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Peace Over Violence

1 word with 5 letters. Easy to spell. Easy to speak. Yet, what makes it so hard to achieve?
Our generation have witnessed the world slowly lose what it has been advocating for.
From international context to our local borders, we continuously hear and see insights of chaos
and conflict. It is disturbing to think that both the mankind and our environment are causing
The war between Palestine and Israel have been going on for months now. Fighting for
whoever's worthy to rule the land. Recent bombing incident and threats have been frightening
the people of Mindanao. Haunting the waking hours of our fellow citizens. Some say that it is
the cultural differences or the political colors that prompted this chaos but I believe that such
holds no factor compared to the people's greed for an absolute power. The world is not only
experiencing man-made catastrophes but also the natural ones. An ominous phenomenon of
green saber light stunned the people of the Philippines alongside with the drumming sounds
heard beneath the ground which is an after effect of the constant earthquake happenings all
across the nation.
What have become of the world today? Children, women, and men. All at once are
affected by the disruption of peace. Their cries and loud calls for help were silenced. Stuck in
between the mess, ignorant of the ways to solve the problem.
It feels deja vu — all this chaos. Our history books have recorded like this before and I
hope that people would see this situation as a sign for us to set aside our differences. Be it
culture, religion, ideology, social status, or even political colors. Many innocent lives were
already taken. Let us not wait until everything goes beyond repair. Let us not let the children
grow up in a world where their actions are limited and where they would constantly look for
their back. Where they would rather live alone instead of bringing out a family into the messy
Violence will never be a solution to a conflict. There are other ways to conclude this such
as signing a peace agreement or going on a peace talk. If the conflict goes deeper for these
solutions to solve, then keep war and violence out of the way. We must recognize that
understanding before peace are our world's silver lining. Respect comes from understanding
and with respect to our differences, we can live in harmony and foster the lives and unity of
When wielded by the right hands, can be achieve.

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