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Grade 11 Business

Ch-1 worksheet:

1. What is the basis of differentiating between economic and non-economic activities? Classify the
following activities as economic or non-economic:

a. A property dealer selling house for commission

b. A housewife doing household work at home
c. A teacher teaching in the school
d. A person offering prayer in the church

2. Maninder, Surinder and Balbinder and Harinder pursued their Masters Degree in Business
Management from a reputed institute of Delhi. After completion of their studies, all of them got
engaged in different fields. Maninder got a job at an Oil Refinery Industry as a Junior Executive Finance.
Surinder joined his family business of Textile Industry at Jalandhar, Punjab. Balbinder opened his own
Dairy Firm and Harinder join construction business 1 Name the type of industry Mr. Maninder worked in
reference to the above lines.

(A) Genetic Industry

(B) Extractive Industry

(C) Territory Industry

(D) Assembling Industry

2. Indentify the type of industry Mr. Surinder worked with as highlighted in the above case.

(A) Analytical Industry

(B) Synthetic Industry

(C) Processing Industry

(D) Assembly Industry

3. Which type of industry Mr. Balbinder started afer his studies as referred in the above case?

(A) Genetic Industry

(B) Processing Industry

(C) Territory Industry

(D) Manufacturing Industry

4 Indentify the type of industry Mr. Harinder worked with as highlighted in the above


(A) Primary Industry

(B) Secondary Industry

(C) Tertiary Industry

(D) None of Above

3. Armaan is very fond of playing indoor games, he requested his father to buy him some
indoorgames. His father sold his old laptop on and bought him a new play station

Can the transaction by Armaan’s father to sell the laptop be termed as a business
transaction? Name the related feature of business to support your answer.
No, the transaction by Armaan’s father cannot be termed as business transaction.
The related feature of business is dealing in goods and services on reular basis.

2.GMR Industries entered the airports space in early 2000s and is today counted amongst thetop
5 airport private airport developer and operators globally. GMR Industries presently ownsand
operates Delhi International Airport and Hyderabad International Airports. Apart frombeing the
largest private airport company in India, GMR Industries is the only Indian airportdeveloper to
have developer to have developed and operated airports outside India.Identify the types
of industry and its category being discussed in above case.

GMR Industries is a secon
dary industry, it’s category is construction industry.

3.Shiela after graduating from college went back to her home town in Meghalaya. It was
smalltown with very few job opportunities. The karbi tribal women in that area were
uneducatedbut still practiced the method of obtaining traditional colours from natural wild herbs.
Theirmost popular dye was indigo obtained from the lea
ve called ‘sibu’. Using these colours they
added variety to their textiles. The women were mainly confined to their homes and they didnot
know how to make a living out their talent. Shiela went from door to door and analyzedthe
problem that existed. She thought of setting up the business of buying textiles from t

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