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SAP Implementation Guide: Icons

SAP Engineering Control Center 5.2

Before you start the implementation, make sure you have the latest version of this document.
This guide is valid as of SAP Engineering Control Center
The latest version is available on SAP Service Marketplace at

Version Date Change

1.0 2019-05-29 Initial creation

2.0 2019-11-21  "Icons for Folders" section optimized

3.0 2020-07-02  “Icons for Equipment” section optimized

 “Icons for Function Location” optimized

4.0 2021-07-08  "Document Icons and Their Statuses" section


5.0 2022-07-14  New Template

6.0 2023-10-26  “SAP ECTR icons” section optimized

 “Application Structure” optimized
 “Special Cases” optimized

1 SAP ECTR ICONS .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 DOCUMENT ICONS AND THEIR STATUSES ....................................................................................... 4
1.1.1 SPECIAL CASES .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 MATERIAL ICONS AND THEIR STATUSES ......................................................................................... 6
1.3 FOLDER ICONS AND THEIR STATUSES ............................................................................................. 7
1.4 CHANGE NUMBER ICONS AND THEIR STATUSES ........................................................................... 7
1.5 APPLICATION STRUCTURE ................................................................................................................. 8
2 CONFIGURATION OF ICONS ................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 ICONS FOR DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 ICONS FOR MATERIALS ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 ICONS FOR CHANGE NUMBERS ....................................................................................................... 15
2.4 ICONS FOR BILLS OF MATERIALS .................................................................................................... 16
2.5 ICONS FOR EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................... 16
2.6 ICONS FOR FUNCTIONAL LOCATIONS ............................................................................................ 17
2.7 ICONS FOR FOLDERS ........................................................................................................................ 18
2.8 ICON COLOR CHANGE FOR STATUS CHANGE ............................................................................... 20
2.8.1 COLOR DEFINITIONS FOR DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................... 20
2.8.2 COLOR DEFINITIONS FOR MATERIALS ............................................................................................ 20
2.8.3 COLOR DEFINITIONS FOR EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................... 21
2.9 ICON MAPPING USING A TEXT FILE ................................................................................................. 21

Icon Guide 3

PNG or GIF graphics in the formats 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 or 64x64 pixels are used for icons. You
receive a large set of icons that can be combined. Customer-specific icons can be created with any graphics
Please note that the file names of the graphics may not contain special characters or umlauts and must be
written in lower case.

1.1 Document icons and their statuses

Each document has one or more icons that provide users with information about the status of the document,
for example, whether the document is available for editing or whether a material has been assigned.
In the standard system, each document has seven icons.
These icons are described in more detail below:

Examples of icon positions (for NX)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Icon position 1: Document icons

Icon Description Icon Description

Part Part with "dirty flag"

Assembly Assembly with "dirty flag"

Assembly with inconsistent classification Part with inconsistent classification

Dirty flag
SAP ECTR allows you to create documents without starting an authoring system and creating an original
document there. Documents that are created without the direct use of an authoring system are denoted by a
dirty flag. The dirty flag is a yellow overlay triangle in the document icon.
This indicates that the integration with the authoring system still has to update the document. The update
involves the attributes and/or internal references to the original document. Authoring system integration
automatically updates the document when opening it and subsequently when saving it.

Icon position 2: Status and external references

Icon Description Icon Description

The document does not have more recent The document has more recent (unreleased)
versions or external references. versions but does not have external references.

Icon Guide 4
Icon Description Icon Description

The document has more recent (released)

versions but does not have external The document has external references.

Icon position 3: Status of master original

Icon Description Icon Description

The document is in editing status. The user of

The document is available for editing.
the document is not the login user.

The document is checked out by another

The document is open for editing.

The document is in release status. The document is in lock status.

Markup display for documents in the

Originals container

Icon position 4: Status of additional originals

Icon Description

An additional original exists.

Icon position 5: Material assignment

Icon Description Icon Description

A material has been assigned to the Multiple materials have been assigned to the
document. document. None are denoted as exclusive.

Multiple materials are assigned to the

Link to non-existing materials in document.

Symbol for configurable materials.

Icon position 6: Assigned dependent documents

Icon Description Icon Description

Dependent documents are assigned to Obsolete dependent documents are assigned to

the document. the document.

Icon Guide 5
Icon position 7: Notes

Icon Description

Notes are assigned to the document

1.1.1 Special cases

Assemblies window

In the Assemblies window, the document icons can indicate further statuses.

Icon position 1: Document icons

Icon Description

This position is marked in the "Sort String" of the position or in the "Reserve Field 4" of the object in
such a way that it can be suppressed when deriving the material BOM.
By "Sort String" is meant the STPO-SORTF field. "
Reserve Field 4" means the DRAW-RES4 field.
If one of these fields contains a value from the preference variable plm.docstructure.sortfield.ignoreChar
(default "U") after the ":", the X overlay is displayed.
The flag "EXCLUDE_INCLUSIVE_CHILDREN" on DMU / instance level has no effect on this overlay

Missing authorization

If there are no authorizations to view a document, the documents are marked with triangle icons.
Icon Description

If there is no authorization on a document, this is indicated by triangle icons in

the respective icon positions.

1.2 Material icons and their statuses

Each material has one or more icons that provide users with information about the material, for example,
whether the material has a material BOM or object links.
In the standard system, each material has four icons.
These icons are described in more detail below:

Examples of icon positions

1 2 3 4

Icon Guide 6
Icon position 1: Material icon (Depending on the material type)

Icon Description

Default material icon if no specific icon is

defined for the material type

Icon position 2: Object links to documents

Icon Description

The material has at least one link to


Icon position 3: Bills of material

Icon Description

The material has a material BOM.

Icon position 4: Material display (only in the linked objects container)

Icon Description Icon Description

The material is not displayed but is the

The material is displayed.
default material for operations.

Icon position 6: Notes

Icon Description

Notes are assigned to the material.

1.3 Folder icons and their statuses

All folders in SAP ECTR can be denoted as active. Active folders have different icons to standard folders.

Folder icons

Icon Description Icon Description

Folder Active Folder

1.4 Change number icons and their statuses

All change numbers in SAP ECTR can be denoted as activated or deactivated.

Icon Guide 7
Change number icons

Icon Description Icon Description

Change number (deactivated) Change number (activated)

1.5 Application Structure

Menu bar

Icon Description Icon Description

Restores the view in the Application Structure

Possibilities to manage the tree structure

Document exists Document doesn't exist

Original is locally (CAD or Session) Original is out-of-date. Newer Save-Counter in

modified. SAP-System

Pending conflict: original is locally

Conflict: Original is out-of-date, original is locally
modified and another user has checked it

Linked material for DIR doesn`t exists. Shows all originals with a green traffic light

Shows all originals with an orange traffic

Shows all originals with a red traffic light

Shows originals with need for action:

orange traffic light, red traffic light, locally
Restores all active filters
modified, doesn't exist, out-of-date,
pending conflict, conflict

Displays incompletely loaded CAD


Document icons
An additional icon indicating the loading status of the assembly or components is displayed in the application
Icon Description Icon Description

The document is fully loaded in the The document is partially loaded in the
application. application.

The document is not loaded in the


Icon Guide 8

2.1 Icons for documents

All icons for the document are determined and defined using the same mechanism. They are defined in the
DType in the corresponding definition file using the <icon> and <icondef> elements:
 %PLM_INSTDIR%/customize/config/dtype.xml
 %PLM_INSTDIR%/<appl>/customize/config/dtype.xml

<icondef icon_position="1"
<icondef icon_position="2"
<icondef icon_position="3"
<icondef icon_position="4"
<icondef icon_position="5"
The icon ID read from the DType must be fully qualified. The ID must contain the path and the icon name.
The icons are stored in the images.jar Java archive in the following directory:
The directory is located in the CLASSPATH. For customer-specific icons, a corresponding Java archive is
provided in the following directory:
Within the icon name, you can use placeholders, which the program replaces dynamically.

Valid placeholders are:

Placeholder Description Values after conversion

$(TYPE) Document / dependent document m, n

$(SUBTYPE) Assembly / Part / Drawing a, p, d

$(FAMILY) Part family template g = generic/template,

i = instance/member,

Icon Guide 9
Placeholder Description Values after conversion

' ' (empty string) =

no family part

$(DOCTYPE) Document type The value corresponds to the

document type of the document.

$(APPLTYPE) Type of document, information in The value corresponds to the

the RES4 field before the colon primary application type (RES4).

$(APPLROLE) Returns the object type, information Valid values can be taken from the
in the RES4 field after the colon description of the RES4 field in this

$(STATUS) Document status The value corresponds to the

status of the document.

$(OWNER) The owner (user) of the document 1 (yes), 0 (no)

corresponds to the SAP user

$(AUTHGR) Authorization group on the If no authorization group has been

document assigned, the value corresponds to
the name of the authorization group
or an empty string.

$(HAUTHGR) Document has an authorization 1 (yes), 0 (no)


$(HECN) Document has a change number 1 (yes), 0 (no)

$(MOE) Master Original Exits 1 (yes), 0 (no)

$(MOC_BY_OTHER) Master original is open for editing 1 (yes), 0 (no)

and the owner (user) of the
document does not correspond to
the SAP user

$(MOC) Master original is open for editing 1 (yes), 0 (no)

$(AOE) Additional original exists 1 (yes), 0 (no)

$(AOC) Additional original is open for editing 1 (yes), 0 (no)

$(IN_USE_BY_OTHER) Document is in an O-Flag status 1 (yes), 0 (no)

(open for editing) and the owner
(user) of the document does not
correspond to the SAP user

$(MAT) Document has an object link to a mat, sign_off, nomat (object

material link to non-existing material)

$(MATX) Document has a material 0 = no material,

assignment 1 = open material,
2 = correct material

$(MAT_AMB) Document has multiple/non-unique ' ' (empty string) = no material

material assignments. assignment or one material
s = several material assignments,
one is marked

Icon Guide 10
Placeholder Description Values after conversion

a = several material assignments

without a marked material

$(MSTA) Material status The value corresponds to the

status of the material or an empty

$(VALID) Validity of the document. Validity ' ' (empty string) = document is
statements can be made for not released, no statement can be
released documents. made in relation to the validity.
v (valid) = valid today, the
current date is between "Valid
from" and "Valid to"
f (future) = not valid yet, the
current date is before "Valid from."
p (past) = no longer valid, the
current date is after "Valid to."

$(DRAW) Document has dependent document draw, sign_off


$(HER) Document has external references 1 (yes), 0 (no)

$(HNV) Document has more recent versions 1 (yes), 0 (no)

$(HRV) Document has released versions 1 (yes), 0 (no)

$(NM_OLD) For dependent documents: 0 = dependent document is up-to-

The current document is no longer date
up-to-date. 1 = dependent document is
For documents: obsolete; the corresponding master
One of the assigned dependent document was edited after the
documents is no longer up-to-date. dependent document.
If the corresponding document was
edited after the dependent
document, the dependent document
is no longer up-to-date. The sort
field of the document structure takes
into account relations between the
master and dependent document of
relationship type ':DC'.

$(CONVSTA) Status of the last conversion free = wait

(only in connection with the run = in process
conversion server from the done = done
framework) skip = ignored
error = with errors

$(CUSTOM[<customer_property>]) Makes it possible to use a customer Value of the customer property

property to define icons.
The value of the customer property
specified in
<customer_property> is used
directly for the icon definition. You
can use any information from the
SAP system to define icons.

$(RES1) RES1 field (DRAW table) Value of the RES1 field for the

Icon Guide 11
Placeholder Description Values after conversion

$(RES2) RES2 field (DRAW table) Value of the RES2 field for the

$(RES3) RES3 field (DRAW table) Value of the RES3 field for the

$(NORMPART) RES4 field (Table DRAW). Check 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

for the letter "N" in the
APPLICATIONROLE (all by colon).


The placeholders result in a large number of combinations as possible icon names.

Icon Icon ID Resulting icon name

1st icon: tree/ugs/$(TYPE)$(SUBTYPE)$ tree/ugs/mp

Document icon (FAMILY) tree/ugs/ma

2nd icon: flag/flag_version_$(HER)$(HNV)$ flag/flag_version_000

Status and external (HRV) flag/flag_version_010
references flag/flag_version_011

3rd icon: flag/flag_primaryfiles_moe$(MOE)_ flag_primaryfiles_moe1_moc0_iu0

Status of the original moc$(MOC)_iu$(IN_USE_BY_ flag_primaryfiles_moe1_moc1_iu0
OTHER) flag_primaryfiles_moe1_moc0_iu1

4th icon: flag/flag_addfiles_aoe$(AOE)_aoc$ flag_addfiles_aoe1_aoc0_iu0

Status of additional originals (AOC)_iu$(IN_USE_BY_OTHER) flag_addfiles_aoe1_aoc1_iu0

5th icon: flag/flag_material_$(MATX)$(MSTA) flag/flag_material_0

Material assignment flag/flag_material_1

6th icon: flag/flag_$(DRAW) flag/flag_draw

Assigned drawing flag/flag_sign_off

Once the placeholders have been replaced, the resulting icon names are available in lower case letters. The
system searches for these icon names within the CLASSPATH. If customer-specific images are integrated
using the cust classpath, for example, a customer-specific icon called mp.gif must be available in the
following path:

Icon Guide 12
If the definition of the first icon is missing in the DType or the icon cannot be found, the default_<doctype>
is used for this document icon. The file is located in the "tree" directory. If an application type is stored in the
document, it is stored in directory tree/<appl.type>.

Icon Group

The icon group makes it possible to use icons status-specifically.

The group is defined status-specifically in the default settings file default.txt via the following preference

Example = released = engrel
In the DType definition, the assignment of the icons is then specified dependent on the status as in
the following example:
<icondef icon_position="3"
<icondef icon_position="3"
<icondef icon_position="3"
In the above example, it was defined that the third icon shows a different icon depending on the icon group.
If the document is in status FR, icon group released is determined. From the DType, the following definition
is used instead of the default definition:
<icondef icon_position="3"

The default definition can be redefined using variable

The icon groups are of a general nature and only depend on the status. If an icon group is defined in
the preference variables, the icon group must be defined in every DType.

Icons for Files in the Originals Container

SAP ECTR generically determines the icon name for the files in the Originals container according to the
following pattern:
tree/file/obr_tree_file_<Workstationapplication der Datei>
Example of an icon name for a PDF file as an additional original with workstation application "PDF":
The Java archive images.jar contains the icons for some workstation applications. If additional icons are
required for customer-specific workstation applications, you can add the icons using an icon mapping entry in
the customer mapping table.

Icon Guide 13
2.2 Icons for materials
A material can have up to five icons that are defined using preference variables.
They are defined in the following preference file:
The following preference variables are used:
plm.mat.icon.1 = flag/flag_mat_$(MTYPE)_$(LVORM)
plm.mat.icon.2 = flag/flag_obj_links_$(HOL)
plm.mat.icon.3 = flag/flag_bom_$(ANY_BOM)$(VAR_BOM)
plm.mat.icon.4 = flag/flag_variant_$(CL200)$(CL300)
plm.mat.icon.5 = flag/flag_preferred_$(PREF)
plm.mat.icon.6 = gos_note_flag_$(HGN)

The fifth material icon is reserved for the display of the preferred material in the linked objects container
and is only displayed in the container.
The icon ID read from the preference variable must be fully qualified. The icons are stored in the images.jar
Java archive in the following directory:
The directory is located in the CLASSPATH. For customer-specific icons, a corresponding Java archive is
provided in the following directory:
Within the icon name, you can use placeholders, which the program replaces dynamically.

Valid placeholders are:

Placeholder Description Values after conversion

$(MTYPE) Material type Material type as a string, for

example "FERT"

$(CONF) Configurable material 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

$(HOL) Has object link to document 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

$(HSM) Has a follow-up material in a plant. 1 (There is a follow-up material, i.e.

Material data field MARA-KZNFM is MARA-KZNFM = "X")
checked for this purpose.

$(ANY_BOM) Has any Bill of Material 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

$(VAR_BOM) Has a variant Bill of Material 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

$(CL200) Is classified with class type 200 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

$(CL300) Is classified with class type 300 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

$(PREF) Is the preferred material 0 (no)

(this icon is only displayed in the 1 (yes, icon: green checkmark)
object link container) 2 (first returned material from
function module, icon: "1")

$(LVORM) Has deletion flag 1 (yes), 0 (no or field MARA-LVORM


Icon Guide 14
Placeholder Description Values after conversion

been configured for the material


$(CUSTOM[<customer_property>]) Makes it possible to use a customer Value of the customer property

property to define icons.
The value of the customer property
specified in
<customer_property> is used
directly for the icon definition. You
can use any information from the
SAP system to define icons.

2.3 Icons for change numbers

A change number can have several icons that are defined using preference variables.
The definition is set in the following default settings file:
The following preference variables are used:
plm.ecm.icon.<1...n> = <Iconname>

Here, <1...n> is the sequence number of the icons, which are arranged from the left to the right. The first
icon is always the main icon that represents the object type change number. Additional icons from the
second icon position onwards are used to display the additional properties of the change number.

plm.ecm.icon.1 = obr_ecm
plm.ecm.icon.2 = statusicon_$(STATUS)
plm.ecm.icon.3 = relkeyicon_$(RELKEY)
If no icon mapping is used, the icon ID read from the preference variable must be fully qualified. The icons
are stored in the images.jar Java archive in the following directory:
The directory is located in the CLASSPATH. For customer-specific icons, a corresponding Java archive is
provided in the following directory:
Within the icon name, you can use placeholders, which the program replaces dynamically.

Valid placeholders are:

Placeholder Description Values after conversion

$(STATUS) Status of the change number The value corresponds to the

status of the change number

$(RELKEY) Release key The value corresponds to the

release key of the change number

$(CUSTOM[<customer_property>]) Makes it possible to use a customer Value of the customer property

property to define icons.
The value of the customer property
specified in
<customer_property> is used

Icon Guide 15
Placeholder Description Values after conversion

directly for the icon definition. You

can use any information from the
SAP system to define icons.

You can use the icon mapping tables to convert the icon names from the preference variables into icon
names from Java archive images.jar.
If the main icon is redefined, you must make a corresponding entry in the icon mapping table. Otherwise the
default icon will always be used.

2.4 Icons for bills of materials

The icon for the Bill of Material (BOM) can be defined using a preference variable.
The definition is set in the following default settings file:
The following preference variable is used: = <Iconname>
The icon represents the Bill of Material object type. Theoretically, additional icons are possible from the
second icon item position. However, the icons do not provide any additional information because no
placeholders have been defined for the Bill of Material yet.

Example = tree/bom

The icon ID read from the preference variable must be fully qualified. The icons are stored in the images.jar
Java archive in the following directory:
The directory is located in the CLASSPATH. For customer-specific icons, a corresponding Java archive is
provided in the following directory:
You can use the mapping tables to convert the icon names from the preference variables into icon names
from Java archive images.jar.

2.5 Icons for equipment

The definition is set in the following default settings file:
The following preference variable is used:
plm.equi.icon.<1...n> = <Iconname>

Here, <1...n> is the sequence number of the icons, which are arranged from the left to the right. The first
icon here is always the main icon that represents the object type equipment. Additional icons from the
second icon position onwards are used to display the additional properties of the equipment. If no icon
definition is available, SAP ECTR uses a default icon for the equipment.

plm.equi.icon.1 = flag/flag_equi_$(EQTYPE)_$(SYSSTATUS[INAK])
plm.equi.icon.2 = flag/flag_userstatus_$(USRSTATUS[0003])
If no icon mapping is used, the icon ID read from the preference variable must be fully qualified. The icons
are stored in the images.jar Java archive in the following directory:

Icon Guide 16

The directory is located in the CLASSPATH. For customer-specific icons, a corresponding Java archive is
provided in the following directory:
You can use placeholders, which the program converts dynamically.

Valid placeholders are:

Placeholder Description Values after conversion

$(EQTYPE) Equipment type ID of the equipment category

$(SYSSTATUS[<status>]) Check whether the system status 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

<status> is set.

$(USRSTATUS[<status>]) Check whether the user status 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

<status> is set.

You can use the icon mapping table to convert the icon names from the preference variables into icon names
from Java archive images.jar.

2.6 Icons for functional locations

Icons are defined in the following preconfiguration file:
The following preference variable is used:
plm.floc.icon.<1...n> = <Iconname>

<1...n> is the sequence number of the icon. The numbers are counted from left to right. The first icon is
always the main icon that represents the Functional Location object type. The other icons display other
properties of the functional location. If an icon is not defined, SAP ECTR uses a standard icon for the
functional location.

plm.floc.icon.1 = flag/flag_floc_$(FLOCTYPE)

If icon mapping is not used, the icon ID read from the preference variable must be fully qualified. The icons
are stored in the Java archive images.jar in the following directory:

The directory is in the CLASSPATH. Customer-specific icons can be stored in a corresponding Java archive
You can use placeholders that the program converts dynamically.

Valid placeholders are:

Placeholder Description Values after conversion

$(FLOCTYPE) Type of functional location ID of the functional location type

$(CUSTOM[<customer_property>]) Enables a customer property to be Value of the customer property

used to define the icon.

Icon Guide 17
Placeholder Description Values after conversion

The value in
<customer_property> is used to
define the icon.
To define a customer-specific icon,
any information from the SAP
system can be used.

The icon mapping table is used to convert the icon names from the preference variables to icon names from
the Java archive images.jar.

2.7 Icons for folders

Icons are defined in the following preconfiguration file:
The following preference variable is used:
plm.fld.icon.<1...n> = <Iconname>

<1...n> is the sequence number of the icon. The numbers are counted from left to right. The first icon is
always the main icon that represents the Folder object type. The other icons display other properties of the
folder. If an icon is not defined, SAP ECTR uses a standard icon for the folder.

plm.fld.icon.1 = tree.folder_ACT$(ACTIVE)_OWN$(OWNER)_LOCK$(IS_LOCKED)

If icon mapping is not used, the icon ID read from the preference variable must be fully qualified. The icons
are stored in the Java archive images.jar in the following directory:
The directory is in the CLASSPATH. Customer-specific icons can be stored in a corresponding Java archive
You can use placeholders that the program converts dynamically.

Valid placeholders are:

Placeholder Description Values after conversion

$(FLDTYPE) Folder type Value corresponds to the

document type of the folder DIS

$(STATUS) Folder status Value corresponds to the status of

the folder DIS

$(OWNER) Own folder in SAP ECTR, the owner 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

(OWNER) of the document is the SAP

$(ACTIVE) Active folder 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

$(HGN) Folder has GOS notes 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

$(IS_LOCKED) Folder is locked 1 (Yes), 0 (No)

Icon Guide 18
Placeholder Description Values after conversion

$(CUSTOM[<customer_property>]) Enables a customer property to be Value of the customer property

used to define the icon. The value
specified in
<customer_property> is used
directly to define the icon. By
implementing the BAdI for customer
properties, you can use any
information from the SAP system to
define icons for specific customers.

The icon mapping table can be used to convert the icon names from the preference variables to icon names
from the Java archive images.jar.

Configuration Examples
Definition in the file default.txt:
# Definition of the folder icons. If at least plm.fld.icon.1 is defined this icon
# definition replaces the implicit setting of the folder icon.
# This definition applies only to standard ECTR folders and doesn't affect task folders
# or classification folders.
# The following placeholders can be used to define icon names for the different
# folder states:
# $(FLDTYPE) Folder type (possible value: document type of the folder DIR)
# $(STATUS) Folder status (possible value: status of the folder DIR)
# $(OWNER) Own folder in ECTR -> folder owner = current SAP user (possible values:
# $(ACTIVE) Active folder (possible values: 0/1)
# $(HGN) Folder has GOS notes (possible values: 0/1)
# $(IS_LOCKED) Folder has lock status (possible values: 0/1)
# $(CUSTOM[<customer_property>])
# Any customer property can be used as placeholder for icon definition
# (possible value: value of the customer property)
plm.fld.icon.1 = tree.folder_ACT$(ACTIVE)_OWN$(OWNER)_LOCK$(IS_LOCKED)
plm.fld.icon.2 = gos_note_flag_$(HGN)

Icon mappings for folders in the file standard_icons.txt:

tree.folder_ACT0_OWN0_LOCK0 = {0}/folder
tree.folder_ACT1_OWN0_LOCK0 = {0}/folder_green
tree.folder_ACT1_OWN1_LOCK0 = {0}/folder_green
tree.folder_ACT0_OWN1_LOCK0 = {0}/folder_blue
tree.folder_ACT0_OWN0_LOCK1 = {0}/folder_locked
tree.folder_ACT1_OWN0_LOCK1 = {0}/folder_green<<{0}/o_locked_rb
tree.folder_ACT1_OWN1_LOCK1 = {0}/folder_green<<{0}/o_locked_rb
tree.folder_ACT0_OWN1_LOCK1 = {0}/folder_blue<<{0}/o_locked_rb

Icon Guide 19
2.8 Icon color change for status change
For the following SAP objects in SAP ECTR, the color of the icon is set dependent on the status:
 Document
 Material
 Equipment
Here, the pixels with the color value from the following table are dynamically replaced with the color that is
specified in the preference variables.
RGB: 100 200 200
HEX: 64 C8 C8

The color is specified as a hexadecimal using the RGB value, for example
FFFFFF = white
FF0000 = red

The color for each status is defined using the preference variable in the default settings file default.txt:

2.8.1 Color definitions for documents

The following preference variable defines the icon color based on the document status:
plm.icon.colorForStatus.<Status> = <color>
To evaluate the icon color, the status of the document is read and the preference variable is evaluated with
the corresponding status. The variable value is then used as the icon color. If no preference variable has
been defined with a suitable status, the following variable is evaluated and used:
plm.icon.colorForStatus.<Status>.default = <color>

Status = FR → read preference variable: plm.icon.colorForStatus.FR = 00FF00
The value for the icon color is '00FF00'.

For documents, the color change can be controlled using the document status or the material status.
This is specified using the DType definition of the icon for the document. In the <icondef> statement,
use the attribute referenced_object="document" or "material" to define the status to be used.

2.8.2 Color definitions for materials

The following preference variable defines the icon color based on the cross-plant material status:
plm.maticon.colorForStatus.<Status> = <color>
To evaluate the icon color, the status of the material is read and the preference variable is evaluated with the
corresponding status. The variable value is then used as the icon color. If no preference variable has been
defined with a suitable status, the following variable is evaluated and used:
plm.maticon.colorForStatus.default = <color>

Status = BP → read preference variable: plm.maticon.colorForStatus.BP = FF0000
The value for the icon color is 'FF0000'.
Instead of the cross-plant material status, any other property can also be used to define the icon color. The
property to be used is defined using the following preference variable: = <Materialproperty>

Icon Guide 20
Specify the <Materialproperty> as it is returned from the function module in the SAP system. You can
also specify a customer property.
This allows you to make the icon color dependent on a cross-plant material status, for example: = MMSTA
Properties from other tables also explicitly require the table name: = MARC-MMSTA
In the same way as for the cross-plant material status, you can define a color as described above for any
status or any value that the property can accommodate. If no color definition exists, the color from the default
definition is also used in this case.

2.8.3 Color definitions for equipment

The following preference variable defines the icon color based on the status type and equipment status:
plm.equi.icon.colorForStatus.<n>.<statustype>.<status> = <color>
Placeholder Description

<n> Number for the evaluation sequence

<statustyp> Indicates whether the evaluation is based on a system status (sys) or a

user status (usr)

<status> Status on which the evaluation is based

In the case of equipment, multiple system and user statuses can be set simultaneously. For this reason, you
define an evaluation sequence in the preference variables for defining the icon color. You do this by
numbering the sequence (<n>).
To determine the icon color, the preference variables are evaluated in the sequence specified. The status in
the preference variables is compared with the equipment status. If the status in the preference variables
exists for the equipment, the variable value is used as the icon color and the evaluation is terminated.
Otherwise, the evaluation continues with the next preference variables in the sequence. If no preference
variable with a suitable status is defined, plm.equi.icon.colorForStatus.default = <color> is
evaluated and used.

Status = INAK → the preference variable read:
plm.equi.icon.colorForStatus.1.sys.INAK = FF0000
The value for the icon color is 'FF0000'.

Because, as a result of color replacement, icons with different colors can have the same icon ID, the
icon color used is added to the icon ID internally. This allows the icons to be distinguished for filtering
in the active list, for example. If the color ID is added to the icon ID when color replacement is not
supported for the icon, the same icon is displayed multiple times in the filter list. This primarily affects
the icons in positions 2 to 6. To prevent this, you can deactivate the addition of the icon color to the
icon ID. To do this, set the use_status_color ="no" attribute in the <icondef> statement in the
DType definition. As a result, icons that look identical have the same icon ID and are displayed only
once in the filter list.

2.9 Icon mapping using a text file

You can use one mapping file to assign icons to different OBR functions and certain keys. If the definition is
missing, the system searches for the default names. The mapping file allows a flexible assignment and

Icon Guide 21
makes it possible to compile icons. The required changes are made in a text file ( standard_icons.txt).
SAP ECTR evaluates the text file.
The default file standard_icons.txt is located in the folder:

The customer-specific file customer_icons.txt is located in the folder:


A combined icon where glasses are laid over a pencil and the right size and file extension are used

Sequence of Mapping Files to Be Imported

The text files that assign the icons are processed in the following sequence:
Standard icons
Application icons
Add-on icons
Customer-specific icons

Definition of Folder Icons via Icon Mapping

To define folder icons, the following entries are possible in the icon mapping table:
Icon key Description

tree.folder.default If no other more precise information is entered, the key defines the
default icon for the folders in SAP ECTR.

tree.folder.default = {0}/folder

tree.folder.<FOLDER_TYPE> Defines the icon for the specified folder type in SAP ECTR.

tree.folder.FOL = {0}/folder

tree.folder.<FOLDER_TYPE>.<STATUS> Defines the icon for folders in SAP ECTR with a certain folder type
and a certain status.

Folder with document type FOL and lock status (SP)
tree.folder.FOL.SP = {0}/folder<<{0}/o_locked_rb

tree.myfolder.default If no more precise information is entered, they key defines the

default icon for your own folders in SAP ECTR.


Icon Guide 22
Icon key Description

tree.myfolder.default = {0}/folder_blue

tree.myfolder.<FOLDER_TYPE> Defines the icon for your own folders for the specified folder type

Own folder as a document with folder type (= document type) FOL
tree.myfolder.FOL = {0}/folder_blue

tree.myfolder.<FOLDER_TYPE>.<STATUS> Defines the icon for your own folders in SAP ECTR with a certain
folder type and a certain status.

Folder with document type FOL and lock status (SP)
tree.myfolder.FOL.SP =
{0}/folder_blue<<{0}/o_locked_rb Defines the icon for the active folder in SAP ECTR.

Example = {0}/folder_green

tree.folder.whereused Defines the icon for the folders in the container for where-used
lists In Folders.


tree.folder.<FOLDER_CLASS> Defines the icon for the specified folder class for SAP PLM folders

SAP PLM folder as a classification with folder type (= class type)
tree.folder.Z01 = {0}/folder_zitrone

Definition of Overlay Icons for the Class Status via Icon Mapping

To define the overlay icons for the class status, the following entries are possible in the icon mapping table:
Icon key Description

flag/flag_classif_stat_<CLASS_STATUS> Defines the icon for the class status. The icon is displayed in
case of an error in the classification.

Define overlay icons for locked (CLASS_STATUS=2) and
incomplete (CLASS_STATUS=3) classifications.
flag/flag_classif_stat_2 =
flag/flag_classif_stat_3 =

Defines the icon for suppressed components in the assembly

flag/flag_bom_ignored window.


Icon Guide 23
Icon key Description

flag/flag_bom_ignored = {0}/sap/o_delete

Icon Guide 24

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