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Open access Protocol

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074680 on 13 February 2024. Downloaded from on February 15, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Integrating artificial intelligence into
lung cancer screening: a randomised
controlled trial protocol
Jonathan Benzaquen,1 Paul Hofman,2 Stephanie Lopez,3 Sylvie Leroy,1,4
Nesrine Rouis,1 Bernard Padovani,5 Eric Fontas,6 Charles Hugo Marquette,1
Jacques Boutros ‍ ‍,1 Da Capo Study Group

To cite: Benzaquen J, ABSTRACT

Hofman P, Lopez S, et al. Introduction Lung cancer (LC) is the most common cause STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY
Integrating artificial intelligence of cancer-­related deaths worldwide. Its early detection ⇒ This is a prospective national multicentre ran-
into lung cancer screening: domised trial assessing the role of a machine-­
can be achieved with a CT scan. Two large randomised
a randomised controlled learning analysis of chest CT for lung cancer
trials proved the efficacy of low-­dose CT (LDCT)-­based
trial protocol. BMJ Open
lung cancer screening (LCS) in high-­risk populations. The screening following a long series of promising ret-
2024;14:e074680. doi:10.1136/
bmjopen-2023-074680 decrease in specific mortality is 20%–25%. rospective studies.
Nonetheless, implementing LCS on a large scale faces ⇒ Insufficient power of this study to show clinical ben-
► Prepublication history for efit (ie, reduction in lung cancer mortality).
obstacles due to the low number of thoracic radiologists
this paper is available online. ⇒ Absence of a definitive histological diagnosis in all
and CT scans available for the eligible population and the
To view these files, please visit patients with nodules.
high frequency of false-­positive screening results and the
the journal online (http://dx.doi.​
org/10.1136/bmjopen-2023-​ long period of indeterminacy of nodules that can reach up
074680). to 24 months, which is a source of prolonged anxiety and
multiple costly examinations with possible side effects. randomised controlled trials, LC screening
Received 13 April 2023 Deep learning, an artificial intelligence solution has shown (LCS) using low-­ dose CT (LDCT) was
Accepted 21 December 2023 promising results in retrospective trials detecting lung demonstrated to be efficacious. The Amer-
nodules and characterising them. However, until now no ican National Lung Screening Trial (NLST)3 4
prospective studies have demonstrated their importance in demonstrated a significant 20% reduction in
a real-­life setting. LC mortality and the Belgo-­ Dutch Nelson
Methods and analysis This open-­label randomised trial5 6 showed that 130 patients needed
controlled study focuses on LCS for patients aged 50–80 to be screened to prevent one LC-­ related
years, who smoked more than 20 pack-­years, whether
death over 10 years of follow-­up. In addition,
active or quit smoking less than 15 years ago. Its objective
they found a significant all-­ cause decrease
is to determine whether assisting a multidisciplinary team
(MDT) with a 3D convolutional network-­based analysis in mortality. In the USA, the United States
of screening chest CT scans accelerates the definitive Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)
classification of nodules into malignant or benign. 2722 recommends screening for adults aged 50–80
patients will be included with the aim to demonstrate years, who have a 20-­pack-­year smoking history
a 3-­month reduction in the delay between lung nodule and currently smoke or have quit within the
detection and its definitive classification into benign or past 15 years.6 American7 and European8 9
malignant. guidelines have paved the way to organised
Ethics and dissemination The sponsor of this study is screening. Nonetheless, LCS in France is still
the University Hospital of Nice. The study was approved opportunistic, with France’s national Health
for France by the ethical committee CPP (Comités de
Authority (Haute Authorité de Santé) currently
Protection des Personnes) Sud-­Ouest et outre-­mer III
encouraging pilot LCS programmes using
(No. 2022-­A01543-­40) and the Agence Nationale du
Medicament et des produits de Santé (Ministry of Health) LDCT.10 A recent Cochrane review paper
© Author(s) (or their
in December 2023. The findings of the trial will be including 11 trials11 confirmed a reduction
employer(s)) 2024. Re-­use
disseminated through peer-­reviewed journals and national in LC‐related mortality of LDCT screening
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No
commercial re-­use. See rights and international conference presentations. for high‐risk populations. However, this later
and permissions. Published by Trial registration number NCT05704920. review concluded that there exists limited
BMJ. data on the harm related to overdiagnosis,
For numbered affiliations see false positives and the excess of screening-­
end of article. BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE related diagnostic intervention. The Nelson
Correspondence to Lung cancer (LC) is the leading cause of trial performed growth-­ rate assessment for
Dr Jacques Boutros; cancer deaths worldwide,1 with 33 000 occur- indeterminate lung nodules (ILNs), which
​boutros.​j@​chu-​nice.​fr ring in France in 2018.2 After two landmark reduced the high 24% false positive rate

Benzaquen J, et al. BMJ Open 2024;14:e074680. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074680 1

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074680 on 13 February 2024. Downloaded from on February 15, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
reported in the NLST to only 2%. Therefore, the current In the SOC arm, the MDT will classify the nodule as
challenge is to reduce the false positive rate while main- benign, indeterminate or malignant, and management
taining a high sensitivity. will be based on the French society of pulmonary diseases
Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently been devel- guidelines for lung nodule management.9
oped for medical imaging and deep learning (DL) is In the interventional arm, the MDT will classify the
the fastest-­growing approach in this regard, which has nodule as benign, indeterminate or malignant while
many radiological applications that aid the field, specif- knowing the ILN analysis made with ScanRads, expressed
ically thoracic CT.12 The main purpose of DL for LCS is as a malignancy score on a scale of 1 to 10, in ascending
to help clinicians detect and classify lung nodules more order of the chance of malignancy. In this interventional
accurately and quickly. In the last 15 years, computer-­ arm, nodule management will be based on the same
aided detection and computer-­ aided diagnosis systems guidelines as in the SOC arm.9
have therefore been developed extensively.13 Various In France, as required by the ‘haute authorité de santé’,
DL techniques were retrospectively tested including the for thoracic oncology MDTs, a minimum of a thoracic
Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)-­based classifier, surgeon, a radiologist, a radiotherapist, an oncologist and
the Support Vector Machine (SVM), multiscale convolu- a pulmonologist must attend.
tional network (CNN), and the multicrop CNN, which As we did in our previous national study,16 17 the gold
are impressively accurate, exceeding 95% in some cases standard to decide on the definitive nature (benign or
.12 However, the effect on medical decision-­making of the malignant) of an ILN will be the histological diagnosis.
AI-­based estimated malignancy risk has not been studied In the absence of histology, it is the radiological evolu-
prospectively.14 tion of the nodule (stable or increasing in size) at the
Therefore, we have planned to prospectively test the end of 24 months of follow-­up that will allow a decision
impact of a DL-­trained lung nodule malignancy assess- to be made between malignant and benign. Ground-­
ment software ScanRads, on the decision-­ making of glass nodules stable in size over 24 months of follow-­up
multidisciplinary teams (MDTs). Our working hypothesis will be categorised as ‘indeterminate’. These nodules will
is that AI provides physicians with operational decision not be included in the diagnostic performance analysis
support for LCS candidates who are found to have an ILN as the benignity of stable ground-­glass nodules over 24
and thus shortens the indeterminacy period. months is not guaranteed and therefore does not meet
the defined gold standard. It should be noted that the
classification of a nodule by the MDT may be different
METHODS from the real nature of the nodule. In patients without
Objectives and study design histology at 24 months of follow-­up, a chest CT will be
The primary objective of this study, namely ‘Da Capo’, systematically done.
is to compare the ‘time to definitive classification’ of A blood sample (two tubes of 10 mL Cell-­Free DNA
lung nodules (ie, benign or malignant) detected during BCT, Streck, Omaha, USA) will be taken on a voluntary
LCS, using two management strategies: ‘multidisciplinary basis during the screening and will be sent within 72 hours
team-­only’ versus ‘MDT+AI’. to the Nice Hospital Biobank (BB-­0033–00025) (http://
The secondary objectives will include evaluation and The non-­exclusive purpose
comparison of the diagnostic performance of the two of this sample will be to evaluate the predictive character
management strategies for lung nodule detection during of the appearance of LC at 2 years of follow-­up of a four-­
screening, versus the gold standard; comparison of the marker protein panel15
rate of invasive procedures between the two management
strategies; evaluation of the medicoeconomic impact of Endpoints
the two management strategies; and evaluation of the Primary
predictive character four-­marker protein panel for LC This includes comparison of time to definitive classifica-
diagnosis at 2 years of follow-­up.15 tion of ILN (ie, benign or malignant) between the SOC
Da Capo is a prospective national multicentre open-­ arm (MDT-­only) and the interventional arm (MDT+AI)
label randomised study with two experimental arms: (1) with the log-­rank test.
a standard-­of-­care (SOC) and (2) an interventional arm. If the nodule remains indeterminate at the end of the
Volunteers will be enrolled in a screening programme study period (24 months), the patient’s data are censored
including a consultation, where electronic medical for analysis. This may occur in particular with ground-­
records will be collected, and current smokers will receive glass nodules that are not diagnosed as malignant at the
smoking cessation advice and intervention. Volunteers end of follow-­up.
will perform a first LDCT (T0). When an ILN is found,
the patient will be randomised into the SOC or interven- Secondary
tional arm. If no ILN is found, a second round of LDCT Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and nega-
(T1) will be performed 1 year later and randomisation tive predictive value of the two management strategies
takes place again if an ILN is found during this second will be compared with the gold standard; it also includes
round. comparison of invasiveness and the complication rate

2 Benzaquen J, et al. BMJ Open 2024;14:e074680. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074680

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074680 on 13 February 2024. Downloaded from on February 15, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 ScanRad training principle. FP, false positive; TP, true positive.

of diagnostic procedures between the two management Inclusion and procedures

strategies as well as comparative cost-­consequence anal- Participants who meet all the inclusion criteria and none
ysis of the two management strategies. of the exclusion criteria will be enrolled by a designated
investigator from each centre, after signing the written
ScanRad informed consent. Inclusion will be performed online
ScanRad is a software developed by the Université Côte using the dedicated Da Capo-­secured web-­based platform,
d’Azur (Nice, France) that generates, for each nodule, which has been developed to centralise all patient data,
a malignancy score based on a DL algorithm: 3D CNN images, LDCT reports, ScanRads analyses of the images
applied to images. The algorithm was trained on CT and MDT reports. Only participants with a 6–30 mm lung
scans of 1103 patients from the NLST study, and the nodule found on the first (T0) or second (T1) LDCT
results were presented at the European Congress of will be randomised. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are
Radiology 2020.18 shown in table 1. The study flow diagram is displayed in
Its operating principle is based on machine learning. figure 2.
During a training phase, the algorithm relies on super-
vised learning techniques to estimate a risk of malig-
Information to the general public about the trial will
nancy of pulmonary nodules. For this, a training dataset be delivered via a public information campaign in the
consisting of annotated scanners is used. The annotations investigating centres participating in the study, via social
consist in particular of the location of the nodule(s) on networks and a dedicated web-­based application named
the scanner as well as their associated label (ie, ‘malig- Depiscann (http://depiscann.dacapo-preprod.ascan.​
nant’ or ‘benign’). From these data, the training consists io/) that allows citizens to test their eligibility for LCS
in inferring the particularities, making it possible to detect and via a local advertising campaign among family practi-
a nodule and to characterise its state, in other words, to tioners and the regional daily press.
estimate whether it is malignant or benign. The medical
device trained in this way can then be used to analyse new Statistical analysis and sample size
datasets corresponding, for example, to patients moni- We considered that with the SOC strategy, the estimated
tored for LCS. (figure 1) median time between the discovery of a solid ILN and the

Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
► Age between 50 and 80 years ► Clinical signs suggestive of cancer.
► Active smoker or ex-­smoker who ► Chest CT within 12 months before enrolment.
quit less than 15 years ago ► Radiological abnormality requiring follow-­up or additional investigations.
► Smoking history of at least 20 ► Health problems considerably limiting life expectancy.
pack-­years ► Health problems limiting the possibility of obtaining a histological diagnosis.
► Capacity to give informed consent ► History of neoplasia treated less than 5 years ago, except basal cell carcinoma of
► Affiliated to the French social the skin or localised prostate cancer with radical treatment.
security ► Vulnerable people: adults under guardianship or curatorship.
► Medical and/or psychiatric problems possibly limiting adherence to the study.

Benzaquen J, et al. BMJ Open 2024;14:e074680. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074680 3

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074680 on 13 February 2024. Downloaded from on February 15, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2 Flow diagram of the trial. ILN, indeterminate lung nodule; Interv, interventional arm; LDCT, low-­dose chest CT scan;
SOC, standard of care.

definitive classification by MDT into benign or malignant will be anonymised and stored in electronic format for
is 12 months and that the addition of ScanRads analysis further centralised analysis. The MDT decision will be
could reduce this median time to 9 months. This 3-­month stored along with all follow-­up visits. Access to nomina-
improvement interval is not based on trials. First, it is tive data will be strictly reserved to the referring physi-
based on clinical pertinence as evaluated by thoracic cian, radiologist and doctors constituting the MDT of the
oncologists in France. Also, the 3 months delay is the corresponding centre.
usual minimal interval between follow-­up chest CT scans Quality control will be done by clinical research moni-
in patients with a suspicious nodule. tors appointed by the sponsor. The nature and frequency
Considering that a two-­sided test has a power of 90% of monitoring will be based on the rate of inclusion.
and a level of significance of 5%, the estimated number They will check for the accuracy and completeness
of subjects with a solid ILN is 324 (log-­rank test, nQuery of the case report form entries, source documents and
Advisor, V.9.1). The proportion of subjects with a solid other trial-­related records. They will verify that written
ILN is estimated at 25% at baseline or on the first year of informed consent was obtained and that the trial follows
follow-­up. Considering that there will be 5% of possible the currently approved protocol/amendment(s) in each
loss to follow-­ up, it will be necessary to include 2722 centre, with good clinical practice and with the applicable
volunteers in the study. regulatory requirement(s).
In the absence of a decision by the end of 24 months
of follow-­up, patients will be censored on this date. Data Adverse events
from patients lost to follow-­up or who died during the 24 An adverse event (AE) is defined as any untoward medical
months of follow-­up after the discovery of a ILN will be occurrence happening during the participation of a
censored at the last date of follow-­up. The time to defin- subject in the trial, independently of the relationship with
itive classification will be described for each group using the study-­related interventions and procedures. A serious
Kaplan-­Meier survival curves and compared using the log-­ adverse event (SAE) is defined as any AE that results in
rank test. death, is life-­threatening, requiring participants’ hospi-
talisation or prolongation of an existing hospitalisation
Collection of data and monitoring and that results in persistent or significant disability/inca-
The usual demographic data will be recorded and an pacity. Each AE must be judged by the investigator and
electronic case report form will be created. All LDCTs the sponsor, for assessment of the severity of the causal

4 Benzaquen J, et al. BMJ Open 2024;14:e074680. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074680

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074680 on 13 February 2024. Downloaded from on February 15, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
link between AE and the procedure and the character the training dataset and the data on which it is applied.21
expected or unexpected. Therefore, until the beginning of the trial, ScanRads will
A suspected unexpected severe adverse reaction is an be enriched by real-­life chest CTs with annotated nodules.
adverse reaction that is both unexpected (not consistent Another interesting observation is that this prospec-
with the study-­ related interventions and procedures) tive trial will explore the clinicians’ behaviour in case of
and also meets the definition of an SAE. According to mismatch between the predictions of the model and their
the law of 9 August 2004 of the Code of Public Health, own clinical judgement, a facet that is seldom explored
any occurrence of an SAE will immediately be reported in the literature. Will the clinicians be influenced and
to the sponsor. The sponsor will declare SAE likely to be dragged into inaccuracies when counting on AI? If that
related to biomedical research to the Ethics Committees is the case, we might find a shorter time to definitive clas-
(EC) and to the French ‘Agence Nationale du Medica- sification of nodules in the interventional arm but with a
ment et des produits de Santé’ (ANSM) without delay lower specificity.
and no later than 7 calendar days in case of death or life-­ As with all the studies into LCS, this trial will have one
threatening situations and at the latest within 15 days for main limitation, that is the absence of a definitive histo-
the other SAEs. logical diagnosis in patients.
AEs and SAEs might occur in patients in whom further We hope that by the end of our recruitment, we will be
investigations will be programmed in case of abnormali- able to tell if incorporating DL models into MDT discus-
ties on chest CTs. sions can improve their performance and accelerate the
time to nodule classification and therefore to appropriate
Ethics, regulatory clearances and dissemination decisions.
The study sponsor is the University Hospital of Nice. The
study was approved for France on 14 December 2022 by Author affiliations
the ethical committee CPP Sud-­Ouest et outre-­mer III Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Thoracic Oncology, FHU OncoAge, IHU
(No. 2022-­A01543-­40) and on 21 December 2022 by the RespirERA, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, Nice, France
Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, FHU OncoAge, IHU RespirERA,
ANSM (Ministry of Health) in December 2023 (N° IDRCB Universite Cote d'Azur, Centre hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, Nice, France
2022-­A01543-­40-­A). ​ClinicalTrial.​gov no: NCT05704920. 3
Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France
The findings of the trial will be disseminated through 4
Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Nice, France
reviewed journals and national and international
peer-­ Department of Radiology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, Nice, France
conference presentations. Délégation à la Recherche Clinique et à l’Innovation, Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire de Nice, Nice, France
Patient involvement
Contributors JoB, PH, NR, EF, SyL, BP, CHM and JaB designed the study, JaB and
The patient and members of the public are not involved CHM wrote the paper with input from all authors, and StL developed the artificial
so far at any stage of the trial. intelligence software.
Funding Institut National du Cancer, Conseil Départemental 06, Maskini
Data sharing statement Foundation, Fondation du Souffle, AstraZeneca, Award/Grant number is not
The individual participant data collected during the trial applicable.
will be shared after deidentification. Data will be available Competing interests None declared.
since publication and until 5 years following publication, Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were not involved in
for researchers who provide a methodologically sound the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research.
proposal. Patient consent for publication Not applicable.

Milestones Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
The first study participant will be enrolled on April 2024. Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which
The estimated study completion date is in 2029.
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-­commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
DISCUSSION is non-­commercial. See:
AI is a game changer for various medical fields. None-
theless, some of its impressive retrospective results need Jacques Boutros
to be demonstrated prospectively, which is due to many
methodological issues including trials comparing the
diagnostic performance of DL models and that of health-
care professionals often lacking external validation.19 REFERENCES
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