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11. (@) () 12. (a) ) 13. (@) (o) (the marks obtained by each stu- ent In efferent subjects (i) total marks and average obtained by each student Explain diferent types offlesin fle han= dling and what are diferent modes to open 2 fle? 10+5=15, Difference between structure and union, Explain how members of @ union are accessed using a program code. ‘What is fle? Write © program to copy the contents of one file nto another fle, Tet TMe=15: Explain citferent bitwise shift operators tse in € Programming. What is pointer? Explain pointer to pointer with exemple? Can we subtract two pointer variables. 77+ 7¥s=35 Write @ program to explain the use of structure with function. N (Printed Pages 4) (20517) Roll No. BCA Sem. 18006 B.C.A, Examination, May 2017 C Programming (BCA-202) (ew) Time: Tree Hours | [Maximum Marks 75, Note : Attempt questions from all sections as per instructions Section-A Note : Attempt al the five questions. Each ques- tion carries 3 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 words 3x5=15, 1. Explain the difference between array and structure 3 2. Differentiate between *(arrs!) and (arr+i). 3 pro. 3. Wite @ short note on nested structures. 3 7, Write 2 program to interchange second ele- 4. xplain command tine arguments in C using ‘ment with last element of an array. 7% example, 3 8. wire shore note on 7% ‘5. How pointers are implemented with function (e) rena ean (0) felose ¢ ) SPE Ee © fete) eto cee (2) forint () Note : Attempt any two questions: Section-c. 6. Write the output: ™ Note : Attempt any three questions. 9. (a) What is sting? Write a program to find concatenate of two string using point- include men fers without Library function, 2 ThsTe=15 intarf} = 44, 2,3,4, 5), () Write a program using pointers to Int fea, 225 ‘search a value from an array. Print ("e d* *(arrsi+0); 410. (2) Write a short note on con: Print ("e * *(arrs'(arr+t))); ass ee ¢ e (©) Ina class there are 5 students. Each tudent is supposed to appearin 3 ts print ("6 d", *arrsipe*(arr+3))); srunentlag proce ten Pe Write @ program using 2-D array to print. sw00si2 ‘sa0061 Pro. © © o o, © “ Create a Suueture BANK to maintain the records of bank customers. It has the following fields CUSTID; NAME, ACC- ‘TYPE, BALANCE, (Anew record is added when a customer pen an account i) A-existing record is updated when user deposits or withdraw an amount ‘Create Monu-Driven Progra, ™% What do you understand by pointers? Writes ‘rogram to count the aumber of characters, words nd lines inthe textusingpointet. 4 What is macro? Explain the sliference between object macro and function macro with example, : Write a program to swap two numbers using pointer with struct. 10 Explain the use of bitwise operators in programming withsuitsble example. 745 ‘Write a program that reads a binary fle that stores employees records and prints on the screen the numberof records that are stored inthefile te 8006-4. 20518) Roll No. BCAAI Sem, 18006 "A. Examination, May 2018 C Programming (BCA202) Wen) Tine: Three Hours] [Maximus Marks 75 Nore: Attempt questions from all Sections as per instretions Section-A (Nery Short Answer Questions) Aticmpt all the five questions. Each question carries 3 marks, Very short answer is required not exceeding. 75 words 315-15 1. Differentiate between string and characterarray.. 3 2. Whats generic pointer ? How can it be converted toa specifietype of pointer? ED E& 3 18006 @ What isthe our? 3 fineuds int fae (nt main() ' ima=2, rt (6% fan); eum, ) Sn funetinta) t a>) return ne (~~) 10; lee return ’ Explain the difference between. malloc ( ) and calloe() function a Explain the importance of the define preprocessor directive 3 Seetion-B (Short Answer Questions) Attempt any ave questions out of the following three questions, Each question eaves 7/5 marks Short answerisroquied not exceading 200 words. Ios 0 18006 a ‘ritea program to sort an ary. ™ ‘Write C program te find the reverse of each word ‘of sting (ow are you: output wolkera vo). 7% Differentiate Betoun rewind) and fee). Can feek() work as ah altomative fo rewind). IFyes, why? ™ tons) tempt any Hee questions out of the following Five questions. Each question carries. 1S marks. Aner isrequted in detail Isid=t5 (@)_ Why ae arrays needed? Writ «program to caleulate the numberof duplicate entries in snamy, Mm (b) With the help of an example, explain how pointers can be uso to dynamically allocate space fortwo dimensional aay. % (2) What do you understnd by EOF 2 Wive a program to ead a txt file, convert all the lowereate characters into uppercase. 7 (6) What is ering ? Explain amy five brary unetons of rine Mh 11.0) Descite mo atsen approaches 19 unt ata fle. Which approach is beter and ‘why 2 For what kinds of applications are ‘uformate dat es well suited? White «function using pointers to ald two matics and o rer the estan mat he caling function. 12.6) Whar is a mashing operation ? Wht i tho purpose ofeach operand? Which ons is the math nd How it chosen? (4) Write macro definitions with arguments for calculation of simple interest and Amount Sure thes mie defritons in file cll "Inert ede this ie in your progran, anus the macro definition for calculating ‘imple interest and amount 13.6) What ae dhe diferenco between Union and Sucre? (i) Write shor: notes onthe following (@ fewindy 0) Geskt) © feet) (@) foam) NA-564 mM (20819) ol No Tol Questions +13) [Pine Pages 4 18006 BCA. IInd Semester Examination, May-2019 PROGRAMMING (aca-200) Tine = 3 ee. 1 mad Note tempt all he Seton sper insreton. Secton-A (Weey Short Answer Type Questions) ‘Note Auempt al fve questions. Each question cries Starks. Very shor answer is requied. not cexcceding 75 words, |. What are sre dimeasonal rays? How can you inialize hem ? 2 How a union i ifre fom a sructne 3. What do you mean by «dangling pointer ? NA-s64 im Tum ove 4. What ar it elas? ‘5. What are he use of sand fneton open) ant eof)? Section (Short Answer Type Questions) ‘Note =~ Auempt any 80 questions out ofthe following tine questions. Bach question cares 7.5 marks. ‘Shor answers required not exceeding 200 words. 6 Write 9 progeam that will count the number cccurevees of «specified character piven line of ext 7. Write a program to presmitipy & mattis by is eanspose 8. Design strut named stant ose dat abot student which eonains following data element Date Item Type Length oll No i P Name tar 20 College tar 0 Seow fost = Assume tha there are not move thn 10) student Wii a program to input the da about student, and euip the stored daa accoding tothe mers of te sucenis NA~564 w@ € = i Section-€ (ong Answer Type Questions) [Note = Atom any tree questions on f the following five questions. Fatt question cates 13 marks. -Answor is equi in dail 9. (How is a mtisimersona ary defined in terms ofan aay pointer? What docs each oiler represent? How des this defition Aifer trom & pointer to a collection of ontiguousarays of lower dmensonaliy ? ("Whar is mean by dynam memory sllgation ” What ary funtion is use 16 allocate memory dynamically ? How the sizeof the memory bck specified ? Wiat inl of information is eure by the rary funetion 2 Wire short notes on the Following @) sulen) sxe) seat) (©) suempt) What are the important pots wo be (BCA-202) (ew) Tine: Thee Hours} Maximum Marks: 75 ‘Note: Atempt questions from. all Sections as per Section-A, (Very Short Answer Questions) Attempt all the five questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Very short answer is rauired no exceeding 7S words What are two-dimensional arays ? How ean you iniialze them? How doesa stuctiredtfer roman aay? & aseI5 1906 ° Distnguishbetween (*m)[5}and*mn{5) How can you dolar sndiniialize string”? plain themeasingof he lowing ta i) Sizeot Section 8 (Short Answer Questions) Altempt any ro questions out ofthe following tree ‘question Each question carries 7/4 marks. Shoet nsw erisrequirednot exeeoding 200Worts 72-15 What sa dynamic array ? How i iterated? Give a ‘ypical example of ue dynamicaray. Wire a program to illustrate the comparizon of structure varibls, ‘What isa pointer? How canithe ntlied ? Write rogram using pointer to read in an array of integers ‘and primis elements reverse onder. o Section-C (Detaled Answer Questions) Attempt any shee questions out ofthe Following five ‘questions Each question earies 15 marks, Answer is requiredin dota Is345 @) . Givethe min advanage of storing data fie DDeseie various ways in which data flescan be

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