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IT Marketing Concepts-3442 Past paper Question & answer

Q-1 Discuss international trade theory? Why are they known as the microeconomic aspects of international economics?
Q-2 What is the theory of the second best? In what way is the theory customs unions and example of the theory of the
second best
Q-3 What are the technical admirative, and other no tariff barriers to trade? How do they restrict trade? What the is
importance of theses no tariff trade barrier relative to tariff barriers
Q-4 What is arbitrage? What is its result? What triangular arbitrage? What are cross rates?
Q-5 In what sense are international flows of productive resources a substitute for international commodity trade?
Q-6 What was the procedure for nations to borrow from the IMF?
Q-7 Explain dumping? How non dumping activities affect the economic development? Discuss and analyze with examples
Q-8 How was adjustment to balance of payments disequilibria under the Gold standards explain by hume? How did
adjustment actually take place under the Gold standards
Q-9 The world’s poorest countries are at a competitive disadvantage in every sector of their economies. They have little
to export, they have no capital, their land is of poor quality, they often have to many people given available work
opportunities. They are poorly educated; free trade cannot possibly be in the interest of such nations! Discuss
Q-10 What are quotas? Why should a country prefer quota over tariff while imposing trade barrier to other country? Also
identify the reasons of using tariff rather than quota?
Q-11 What is monetary union? What are the potential advantages of monetary unions? Differentiate between dynamic
and static effects of economic integration
Q-12 What is the portfolio theory? Who does portfolio theory provide support for foreign direct investment? Why would
foreign governments provide NMCs with incentives to undertake FDI there?
Q-13 What are the factors affecting the globalization? Explain why more standardized product specifications across
countries can increase global competition.
Q-14 Differentiate between fixed and floating exchange rate system. what is the of weak home currency on the home
economy, other thing being equal.
Q-15 What are reasons of collapse of gold standard? In your opinion is gold standard is good system to control the
inflation and the volatility of exchange rate in an economy? Also enlist the demerits of having of a gold standard in place
Q-16 Define international business. How absolute advantage theory is beneficial for international business? Critically
Q-17 What is the partial equilibrium analysis? How partial equilibrium analysis is helpful in decision making. Discuss.
Q-18 Critically discuss the impact of portfolio investment on international business.
Q-19 What is the international cartel? How international cartel effect the international business. Discuss
Q-20 Define tariff barrier? How tariff barrier effect international business. Discuss
Q-21 Define globalization? Discuss the economic impact of globalization on LDCs?
Q-22 Compere fixed exchange rate and flexible exchange rate with examples
Q-23 Define international monetary system? Critically evaluate the international monetary system
Works on a higher level of abstraction

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