2nd Quarter

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NAME: ______________________________ SCORE: __________

DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.

_____1. A husband and wife talking heart to heart is an example of what speech style?
a. intimate
b. casual
c. consultative
d. formal
_____2. My friend went to the doctor for a follow-up check -up. This is an example of ____.
a. casual
b. consultative
c. formal
d. frozen
_____3. The use of slang words during acquaintance with friends is common and
interruptions occur often when you engage in this style of speech. This speech style is
a. intimate
b. casual
c. consultative
d. formal
_____4. When engaging in this speech style, you only impart information, your speech is
well organized, and interruptions are not allowed. This is called ____.
a. casual
b. consultative
c. formal
d. frozen
_____5. During flag ceremony, we always recite “Panunumpa sa Watawat” and “Panatang
Makabayan”. This style is called ___.
a. formal
b. frozen
c. casual
d. intimate
_____6. During the mass the priest delivered his sermons to his audience who listened
attentively. What speech style is it?
a. formal
b. frozen
c. casual
d. intimate
_____7. It is a speech style in which no background information is required, and no barriers
to consider. This is called ___.
a. casual
b. formal
c. intimate
d. frozen
8-14. Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the situations given.
_____8. A visitor inquiring at a hotel.
a. casual
b. formal
c. consultative
d. frozen
_____9. The teacher reads the school policies in front of the students.
a. casual
b. formal
c. intimate
d. frozen
_____10. Your sister leads the prayer during lunch.
a. frozen
b. casual
c. formal
d. intimate
_____11. You are talking and laughing about memorable experiences with your friends.
a. casual
b. formal
c. intimate
d. frozen
_____12. A coach is giving a last-minute instruction to players.
a. frozen
b. casual
c. formal
d. intimate
_____13. Having a one- on -one conversation with a loved one.
a. casual
b. formal
c. intimate
d. frozen
_____14. A news anchor delivers a report.
a. frozen
b. casual
c. formal
d. intimate
_____15. An intimate style uses private vocabulary and non-verbal messages. When we say
non-verbal, these are ____.
a. gestures
b. facial expressions
c. eye to eye contact
d. a, b and c
_____16. In casual style, where no social barriers to consider, ____ are often used.
a. casual words
b. slang words
c. formal words
d. a, b and c
_____17. In giving formal speech, your words are well organized, correct _____ are
a. grammar and diction
b. circumlocution
c. barriers
d. interruptions
_____18. A frozen is a formal style, its quality is _____, ritualistic and may even be archaic.
a. formal
b. quality
c. static
d. simple
_____19. It is the utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect. This is
a. public speaking
b. speech act
c. speech
d. speech style
_____20. Locutionary act is an actual act of uttering. Like _____.
a. “What?”
b. “Please wash the dishes”.
c. You are fired!
d. b and c
_____21. The speaker requests the listener to stand. This is ____.
a. locutionary
b. illocutionary
c. perlocutionary
d. performatives
_____22. The speaker requests the audience to stand, so the audience stand. This is ____.
a. locutionary
b. illocutionary
c. perlocutionary
d. performatives
_____23. These are verbs that execute the speech act that they intend to effect are called
a. perlocutionary
b. locutionary
c. performatives
d. illocutionary
_____24. One type of illocutionary is assertive, in which the speaker expresses belief about
the truth of a proposition. An example of it is boasting like ____.
a. No one bakes chocolate cake than I do.
b. Please close the door,
c. I promise to take care of you.
d. I am sorry I came late.
_____25. What example is appropriate to commissive?
a. Please close the door,
b. I promise to take care of you.
c. I am sorry I came late.
d. I am the luckiest man in the world.
_____26. Expressive is an act in which the speaker expresses feelings and emotions
a. No one bakes chocolate cake than I do.
b. Please close the door,
c. I promise to take care of you.
d. I am sorry I came late
_____27. How is nomination explained?
a. A speaker tries to open a topic with the people he/she is talking to.
b. This is any limitation that a speaker has.
c. Recognizing when and how to speak because it’s one’s turn.
d. Overcoming communication breakdown to send more comprehensible messages.
_____28. How would you explain topic control?
a. Keeping the interaction going by asking questions and eliciting a response.
b. introducing a new topic followed by a continuation of that topic.
c. Using verbal and nonverbal signals to end the interaction.
d. Ways or means of sharing information which are adopted to achieve a particular
social, political etc.
_____29. What are the minimal responses you can use during conversation, in a topic
control communicative strategy?
a. “Yes”
b. “Okay”
c. “Go on”
d. a, b and c
_____30. What would you do to signal the end of a topic in a Termination communicative
a. You can share what you learned from the conversation.
b. You can solicit agreement from the other participants.
c. Use effective conversational transitions like “By the way.”
d. a and b
_____31. Which statement shows a Turn - taking communicative strategy?
a. “Hey, how are you? I missed you!”
b. “Now it’s your turn to ask questions.”
c. “Do you have anything to say?”
d. “Best regards to your parents! See you around!”
_____32. Which statement shows a nomination communicative strategy?
a. Hey, how are you? I missed you!”
b. “Now it’s your turn to ask questions.”
c. “Do you have anything to say?”
d. “Best regards to your parents! See you around!”
_____33. How would you end a conversation in a termination communicative strategy?
a. Hey, how are you? I missed you!”
b. “Now it’s your turn to ask questions.”
c. “Do you have anything to say?”
d. “Best regards to your parents! See you around!”
_____34. What communicative strategy is used when your teacher asked you to deliver a
speech about digital natives? Why?
a. It is nomination, because a new topic is introduced.
b. It is restriction, because an instruction confines you and limits what you can say.
c. It is turn-taking, because everyone in the classroom has the chance to speak.
d. It is repair, because an issue or problem is addressed by you as speaker.
_____35. How is an informative speech described?
a. It is meant to help the listeners understand a topic in a more in-depth manner.
b. Meant to convince the listeners why the speaker’s side is more beneficial.
c. Aims to share goodwill, joy, and pleasure to the audience.
d. Its primary goal is to make the audience relax, enjoy and even laugh.
_____36. How do you describe a persuasive speech?
a. It is meant to help the listeners understand a topic in a more in-depth manner.
b. Meant to convince the listeners why the speaker’s side is more beneficial.
c. Aims to share goodwill, joy, and pleasure to the audience.
d. Its primary goal is to make the audience relax, enjoy and even laugh.
_____37. If the focus of your speech is on tangible items, like gadgets, products and the like,
what type of informative speech is presented?
a. Speech about objects
b. Speech about processes
c. Speech about events
d. Speech about concepts
_____38. If the speaker’s focus is on a process or sequence of events, what type of
informative speech is this?
a. Speech about objects
b. Speech about processes
c. Speech about events
d. Speech about concepts
_____39. Regarding the types of informative speech, what will be the focus of your speech if
you want to talk about concepts?
a. The focus is on beliefs, knowledge, theories, principles or ideas
b. It focuses on the event that happened or might happen in the future.
c. It focuses on the sequence or process of events.
d. It focuses on the tangible items.
_____40. Which type of claims in persuasive speech is presented if the speaker poses
questions of fact and attempts to convince the audience to believe in his/her ideas?
a. Speech that questions value
b. Speech that questions fact
c. Speech that questions policy
d. Speech of persuasion
_____41. Which type of claims in persuasive speech is presented if the speaker focuses on
questions of value, regarding topic on self, love, family etc.?
a. Speech that questions value
b. Speech that questions fact
c. Speech that questions policy
d. Speech of persuasion
_____42. Which statement shows an argument regarding the speech that questions policy?
a. Death penalty is wrong.
b. Death penalty as punishment is not effective, as it does not deter crime.
c. The government should not revive death penalty.
d. Death penalty does not work as an effective punishment.
_____43. What would you do to make your speech entertaining?
a. tell jokes
b. share funny stories
c. dramatize experiences and recall a scary story
d. a, b and c
_____44. What should be the first thing to do in writing an entertaining speech?
a. Choose a light topic.
b. Enjoy
c. Simplify the flow of your speech
d. Visualize
_____45. What would be the next step after choosing a light topic?
a. Choose a light topic.
b. Enjoy
c. Simplify the flow of your speech
d. Visualize
_____46. Which step is to be applied if you give your audience an unexpected twist during
your presentation?
a. Enjoy
b. Visualize
c. Surprise
d. Simplify the flow of your speech
_____47. In writing an entertainment speech, your introduction should begin with _____.
a. an anecdote or funny story which captures the interest of the audience.
b. recounting your main message
c. sharing related stories of others
d. Make a final statement which connects to the opening anecdote.
_____48. After presenting an anecdote or funny story, the next is to _____.
a. Introduce the main message of your speech.
b. Provide a sneak peak of the content of your entertaining speech.
c. Use a humorous quote which highlight your message.
d. Recount your main message
_____49. If you recount your main message, you are now giving your _____.
a. conclusion
b. introduction
c. main body
d. a, b and c
_____50. If you create any type of speech, your speech should contain the _____.
a. introduction
b. main body
c. conclusion
d. a b and c

Prepared by LENNY G. GAYAD


NAME: ______________________________ SCORE: __________

Directions: Match column A to column B. Write your answer on the space provided before
the number.

8-14. Identify the communicative strategy used in each item. Choose the letter of your
answer. Write your answer before the number.

_____8. What strategy is used if I say, “I guess it would be better if we wait for our time to
A. Topic shifting
B. Turn-Taking
C. Repair
D. Nomination
_____9. “Can I eat with you this lunch?” What strategy is used?
A. Repair
B. Topic Shifting
C. Nomination
D. Restriction
_____10. “At this time, I will talk about the effects of vaping." What do you think is the
strategy used?
A. Restriction
B, Nomination
C. Topic Shifting
D. Repair
_____11. When a speaker says, “My task is to discuss with you the effects of smoking.”
What is the correct strategy for this?
A. Restriction
B. Termination
C. Repair
D. Topic Shifting
_____12. “I’m so sorry, but I really need to leave now.” You say this when you use what
A. Termination
B. Repair
C. Nomination
D. Turn-Taking
_____13. “Hey! How are you?” What do you think is the strategy used?
A. Repair
B. Topic Shifting
C. Nomination
D. Restriction
_____14. When you say, “See you around!” What strategy you used?
A. Termination
B. Repair
C. Nomination
D. Turn-Taking
_____15. “Okay, I am listening just go on.” Which strategy is right for the statement?
A. Topic shifting
B. Topic Control
C. Termination
D. Repair
_____16. “Good to see you. Anyway, I came to visit you because I want to personally
apologize for what I did yesterday.” From the strategies given, which one is best for the
A. Repair
B. Nomination
C. Turn-Taking
D. Termination
_____17. “Now, it’s your turn to ask questions.” This is right for what strategy?
A. Termination
B. Repair
C. Nomination
D. Turn-Taking

18-22. Read and analyze each question/ situation and choose the letter of the best answer,
then write your answer on the blank before the number.

_____18. If the message cannot be understood and a change in the form of the message is
done, what kind of repair is used?
A. Repeating
B. Requesting Clarification
C. Not acknowledging the new situation
D. Recasting
_____19. A student asks the teacher about the instructions given, which he/she does not
understand. The teacher repeats the instructions and explains to the student. What kind of
repair used?
A. Repeating
B. Recasting
C. Topic Shifting
D. Requesting Clarification
_____20. If the speaker diverts the discussion from the topic that seems vague, he/she
uses what kind of repair?
A. Repeating
B. Requesting Clarification
C. Not acknowledging the new situation
D. Topic shifting
_____21. During a team meeting, someone expresses confusion about a project deadline. A
team member uses clarification by asking questions to understand concern better and
provides additional information to clear up any misunderstandings. What kind of repair is
A. Repeating
B. Recasting
C. Topic Shifting
D. Requesting Clarification
_____22. The speaker addresses the concerns of the listeners, in order for them to better
better understand the discussion, what is the communicative strategy used?
A. Repair
B. Topic Shifting
C. Nomination
D. Restriction
_____23. Overcoming communication breakdown to send more comprehensible messages
is called what?
A. Termination

B. Restriction
C. Turn-Taking
D. Repair
_____24. Which is a key nonverbal cue that aids in repair communicative strategies?
A. Disregarding facial expressions
B. Paying attention to body language
C. Avoiding eye contact
D. A and B
____25. It is a good way of correcting one self, what type of repair is this?
A. Repeating
B. Not acknowledging the new situation
C. Requesting clarification
D. Topic shifting
_____26. When the situation still remains, what type of repair is it?
A. Repeating
B. Not acknowledging the new situation
C. Requesting clarification
D. Topic shifting
27-36. True or False. Read the statements below about the guidelines of speech writing,
identify whether it is true or not. Write your answer on the blank before the number.
_____27. Keep your words short and simple.
_____28. Use jargons, acronyms and technical words.
_____29. Make your speech more personal.
_____30. When you need to emphasize collectiveness with your audience, use the personal
pronoun “We.”
_____31. Use passive verbs and contractions.
_____32. Manage your time well.
_____33. Do not be sensitive to your audience.
_____34. Use metaphors and other figures of speech.
_____35. B e sensitive of your audience.
_____36. Always deliver a lengthy speech.
_____37. What does the principle of articulation focus on in speech delivery?
A. The volume of speech
B. The clarity of speech sounds
C. The speed of speech
D. The pitch of speech
_____38. Why is clear articulation important in effective communication?
A. To confuse the audience
B. To create a monotone effect
C. To ensure that speech sounds are distinct and easily understood
D. To maintain a low speaking volume
_____39. Which of the following is an example of poor articulation in speech?
A. Speaking at a moderate pace
B. Pronouncing words distinctly
C. Mumbling or slurring words
D. Using appropriate gestures
_____40. How does modulation contribute to effective communication in a speech?
A. It creates a robotic and unengaging delivery
B. It adds variety and expressiveness to the speaker's voice
C. It distracts the audience from the message
D. It has no impact on audience perception
_____41. What role does modulation play in conveying different emotions in a speech?
A. It has no effect on emotional expression
B. Modulation helps convey a range of emotions such as excitement,
seriousness, and enthusiasm
C. It makes the speaker appear uninterested
_____42. What does the principle of stage presence in speech delivery primarily focus on?
A. The physical location of the speaker on the stage
B. The ability to use visual aids effectively
C. The speaker's overall demeanor and connection with the audience
D. The volume and pitch of the speaker's voice
_____43. Why is stage presence important in public speaking?
A. To minimize audience engagement
B. To create distance between the speaker and the audience
C. To establish a strong connection and captivate the audience
D. To hide nervousness and anxiety
_____44. In the context of speech delivery, what does it mean to have a strong stage
A. Speaking at a rapid pace
B. Projecting an air of superiority
C. Engaging the audience with confidence and charisma
D. Avoiding eye contact with the audience
_____45. How do gestures contribute to effective communication during a speech?
A. By confusing the audience
B. By providing a visual representation of the speaker's message and emotions
C. By eliminating the need for verbal communication
D. By maintaining a static and rigid posture
_____46. What impact can inappropriate or excessive gestures have on a speech?
A. They enhance audience understanding
B. They distract the audience and detract from the message
C. They indicate confidence and professionalism
D. They have no effect on audience perception
_____47. How can a speaker ensure that their gestures are appropriate for the audience
and context?
A. By avoiding gestures altogether
B. By using a fixed set of gestures for every speech
C. By adapting gestures to suit the cultural context and audience expectations
D. By using overly exaggerated gestures for emphasis
_____48. What is the relationship between audience rapport and successful communication
in various speaking contexts?
A. Audience rapport is irrelevant in all speaking contexts
B. Successful communication in diverse contexts requires adapting audience
rapport to suit the audience and message
C. Audience rapport is only relevant in informal settings
D. Effective communication relies solely on the content, not on audience rapport.
_____49. Voice quality is the key when we speak of modulation. Is this true or not?
A. True
B. False
_____50. Stage Presence refers to the ability of the speaker to “own the stage.” Is this true
or not?
A. True
B. False

Prepared by LENNY G. GAYAD


Parent/Guardian’s Signature Over Printed Name

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