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Bayubay, Joeanna Marie L.

BSBA-3A Score:

Research Title

Analyzing the Impact of Facebook Engagement on Online Business Success: A Logistic

Regression Approach

Simple Explanation

This study investigates how a business's engagement on Facebook (likes, shares, comments, etc.)
affects its chances of success in the online marketplace. Logistic regression in Jamovi will be
used to analyze this relationship, predicting the likelihood of online business success based on
Facebook engagement metrics.

I. Independent Variable:

➢ Facebook Engagement
A composite score based on likes, shares, impressions, and other engagement metrics on
a business's Facebook account.

II. Dependent Variable:

➢ Online Business Success

A dichotomous variable categorizing businesses as "Successful" (high sales, positive
online reviews) or "Unsuccessful" (low sales, negative reviews).

III. Methodology:

● Statistical Analysis:
Logistic regression will be used in Jamovi to model the relationship between
Facebook engagement and online business success, allowing us to quantify the
impact of engagement on success probability.
● Data Collection:
Data on Facebook engagement and online business success metrics will be
gathered from a sample of businesses with active Facebook profiles.

IV. Research Questions:

1. Is there a statistically significant relationship between Facebook engagement and online

business success?
2. How does the probability of online business success change with increasing Facebook
3. Are there specific types of Facebook engagement (e.g., replies, mentions) that have a
stronger impact on success than others?

V. Expected Outcomes:

● This study aims to quantify the role of Facebook engagement in driving online business
● It will identify the level of engagement associated with higher success rates, informing
businesses on optimizing their Facebook strategies.

VI. Significance:

● The findings can offer valuable insights for businesses seeking to leverage Facebook for
growth and reach.
● Businesses can gain a better understanding of how their Facebook engagement translates
into actual success, allowing them to refine their marketing efforts and target audiences
● Researchers and social media analysts can benefit from this study's insights into the
relationship between social media engagement and business outcomes.

VII. Statistical Software: JAMOVI

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