Chapter 1

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Jio on the Hot Seat: How Happy Are Customers Really?

Get ready to dive into the world of mobile networks, because this
project is all about Reliance Jio and what its customers REALLY
think. We're ditching the boring jargon and stuffy graphs, and
instead, we're cracking open Jio's box of satisfaction – because
let's be honest, who cares about ARPU(Average Revenue Per
User) and churn rates when it comes to the people actually using
the network related service?

Remember that time Jio burst onto the scene with free data and
endless calls? It was like a pizza party on your phone! But now,
years later, the honeymoon phase is over. So, the question is: Are
Jio users still sticking to the brand, or are they ready to switch
networks faster than you can say "slow internet"?

This project is our ultimate Jio investigation. We'll be putting in our

efforts and talking to real people, from the curious students like our
team to the "auntie-ji" who just wants clear calls for gossip. We'll be
asking them all the burning questions:

● Is Jio's internet speed still lighting fast, or is it more like a

● Are those unlimited calls actually unlimited?
● How about the customer service? Does a friendly voice
answer your queries, or are you stuck in a robot hold forever?
We'll be digging deeper than just surface-level answers. By the end
of this project, we'll have a clear picture of Jio's customer
satisfaction, complete with its strengths, weaknesses, and all the
juicy in-betweens.

But this isn't just about Jio. It's about understanding what makes
any customer stick. We'll learn about loyalty, value for money, and
the power of good (or bad) service. Plus, we'll get to see how a big
company like Jio interacts with its users, which is pretty cool if you
ask me.

No company can think of selling their product without having

satisfied customer. No company can survive in long run without
coming up to the satisfaction level of customer. In short it is the
level of satisfaction that is link between end-user and company. As
long as the company is able to satisfy its customer, customer would
remain in the bracket of loyal customer. Hence it is very essential to
understand the customer satisfaction and to measure the
satisfaction level time to time as there is always scope of
improvement. The research will also be beneficial in analysing the
overall market position of the company and measures which should
be adopted by the Reliance JIO to increase their market share in
the region of UJJAIN CITY.


. To study of customer satisfaction level on Reliance JIO products &
. To find the market potential and market penetration of Reliance JIO
products & services
offerings in UJJAIN city
3. To find out sale percentage share etc.


This study covers customers about Reliance JIO in the areas of Ujjain.
The study makes effort to find out the satisfaction level of customer of
Reliance JIO. Through
survey So that company would be able to come up to the expectation level
of its customer.
The company can come up to the expectation only by finding out the
problem that customer are
facing during their purchase of Reliance JIO products.
The subject has been taken for the research as it plays key role in the
success of Telecom sector.
No company can think of selling their product without having satisfied
customer. No company
can survive in long run without coming up to the satisfaction level of
In short it is the level of satisfaction that is link between end-user and
company. As long as the
company is able to satisfy its customer, customer would remain in the
bracket of loyal customer.
Hence it is very essential to understand the customer satisfaction and to
measure the satisfaction
level time to time as there is always scope of improvement.
The research will also be beneficial in analysing the overall market
position of the company and
measures which should be adopted by the Reliance JIO to increase their
market share in the
region of UJJAIN CITY.

Abhishek Kumar Singh and Malhar Pangrikar (2013) did a study titled “A
Study Report, to Find out Market Potential for 4G Businesses in Pune”.
The Report is all about “Study of market potential for 4G business in
pune” and also to know about the customer perceptions and attitudes
towards their current service provider. Satisfaction level of the customers
was also judged. The customer expectations were analysed thoroughly.
Major factors considered in research are: what are the needs of the
companies based on the data services usage, major player in internet
services, and support to customers. It is clear from the survey done that
Reliance & Tata are Leading Internet service Provider; they are providing
products like Data Card, Broadband etc. to the corporate end users. Most
of the companies are getting internet speed from 1MBPS-4MBPS. Most of
the companies are having good perception about 4 G and are willing to
switch to it from their current service provider. Speed of 4G is around than
30 to 35 MBPS, is going to boom the Market. Because majority of the
companies are facing Speed problem with their current ISP. 4G spectrum
is a research item for next-generation wide-area cellular radio, which
focuses on 4G technologies, 4G networks and 4G systems. 4G
technologies shall include three basic areas of connectivity which are
personal area networking (such as Bluetooth), local high-speed access
points on the network such as wireless technologies and cellular
connectivity. At the moment, many companies have established projects
for 4G systems development. 4G can provide services for a wide range of
speed facility that support global roaming and each company will be able
to interact with internet-based information and available in every part of
country. In this literature review. The consumer perceptions about 4G
services in Pune. The objectives of the study were (1) to find the most
influencing factor in selection of service provider, and (2) to measure
customer perception and satisfaction as regards the 4G service provided.
The study on a 4G indicated that some problems exist that deserve the
attention of the company. The company needs to bridge the gap between
the services promised and 4G services offered. And to conclude,
“Delivering service without measuring the impact on the customer is like
driving a car without a windshield” . At 4G, The Company have always
sought to enhance value for you as a customer by providing you the most
relevant and easy to use services through innovation and by harnessing the
latest developments in technology. In line with this strategy, constantly
introduced 4G innovative services to suit customer unique needs and
wants. These 4G trends in the market and among customers generate a
demand for high speed and more rapidly changing services and also
expectation for a different approach to technology development. As well
as imposing requirements in terms of 4G technology development, trends
such as mass individualization call for a responsive answer to a sharply
increasing market demand. Successful growth and diffusion of 4G services
is focusing customer satisfaction on how mobile relates to 4G networks.
Accordingly, it is necessary for company to review current frameworks in
those instances where changes might impede the offering of certain
aspects.Consumer perception about 4G much more volatile, much less
predictable and increasingly concerned with instant gratification. The
expectation is that in due course this trend towards individualization will
become a more important factor in the emerging markets too, particularly
in every area. In future, 4G services over mobile networks and company
need to review current regulatory frameworks to enhance innovation and
competition in the market of these services. Customer satisfaction is a
measure of how 4G services supplied by a company meet customer
expectation. In today’s tough economic climate all companies need to
improve efficiency and, even in midsize firms that usually mean
coordinating large quantities of information. However, technology and
thinking has progressed and, many of user nowadays using 4G services.
Customer satisfaction is defined as a customer’s overall evaluation of the
performance of an offering to date. This overall satisfaction has a strong
positive effect on customer loyalty intentions across a wide range of 4G
services.Many companies have been gaining rising popularity due to the
advances in 4G technologies and the large increase in the number of its
users. The companies that expand beyond services and develop a content
distribution platform will win customers’ expectation. Companies could
not follow constant rules to be successful in potential markets. There is not
a list of actions that lead companies to more profit or more customer
satisfaction. Because 4G services are increasingly spread-out all-over
India. And every customer are preferred these 4G services. This
satisfaction has positive influences on retaining customers among different
variety of 4G services. Satisfaction refers to achieving the things we want.
If satisfaction interprets as "not going wrong" the firm should decrease
complaint which by its own is not sufficient. In order to satisfy customers,
company should improve its 4G services. Customers with less expectation
are more satisfied, companies by adding innovative 4G features would
easily increase customer satisfaction. Customer retention is directly
influenced by customer satisfaction. Retention is a major challenge
particularly in internet-based services, as customers can easily switch from
one service to another at low cost. Customer satisfaction is the key factor
determining how successful the company will be in competitive market,
therefore it is very important to measure it. To better manage customer
satisfaction, company spend millions on effectively tracking the methods
that guarantee customer satisfaction, because the quantitative measurement
of customer satisfaction is a great help for comprehensively measuring the
effect of 4G on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction, as we
discussed before, has the most important effect on customer perception
and in order to narrowing down we focus on 4G service as one of the
customer satisfaction’s factors. The aim of the company is to find the most
important service dimensions that affect customer satisfaction.To have a
thorough satisfaction firstly the company is needed to bring satisfied
customers which leads to loyal customers and by preparing all this, good
services would be followed which influenced on Customer satisfaction and

make them loyal in future.

Planning process

Project Planning: Customer Satisfaction towards Reliance Jio

Hey team, pumped for this project on Reliance Jio! To make things
flow smoothly, I've laid out a plan to conquer this research beast.
Remember, teamwork makes the dream work, so let's rock this

Phase 1: Brainstorming

● Topic Breakdown: Let's meet up on Feb 1st and dissect our

topic. Each of us can bring 2-3 questions or areas we're
curious about regarding customer satisfaction towards Jio.
Think network, affordability, data plans,customer service,
● Research Resources: On Feb 3rd, let's brainstorm where to
find juicy data. Online surveys, customer reviews,news
articles, social media interactions with Jio? The more diverse,
the better!
● Divide & Conquer: We can split into pairs on Feb 5th and
choose specific areas to research based on our interests.
Maybe one pair dives into network coverage, another into data
plan value, and so on.

Phase 2: Research & Data Collection

● Go Digging!: Time to put on our detective hats. Each pair

spends Feb 8th-14th digging deep into their assigned areas.
Online surveys can be created, reviews scoured, and
interviews conducted (think family, friends,neighbours who use
Jio). Remember to document everything clearly!
● Data Dump: On Feb 16th, let's gather and share our findings.
Organise all the data we've collected, from survey responses
to interview notes, into a shared document or spreadsheet.
This is our treasure trove!
● Initial Analysis: On Feb 18th, let's take a crack at
understanding what the data tells us. Are there any
trends,surprises, or patterns emerging? Let's discuss and note
down these initial insights.

Phase 3: Report Writing & Presentation (Feb 20th - Mar 3rd)

● Outline & Structure: On Feb 20th, we'll map out the report's
structure. Introduction, methodology, findings,analysis,
conclusion, and recommendations - let's nail down the flow of
● Writing Spree: Divide the writing tasks based on strengths and
interests. On Feb 22nd-27th, let's craft compelling sections
showcasing our research and insights. Remember, clear,
concise writing is key!
● Draft Review & Editing: On Feb 28th, we'll gather as a team to
review each other's drafts. Constructive criticism, suggestions,
and polish - let's make this report shine!
● Presentation Prep: On Mar 1st-2nd, it's showtime prep! Let's
design a killer presentation that visually summarizes our
findings and engages the audience. Charts, graphs, maybe
even a catchy tagline? Be creative!
● Final Touches & Submission: On Mar 3rd, we'll fine-tune the
report and presentation, ensuring everything is flawless. Then,
with a collective fist pump, let's submit it with pride!

1. Jio's a game-changer: Remember those days of expensive
data and crappy 2G? Jio shook things up with affordable 4G,
and bam! Everyone's hooked. But are they happy with it? Do
they feel like they're getting their money's worth? Your report
answers that.
2. Competition's fierce: Airtel, Vi, BSNL – they're all fighting for a
slice of the pie. Knowing what customers love about Jio and
what they hate gives you an edge. Businesses use this info to
improve their services and woo Jio users away!
3. Understanding the market: It's not just about Jio. Your report
gives you a glimpse into the whole Indian telecom market. You
see what users value, their pain points, and emerging trends.
This knowledge is gold, whether you're aiming for a marketing
career or just wanna be a smarter consumer.
4. It's actually interesting!: Forget boring case studies. You're
talking about something everyone uses and has an opinion

Expected outcome
Positive Outcomes:

● High Satisfaction: Reliance Jio entered the market with a

bang, promising affordable data and high speeds. You could
highlight factors like cost-effectiveness, network coverage, call
quality, and data speeds contributing to this satisfaction.
● Unique Value Proposition: Jio's bundled services like JioTV
and JioMusic could be another source of customer delight.
This showcase how these offerings enhance customer
experience and loyalty.
● Rural Penetration: Jio made a big push towards rural areas. If
your research finds improved connectivity and access in these
regions, it would be a significant outcome.

Areas for Improvement:

● Network Fluctuations: While Jio boasts high speeds, network

fluctuations and call drops can still be a reality.Your research
could identify areas with poor connectivity and suggest
potential solutions like network upgrades or infrastructure
● Customer Service: Happy customers are great, but resolving
their issues quickly and efficiently is key. Your report could
reveal areas where Jio's customer service needs
improvement, suggesting better training or streamlined
complaint resolution processes.
● Data Security Concerns: With increasing cyber threats, data
security becomes crucial. Your research could explore
customer perceptions of Jio's data security measures and
suggest ways to strengthen them.

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