Fabm1 (External User-Group 3)

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Janny is the investor

James is the accountant

Janny: I'm trying to figure out where to invest, but financial statements confuse me.

James: Its the balance sheet is like a summary of what the company owns and owes – kind of
like assets and debts. The income statement tells you if the company is making or losing money,
like a report on its earnings.

Janny: Got it. But why does this matter?

James: Well, by looking at these reports, you can see if a company is stable, making profits, and
managing its debts. It helps you decide if it's a good investment.

Janny: So, it's like a health check for companies?

James: Exactly! You wouldn't invest in a shaky business, right? Understanding these reports
helps you see beyond the surface and make smarter investment choices.

Janny: That makes sense. I'll pay more attention to these "report cards" before diving into

James: Great! It's like getting to know the company's financial health. It'll be a handy tool for
your investment decisions.

Bea lender
Luca accountant

Bea: luca why do you think i need to bother with accounting when lending?

Luca: Think of it as checking a company's money report card. It shows if they can handle
repaying a loan.

Bea: Like a financial health check?

Luca: Exactly! It helps you see if they're good at managing money and if lending to them is safe.

Bea: Can it also help me spot problems?

Luca: Yes, it's like having a radar. You can see any potential issues in their money situation
before lending.
Bea: So, accounting is like my guide to make sure loans make sense?

Luca: Perfect! It helps you make smart lending choices by peeking into their financial world.

Lenon employee
Roy accountant

Lenon: roy! Why should I care about accounting?

Roy: Think of accounting as the money guide for the company. It helps us spend wisely, like
having a budget.

Lenon: How does that impact my work?

Roy: It ensures there's enough money for your projects. Just basic money management for a
smooth ride.

Lenon: What if I'm not good with numbers?

Roy: No problem. You don't need to be a math pro. It's like following simple directions to keep
everything on track.

Lenon: So, accounting is like the guide making sure we don't get lost?

Roy: Exactly! It helps everyone reach their goals without running out of resources.

Suppliers (Scenario that shows how suppliers use financial report)

Person A: Brand X Corporation emailed us, they said that they want to order 300,000 copies of
our product with a maturity of 3 months. I already told them that we received the inquiry and will
answer as soon as possible.

Person B: That's a lot of orders, Can you give a copy of their financial statement?

Person A: Here's the copy. According to my research, Brand X is a well known company and
has good sales. They have no issue within the industry and the only reason why they switched
to us as their supplier is because their former suppliers shut down.

Person B: Seeing that they can comply with their words, contact them so that we will accept the
order. Tell them also that we will give a 5% discount as a welcome gift to our customers.
Customer (Scenario that shows how suppliers use financial report)

Person A: Hey, I found a shop offering the missing part to your project!

Person B:Really, Let me see the company’s website!

Person A: Why? But here it is

Person B: Oh, It’s a good one, the company's worth is a total of 100 Million pesos, It must be a
good one, I’ll check for the review and their sales to make it sure that its worth it. Thanks!


PERSON A: Have you heard of public financing groups?

PERSON B: Yes, they provide funding for public projects

PERSON A: They play a crucial role in financing Infrastructure and community development

PERSON B: Absolutely, they bring together resources from government, private, Investors and
the public.

PERSON A: And what about public groups?

PERSON B: Public groups are formed by Individuals with shared interests to address
community issues.

Person A: They work towards common goals and advocate for specific causes

PERSON B: Both public financing groups and public groups contribute to the betterment of our

Person A:They demonstrate the power of collective action and citizen participation

PERSON B: Let's support and engage with the group to create positive change

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