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Chapter 2

This chapter presents the related foreign and local literature of the study.
Foreign Literature
In the study of D'Esposito and Gardner (1999), Internet usage trends of the

university students, and college student perceptions of the Internet and a traditional

library were presented. This study showed that when university students have the

opportunity to use internet resources, almost all of them prefer to use these, rather than

classical libraries for their studies, but when the information source satisfaction in

research needs is considered, the students’ trends are in the direction of using both. In

addition, Cheung and Huang (2005) emphasized the effects of the Internet as an

effective teaching tool in university education, and proposed that many university

teachers publish their course materials via the internet. They suggested that it is

insufficient for university lecturers and administrators to use the Internet as a good

teaching tool, and that students’ internet use should also be investigated.

Chen & Pen (2008), in their study, examined the basic relationship between the

internet use of university students and their academic performance, interpersonal

relationships, psychosocial adjustment and selfevaluations. They prepared a

questionnaire and collected 49,609 university juniors’ comments about the questions.

The results show that non-heavy internet users have better relationship with

administrative staff, academic grades and learning satisfaction than heavy users. They

claimed that the heavy internet users were likely than non-heavy users to be depressed.

This study provoked us to search the raising trends in use trap sites among university

Peng et al (2006) in their study of university students’ attitudes and self-efficacy

towards the Internet, demonstrated the relationship between perceptions of the internet

and their internet attitudes and self-efficacy. They showed that there is a positive effect

if the students use the Internet as a functional tool or functional technology. In addition

to those mentioned, there are many other useful studies which investigate the effects of

internet and electronic resources on university students’ self-efficacy and performance

(Crews & Feinberg, 2002; Wu & Tsai, 2006; Wen & Tsai, 2006; Perry et al 1998; Wainer
et al 2008; Odell et al 2000; Crouch, 2001; Mohammed & Al-Karaki, 2008).

Local Literature

In June, 2016, Internet users complainng of the very slow Internet speed in the

Phiippines welcomed the news that the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.

(PLDT) and Globe Telecom, which run the nation’s two principal systems Smart and

Globe, had acquired additional spectrums and frequencies that would enable them to

speed up their services considerably.

The two started mobilizing their resources to start using a 700-megahertz frequency

they had acquired from San Miguel Corp. (SMC). Internet services in the country

should improve in the next 12 months, they said. It was an announcement welcomed

by the National Telecommunications Commission which had approved the P69.1-

billion deal among PLDT, Globe, and SMC.

That was ten months ago. In these last ten months, the Philippine Competition
Commission (PCC), claiming that the deal may have stopped the entry of a third

telecom firm, sought to investigate it. The Court of Appeals, through its 12th division,

issued a writ of preliminary injunction against the PCC, which then went to the

Supreme Court. It asked the high court to dissolve the CA writ of preliminary

injunction and to stop the PLDT from proceeding with any action to complete the


This explains why, ten months after the billion-peso deal that would greatly improve

Internet services in the country was announced, everything has been put on hold. The

deal had been approved by the regulatory agency National Telecommunications

Commission, but the Philippine Competition Commission claimed the right to review


As in many important issues in recent months, the Supreme Court is now called upon

to decide the matter; it will have the final say on this legal issue. We can only voice the

hopes of the country’s many Internet users that it acts with all possible speed so that the

companies concerned can proceed with their promised plans to greatly improve their


There are other problems lying in the way of improved Internet services. There is

need to simplify the process of getting permits to set up cell sites, for example. The new

Department of Information and Communication Technology could focus on this problem.

But the biggest step forward would be made when the two service providers, PLDT and

Globe, proceed to make use of the billion-peso asset they were able to acquire ten

months ago — and improve the country’s Internet services. The outsourcing industry

alone earns $2 billion a month for the country. That’s how important Internet services

have become in the economic growth of the country today.2

2. Globe Telecom, Internet issue awaits court ruling, Manila Bulletin,,
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT), services, Smart, speed.

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