Library Rules Sample

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1 MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00am-10:00pm
2 SATURDAY 9.00am-4.00pm
3 SUNDAY 2.00 – 5.00pm

• Membership of the library is open to all students, academic staff and non-teaching staff
Non Members (Institutions / Individual)
External members shall be considered for membership on production of recommendation letters
from local chief/ employer / institution. In addition they shall pay Ksh 200/= per day.
NB: No loan facilities will be extended to this Category of Membership
Silence should be strictly observed in the library. Users are strictly not allowed to make or
receive phone calls at any given time. Discussions are not allowed.
Library users are not allowed to wear/put on overcoats/jackets or cap(s). Bags should be left at
the luggage area/bay of the library..
All readers must show at the entrance their Identification cards (student ID) and the items they
are bringing in the library as well as items taking out of the library at the exit.
The security staff reserves the right to inspect books and check bags before a user enters or exits
the library.
Marking, writing on, underlining, tearing pages or defacing of books and periodicals is
The booking of reading carrels/tables in the library is strictly not allowed.
Readers are requested not to interfere with light switches, computers, computer accessories and
library arrangement of furniture’s.
Materials not properly borrowed from other libraries (other than Tharaka university college
libraries) will be confiscated and returned to the institutions of origin with particulars of the user
found with them for necessary action by the offended institution.
Smoking, spitting, eating, hawking, sleeping, drinking and littering are strictly prohibited.
Library users are free to report any complaints concerning library services to the librarian or by
filling complaint book at the security desk
Users are not allowed to reshelve books after retrieving
Users are required to ensure that valuable items (like money, phones, laptops and calculators) are
NOT left in the luggage area. The library accepts no liability for loss of personal property left at
the luggage area/bay.
Users are NOT allowed to leave their property in the luggage area overnight.
Books and other articles left for any length of time may be removed by the library staff.
The library staff on duty has the right to request a user to leave the premises if he/she is found to
be violating any of library rules the librarian may amend the library rules and regulations when

All registered members are allowed to borrow books and other information materials. They will
be expected to identify themselves at the time of borrowing. Use of unauthorized identification
documents e.g. other people’s documents is strictly not allowed.
Reference books, special collection, periodicals (newspapers, journals, magazines) and
projects/thesis/dissertations are strictly for use within the library. Library users may borrow
books as stipulated;
i. Undergraduate student – 2 books for one week and reserved /short loan book for 2 (two) hours.
ii. Postgraduate students (PGDE/Med/PhD) – 2 books for two weeks and one reserved/short loan
book for 2 (two) hours.
iii. Academic Staff – 2 books for 2 (two) weeks.
iv. Non- academic staff and others – 2 books for 2 (two) weeks
v. School Based students- 2 (two) books for two weeks
Circulation librarian may recall any borrowed information material any time.
All materials on loan must be returned before or on the time/ due date.
A book will be assumed lost after the third reminder and therefore shall be paid for.A member
who fails to return books on after third reminder will lose his/her membership privileges for 3
(three) months.
Student IDs are not Interchangeable.
Borrowers are held responsible for any damage or loss of any information materials borrowed
using their documents/ID (They should inspect them before borrowing).
Users are notified through institutional email when borrowed materials are overdue.

Overdue library materials will be charged a fine of :

a. Long loan ksh 5/= per day for each borrowed book.
b. Short loan ksh 5/= per hour for each borrowed book
For lost information materials, borrowers will;
 Lost or damaged information materials on loan will be replaced or charged at the current
market price of the information material with addition of Ksh. 500 administration fee.
 For a book out of print, the Librarian will guide the borrower on the alternative book to be
Materials declared lost and charged for will only be accepted back at the convenience of the
A user attempting to remove a book from the library in unauthorized manner shall be taken to
security department and fined kshs 500/=, have his/her membership cancelled and taken to
university college disciplinary committee.
All photocopying within the library is subject to:
a) Copy right act cap 130 laws of kenya
b) The library’s authority to photocopy
c) The written permission from the authors of these dissertations

There is a 1 (one) hour time limit on the workstations.

There is no reservation for individual computer use.
Access must be for purpose of academic research.
Users are allowed to download the academic files and attach them to their email accounts. Use of
flash disks, USB Cables and re-writable CDs are strictly prohibited in the digital library section.
No user is allowed to install or uninstall any software or change system settings. Violation results
in loss of the facility’s privileges.
Sending or displaying non-educational or disruptive information/messages, files or pornographic
images, playing computer games or music is prohibited.
While accessing internet information services clients are expected to adhere to intellectual
property laws, and security restrictions. Plagiarism is prohibited.
Disruptive actions, either verbal and/or physical are prohibited
Unplugging of computer cables from power sockets is strictly prohibited.

The library subscribes to e-books and e-journals which can be accessed from university website
library and all computer labs via a laptop through wireless connectivity. We have off campus
access (MyLOFT) that will allow users to access the e-resources off campus. Users are advised
to consult e-resource librarian for purposes of accessing e-resources

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