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1. Which of the following concepts in grammar is shown in the following definition of noun?

“Noun in a sentence occurs before the verb phrase; after a transitive verb; after a linking verb;
after a preposition; and after another noun or noun phrase.

a. Noun placement
b. Distribution
c. Grammatical pattern
d. Syntax

2. Which of the function words in the following sentence is NOT used to signal a noun?
My sister in New York likes to spend vacation in the Philippines this summer.
a. my
b. in
c. to
d. this

3. Which of the following words/syllables have onset, nucleus, and coda? III. Beg
II. sand IV. Plea VI. Free

a. I,II,III, and V only

b. II, III, IV, and V only
c.I, III, V, and VI only
d. I, II, III, IV, V, VI

4. Which of the following is the competency you develop in the domain of viewing
a. Use appropriate idiomatic expression in a variety of ways
b. Note the changes in volume, projection, pitch and stress
c. Give the meaning of signs and symbols
d. Differentiate literary writing from academic writing

5. When working with presentation software in a stage production, which do you observe?
a. Read very well the slides
b. Use various forms of animation to ensure audience attention
c. Use blank screen when you need to pause
d. Place the computer where everything could be seen by the audience

6. A teacher who wants to conduct an intensive drilling of basic sentence pattern should
a. assign pair work
b. explain grammar rules
c. demonstrate the lessons
d. do pattern practice

7. Which process do you teach your students when you ask them to analyze the title of the story
and the illustrations to help them initially grasp the meaning of text?
a. foreshadowing
b. predicting
c. previewing
d. critiquing
8. Which of the following words are inflected?
I. singing
II. stolen
III. nasal
IV. neighborhood
V. angry
VI. oxen

a. I, II and IV only
b. I, III, IV and V only
c. I, II, IV and VI only
d. I, II, III, IV, V and VI

9. Which type of error is committed in the sentence below:

The President together with his department secretaries is in Central distributing relief goods.
a. dangling modifier
b. misplaced modifier
c. squinting modifier
d. run-on sentence

10. Which is the correct sequence of reading process?

A. III. Preparing to read I. Reading V. Responding II. Exploring IV. Extending

11. Which is the BEST interpretation of this metaphorical line.. The car is a glutton for gasoline".
D. High expensive for fuel gas.

12. The sentence "Give me a cup of blended coffee." is best classified as/an
C. Direct illocutionary

13. A maxist interpretation of "waiting for godot" by Samuel Beckett would probably focus on.
C. The power imbalance in the relationship of the characters.

14. An English language learner is at an advanced stage of English language acquisition. This
phenomenon can best explained as ___________.
C. Fossilization of interlanguage structures.

15. The following sentence label according to word usage?


16. An ESL is designing a listening learner for a seventh -grade English language.Which of the
following guidelines should the teacher follow in order to align the lesson with the
comprehensible input hypothesis?
Ans: Choose an aural selection that is slightly above the students comprehension level.

17. What issue is pointed out in the following sentence?

Ans: Subject verb agreement.

18. The following pair of sentences provide an example of:

Ans: Paraphrasing

19.At the border of two countries, there is a port where fishermen work.The fishermen do not
work the same language, so they communicate using one that has been invented but only for
the purpose of trade. This scenario most accurately describes which of the following types of
Ans: Pidgin

20.If you want your lesson the story of Biag ni Lam- Ang to become interesting and to establish
a connection to your students personal lives, which do you?
Ans: Let him compose their own climax of the story.

21. Which is experienced by a learner when he is unable to recall the name of an object instead
reasons that is the "tip of his tongue"
Ans: Anomia

22. Central to the teaching of Hinduism is karma which includes actions, intentions, and
consequences. This is a recurring theme in Indian Literature like Sakuntala. Karma revealed
itself in this play when ___________
a. Bharata took Dushyanata to his mother Sakuntala
b. A fisherman found a ring in the fish belly.
c. Durvasa cursed Sakuntala from failing to greet him properly
d. Dushyanta failed to recognize Sakuntala as his wife

23. Virtually all languages have contrasts such as singular versus plural and past versus non-
past. These contrast are often marked at the help of _____
a. dissimilate
b. conversion
c. derivation
d. inflection

24. Which of the following does not serve as the legal basis for the Enhanced Basic Education
Curriculum (K to 12)
a. RA 10533
b. 1987 Philippine Constitution
c. Bilingual Education Policy
d. Kindergarten Act

25. Which news element is suggested by the following newspaper headline?

“Budget slowdown loom”
a. proximity
b. consequence
c. conflict
d. prominence

26. If you translate a text and at the same time verbalize as much thought as possible, which
method do you use?
a. thought processing
b. cognitive processing
c. read aloud
d. think aloud

27. The teacher asks the children to read with expression, she also reminds them that they don’t
need to stop between each word, they should read as quickly as they comfortably can she
cautions them , however, not to read so quickly that thy leave out or misread a word. The
teacher knows the important of reading fluency are ________
a. speed , accuracy and comprehension
b. cohesion, rate and prosody
c. understanding, rate and accuracy
d. rate, accuracy and prosody

28. Puppet, board games, picture dictation, speed dating, interviews


29. Below is an example of lead which may be found in the following EXCEPT
Aside from police officers, ordinary workers nationwide may also enjoy a much-needed salary
increase before the year ends.

30. Language function expressed in the following statement:

Assessment in most schools is segmented. They must be well-crafted assessment tool to
determine learning. Assessment must be standardized.

31. NOT an Adjective?

It is an interesting, but a different question. I am not sure if I have done it right.

32. Best example of headline


33. Negligible in color-blind casting.


34. Show syntactic ambiguity EXCEPT


35. Provide some simple examples of the thematic roles. Which sentence DOES NOT show

36. The school board adopted new regulations Tuesday that will affect all students and parents.
What is the problem with this lead?
Ans: It is too general and lacks specific details.

37. The transferee speaks more fluently than_____.

Ans: I
38. The major theme of the poem below can be best summarized as:
Ans: Virgins should seize the day.

39. Why is Mrs. Benet so determined to arrange a good marriage for her five daughters?
Ans: marrying them off to good families means financial security for them.

40.Not illustrate the arbitrariness of language?

Ans: through time, language users will see the evolution of the denotation or connotation of an

41. 5-7-5-7-7 ans: Tanka

42. Which type of language curriculum in which “informing, agreeing, apologizing, requesting,
etc.” may be given importance?
a. situational
b. functional
c. skill-based
d. structural

43. Which method does a teacher use when she emphasizes the integration rather than
separation of skill and allows the language function and forms to interplay?
a. communicative
b. immersion
c. direct
d. audio-lingual

44. When you teach students to use pleasant words instead of those with distasteful or
offensive effect like the “grim-reaper” for death and “crossing-over” for dying, you are teaching a
lesson on _____
a. existentialism
b. localization
c. euphemism
d. contextualization

45. The stanza below tells us of _________________.

a. A death heroic legend from classical mythology to the society that the writer knew best.
b. A death and resurrection of a known character in English history
c. Mourning over the death of the writer’s friend, and the revelation of personal concerns
of the writer
d. The tragic but an important historical and political end of a politician and writer

Yet once more, O ye laurels, and once more,

Ye myrtles brown, with ivy never sere,
I come to pluck your berries harsh and crude,
And with forced fingers rude
Shatter your leaves before the mellowing year.
Bitter constraint and sad occasion dear
Compels me to disturb your season due;
For Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime,
Young Lycidas, and hath not left his peer.
-Lycidas, John Milton

46. Which of the following theoretical principles may require a teacher to first talk about the
author, and the tradition to which the literary text belongs?
a. Feed the text
b. Read the text
c. Enhance the text
d. Enjoy the text

47. The teacher who plans to teach Carl Sandburg’s and Walt Whitman’s famous poems should
first introduce which of the following?
a. Blank verse
b. Ode
c. Narrative
d. Free verse

48. The underlined word in the following sentence functions as _______________.

“For an essay to be unified, it must maintain a consistent level of language and attitude toward
the subject and the reader.”
a. Direct object
b. Indirect object
c. Object complement
d. Predicate nominative

49. Which is an appropriate alternative point of view to traditional media?

a. Beat
b. Hypelocal
c. Tabloid
d. Blogs

50. What does the following statement imply?

“Someone’s frown may indicate anger to one person, while to another, the same frown may
indicate that he has a headache.”
a. Perceptions are interpretations of external signs
b. Rarely do people’s perceptions agree
c. Seldom are perceptions based on interpretations
d. Perceptions are also interpretations

51. The speaker should change the language to the needs of a listener or based on the demand
of the situation like the given example EXCEPT for ___________.
a. Sophisticating the language by using high level terminologies for learners
b. Talking differently to a baby than to an adult
c. Speaking differently in a classroom than the playground
d. Giving background information to an unfamiliar listener

52. The goal of this type of assessment is to promote an ongoing feedback that can be used by
instructors to improve their teaching and for the students to improve their learning.
a. Summative
b. Diagnostic
c. Formative?
d. Objective
53. What theoretical model of the reading process would enjoin a teacher to give focus on the
learner’s background knowledge, learner’s interests, and whole meaning?
a. Bottom-up
b. Top-down
c. Interactive
d. Transactional

54. Which among the following does NOT represent the concept of washback?
a. A test may influence what teachers teach and how they teach their students
b. The extent to which the introduction and use of a test influence language learners
c. What is tested does not affect what is taught
d. It is the connection between testing and learning

55. Which of the following is prescriptively correct in the following sentence?

The teacher suggest that he ____ things over before deciding

56. “Poetry should glorify God, promote religious values, enlighten readers and help people to
become Christians.” Whose literary theory is this?

57. The underline pronoun in the sentence is _____

“When he arrived, John noticed that the door was open.”

58. What is the literary theory or approach that the teacher is using as her basis for teaching a
poem using the following written objectives?
I. Determine the figurative speech to convey meaning.
II. Identify the symbols used in the poem
III. Explain the theme of the poem

59. How many phrases are there in the given sentence?

Villages in the mining area were prohibited to go back to their homes covered by the sticky mud.
ANS. 4

60. Which national policy describes the level of educational qualification outcomes?

61. Which is the first step to follow in writing a literature test?


62. Which of the following is NOT characteristics of a Formalistic Criticism?


63.Teacher Fely imposes copious rules and paradigms to students rather than letting them
discover the rules. She view language learning as ______
64. The following are elements of HAIKU EXCEPT

65. Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of using the results of an
informal reading inventory to reading instruction?

66. On levels of reading comprehension, which involves the understanding of information stated
directly in the text?

67. The “mast head” refers to the _______


68. Which literary movement considers natures as its subject, being the source of enjoyment
and knowledge?

69. What translation technique is shown in the following example?

“Loyalty to the country always, Loyalty to the government when it deserves.”
“Katapatan sa bansa lagi, Katapatan sa pamahaaan kailangan karapat-dapat.”

70. Which of the following language learning theories emphasizes student -centered and
project-based learning?
*B. Constructivism

71. Which literary term refers to the overriding feeling in a work?

*A. Mood

72. The primary thing to be taken into account by teacher in formulating objectives of the lesson
*C. Consideration for SMART

73. Teacher Reyes wants students to use a metacognitive strategy before listening to text.
Which should her students do?
*B. Check for difficult words

74. For remedial language learners, which should be the next to learn to be able to expand
understanding of the English language?
A. Organizing sentences into paragraph.

75. You plan to adapt instructional materials for your class. Which of the following do you
*B. Ensuring students' performance in achievement texts

76. In teaching Shakespeare's tragedies to Grade 9, the following ideas may be given emphasis
*D. A central character may not necessarily be an important person in the society for as long as
he/she is brave

77. The last step in the application of situation language teaching is_.

C. Correction

78. Which among the given tools will most likely achieve the goal of given assessment to
achieve mastery of competence,desired outcomes and standards?

C. Learning log

79. Which of these DOES NOT comprise the four essential functions of mythology as viewed by
Joseph Campbell?

D. Exploring religious experience through reproducing the conditions of mythical age

80. Which translation problem is very evident in the given sentence?

" Mabuti ang panahon sa aking palagay."
" Fine is the weather l pressume. "

B. Extraposition

81. Which is the symptom manifested by a beginning reader who is unable to quickly
recognize sight words?

D. Can slowly decode sight words syllables by syllables.

82. Which assessment is appropriate for an oral examination in phonetics?

B. Performance

83. What is the defect of this statement which is lifted from news item?

A. Vague

84. What does the “desk” refer to?


85. Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman has been called a tragedy of the common man
because it ___

ANS. Gives an ordinary salesman’s life weight and meaning

86. To ensure proper implementation of K-12 Curriculum the following pedagogical approaches
as stated in Section 5 of RA 10533 should only be used EXCEPT:

87. Which type of listening comprehension refers to the ability listen only to specific part of the


88. Using the story “The Monkey’s Paw by W.W. Jacob which symbolism do you highlight?


89. Which of the following statements has a direct object?


90. The passage below is from which of the following works?


91. Which of the following is likely NOT to be employed by a teacher who is teaching grammar
a. The teacher lets the learners subconsciously absorb grammar information

92. Literary analysis entails connecting with the readers which type of connection is established
by the passage below?
"Is the guy Eddie Brown?'
A. Questioning

93. Where can we see the strong example of an individual's freedom to choose one's existence
in Rabindranath Tagore's poem "The Man Had No Useful Work"?

C. The girl fetching water from the well everyday

94. Which best describes learners with a dominant linguistics intelligence?

I. They are adept at recognizing rhythms & sounds in words
II. They can readily spot semantics errors
III. They enjoy working on numbers and numerals
IV. They have a strong sense of proportion

A. I and II

95. The stanza below from

Do not go gentle into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the light.

A. Villanelle

96. Which intervention technique would be appropriate for learners with high level learning

97. Which is one step to follow in copyreading

D. Make sure that the statements which are attributions and sources are retained.

98. Which of the following is the most important in planning and developing curriculum?
✅B. the teacher should follow standards adopted by the country

99. Who is described in this line?

"And on the slope above the sea
The hard-handed peasants go their round
Turning the soil, blind to the body
Ambitious and viable, whose pride
Will leave no trace in the quenching tide."

✅C. Icarus

100. You are selecting instructional materials for your English class, which of the following
factors do you consider?
a. Consider the abilities of average learners
b. Promote only the specific needs of local
c. Give preference to the availability of materials
d. Cater the needs of diverse learners

101. Which refers to the instructional strategies that make up the art or science of knowledge?
a. Psychology
b. Methodology
c. Pedagogy
d. Andragogy

102. You are following the task-based syllabus. Which activities do you apply?
a. Exercises following writing
b. Identifying text types
c. Recalling supporting details
d. Writing notes, memos, reports

103. Enjambment is ______________.

a. When a pause or stop in a line of poetry occurs
b. A type of rhythm that occurs in a line or among lines
c. A sort of improvised poetry session
d. When the meaning of a line flows into the next
104. The poet can be satirical, expressing himself with wit and force. What is the best
interpretation of the following lines?
“Which is the basest creature, man or beast? Birds feed on birds, beast on each other prey; but
savage man alone does man betray.”

a. Man is just like animals

b. Man is the most beastly of animals
c. Man’s inhumanity to its kind
d. Man is proven by his actions

105. An example of allomorphic variation is found in the following except:

a. The words a and an
b. The pronunciation of the plural morpheme -s
c. The segment of invent becomes (s) when combined with -ion
d. The difference between sound segments in seek & sick

106. Skills are intricate part of learning a subject. For instance, there are some mathematical
skills that need to be mastered before starting an Engineering course. These skills are referred
to as ______.
a. Pre-requisite
b. Enabling
c. Recursive
d. Terminal

107. Which word is closest in meaning to the capitalized word in the given sentence?
“I got my courage back and wonderful sense of expectation of the IMMINENT arrival of the
a. Unexpected
b. Eminent
c. Approaching
d. Delayed

108. Which sentence has an adjective clause?

a. The victim who was allegedly salvage
b. The victim who was allegedly salvaged is a freshman.
c. They found the salvaged victim in an abandoned building.
d. They were called to identify the salvaged victim.

109.If you plan to choose instructional materials for iconic learning, which will you consider?
C. Visual images for real things.

110.if intervention instruction in English is to be redeveloped, which among the variables will be
regarded "non-negotiable"?
D. Individual learners and individualities of learning

111. Dofoe, Addison, and Steele were representation of new profession and form of writing

112. The prettiest girl dances gracefully.

In writing some adverbs and adjectives are clutters and unnecessary. Which of the
following sentence does not contain clutter?

113. Which of the following is characteristic of the

Romantic Period as shown in Coleridge’s “Ancient
Mariner” and “Kubla Khan”, and Shelley’s poem

a. Romantics gave emphasis on imagination and emotion.

b. Romantics gave emphasis on the elements of nature
c. Romantics emphasized primal feeling and simplicity.
d. Romantics emphasized strange and faraway places.

114. Which of the following statements has a noun clause?

a. My mother told me that you knew where to find the best caterer
in town.
b. The much-awaited performance which was postponed several
times finally came.
c. Mrs. Romero is the speech trainer who first taught me how to
give a good impromptu speech.
d. When do you expect to meet the new members of our dance

115. B. What
Among news story leads that use the 5W’s and H. Which is applied in the given lead?
“Coral vandalism sparked outrage among divers and environmentalists.”

Complete the Analogy
King Lear: Tragedy of Parental Love::Tragedy of Ambition: __________________

117. B. I only
In selecting instructional material, which of the following factors should be considered?
I. Consider the varied interest; abilities and proficiency level of the learners.
II. Advocate the use of culture-book materials
III. Make use to include the diverse culture of class.

118. Which of the following is a component of planning and carrying out a good read-aloud
lesson for junior high school srudents?
a. Avoid facilitating a discussion of a text.
c. Model flent reading to students.
d. Read without props and animations.

119. In Landston Hughe's poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers", the African persona mentioned
the great rivers of Asia and Africa to talk about the culture heritage and history of African
people. Why is the use of this imagery effective?
a. The famed Tigris and Euphrates rivers are located in Central Asia.
c. The famous Nile and Congo rivers are located in Africa.
d. The earth's surface is composed of 70% water and there are lot of bodies of water in
Africa and Asia.

120. What term is used to suggest that concepts have internal structure, with the best examples
(for instance Tom Cruise in the case of 'film stars', Robin in the case of 'birds') close to the
core and less typical members arranged in successively more peripheral regions?
a. stereotype
b. idiotype
d. archetype

121. Teacher Beta employs an approach to learning the English language characterized by
direct contact with the native speaker of the target language. Which approach is it?
b. Grammar Translation
c. Translation
d. Audio-Aural

122. Three kinds of complements come after verbs. Which sentence has an indirect object?
b. The farmers consider natural fertilizers as a better option.
c. Many business owners sold their shares.
d. The pharmacist sold unexpired drugs.

123. You are to prepare an English intervention program for your students. Which language
deficiency do you consider in order to make your program useful?
a. Skill in using language for leaning.
b. Lack of appreciation of language.
c. Superior language competencies.

124. "The poor Christ of Bombay" by African novelist, Mongo Beti, begins in media res which
means of narrative that ______?
a. Starts at the beginning of events and ends at some important point.
b. Starts and ends with significant and interesting.
d. Starts and concludes at some very critical points.

125. In their works, Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift frequently criticized the ____.
a. Corrupt politics and growing materialism of the time.
b. Aristocrats' polished manners or behaviors.
c. Lack of social and educational reforms or changes.
d. Strong spiritualism of the English people.

126. Which is the most appropriate "while listening" activity for a text describing a family tree
consisting of three generations?
a. Writing each generation's history.
b. Writing down names.
d. Copying a family tree.

127. What is shown in the following?

"The man saw the cow."

1. The man (Subject)

1.1 The (article)
1.2 man (noun)

2. saw the cow (predicate)

2.1 saw (verb)
2.2 the cow (object)
2.2.1 the (article)
2.2.2 cow (noun)

Ans. A. Parsing

128. Which language function is illustrated by the following statements:

Learning English and using the language is still a must in our country. Students find delight in
being able to express themselves confidently. Language component are mastered…..

129. Which phonetic requires the tools of physics to study the nature of sound waves produced
in human language

130. Which outcome in remedial instruction in English is generally important?


131. Phrasal verb such as fill in, fill out and fill with often have two distinct uses: literal and

132. How is the word BRAVE used in the given sentence?

The firefighters whio climbed the tall building to save the tenants are brave.

133. How is the relationship in the following words like lollipops and roses called?
ANS. Idiomatic phrase

134. Which allophones are variants of the same phoneme


135. When instructional or teaching objective is described as "feasible," it ______

D. Describe outcome that is attainable
136. In which of the following ways did the 18th century poets Robert Fergusson, Allan Ramsay,
and Robert Burns influence the development of the literature of Great Britain?
C. Their use of both English and Lowland Scots dialect revealed the poetic qualities inherent
in actual colloquial speech

137. The poetry of Walt Whitman is significant in the development of American Literature
primarily because he___.
B. Develop his own poetic form and style instead of adhering to the traditional poetic forms.

138. Which would you suggest to your student journalist to help him/her in writing a qoute story?
C. Write the story side by side its mother story

139. While reading a paragraph in a non-fiction text, a remedial student comes to an unfamilliar
word. The student read the complete sentence containing the word and figures out that the
unfamiliar word is a verb. Which of the following cuing systems is the remedial study primarily
using to comstruct meaning?
C. Syntactic

140. Central to the teaching of Hinduism is karma which includes actions, intentions and
consequences. This is a recurring theme in Indian literature like "Sakuntala". Karma revealed
itself in this play when
D.Dushanta failed to recognize Sakuntala as his wife

141. Done first before doing remedial instruction in English?

A.Diagnose the difficulty

142. Which statement on remedial teaching is NOT true?

D. Re-teaching, reviewing, and assessing

143. ESP syllabus would contain following set of topic: taking notes;writing essays; study
techniques and examinations, improving reading,etc.
A.Skill-based syllabus

144. Slang expressions are any of the following. EXCEPT.

C. widely used in informal and formal speech and writing.

145. The following are commonly used activities in an ESP program EXCEPT.
A.Role play and simulation

146. One of the consistent problem of ESP teachers is the lack of an orthodoxy. this means
I. ESP teacher do not have ready-made straightforward answers to problem they need.
II. ESP teachers need to distil and synthesize from several options those that best suit their
III. All ESP teachers are pioneers who are helping to shape the world of ESP.

147. What activity in an ESP program is used when a student assumes a different role, such as
a captain pilot and gives order to his crew or reports coordinates to the air traffic control tower?

148. Which principle in grammar teacher is applicable for ESP context.

C. Teaching structures related to language functions

149. In the K-12 curriculum, to which does the basic Ed. refer?
B. 7 years of primary education,4 years of junior high school and 2 years of senior high

150. The K-12 Curriculum envisions___.

A. Holistically developed learners equipped with 21st century skills

151. Leads often omit the names of the people involved in news stories because___.
B. their identities are less important than what happened.

152. What kind of grammatical beginning lead is being featured in the following statement:
With rakes,brooms,and other cleaning equipment, the pupils from the little red school cleaned
the roads leading to the school in preparation for the coming school year as part of the annual
Brigada Eskwela.
D.Prepositional phrase lead

153. Which is a method of speech delivered termed as "making it up on the spot " where the
students are more natural delivery and the audience is lesscritical?

154. What can be a limitation if the story employs a child as a narrator?

C. Inadequate perception

155. The characteristic of effective speech based on Cicero's rhetoric include invention,
disposition, elocution, pronunciation,and__.
D. memory

156. Invention :discovering the best argument; _ delivery, language and speaking style?
D. Elocution

157. The term " text" refers to any form EXCEPT:

C. Schemata

158. Which language teaching principle in the K-12 Curriculum is exemplified in the folowing?
"Teaching will be differentiated according to students' needs, abilities, and interests. Effective
pedagogies will be used to engage them and to strengthen their language development".
D. Learner-centeredness

159. If informative speaking aims to inform, what is the aim of demonstrative speaking?
C. To show audience how to perform certain tasks.
160. Which of the following is not an example of a persuasive speech?
C. A tour guide explaining the floor plan of a larger at museum.

169.w/c of the FF words contain a /à/ sound?


170.the "t" before [n] in words like "button" and written is pronounced as a/an____by most
American English speakers.

Glottal stop

171.w/c of the FF uses of conjuncturewill result to their meaning "It is the treasurer who is busy?

The treasurer /said the manager/is busy

172.these are true about the reason for teaching literature to student EXCEPT one.

It develops mostly the analytic skill of learners.

173.among the FF learning situation,what is the most innovative way of teaching literature?

Students create a collage of their experience in relation to the story read in the class .

174.If you are the teacher who is about to discuss a ballad to your class,w/c of the ff will you
NOT mention to your students.
Ballad typically is historical and condensed.

175. teacher Joanna teaches in a remote barangay school where there are no available story can she introduce facilitate the reading skills of her students?

Write a short version of an existing local story in the barangay.

176.according to Aristotle,plays classified as tragedy produce an effect where our baser

emotions of lust, hatred, jealousy,feat,self-pity,greed, avarice,sloth,etc..are cleansed and purged
because of dread that tragedy that befall the tragic character would happen to us.In the
process,we counter check ourselves and are ennobled.How to this cleansing process called?


193. Which domain of learning as identified in Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy is addressed if a
teacher prepared a language task that focuses on recognizing the connotative meanings of
words, correctly processing dictation, and making inferences.

a. Comprehension
b. Knowledge
c. Analysis
d. Synthesis

194. Which form of social criticism indicates that by showing a dreadful society, writers force
readers to see the dangers to which current social ills may lead?

a. Realism
b. Satire
c. Utopian Novel
d. Dystopian fiction

195. The Grade 7 teachers in school A are evaluating the language tests prepared by Grade 7
teachers in school B. Specifically, the teachers are evaluation the utility, equity, and
appropriateness of the assessment techniques used. In which evaluation phase are the
teachers in?
a. Reflection
b. Preparation
c. Assessment
d. Evaluation

196. Which among the following is not a criterion of a good test?

a. Validity
b. Authenticity
c. Relativity
d. Balance


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