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DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 10th grade First Bimester 9 WEEKS

WEEK#2 Date: january 22 to 26
Topic 1: Welcome People and places CLASS 2
Learning activities Practice at home the digital
Esta es la secuencia didáctica de que tienen que hacer , el orden worksheets, send
de los ejercicios. screenshot to classroom
Abajo encontraran las hojas de ejercicios que deben imprimir. Learning activities
first delivery task #2
jan 23
Classwork:1 in the folder
students look at the list of words for weather, cloudy, foggy, rainy, sunny, snowy, windy, and write
which kinds of weather they like most and least and why complete sentence. (pass the ball) and say
it to the class.
2.Classwork: in the folder in pairs
vocabulary weather, read the words and make sentences about it
dry, cloud, snow, storm, cold, fog, wet, warm, hot, rain, sun
3.Homework: In the folder
write information about thunderstorms, and answer the following questions:
1. Are you surprised by the information?
2. How frequent are thunderstorms in your country?
3. Can they remember a famous thunderstorm in the world?

Topic 2: I´m having a wonderful time

Grammar: Simple present and present progressive
PRACTICE IN CLASS IN THE BOOKLET Examples: in the link below you will find more
Complete the sentences, choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets.
practice present progressive classroom
Activity 1 in the folder
Reading and listening in class
Look at the picture. Guess which of these words are in the text underline them, complete the e-mail
with the times?

Total points for the week: 10



10th grade section: _______

Classwork:1 in the folder

students look at the list of words for weather, cloudy, foggy, rainy, sunny, snowy, windy, and write which kinds of weather
they like most and least and why complete sentence. (pass the ball) and say it to the class.


10th grade section:_______

2.Classwork: in the folder in pairs

vocabulary weather, read the words and make 2 sentences each about it

dry, cloud, snow, storm, cold, fog, wet, warm, hot, rain, sun


10th grade section:_______

3.Homework: In the folder

write information about thunderstorms, and answer the following questions:

1. Are you surprised by the information?

2. How frequent are thunderstorms in your country?

3. Can they remember a famous thunderstorm in the world?



10th grade section:_______

PRACTICE IN CLASS IN THE BOOKLET Examples: in the link below you will find more practice

Complete the sentences, choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. David ___________________ table-tennis. (play/plays)

2. They ___________________ to school on foot. (go/goes)

3. Carol ___________________ in Bath. (live/lives)

4. School ___________________ at 6.30. (finish/finishes)

5. We ___________________ T.V. in the evening. (watch/watches)

6. Jessica ___________________ in her bedroom. (study/studies)

practice present progressive classroom

se práctica lo que está en este enlace, la nota que obtenga se envía la captura al código de classroom.


10th grade section:_______

Activity 1 in the folder

Reading and listening in class

Look at the picture. Guess which of these words are in the text underline them, complete the e-mail with the times?

Boat dolphin geography museum ocean radio restaurant sailing sea stars tennis

Hello, we are sailing from Miami, to Barbados in the Caribbean, And I'm
having a wonderful time. I'm writing this on my laptop. It's a beautiful day.
The sun is shining, and Dolphins are playing around the boat!
What's a typical day like at the sea? Well, I get up. At _____________and we have

breakfast. At ______________we have coffee and toast. At __________I go on

watch for 3 hours. at noon I start cooking lunch and we have lunch at

_____________In the afternoon, we read the sunbathe.

At_________ I write emails and at ___________ We make a video call to our base in Miami. Then we listen to

the news on the radio. We have dinner at________________ And I go on watch again. At____________ I sit

outside and look at the stars. And at ________, I go to sleep.

now it's time to make the video call love,

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