Guide To Borehole Core in The Karoo Basin Coalfields South Africa

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Geology & Geophysics

Guide to Borehole Core

in the Karoo Basin Coalfields
South Africa
(interim report)

Bruce Cairncross (PhD)

Head: Department of Geology
University of Johannesburg
Wh ?

Provide a colour photographic guide of typical

borehole core samples from the Karoo Basin
coalfields to:

- Standardize descriptions when logging core

- Assist geologists, geotechnicians, drillers,
samplers etc in recognising common features
such as rock type and sedimentary structures
in borehole core.

Matrix-supported conglomerate

Cross-bedded sandstone
Bioturbated siltstone/sandstone

(50 core samples photographed to-date)

to date)
Engineering Geology 64 (2002) 19–39
“A geomechanical survey of some different facies in relation to
stability at a mine in the Eastern Transvaal Coalfield, South Africa”
F.G. Bell*, C.A. Jermy

D t t off Geology
G l and
d Applied
A li d GGeology,
University of Natal, Durban, 4041, South Africa

“In particular, poor roof and floor conditions were found to be

associated with rocks of the argillaceous facies. The most
t bl strata
t t were the
th fine-grained
fi i d arenaceous facies
f i whilst
hil t
those of the coarse-grained facies were somewhat less
Poor roof / floor
di i
Stable roof / floor conditions
Interstate highway road-cut,
K t k USA (Appalachian
Kentucky, (A l hi coalfields)
lfi ld )

Flat bedded sandstone with interlayered siltstone

Carboniferous coalfields, Alabama, USA
Recording Grain size in Sedimentary Rocks

Üdden‐Wentworth Clastic Sediment Grain‐size Chart

mm diameter Name
(above 256) Boulders
256 Cobbles
64 Gravel
32 (rock equivalent = conglomerate)
8 Pebbles
2 Granules Granulestone (“gritstone”)
1 Very coarse sand
0.5 Coarse sand
0.25 Medium sand (rock equivalent = sandstone)
0.125 Fine sand
0.063 Very fine sand
0 031
0.031 Coarse silt

0.0156 Medium silt Mud

0.0078 Fine silt (rock equivalent = mudstone;
includes siltstone and shale)
0 0039
0.0039 Very fine silt
(less than 0.0039) Clay
The borehole core samples illustrated here are
colour coded for easy reference:

GREY = Mudstone (including shale and

RED = interlayered mudstone
and sandstone
YELLOW = Sandstone
BLUE = conglomerate
GREEN = deformed strata
PURP = igneous rocks (dolerite)
Academic / Scientific Reasons for a standardized core log book

Interpretingg the environments of formation of the rocks containingg the
coal (different coal types and coal distributionsassociated with different
depositional environments)
Mississippi Delta (River
dominated delta)
Bedload Fluvial
Facies Assemblage
Borehole Core Supplied by

Project Sponsored by

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