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1. Complete each sentence about paintings in gallery so that it contains a word from E.

E. This drink should be (very, completely) cold when it is served.

list. _________________
F. The cheese was good and (extremely, very) cheap.
Afraid alike alive alone ashamed asleep _______________________
awake dead G. I`m afraid the meat is (very, really) salty. _____________________

A. The boy in the painting doesn`t seem to have woken up. The boy in the 4. Underline the correct form.
painting seems to be asleep.
B. Both girls in this painting look the same. Both girls in this painting There are some students who feel a depressed/ depressing by studying, especially
_______________. subjects which they find b confused/ confusing. They often leave their work until the
C. I`m not sure that the person in this painting is alive. I think the person in this last minute. And then find the amount they have to do is simply c exhausted/
painting __________. exhausting, or they are d embarrassed/ embarrassing to admit that they need help.
D. He isn`t asleep, but looks as if he is in a dream. He _________________but They simply because more and more e worried/ worrying, and then work even less
looks as if he is in a dream. than before. Or they blame the school system, because the subjects they are studying
E. Does this painting frighten you? __________________ of this painting? are just not f interested/ interesting. However, you may be g surprised/ surprising to
F. It`s a painting of a battle and most of the soldiers are dead. It`s a painting of know that very few students feel this way, according to recent research. In fact, most
a battle and very few soldiers are _______. students don`t find school work h annoying/ annoyed at all. They are usually I excited/
exciting by the subjects they are studying, and they feel j satisfied/ satisfying when
2. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order to complete the sentence. Then they do something well.
decide which city in the box the speaker is talking about.
1. Decide whether the words underlined are acting as adjective or adverbs.
Cairo Istanbul London Tokyo Moscow Paris Sydney
Venice A. Some people think modern paintings are difficult
A. The best way to get around in the city is to get on a big, red bus. (red, big) B. They find them confusing because they are not “pictures”
London _____________
B. The city is full of ____________________ palaces along the sides of the C. They say a that good a photograph would be better
canals. (old, wonderful) _____________
C. Just outside the city you soon see the ________________shapes of the D. At least, they say, a photo does show the real world.
Pyramids. (stone, vest) _____________
D. From the top of the __________________ tower you can look across the E. It’s also hard to persuade them that the artist worked hard
French capital. (graceful, iron) _____________
E. At the heart of the city is this ____________________________ fortress F. Some modern painting could easily have been painted by a child
which is still home to the president. (medieval, well-known) _____________
F. This is a _____________________ city, not a center for historic buildings, G. Artists sometimes make the situation more difficult
but still a great place to visit. (busy, commercial) _____________
G. This spectacular city where Europe and Asia meet has H. They write explanation of their work which can seem unnecessary.
____________________ buildings, as well as ancient palaces. (modern, tall) _____________
3. Write each possible intensifier at the end of the sentence. Once, both or neither may I. They may not seem to have very much connection with art
be possible. _____________
A. This fish is (really, absolutely) fresh. __________________________ J. Still, if the work seems interesting then it is worth looking at
B. Unfortunately, the food in the hotel was (very, extremely) terrible. _____________
C. The mushroom soup was (very, absolutely) tasty. __________________ 2. Complete the sentences with an adverb formed the adjective in brackets.
D. I find raw fish (absolutely, very) impossible to eat.
A. The play begins rather(slow)__________with a scene at a bus stop B. ____________, until the mid-19th century, people believe that the disease
B. Just as you think the main characters are doing to live(happy) travelled through the air. (unfortunate)
__________ever after, the film takes an unexcepted twist. C. In the crowded cities of 19th-century Britain, cholera spread____________
C. This book is(beautiful)____________written, but in the end the story is (easy)
disappointing. D. Most doctors ____________believed that fresh air and a better diet would
D. Mark’s guitar playing is pretty good, but he signs so(bad)__________that I prevent the disease. (wrong)
just wanted him a stop E. Huge fires were ____________lit in the streets to drive away the infection,
E. The whole show was(real)______________entertaining and the singers and and the clothes of victims were also burned. (usual)
dancers showed a lot of enthusiasm. F. The streets were also cleaned____________ with powerful chemicals.
F. This is(true)________________great book. Go out and buy it today (through)
G. This is an(incredible)____________good album, with a lot of fantastic G. However, people continued to suffer ____________ (dreadful)
tracks H. H In 1854, a doctor in London, John Snow, ________proved that cholera
H. Jim Carrey in the main role is(unbelievable)____________________funny spread through infected drinking water. (definite)
I. He did this by __________colleting statistics about the infection in one part
3. Put the frequency adverb in brackets into the most appropriate space in the of London.
sentence. Decide whether the statement describe a good listener, or a bad listener. J. He managed to prove that in an area where deaths from cholera were
highest, the water was_________responsible for cholera infection. (entire)
A. I ________finish ______________ sentences for other people.(often) Improvement made to sewers and supplies of drinking water later led to a
Good or bad listener? decrease in deaths from cholera.
B. B Other people ____________seem to be comfortable_________ when they
talk to me. (usually) 5.Use the prompts to make a question with the frequency adverb in brackets.
Good or bad listener? A. you/ take the lead in group discussion? (usually)
C. When __________people talk to me, I __________look at the floor. Do you usually take the lead in discussions ?
(sometimes) B. you/feel/unable to say anything interesting? (sometimes)
Good or bad listener? _____________________________________________________________
D. If I don’t __________like a person’s voice, I _________pay attention to _____?
them. (never) C. you/change/your opinion after you hear what others say? (often)
Good or bad listener? _____________________________________________________________
E. I __________try to be sympathetic when ______________people talk about _____?
their problems. (usually) D. you/ listen carefully to what all the others are saying? (always)
Good or bad listener? _____________________________________________________________
F. I ________try to give people my complete attention when they _____?
________speak to me. (always) E. you/feel that nobody is interesting in what you say? (sometimes)
Good or bad listener? _____________________________________________________________
G. I _______interrupt people before they have __________finished what they _____?
are saying. (rarely) F. you/find ways to keeping other people’s attention? (usually)
Good or bad listener? _____________________________________________________________
H. I __________laugh at what _________people say to me, and upset them. _____?
(sometimes) G. you/ avoid saying what you really think? (often)
Good or bad listener? _____________________________________________________________
4.Make the adverb ending in -ly from the words in brackets, and use it to complete _____?
the sentence. H. you/ encourage other members of the group to speak? (always)
A. Cholera is a disease spread by dirty water, either when people drink the _____________________________________________________________
water, or eat food which has been washed in the water, and not _____?
___________cooked. (proper)
6. Underline the correct word. The River Mackenzie is longer than The River Niger .
A. I recommend this book. I think it’s too/ very interesting. B. Lake Victoria, Africa 69,484 km2. Lake Michigan, North America 57,757
B. This is a too/ very unusual film, and probably won’t appeal to everyone. km2.
C. This book has more than 700 pages, so it`s too/ very long to read in an _____________________________________________________________
afternoon! ____.
D. I liked this film because it is too/ very funny, and it made me laugh a lot. C. `The Marlanas Trench, Pasific Ocean: 10,900 km. The Japan Trench,
E. What I like most about this book is that the characters are too/ very true-to- Northern Pasific: 9,000m.
life. _____________________________________________________________.
F. This film is too/ very romantic, and it really made me cry! D. Mont Black, France: 4,807 m. Mount Elbrus, Russia: 5,642 m.
G. I couldn’t understand this book at all! The language is just too/very difficult. __________________________________________________________.
H. There are some too/ very good scenes in this film, but on the whole I didn`t E. Arica, Chile: average rainfall 0.76 mm per year. The Libyan Sahara Desert:
like it. average rainfall, less than 15 mm per year.
7. Decide whether the word underlined is used as an adjective or adverb. ______.
A. We had a lovely time in the hotel. _________________________ F. The oldest rocks in Scotland: 3 billion years old. The oldest rocks in Canada:
B. All the staff greeted us warmly. __________________________ 4 billion years old.
C. And they spoke to us very politely. _____________________ _____________________________________________________________
D. Most people we met in the town were very friendly. ________.
_____________________ G. The lowest recorded temperature in Finland: -57 C. the lowest recorded
E. You certainly never feel lonely in a place like this! temperature in Sweden: -52C.
_______________________ _____________________________________________________________
F. The night life is also very lively. ________________________ ________.
G. We are very likely to go back next year. ______________________ H. The island state of Nauru, South Pacific: 21 km2. Monaco: 1.6 km2.
H. We would certainly thoroughly recommend it. __________________ _____________________________________________________________.

8. Complete the sentence with well, ill, bad, badly, hard, or hardly. 2. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence, using
the adjective in capitals.
A. Last Thursday I woke up feeling ____ill__________.
B. When I got up, I realized I could ______________ walk. A. The first question in the test was easier than the second one.
C. I had exercised _____________ in the gym the night before. The first question in the test was more difficult than the second one .
D. My left ankle seemed to be ________________ swollen. /DIFFICULT/
E. I didn’t feel at all ________________ but I had to go to the doctors. B. I think my sweets taste better than yours.
F. I found it __________ to walk there, but I managed it in the end. I think my sweets
G. The _____________ news was that I needed an x-ray and had to go to the ______________________________________________. /TASTY/
hospital. C. Stayin at home for a holiday is cheaper than traveling abroad. Traveling
H. The doctor there told me there was nothing seriously wrong. I could abroad for a holiday
_____________ believe it. _______________________________________________. /EXPENSIVE/
D. The Royal Hotel is more old-fashioned than the Hilton Hotel.
1. Write a comparative sentence using the information and an adjective from the list. The Hilton Hotel _________________________________________.
Make any necessary changes, leaving out any unnecessary detail. /MODERN/
Deep dry high large long low E. This chair isn`t as comfortable as the sofa. The sofa
old small ______________________________________________________.
A. The River Mackenzie, Canada: 4,240 km. The River Niger, Africa: 4,170 F. I think water refreshes me more than milk does. I think water is
km. _____________________________________________. /REFRESHING/
G. Romantic films interest me more than war films. I find
_____________________________________________________. 5. Complete the text with an adjective from the list, using a comparative from where
/INTERESTING/ necessary.
H. Jim’s suitcase was lighter than Jack`s suitcase. Jim`s suitcase
_____________________________________________________ /HEAVY/ cheap clever difficult easy fast important up-
to-date essential
3. Complete the sentence with one word.
Nowadays using computer is more and more a essential. We can`t do without them,
A. I expected my exam result to be better. My exam result was worse than I and you don`t have to be an expert to use one, as using a computer is b
expected. _____________ and ________________ all the time. You don`t need to be rich either,
B. Harry doesn`t look so clever. Harry is ________________than he looks. as computers are also becoming c ___________ and _____________ as time goes on.
C. The black coat is smaller than the brown one. The brown coat is Also, if you are studying, the internet is becoming more and more d _____________
______________than the black one. as a place to find information. This used to take a long time, but the last machines are
D. Helen`s brother is older than her. Helen is _____________than her brother. great improvement. The e ____________the computer, the _____________ it works.
E. Jim Carry`s previous film wasn’t as funny as his latest one. Jim Carrey`s However, protecting computers from viruses is becoming more and more f
latest film is ___________________ than the previous one. ______________ as the people who invent viruses are becoming g ________and
F. I thought the station was nearer. The station was ________________than I _____________.The internet has become a dangerous place, so it is more and more h
thought. _______________ to be very careful when we use computers.
G. Math’s lesson don`t seem as short as English lessons. Math’s lessons seem
_____________ than English lessons. 1. Complete with the superlative form of the adjectives in capitals.
H. I`m sure this year is cooler than last year. I`m sure last year was A. The___________ whale ever caught weighed more than 171,000 kg
____________than this year. HEAVY
I. I`m not as happy as I used to be. I used to be _____________ than I am B. The__________ whale recorded was over 33 m in length
now. LONG
J. The weather yesterday was worse. The weather today is C. A specimen of king’s holly, a plant found in the rainforest of Tasmania,
_________________ than it was yesterday. Is one of the___________ plants on Earth-over 43,000 years old
4. Rewrite the first sentence so that it contains the word or words in capitals. D. The cheetah is the__________ creature on earth, and is capable of
A. This book isn`t as interesting as that one. running at over 110 kph FAST
This book is less interesting than that one. /LESS/ E. The______________ part of the ocean where a fish has been found was
B. A bike is less expensive than a scooter. 8,732 m down in the Puerto Trench DEEP
________________________________. /MORE/ F. The______________ fish in the sea is the sailfish, which can travel 100
C. You`re taller than I am. _____________________________________. /AS/ kph SPEEDY
D. The first explanation is unlikely, and so is the second one. G. No prizes for guessing the world’s____________ fish. It is the deadly
______________________________________________________. / JUST/ piranha fish FEROCIOUS
E. Carol thought the accident was less serious than it was. H. The sea wasp, which lives off the north coast of Australia, is
_______________________________________________________. the_________ creature in the sea. If it things you, you have between 30
/MORE/ second and four minutes to live POISONOUS
F. My arm isn`t as painful as it was. I. The _____________ spider in the world is the goliath spider from
___________________________________________________________. / South America, which can be 28 cm across
J. And the___________ mammal is probably Savi’s pygmy shrew, a
mouse-like creature, which weighs between 1 and 3 grams.
2. Complete the sentences so that means the same as the first sentences, and E. Goats milk is digested with less difficulty than cow’s milk
includes a superlative adjective ____________
F. People may live for a greater number of years by eating less
A. I have never sat in a more comfortable classroom than this _______________
_________________________________________________ sat in G. People drive with more skill along tree-lined streets
B. I have never eaten tastier school lunch than this. _____________
This is the__________________________________________________ H. As a low weather front approaches, it starts to drizzle and then rains
eaten a lot of a warm front approaches.
C. I have never read a worse book than this. _____________
This is the__________________________________________________
read 4. Compete each sentence with a suitable form of the adverb form the list.
D. We have never had a more useful English lesson than this. Then decide if each fact is true or false. Check it he factual answers on
This is the__________________________________________________ page 208.
E. I have never solved an easier problems than this. Carefully clearly early easily fast
This is the__________________________________________________ Heavily loudly quickly quietly slowly
F. I have never taken a longest test than this. A. Hot water can be in facts freeze________________ than cold water.
This is the__________________________________________________ B. Bird flu spreads to humans______________ than thought
taken C. Scientists believe that human beings speak ______________ now than 250
G. I have never written a more difficult test than this. years ago
This is the__________________________________________________ D. Brazil’s Amazon rainforest is disappointing__________ than scientist
written preciously estimated
H. I have never seen a more entertaining school play than this. E. Students who use green pens write_______________________
This is the__________________________________________________ F. The Earth vibrates and makes a humining noise, and does
seen this_______________ in the afternoon
I. We have never used a more interesting textbook than this. G. Teenagers are drinking alcohol earlier and ___________________than ever
This is the__________________________________________________ before
used H. Most younger people think____________ in the afternoon
J. I have never had a better friend than you. I. Eagle wake up__________ in the morning
You are the__________________________________________________ J. Eating_____________________ does not reduce your appetite.

3. Rewrite the underlined part of the sentences, using a comparative form of an

adverb in the list.
Easy fast hard heavy long often slow well

A. When you tell a lie, your brain has to work more

______harder _________
B. If you cut your hair a lot of won’t grow at an increased speed
C. Acts of forgetting occur with increased frequency as people get older
D. Some crystals grow at a lower speed in space.

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