Activity 4.1

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Name: Jazmine Lara M.

Dela Cruz Date:

Section: G10 - Franklin

Solve the following problems.
1. A portable x-ray unit has a step-up transformer, the 120 V input of which is
transformed to the 100 000 V output needed by the x-ray tube. The primary has 50
loops and draws a current of 10.00 A when in use. (a) What is the number of loops in
the secondary? (b) Find the current output of the secondary.

Given : Np = 50 loops a. Ns
Vp = 120 V
Vs = 100 000 V Formula : Ns = NpVs / Vp
Ip = 10.00 A
Solution : (50 loops) (100 000 V) / 120 V
5000 000 loops / 120 V

Final Answer : 41666.67 loops

b. Is

Formula : Is = NpIp / Ns

Solution :
(50 loops) (10.00 A) / 41666.67 loops
500 A / 41666.67

Final Answer : 0.01 A

2. A step down transformer has 530 turns in its secondary and 12 500 turns in its
primary. If the potential difference across the primary is 3510 V, what is the potential
difference across the secondary?

Given : Np = 12 500 turns

Ns = 530 turns
Vp = 3510 V
Formula : Vs = VpNs / Np

Solution : Vs = (3510 V) (530 turns) / 12 500 turns

1860300 V / 12 500

Final Answer : 148.82 V

3. A transformer has primary coil with 1200 loops and secondary coil with 1000 loops. If
the current in the primary coil is 4 A, then what is the current in the secondary coil?

Given : Np = 1200 loops

Ns = 1000 loops Solution : (1200 loops) (4 A) / 1000 loops
Ip = 4 A 4800 A / 1000

Formula : Ip = NpIp / Ns Final Answer : 4.8 A

4. A transformer has a primary coil and a secondary coil with the number of loops are
500 and 5000. Input voltage is 220 V. What is the output voltage?

Given : Np = 500 turns

Ns = 5000 turns
Vp = 220 V

Formula : Vs = VpNs / Np

Solution : Vs = (220 V) (5000 turns) / 500 turns

1100000 V / 500
Final Answer : 2200 V

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