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‘ENCANTO 2021’

Encanto by Walt Disney Animation Studios

tells the story of the Madrigals, a loving family
who lives in the Colombian mountains. A
mystical enchanted area known as an Encanto, a
mystical home, and a bustling town are all
present. Except for Mirabel, every child in the
family has been gifted with a special ability,
ranging from extraordinary strength to the power
to heal, courtesy to the Encanto's magic. When
Mirabel learns that the Encanto's powers is
threatened, she realizes that she, the lone ordinary
Madrigal, may be her remarkable family's only hope.

1. Who among the characters do you relate most to? Highlight

your shared personal similarities.
Luisa is the character in the movie with whom I
most identify since she has a strong personality
and was given the gift of strength, allowing her to
carry anything that is really heavy. She is also
loyal, constantly listening to others, and a kind
person who will always be there to help others,
but these are just the characteristics that others
noticed about her. Despite the fact that she
possesses all of these personality traits and that
we all know she is tough on the outside, she is a
soft-hearted person on the inside. Like Luisa, I've
always wanted to be seen as a strong person. I
really don't want to expose my soft side or my
personal difficulties to other people, and I really
don’t want them to think or feel that I’m a weak
person. I'm not the type of person who likes to
bring up problems even with my family. I'm
happy because what they see is I'm okay, it's
better to always choose to be okay even if I have a
problem. They also notice that maybe I'm going
through something because of the way I act sometimes, I can't control my emotions, because for
me not showing them my problem is I think the best way for them not to call me a weak person,
even though I know I'm in heavy, I prefer to go in my bright side, I cheer myself up more
because I know I'm strong, but in fact I'm a soft-hearted person. I feel hurt so fast, even in my
mind I feel the pain too, but I am proud that
whenever I go down to earth and see people who
have gone through or have gone through a lot they
are always wearing a smile on their faces. Also, I'm
proud that there is someone that is willing to
comfort me even if she is busy, she gives me time
to talk, to motivate me and she serves as one of my
inspirations in my life and she is my Girlfriend.
Maybe I'll relate her to the character in the Movie of
Encanto, she is my Luisa, Luisa is also strong
outside, I can tell her weaknesses because I'm the
only person whom I'm willing to listen to her when
she's going through a problem, as someone who
loves her, I take care of her, I make her happy, I
motivate her and I cheer her up, because I know
how strong she is, same to me, we are both afraid to open up to others. We are more comfortable
opening up to each other's problems because also with our willingness to survive, and the same
path we want in life. We did not separate from our course because we want to take the same
course to share the hardship and comfort together. I'm so happy because she is my source of my
strength, even though we are always fighting at the end of the day we choose to fix it and stay in
love with each other. She taught me to be a strong person, she built me and put me on the right
path. Although I am passionate, I am proud that we stayed with each other. When I'm with her, I
feel handsome, because we're happy with each other, I feel like we don't have any problems, we
don't think about anything, because we're in the comfort zone, we're in the healing place and
that's what we're together. In addition, I am also a listener who always listens to my parents and
other people especially when I give them words of wisdom and I also apply it to myself, one
more thing is that they can always count on me when they need someone to lean on. Like my
Girlfriend, she always needs empathy so I myself am the one who is willing to listen to her
advice to motivate and make her happy. My girlfriend and I can say that we are ”sanggang-
dikit”, because as I said before that we are more comfortable with each other, if we have a
misunderstanding, we fix it before the day ends, we choose to fix it because she said so, she
wants me to be the last, and I also want her to be the last, because I see my future in her, I can
also say that we have the same desires especially when we share what we want in future with
each other, happy to know and discover what each other wants to plan and be goals together to
achieve. For my part, Luisa is the one I can relate to the most. Outside of me, it's true that I can
lift heavy things, sometimes they even say that I don't seem to be carrying anything when I lift
something, because maybe I used to be an athlete so I built this muscle that I still maintain. and
more maintained in a healthy physique. I'm a big man, but what I'm feeling is so soft, even if it's
so much fun, it will suddenly change because I felt bad and it's in line with my thinking. I believe
that with the great fun of the event, I will not lose my sadness, I as I know myself that I am a shy
person, because of this my self -confidence decreases, but because of their words of wisdom I
can release my confidence I, I'm getting proud because I'm coming out with the points that I
want to share with the ideas of others.
Just what they say, you won't be happy if you're not proud of yourself. Continue the progress as
long as someone believes, do not give up because I am strong and have a dream in life, even if
sometimes it is difficult and tired, just rest and do not give up, just fight!

2. According to how it was featured in the film, how do you perceive the cultural
similarities and differences between the Easterners and Westerners? With respect to
physical self? With respect to sexual self?

As westerners, they have a culture of having an arranged marriage of one of their family
members with another family member, as depicted in the film Encanto. As Easterners, we
value the feeling of having a family to lean on because we know that if all members of the
family work together, any problem can be solved. Easteners, like this, have the same culture of
having an arranged marriage to broaden their connections in business and to continue the
family legacy, as well as to have good relationships with both families.

In terms of physical self-respect, based on the film, they appear to value only Isabela's
physical perfection because everyone admires her for being a perfect person. When beauty is
the foundation, people who are not perfect, charming, or admirable in their eyes appear to be
treated less favorably. They, like the East, tend to admire only those who are good looking and
beautiful, or who are truly perfect for them, but they do not always appreciate other people's
flaws, which is why they are treated less favorably when beauty is the foundation.

In terms of sexual self-respect, women are not allowed to work in the film, but they do other
tasks like men, such as Luisa, a girl who can do all those males should do. Luisa can lift anything
that men cannot, and no one questions her sexuality as a woman lifting large objects. To the east,
women are similarly barred from doing work that males can do, and women are not
discriminated against while they work.

Differences of Eastern (Religious)

Most eastern religions believe that all

living creatures are created equal.

Eastern religions are polytheistic, which

means they believe in the existence of
more than one God or Supreme Power.

Differences of Western (Religious)

In Christianity, there is a belief that

God is above all followed by humans
and then animals.

Western religions are monotheistic,

which means that their adherents
believe in only one God.

In terms of respect for physical self, Westerners and Easterners have variances in their
clothing or traditional wardrobes, as well as their facial features, in terms of respect for
physical self. They also differ in their accents in how they speak or with their voices, as
Westerners have a point in their speech and Easterners have an Asian accent.
Differences of Eastern (Sexuality)

Women may have a better place in


Lack of basic information about


People in the east are too conservative

and traditional

Differences of Western (Sexuality)

More forthcoming with their emotions.

Westerners are free to express their

emotions and feelings in public.

In terms of sexual self-respect, people in the West are more open with their emotions
in the film. People in the east, on the other hand, may prefer to suppress it for diplomatic and
etiquette reasons. Westerners are allowed to publicly express their emotions and feelings.
Women in the east may have a better place in society.

3. Discuss the lasting impression and insights you've gained from watching the movie in
relation to the topics discussed in class.

Mirabel never receives gifts in the end of the movie,

which is consistent with the lesson that you don't have
to be extraordinary or flawless to be welcomed by
those around you. We should never limit ourselves to
what we are capable of doing, just like Mirabel, who
has no powers or gifts of powers but is always willing
to help her family and prove that she can do so without
using any powers, only her patience and desire. Let us
merely be satisfied in our lives, living them naturally
and without worry, because, it is not new for us to live
in peace, even if we suffer because of the crises we
experience in life, let us still keep that every stage of
our lives is happy and in order. Only the right
acceptance of our own abilities and being content with
our lives is what we will be thankful for. I'm in my life,
I'm not asking for a special ability, I'm just thankful for all the blessings I receive every day. I
live happily, no other apprehension involved just peaceful. I am happy with what I have now,
and continue to dream for a better life, no one will take action but yourself, others will not take
action for the good of your life. All of us here on earth have equality, No one has power, it's their
own ability, most people now believe that money is a power, because in an instant money can
change a person's belief, but it's not legal for us as a person, we must not allow our character to
be defeated by the power they know. The physical self refers to the body, that beautiful container
and complicated, perfectly calibrated machine through which we interact with our surroundings
and fellow creatures. As we go grown-up, there are changes in ourselves physically or socially as
well as in our beliefs. As time goes on our dreams in life expand, which will once test us on how
strong we are in life. You will not be stable in my life if you will not try to fight and face the
challenges, like Mirabel even though life is normal she always tries to make a good contribution
in the eyes of others. She tries to do good even if she is not like those around her, who have their
own abilities. She did not give up no matter what she did not have power, that was not the basis
for giving up her life, she even changed the situation in which she was able to fix and be humble
and in the end she became good. No matter what hardships are going on around you it is still
better to choose to be humble because the humble will be the good ones in the end.

Sherwin D. Delacion

FM 1201

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