Midterm Enhancement

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Child With lives saved owing to breastfeeding (33,000 annually in the US alone), who will benefit from breastfeeding for the
WHO advised months of breastfeeding?
A. Mother only
B. Child only
C. Both mother and child
2. What is the teacher’s “window” or viewpoint of the world?
A. Ethical values
B. Behaviorist classroom
C. Philosophy of life
D.Love of children
3. Strengthening the linkage between academe and industry in higher education is a clamor from which group?
I. Essentialist II. Progressivist III. Social Reconstructionist
A. II and III
B. II only
C. I and III
D. I only
4. What is the philosophy behind Philippine schools that seek to promote democratic opportunities for all and humanistic
education through lifelong learning?
A. Perennialism
B. Basic Education
C. Classic Education
D. Progressivism
5. In getting a Bachelor’s degree, what realization about learning can be must valuable for graduating students?
A. That learning is a difficult task
B. That learning stops after college
C. That learning is lifelong
D. That learning has limited value
6. The following describes a learner with initiative that appropriate for 21st century learning EXCEPT
A. Inventiveness
B. Drive
C. Indolence
D. Ambition
7. Which of the ff. is the best relationship for the school and community?
A. Partnership
B. Community rule
C. School Provision
D. Teacher-led projects
8. What level of education is primarily aimed at by the UN’s “Education for all?”
A. Secondary
B. Tertiary
C. Basic
D. Lifelong learning
9. Which of the following ensures a safe and secure environment for learners in school?
A. Having security guards
B. Keeping the ID system
C. Caring and protective teachers
D. Installing CCTV cameras
10. Which of the ff. ideas exemplify stereotyping that is unfair to student-learners?
A. All students require quality instruction
B. All students from peasant communities are dull
C. All students have rights to be respected
D. All students can best learn at their own pace
11. With RA 7836, does the Board for Professional Teachers have the power after due process, to suspend or revoke certificate
of registration of any registered professional teacher for a justifiable cause?
A. No, if the professional teacher appeals to the higher court
B. No
C. It depends on the gravity of the offense
D. Yes
12. Which is ground for the revocation of professional license?
A. Habitual use of drugs
B. Courting of students
C. Unexcused absences in school
D. Tardiness
13. You want to know who a good teacher is, in the Philippines which would you consult?
A. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
B. Professional Philippine Teachers Standard
C. National Competency Based Teacher Standard
D. Professional Code of Ethics
14. Which of the ff. has higher importance than the rest as to best practice of a professional teacher?
A. Competency supported by continuing growth
B. Appearance as a teacher and attire
C. Loyalty to the school by years of service
D. Regularity in class attendance
15. For what response is continuing professional education or CPE installed foe every professional teacher’s?
A. Past ideas and practices
B. Monitoring of educational programs
C. New trends and reforms
D. Review of academic achievement
16. What are equivalent to standards under the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A. Cost of higher education
B. Levels of qualification
C. Certificates of training
D. Accreditations of schools
17. A teacher is a “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit learners such
heritage.” Which practice makes the teacher fulfill such obligation?
A. Use interactive teaching strategies
B. Facilitate discovery of values from history
C. Adopt the latest educational technology
D. Observe CPE
18. As many cultures had different ideas of a teacher, which of the ff. is the closest to the idea of a modern class teacher?
A. Master
B. Guru
C. Instructor
D. Preacher
19. What characteristics show that a teacher has empathy towards learners/students?
A. Discipline and fortitude
B. Loyalty and affinity
C. Caring and love
D. Strength and conviction
20. RA 10157 states: “Mother Tongue shall be the primary medium of instruction in Kindergarten.” Which are exceptions?
I. When the teacher does not speak the Mother tongue of the learners
II. When the K pupils speak different mother tongues
III. When the resources at the MT is not available
IV. When the teachers are not trained
A. I, II, III and IV B. III only C. I and II D. II only
21. Which social phenomenon supports the axiom, “Curriculum development is an ongoing process?”

A. Have and have-not compose society

B. Changes occur in society

C. Social culture is rich and varied

D. Society is made up of people

22. What is the ultimate component which forms the learning objectives in the curriculum?

A. Learning strategies

B. Learning outcomes

C. Learning assessments

D. Learning tools

23. In designing a curriculum, which is the component that regulates weekly, semestral and annual schedules for curriculum

A. Time-frame

B. Assessment

C. Subject matter

D. Learning tools

24. Among the curricula which operates in the classroom, which curriculum is actually applied in the teaching-learning

A. Taught curriculum

B. Hidden curriculum

C. Written curriculum

D. Recommended curriculum

25. For the curriculum change, what occurs when teachers decide to change certain elements with other elements, stress on
Rizal as a patriot rather than as a literary genius.

A. Perturbation

B. Substitution

C. Restructuring

D. Alteration

26. To what is the Tyler model of curriculum evaluation focused on?

A. Assessment results

B. Responsiveness of students

C. Instructional effectiveness

D. Curriculum objectives

27. From an overview of education, who is at the center of the education system?

A. The Professional Teacher C. The Filipino Child

B. The Parents and the community D. The School Administrators

28. In the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, science is formally taught from?

A. Grade 4 to 12

B. Grade 1 to 10

C. K to 12

D. Grade 3 to 12

29. Which are the features of the K to 12 Curriculum?

I. Articulated and spiral in progression II. Competency-based III. Inclusive IV. Content-based


30. Which of the ff. is correct feature that characterize the indigenous peoples education curriculum?

A. Stamped out cultural identity

B. Reduced use of indigenous languages

C. Exclusivist curriculum paradigm

D. Anchored learning context on ancestral domain

31. When a student gathers data or information and arrives at a conclusion, what process of research is followed?

A. Induction

B. Deduction

C. Implication

D. Experiment

32. What of the ff. best describes traditional instruction?

A. Collaboration centered

B. Group- centered

C. Learner-centered

D. Teacher-centered

33. Since learning is an active process, which of the ff. activities apply the role of the student as a participant rather than a
passive learner?

A. Group discussant

B. Lesson presentation listener

C. Demo Observer

D. Lesson with real-person, real-events connection

35. What is being asked of students in a task to determine elements and explain them in relation to other parts or the whole?

A. Analysis B. Assessing C. Recall D. Understanding

36. Which is a characteristic of a flipped classroom?

A. Do assignment at home then come to class to discuss your answer

B. Distance learning where there is no face-to-face instruction

C. Students do the lecturing not the teachers

37. Which of the ff. activities can guide student low-performance to achieve learning outcomes?

A. Mentoring B. Testing C. Demonstrating D. Lecturing

38. What kind of environment is most particularly referred to by a student-centered, safe, and caring learning environment?

A. The nation B. The classroom C. The world D. The region

39. Which of the ff. is a routine procedure in class management?

A. Experiment B. Role-play C. Roll call D. Research

40. What are the characteristic of a good management plan?

A. It is clear and simple

B. It is prepared by students

C. It is approved by parents

D. It comes from the principal

41. In modern times, what is the most important contribution of machines to the educational work of a teachers and schools?

A. To demonstrate caring for children

B. To enhance teaching and learning

C. To demonstrate caring for parents

D. To replace teachers in schools

42. How will you characterize the use of PowerPoint presentation to deliver a lesson?

A. Culture B. Technology C. Machinery D. Academics

43. Which of the ff. is the highest cluster-level of learning activities according to Edgar Dale?

A. Reading, hearing, seeing

B. Reading listening, looking

C. Watching, looking, seeing

D. Doing, discussing, demonstrating

44. As a software, Microsoft office is an example of?

A. A computer assessment system

B. A computer inventory system

C. A computer finance system

D. A computer management system

45. How are massive online courses delivered to learners of all kinds (students, retires those changing careers, etc.)

A. Through correspondence

B. Through the internet

C. Through classroom instruction

D. Through field training

46. Among varied tasks, how can the virtual learning management system help instruction?
A. Through face-to-face instruction

B. Through ending instructional tasks

C. Through digital game activities

D. Through posting assignments

47. What role is the library resource center fulfilling by helping students and teachers find resource materials in other schools
which are part of their consortium of schools?

A. Coordinating B. Training C. Instructing D. Researching

48. What can be the instructional value of a web application that provides fun and excitement to early learners like one
designed along amusement park ride?

A. It is high order learning

B. It is good for all grade levels

C. It gives sophistication in design

D. It is motivating

49. What kind of displays should be placed on bulletin boards of schools?

A. Decorative-colorful

B. Motivational-affective

C. Instructional-interactive

D. Newsworthy-informational

50. Which item page in newspapers demonstrates critical thinking worthwhile for use in instruction on current issues and

A. News page

B. Entertainment page

C. Opinion page

D. Society page

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