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(Optional) NAME:

PART I. Personal Information

1. In what age group are you?
o 19 and under
o 20 - 29
o 30 - 39
o 40 - 49
o 50 - 59
2. Gender
o Female (including transgender women)
o Male (including transgender men)
o Prefer to self-describe as ___________ (specify)
o Prefer not to say.

PART II. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Cloud-based Software (Google Drive)

Directions: Use the scale (5) Strongly Agree to (1) Strongly Disagree to express your agreement or disagreement
with each statement. Please consider each statement carefully and select the response that best represents your
opinion. Your honest and thoughtful feedback is valued. Thank you for participating. Place a check (✔) mark in the
box of your answer.
Category Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

1. Improves efficiency within an

2. More convenient and widespread.
3. Improved collaboration and data
sharing due to cloud storage.
4. Face challenges in terms of data
transfer speeds and latency when using
cloud-based software.
5. Demonstrates your openness and

1. Enables to access the documents from

any location.
2. Experienced a noticeable reduction in
data loss incidents.
3. Satisfied with the effectiveness of our
current cloud-based software in saving
and managing data.
4. Has reliable backup and recovery
mechanisms for our confidential
5. Easy and secure sharing of confidential
data among authorized users.

1. The cloud-based software we use

provides a secure environment for storing
sensitive business data
2. Improved the overall reliability of data
storage in our organization.
3. Allows for efficient and easy retrieval
of stored data.
4. Enhances accessibility to stored data
for authorized users.
5. Reliable in terms of data availability
1. The cloud-based software I use for
editing data is user-friendly.
2. Provides efficient tools for data editing
3. Allows me to access and edit data from
multiple devices
4. Facilitates real-time editing, enhancing
collaboration among team members.
5. Trust the security features of the cloud-
based software in safeguarding edited data

PART III. Evaluation of the Sales Inventory Management

Directions: Use the scale (5) Strongly Agree to (1) Strongly Disagree to express your agreement or disagreement
with each statement. Please consider each statement carefully and select the response that best represents your
opinion. Your honest and thoughtful feedback is valued. Thank you for participating. Place a check ( ✔) mark in the
box of your answer.

Category Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

1. The accuracy of inventory records has

improved since the adoption of cloud-
based software
2. Reduced errors in recording and
updating sales inventory data.
3. Our sales transactions are promptly and
accurately reflected in the inventory
management system.
4. The system provides sufficient
validation checks during data entry to
minimize errors
5. Our company employs regular audits to
verify the accuracy of inventory records.

1. All material and supply receipt

transactions are reliably processed and
2. Enhanced the real-time visibility of our
sales inventory.
3. Ensure the confidentiality and integrity
of our sales inventory data.
4. Inventory turnover rates are regularly
monitored and analyzed.
5. Effectively prevents stockouts and
overstock situations.

1. Effective sales inventory management

is crucial for accurate sales forecasting.
2. Regular inventory assessments are
conducted to align with sales forecasts.
3. Historical sales data is adequately
utilized in our sales forecasting process.
4. Regularly update our inventory based
on market trends and customer demands.
5. The sales inventory management
system accurately predicts future sales.

1. Perform analytics on inventory

balances between periods.
2. The inventory system provides accurate
information on stock movements
3. Implementing RFID or barcoding
technology could enhance our inventory
updating process.
4. Stock updates are timely and reflective
of real-time sales.
5. The system provides timely
notifications when stock levels are low.
1. The company uses technology tools to
streamline cash flow management.
2. Rate the impact of efficient sales
inventory management on your company's
overall cash flow.
3. Financial forecasts are regularly
updated to reflect changes in cash flow.
4. The company actively seeks
opportunities to improve cash flow
5. Cash inflows are consistently
monitored and analyzed.

Your involvement in this survey has been extremely important in improving the scope of our study. The
insightful information gathered from your answers serves as a solid basis for the findings made in this thesis. We
would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your contribution to the field's growth of knowledge. We appreciate
your time and careful responses; the information you provided has been really helpful.3

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