Inventory Origin

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A mst rong > mene pero ara ne moving onic DESTINATION at i Bora BALNO. ] | laC(C ane S CI | Cy 45 a Tia Cy, 04. jae) a pth i awotia 7 Hee Ta s[2Cu Fgusine 4 Opnan ay 15a Ergin €A Och aments La Béol nt acknowledges the following upon signing at origin: “ke ib A net S Cipwortod or wanted goods afer th inital shipment 8, Ariva dates ae subjeto enonge ae result of wether, shes, customs, mapeclors, port congexion ‘orany other unforeseen circumstances. Armstrong wil not be responsible for any charges lemporary accammodation inspection fees, storage, demurrage, eto) Fesulting rom shipping delays, ORIGIN: TO BE SIGNED BY CLIENT OR FHEIR APPOINTED DESTINATION: TO BE SIGNED BY CLIENT OR THEIR APPOINTED REPRESENTATIVE AND CREW SUPEr REPRESENTATIVE AND CREW SUPERVISOR Note: We acknolagge count and conden) goods as iste a Note: We seknowlagge rcpt of goods inthe same count and condition ‘he time of loging end the ont hes smarepot | sa thopes lant (or AppintodRepepota Client lor Appointed Representative) Ia Print Name: (crew Supervisor: Crow Supenisor Date ‘Tor copy -FiLE BOTTOM coPY .cLENT INVENTORY AND CONDITION OF ARTICLES own VIC _ Lempfiere Hoag ons arpitte a cesrnanow Me ne, Australia FIDI iSS7475 Armstron Armstrong > =o MOOE oar ONTANERNG: TENG: SCO Din a Lomypshase Curtain wm Lam? Phe Chai PKE “Toble pew Dyp's iSh Pack eect peu Rocket § Liner Nowe 4& Linea ch lasek & OF Namtats cu Ling & ornaments ro oe SC N\ Ome al i Ul oe cts Plan pets Pa rage a ne Dy Poe Bele Sf MO hamerlt KS th iS: BoDOn “The client acknowledges the fol ng won Sanng arn: Fesulting from shipping lays ‘ais: To ne sioneD By cueNT on REPRESENTATIVE AND CREW SUPER Note: Wo acknowledge count and condi {het of loading and the cient ha DEsTIVATION:70 BE SIGNED BY CLIENT OR THEI APPOINTED REPRESENTATIVE AND Ci Note: We acknowledge seshipped R APPOINTED ot nce Clint jor Appointed Represe Print Nome: ee Craw Supervisor: oP COPY. FLE sont (or Appointed Represent (row Supervisor: — BOTTOM copy CLIENT Date Armstrong > moving INVENTORY AND CONDITION OF ARTICLES cua NIC empl Iwe—Hogg mom Toran DesmNaTion: Md bend, Aoikaa a "SE 1 Unless payment nas conditions of ‘ny “Gvotat ORIGIN TO GE SIGNED BY CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE AND CREW SUP Now unt REPRESENTATIVE AND CREW SUPERVISOR ledge receipt of goods Inthe sar 3 crow Supervisor: Date — Armstrong 2 cor NC. Lempriere. ~Hog moving Torley on Con TI "Paya ea ~SEALNO, CA. AE Zon Wweignss Clothes Dee Uatst Clothe, Ane: te Claris ramet Al.) _ L iC Cutain sin Il VIC Cactaln ts 3 4 a eat s/Yeu Cabinet Noord Boxes 69 Ca A pnamer WLR Emir Fain feeseeeeeeea onaG 8 ampshad & Pol Pia REW SUPERVIGO! Rote ie otncwtedg cunt an cond fol thine ofa an the ont hs eh LY Cie or Anointed nooesentav Ne Ar ms t rong : wear we sein oF vee moving one ww ‘ vesrmanov ic FIDI MODE ae ae TIEN, ‘CONTAINER WO BEAL. [2/o yas "i5574 75 [5a 5. foes AG cor I KE Cabin | Cu Tinga Dee fen KE Cade [reach rae gate & te HS Glass Pk i The clot acknowledges the fllowing upon signing at origin: 4. Uniess payment has been otherwise aerenged, the carier wil not relinguish possession of shipment unt al the charges are paid, 2. The terms and Conditions of ie "Quotation and Contract” andthe "All Risk” International Valuation have been fead and understood and ar in effec. 3. Notwithstanding Sy "Quotation and Contract” signed by a third pery or any instructions to invoice thie party tho eliontromin jointly and eoveraly able forall charges. ‘We aren agresment that a atiles ore being shipped tothe corect destination via the correct made, and we reloase Armstrong from shiping ‘inwanted or wanted goods after the intial shipment. 8 Arrival dates are subject to change asa result of wether sre, customs, inspections, por congestion fran ether unforesean circumstances. Armatong will nat be responsible for any charges temporary aezommodetion, inpecton fees etrage, demurrage, et] ‘eulting from shipping sys ORIGIN: TO BE SIGNED BY CLIENT OF THEs REPRESENTATIVE AND CREW SUPERVISR Note: We acknowledge count an the time of ooing onl tho ein Chto Anand Reet Pilea a ereeey crew Sunewisor eS PENCE DESTINATION: TO BE SIGNED BY CLIENT OR THEIR APPOINTED REPRESENTATIVE AND CREW SUPERVISOR ote: We acknowledge recip of poads Inthe same count and condition as shipped yt (or Appointed Reps ie eae bate: 12/07 crew Supervisor: Date oP COPY - FLE BorTom cory. CLIENT

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