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Cycle de formation d'ingénieurs en informatique

Module Information Sheet

Catégorie de Volume CI*: 22,5h

module: horaire Volume total : 22.5h Volume de Travail
Obligatoire PIC*:0 personnel: 7,5h

Régime d’Examen : Enseignant responsable :

Date : Juin 2021 Type de module: MCI CCU Insaf Khemiri

1/ Objectives
- This course is designed for students from intermediate to advanced levels and aims to prepare them for
the TOEIC Test (Test of English for International Communication), an English language proficiency
test. The main objective of this course is to assist students to develop the skills needed to pass the

2/ Prerequisites
- Students must take a placement test to evaluate their English proficiency.
2.1 Knowledge Domains
- It is recommended that their English proficiency is equivalent to a level between Upper-Intermediate
and Advanced (B2 to C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference)
3/ Learning Outcomes
3.1 Knowledge Outcomes
On completion of this program, students are expected to:
- Improve and expand their vocabulary
- Improve their pronunciation and fluency
- Demonstrate an understanding of a range of real-world listening and reading materials
- Demonstrate an understanding of the structure of the TOEIC exam and types of questions
- Improve their proficiency in the areas tested on the exam: listening, grammar, and reading
3.2 Skills Outcomes
Students will:
- read and listen to a variety of materials to explore and expand vocabulary
- participate in lexicon-based small-group and whole-class discussions
- take practice TOEIC Tests
- identify and reflect on their strengths and weaknesses in English to develop and plan their own learning
- ask for and receive feedback
3.3 Attitudes Outcomes
Students will:
- enhance autonomous learning
- recognize the importance of investing in language skills for professional and personal success
4/ Content
4.1 Outline
- Course content uses real-life scenarios and authentic TOEIC test questions to help the students
strengthen and practice the skills that are specifically tested on the TOEIC Listening and Reading test.
Activities should focus on building strong cognitive skills (sensory memory, long-term memory,
working memory and inhibitory control) to accelerate language learning. Furthermore, Students are
involved in role plays, simulations, case-study analysis, and lexicon-based discussions to apply
knowledge and construct meaning. In addition, the teacher can suggest activities/assignment(s) and
recommend e-courses that emphasize deliberate practice and encourage students to develop advanced
reading and writing skills. Suggested topics:
UNIT 1: Contracts
UNIT 2: Banking, Loans and Mortgages
UNIT 3 Technology and the world
UNIT 4: Careers, Income, and Benefits
UNIT 5: Entertainment, Travel, and Holidays
4.2 Teaching Method (TDs, TPs, PICs)
- Students are engaged in interactive tutorials that start with an anticipatory set of warm-ups, followed
by guided instruction, then guided practice and discussions and finally independent practice.
4.3 Pedagogical Approach
- A cognitive constructivist approach to learning is applied to engage students in learner-centered
activities, such as word bags, analysis and discussion of topics and scenarios, problem solving, text
reconstruction, mutation drills, transformation drills, collocation relationships and implication
relationship, peer reviewing, etc..
5/ Environnement IT requis (travaux confondus, exercices, TD, TP) : Non-requis

6/ Assessment
6.1 Final Grade

Continuous Assessment Total

CC sans TP 100% 100%

6.2 Continuous Assessment

Test DS Oral Participation/submitted work Total CC

40% 40% 20% 100%
Types of Assessment :
The course grade will be based on the following elements:
- Summative Assessment : Mid-term written/online tests and quizzes
- Formative Assessment: Selected strategies to evaluate students’ learning, participation and
contribution to the lesson’s content (formative writing, strategic questioning, the muddiest point, fact
storming, quizzes, peer and self -assessment).
7/ Certificate(s) : non-requise

8/ Pedagogical and Educational Resources

8.1 Course Materials
- Lougheed, Lin. 600 Essential Words for the TOEIC. 3rd ed., Barron’s, 2008, 2003, 1999.
- McCarthy, Michael, and Felicity O’Dell. English Phrasal Verbs in Use: Advanced. Cambridge UP,
- English Collocations in Use: Advanced. Cambridge UP, 2017.
- English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced. Cambridge UP, 2017.
- Mikulecky, Beatrice S., and Linda Jeffries. Advanced Reading Power. Pearson, 2007.

8.2 Bibliography:
- Belkhir, Saadia, ed.. Cognition and Language Learning. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2020.
ResearchGate. 15 May 2021.
- Doyle, Terry. Helping Students Learn in a Learner-Centered Environment: A Guide to Facilitating
Learning in Higher Education. Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2008.
- Macaro, Ernesto. Target Language, Collaborative Learning and Autonomy. Multilingual Matters, 1997.
- McCarty, Steve, et al. Implementing Mobile Language Learning Technologies in Japan. Springer, 2017.
- McConatha, Douglas, et al., eds. Mobile Pedagogy and Perspectives on Teaching and Learning.
Information Science Reference, 2014.
- Pegrum, Mark. Mobile Learning: Languages, Literacies, and Cultures. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
- Trentin, Guglielmo, and Manuela Repetto, eds.. Using Network and Mobile Technology to Bridge
Formal and Informal Learning. Chandos Publishing, 2013.
- 8.3 Webography
- AE: American English.
- BBC: Teach.
- British Council: Teaching English.
- EFL Magazine: The Magazine for English Language Teachers.
- English Teaching Forum: A Quarterly Journal for English Teachers.
8.4 MOOCs
- ELSA Speak: Online English Learning & Practice App, ELSA, 2016, Vers. 6.3.5. Google Play Store,
- Learn English-6000 Essential Words App, PORO ENGLISH, 2019, Vers. 1.3.13. Google Play Store,
- Vocabulary Builder- Test Prep App, Magoosh, 2014, Vers. 3.3.0. Google Play Store,

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