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Raphael C.

Montana February 08, 2024

BSIT- 1yr (Section A) VE 12

Assignment NO. 1 (Prelim)

1. No, because in the perception of other people, or those I interact with, they
think I am kind. That's it. Because of what they see of me in public, deep
inside my private space, I am able to do inappropriate things that should not
be done.

2. Yes, I have encountered this situation before. When I was still young, I was
in kindergarten. My parents had a conflict because my dad was abusive, so
my mom decided that we should go back to the province. I was then given the
choice by my mom and dad as to whom I would go with, either with my dad
who could provide for our needs except for the abuse towards me and my
mom, or with my mom to the province, where she couldn't fully provide for our
needs, but she would find ways and take good care of me. It was difficult to
choose because, yes, they are my parents, but I still had to choose one. I
chose my mom. It was also a way for me to see my grandparents in the

3. Three rules in our community. Rule no. 1: "Keep your space clean as you
go." This is the first and foremost rule in our area because if you leave
messes everywhere, it can end up scattered or in someone else's stall at the
market. Rule no. 2: "Keep a one-meter distance, no more, no less!" In the
market, each vendor has their own space, and of course, everyone wants to
make a profit. So, we find ways to sell our goods, like placing them at the
front of our stalls to attract customers quickly. Some customers complain
when stalls are placed right in the middle of the walkway, blocking the path
especially for those on motorcycles. That's why there are vendor enforcers to
remind stubborn vendors to follow the rule of "one meter only per stall, no
encroaching." Rule no. 3: "Wake up early to gain more regular customers or
sales." In the market, that's one of our rules because if you don't wake up
early and open your stall late, your regular customers might go to others, or
you'll earn very little for the day.

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