Activity 7

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Activity 7:

Your Intercultural Profession

Jorge Nicolas Moctezuma Arellano
Oscar Fernando Herrera García

Delivery day:

Global Culture 3
Title: "Intercultural Challenges in International Business"

Alex (representing an American company): Good morning, Mei. I'm excited about the possibility of
our companies working together on this project.

Mei (representing a Chinese company): Good morning, Alex. Yes, it's a great opportunity. However,
I must express some concerns about our communication and decision-making process.

Alex: Don't worry, Mei. Our company values efficiency, and we make decisions quickly to stay
competitive. We're known for our agility.

Mei: I appreciate that, Alex. However, in our culture, we place a strong emphasis on building
relationships and consensus. We believe that trust is crucial before we can move forward.

Alex: I understand, Mei, but in our fast-paced business environment, delays can be costly. We aim
to make decisions swiftly.

Mei: I understand your perspective, Alex, but pushing for quick decisions without building trust
and consensus might lead to misunderstandings and reluctance on our side. Can we find a middle
ground that respects both our cultural values and the need for efficiency?

Explanation of Intercultural Challenges:

1. Different Decision-Making Styles: In this scenario, Alex's American company values quick
decision-making and efficiency, while Mei's Chinese company prioritizes building relationships and
consensus. This cultural difference can lead to frustration and misunderstandings when trying to
make joint business decisions.

2. Communication Styles: Mei indirectly expresses her concerns, while Alex is more direct. These
varying communication styles can lead to misinterpretations and hinder effective communication
between the two parties.

3. Cultural Norms and Values: The script highlights the importance of understanding and
respecting each other's cultural norms and values. In international business, failing to do so can
create obstacles to collaboration and potentially damage the partnership.

In this brief script, we see how intercultural challenges can arise in international business settings
and emphasize the need for cultural competence and adaptability to overcome these challenges
and build successful partnerships.

Answer the following questions and hand it in after the class:

After analyzing this profession, and the possible challenges to encounter, how is intercultural
competence useful?
Intercultural competence is crucial in international business as it helps professionals understand,
respect, and effectively navigate cultural differences. It enables better communication, fosters
trust, and promotes successful collaborations with partners from diverse cultural backgrounds.
What would be the best strategies for people from this profession to be prepared for intercultural
Best strategies for professionals in international business to prepare for intercultural situations
include cultural sensitivity training, cross-cultural communication workshops, and mentorship from
experienced intercultural experts. Building cultural awareness and practicing active listening are
also key.

What kind of intercultural conflicts come up in this profession? What tools can be used to resolve
them? Consider the materials used in this class so far.
Intercultural conflicts in international business may include differences in decision-making styles,
communication preferences, and ethical standards. Tools to resolve these conflicts can include
cultural training programs, mediation, and the application of negotiation techniques that consider
cultural nuances.

Can you think of any profession that is removed from interculturality? Why?
It's challenging to find a profession entirely removed from interculturality in today's globalized
world. Even seemingly homogenous professions may encounter intercultural aspects, such as
dealing with diverse clients or collaborating with international partners. Interculturality has
become a pervasive element in many fields due to globalization and increased connectivity.

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