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Term Project
Section: 4

Submitted to:
Full-Time Faculty, Lecturer
Department of Management

Submitted by:


01. Arisha Faisal 1931944630

02. Maisha Khandaker 2011004630

03. Asikur Rahman 2012091630

04. Antor Das 2012921630

05. Lamia Zaman Binty 2013157030


First and foremost, we would like to thank the Almighty Allah for keeping every one of us safe
during this time of pandemic and for providing us with the opportunity to successfully complete
our term project.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our respected faculty, Adeyl Khan, full-time
lecturer, Department of Management, North South University who have provided us with an
amazing point of interest to work on our term project which not only broadened our horizon but
also enabled us to learn new things regarding healthcare. He was very supportive and guided us
thoroughly throughout the project.

Lastly, we are thankful to all the authors and experts of our secondary sources research. Their
contributions have allowed us to gain valuable perception into subject matters that were obscure
to us.

Letter of Transmittal

7 December 2021

Mr. Adeyl khan (AYN)

Full-Time Faculty, Lecturer
Department of Management
School of Business and Economics
North South University

Subject: Submission of Term Project

Dear Sir,

With due respect, it is our pleasure to submit the term project for the MIS207 course. This Term
project includes all the requirements according to the guidance. We are thankful to you for giving
us such an opportunity to gain knowledge from the project. We will be pleased to clarify if you
have any kind of inquiry regarding our project.


Arisha Faisal 1931944630

Maisha Khandaker 2011004630
Asikur Rahman 2012091630
Antor Das 2012921630
Lamia Zaman Binty 2013157030

Table of Contents

Introduction 5
Patient Care-Self 6
Electronic Health Records 6
Disadvantage 7
Health Literacy 8
Advantage 9
Disadvantage 10
Telemedicine 11
Advantage 11
Disadvantage 12
Patient Care- Hospital Processes 13
Customer-centric process 13
Internal Process 19
Partner Process 23
Software 28
Similarities 29
Dissimilarities 30

Adaptation 31
Critical Facilitators 31
Critical Barriers 32
Maintenance 33
Conclusion 34

References 35

We are human beings. We want to lead an easy and comfortable life. Technology has made our
life easier and comfortable. So we always find new ways to use technology in all spheres of life.
For example, nowadays we need information systems in all spheres of. Especially during this
COVID-19 pandemic, the use of information systems is increasing. Healthcare Information
System (HIS) refers to a system that is designed to handle all kinds of data of a healthcare
organization. If we use information systems in hospitals, it will be helpful for both patients and
doctors. In this report, we are looking for ways to improve patient care using various information
systems. We have divided this report into four different sections-

● Patient Care - Self

● Patient Care - Hospital Processes
● Software for a hospital
● Adaptation for a hospital.

Firstly, we have explained the use, advantages & disadvantages of Electronic Health Records,
Health Literacy, and Telemedicine from a patient’s perspective. Secondly, we have explained 5
Business Processes, 5 Internal Processes, and 5 Partner Processes of a hospital. Then, we have
identified 5 software - OpenEMR, GaiaEHR, OSCAR McMaster, Clear Health, GNU Health
within the context of hospital processes. Lastly, we have explained the adaptation strategy for
United Hospital by identifying the critical facilitators & barriers for implementation.

Patient Care-Self

Electronic Health Records

Electronic health care is a digital system where all the records of patients can be handled
digitally in a very simple way without keeping them traditional (Electronic Health Record, n.d.).
Here the patient can be given proper treatment at the right time by reviewing all previous records
and taking adequate care of the patient. Doctors can plan their patients' treatment accurately and
in a short time by reviewing all previous documents, such as X-ray reports, MRIs, CT scans, etc
(What Is an Electronic Health Record (EHR)?, 2019).


Advantage Explanation
No chance of losing ● In this technology, all types of informative documents
required information of patients are recorded electronically. When our
medical records were traditionally handled, sometimes
necessary factual documents were lost. As a result,
there would have been a lot of harassment. But now,
the electronic health record system records all
documents in the database, so there is no risk of losing
the required informative documents.

Access to update ● Here patients can easily find their updated medical
information reports and other valuable information by using the
patients portal. For example, patients can easily get
previous medical diagnoses, taste reports, upcoming
treatment, medicines that patients have to take,
upcoming appointments times and dates, etc.

No re-test is needed ● As we are using an Electronic Health Record system,

so all previous treatments and reports will be recorded.
So patients do not have to spend any extra money and
get retested. If any patients can change their doctor
they can easily get treatment by using previous
recorded taste reports and documents,

Hassle-free form fill-up ● Patients do not have to fill up forms frequently for
different tests and treatments. They will just use their
patients portal and all patient’s personal information,
previous report, previous medicines, etc already given
there. So they don’t have to fill up the form again and
don’t have to get into any terrible/hassled situations.


Disadvantage Explanation
Not user-friendly for all ● The Electronic Health Record system is not
kinds of people user-friendly for all kinds of people. Because all
patients are not properly educated and not experts on
technology. As we know EHR is a digital
technology-based system so uneducated people will not
be able to use this system properly. Also, old people
will face the same problems.

Not doing repetitive tests ● In some diseases, patients need to test frequently such
as Oxygen rate, Haemoglobin, blood pressure, etc. But
in this case, patients might be thinking that their reports
are already recorded in the EHR so they don’t need to

taste again and patients might get treatment by showing

the previous records. And that thinking would be
harmful to them.

Privacy problem of ● Patient’s privacy is very important for any treatment.

patient's information So if any patient's portal gets hacked by any third party
and if they change the patient’s personal information or
any test report then that patient will get the wrong

Complication to adapt with ● If any patient wants to use an EHR system they must
the technology need a good device. Also, they have to be experts on
technology. Because EHR is a technology-based
system. So, every patient is not rich and so many
patients don’t have the required device. So that would
be difficult for many patients.

Health Literacy
We know prevention is better than cure. So health literacy is basically using health decisions and
instructions for treatment. It is the ability to obtain, read, understand disease prevention and
early screening, and use it for health information and making decisions about particular diseases.
Health literacy is also involved in personal health literacy and organizational health literacy
(Health Literacy, n.d.). Personal health literacy is the individual ability to find and understand
health-related decisions and actions (Health Literacy, n.d.). And organizational health literacy is
organizations equitably enabling individuals to find and understand health-related decisions and
actions (Health Literacy, n.d.).


Advantage Explanation
Ability to manage personal ● By using health literacy individuals can manage their
health personal health. Patients can understand their health
condition. Also they engage themselves into self-care
and manage the iconic disease and understand concepts
like probability and risk.

Right treatment ● If a patient has adequate health literacy properly, the

patient will get the right treatment. Because the patient
will be able to describe his/her problem to the doctor
then the doctor will be able to help the patient properly.
For example if any patient has proper health literacy
about Covid-19 that means he/she knows the symptoms
of Covid 19. Therefore the patient will describe clearly
to the doctor for right and fast treatment.

Can save from the risky ● patients can overcome some risky situations. If any
situation accident might happen they can take general treatment
by using health literacy such as CPR, brain stroke, heart
attack, etc.

Save money by taking ● In a few treatments patients can take general treatment
some primary treatment from home by using health literacy. For example, if
anyone affects Covid-19 then the patients can take
treatment of their own through health literacy and a
dependable website. So it could reduce patient time and


Disadvantage Explanation
Avoid the specialists ● When patients have proper health literacy then they
might understand something about their problem then
they can avoid specialists. On the other hand, Patients
may underestimate professional doctors to save on
costs after achieving health literacy. And sometimes
patients may try to treat themselves, which can
sometimes lead to increased health risks due to

Misunderstanding of the ● As we are humans, we all are not specialists in health

correct meaning of literacy. So, misunderstanding is a very simple thing in
information our life. Sometimes we do not understand the verified
meaning of health literacy properly or consult a doctor
properly, which can lead to the death of the patient due
to this misunderstanding.

Misguide by inappropriate ● There are high chances to be misguided by

resources inappropriate resources. We sometimes get fake health
literacy tips from social media and various fake
websites. And we try to follow them without
verification, so sometimes we have to bear the burden
of loss rather than benefit.

Telemedicine is an electronic medical exchange technology, where the patient's health is
improved by exchanging treatment from one place to another using electronic communication
(Telemedicine Definition: What Does Telemedicine Mean?, n.d.). Telemedicine healthcare
providers are treated without any personal inspection. Patients can contact doctors from home
using their own devices. Telemedicine uses various applications and software for various
services such as email, video communication technology, mobile phones etc (Wallask, n.d.).
Currently, the telemedicine system is very popular and it is provided by various companies. For
example, in our country, there are MayaApp, DocTime, etc.


Advantage Explanation

Save extra cost & valuable ● Telemedicine is an electronic medical exchange

time technology where the patient's health is improved by
exchanging treatment from one place to another using
electronic communication. So here healthcare provides
without personal inspiration. So here patients do not
have to waste extra transportation costs and valuable

Convenient for workers or ● It is convenient for working people. When patients do

job holders not have enough time to go and visit with a doctor due
to working pressure then the patients can easily contract
with the doctor by using telemedicine technology.

Advantages of getting ● Sometimes patients live in rural areas or many

treatment from anywhere distances between doctor and patients place, in this
case, telemedicine is a very easy way to contract with

doctors and get treatment. Sometimes a patient's

desired doctor can stay outside the country but they can
easily contract by getting an appointment.

Less chance of infectious ● Covid-19 can be a broader example of the present

diseases situation. The in-person meeting is very dangerous in
this pandemic situation. Thus, telemedicine is playing a
big role in reducing the spread of Covid-19.


Disadvantage Explanation
Inability to write ● In many health problems or diseases, doctors do not
prescription allow online prescribing medicine without meeting
between doctors and patients. On the other hand in
many diseases physical tests might be required before a
doctor writes a prescription for a patient. So, in this
type of case, writing a prescription is difficult in
telemedicine service.

Possibilities of getting ● Patients sometimes face wrong treatment when they

wrong treatment seek treatment using telemedicine methods. Because it
happens online, there is a lot of chance of
misunderstanding. So, there is a high chance of getting
the wrong treatment.

Not suitable for every ● Telemedicine system is not suitable for many
treatment treatments such as kidney problems, fractures in any
part of the body, liver, cancer heart,
etc. This type of disease treatment might be for a very

long term and physical tests must be required for

identifying the disease and proper treatment. Also,
physiotherapy-related problems are not suitable in the
telemedicine system.

Inability to use electronic ● There are many people in our society who do not have
devices electronic devices. Even though the required device is
available, many do not know its proper use, especially
old people. Also, uneducated people face difficulties to
use required devices. So those people can't take
telemedicine services properly.

Patient Care- Hospital Processes

Customer-centric process

● Patient Admitting Process:

In terms of admitting patients in a hospital firstly the hospital authority needs to
categorize their customers into two segments one is older customers and another one is
new customers. For the new customer or patient, the hospital authority arranges a
procedure which is called from fill-up. The patient inputs all relevant information that is
interrelated with health and disease. After that the hospital software operator makes
entries of all data to the patient portal. After completing this procedure the patient will
apply for admission and wait for an admission call. Next, the patient will advance a
certain amount of deposit to confirm admission.
On the other hand, there are some other activities that hospital managers do for old
patients. When an old or regular patient visits a hospital for treatment, the software

operator firstly checks their patient portal for analyzing relevant information of that
particular patient. After that, the portal operator verified information and in the next step,
individual patients advance a certain deposit based on which types of treatment they want
to get. That’s the admission process for old patients in a hospital which is operated by
different software.

● Online Appointment Process:


For getting appointments by using software, patients have to follow several procedures.
First of all, the patient needs to register and login on the hospital website. Next patient
selects the department according to their need. In the third step, the patient will select
time and the doctor. In the website, there was a brief explanation about the doctor and all
their information. After selecting all the patients need to send a request to the portal for
entering the next step. After getting a patient request the software operator fixes a time
for the patient according to their schedule and sends confirmation messages to the patient.
Hospital website operators can have sent a virtual meeting link to the patient and the
patient has a certain amount of time to discuss with the consultant about their quarries. In
this step, the consultant took necessary information from the patient and updated all in
their patient portal. In the last step of the online appointment process, the consultant
refers the patient to the appropriate doctor.

● The Diagnostic Process of the Blood Test:


By using various software, it will be easy for both patient and hospital authority to
arrange diagnostic processes like the blood test. First of all the patient will apply for a
blood test by using the hospital website. After receiving a patient application the hospital
website operator will analyze available information like, is blood test available or not. If a
blood test is not available then the website operator sends feedback to the patient about
disability. But if a blood test is available then the website operator informs the patient
“yes it is available”. In the next step, the patient has to complete payment for the tests.
After that, the hospital authority sent an agent to collect the sample from the patient's
home. In the final step of this process, the sample will be tested and the result will be
added in the patient portal by the hospital website operator.

● Star Customer Process:


To identify a star customer and arrange a reward for them the hospital can use several
methods by using various software. In this process the hospital management analyzes
relevant information from their portal about the spent of money by the customer. After
this analysis, the hospital authority categorizes their customer into two parts based on
their spending of money. One is called a silver customer patient who spent more than
10,000 BDT and the other one is a golden customer patient who spent more than 50,000
BDT. The hospital authority makes a 4% discount applicable for their silver customer and
7% discount for their golden customer. One augmented service that is for only golden
customers is 24/7 virtual discussion with the doctor.

● Patient Discharging Process:


The last step of the customer-centric process is the Discharging process. By using
software, the patient, as well as hospital management, can easily discharge themselves as
well as their patient. In this process, the patient can collect discharging approval from the
doctor and submit it on the hospital website. After that, the hospital management checked
account status for making adjustments. In this step, the accounts department of a hospital
can analyze their cost and make payment slips. In the next step, the payment slip will be
handed over to the customer. After receiving payment slip the customer will make
payment and check account status for the notification. In the last step of this process the
hospital authority can take service feedback from the customer (Hospital Discharge,

Internal Process
● The Process of Recruitment:
As technology is progressing in recruiting and selection, job seekers have more
opportunities to pursue a career in the healthcare profession. In case of the recruiting
process, information technology will be quite beneficial since it will produce better
results than old traditional approaches. Whenever the hospitals or other healthcare
facilities need to hire people electronically they announce job vacancies online with the
job descriptions. Following that, the candidates must apply and provide their curriculum
vitae accordingly. They then double-check and verify those CVs. After that, they keep an
interview session with the recruits. If the individual passes the interview, they send them
a confirmation letter of employment.

● Process of Hygiene and its Control:

Hygiene is very crucial and important especially when it comes to hospitals or health care
organizations as in order to get healthy and recover fast, the patients must be kept in a
clean environment and hygiene must be maintained strictly. In the beginning, they
appoint cleaners to keep the wards and cabins tidy and clean. Following that, every day
they do an inspection all over the place, if any mismanagement is discovered they are to
take action in an instant. If a patient requests that if their bedsheets could be changed, if
the bathroom/floor could be cleaned again, or if they need clean pairs of hospital gowns,
etc, then the bed sheet should be changed, the bathrooms must be cleaned as quickly as
feasible and should also provide them clean pairs of gowns accordingly.

● Process of Paying Employees' Salaries:

For working, the employees are given salaries by the employers at the end or beginning
of every month. In order to maintain a good relationship among the employees and also
to encourage them to always give their best in their work, they must be paid fairly. In
order to give salaries to the employees, the hospitals first verify and look at the important
details of their employees’ and also their leave statuses through the software. If any
adjustments are necessary, make them and send the funds to the employee's account.

● Process of Taking an Appointment of a Doctor:

The healthcare industry is evolving, with a new focus on patient-centeredness. Nowadays
Patients have greater choice in making decisions regarding their appointment preferences
and have enhanced access by using the Internet as a medium. At the very beginning, they
make a schedule depending on the doctor's duty hours that they want to see, then they
start by going over all of the admitted patients’ lists. At the end they construct a timetable
since the duty doctor sees their patient at least once a day almost every time.

Partner Process
● Medicine Supply Process:
Medicine supply is one of the major factors of hospital processes that can be monitored
using software. Orders are placed through the software, which are checked with scrutiny
upon delivery. The medicines are checked for their expiry dates, broken seals and any
other damages that may be done to the medicine itself and/or packaging. Defective or
additional medicines and medical supplies that are not required are to be returned
immediately. Bill adjustment and payments are then made accordingly.

● Medical Equipment Supply Process:

Similar to medicine supply in a hospital, medical equipment supply is also another

process that is easily monitored using software. Equipment is ordered using the software,
which is then installed by professionals. The equipment is then run to check for
malfunctions and paid for subsequently afterward. Doctors, technicians, and other staff
are later trained to use the equipment properly.

● Process of Transferring Patients Between Hospitals in Medical Emergencies:

Sometimes, hospitals don't have access to aid every type of medical emergency. For
medical emergencies, treatments, or operations unaccessible in a certain hospital, a
partnered hospital will be corresponded to for the patient(s) in question. The patient will
be immediately transferred to the partnered hospital, whose staff will further continue
with the treatment process. Necessary monitoring of drugs and equipment during the
transfer process (i.e. traveling time and journey) must be ensured by both the hospitals,
with continuous communication between them. The partnered hospital will also get
access to the patient's medical details from the patient portal of the previous hospital
(Kulshrestha & Singh, 2016, 451-457).

● Cafeteria Food Ordering Process:

Food is regularly prepared in the in-house hospital kitchens and served for patients,
doctors, and staff at the cafeteria. Lists are made separately for the patients according to
their prescribed diets and set meals (for example) for doctors and staff. Orders are then
placed through the system and food is prepared accordingly, which is picked up and
delivered in time. Patients can get their meals delivered to them either in their rooms or in
the cafeteria itself and payments are made by them when they get their total bill during
discharge. The doctors and staff have their meals at the cafeteria and pay for them at the
end of the month(Ibn Sina Hospital Sylhet Limited, n.d.).

● Using Telemedicine Technology for Foreign Expert Advice:

In certain treatments and diagnosis, foreign expert advice may be required. Appointments
are booked and are conducted virtually, using telemedicine technology. The foreign
doctor or medical advisor helps to consult and even conduct and evaluate medical
procedures virtually, guiding the local doctors and nurses during such procedures, such as
surgeries. During the entire process, the patient's health updates are regularly shared
between the two teams for better evaluation and upon recovery and discharge of the
patient, payment is done electronically through money transfer (Hoque et al., 2014, 87).


● OpenEMR:

It is free, open-source software for the healthcare industry with electronic medical record
(EMR) support that can integrate medical practice management, scheduling, and
electronic billing functionality. It provides tremendous support in different languages on
various platforms all over the world with some additional features like e-prescribing, a
clinical decision support system, and a patient portal.

● GaiaEHR:

GaiaEHR is a free and open-source medical practice management and electronic health
record (EHR) software that can engage both server and client. It has GNU General Public

● OSCAR McMaster:

Here OSCAR stands for Open Source Clinical Application & Resource. It is open-source
software with an electronic medical record (EMR) system that was initially developed for
academic primary care clinics but now many hospitals use it for their data reservation.

● Clear Health:

It is a software that has extensive practice management and an electronic medical record
(EMR) system that can make appointment processes, patient registration process,
scheduling, collecting medical records of patients, electronic and paper billing, electronic
medical records, computerized physician order entry (CPOE), SQL reporting very

smoothly which is actually sophisticated. It is the most feasible among all other open
source solutions for the healthcare industry due to several facilities like HIPAA security
provisions according to the California Healthcare Foundation (CHF).

● GNU Health:

It is free and open-source software used in EHR and laboratory management systems. It
can make billing systems, lab administration, inventory management. It also helps to
record the patient's information and also handle daily clinical practice. This software is
user-friendly and has the power of modification (List of Open-Source Health Software,


Name of the Softwares Similarities

➔ Free healthcare software
➔ Open Source software
OSCAR McMaster ➔ Can be used in both small and medium
level companies
Clear Health
➔ Run-on multiple OS

GNU Health


Name of the EMR/EHR Programming Business type Operating

software Language system

OpenEMR EMR & EHR MySQL, PHP For all types of Windows, Linux
business or macOS, under
Apache, and

GaiaEHR EHR PHP Windows,

Linux, macOS

OSCAR EMR JAVA Medium Large MS windows,

Linux or macOS

Clear Health EMR PHP Windows,

Linux, or
macOS, under
Apache and

GNU Health EMR Python; Postgres Large MS Windows,

SQL Linux or macOS

Given the competitive advantage and bearing in mind the comparison of the five softwares
mentioned above, we believe that OpenEMR software would be best compatible with the
business operations of United Hospital. Integration of OpenEMR software will enable United
Hospital to strengthen and broaden their hospital patient-care and customer-centric processes and
associate with other hospitals in Bangladesh.

Critical Facilitators

● Quick, coherent lab tests results:

As the patient reports are electronically made using data inputted from the database
software, their data can be quickly accessed by the doctors. This makes the
communication between the doctors and patients much more coherent because the time
taken manually is greatly reduced.

● Enhanced Patient Data Security:

Patient data can be lost, stolen or misused very easily when it's on paper. However,
storing all of this data electronically on the OpenEMR software will largely reduce these
risks as the software also provides additional security that may be utilised to stop the
misuse of information by prohibited users.

● Better Patient-care Service:

Although there's an increase in the reliance on eHealthcare services, Bangladesh still

needs to develop even more in this field. However, using software such as OpenEMR can
prove to be a major competitive advantage for United Hospital as patients will move
towards better and easier facilities provided by the hospital.

Critical Barriers

● Lack of Expertise:

To monitor a hospital by using software is not actually an easy task. If the individuals
who operate software are not familiar with their task it will create an unsustainable
situation and through an impact on organization brand image. This software is established
for taking heavy workloads. If this software is handed over to a wrong person it will
create a complexity on hospital internal processes. So the hospital authority will need an
expert as well as competent which can sometimes be tough for cost reduction and make
activity smoother.

● High Maintaining Cost:

It will be really costly to adapt software for operating hospital internal activity. To operate
this software for the long term hospital needs a dedicated server, subscription and one
more thing that is they need to recruit competent personnel to operate this. But as
compared with hospitals that are operated manually the hospitals which are operated by
software are fast, reliable, and initially costly but in long term, help hospitals to achieve a
competitive advantage.

● Resistant to Adaption:

The main resistance to adoption is avoidance of new technology. Most hospitals in

Bangladesh are operated manually and really it will be costly to adapt this kind of
software initially. When we compare this thing with a developed country then
approximately every hospital is run by software. People in Bangladesh have a tendency to
avoid risk but they have to take risks to make their organization be sustainable.

Population expansion, longer life expectancies, and higher living standards are all driving up
demand for healthcare services and facilities in the twenty-first century. Coordinating client
requirements, employees, predicting costs, establishing which organization is in charge of
upkeep these are some of the essential management issues and other significant technical
challenges include a lack of expertise, critical parts of competent always requirements
management, try-out, and sustainability.
As per that, United Hospital needs to ensure helpful, perfect, and protective maintenance for
their newly developed software. By doing this, it will help them to easily achieve their goal of
expanding their services with their limited resources.

● Software Maintenance Specialists: Expert assistance is very important 24/7 to assist the
patients and employers too if they face any difficulties alongside with understanding the
software program, or else they may also use automated "Help Desk" incorporation which
will help the customers. In order to identify different braking methods strictly monitor for
the software is a must. To prevent Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks they
need to have a strong security system, they also need to hire an IT specialist to
understand the website infrastructure, also to monitor the server and to maintain smooth

● Equipment Maintenance: Implementing various sorts of software for defect tracking,

change management, complexity analysis, and engineering objectives will be required to
make the program user-friendly. The whole operation of these technologies will require
the use of professional staff as well as training programs for new employees.

● Training of newly recruited employees: As this software is meant to manage a massive

quantity of work, the operator must be familiar with every element of this software, and
as a result, United Hospital will hold periodical IT staff training courses accordingly.

In this modern era the information system in the healthcare industry has become an imperative
requirement especially at the outbreak of COVID-19. We can use various kinds of software that
are available in the market for example OpenEMR, GaiaEHR, OSCAR McMaster, Clear Health,
GNU Health. This software has the potential to add tremendous value for hospitals and patients.
In this report, we discuss how this software can make the healthcare industry better for our easier
life. Here we have discussed various processes such as customer-centric processes, internal
processes, and how they will be used in the hospital’s functions. The core purpose of this system
was to ensure and create an efficient information-sharing network between healthcare providers
and specialized departments. Conducting hospital processes has become necessary because it is
making work safe for both medical employees, patients, and their families. We have also
identified 5 different software such as OpenEMR, GaiaEHR, OSCAR McMaster, Clear Health,
GNU Health and also recommended their adaptation strategy for United Hospital. Lastly, we
have listed some of the critical facilitators and barriers of these services. After doing the whole
project we can state that if any hospital in Bangladesh implements the processes and adopts the
strategies that we have recommended, we believe that both the hospitals and their patients will be
greatly benefited.

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