem–Eva pharma 1
gm vial
MERONEM 1 gm vial
Ayapenam 500/500 mg vial • Culture based in infections with (ESBL) Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase
Imipenem/Cilastatin Kabi resistant strains(max daily dose 3gm)
Imipenem + cilastatin 500/500 mg vial Con • Carbapenem-resistant enterobactericea (CRE)
Imipenem/Cilastatin Kabi
500/500 mg 10 vial • Adjust according to renal function.
VANCOMIX 500 mg vial
VANCOBACT 500 mg vial
Vetovancin 500 mg vial
Vancogut 500 mg vial
Vancolon 500 mg vial • 1st line Anti MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus areus)
Vancomycin Sp
VANCOMIX 1gm vial • Vancomycin level must be monitored
Vetovancin 1 gm vial
Vancogut 1000 mg vial
VANCOMYCINE viatris 1gm
Piperacillin/Tazobactam Kabi • Empric in septic shock and severe infections in ICU or hospital admitted
I.V vial patients (HAP) only.
Piperacillin + Tazobactam Con
Piperacillin/Tazobactam Kabi • Culture based, infections caused by ESBL (extended spectrum B lactamase)
I.V 10 vial producing bacteria
CEFIDIME 250 mg vial Culture based, or Empiric only in hospital acquired pneumonia patients (HAP)
KEFADIM 500 mg vial
Maximodim 500 mg vial Sp
Ceftazidime Cefidime 1 gm vial
KEFADIM 1gm vial
Maximodim 1 gm vial
VANZADIME 1 gm vial
Tegasterk 50 mg vial • Culture-Based reserved for multidrug-resistant organisms (eg, Klebsiella
Tigecycline(pre-autherization) Tygacil 50 mg 10 vial Con pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter
baumannii)(max treatment duration 7days)
baumannii)(max treatment duration 7days)
Tygacil 50 mg vial
• NOT for pseudomonas infection despite of positive culture and sensitivity
• Culture -Based multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria (Carbapenem
Ceftazidime + resistant), Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenamase & OXA-48-type
Zavicefta 2/0.5 gm 10 vial Con

Averozolid 100 mg/5ml 150 ml • Culture- based MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus areus) infections
suspension • Empiric only in hospital admitted & ICU patients with:
Elixozolid 600 mg 10 tab - MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus areus) pneumonia
Linezomentin 200 mg/100ml - MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus areus) bactermia
vial - VRE (vancomycin resistant enterococcus) bactermia and intermediate
Voxazoldin 200 mg/100ml vial Vancomycin resistant strains (Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) =<2
)(max duration 7days)
Linezolid GPI 200 mg/100ml
Linzolid vial Con
pharmaceutical 600 mg/300ml
5 vial
pharmaceutical 600 mg/300ml
Zyvox 600 mg/ 300 ml
Rotaplanin 200 mg vial • 3rd line as empiric anti MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus areus) for
Teicoplanin TARGOCID 200 mg vial Con patients when vancomycin or linezolid are inappropriate/ contraindicated
otherwise, culture based
TARGOCID 400 mg vial
Uniloxam 500 mg 5 tab • Empiric only in CAP (community acquired pneumonia) & HAP (hospital
Levofloxacin -INAD Pharma acquired pneumonia), otherwise culture based( Maximum treatment duration
500 mg 5 tab 7 days then renewal by preauthorization)
Lebactovo 500 mg 5 tab • Not to be used for MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aerus) infection
despite positive culture and sensitivity
TAVANIC 500 mg 5 tab • Not for skin and soft tissue infections
Levofloxacin Uniloxam 750 mg 15 tab Sp
RESPIFLOX 500 mg/100 ml
TAVANIC 500 mg/100ml vial
Levofloxacin - Arabcomed
750mg/30ml vial
• Culture -based only in urinary tract infections due to gram negative bacteria
Monuril 3 gm Granules for
Fosfomycin Sp producing ESBL (extended spectrum beta-lactamase) and resistant to other
Oral Solution vial
antibacterial(max treatment 3 doses)
Cefoperazone + Sulbactam Cefazone plus 1.5 gm vial Culture based, Empric in septic shock and severe infections in ICU and hospital
Sp admitted patients only
trexotaz 2 gm vial
Naviluca 200 mg 7 cap
Flucazonil 25mg/5ml 70 ml
Depacofung 200 mg/5ml 35
ml suspension IV formulation only for severe infections or for patients who can not tolerate oral
Fluconazole Fluconazole - DGP 100 mg/ Sp
50ml 5 vials
50ml vial
Naviluca rotabiogen 100 mg/
50ml vial
Ergoconazol 200 mg 10 tab • Culture based in treatment of invasive aspergillosis; candida infections or
serious fungal infections caused by Scedosporium
Vfend 200 mg 10 tab apiospermum and Fusarium spp. (including Fusarium solani) in patients
Voriconazole(pre-authorization) Con intolerant, or refractory to, other therapy (fluconazole or itraconazole)
• Prophylaxis aganist invasive fungal infections in hematological malignancy or
Conazoglob 200 mg vial post hematopoietic stem cell transplant or solid organ transplant.
• Candida prophylaxis in neutropenic patients
VFEND 200 mg vial
• Culture based
Amphotericin B(pre-authorizatio Photericin B 50 mg vial
• Treatment of mucormycosis, invasive aspergillosis, acute disseminated
Con candidiasis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, and cryptococcosis.
Amphotericin B
AmBisome 50 mg vial
• Step down de-esclation in mucormycosis after amphotericin phase of therapy ,
Noxafil 200 mg/5ml 105 ml induction therapy for myelodysplastic syndromeand AML
Posaconazole(pre-authorization Con

• Culture - based
• Treatment of acute disseminated candidiasis, Candida peritonitis, esophageal
Anidulafungin(pre-authorization Ecalta 100 mg vial Con • Prophylaxis of Candida infections in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem
cell transplantation, empric antifungal in infective endocarditis

• Treatment of documented CMV (cyclomegalovirus ) infections

• Prevention of cytomegalovirus (CMV) in high-risk patients (donor CMV
Valganciclovir(pre-authorization VALCYTE 450 mg 60 tab Con seropositive/recipient CMV seronegative) undergoing kidney, heart, or
kidney/pancreas transplantation,CMV IgM/IgG for patient and donner

Treatment of uncomplicated acute illness due to influenza (A or B) infection in

TAMINIL-N 60 ml syrup
patients ≥2 weeks of age who have been symptomatic for no more than 48
Oseltamivir Sp
Oseltamivir Sp hours(max treatment duration 5 days)
Oseltamivir 75 mg 10 cap
• Newly diagnosed pregnant women in the last trimester showing an HBV DNA
level ≥ 105 IU/ML starting last trimester and for 3 months after delivery to
decrease chance of new-born infection
• Re-evaluate the condition after delivery and consider treatment according to
LAMIZIDINE 150/300 mg 10 the previous guidelines Females who become pregnant while on treatment
Lamivudine + Zidovudine Con
tab • For Patients already on treatment:
- Chronic hepatitis B (CHB )patients on Lamivudine and HBV DNA is
undetectable by PCR →continue treatment with monitoring of ALT every 3
months and HBV
DNA every 6 months.
• HBsAg is +ve more than 6 months
CludineTech 0.5 mg 10 cap • HBVDNA ≥2000IU/ML
• ALT elevation above upper limit of normal on 2 successive occasions within 3
to 6 months
Entecavir-Penta Pharma • Liver biopsy is used to guide treatment decisions for patients who show:
Egypt 0.5 mg 10 cap - HBV DNA H904≥ 2000 IU/ML with persistently normal ALT.
- HBV DNA < 2000 IU/ML with persistently elevated ALT.
Ludnovir 0.5 mg 10 tab - HBV DNA < 2000 IU/ML with normal ALT and there is clinicalevidence of liver
TECAVIR 0.5 mg 10 tab disease or a family history of HCC
• For naive patients
CludineTech 1 mg 10 cap • Preferred for patients over 60 years or with bone disease (chronic Steroid use
or use of other medications that worsen bone density, osteoporosis)
• Treat patients show resistance or failure to Tenofovir
Entecavir Con • If Lamivudine naive patients switch to Tenofovir or Entecavir
• Patients show resistance or failure to multidrug shift to Tenofovir + Entecavir
• Dialysis and Renal Transplant patients

-Exclusion criteria for treatment:

• Patients under 40 years of age who are:
TECAVIR 1 mg 10 tab - HBeAg positive.
- With very high viral load.
- Persistently normal ALT

Tenofenamide 25 mg 30 tab
TENAVIRON 300 mg 10 tab
ZEELORAS 300 mg 30 tab
• For chronic hepatitis B (HBV) patients ≥ 18 years
•HBsAg is +ve more than 6 months
• HBVDNA ≥2000IU/ML, ALT elevation above upper r limit of normal on 2
successive occasions within 3 to 6 months
• Liver biopsy is used to guide treatment decisions for patients who show:
• HBV DNA ≥ 2000 IU/ML with persistently normal ALT.
Tenofovir alafenamide Con • HBV DNA < 2000 IU/ML with persistently elevated ALT.
• HBV DNA < 2000 IU/ML with normal ALT and there is clinicalevidence of liver
Viread 300 mg 30 tab disease or a family history of HCC
• For naive patients
• For experienced-patients on Lamivudin or combined Lamivudine and Adefovir
• Treat patients show resistance or failure to Lamivudine alone or with Adefovir,
• patients show resistance or failure to multidrug shift to Tenofovir + Entecavir

• Newly diagnosed pregnant women in the last trimester showing an HBV DNA
level ≥ 105 IU/ML starting last trimester and for 3 months after delivery to
decrease chance of new-born infection
Ribovinal 200 mg 168 cap
• Patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria for HBV treatment and have co-infection
with active HCV (HCV RNA +ve by quantitative PCR),
treat with: Pegylated interferon (Peg IFN) + Ribavirin
• Chronic hepatitis B (HBV)/HDV Coinfection (Active HDV infection is confirmed
Ribavirin Sp by HDV RNA assays)
HEPATOVIRIN 400 mg 10 cap • Patients with CKD eGFR ≤ 30 ml/min are treated by paitaprevir-r / Ombitasvir +
ribavirin, provided the following are fulfilled:
- Patients have compensated liver (Child A cirrhosis or no cirrhosis).
- Hb level is at least 10 g/dl
- The patient has no associated uncontrolled co- morbidity (cardiac,
• Poor response in Egyptian patients who are usually HBeAg negative and
Genotype D.
• HBeAg positive patients with high ALT level could be offered a chance of
treatment with pegylated interferon alpha for 48 weeks.
REIFERON RETARD 160 • Assessment is done at week 24 of therapy
Interferon alfa Con
mcg/1.2ml vial -In case of seroconversion (patient becomes HBeAg –ve and HBeAb +ve
→continue treatment for 48 weeks
-If no seroconversion →stop treatment and shift to oral antiviral therapy
according to previous guidelines
• Patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria for HBV treatment and have co infection
with active HCV (HCV RNA +ve by quantitative PCR),
treat with: Peg IFN + Ribavirin
• HBV/HDV Coinfection (Active HDV infection is confirmed by HDV RNA assays)
Inclusion Criteria:-
1-HCV RNA positivty, The test result should be within a maximum period of 6
months prior to therapy (If the patient had recieved HCV antiviral therapy
during this period , a new test should be performed)
2-Age: 12-18 years or weight more than or equal 35 kg
-Patients ≥ 65 years old should undergo cardiological assessment prior to
therapy by ECG, echocardiography and cardiological consultation.
Exclusion criteria:
1- Child's C cirrhotic patients.
2 - Platelet count < 50000/ mm3
3- Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), except 6 months after intervention aiming
at cure with no evidence of activity by dynamic imaging (CT or MRI).
4- Extra-hepatic malignancy except after two years of disease – free interval. -
In cases of lymphomas and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, treatment can be
initiated immediately after remission based on the treating oncologist report.
5- Pregnancy or inability to use effective contraception.
Sofolanork 400 mg 28 tab
6- Inadequately controlled diabetes mellitus (HbA1c > 9 %).
Sofosbuvir Con
1- Easy to treat group: (Sofosbuvir + daclatasvir for 12 weeks):
- INR ≤ 1.2
- total serum bilirubin ≤1.2 mg / dl
- Serum albumin ≥ 3.5 g/dl - INR ≤ 1.2
- Platelet count ≥ 150. 000 / mm3
2- Not easy to treat group: (Sofosbuvir + daclatasvir+ ribavirin for 12
weeks, Sofosbuvir + daclatasvir only in case of Ribavirin ineligibility or
intolerance )
- Peg-IFN treatment experienced
-Total serum bilirubin ≥ 1.2 mg / dl
- Serum albumin < 3.5 g/dl
- INR > 1.2
- Platelet count < 150.000 / mm3

Sofosbuvir-Biomed 400 mg 28 • Child's B Cirrhotic Patients (SOF / DAC/ RBV)

tab • Retreatment of patients with previous Regimen Failure (interferon + ribavirin,
Daclatasvir-Biomed 60 mg 28 Interferon + Sofosbuvir + ribavirin, Sofosbuvir + ribavirin, Sofosbuvir +
tab simeprevir + ribavirin, or Ombitasvir + Paritaprevir/Ritonavir + Ribavirin)
• Treatment of Patients with advanced liver disease (child's ≤ 9):
(Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir+Ribavirin)

• Non – cirrhotic Patients and Patients with Compensated cirrhosis:

Daclatasvir Con (SOF/SIM/DAC/RBV)
Daklanork 60 mg 7 tab • Treatment of patients with post organ trasplantation:( Sofosbuvir +
Daclatasvir + Ribavirin for 24 weeks)
• Sofosbuvir containing regmin could be used without dose adjustment in
Sofosbuvir containing regmin could be used without dose adjustment in
patients with renal disease, including those with eGFR ≤30 ml/min and those
on dialysis
cardiological assessment prior to therapy by ECG, echocardiography and
cardiological consultation.
Exclusion criteria:
1- Child's C cirrhotic patients.
2 - Manifest liver decompensation: Uncontrolled ascites, history of hepatic
encephalopathy, hepatorenal Syndromee
3- Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), except 6 months after intervention aiming at
cure with no evidence of activity by dynamic imaging (CT or MRI).
4- Extra-hepatic malignancy except after two years of disease – free interval. -
Nucleobuvir Velpa 28 tab In cases of lymphomas and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, treatment can be
Sofosbuvir + Velpatasvir Con initiated immediately after remission based on the treating oncologist report.
5- Pregnancy or inability to use effective contraception.
6- Serum albumin less than 2.8 g/dl, total bilirubin more than 3 mg/dl and INR
1.7 or more
7- Platelets count less than 50,000/mm3

• Sofosbuvir 400 mg and Velpatasvir 100 mg is recommended drug (including

for those with compensated cirrhosis and those with HIV co-infection)
• Retreatment in combination with Ribavirin for 24 weeks of patients and
previous treatment with:
sovelpak 28 tab - Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir + Ribavirin for 24 weeks (Treatment in special

Sofosbuvir + Velpatasvir +
Vosevi 28 tab Con

• Newly diagnosed pregnant women in the last trimester showing an HBV DNA
level ≥ 105 IU/ML starting last trimester and for 3 months after delivery to
decrease chance of new-born infection
• Re-evaluate the condition after delivery and consider treatment according to
the previous guidelines Females who become pregnant while on treatment
Lamivudine LAMIDINE 100 mg 10 tab Con • For Patients already on treatment:
- Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients on Lamivudine and HBV DNA is
undetectable by PCR →continue treatment with monitoring of ALT every 3
months and HBV
DNA every 6 months.
- Patients on combined Lamivudine & Adefovir → continue treatment or Shift to
Tenofovir 300 mg once daily.
Penicilin G LASTIPEN 1.2M.I.U vial Sp • Treatment and secondary prevention of acute rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart
Ospen 1000 12 tab
• Treatment and secondary prevention of acute rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart
phenoxymethylpenicillin PCP disease
Ospen 1500 12 tab • It may also be used in the treatment of impetigo and Group A Streptococcal
Rivamox 125mg/5ml 80 ml
Moxipen 250 mg/5 ml 80 ml
Amoxicillin suspension PCP
E-MOX 500mg 8 cap
E-MOX 1 gm vial
FLUCAMOX 500 mg vial
FLUCAMOX 1 gm vial
FLUMOX 1000 mg vial
Amoxicillin + Flucloxacillin FLUCAMOX 250 mg/5ml 60 PCP
ml suspension
FLUMOX 250 mg 6 cap
FLUCAMOX 500 mg 12 cap
AMOXILANIC 228.5mg/5ml
80 ml suspension
AMOXILANIC 228.5mg/5ml
80 ml suspension
Magnabiotic 312.5 mg/5ml 80
ml suspension
Clavimox 312.50mg/ 5 ml 80
ml suspension
Clavimox 457mg/ 5 ml 80 ml
Augram 457 mg/ 5 ml 80 ml
E-moxclav 457 mg /5ml 80 ml
Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid suspension Sp
CURAM 457mg/5ml 70 ml
Augram 642.9 mg/5 ml 80 ml
AVEROBIOS 642.9mg/5ml 80
ml suspension
Clavimox 642.9 mg/5ml 75 ml
E-moxclav 375 mg 10 tab
E-MOXCLAV 625mg 10 tab
CURAM 1gm 4 tab
MEGAMOX 1gm 14 tab
AMPICILLIN 500 mg vial
AMPICILLIN 1 gm vial
AMPICILLIN 250 mg/5 ml 60
Ampicillin PCP
ml suspension
AMPICILLIN 500 mg 12 cap
EPICOCILLIN 500 mg 16 cap
UNICTAM 375 mg vial
SULBIN 375 mg vial
ULTRACILLIN 375mg vial
AMPICTAM 750 mg vial
Novactam 750 mg vial
SULBIN 750 mg vial
Ultracillin 750 mg vial
UNICTAM 750 mg vial
SULBIN 1500 mg vial
Ampicillin + Sulbactam SP
ULTRACILLIN 1500 mg vial
AMPICTAM 1500 mg vial
NOVACTAM 1500 mg vial
UNICTAM 1500 mg vial
Unictam 3 gm vial
NOVACTAM 375 mg 12 tab
NOVACTAM 375 mg 6 tab
UNICTAM 375 mg 12 tab
UNICTAM 375 mg 6 tab
Cefozon 0.5 gm vial
Cefron 0.5 gm vial
Cefozon 1 gm vial
Cefoperazone PERACEF 1gm vial Sp
CEFOBID 1 gm vial
Cefozon 2 gm vial
CEFRONE 2 gm vial
Ceclor 125 mg/ 5ml 75 ml
CEFACLOR 125mg/5ml 75 ml
suspension U.S.P.34
Ceclor 250 mg / 5ml 75 ml
CEFACLOR 250mg/5ml 75 ml
Cefaclor Keflex 250mg/5ml 60 ml Sp
MEDICEFLEXIN 250/ 5ml 100
ml suspension
Keflex 500 mg 12 cap
Keflex 1000 mg 16 tab
Mepaclind 150 mg 8 Cap
DALACIN C 300 mg 10 cap
Clindamycin Alfaclindamycin 300 mg/2ml 5 Sp
DALACIN C 300 mg 10 cap
Alfaclindamycin 300 mg/2ml 5
mg/5ml 120 ml suspension
Sulphamethoxazole + Co-Trimoxazol B.P.2015.
Trimethoprim 400/80 mg 20 Tab
COTRIL FORT 800/160 mg
12 tab
Mepafuran 50 mg 10 cap
Nitrofurantoin PCP
Mepafuran 100 mg 20 cap
Amrizole 1000 mg 5 supp
AMRIZOLE 250 mg 20 tab
Metrozole 250 mg 10 tab
AMRIZOLE 500mg 20 tab PCP
Flagellat Forte 200mg/ 5ml
100 ml suspension
AMRIZOLE 125mg/ 5ml 120
ml suspension
CIDOGYL 500 mg/100ml
Metronidazole -Sunny
Pharmaceutical 500 mg/100ml Sp
FLAZOL 500 mg/100ml
Tinidazole PROTOZOLE 500 mg 12 tab Sp
Metronidazole + Ciprofloxacin Ciprodiazole 20 tab Sp
Curisafe 1 gm 4 tab
Curisafe 125mg/5ml 60 ml
Cefadroxil Sp
Curisafe 250mg/5ml 60 ml
CURISAFE 500mg 8 cap
RAME-DINIR 125mg/5ml 60
ml suspension
Cefdinir MERBACTADIN 250 mg /5ml SP
60 ml suspension
Torbener 300 mg 10 cap
DOXYDOX 100 mg 10 cap
Doxycycline Tabocine 100 mg 10 cap
Vibramycin 100 mg 10 cap Sp
ERYTHRORIV 200mg/5ml
Erythromycin 100 ml suspension
ERYTHRIN 500 mg 10tab
RIFAMPIN USP 27 150 mg
Rifampicin Sp
20 cap
Rifampicin + Isoniazid Riozid 8 cap Sp Mycobacterial infections (TB)
Zinol 500 mg vial
Cefazolin Sp
ZINOL 1 gm vial
plucefox 1 gm vial
Cefoxitin Sp
Primafoxin 1 gm vial
SUPRAX 200 mg 8 cap
Cefixime XIMACEF 400 mg 5 cap Sp
XIMACEF 100 mg/5ml 30 ml
CEFOTAX 250 mg vial
CEFAUSE 500 mg vial
CEFAUSE 1000 mg vial
CEFOTAX 1gm vial
Cefotaxime Sp
Cefotaxime -Eva pharma 1gm
CLAFORAN 1gm vial
CEFORAN 2 gm vial
Cefotax 2 gm vial
Velosef 1 gm 8 tab
Cephradine USP 2021 500
Cephradine SP
mg vial
Cephradine USP 43 1 gm vial
EPICEPHIN 500 mg I.M vial
TRIAXONE 500 mg I.M vial
CEFAXONE 1 gm I.M vial
EPICEPHIN 1gm I.M vial
Ceftriaxone KEMPOXONE 1 gm I.M vial Sp
TRIAXONE 1 gm I.M vial
EPICEPHIN 500 mg I.V vial
Rameceftrax 500 mg I.V vial
CEFAXONE 1 gm I.V vial
Epicephin 1gm I.V vial
Isoniazid T.B.ZIDE 100 mg 10 tab
• TB (tuberculosis)
- Single agent in latent TB (tuberculosis)
Pyrazinamide USP 2021 20 SP
Pyrazinamide - Used in combination with Rifampicin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide, streptomycin
tab in active TB (tuberculosis)

Tarivid 200 mg 10 tab

Ofloxacin SP
Grand Q 400 mg 10tab
PK-MERZ 100 mg 10 tab
Amantadine PK-MERZ 200mg/500ml 10 SP

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