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1. Tom runs a house cleaning service. He's fixed c...



Expert Answer

This solution was written by a subject matter expert. It's designed to help students like
you learn core concepts.

Q VC TC= ATC = AVC=VC/Q MC=Change in TR = Profit=

VC+7 TC/Q TC/Change in Q Q*9 TR-TC

0 0 7 0 -7

1 2 9 9.00 2.00 2 9 0

2 3.5 10.5 5.25 1.75 1.5 18 7.5

3 5.5 12.5 4.17 1.83 2 27 14.5

4 8 15 3.75 2.00 2.5 36 21

5 11 18 3.60 2.20 3 45 27

6 15 22 3.67 2.50 4 54 32

7 21 28 4.00 3.00 6 63 35

8 29 36 4.50 3.63 8 72 36

9 39 46 5.11 4.33 10 81 35

a. From the above table we can observe that the Tom will build 8 house and $36 is his
profit, shown in the below graph

b. Tom will just break even at price $9 for producing one unit of good (It is the point where
TR=TC =0

c. A firm will produce if the price is able to cover the AVC and here Tom will produce till
minimum AVC which is $1.75 in short run

d. If the price is below minimum AVC, then the firm will shut down which is at $1.75

e. MC curve above AVC curve represents the Tom's short run individual supply curve

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