Sumatif 1 X

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Present continuous.

1. Trina (walk) past the supermarket.

2. Where are you? We (wait) for you!

3. I´m on a bus and it (not move).

4. When you (come) to see me?

5. I (sit) on a bus.

6. Pete´s mother (not have) a burger.

7. John´s friends _ (play) football at the Sports Centre.

8. My best friend (sit) next to me.

9. I (not wear) something blue.

10. My teacher (not stand) behind me.

11. I (not write) with a pencil.

12. Irama (have) a shower.

13. Montse (leave) the room.

14. Marcelo (make) a phone call.

15. Rosa (open) the door.

16. Olga (brush) her teeth.

17. Eva (sing).

18. Mati ______________(listen) to the radio.

19. Jose (walk) to school.

20. Javi (write) a letter.

Present Perfect Mixed Exercise 1
Make the present perfect: positive, negative or question.

1. (you / keep a pet for three years)

2. (you / come here before?)

3. (it / rain all day?)

4. (who / we / forget to invite?)

5. (we / not / hear that song already)

6. (he / not / forget his books)

7. (she / steal all the chocolate!)

8. (I / explain it well?)

9. (who / he / meet recently?)

10. (how / we / finish already?)

Simple Future Tense (Shall/will/be going to)
1. Move, bloke! That cyclist (crash into) you!
2. The train from Bolton (arrive) at 8:15 at Victoria Station. I
always take it on Saturdays to go to the city center.
3. Uncle David ___________________(fly) to Moscow to visit my cousin in a few weeks.
4. Let’s not make plans for Liz’s first night home. She ___________(drive) for 12 hours
and I’m sure she _______________ (be exhausted)
5. What shoes ______________ (you / wear) for our hike –trainers or hiking boots?
6. My father hasn’t got much hair. He ______________ (likely/be) bald
7. In 150 years, men ________________ (lose) it all soon.
8. When I’ve saved some money, I (buy) a new ipad.
9. Everybody expects the owners company. ______________(sign) the agreement with
Bill Gate’s.
10. Be careful. Geminis _______________ (have) money problems this week
11. Don’t phone me this evening. I _____________ (study) for my English exam.
12. Let’s have a snack. Dinner (not be) ready for another hour.
13. What? OK, I _________________(fix) it in a minute.
14. I’ll clean the house before mum (come).
15. The water is already very hot. It (boil) in a minute.
16. Lucky you! At this time tomorrow, you (swim) in the Caribbean!
17. If you believe that you will pass the test, you (get) it.
18. I (go trekking) in Mexico next month.
19. In a hundred years, the ice caps_____________(melt) unless we stop the global
20. I (tidy) this mess, mum. I promise.

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