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Documentation checklist for Non Conformities

Sl No Non Conformities Ref Doc No -118627; 113740 Report

1 Are all the NCs issued in 2007,2008, 2009 filed Yes
2 Do you have a log of all NCs for 2007, 2008 with the status  Mail the log
including planned NC’s.
3 Do you print the log every month with the updated status and The log was printed if there is update status
sign and date the printed log
4 Check if all the NCs have NC numbers. Is the numbering system yes
in a sequence and in the correct format
5 If training is the corrective action for the NC, do you have the yes
training log, training material, agenda filed with NC as enclosures
6 Are all the documents leading to close of NC are filed. yes
(eg; follow up mails, implemented corrective actions)
7 Are all the NCs closed within the timelines

8 If there is any NC related to delayed reporting of SAE yes

 Is the SAE number mentioned in the NC description
 CC form filed with the NC
 Corrective action addressing the reason for delay in reporting
9 Are all the enclosures numbered yes
Are all the enclosures has related NC number

10 Check if all the required signatures and dates are present yes
11 Check if correct edition of NC forms are used yes
For 2007 NC - Local NC form (if you had a local procedure)
For 2008, 2009 NC (after Jun 08) Cross functional NC form

12 Are there any corrections made in the form by striking off. If yes yes
are the corrections signed and dated
13 Are all the employees trained in the Handling Non conformities Yes, the to do checklist & R& U Form
procedure – do you have the documentation

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