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Name: Rea Mae P.

Ricario Year & Section: BSED-MATH 3A

1. What are the differences between the K to 12 curriculum and RBEC?

Both the K–12 Curriculum and the RBEC (Restructured Basic Education Curriculum)
are instructional frameworks created for the basic education system in the Philippines;
however, they differ in many of forms, including structure, implementation, and priority. The
K–12 system comprises 13 years of education, divided into two years of senior high school,
four years of junior high school, six years of elementary school, and one mandated year of
kindergarten. The four tracks/strands of senior high school concentrate on various
professional pathways. In contrast, RBEC offers ten years of education, which consists of an
optional one-year pre-school program, six years of elementary school, and four years of high
school with few opportunities for specialization.
K–12 emphasizes deeper learning, skill mastery, and students' overall growth, whereas
RBEC concentrates on the acquisition of fundamental skills and knowledge. Furthermore, the
K–12 phased implementation, which began in 2013, required curriculum creation and teacher
training. In RBEC, where it was formed in 2001, implementation and resource allocation
presented difficulties. The K–12 introduced tracks/strands for Senior High School, a National
Assessment of Competencies, and Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-
MLE) for Grades 1-3 as extra features. In contrast, the RBEC relied on pre-existing national
exams, had no Senior High School tracks, and used limited local language use. In general, K–
12 seeks to increase student access to high-quality education, equip them for postsecondary
education and the workforce, and foster the development of 21st-century skills. In contrast,
RBEC prioritizes the acquisition of fundamental literacy and numeracy skills but has
difficulties meeting the needs of individual students and preparing them for a globalized

2. What are the intended learning competencies of each year level? (Search from the

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