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//Called when application is started.

function OnStart()
//Create a layout with objects vertically centered.
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" )

//Create a web control.

web = app.CreateWebView( 0.8, 0.8 )
web.SetOnProgress( web_OnProgess )
lay.AddChild( web )

//Create horizontal sub-layout for buttons.

layHoriz = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "Horizontal" )

//Create 'Local' button.

btnLocal = app.CreateButton( "Local" )
btnLocal.SetOnTouch( btnLocal_OnTouch )
layHoriz.AddChild( btnLocal )

//Create 'Dynamic' button.

btnDynamic = app.CreateButton( "Dynamic" )
btnDynamic.SetOnTouch( btnDynamic_OnTouch )
layHoriz.AddChild( btnDynamic )

//Create 'Remote' button.

btnRemote = app.CreateButton( "Remote" )
btnRemote.SetOnTouch( btnRemote_OnTouch )
layHoriz.AddChild( btnRemote )

//Add horizontal layout to main layout.

lay.AddChild( layHoriz )

//Add layout to app.

app.AddLayout( lay )

//Called when user touches 'Local' button.

//(We could use a url like "file:///sdcard/MyPage.htm")
function btnLocal_OnTouch()
web.LoadUrl( "file:///Sys/Html/Page.htm" )

//Called when user touches 'Dynamic' button.

function btnDynamic_OnTouch()
var html = "<html><head>";
html += "<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width'>";
html += "</head><body>Hello Dynamic World!<br>";
html += "<img src='Img/Droid2.png'>";
html += "</body></html>";
web.LoadHtml( html, "file:///Sys/" )

//Called when user touches 'Remote' button.

function btnRemote_OnTouch()
web.LoadUrl( "" )

//Show page load progress.

function web_OnProgess( progress )
app.Debug( "progress = " + progress )
if( progress==100 ) app.HideProgress()

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