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Dear Mr. Mrs.

I am Diane Solbès, a French student in my last year of a Master's degree in Chinese and English
in International Business. I am looking for an internship for a three to six month term in the eld of
trade and especially in the wine and spirits sector. I am looking to get experience in import/export.
It is therefore natural that I would like to apply for your o er.

As a language student, languages are a real asset to my studies. They give me the ability to be
internationally oriented. Indeed, I have studied many negotiation techniques and strategies in
Chinese as well as in English. My level of English is fully professional. I obtained my HSK 3 in
2020 and plan to pass HSK 4 at the end of this year. It means that I can use Chinese dealing with
a wide range of topics and communicate with native speakers quite uently. I also have some
knowledge of Spanish which I plan to improve in the future. I am not yet lucky enough to be able
to speak Deutsch, but I intend to take the opportunity of my stay in Berlin to improve my level of

I have worked in two spirits companies based in Cognac, the most recent one where I was a sales
development assistant. One of my main missions was to create and develop a network of sales
agents for one of the company's ranges. My experiences allow me to have a deep knowledge of
wines and spirits, and I am always looking to deepen this knowledge. I also have some
knowledge of Italian wine which I obtained through my work beside my studies.

The importance of achieving experience in your company would be a great opportunity for me.

I hope that my pro le will have retained your interest, and I am at your disposal to arrange an
interview and thus prove my abilities and motivation to join a company like yours.

Sincerely yours,

Diane Solbès
+33 6 75 60 20 67

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