Tinashe Manangazira

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Charter House, Corner Fort Street and Leopold Takawira, 7th floor, office 711-7112
Telephone: (029)2880373 or +263 78 7848155
Email: admin@hiph.ac.zw/adminbyo@hiph.ac.zw website: www.hiph.ac.zw

Date: 12/01/24


Start Date: T.B.A

I am pleased to offer you a place to study the above course at the Harare Institute of Public
Health. This offer is Unconditional.

Please let us know if you would like to accept or decline the offer within 10 days from the
date of receipt of this letter. Failure to register within this period will be equated with
declining the offer and your place will be offered to other applicants. To register you must
pay an agreed portion of the tuition fees and bring 2 recent passport size photos in colour,
together with this letter.

Upon acceptance of the offer, a copy of the Institution’s formal Terms and Conditions,
which will form part of our contract with you if you accept our offer, will be availed to you
on the registration day. The Institute takes seriously matters of student discipline, student-
staff conduct and professionalism, and as such you MUST thoroughly appraise yourself with
these rules and regulations.

Lecture Venue and Times

All lectures will be conducted at HIPH premises situated in Bulawayo. In the event that the
Institute relocates to a new premise you will be notified one (1) month prior to changes.

All examinations will be written in Harare or Gweru, students are advised to be prepared to
go to Harare or Gweru when the examination period begins.

Tuition Fees
The Institution aims to provide high quality education that is affordable to Zimbabweans.
The tuition Fees is $500USD per semester for Zimbabweans and $650USD per semester for
*Please not that tuition fees is subject to change.
International student requirements
If you need a visa to study in Zimbabwe, you will need to apply for relevant visas at
Immigration offices on your own; the Institute does not assist with this process.

Student regulations
A copy of Regulations and policies relating to your rights and responsibilities whilst studying
at the Harare Institute of Public Health will be availed to you at time of first registration. This
spells out the rules and regulations and disciplinary procedures the Institute will follow in
the unfortunate event of misconduct.

Additional information
Information about the support we provide for students with a disability or learning difficulty
is available from the Principal. If you have been unhappy with any aspect of our admissions
process, please report to the Principal.

Yours sincerely

Admissions Team

I…………………………………………………………………………… ID number…………………………………… having

read and understood ALL the conditions of this offer do hereby Accept/Decline the offer on

this…………………………... day of…………………………… 20………… Signature…………………………………….

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