Millenium Man Alexander Skarsgard

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Millenium Man Alexander Skarsgard You cant accuse Alexander Skarsgrd of going Hollywood.

At a recent photo shoot, the six-foot-four Swedish stunnercurrently heating up the small screen on HBOs hit series True Bloodshowed up sans entourage, parking his own car in the same lot as the crew. His outrageous on-set demand? A cup of coffee, please. Oh, and he volunteered to be his own stand-in for lighting setup. Unheard of!

The actors unaffected mannerall the more striking given his angular movie-idol looksput the set in a state of mild bewilderment. This is, after all, the home of high-maintenance celebrity needs. So when someone as easygoing and ego-free as Skarsgrd comes along, we almost dont know what to do with him.

And yet theres no arguing Skarsgrd is a born star. The acting bug is hereditary. Hes the son of Swedish screen veteran Stellan Skarsgrd. Like his father, Skarsgrd the younger got his start as a child actor in Sweden. For American fans, he first emerged from the dust and cynicism of HBOs Generation Kill by commanding scenes as easily as his character, Sgt. Brad Iceman Colbert, ordered around his marines.

But its True Bloods wickedly sexy vampire sheriff Eric Northman that made him a bona fide sex symbol. Now, at 33, Skarsgrd is in such high demandboth here and in Swedenhe shot two films simultaneously during his last hiatus. And his chiseled, athletic frame and riveting pale blue eyes have sent fans into such a worshipful tizzy theyve given themselves a name: Skarsgrdians.

The plot for season three of True Blood, coming in June, is tightly cloaked (oh, how those vampire franchises bring out the puns), but Skarsgrd has hinted that Northmans machinations will grow more intense than ever. Lets just hope the Skarsgrdians can control themselves.

Leslie Gornstein: I would imagine that playing a vampire these days is almost like plunging into a major franchise like Star Trek or Star Warsthe scrutiny and adoration just go off the scale. What do you think it is about vampires, anyway?

Alexander Skarsgrd: People are kind of intrigued because they represent immortality. And a character like Eric has been around for a thousand years. All that wisdom and experienceyou carry it around with you. Thats attractive. What makes vampires a platform for good drama is theyre also lethal. Eric is an animal. Hes on that edge where you dont know if he will turn and kill you in a second.

You filmed both an American film, Straw Dogs, and the Swedish film Pussknown stateside as Trust Meduring your latest hiatus. Youve also said you never want to stop doing Swedish cinema. Tell me about that.

Its not about if its a Swedish project or an American one. For me, its about the quality of the material, who the filmmaker is and if theres something in the script or the character that gets me excited. I need that to get my creativity going.

Straw Dogs and Puss are so different. One is a reimagining of a Sam Peckinpah classic, and the others an indie. Why those two?

I shot Straw Dogs with Rod Lurie, who directed The Contender and [the TV series] Commander in Chief. We had a meeting, and I found the project very interesting. Pussthats Swedish for kiss without a doubt was a film that excited me. It was directed by Johan Kling, who directed a movie called Darling three years agoa beautiful little film about a woman and an older man and their friendship against all odds. When he called and asked if I wanted to be in his next movie, I said, Absolutely. I want to be able to do different characters, different projects, work in different languages. Doing Straw Dogs and Puss simultaneously and then going back to True Blood? That kept me on my toes.

And on a plane, from what I understand.

Oh yes, I flew back and forth between Shreveport, Louisiana, and this tiny island on the Baltic Sea. It was a bit of a nightmare, because it took, like, 23 hours to get from one place to another. And then as soon as I landed, I had to go straight from airport to studio to work for another 14 hours. I probably aged about 20 years doing that.

But so many actors require time to transition between characters, prepare themselves, really sink into a role.

I agree. Ideally, I would have gone back to Sweden, chilled out for a week or so, gotten into focus, but this was the only way we could work things out. I prepared for both projects before they started, then got as much sleep as possible on the planes.

Apparently, the paparazzi have shots of you going to the movies by yourself. Rising Hollywood idols dont go anywhere by themselvesdont you watch Entourage?

Im not a Hollywood actor. I am a social guy, but Im not one of those actors who will show up to a shoot with 15 agents and managers and publicists. An entourage like that just makes me uncomfortable.

You were a child actor in Sweden. That term carries a very specific set of stigmas here in the States loss of childhood, too much pressure. Is the experience any less Drew Barrymoreesque over there?

Yeah, we dont have, like, Hollywood moms and dads in Sweden the way you do here, where its a profession for kids. Its not that big of an industry there, and my parents never pushed me. It can be really, really tough being a child actor. A lot of them have huge problems growing up. I didnt like being famous when I was 13. I didnt like people recognizing me.

So you quitis that right?

Yeah, I told my parents I didnt want to do it anymore, and they both said, Its a tough job, and if you feel like theres something out there youd rather do, do that. Only become an actor if you feel like you dont have a choice. My father is an actor. I didnt have a plan for what I wanted to do, I just wasnt comfortable doing that anymore.

What made you come back?

I missed itbeing onstage or in front of a camera. I thought, All right, Im 20 now instead of 13. Maybe Im a little different from how I was seven years ago, and I owe it to myself to try it now, and at least I can dismiss it if Im still not comfortable. I will know for sure, and I can move on. But it was just like my father said: I felt like I didnt have an option.

Can I get away with saying something negative about your favorite soccer team, Hammarby, or are you a hoolie?

[Laughs.] I try to be a grown-up about that, but I cant.

I see there are Mrs. Skarsgrd mugs available for purchase on one of your fan sites. Flattering or unnerving?

Oh no, I am flattered by it. So very flattered. In order for me to stay sane, though, I try to mostly stay away from the fan sites, the blogs and the Twitterers.

Skarsgrdians, actually. So then if theres someone out there whos tweeting as Alexander Skarsgrd, its not you?

Its not me.

At age 23according to one interview you did way back whenyour idol was Eddie Izzard, your favorite movie was Duck Soup and your favorite book was Angelas Ashes. Care to update?

Well, I am still a huge fan of Eddie Izzard, so I probably did say that. I was pretty obsessed with him back in the day. And Duck Soup, yeah, thats still up there as well. As kids, my brothers and I had VHS tapes of all these Marx Brothers movies, and on Sunday mornings we would get up and make nonalcoholic egg toddies. Do you have those here?


No, toddies. Basically we cracked open, like, six eggs and put them in a blender with about two tons of sugar. Then we would mix it up and watch the Marx Brothers.

In that same interview, you did a little doodle of a man with stringy hair and a long, picklelike nose. Who was that?

[Laughs.] I dont actually remember, but, knowing me, it was probably me.

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