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This course aims to equip students with the skills needed to develop full-stack applications

using Java, covering both front-end and back-end technologies. Adjustments can be made
based on the students' progress and the specific focus areas of the course.

Introduction to Java and Front-End Development

Introduction to Java
- Overview of Java programming language
- Setting up Java Development Environment
- Basic syntax, data types, and control structures
- Object-oriented programming concepts in Java

Java Advanced Concepts

- Exception handling
- File I/O
- Collections framework
- Multithreading and Concurrency in Java

Introduction to Front-End Development

- HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript fundamentals
- Responsive design and CSS frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)
- DOM manipulation and AJAX
Front-End Frameworks
- Introduction to front-end frameworks like React or Angular
- Single Page Application (SPA) development

Back-End Development with Java

Introduction to Back-End Development

- Overview of back-end development concepts
- Server-side scripting with Java (Servlets)

Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate

- Database connectivity with JDBC
- Introduction to JPA and ORM with Hibernate

Spring Framework - Part 1

- Introduction to the Spring framework
- Spring Core and Dependency Injection

Spring Framework - Part 2

- Spring MVC for building RESTful APIs
- Spring Data JPA for data access
Full Stack Integration and Project

Front-End and Back-End Integration

- Connecting front-end and back-end
- RESTful API integration

Full Stack Development Tools

- Version control with Git
- Build tools like Maven or Gradle
- Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines

Security and Authentication

- Introduction to web security
- Implementing authentication and authorization

Final Project
- Students work on a full-stack development project
- Applying learned concepts to create a real-world application

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