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Plant Biology ISSN 1435-8603


Light compensation points in shade-grown seedlings of

deciduous broadleaf tree species with different successional
traits raised under elevated CO2
M. Kitao1, T. Hida2, N. Eguchi2, H. Tobita1, H. Utsugi1, A. Uemura3, S. Kitaoka1 & T. Koike2
1 Department of Plant Ecology, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan
2 Department of Forest Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
3 Hokkaido Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Sapporo, Japan

Apparent quantum yield; CO2 enrichment;
dark respiration; photosynthesis; shade We measured leaf photosynthetic traits in shade-grown seedlings of four tree species
tolerance. native to northern Japan, raised under an elevated CO2 condition, to investigate the
effects of elevated CO2 on shade tolerance of deciduous broadleaf tree species with dif-
Correspondence ferent successional traits. We considered Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Betula
T. Koike, Department of Forest Science, maximowicziana as pioneer species, Quercus mongolica var. crispula as a mid-succes-
Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8589, sional species, and Acer mono as a climax species. The plants were grown under shade
Japan. conditions (10% of full sunlight) in a CO2-regulated phytotron. Light compensation
E-mail: points (LCPs) decreased in all tree species when grown under elevated CO2
(720 lmolmol1), which were accompanied by higher apparent quantum yields but
Editor no photosynthetic down-regulation. LCPs in Q. mongolica and A. mono grown under
L. J. De Kok elevated CO2 were lower than those in the two pioneer birch species. The LCP in
Q. mongolica seedlings was not different from that of A. mono in each CO2 treatment.
Received: 27 May 2015; Accepted: 17 However, lower dark respiration rates were observed in A. mono than in Q. mongolica,
September 2015
suggesting higher shade tolerance in A. mono as a climax species in relation to carbon
loss at night. Thus, elevated CO2 may have enhanced shade tolerance by lowering
LCPs in all species, but the ranking of shade tolerance related to successional traits
did not change among species under elevated CO2, i.e. the highest shade tolerance was
observed in the climax species (A. mono), followed by a gap-dependent species
(Q. mongolica), while lower shade tolerance was observed in the pioneer species
(B. platyphylla and B. maximowicziana).

Elevated CO2 increases leaf area index (LAI) after canopy

closure in tree stands with a relatively low LAI (Norby & Zak
Atmospheric CO2 concentration is predicted to double during 2011), as simulated with an empirical model (Oikawa 1986).
the next century (IPCC 2001, 2007). Although elevated CO2 An increase in LAI results in decreased transmittance of inci-
has been linked to increased plant growth via enhanced photo- dent light flux through the forest canopy to the forest floor.
synthetic carbon assimilation (Tissue et al. 1997; Ainsworth & Shade tolerance is important for the survival of the forest
Long 2005; Norby & Zak 2011), few studies have investigated understorey when growing under elevated CO2.
light-limited photosynthesis under elevated CO2 conditions, A key factor for the survival of seedlings grown under limit-
despite the importance of light-limited photosynthesis in seed- ing light conditions is the light compensation point (LCP). A
lings growing in the forest understorey (H€attenschwiler 2001; lower LCP promises a positive carbon gain, particularly in a
Norby & Zak 2011). limited light environment. The LCP is determined by apparent
The deciduous broadleaf forests of northern Japan consist quantum yield based on incident light (Φa) and leaf dark respi-
of various tree species with different successional traits. The ration (Rn) (Larcher 2003). Φa in C3 plants increases with
Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) and increasing CO2 concentration due to an increase in the parti-
monarch birch (Betula maximowicziana) are typical pioneer tioning of electron flow to photosynthetic carbon assimilation
species broadly distributed across northern Japan (Koike & (Long & Bernacchi 2003). If the dark respiration rate in tree
Sakagami 1985). Japanese oak (Quercus mongolica var. seedlings is unaffected by elevated CO2 (Gonzalez-Meler et al.
crispula) is a gap-dependent mid-successional species (Haya- 2004), enhanced Φa results in a lower LCP under elevated CO2.
shi 1985; Higo 1987, 1994). Japanese maple (Acer mono) is Elevated CO2 temporally enhances the photosynthesis rate
a typical shade-tolerant species in northern Japan, which is but eventually results in ‘photosynthetic acclimation’ in many
relatively more shade-tolerant than Q. mongolica, as indi- cases due to photosynthetic down-regulation, which is typically
cated by higher survival rates in intact forest understorey indicated by a decrease in the maximum Rubisco carboxylation
(Higo 1994). rate (Vc,max) and a decrease in the maximum electron transport

22 Plant Biology 18 (Suppl. 1) (2016) 22–27 © 2015 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands
Kitao, Hida, Eguchi, Tobita, Utsugi, Uemura, Kitaoka & Koike Shade tolerance in shade-grown seedlings enhanced by elevated CO2

rate (Jmax) (Rogers & Ellsworth 2002; Ainsworth & Long 2005). were placed outside under natural conditions during winter
If elevated CO2 induces photosynthetic acclimation in shade- from leaf shedding to budbreak in the next spring.
grown seedlings, less of a decrease in the LCP would be
expected even under elevated CO2, which would be a disadvan-
Gas exchange measurements
tage for shade acclimation under the higher LAI environment
in the future forest understorey (Norby & Zak 2011). In con- All gas exchange experiments were conducted using an open
trast, photosynthetic acclimation is mediated by changes in the system with infrared gas analysers (LI-6400; Li-Cor, Lincoln,
source:sink balance under elevated CO2; for example, photo- NE, USA). The temperature in the leaf chamber was main-
synthetic acclimation is significant when the sink capacity is tained at 25 °C, and the water vapour deficit in the leaf cham-
minimal during flowering (Lewis et al. 2002). ber was about 1.2 kPa. Measurements were conducted from 24
We hypothesised that photosynthetic acclimation would not July to 10 August 2006. Third or fourth fully expanded mature
occur in seedlings grown in the forest understorey even under leaves from the top were used for the measurements in the suc-
elevated CO2 because of the low source strength relative to sink cessive leaf development species, B. platyphylla and B. maxi-
capacity under the limited light condition, leading to enhanced mowicziana. The other two species flushed all leaves once in
shade tolerance, with a lower LCP in shade-grown seedlings the spring. To assess the light compensation point (LCP) and
raised under elevated CO2. To test this hypothesis, we mea- apparent quantum yield based on incident light (Φa), the dark
sured photosynthetic traits in shade-grown seedlings of four respiration rate (Rn) and net photosynthesis rate (A) were mea-
deciduous broadleaf tree species native to northern Japan and sured step-wise at each growth CO2 concentration with
raised under elevated CO2. We also investigated differences in increasing incident photon flux density (PFD) from 0 to
shade tolerance enhancement by elevated CO2 among decidu- 120 lmolm2s1. CO2 leak between the leaf chamber gasket
ous broadleaf tree species across wide ecological groups with and the leaf surface results in false Rn values (Jahnke 2001),
different successional traits (cf. H€attenschwiler 2001; within which increase with an increase in the difference between the
late-successional species). CO2 concentration inside and outside the leaf chamber
(Amthor 2000). Therefore, measurements were done inside the
growth cabinets to reduce the difference in CO2 concentration
MATERIAL AND METHODS between the leaf chamber and outside to minimise such errors.
In contrast, light-saturated net photosynthesis rates were mea-
Plant materials
sured at a light intensity of 1200 lmolm2s1 PFD and vari-
Two-year-old seedlings were obtained from a commercial ous CO2 concentrations in the laboratory (ambient CO2 was
nursery (Oji Forest & Products, Kuriyama, Japan). We used approximately 400 lmolmol1) for both the ambient and ele-
four deciduous broadleaf tree species; two early-successional vated CO2-grown seedlings transferred from the growth cabi-
(Betula platyphylla Sukatchev var. japonica Hara and B. maxi- nets. The CO2 concentration inside the chamber was reduced
mowicziana), one mid-successional [Quercus mongolica Fisch. in five steps from 720 to 0 lmolmol1. The maximum
ex Turcz. var. crispula (Blume) Ohashi] and one late-succes- Rubisco carboxylation rate (Vc,max) was calculated based on
sional [Acer mono Maxim. var. glabrum (Lev. et Van’t.) Hara] light-saturated net photosynthesis rates measured at CO2 con-
species. The seedlings were transplanted into vinyl pots filled centrations below 300 lmolmol1 (Farquhar et al. 1980; Long
with a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of Kanuma pumice soil and clay soil & Bernacchi 2003). The maximum electron transport rate was
in May 2005. The pots were large enough (volume, 5 l) to allow determined after Wilson et al. (2000). Leaf chlorophyll content
unrestricted root growth during the experiment, as seedling was assessed with the indexed chlorophyll content reading
growth was limited under the shade conditions. The seedlings (SPAD reading) using a SPAD chlorophyll meter (SPAD 502;
were placed in a phytotron containing six natural daylight Minolta, Osaka, Japan; Uddling et al. 2007).
growth cabinets (KG type; Koito, Yokohama, Japan) at the
Hokkaido Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products
Statistical analysis
Research Institute, Sapporo, Japan (42°590 N, 141°230 E). Each
of the two CO2 treatments, i.e. ambient CO2 treatment (cf. All statistics were based on the mean values of the individual
380 lmolmol1) and elevated CO2 treatment (regulated to chambers (two-sample replicates for each species) as the sam-
720 lmolmol1), was replicated in three chambers. CO2 con- ple unit for each CO2 treatment (n = 3). These values were
centrations in the three chambers for each CO2 treatment were averaged to provide the sample estimate for that replicate. A
monitored at 6-min intervals during the growing season. The split-plot analysis of variance (CO2 9 species) was used to
means of averaged daytime CO2 concentrations (06:00– examine the effects of CO2, species and their interaction on
18:00 h) during the period across chambers were 379  16 and total dry mass, S:R ratio, light-saturated net photosynthetic rate
710  0.8 lmolmol1 (mean  SD, n = 3) in the ambient and measured at each growing CO2 concentration (Agrowth), Vc,max,
elevated CO2 treatments, respectively. Day/night temperatures Jmax LCP, Φa, Rn and SPAD (R Development Core Team
were maintained at optimal values (26/16 °C; Koike et al. 1995, 2014). We conducted post-hoc multiple comparisons to investi-
2000). The seedlings were grown under shade conditions; rela- gate the species ranking for each variable. As main single effects
tive light intensity at 10% of full sunlight through shade cloth are misleading when the interaction is significant (Sokal &
was used in both ambient and elevated CO2 treatments. Liquid Rohlf 1995), the differences in means among the combinations
fertiliser (Hyponex 5:10:5, N:P:K; O.M. Scott & Sons, Marys- of CO2 and species were tested using Holm’s pair-wise compar-
ville, OH, USA) was applied once per month (200 ml 0.1% liq- isons if the interaction between CO2 and species was signifi-
uid fertiliser). The treatments commenced in May 2005 and cant. The differences in their means across the CO2 treatments
finished in October 2006, a total of 513 days. The seedlings for each species were tested when the effect of species was

Plant Biology 18 (Suppl. 1) (2016) 22–27 © 2015 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 23
Shade tolerance in shade-grown seedlings enhanced by elevated CO2 Kitao, Hida, Eguchi, Tobita, Utsugi, Uemura, Kitaoka & Koike

significant but the interaction between CO2 and species was averaged across the CO2 treatments for each species was
not significant. B. platyphylla: 9.7A > B. maximowicziana: 9.7A > Q. mongolica:
9.5A > A. mono: 2.6B g; the ranking of the S:R ratio was
B. platyphylla: 2.3A > B. maximowicziana: 2.3A > A. mono:
1.1B > Q. mongolica: 0.54C (different letters indicate significant
No significant differences were detected for total dry mass differences at P < 0.05; Table 1, Fig. 1).
or the S:R ratio of the shade-grown seedlings between the The light-saturated net photosynthesis rate measured at the
CO2 treatments, although differences among species were respective growth under CO2 condition (Agrowth) was signifi-
significant (Table 1, Fig. 1). The ranking of total dry mass cantly higher in the elevated CO2-grown seedlings than in the
ambient CO2-grown seedlings (Table 1, Fig. 2). Agrowth of
Q. mongolica was higher than that of B. platyphylla and B. mon-
Table 1. Summary of the split-plot ANOVA to test the effects of CO2 treat-
ment (F1,4), species (F3,12) and their interaction (F3,12) on total dry mass,
golica, regardless of CO2 treatment. The CO2 treatments had no
shoot to root (S:R) ratio, light-saturated net photosynthesis rate at each
significant effects on Vc,max or Jmax (Table 1, Fig. 2). The Vc,max
growing CO2 concentration (Agrowth), maximum Rubisco carboxylation rate ranking averaged across the CO2 treatments was Q. mongolica:
(Vc,max), maximum electron transport rate (Jmax), light compensate point 38.7A > A. mono: 31.9B > B. platyphylla: 21.2C > B. maximow-
(LCP), apparent quantum yield (Fa), dark respiration rate (Rn) and SPAD read- icziana: 17.9C lmolm2s1; the Jmax ranking was Q. mongolica:
ing in shade-grown seedlings of the four deciduous broadleaf tree species. 82.7A > A. mono: 69.3B > B. platyphylla: 46.8C > B. maximow-
icziana: 38.4D lmolm2s1 (different letters indicate signifi-
F-statistics cant differences at P < 0.05; Fig. 2).
CO2 treatment Species CO2 9 Species

Total dry mass 0.34 13.1*** 1.48

S:R ratio 1.24 59.1*** 2.18
Agrowth 53.1*** 32.7*** 3.03
Vc,max 5.54 145*** 2.51
Jmax 1.57 116*** 0.41
LCP 148*** 228*** 4.52*
Φa 159*** 76.9*** 13.1***
Rn 11.9* 87.2*** 1.75
SPAD reading 2.68 728*** 0.26

*Denotes significance at P < 0.05, **P < .01 and ***P < 0.001.

Fig. 2. Light-saturated net photosynthesis rate measured at growth CO2

concentration (Agrowth), maximum Rubisco carboxylation rate (Vc,max) and
Fig. 1. Total dry mass and shoot to root (S:R) ratio in shade-grown seedlings maximum electron transport rate (Jmax) in shade-grown seedlings of B. platy-
of B. platyphylla (Bp), B. maximowicziana (Bm), Q. mongolica (Qm) and phylla (Bp), B. maximowicziana (Bm), Q. mongolica (Qm) and A. mono (Am)
A. mono (Am) under ambient (white bars) and elevated (grey bars) CO2. under ambient (white bars) and elevated (grey bars) CO2. Values are
Values are means  SE (n = 3). Different capital letters indicate significant means  SE (n = 3). Different capital letters indicate significant differences
differences in means across CO2 treatments among species (P < 0.05). in means across CO2 treatments among species (P < 0.05).

24 Plant Biology 18 (Suppl. 1) (2016) 22–27 © 2015 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands
Kitao, Hida, Eguchi, Tobita, Utsugi, Uemura, Kitaoka & Koike Shade tolerance in shade-grown seedlings enhanced by elevated CO2

Significant interactions between CO2 and species were ted to an increase in root exudates under the elevated CO2
observed for LCP and Φa (Table 1). Based on Holm’s pair-wise (Phillips et al. 2006; Phillips et al. 2009, 2011). Furthermore,
comparisons, LCP decreased in the elevated CO2 treatment, the increase in photosynthetic carbon gain under elevated CO2
and lower LCPs were observed in Q. mongolica and A. mono may be too small to detect using total dry mass in seedlings
than those in B. platyphylla and B. maximowicziana, regardless grown under limited light conditions (10% of full sunlight)
of CO2 treatment (Fig. 3). Among seedlings grown under ambi- during our experimental period.
ent CO2, Φa of Q. mongolica was significantly higher than that The effects of elevated CO2 on biomass allocation are rela-
of B. platyphylla and B. maximowicziana, whereas Φa of tively unresponsive but dependent on growth conditions; for
Q. mongolica was higher than that of the other three species example, elevated CO2 suppresses shoot growth relative to that
grown under elevated CO2 (Fig. 3). Elevated CO2 significantly of roots through nitrogen depletion in the whole plant due to
decreased Rn (Table 1, Fig. 3). The extent of the decrease in Rn enhanced plant growth under limited nitrogen availability
at elevated CO2 for each species was as follows: B. platyphylla: (Rogers et al. 1996; Poorter & Nagel 2000). Elevated CO2 had
1.8% (actual increase), B. maximowicziana: 8.3%, Q. mon- no significant effect on the S:R ratio of all four deciduous
golica: 0.1% and A. mono: 7.1%. Assuming that Rn was unaf- broadleaf tree species, suggesting that nutrient status in the ele-
fected by elevated CO2, LCPs at elevated CO2 estimated from vated CO2-grown seedlings was not different from that in the
Φa at elevated CO2 and Rn at ambient CO2 increased by 2.3 and ambient grown seedlings. This observation is supported by the
1.1 lmolm2s1 in B. maximowicziana and A. mono from the finding that no photosynthetic down-regulation, as indicated
actually measured LCP at elevated CO2. Thus, the decrease in by decreases in Vc,max and Jmax, was observed in seedlings
Rn at elevated CO2 appeared to make only a minor contribution grown under elevated CO2 (Fig. 2), as elevated CO2-induced
to lowering the LCP. The ranking of Rn averaged across the photosynthetic down-regulation is frequently observed under
CO2 treatments was B. maximowicziana: 0.96A > B. platyphylla: limited nitrogen availability (Rogers & Ellsworth 2002; Ains-
0.89B > Q. mongolica: 0.71C > A. mono: 0.62D lmolm2s1 worth & Long 2005; Bernacchi et al. 2005; Kitao et al. 2005).
(different letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05; As the electron flow partitioned into photosynthesis
Fig. 3). The SPAD reading was not different between the CO2 increases under elevated CO2 (Long & Bernacchi 2003), shade
treatments (Table 1); the ranking was Q. mongolica: tolerance of tree species is likely enhanced under elevated CO2
47.3A > A. mono: 42.0B > B. platyphylla: 23.4C > B. maximow- without photosynthetic down-regulation (H€attenschwiler
icziana: 23.3C (different letters indicate significant differences at 2001). In fact, all tree species in the present study showed
P < 0.05; Fig. 3). enhanced shade tolerance, as indicated by lower LCPs (Fig. 3).
The mid- and late-successional species Q. mongolica and
A. mono showed higher Φa among species, despite the CO2
treatment, which may have resulted from higher leaf absor-
Elevated CO2 has been reported to enhance growth when bance with higher leaf chlorophyll content, as in the SPAD
plants are grown under natural daylight (Tissue et al. 1997; readings (Fig. 3; Bauerle et al. 2004; Uddling et al. 2007).
Ainsworth & Long 2005; Norby & Zak 2011). No significant Although we observed a decrease in Rn in seedlings grown
difference was found in total dry mass between seedlings grown under elevated CO2 (Table 1, Fig. 3; cf. Gonzalez-Meler et al.
under ambient and elevated CO2 (Fig. 1), although photosyn- 2004), the contribution of decreased Rn to lowering the LCP
thetic capacity was significantly enhanced by elevated CO2, as was minor.
indicated by increases in Agrowth and Φa (Figs 2 and 3). The Among the species, LCPs in Q. mongolica and A. mono
lack of a significant difference in total dry mass may be attribu- grown under elevated CO2 were lower than those in the two

Fig. 3. Light compensation point (LCP), apparent quan-

tum yield (Φa), dark respiration rate (Rn) and SPAD read-
ing in shade-grown seedlings of B. platyphylla (Bp),
B. maximowicziana (Bm), Q. mongolica (Qm) and
A. mono (Am) under ambient (white bars) and elevated
(grey bars) CO2. Values are means  SE (n = 3). Different
capital letters indicate significant differences in means
across CO2 treatments among species (P < 0.05). Differ-
ent lowercase letters indicate significant differences
among the combinations of CO2 9 species (P < 0.05).

Plant Biology 18 (Suppl. 1) (2016) 22–27 © 2015 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 25
Shade tolerance in shade-grown seedlings enhanced by elevated CO2 Kitao, Hida, Eguchi, Tobita, Utsugi, Uemura, Kitaoka & Koike

Fig. 4. Summary of shade tolerance in seedlings of the

four deciduous broadleaf tree species grown under ele-
vated CO2.

pioneer birch species (Fig. 3), suggesting that mid- and late- successional traits did not change among species in response to
successional species with an inherent ability to survive in the increased atmospheric CO2 concentration (Fig. 4).
forest understorey attain further shade tolerance under elevated
CO2 (H€attenschwiler 2001; Norby & Zak 2011). Although no
difference in LCP was observed between Q. mongolica and
A. mono when compared under each CO2 treatment (Fig. 3), Financial support was provided, in part, by a Grant-in-Aid
the lower Rn observed in A. mono than in Q. mongolica suggests of the JSPS (Innovation Research: 21114008, Type B: 26
increased shade tolerance in A. mono as a climax species in 292075, Type B: 25 292092). We thank Prof. Ch. K€ orner of
relation to carbon loss during the night (Higo 1994; Kitao et al. The University of Basel and Prof. W.C. Oechel of San Diego
2006). Thus, elevated CO2 may enhance shade tolerance in tree State University for providing the framework for the
seedlings through lowering the LCP, but the ranking related to phytotron studies.

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