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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna
Weekly Evaluation for Teaching Internship

Pre-Service Teacher: Date:

Area of Specialization: Cooperating Teacher:

Directions: Below are criteria by which the Pre-Service Teachers will be evaluated on their actual
internship. Check the numerical rating corresponding to your rating and write your important
observations on the blanks opposite each criterion.
5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Unsatisfactory NA – Not Applicable)

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1 Observations
1. Oral communication skills

2. Written communication skills

3. Rapport with students, teachers and school

4. Attendance and Punctuality

5. Work Ethics/Commitment

6. Quality of Work Output

7. Professional well-being

8. Ability to Collaboratively work with others.

9. Intellectual Ability

10. Respect for others

11. Initiative and Cooperation

12. Ability to accept feedbacks

13. Ability to cope with stress and work loads

14. Commitment to the teaching Profession

FINAL RATING Average (Total ÷ 14)


Signature over printed name of the Cooperating Teacher


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