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Write a program to print area of different geometric shapes .

Write a program to count frequency of characters, lines and words in a given file.

Write a program to find the roots of Quadratic equation.

Write a program to copy contents of one file to other file using command line arguments.

Write a program to check whether entered year is a leap year or not.

Write a program to implement Selection sort.

Write a program to find maximum and minimum value in a given set of numbers.

Write a program to implement Bubble sort.

Write a program to print Multiplication table of X upto Y times.

Write a program to implement multiplication of matrices.

Write a program to check for amstrong number or not.

Write a program to find whether a given matrix is identity or not.

Write a program to print prime numbers between M and N.

Write a program to find the addition of matrices.

Write a program to convert a decimal number to binary.

Write a program to implement dynamic memory allocation.

Write a program to demonstrate pointers.

Write a program to implement binary search.

Write a program to find length of a string .

Write a program to create an array of structure to store 5 students information ( name,roll

no,sub1,sub2,sub 3 and total)and display it.

Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion.

program to store three employee information (name, salary, designation) and access each employee
using union.

Write a program to print fibonacci series using recursion.

Write a program to implement Arithmetic calculator using switch.

Write a program to demonstrate call by reference.

Write a programto find gcd of 2 numbers using recursion.

Write a program to find maximum, minimum and sum of all numbers in 1D array.
Write a program to demonstrate call by value.

Write a program to print sum of digits of a given number using recursion.

Write a program to create a file and read a file.

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