Sample Quiz Questions Unit-I

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Sample Quiz Questions

Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

A microprocessor is a _______ chip integrating all the multiple single double triple 2
functions of a CPU of a computer.
memory switches processing tasks 1
The purpose of the microprocessor is to control ______

8 bit 16 bit 32 bit 4 bit 2

The intel 8086 microprocessor is a _______ processor
the condition of
the condition of the result of
The 16 bit flag of 8086 microprocessor is responsible to result of ALU the result of addition 1
memory subtraction
indicate ___________ operation

service flag sign flag single flag condition 2

The SF is called as ________
AH & AL BH & BL CH & CL DH & DL 1
The register AX is formed by grouping ________
memory register offset address segment offset memory 1
The index register are used to hold _______
The CS register stores instruction _____________ in
stream path codes stream line 3
code segment
stack memory register destination 1
The push source copies a word from source to ______
The 8086 fetches instruction one after another from
code segment IP ES SS 1
__________ of memory
general purpose special purpose
A and B none of these 3
There are primarily two types of register: register register
64 kb 24 kb 50 kb 16kb 1
The size of each segment in 8086 is:
Control memory Cache memory Main memory Virtual memory 3
A microprocessor retries instructions from :
The CPU sends out a ____ signal to indicate that valid
Read Write Both A and B None 1
data is available on the data bus:
tristate single direction bi direction none 3
A Data Bus is possess a
8 &16 12 &18 16 & 20 16 &32 3
The of size data and address size in 8086?
Transfers the bytes Exchange bytes or
Both 1 & 2 none 2
The Instruction XCHG or words exchange words
The instruction that performs logical AND operation and
the result of the operation is not available is AAA AND TEST XOR 3
The instruction that is used as prefix to an instruction to
execute it repeatedly until the CX register becomes zero
The instructions that are used to call a subroutine from
the main program and return to the main program after
execution of called function are CALL, JMP JMP, IRET CALL, RET JMP, RET 3
The instruction that unconditionally transfers the control
of execution to the specified address is CALL JMP RET IRET 2
Which instruction cannot force the 8086 processor out of Both interrupt
‘halt’ state? Interrupt request Reset request and reset Hold 4

Which of the following is not a machine controlled

instruction? HLT CLC LOCK ESC 2
The instruction, “INC” increases the contents of the
specified register or memory location by 2 0 1 3 1
he instruction that subtracts 1 from the contents of the
specified register/memory location is INC SUBB SUB DEC 4
None of the
The instruction that enables subtraction with borrow is DEC SUB SBB mentioned 3
The flag that acts as Borrow flag in the instruction, SBB
is direction flag carry flag parity flag trap flag 2

In general, the source operand of an instruction can be memory location register immediate data all of the mentioned 4
In general, the destination operand of an instruction can
be memory location register immediate data all of the mentioned 4
The instruction, CMP to compare source and destination
operands it performs addition subtraction division multiplication 2

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