Legal Terms

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ABIDE BY (Phrasal verb) to obey an order or rule.

‫يلتزم أو يمتثل لـ‬

ABSTAIN (Verb) to refrain from doing something, not to do it, especially voting. ‫يمتنع‬
ACCEPTANCE (Noun) one of the required elements of a contract where one party
agrees to what is offered by the other party. The acceptance must be on the same
terms as the offer. ‫القبول‬
ACCRUE (Verb) to accumulate something over a period of time. Usually used to
describe interest on a debt or on savings. ‫يتراكم‬
ACT OF GOD (Noun) a natural disaster that no one could predict such as a hurricane or
a flood. It can prevent a contract from being carried out. ‫قوة قاهرة‬
ADJOURN (Verb) to stop a meeting or a court hearing for a break, or to postpone a
legal hearing until another date in the future. ‫يوقف \ يرجأ الجلسة‬
ADVANCE (Verb and Noun) A) to give someone money before they should receive it,
such as part of their salary; B) the name given to the money paid as a loan under a loan
agreement.‫يدفع مقدما\يعجل الدفع – سلفه\قرض‬
ALLEGE (Verb) to state that something has happened or that something is true even
though it has not yet been proved. ‫يزعم‬
ARBITRATION (Noun) the settling of a dispute by a third party who may or may not
have been named in an arbitration clause of a contract. Both parties agree this third
party and agree to accept his/her decision. ‫تحكيم‬
ARREARS (Noun) money that is owed to someone but has not been paid on the agreed
ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION (Noun) the document that specifies the way in which a
company regulates its affairs. It deals with things such as the appointment of company
directors or the rights of shareholders. In the USA they are called the bylaws.
‫النظام االساسي‬
ASSIGN (Verb) to give or to transfer the ownership of something. ‫تنازل عن ملكية شئ‬
AUDITOR (Noun) a person who closely examines the finances of a company, especially
the company books and accounts.‫مراجع حسابات‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
BAN (Verb and Noun) a) to forbid something or to make it illegal, b) the name of the
order that forbids something. ‫يحظر – حظر\ تحريم‬
BANKRUPT (Adjective, Noun and Verb) a) unable to pay your debts; b) a person who
has been declared unable to pay his/her debts; c) to make a person officially bankrupt.
‫ُمف ِلس – الشخص المفلس – يعلن افالسه‬
BEAR (Verb) to carry a heavy burden such as the responsibility for something or the
cost of something. ‫يتحمل‬
BENEFICIARY (Noun) a) a person who receives money when somebody dies; b) a person
whose property is administered by a trustee. ‫ المنتفع‬- ‫المستفيد‬
BINDING (Adjective) if an agreement is described as binding it means that a court
recognizes this agreement as being valid. ‫ملزم‬
BLACKLIST (Verb and Noun) a) to put people or companies onto a list with whom you will
not do business; b) the name given to the list itself.‫ إدراج في القائمة السوداء‬- ‫القائمة السوداء‬
BOARD (Noun) a group of people in a company or an organisation who run the
company and make any important decisions. ‫مجلس‬
BONA FIDE (Latin phrase) real, true, in good faith. To act honestly without any
knowledge of wrongdoing.‫اصلي – غير زائف – بحسن نية‬
BORROW (Verb) to take something from someone with their permission and use it for
a period of time before returning it to them.‫يستعير‬
BREACH (Verb and Noun) a) to break a contract, not to fulfil your contractual
obligations in some way; 6) a failure to carry out the terms of a contract. - ‫ينتهك‬
BREAKDOWN (Noun) a written list itemizing the total cost of something such as a bill.
‫تصنيف \ تبويب‬
BUDGET (Verb and Noun) a) to plan income and expenditure for a future period; b) the
name given to the plan itself. It is often for the year ahead.‫ ميزانية‬- ‫وضع في ميزانية‬
BURDEN OF PROOF (Noun) the duty and responsibility to prove that something that
has been alleged is actually true.‫عبء االثبات‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
CAPITAL (Noun) all of the money, property and assets of a business. ‫رأس المال‬
CHARITY (Noun) an organisation that collects money or goods to help people such as
the poor or the sick. ‫مؤسسة خيرية‬
CITE (Verb) a) to refer to something or to quote something in court; b) to summon
someone to appear in court, usually as a witness. ‫يستشهد – دعا للمثول امام القضاء‬
CLAIMANT (Noun) the person who starts a claim against someone in the civil court. In
the USA this person is called a plaintiff. ‫المدعي‬
CLASS ACTION (Noun) a claim started by a group of people who are taking action
together against the defendant because they all have the same problem.‫دعوى جماعية‬
COMPOUND INTEREST (Noun) interest that is calculated on both the sum of money
lent to someone and on the interest that has accrued but not been paid. Interest on top
of interest.‫فوائد مركبة‬
CONCUR (Verb) to agree with someone, usually because you have the same opinion as
they do. ‫اتفق‬
CONSIDERATION (Noun) the thing that each party to a contract gives in exchange for
what the other party gives. It is usually money, goods, services or something else of
value in the eyes of the law. In order for a contract to be valid it is normally a
requirement that both parties have provided consideration.‫المقابل‬
CONVENE (Verb) to ask a group of people to come together to attend a formal
meeting. ‫دعا الى اإلنعقاد \ دعا الى اإلجتماع‬
CONVEYANCING (Noun) the law and procedure relating to legally transferring the
ownership of real property (land, including buildings) from one party to another.‫نقل‬
COPYRIGHT (Noun and Adjective) a) the legal right of an author, musician, artist or film
maker to publish his or her own work and not have it copied without permission.
‫حقوق الطبع والنشر‬
COVENANT (Verb and Noun) a) to agree to do something under the terms of a contract;
b) the name given to the promise or agreement itself.‫تعهد – عقد\عهد‬
CREDITOR (Noun) a person or company that is owed money.

Mohamed Elsheikh
DAMAGES (Noun) money claimed by a claimant from a defendant as compensation for
the harm that the defendant has done. It is the usual remedy in a breach of contract
DEBENTURE (Noun) a document evidencing that a company is giving its assets as
security for a debt. ‫سند\إقرار بمديونية‬
DEBTOR (Noun) a person or company that owes money to someone. ‫مدين‬
DEEM (Verb) to believe or to consider.‫يعتقد\يعتبر‬
DEFAMATION (Noun) the act of harming someone's reputation by making a false
statement about him or her. The statement is usually on TV or in a newspaper. It can be
spoken defamation (slander) or written (libel). ‫التشهير‬
DEFAULT (Noun) a failure to perform the terms of a contract, in particular not to repay
a debt ‫تخلف عن الدفع‬
DEFECTIVE (Adjective) not made properly or not functioning properly. It is usually used
to describe goods that are not acceptable because they are faulty. ‫معيب‬
DETERMINE (Verb) to find out the exact details or facts about something and
to be sure that the information you have discovered is true; b) to decide; c) to end.
‫ أنهى‬- ‫حسم \ فصل في – قرر‬
DETRIMENTAL (Adjective) harmful or causing damage. The opposite of beneficial.
DISCHARGE (Verb) a) to carry out your duties; b) to pay a debt ‫أدى التزاما\واجبا – سدد دين‬
DISCLOSE (Verb) to give details about something or to make something publicly known.
‫أفشى سرا‬
DIVIDEND (Noun) a part of a company's profits that is paid to shareholders in
proportion to how many shares they hold. ‫حصة\ربح موزع على المساهمين‬
DRAFT (Verb and Noun) a) to write or draw up a document such as a contract or a
letter; b) an unfinalized version of the document itself.‫ مسودة‬- ‫يكتب‬
DUE (Adjective) a) owed; b) describes an amount of money that must be paid now or
on a specified date in the future. ‫مستحق – واجب االداء‬
Mohamed Elsheikh
EASEMENT (Noun) the right of one person to use another's land for a purpose such as
using a path or to have access to something such as water or gas pipes.‫حق ارتفاق‬
ELIGIBLE (Adjective) used to describe someone who fulfils certain requirements. This
person may be selected to do something or to have something because he or she is
suitable and meet any criteria that have been given. ‫الئق\مؤهل‬
EMOTIONAL DISTRESS (Noun) pain or suffering affecting the mind as opposed to the
body.‫اضطراب عاطفي \ ضائقة انفعالية‬
ENCLOSURE (Noun) a document or something else that is put into an envelope with a
letter. Similar to an attachment.‫ُمرفَق‬
ENCUMBRANCE (Noun) an interest of some third party that is attached to property that
may reduce its value. ‫الرهن\االلتزام\العبء‬
ENTITLE (Verb) to give someone a definite right to do something.‫يخول\يؤهل لـ‬
EVADE (Verb) to avoid doing something, especially a responsibility or a duty. Often
used in connection with avoiding/paying your taxes. ‫تجنب‬
EVICT (Verb) to force someone to leave a property because they are occupying it
against the wishes of the owner. ‫يسترد\يطرد بحكم قضائي‬
EXCEPTED (Adjective) not including, with the exception of. ‫مستثنى‬
EXCESS (Noun) a) more than is allowed by a law or a rule; b) the amount of money that
an insured person has to pay for themselves if they make a claim under an insurance
policy.‫تجاوز الحدود – خسارة مهدرة‬
EXCLUSION CLAUSE (Noun) a part of a contract or of an insurance policy that lists
things which are not included in the contract or things for which an insurance company
will not pay. ‫الشرط االستثنائي‬
EXECUTE (Verb) a) to sign a contract; b) to perform your obligations under a contract.
‫يوقع \ أدى‬
EXEMPT (Adjective and Verb) a) describes something not covered or required by a law
or a rule; b) to free someone from an obligation.‫معفى\مستثنى – يعفى من‬
EXPRESSLY (Adverb) clearly and unmistakably communicated, usually in writing.
Mohamed Elsheikh
FACTOR (Noun) something that is of importance when a person is deciding something.
It could be one of several things to take into consideration.‫عامل‬
FACTORING (Noun) the act of selling debts to someone known as a debt factor.‫بيع الديون‬
FEE (Noun) money paid to a professional for work or services that he or she has carried
FIDUCIARY DUTY (Noun) the duty to act in the best possible interests of someone else
because you are in a position of trust. Usually concerns money.‫واجب ائتماني‬
FINE (Verb and Noun) a) to require someone to pay an amount of money as a
punishment for something they have done wrong; b) the name given to the money
itself.‫ غرامة‬- ‫يُغَ ِرم‬
FLEXITIME (Noun) a flexible system of operating a workplace so that the employees can
work their contracted number of hours at times that they have chosen.‫وقت مرن‬
FORCE MAJEURE (Noun) something that happens which is out of the control of the
parties who have signed a contract (such as a war or a flood). Also known as an of "Act
of God”. ‫قوة قاهرة‬
FORECLOSE (Verb) to take possession of a property (real estate) because the owner
cannot repay the money that he or she borrowed by using the property as security.
‫يحبس الرهن‬
FORESEEABLE (Adjective) used to describe events or losses that the parties to a
contract or a defendant in a tort action could reasonably imagine happening as a result
of their actions.‫متوقع\منظور‬
FORFEIT (Verb) to lose something of value by having it taken away from you. It is taken
either as a punishment or because of a law or contract term that says this is what must
happen. ‫تغريم\فقدان‬
FRANCHISE (Noun) a licence to trade using a brand name and paying the owner a
royalty (fee) for it.‫امتياز‬
FREEZING ORDER (Noun) a court order against a person or company, which prevents
them from taking their assets out of the country.‫أمر تجميد‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
FURNISH (Verb) a formal word used in contract law meaning to supply or to provide.
‫يورد\يزود بـ‬
GARNISHEE (Noun) a person who has been ordered not to pay a debt to the person to
whom it is owed but instead to a third party who is the creditor of the creditor.
‫محجوز لديه‬
GLOSS OVER (Phrasal verb) to deliberately avoid talking about unpleasant or awkward
facts or to say as little as possible about them." ‫تستر‬
GOING CONCERN (Noun) a business that is actively trading and is expected to continue
doing so.‫منشأة ناجحة‬
GOOD FAITH (Noun) to act in good faith is to behave in an honest way with no
intention of deceiving anyone. ‫حسن نية‬
GOODS (Noun) things that are produced in order to be sold.‫بضائع‬
GOODWILL (Noun) the good reputation of a business. Its value is usually only calculated
if the business is to be sold.‫السمعة‬
GOVERNING LAW (Noun) the law that is used to interpret a contract if there is a
dispute between the parties. For example, the law of England and Wales.‫القانون الحاكم‬
GRANT (Verb) to agree to give something to someone or to give permission for them to
do something. ‫يخول حقا او امتياز‬
GRIEVANCE (Noun) something that a person complains about because they believe that
they have not been treated fairly. Often used in connection with disputes between an
employee and employer.‫شكوى\مظلمة‬
GROSS (Adjective) total, without deductions.‫إجمالي‬
GROUNDS (Noun) the basis or the reasons for doing something, especially making a
claim against someone in court or dismissing them from their job.‫دافع\باعث‬
GUARANTEE (Verb and Noun) a) to make a promise that something is true or will
definitely happen; b) a legal document that promises that something that you have
bought is of good quality and will work properly.‫ ضمان‬- ‫ضمن‬
GUARANTOR (Noun) the name given to a person who will pay for something if the
person who should pay fails to do so.‫ضامن\كفيل‬
Mohamed Elsheikh
GUIDELINES (Noun) suggestions from an official body as to how something should be
done. Not as strong as a rule or an obligation.‫إرشادات\توجيهات‬

HANDLE (Verb) to deal with something.‫عالج موضوع\يتعامل مع‬

HEADQUARTERS (Noun) the main office of a company or an organisation.‫المقر الرئيسي‬
HEADS OF AGREEMENT (Noun) a summary of the main points agreed between the
parties who intend to draw up a final contract. The heads of agreement may be signed,
but they are not usually enforceable by a court. Sometimes known as the heads of
terms.‫عقد ابتدائي\عموميات االتفاق‬
HEARING (Noun) the process of a case being considered by a court of law or some
other body so that a result can be decided upon.‫جلسةاستماع‬
HEARSAY EVIDENCE (Noun) evidence given by a witness who did not see or hear
anything directly but heard it from another source.‫بينة مستندة الى اشاعات وتقوالت الغير‬
HEIR (Noun) a person who receives property when someone dies.‫وريث‬
HIRE PURCHASE (Noun) an arrangement where a person buys something by making
monthly payments until he or she has paid for it completely and owns it outright.
‫شراء بالتقسيط‬
HIVE OFF (Phrasal verb) to separate part of a company so that it becomes another
company.‫فصل جز ًءا من شركة‬
HOLD (Verb) to make some kind of official decision or legal judgment.‫يصدر حكم\قرار‬
HOLDING COMPANY (Noun) a company that owns more than half the shares in another
company or companies.‫شركة قابضة‬
HONOUR (Verb) to do what you have agreed to do, for example under the terms of a
contract. ‫وفى بـ\نفذ‬
HUMAN RESOURCES (Noun) the department in a company that deals with the
employment and training of employees. Sometimes called the personnel department.
‫الموارد البشرية‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
HUMAN RIGHTS (Noun) the rights that all people have to basic freedoms. Human rights
are set out in international conventions and are protected by international
organisation.‫حقوق اإلنسان‬

ILLEGAL (Adjective) not legal, against the law.‫غير قانوني‬

IMPLY (Verb) to suggest something but not to say it directly. ‫يلمح\يتضمن‬
IMPOSE (Verb) to put something into place or order it to be done, for example to
impose a restriction, a ban, a punishment or a fine.‫يفرض‬
INCOME (Noun) the total amount of money that someone receives over a period of
time. It might be a salary but it might also be things like collecting rent or dividends
paid on shares.‫دخل\ايراد‬
INCUR (Verb) to make yourself liable to something unpleasant, for example a fine, a
penalty or costs. It is usually a consequence of your own behaviour.‫يتحمل\يتكبد‬
INDEMNIFY (Verb) a) to promise to pay someone if they are harmed or suffer financial
loss; b) to pay someone for harm or loss that they have suffered.‫يؤمن\يعوض‬
INFRINGE (Verb) to break a law or to do something that is contrary to another person's
right. ‫ينتهك حق‬
INJUNCTION (Noun) a court order compelling someone to stop doing something or to
prevent him or her from doing it at all if they haven't started yet. ‫أمر\إنذار باالمتناع عن عمل‬
INJURED PARTY (Noun) the name given to the person in a civil case (who has
suffered some kind of loss and is making a claim against the other party.‫الطرف المضرور‬
INSIDER DEALING (Noun) the practice of trading in company shares in order to make a
profit by people who have confidential information about that company. ‫تعامل داخلي‬
)‫(تعامل مسئولي شركة في أسهمها بناء على معلومات حصلوا عليها بحكم مناصبهم‬
INSOLVENT (Adjective) not having enough money to pay debts.‫ُمعسر‬
INSTRUCT (Verb) in the UK, to appoint a lawyer, to ask him or her to deal with your
legal matters.‫تعيين محام‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (Noun) something that a person has created or invented that
no one else has the right to produce or sell without their permission, for example a new
medicine or a piece of music.‫الملكية الفكرية‬
ISSUE (Verb) to give something to someone or to send information or a document to
someone in the correct way.‫يصدر‬

JOINT ACCOUNT (Noun) a bank account held by two or more people.‫حساب مشترك‬
JOINT AND SEVERAL (Adjective) as a group, together, and also separately. It is used to
describe situations where liability can be directed at the group or at individual
members of the group only.‫بالتكافل والتضامن‬
JOINT TENANCY (Noun) a situation in Land law where two or more parties share
ownership in a property (real estate) together. If one of the parties dies his or her
interest passes automatically to the other(s)‫شيوع‬
JOINT VENTURE (Noun) a business partnership where two or more companies join
together as partners to work on a particular project.‫المشروع المشترك‬
JUDGMENT IN DEFAULT (Noun) judgment in favour of a claimant given by a court
because the defendant did not respond to the claim. ‫حكم غيابي‬
JUDICIAL (Adjective) referring to a judge or that which is done by a judge or the court.
Judicial Power.‫قضائي‬
JUDICIARY (Noun) a collective term to mean all of the judges of a country.‫السلطة القضائية‬
JURISDICTION (Noun) legal power over someone or something.‫اختصاص‬
JURISPRUDENCE (Noun) the study of the theory of law and the legal system.‫فقه‬
JURY (Noun) in common law systems, a group of twelve people who have to decide if
someone charged with a crime is guilty or not guilty based on the evidence that is
presented to them in court.‫هيئة المحلفين‬
JUVENILE (Noun and Adjective) a) a young person under the age of 17, sometimes
referred to as a "minor" or a child; b) used to describe something connected with this
person.‫ احداثي او خاص باألحداث‬- ‫حدث‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
KICKBACK (Noun) a slang word meaning illegal money or some other gift paid to
someone in order to get their help in securing a deal - very similar to a bribe.
‫عمولة خفية\رشوة‬
KIN (Noun) relatives, close members of the family.‫اقرباء‬
KNOW-HOW (Noun) an informal but much used term meaning practical ability or skill
in a particular area.‫حق المعرفة\سر الصنعة‬

LAND LAW (Noun) a key area of law also known as the law of Real Property (UK) or Real
Estate law (USA).‫قانون العقارات‬
LANDLORD (Noun) a person who owns a property such as a house or a commercial
building and allows a person known as a tenant to use it in return for the payment of
LEASE (Verb and Noun) a) to allow someone to use something, usually a building or
some machinery, for a period of time in exchange for rent, b) the name given to the
contractual document that gives details of such an agreement.‫يؤجر – عقد ايجار‬
LEGAL PERSONALITY (Noun) existing as a single body in the eyes of the law
independently of its members. For example, a company. Also known as a legal entity
‫الشخصية القانونية‬
LEGISLATION (Noun) the collective name given to all of the laws that have been passed
by Parliament and are implemented by the courts.‫التشريع البرلماني‬
LET (Verb) to allow someone to use a building in return for rent. ‫يؤجر‬
LIABILITY (Noun) legal responsibility for something.‫مسئولية‬
LICENCE (Noun and Verb) a) a document that gives someone permission to do
something or to use something; b) to give this permission.‫ يرخص‬- ‫رخصة‬
LIEN (Noun) the legal right to keep something that belongs to someone who owes you
money until that debt has been paid.‫الحجز استيفاء لدين او التزام قانوني‬
LIEU (Part of a phrasal preposition) the expression (in lieu of" means "instead of".
Something that replaces something else. ‫بدل\بدال من‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
LIQUIDATE (Verb) to liquidate assets is to sell assets in order to raise cash. To liquidate
a company is to close the company and sell the assets in order to pay its debts.‫يصفي‬
LITIGANT (Noun) one of the parties to a lawsuit.‫خصم\طرف‬
LOAN (Noun) an amount of money that a person borrows, often from a bank.‫قرض‬
LUMP SUM (Noun) money paid to someone in one single payment rather than in
several smaller amounts.‫دفعة واحدة‬

MALPRACTICE (Noun) the act of failing to fulfil a professional duty by behaving

incorrectly or illegally.‫سوء تصرف\ممارسة‬
MATERIAL (Adjective) used to describe something that is important or significant to the
subject under discussion.‫مادي\جوهري‬
MATERNITY LEAVE (Noun) the time period during which a woman is not at work before
and after the birth of her baby. She is usually paid by her employer for all or part of it.
‫اجازة امومة‬
MARITIME LAW (Noun) the area of law that governs everything connected with the sea
including marine commerce and the transport of goods and persons.‫القانون البحري‬
MEDIATE (Verb) to attempt to make the two parties to a dispute reach an agreement
without the need for litigation. A form of alternative dispute resolution.‫يتواسط‬
MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION (Noun) an official document which establishes a
company. It lists the name of the company and other details such as the purpose for
which the company was formed.‫عقد ابتدائي لشركة‬
MERGE (Verb) to combine or join together to form one thing.‫دمج‬
MINUTES (Noun) the official record of what took place at a meeting, particularly a
company meeting.‫محضر جلسة\اجتماع‬
MISREPRESENTATION (Noun) a statement that gives someone a false impression of
something. It is made to persuade someone to sign a contract.‫وصف الشئ على غير حقيقته‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
MITIGATE (Verb) to limit the amount of damage caused by an injury or a breach of
contract especially if you are the injured party.‫يخفف‬
MORTGAGE (Noun) a) an agreement to lend money to someone to buy a property.
That property is used as security for the loan.‫رهن عقاري‬
MORTGAGEE (Noun) the lender under a mortgage agreement, for example the bank.
MORTGAGOR (Noun) the borrower under a mortgage agreement, for example the
person buying a house.‫الراهن‬
MOTION (Noun) a proposal that is discussed in a meeting and a vote is taken on it.
NEGLIGENCE (Noun) a tort. The law of Tort states that everyone has a duty of care in
relation to other people. If you are not careful enough and you harm someone then it is
NEGOTIABLE (Adjective) used to describe an offer, price, contract, etc., that can be
discussed and changed before finally being agreed upon. ‫قابل للتفاوض‬
NET (Adjective) the amount remaining after all financial deductions have been made.
NEUTRAL (Adjective) impartial. Not supporting one side or the other in a dispute.‫حيادي‬
NO-WIN NO-FEE (Adjective) an arrangement between client and lawyer, usually in
negligence cases, in which if the claim is not successful the client is not charged for the
legal services.‫االتعاب مرهونه بالنجاح‬
NOMINAL (Adjective) an amount of money that is very small but is paid because some
payment is necessary.‫اسمي \ صوري‬
NOMINEE (Adjective and Noun) a) describes someone who is named to deal with
something or to own something on behalf of another person; b) the name given to that
person. ‫وكيل\نائب‬
NONCOMPETITION CLAUSE (Noun) a clause often found in contracts of employment or
partnership agreements in which one of the parties agrees not to carry out the same
business for a period of time after the contract has ended.‫شرط عدم المنافسة‬
Mohamed Elsheikh
NOTICE (Noun) information that warns someone that something is about to happen,
such as a contract is about to terminate or legal proceedings are about to start.‫اخطار‬
NOTIFY (Verb) to formally or officially tell someone about something.‫يُعلم\يخبر‬
NOVATION (Noun ) a transaction in which an existing contract is replaced with a new
one, usually with a third party ‫استبدال\احالل‬
NUISANCE (Noun) a tort. Something that causes an unacceptable inconvenience to
someone and interferes with their enjoyment of their own property (real estate).
Usually pollution or noise, etc.‫ازعاج‬
OATH (Noun) a formal, legal promise to say or write only what is true.‫قسم\يمين‬
OCCUPIER'S LIABILITY (Noun) the legal responsibility of an occupier of a property or an
outdoor public area to make sure that no visitor is harmed.‫مسئولية الشاغل‬
OFFER (Noun) (one of the required elements of a contract) An expression of willingness
by a party to contract on certain terms. It is precisely defined by case law in the UK and
the USA.‫العرض‬
OMISSION (Noun) a failure to do something.‫امتناع عن عمل‬
ONEROUS (Adjective) used to describe something that is difficult or troublesome,
usually a duty or a contract term.‫مرهق\شاق‬
OPEN-ENDED (Adjective) not specified or without fixed limits.‫غير مقيد‬
OPTION (Noun) an offer giving someone the right to do something within a certain time
OUT-OF-COURT SETTLEMENT (Noun) an agreement to settle a dispute before the
matter comes to trial in court.‫تسوية خارج المحكمة‬
OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES (Noun) personal money used to pay for something on
behalf of someone else, usually for a company or business. ‫نفقات من اموال خاصة‬
OUTSOURCE (Verb) to contract out one or more parts of a company's business to an
outside service provider or to bring in outside contractors to do work within a company
or organisation.‫التعهيد\االستعانة بمصادر خارجية‬
OUTSTANDING (Adjective) something that is not yet done or not yet paid.‫قائم‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
OVERDRAFT (Noun) the amount of money that a person owes to a bank because they
have been allowed to take more money out of their bank account than they had in it.
‫سحب على المكشوف‬
OVERTIME (Noun) a) time that a person spends working in addition to the number of
hours that they are contracted to do; b) the name given to the money that they have
earned by working these extra hours.
‫عمل ساعات اضافية‬

PARTNERSHIP (Noun) an unincorporated business in which at least 2 people share the

profits and risks.‫شراكة‬
PARTY (Noun) an individual or a company (a legal personality) directly involved in a
legal situation.‫طرف‬
PASS OFF (Phrasal verb) to give the impression that goods for sale are made by
someone else in order to use that person's or company's reputation to make a sale.
‫يبيع بالخداع والتضليل‬
PATENT (Noun and Verb) a) an official document that states that a particular A-4
person has the right to produce and sell an invention) b) to register an invention with
the patent office so that other people or companies cannot copy it.
‫براءة اختراع – يسجل اختراع‬
PERJURY (Noun) the criminal offence of not telling the truth when making a statement
under oath in court.‫شهادة الزور\الحنث باليمين‬
PERSONAL INJURY (Noun) the name given in the law of Tort to the physical damage
caused to a person by someone else's negligence.‫اصابة شخصية‬
PLAINTIFF (Noun) the name given in the USA to the person who starts a civil case. A
claimant in the UK.‫المدعي‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
PORTFOLIO (Noun) all of the shares owned by a particular person or company.
‫محفظة اوراق مالية‬
POWER OF ATTORNEY (Noun) the authority given to a person to allow him or her to
make legal decisions and act on behalf of another person.‫توكيل عام‬
PRECEDENT (Noun) a decision made by a judge in the common law system that is used
as a basis for deciding later cases involving very similar facts or issues.‫سابقة‬
PREMISES (Noun) a building that is usually used as a place of business such as a shop,
restaurant or office.‫محل تجاري\عقار‬
PROCEEDINGS (Noun) the actions and procedures that form a legal case.‫اجراءات‬
PURSUANT TO (Phrasal preposition) according to or with reference to something.
QUANTUM (Noun) the amount of something, usually damages or financial,
compensation.‫مبلغ التعويض‬
QUARTER (Noun) a period of 3 months.‫ربع سنوي\فصل‬
QUORUM (Noun) the minimum number of people who must be present at a meeting to
enable it to proceed and a valid decision be made. ‫نصاب قانوني‬
RECEIPT (Noun) a piece of paper that proves that something has been paid for.‫إيصال‬
RECEIVERSHIP (Noun) an insolvency procedure in which a person (called the receiver) is
appointed to take control of a company's property. That property was used as a
security for a debt and the creditor now wants repayment of that debt.‫إدارة اموال التفليسة‬
RECITALS (Noun) the introduction to a contract that sets out who the parties are and
what the main purpose of the agreement is.‫الحيثيات‬
RECOVER (Verb) to get something back, usually money that you have spent and would
like to get back.‫استرد‬
REDEMPTION DATE (Noun) the date on which a loan is due to be repaid in full.
‫تاريخ االسترداد‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
REDUNDANT (Adjective) used to describe people or things that are no longer needed
either because they are surplus to requirements or because they have been replaced
with something more modern.‫الفائض العمالي‬
REIMBURSE (Verb) to give someone the money that they have already spent on your
behalf.‫يَ ُرد‬
REMEDY (Verb and Noun) a) to provide a solution to a wrong such as a breach of
contract or a tort; b) the name given to the solution itself. ‫تعويض\انتصاف للمظلوم‬
RETIRE (Verb) to stop work either because you have reached the end of your working
life (which is aged 65 in many countries), or because you choose not to work any
REVOKE (Verb) to take back or cancel something, usually an offer or permission to do
ROYALTY (Noun) money paid to a writer or an inventor, often a percentage. Of sales
‫اتعاب ادبية‬
SALARY (Noun) money received in return for work, usually received every month
(people often talk about a yearly salary). A salary isn't normally calculated according to
the exact number of days or hours you have worked in the way that wages are.‫راتب‬
SEEK (Verb) a) to ask for, to request; b) to look for something or someone.‫ بحث‬- ‫طلب‬
SERVE (Verb) to officially give someone a legal document that requires him or her to do
something.‫أبلغ\سلم إعالنا‬
SET FORTH (Phrasal verb) a formal verb meaning written. Used especially in contracts.
SETTLE (Verb) a) to reach an agreement about a dispute; b) to pay money you owe,
especially a debt or a bill. ‫يسوي\صفى حسابا‬
SEVERABILITY CLAUSE (Noun) a clause that says if any part of a contract is found to be
invalid it can be cut out and the rest of the contract will still be valid.‫شرط قابلية االنفصال‬
SHARE (Noun) one of the parts into which ownership of a company's capital is divided.

Mohamed Elsheikh
SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE (Noun) a remedy for a breach of contract. It is an order from
the court ordering the party in breach to fulfil their obligations under the contract.
‫التنفيذ العيني‬
SUBCONTRACT (Noun and Verb) a) an agreement between the main contractor for a
project and a third party who will do some of that work; b) to agree with a third party
to do part of the work for a project.‫عقد من الباطن – قام بمقاولة فرعية‬
SUBSIDIARY (Noun) a company that is over 50% owned by a parent company.‫شركة تابعة‬
SUBSTANDARD (Adjective) describes something that is not of an acceptable quality and
does not meet the standard expected. ‫دون المعيار‬
SUE (Verb) to start legal proceedings against someone in the civil court asking for
damages or some other remedy.‫يقاضي‬

TAKEOVER BID (Noun) an offer to purchase all of the shares in a company or as many
of the shares as would be needed to obtain control of that company.‫عرض شراء‬
TAX DEDUCTIBLE (Adjective) that which can be taken off the total of someone's income
before it is taxed.‫ضريبة قابلة للخصم‬
TAX LOOPHOLE (Noun) a gap in the law which, when exploited by someone, makes it
legally possible for that person to reduce their tax or not pay it at all.‫ثغرة\مهرب ضريبي‬
TENANT (Noun) a person or a company who occupies a building or part of a building
and pays rent to a landlord for it.‫مستأجر‬
TENDER (Noun) an offer in a type of bidding process. When a contract is put out to
tender interested parties can submit their price to see if they win the public
competition. An offer under these circumstances is called a tender.‫عرض مناقصة‬
TERMINATION CLAUSE (Noun) the clause in a contract that specifies how and when the
contract can be brought to an end.‫شرط االنهاء‬
TESTIFY (Verb) to give evidence under oath in court.‫يشهد‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
TRADE UNION (Noun) an organisation of workers, usually from the same trade or
profession, that protects the rights of its members.‫نقابة مهنية\عمال‬
TRADEMARK (Noun) a registered symbol, often in the form of a word or a picture, that
is put onto a product to show that it belongs to a particular company.‫عالمة تجارية‬
TRANSACTION (Noun) a piece of business or a business deal.‫عملية تجارية\صفقة‬
TRESPASS (Noun and Verb) a) the tort of interfering with another person's land or
goods, or the tort of harming someone by false imprisonment or assault; b) to carry out
those acts.‫التعدي على الممتلكات‬
TRIAL (Noun) the process of examining evidence and applicable law by a court to
decide the issue of specified charges or claims brought against someone.‫محاكمة‬
TRIBUNAL (Noun) a special court that hears matters concerning a particular area of
law, for example, employment law.‫محكمة‬
TRUST (Noun) a legal situation in which one party known as a trustee looks after
property for a certain period of time for another party known as the beneficiary)

UNANIMOUS (Adjective) used to describe a decision where all concerned were in

agreement, for example on a vote.‫إجماعي‬
UNCONDITIONAL (Adjective) not limited by, or depending upon, any terms or
conditions.‫غير مشروط‬
UNDERMENTIONED (Adjective) mentioned later in the same document.‫مذكور أدناه‬
UNDERSIGNED (Noun) the person or people who have signed the document in which
the word undersigned is used.‫الموقع أدناه‬
UNDERTAKING (Noun) a serious promise to do something or to accept responsibility
for something.‫تعهد‬
UNDISCHARGED BANKRUPT (Noun) a person who has been declared bankrupt and has
not yet been released from their status.‫مفلس لم يرد اعتباره‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
UNDUE INFLUENCE (Noun) improper pressure from one person who, because of the
nature of their relationship, is in a position to put this improper pressure on another
person to do something such as sign a contract.‫تحت تأثير غير مشروع‬
UNENFORCEABLE (Adjective) describes a contract or a clause in an agreement that is
for some reason not legal and therefore a court is not able to deal with it. An illegal or
empty agreement. ‫غير نافذ‬
UNEQUIVOCAL (Adjective) completely clear and without any possibility of doubt.
‫ال لبس فيه‬
UNFAIR DISMISSAL (Noun) the removal of an employee from his or her job by an
employer without a valid reason.‫فصل تعسفي‬
UNILATERAL (Adjective) describes something that is on one side only, or that only
applies to one party.‫ملزم لجانب\لطرف واحد‬
UNLIQUIDATED DAMAGES (Noun) damages that are awarded when the claim was not
for a fixed amount. The court decides how much should be paid depending on the
circumstances of the case.‫تعويضات غير تعاقدية ولكن تقررها المحكمة‬
UNPRECEDENTED (Adjective) describes something that has never happened.‫ال مثيل له‬
UNSECURED (Adjective) without any collateral or guarantee of repayment.‫بال ضمان‬

VACANT (Adjective) not occupied. Empty.‫خالي\شاغر‬

VALID (Adjective) describes something that is acceptable because it is true or
something that can be used lawfully.‫قانوني\فعال‬
VALUATION (Noun) an estimate of how much something is worth. ‫تقييم‬
VENDEE (Noun) a name sometimes given in a legal document to a person who buys.
More commonly called a buyer or a purchaser.‫مشتري‬
VENDOR (Noun) a name sometimes given in a legal document to a person who sells.
More commonly referred to as a seller.‫بائع‬
VENTURE CAPITAL (Noun) money invested in a business in order to make a profit for
the investor. However, it carries a high risk of loss.‫رأسمال مخاطر‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
VERBAL AGREEMENT (Noun) a contract that is not in writing but is nevertheless
recognised by the law as valid. Also known as an oral contract.‫إتفاق شفهي‬
VERBATIM (Adverb) repeating the actual words that were spoken or written when
discussing a situation from the past.‫نصا\حرفا‬
VERIFY (Verb) a) to check if something is true; b) to confirm that a fact or a statement is
true.‫تحقق من – أكد صحة شئ‬
VET (Verb) to check someone's past activities to make sure that they are suitable for
something, particularly a job. Also, to check a report, article or a speech to make sure
that it is acceptable.‫دقق\فحص‬
VIABLE (Adjective) describes something that has the potential to work successfully.
‫قابل للنجاح\للتطبيق‬
VOID (Adjective) used to describe something that is not legally acceptable to a court.
That which has no legal effect. ‫باطل\الغ‬
VOLUNTARY (Adjective) a) describes something done from choice and not because you
are obliged or forced to do it; b) describes something done without payment.
VOUCH FOR (Phrasal verb) to say, on a casual basis, that you will be responsible for the
behaviour or actions of another person, or that you can recommend them for
something based on your knowledge of their character. Also, to say that something is
good or true because of your previous knowledge of it.‫ضمن\كفل‬
WAIVE (Verb) a) to formally give up a right.‫يتنازل‬
WARRANTY (Noun) a guarantee.‫ضمان‬
WEAR AND TEAR (Noun) the reasonable deterioration caused to something when it is
used over a long period of time.‫استهالك الشئ باالستعمال‬
WHATSOEVER (Adverb) used to add emphasis to a negative statement, meaning "of
any sort or amount”. ‫مهما\أيا كان‬
WHOLESALE (Adverb and Adjective) a) buying goods directly from the manufacturer so
that they can be sold to traders who in turn sell them to the public; b) describes these
goods.‫ ُجملي‬- ‫بالجملة‬

Mohamed Elsheikh
WILL (Noun) the name given to a legal document in which a person gives instructions as
to how his or her property should be distributed after their death.‫وصية‬
WIND UP (Phrasal verb) a) to bring an activity to an end, especially a meeting; b) to put
a company into liquidation.‫ يصفي‬- ‫ينهي‬
WITHDRAW (Verb) a) to take back an offer or an invitation; b) to take money out of a
bank account.‫ تراجع‬- ‫يسحب‬
WITHHOLD (Verb) to refuse to give information or to refuse to let someone have
something, often until something is done in return.‫كبح\منع\امسك‬
WITHOUT PREJUDICE (Adverb) an expression used orally or in writing during
negotiations to settle a dispute. It prevents the offers made in the negotiations from
being used in court if the parties fail to reach a settlement.‫دون اإلخالل بـ\مع عدم المساس بـ‬
WITNESS (Verb and Noun) a) to see something happening; b) the person who sees.
‫ يشهد‬- ‫شاهد‬
WRITE OFF (Phrasal verb) to cancel something because you have accepted that you are
not going to receive it. For example, to cancel a debt.‫إلغاء دين‬
YIELD (Noun and Verb) a) money produced by an investment; b) to produce money, for
example, interest or a dividend. ‫دخل\انتاجية – يثمر\ينتج‬
ZONE (Noun) a large area that is different from the other areas around it in some
significant way.‫منطقة‬

Best of luck – Mohamed Elsheikh

Mohamed Elsheikh

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