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Nature of Tourism Demand

Tourism is seen as a type of business that has economic value, so tourism is a process that

can create additional value for goods and services as a unit of tangible products (real goods)

or in the form of services (services) produced through the production process. .

Aspects of Tourism Demand According to Medlik, 1980 (in Ariyanto, 2005), the main factors

and other factors that affect tourism demand can be explained as follows:

1. Price

High prices in a tourist destination will have an impact or reciprocity on tourists who will

travel, so that tourism demand will decrease and vice versa.

2. Income

If a country's income is high, the tendency to choose a tourist destination as a vacation spot

will be higher and it is possible for potential tourists to make a business in a tourist

destination if it is considered profitable.

3. Socio-Cultural

The existence of a socio-culture that is unique and characterized or different from what is in

the country of prospective tourism originating, the increase in demand for tourism will be

high, this will create curiosity and exploration of knowledge as a treasure trove of cultural

thinking patterns of tourists.

4. Social and Political

The socio-political impact has not been seen if the condition of the Tourist Destination Area

is in a safe and peaceful situation, but if this is contrary to reality, the socio-political impact

and influence will be felt in the occurrence of demand.

5. Family Intensity
Many or at least families also participate in tourism requests, this can be ratified, the large

number of families, the greater the desire for a vacation from one of the families, this can be

seen from the interests of tourism itself.

6. Price of Substitute Goods

In addition to the five aspects above, the price of substitute goods is also included in the

demand aspect, where substitute goods are for example as a substitute for DTW which is used

as a reserve in traveling, such as: Bali as the main tourist destination in Indonesia, due to one

reason or another Bali is unable to provide the ability to meet the requirements of tourist

destinations so that tourists will indirectly change their destination to nearby areas such as

Malaysia and Singapore.

7. Prices of Complementary Goods

Is an item that helps each other or in other words complementary goods are goods that

complement each other, where when associated with tourism these complementary goods are

complementary tourist objects with other tourist objects.

Meanwhile, Jackson, 1989 (in Pitana, 2005) sees that important factors that determine

tourism demand come from the components of the area of origin of tourists, among others,

the population (population size), the financial capacity of the community (financial means),

the leisure time they have (leisure time). , transportation system, and tourism marketing


Meanwhile, Gamal Suwanto (2004:48) argues that the demand for tourism products or

products is not fixed and is strongly influenced by non-economic factors. The occurrence of

chaos, war or natural disasters will result in reduced demand. On the other hand, when the

holiday season is normal, demand will increase, so that sometimes there is a shortage in

Types of Tourists

There are different types of tourists:

 Intrinsic Tourists: They are into holidaying for the sake of enjoyment.

 Extrinsic Tourists: They have reward oriented motivation. These tourists are susceptible to the
activities where performance is evaluated.

 Adventurers: They give very little importance to relaxation. They are always up to exploring places
and taking challenges. Mainly youths and singles from both genders carrying zest of life largely
contribute to this type of tourism.

 Budget Travelers: They are economy-oriented tourists. Their touring decisions about places,
travelling mode, and other related factors are largely dependent on their financial status.

 Homebodies: They are mainly relaxed tourists. They do not get into adventure. The tourists aged
above 45 to 50 years belong to this type. The busy professionals under 45 years also belong to this

 Moderates: They plan their tour ahead, have a high inclination towards tourism but they do not get
into sports or adventure activities.

 Vacationers: They plan touring during vacations such as summer break or Christmas break. They
are not always sure of where and why they wish to visit.

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